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Criteria: Standards for Decision Making

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Page 1: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Criteria: Standards for Decision Making

Page 2: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning


• Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria.

• Understand the meaning of criterion deficiency, relevance, and contamination.

• Explain the purpose of a job analysis and the various methods of conducting one.

• Explain the purpose of a job evaluation and the issues associated with determining the worth of a job.

• Identify the major types of criteria examined by I/O psychologist.

Page 3: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning


• Standards used to help make evaluative judgments about objects, people or events.- QUALITY

What is the significance of criteria in I/O psychology?

Page 4: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

I/O Psychology

- Criteria are most important for defining the “goodness” of employees, programs, and units in the organization as well as the organization itself.

Page 5: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Conceptual Versus Actual Criteria

• Conceptual criterion- a theoretical construct, an abstract idea that can never actually be measured.

Page 6: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

• Actual Criteria- it serves as measures f the conceptual criteria that would prefer to (but cannot) assess.

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Conceptual Criteria Actual Criteria

Intellectual growth Grade point average

Emotional growth Adviser rating of emotional maturity

Citizenship No. of volunteer organizations joined in college

Page 8: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Criterion Deficiency, Relevance and Contamination (3 concepts)

1. Criterion Deficiency

The degree to which the actual criteria fail to overlap the conceptual criteria.

The part of the conceptual criterion that is not measured by the actual criterion.

Page 9: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Criterion Relevance- the degree to which the actual criteria and the conceptual criteria coincide.

(match bet. The conceptual and the actual criteria)

Page 10: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

• Conceptual criterion

Actual criterion

Criterion deficiency

Criterion contamination

Criterion relevance

Page 11: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

• Criterion contamination- the part of the actual criteria that is unrelated to the conceptual criteria

• 2 parts Error-the extent to which the actual

criteria are not related to anything at all.

Bias-the extent to which the actual criteria systematically or consistently measure something other than the conceptual criteria.

Page 12: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Job Analysis

Page 13: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

What is Job Analysis• The collection of

data describing

a. Observable ( or otherwise verifiable) job behaviors perform by the workers, including both what is accomplished as well as what technologies are employed to

• accomplish the end results

b. Verifiable characteristics of the job environment with which workers interact, including physical, mechanical, social and info. Elements.

Personnel Decisions

Page 14: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning


• Three Major Sources of Job Information

Subject Matter Expert (SME) a person knowledgeable about a topic who can serve as a qualified information source.

Page 15: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

1. Job Incumbent – The most common source of information the holder of the job.

Statistical Methods

2. Supervisor of the job incumbent-credible source of information.

3. Job Analyst – most consistent across job ratings.

Page 16: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning


• Job Analyst expertise lies not in the subject matter of various jobs per se….


their ability to understand similarities and differences across jobs in terms of the tasks performed and abilities needed.

Page 17: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Job Analysis Procedures


1.Tasks- the basic units of work that are directed toward specific job objectives.

The lowest level of analysis in the study of work; basic component of work( typing for a secretary.

Page 18: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

2. Position – defined as a set of tasks performed by a single employees.

Ex. The position of a secretary is often represented by the tasks of typing filing, and scheduling

3. Job- a set of similar positions in a organization.

4. Job Family – a grouping of similar jobs in an organization

Page 19: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning


1. Task-Oriented Procedures

seeks to understand a job by examining the tasks performed , usually in terms of what is accomplished.


• Consideration of job duties, responsibilities, or function.

Page 20: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

• Job Duty- a major part of the work that an incumbent performs, comprised of a series of tasks , which together accomplish a job objective.

• Task the basic unit of analysis for understanding a job using task-oriented procedures.

• Then , Develops a series of task statements----expressions of tasks performed.

Page 21: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Functional Job Analysis (FPJ)

• A method of job analysis that describes the content of jobs in terms of people, data and things.

• Two Types of task information

1.What a worker does- the procedures and processes engaged in by a worker as a task is performed

2. How a task is performed- The physical, mental and interpersonal involvement of the worker with the task.

Page 22: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

2. Work Oriented Procedures

• Seek to understand a job by examining the human attributes needed to perform it successfully.

• Four Categories of Human Attributes


Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and other characteristics

Page 23: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

• Knowledge- a specific types of information people need in order to perform a job.

• Skills- proficiencies needed to perform a task ( enhanced through practice).

Linkage Analysis- a technique in job analysis that establishes the connection between the tasks performed and the human attributes needed to perform them.

Page 24: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

• Abilities-relatively enduring attributes that generally are stable overtime

Note: Skills is the cultivations of innate abilities.

• Others characteristics- all other personal attributes, most often personality factors

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Page 26: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Taxonomic Information

1. Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)-a method of job analysis that assesses the content of jobs on the basis of approximately 200 items in the questionnaire.

Statements that describe the human attributes

Page 27: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

2. Taxonomy of human abilities needed to perform the tasks by Fleishman.

identified 52 abilities covering broad spectrum of tasks.

3. Occupational Information Network (O*NET)- an online computer-based source information about jobs.

- National database of worker attributes and job characteristics.

Page 28: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

MANAGERIAL JOB ANALYSIS1. Professional and Managerial

Position questionnaire by Mitchelle and McCormick

• Which examines work along the dimensions of complexity, org. impact, and level of responsibility.

2. Personality-Related Position requirements Form by Raymark, Schmit and Guion

Page 29: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning


• Analyzes jobs on the basis of the personality factors needed to perform them.

Ex. Leadership, interest in negotiation, sensitivity to interest of others, thoroughness and attention to detail

Page 30: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

How to evaluate JOB ANAYSIS?1. Competency Modeling

A process for determining the human characteristics ( i.e competencies) needed to perform a job successfully.

Competency- characteristic or quality of people that a company wants its employee to manifest. KSAO

Modeling – identifying the array or profile of competencies that an organization desires in its employees.

Page 31: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Job Evaluation

• A procedure for assessing the relative value of jobs in an organization for the purpose of establishing levels of compensation.

2 Ways

External Equity- a theoretical concept that is the basis for using wage and salary surveys in establishing compensation rates for jobs.

Page 32: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

• Internal Equity- a theoretical concept that is the basis for using job evaluation in establishing compensation rates for jobs.

Page 33: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Compensable Factors

• A dimension of work ( as skill or effort) used to assess the relative value of a job for determining compensation rates.


Effort, skill, responsibility, working and conditions ....

Know-how, problem solving, accountability and Exceptionality

Page 34: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Job Performance Criteria

• Objective performance criteria- a set of factors used to assess job performance that are ( relatively) objective or factual in character.

• Subjective performance criteria- a set of factors used to assess job performance that are the product of someone’s ( e.g. Supervisor, peer, customer) subjective rating of these factors.

Page 35: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Eight Major Job Performance Criteria• Production• Sales• Tenure or turnover• Absenteeism• Accidents • Theft• Counterproductive Workplace Behavior• Customer Service Behavior

Page 36: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Dynamic Performance Criteria• Some aspects of job performance that

change (increase or decrease) overtime for individuals, as does their predictability.

Reasons 1. Conditioning – change the way in

performing a job

2. Knowledge and abilities-----bec. Of tech.

3. Knowledge anf abilities- bec of training.

Page 37: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

• See the 2nd slides about Job analysis

Page 38: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Predictors: Psychological Assessment• TEST Content

1.Intelligence Test

g= general mental ability

Sternberg = triarchic theory of intelligence

a. Academic intelligence-fluency with words and nos.

b. Practical intelligence- everyday intelligence

c. Creative intelligence-ability to produce work which novel and appropriate

Page 39: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

• Mechanical Aptitude Tests- recognizing mechanical principle

Bennet Test of Mechanical Comprehension- popular

Can predict performance in manufacturing/production jobs.

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Sensory/Motor Ability Tests

• Sensory measurement

Ex. Snellen Eye Chart

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• Personality Inventories

Ex. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).,predicated upon 16 personality types.

Extraversion-intraversion, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling and Judgement-perception

All about role preferences that match their personality

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• Big 5 personality theory- measure personality in terms of 5 factors



Openness to experience



• NEO-PI and Hogan Personality Inventory

Page 43: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Integrity Tests

- Type of paper and pencil tests that purports to assess a test taker’s honesty, character or integrity.


Overt integrity test

Personality-based measure

Page 44: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Physical Abilities Testing

• Critical areas

a. Static strength

b.Explosive strength

c. Gross body coordination


Page 45: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Multiple- Aptitude Test Batteries• Consist of several types of test

Ex. Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)

Differential Aptitude Test (DAT)

Page 46: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Computerized Adaptive Testing or Tailored Testing• Precaliberaed in terms of difficulty

and the examinee’s response to one question determines the selection of the next question.

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• Unstructured

• Structured

• Situational Interviews

- A type of job interview in which candidates ae presented with a problem sit. And asked how they would respond to it

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• Experience-based question

• Situational question

Illusion Validity-people generally place confidence in highly fallable interview judgements ( Phenomenon).

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Interviewing Methods (cont’d)• Computer Interview

– Using a computer program that requires candidates to answer a series of questions tailored to the job.

– Answers are compared either with an ideal profile or with profiles developed on the basis of other candidates’ responses.

• Video interviews– Using video conference technologies to evaluate

job candidates’ technical abilities, energy level, appearance, and the like before incurring the costs of a face-to-face meeting.

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Highlights in HRM 2

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Figure 6Figure 6–9 –9 Variables in the Employment InterviewVariables in the Employment Interview

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Ground Rules for Employment Interviews• Establish an interview plan

• Establish and maintain rapport

• Be an active listener

• Pay attention to nonverbal cues

• Provide information freely

• Use questions effectively

• Separate facts from inferences

• Recognize biases and stereotypes

• Control the course of the interview

• Standardize the questions asked

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Assessment center

• A method of assessing job candidates via series of structured, group oriented exercise that are evaluated by raters.

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Why invalidity Happens?

1. Actual criterion contamination

2. Subtle criterion contamination-stereotypes -----biased

3. Self-fulfilling prophecy- co. Designate their op and coming employees to attend assessment centers----then hired the same person

4. Performance consistency- people who work in diff. arenas are good performers

5. Managerial Intelligence

Page 55: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Work Samples and Situational Exercise• Work samples- a type of personnel

selection test in which the candidate demonstrates proficiency on a task representative of the work performed in the job.

• Or called high-fidelity simulations

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Situational exercise

• A method of assessment in which examinees are presented with a problem situation and asked how they would respond to it.

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Biographical Information

• A method of assessing individuals in which information pertaining to past activities, interest, and behaviors in their lives is recorded

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Letters of Recommendation

• Least accurate forecasters of job performance

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New or Controversial Methods of Assessment1. Polygraph

An instrument that assesses responses of an individual’s CNS ( heart rate, breathing, perspiration etc.) that supposedly indicate giving false responses to questions.

2. Graphology- handwriting

3. EI- A construct that reflects a person’s capacity to manage emotional responses in social sit.

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Diversity Management: Are Your Questions Legal• No questions are expressly forbidden.

– Questions related to race, color, age, religion, sex, or national origin can be hazardous.

– Questions are acceptable if job-related, asked of everyone, and do not discriminate against a protected class (e.g., females).

– Consult EEOC and FEP information when constructing guidelines for interviewers.

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Terms• Adverse Impact

- A type of unfair discrimination in which the result of using a particular personnel selection method has adverse effect on protected group members compared with majority group members.

- Disparate treatment- refers to evidence that a member of a protected group is treated differently from other job applicants in the employment process.

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• Affirmative action

A social policy that advocates members of protected groups will be actively recruited and considered for selection in employment.

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Personnel Selection

• The process of determining those applicants who are selected for hire versus those who are rejected.

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Figure 6Figure 6–10 –10 “Can-Do” and “Will-Do” Factors in Selection Decisions“Can-Do” and “Will-Do” Factors in Selection Decisions

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Reaching a Selection Decision• Selection Considerations:

– Should individuals to be hired according to their highest potential or according to the needs of the organization?

– At what grade or wage level to start the individual?

– Should selection be for employee- job match, or should advancement potential be considered?

– Should those not qualified but qualifiable be considered?

– Should overqualified individuals be considered?

– What effect will a decision have on meeting affirmative action plans and diversity considerations?

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Selection Decision Strategies

Multiple Cutoff Model - MinimumMultiple Cutoff Model - MinimumMultiple Cutoff Model - MinimumMultiple Cutoff Model - Minimum

Statistical ApproachStatistical ApproachStatistical ApproachStatistical Approach

Compensatory Model - AverageCompensatory Model - AverageCompensatory Model - AverageCompensatory Model - Average

Multiple Hurdle Model- SequentialMultiple Hurdle Model- SequentialMultiple Hurdle Model- SequentialMultiple Hurdle Model- Sequential

Clinical ApproachClinical ApproachClinical ApproachClinical Approach



Page 67: Criteria: Standards for Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the distinction between conceptual and actual criteria. Understand the meaning

Selection Decision Models• Compensatory Model/ regression analysis

– Permits a high score in one area to make up for a low score in another area.

– Ex. Intelligence test for hiring, not accepting applicant who scores less than 80…..this will predict level of job performance lower than what we want.

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• Multiple Cutoff Model– Requires an applicant to achieve a

minimum level of proficiency on all selection dimensions.

• Multiple Hurdle Model– Only applicants with sufficiently high

scores at each selection stage go on to subsequent stages in the selection process.

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Selection Process (cont’d)

• Selection Ratio– The number of applicants compared with

the number of people to be hired.

• Cutoff Score/ predictor cutoff– The point in a distribution of scores

above which a person is considered and below which a person is rejected.

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• Validity generalization a concept that reflects the degree to

which a predictive rels. empirically established in one context spreads to other populations or contexts.

Ex. Valid test for one co. And useful in another co.

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Base rate

• The percentage of current employees in a job who are judged to be performing their jobs satisfactorily.

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• A method of interpreting test scores such that scores of different magnitude in a numeric range or band (e.g. 90-95) are regarded as being equivalent

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True positive

• Individuals who are correctly selected for hire because they become successful employees.

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True negative

• Individuals who were correctly rejected for employment because they would have been successfull employees.

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False negative

• Individuals who were incorrectly rejected for employment because they would have been successful employees.

• The good ones we let get away

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False positive

• Individuals who were correctly accepted for employment because they were unsuccessful employees.

• The bad ones we let in

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TEST UTILITY AND ORGANIZATION• Utility- a concept reflecting the

economic value (expressed monetary terms) of making personnel decisions.

• Benchmarking- the process of comparing a company’s procedures with those of the leading companies in an industry

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Figure 6Figure 6–11 –11 Test Score Scatterplot with Hypothetical CutoffsTest Score Scatterplot with Hypothetical Cutoffs

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Selection Process (cont’d)

• Final Decision– Selection of applicant by departmental

or immediate supervisor to fill vacancy.– Notification of selection and job offer by

the human resources department.

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• An Employment practice is illegal if it results in adverse impact and is not job related.

• An employment practice can also be illegal if it unnecessarily violates an individual’s right to privacy.


• Drug Testing

• Psychological Test

• Electronic Surveillance

• Harassment


• Question:

• If a male employee asks out a female coworker, is this sexual harassment? Would your answer be different if the male were a supervisor rather than a coworker?