creating an inventors culture


Upload: louis-j-v-rensburg

Post on 25-Jan-2015




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Entrepreneurship lessons from the world’s most famous inventor.This is not a presentation about “ideas” and “innovation”.This a presentation on utility: creating a framework for you to turn ideas into reality.


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“...was more responsible than any one else for creating the modern world.”

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One of the worlds most prolific inventors holding approximately 3416 patents in his name.

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Mentor and best friend to captains of industry such as Henry Ford...

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...who no doubt has changed our world forever.

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Edison was credited for creating the world’s first commercial incubator

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Entrepreneurship lessons from the world’s most famous

inventorcreating an inventors culture

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This is not a presentation about “ideas” and “innovation”.

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This a presentation on utility: creating a framework for you to turn ideas into reality

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Let’s look at the challenges entrepreneurs are facing in the current environment.

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Challenge#1: Rate of technology change

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“Every two days we create as much information as we

did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003.”

Challenge#2: Distractions!

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Challenge#3: Increased competition

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Challenge#4:Decreasing trust levels

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Challenge#5: Shifting paradigms

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The word ‘entrepreneur’ comes from the 13th century French verb entreprendre, meaning: to do something or to undertake.

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It’s when you or your business’ usefulness resonates with others to push the world forward.

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A modern-day case study...

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What lessons can we learn from Thomas Edison about creating an inventors culture?

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LESSON#1: Have a cause.

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LESSON#2:Put usability first – test, re-test, repeat

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LESSON#3: Network, collaborate often

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LESSON#4:Consistent and pervasive marketing

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LESSON#5: Understand failure.

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LESSON#6: Remove the distractions

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LESSON#7: Share your knowledge.

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“Anything that won't sell, I don't want to invent. Its sale is proof of utility, and utility is success.”

- Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931) Inventor & Entrepreneur

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Thank you for Listening!

(feedback to @louis_jvr on Twitter)

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