#cphc twitter chat 011513 regina holliday

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  • 8/13/2019 #CPHC Twitter Chat 011513 Regina Holliday


    #CPHC Twitter Chat 1/15/13 Guest Regina Holliday

    NatriceR @ReginaHolliday Hi Regina sounds li!e u r "usy today loo!ing $orward toyour %oint o$ &iew today at 1 %' (T #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @NatriceR there are &ery $ew days that ) a' not "usy *+ #c%hc

    NatriceR ,uestions a"out %atient rights ad&ocacy %atient in$or'ation- co'e tal! to@reginaholliday now welco'e to you all #c%hc

    Gail.aht 0ust %osted 'y than! you to @ReginaHolliday nd now we will hear $ro' herat #c%hc Post ishtt%*//t co/&$wu2 Re

    ReginaHolliday @Gail.aht Great %ost4 ) lo&e you &oice so honest and clear#c%hc

    Gail.aht @ReginaHolliday oh than!s $elt li!e when ) see you %ainta'a ing it got done in the 'idst o$ chaos4 #C%hc

    Gail.aht @ReginaHolliday ou %aint with a "rutal honesty too how is it $or you

    integrating so 'any other %eo%le6s stories- #C%hc

    ReginaHolliday @NatriceR did you get a chance to wear your 7ac!et- #c%hc NatriceR ) did i too! 'y o%%ortunity as not 'any ha%%en in Ti''ins*+RT@ReginaHolliday* @NatriceR did you get a chance to wear your 7ac!et- #c%hc NatriceR ) wore it to a 'tg locally %%l ad&ocating $or "etter world a"le to tell a$ew a"out 'y %ersonal story and yr a'a ing art wor! #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @NatriceR that is great4 8ne o$ the "est lectures ) ga&ewas on the "us in $ront o$ a lot o$ 9C co''uters #c%hc

    NatriceR @Gail.aht @ReginaHolliday #c%hc ) a' a %roud 'e'"er o$ the

    #wal!inggallery a %atient ad&ocate caregi&er with $lair:+Gail.aht ;hew "arely online 0ust %osted on @ReginaHolliday athtt%*//t co/ to read #c%hc

    Gail.aht @the"owtieguy ) see you there will you share so'e o$ your story too- #C%hc

    Gail.aht @NatriceR ) was 7ust ad&ocating to another 'other in the genetics o$$ice at'%lat here : + #C%hc

    Gail.aht @C?later29 8ne o$ our $a&orite docs4 Ha&e you seen @reginaholliday "e$ore - #C%hc

    C?later29 @Gail.aht @reginaholliday not in %erons ha&e ad'ired $ro' a$ar#c%hcC?later29 @C?later29 ooo%s %erson4 #c%hcReginaHolliday @C?later29 ) ha&e en7oyed reading your tweets @Gail.aht#c%hc

    C?later29 @ReginaHolliday $lattered4 T i a' relati&ely green attweeting "ut got ad&ice to "e real $ro' a 'utual $riend #c%hc

  • 8/13/2019 #CPHC Twitter Chat 011513 Regina Holliday


    ReginaHolliday @C?later29 in art and in tweets "eing real is the !ey#c%hcGail.aht @NatriceR agree4 Aeing honest essential4 #C%hc


  • 8/13/2019 #CPHC Twitter Chat 011513 Regina Holliday


    C?later29 @ReginaHolliday i loo! at the 7ac!ets and i'agine the story they %ortray "eauti$ul #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @C?later29 "eauty and tragedy co'"ined 7ust li!e li$e#c%hc

    Gail.aht @ReginaHolliday ?o true a"out "eauty and tragedy

    co'"ined in li$e our 7ac!ets ena"le %eo%le to acce%t all o$ "oth#c%hcC?later29 @ReginaHolliday "ut ) see the 7ac!ets as ho%e andresolution "eauty $ro' the %ain 'ay"e not the intention- #c%hc

    NatriceR ) agreeRT @C?later29* @ReginaHolliday "ut ) see the 7ac!ets as ho%e and resolution "eauty $ro' the %ain 'ay"e notthe intention- #c%hc

    Gail.aht @C?later29 )n 'y eL%erience 'a!ing the "eauty $ro' the %ain isessential to 2a!ing )t 2atter4 #c%hcReginaHolliday @C?later29 well ) see our li$e as a constant that contains "oth "eauty and %ain the story doesn6t really e&er end #c%hc

    C?later29 @ReginaHolliday good %oint actually 'y son %ointed thatsa'e senti'ent out to 'e yesterday 'outh o$ "a"es #c%hcnic!dawson @ReginaHolliday thats lot li!e %lurality theory* we o$ten hold twoo%%osing things at the sa'e ti'e Iery hard $or 'ost to ac!nowledge #c%hc

    Gail.aht @nic!dawson )t was the hardest %art $or 'e when ) got 'y 7ac!et $ro' @reginaholliday the %lurality tried to touch on it today #c%hc

    nic!dawson )dea o$ %ain and ha%%iness or su$$ering and relie$ at the sa'e ti'ein $act MisM %lurality theory and is co''on healthcare settings #c%hc

    Gail.aht @nic!dawson )$ this idea o$ %ain and ha%%iness etc is soco''on in healthcare why don6t 'ore %eo%le tal! a"out it- #c%hc

    nic!dawson @Gail.aht why don O t we tal! a"out any o$ thisstu$$- ?o'ehow all the hu'an %arts o$ healthcare are ta"oo#CPHC

    ReginaHolliday @nic!dawson ) wonder i$ one can wor! in this s%ace and still "ewhole without the a"ility to e'"race "oth #c%hc

    nic!dawson @ReginaHolliday %ower$ul Juestion 2a!es 'e wonder how'uch caregi&er "urnout is due to $ailure to e'"race "oth- wow4 #CPHC

    Gail.aht @nic!dawson et the &ery thing @reginaholliday and 'any o$ us aread&ocating $or is the hu'an %arts How can we do that "etter- #c%hc?hy9iDE @Gail.aht %eo%le don6t want to discuss and they %re$er or choose notto !inda li!e su%%ression #C%hcReginaHolliday @nic!dawson @Gail.aht ) thin! it goes "ac! to e'"race o$hard science o&er the 'essy world o$ our so$t hu'an $lesh and $eelings #c%hcnic!dawson not great "ut %assa"le wi!i%edia %ost on %luralis'*htt%*//t co/

  • 8/13/2019 #CPHC Twitter Chat 011513 Regina Holliday


  • 8/13/2019 #CPHC Twitter Chat 011513 Regina Holliday


    SC2acRN @Gail.aht @ReginaHolliday gree telling 'y story and wearing iton 'y "ac! is healing $or 'e too ta!es away the "urden o$ stig'a #c%hc

    Gail.aht @SC2acRN )t really changed things $or 'e tried to eL%ress itin "log today at car%oolhealth a"out @reginaholliday Not sure ) did#c%hc

    ?hy9iDE Ausy is a great thera%eutic inter&ention so ) ha&e "een told See%s your 'indacti&e #C%hc

    Gail.aht @?hy9iDE Ausy can "e great can you share so'e o$ your story too-;e ha&en6t 'et yet glad to see you4 #c%hc?hy9iDE ) do a lot o$ 7uggling here with wor! !ids s%orts 'y night classes %lushousecleaning and coo!ing it ne&er ends here #C%hc

    NatriceR @Gail.aht 'eet @shydiDE a $riend o$ 'ine $ro' north o$ the "order sorry ) neglected to introduce:+ #c%hc

    Gail.aht @?hy9iDE That is %art o$ what "oth our guest today Bwhere is@reginaholliday -+ and this chat "usy $itting in i'%ortant and 'undane #c%hc

    Practical;isdo' Regina )6d lo&e to !now what areas o$ Health care you see the 'ostho%e $or Patients in 13 @ReginaHolliday #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @NatriceR @Practical;isdo' ) see a lot o$ ho%e in 'o"ilehealth lot o$ those inno&ators want to wor! with e %atients #c%hc

    ?hy9iDE ) would li!e to see so'e %ositi&e changes ha%%en in h/care to "e "etter $or %atients and sta$$ #C%hc

    Practical;isdo' Than!s4 9o you thin! inco'e %lays a role in the nu'"er o$ %atients who are a"le to %artici%ate in 2o"ile Health @ReginaHolliday #c%hc

    Gail.aht @SC2acRN Than! you $or sharing lin!4 ;e are sharing stories athtt%*//t co/ Please $eel $ree to share in co''ents too4 #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @SC2acRN )t is %ower$ul i'age and ) a' so glad your sharedyour story with others #c%hc

    Gail.aht @?hy9iDE ) !now 'y story is %retty ugly stu$$ %eo%le don6t want to discuss )did not want to in %erson 7ac!et changed that $or 'e #c%hcGail.aht @ReginaHolliday How do you 'anage at these serious 'edical con$erenceswhen you $orce a 'iL o$ hu'an within science- #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @Gail.aht ?o'e $ol!s acce%t what ) do and allow the'sel&esto "e $rightened so'eti'es ) %aint on the sidewal! in $ront o$ the &enue #c%hc

    Gail.aht n a'a ing %art is this chat is one wee! old4 )ncredi"le how 'uch %eo%leha&e done in so short a ti'e )dea was less than a 'onth ago #c%hc

    %$anderson @Gail.aht @ReginaHolliday @C?later29 >ran!ly )6' stillcon$used a"out "oth the conce%t K how it will wor! "ut that6ll co'e in ti'e#c%hc

    Gail.aht @%$anderson Con$used a"out what conce%t and how it willwor! in what way- #c%hc

  • 8/13/2019 #CPHC Twitter Chat 011513 Regina Holliday


    %$anderson @Gail.aht )6&e "een con$used $r day 1 Not sure 1D can enco'%asyr &ision *+ ) don6t understand why we need another general hashtag #c%hc %$anderson @Gail.aht 8T8H it6s o"&ious other $ol! 98 get it and are using itTrending at ? 2P< R so ) a' waiting $or it to co'e clear #c%hc %$anderson @Gail.aht ;e6ll see what ha%%ens *+ )$ it ta!es o$$ great4 )$ it

    doesn6t then good lessons learned #c%hcGail.aht @%$anderson Perha%s %art o$ the con$usion is the chat is notthe (??(NC( o$ the wor! 7ust one o$ 'any eLtensions that are TA#c%hc

    Gail.aht @%$anderson ;hat is con$using to you- )t is the &ery thing you ha&ead&ocated $or $or a long ti'e no 'oderation no "oundaries #c%hcGail.aht @%$anderson ) 'y $riend will articulate your con$usion $or you whileyou can not as @reginaholliday %ainted 'ine4 #c%hc

    Gail.aht @ReginaHolliday How is it carrying other %eo%le6s stories along side o$ yourown- #c%hc

    Practical;isdo' Thin! it6s interesting Hard ?cience see's to "e e'"racing $eelingsU;hole Person @ReginaHolliday @nic!dawson @Gail.aht #c%hcnurse$riendly nic!dawson #Healthcare #2edicine is a"out "attling the #disease nota"out healing the %erson *B #c%hc

    nic!dawson @ReginaHolliday %ower$ul eLa'%le ) O ' really ins%ired toeL%lore this idea )t O s not an either / or it O s OV"oth and OW #CPHC

    ReginaHolliday @nic!dawson Great go $orth and "low so'e 'inds *+#c%hc

    Gail.aht @C?later29 Iery hard on all sides 0ust 'et with 29 couldn6t understandtension nurse said "ecause she is $rustrated w/out answers #c%hc

    C?later29 @Gail.aht HCPs o$ten $rustrated when we don6t ha&e answersanswers are what we thin! others eL%ect $ro' us #c%hc

    Gail.aht @C?later29 )nteresting 'y hus"and/surgeon 7ust shared thesa'e said ) was 1st %erson in D hours to not as! hi' why #c%hc

    Practical;isdo' Hard say don6t !now 2T @C?later29* HCPs o$ten$rustrated when we dont ha&e answers answers are what we thin! others eL%ect$ro' us #c%hc

    utoi''uneGal @C?later29 @Gail.aht Though )6&e $ound "estHCP? r those willing to say don6t !now Pre&ents wasting ti'e K can'o&e to nLt o%tions #c%hc

    Gail.aht @C?later29 nd we want answers and o$ten %eo%le to "la'e see'seasier to de$lect than li$e is hard healing is 'essy #c%hc

    Gail.aht @%$anderson ;hen you ta!e away a $ocus on diagnosis role or 7o" does get'essy "ut it6s ti'e $or so'e 'ess and so'e action4 * + #c%hc

    Practical;isdo' Regina has you ha&e "eco'e 'ore well !nown are you seeing 'oreo%enness to your wor!/ rt/Alogging/?%ea!ing- @ReginaHolliday #c%hc

  • 8/13/2019 #CPHC Twitter Chat 011513 Regina Holliday


    ReginaHolliday @Practical;isdo' ;e are lo&ely duc!s in our &ery s'all %ond) ho%e our 'o&e'ent goes 'ainstrea' in 13 #c%hc

    Gail.aht @ReginaHolliday )t ta!es a lot to rattle 'e 2y 7ac!et did when you ga&e it to'e and still does so'e days when ) see it4 #c%hc

    nurse$riendly @ReginaHolliday >unny to suggest that #doctors #nurses #HCPs aree'otionally handica%%ed when it co'es to "eing #hu'an there is truth #c%hc

    $ternoonNa%%er @nurse$riendly ('otional handica% also U %rotecti&e 'easure) don6t thin! ) could o%erate on so'eone ) lo&e #c%hc

    Gail.aht @ $ternoonNa%%er ) don6t thin! anyone can o%erate on a lo&edone gree the e'otional handica% is 'ore o$ a %rotection $ro' wor!#c%hc

    nurse$riendly ReginaHolliday ;e BHCP?+ do 'uch "etter ha&e 'ore C8NTR8< whenwe $ocus on sy'%to's treat'ents 'edications #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @nurse$riendly not 7ust the %ro$essional %ro&iders this is a %ro"le' in %atient co''unities also ;e cannot always "e ha%%y or sad #c%hcC?later29 co'$ort one @nurse$riendly @ReginaHolliday HCP? do 'uch "etter ha&e 'ore C8NTR8< when we $ocus on sy'%to's treat'ents'edications #c%hc

    nurse$riendly @nic!dawson* @ReginaHolliday #Caregi&er #Aurnout o$ten starts with %oor co''unication and !nowledge de$icits #c%hc

    ?hy9iDE ;e should "e $ocusing %ri'arily on %atient $ocus center care not sure i$ 'anydo #C%hc

    Gail.aht @?hy9iDE How do you thin! %eo%le do or don6t $ocus on %atientcenter care- #c%hc

    ?hy9iDE Ta!e a loo! at the %atient in a holistic 'anner lso usinge'%athy and sy'%athy goes a long way as well #C%hc

    nurse$riendly )n a #Per$ect;orld *B RT @?hy9iDE* ;e should "e $ocusing %ri'arily on %atient $ocus center care not sure i$ 'any do #c%hcnurse$riendly )t 'ust "e su%%orted "y 'anage'ent o$ten not RT @Gail.aht *@?hy9iDE How do you thin! %eo%le do or dont $ocus on %atient center care-#c%hc?hy9iDE ) thin! %atients i$ they can should "e in&ol&ed in there care %lan #C%h

    Practical;isdo' Can we as! @reginaholliday a"out htt%*//t co/g?(;r'

  • 8/13/2019 #CPHC Twitter Chat 011513 Regina Holliday


    Gail.aht @reginaholliday ou and ) ha&e tal!ed %ersonally a"out the realitythat we ha&e to su%%ort oursel&es while doing good wor! hard4 #c%hcReginaHolliday @Gail.aht e% ) a' now a listed s%ea!er at @a%"s%ea!erswhich is great4 )t loo!s li!e ) a' one o$ the $ew e %atients on the site #c%hcGail.aht @ReginaHolliday Aig congratulations $or @a%"s%ea!ers ) saw you

    with international na'es How does it $eel- #c%hcPractical;isdo' G 2T @ReginaHolliday* e% ) a' now a listed s%ea!er@a%"s%ea!ers which is great4 )t loo!s li!e ) a' one o$ the $ew e %atients #c%hc

    nic!dawson @Practical;isdo' @reginaHolliday re'inds o$ ?hirtless 9ancing Guysoon not e'"racing your wor! will "e 'inority htt%*//t co/GG? .ICT #c%hc

    NatriceR @nurse$riendly @nic!dawson @ReginaHolliday #c%hc "eing "loc!ed le$t outnot %art o$ the tea' is so draining discouraging !nowledgeU%ower

    Gail.aht @?hy9iDE nd %atients and caregi&ers need to "e a %art o$ the tea' "ut understand the %hysician and hc% are res%ected %arts too4 #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @ $ternoonNa%%er ) don6t thin! 'any o$ us do stitches nowadays8nly a 'odern s%eciali ed society allows us to hand o$$ care #c%hc

    ?hy9iDE @ReginaHolliday tea' wor! is &/i'%ortant in h/care wor!ing on a'ulti disci%linary tea' &/crucial #C%hc

    $ternoonNa%%er @ReginaHolliday ;ell stitches no "ut again ) could %ac! a wound ha&ing to use twee ers- ;e got that down #c%hc

    $ternoonNa%%er @ReginaHolliday ;e 7ust "egan ad&entures in s!in cancer atho'e too Gonna "e $un #c%hc

    Gail.aht @ $ternoonNa%%er ?o'eone in your $a'ily got s!in cancer-#c%hc

    $ternoonNa%%er @Gail.aht 8h we6&e got s!in cancer in the$a'ily li!e ;H8 #c%hc

    Practical;isdo' ?orry to hear a"out thatQ@ $ternoonNa%%er #c%hc

    Practical;isdo' Can6t wait when not in&iting Patients/ d&ocates to s%ea! 2edicalCon$erences will "e 'inority @nic!dawson #%atientsincluded #c%hc

    nic!dawson @Practical;isdo' start "y ha&ing PTs as attendees at least lsoi'%ortant to re'ind all s%ea!ers K attendees they are %atients too #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @nic!dawson wor!ing on that one 7ac!et at a ti'e #c%hc@Practical;isdo'

    Practical;isdo' ;e are all >riends who are %assionate a"out PatientsQ) !now this isTrue @Gail.aht @%$anderson #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @Gail.aht The %ro"le's we s%ea! a"out in healthcare our not only ? %ro"le's There is a culture shi$t world wide #c%hc @a%"s%ea!ers

    Gail.aht @ReginaHolliday ) ha&e $ound we share co''on challenges "ut'ust re'e'"er healthcare is deli&ered locally and di$$erently #c%hc

  • 8/13/2019 #CPHC Twitter Chat 011513 Regina Holliday


    ReginaHolliday @Gail.aht es "ut a$ter s%ea!ing in ?outh Sorea andustralia ) was a'a ed how 'uch the world loo!s to the ? $or

    leadershi% #c%hc?hy9iDE H/c world wide is di$$erent in all %arts o$ the world which 'a!esit con$using trying to co'%rehend what other countries do #C%hc

    Gail.aht @ReginaHolliday 9o you thin! the world loo!s to the ? or the ?wants the world to loo! to us- ) a' not sure when s%ea!ing to others #c%hc

    NatriceR what a way to 'a!e an hour $ly4 #c%hcGail.aht @NatriceR ;e ha&e 'inutes o$ wisdo' le$t un"elie&a"le That6swhy it6s great we are D/E on 'any %lat$or's4 #c%hc

    $ternoonNa%%er @nic!dawson )6' really starting to disagree w/ this we are all %atients thing There needs to "e a yet clause #c%hc

    Gail.aht @ $ternoonNa%%er ) say yet including we 'ay not yet "e caregi&erswe are all o$ these things at so'e ti'e or another #c%hc

    nic!dawson @ $ternoonNa%%er o%en to the challenge Aut in&erse i'%lies so'e %atients are 'ore %atienty than others right- ;hat6s the Juali$ier- #c%hc$ternoonNa%%er @nic!dawson There are so'e "lessed w/ across the

    "oard good health There are so'e who are acti&e &s %assi&e #c%hc$ternoonNa%%er d'ittedly ) a' in a weird %lace right now in which ) a'

    eLtre'ely 7ealous o$ those w/ one ti'e/treata"le conditions #c%hcGail.aht @ $ternoonNa%%er There is also a shi$t de%ending on the dayti'e relationshi% conteLt etc isn6t there is anyone the sa'e always-#c%hc

    nic!dawson @ $ternoonNa%%er 'ay"e to%ic $or another ti'e "ut ) still wonder*what Juali$ies one as a %atient- #c%hc

    Practical;isdo' G To%ic RT @nic!dawson* @ $ternoonNa%%er'ay"e to%ic $or another ti'e "ut ) still wonder* what Juali$ies one as a %atient- #c%hc NatriceR @nic!dawson @ $ternoonNa%%er %atient is anyone not in %er$ect health needing in%ut o$ HCP- #c%hcC?later29 Nic! a to%ic $or D/E $or sure great head scratching JL@nic!dawson* what Juali$ies one as a %atient- @gail hat #c%hc?hy9iDE ) !now here D %t to "e in ear is an aweso'e $orce Reallyre'inds us o$ "eing ali&e OXgood or "ad #c%hc

  • 8/13/2019 #CPHC Twitter Chat 011513 Regina Holliday


    Gail.aht @2hos!ins 1E es ) $ind it good to surround 'ysel$ with aweso'e %eo%le44 2a!es initiati&es really easy e&en i$ ti'e consu'ing4 #c%hc

    Practical;isdo' Regina ;hat can we each do to hel% you- ou gi&e so 'uch tousQ@reginaholliday #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @Practical;isdo' watch $or 'y neLt @'edstartr ca'%aign *+#c%hcPractical;isdo' Can6t waitQ They re wonder$ul4 Than!s leL4 RT@ReginaHolliday* @Practical;isdo' watch $or 'y neLt @'edstartrca'%aign *+ #c%hc

    Practical;isdo' Can you share the scoo% with us now-@ReginaHolliday cc* @'edstartr #c%hc

    Gail.aht @ReginaHolliday ) thought in an hour we would learn e&erything $ro'you see's we "arely got started4 ny last thoughts- #c%hc

    ReginaHolliday @Gail.aht H 4 ) a' an onion with 'any layers *+ #c%hc

    Gail.aht ReginaHolliday ren6t we all onions then- * ++ #c%hc$ternoonNa%%er @ReginaHolliday ;hich eL%lains why you always'a!e 'e cry #c%hcPractical;isdo' TR TH4 ) thin! it6s an a'a ing your

  • 8/13/2019 #CPHC Twitter Chat 011513 Regina Holliday


    C?later29 great great chat 'iddle o$ day GTG too4 "ye all until neLt ti'e #c%hc

    $ternoonNa%%er Great "ig hugs to all OXY and a %ersonal $a&or to as! NeLt ti'eyou6re "ored chec! out Rare 9isease 9ay htt%*//t co/2&N9LcnD #c%hc

    Gail.aht 9o you ha&e #The;al!ingGallery 7ac!et- Aeen hel%ed "y@ReginaHolliday - Please say than! you here htt%*//t co/yLD0D;gE #CPHC