country folks grower 2012 calender

Weekly regional coverage of agriculture. Mane Stream is a monthly publication serving the Northeast Equine Market. National coverage grape growing and wine making 6 times a year. Monthly regional coverage of the heavy construction industry. National regional monthly coverage of the solid waste recycling industry. National bi-monthly coverage of the aggregate industry. Use Lee Publications to multiply your sales and your opportunities. 800-218-5586 • 518-673-3237 e-mail: [email protected] January Winter Shows MANTS Glossy Section CENTS The Western December 16 Mid State Hort Expo 12 Noon due to holiday NC Green & Growing The Empire State Fruit & Vegetable Expo Northwest Ag Show Feb Fruit & Vegetable Mid Atlantic Fruit & Vegetable Expo January 12 Pest Control NA Farmer Direct Marketing March Direct Marketing/ February 9 Landscaping April Irrigation / Organic March 15 Sustainable Ag May Value Added Products/ April 12 Specialty Foods June Greenhouse May 10 Technology Safety July Fall Harvest/ Halloween OFA Short Course June 14 Glossy Section Aug Fall Harvest PANTS July 12 New Products/ National Christmas Tree Association Christmas Farwest Sept Organic/Sustainable Ag/ August 16 Christmas Oct Christmas/ Glossy Section September 13 Alternative Energy Nov Winter and Spring Planning New England Greenhouse Conference October 11 Dec New Varieties Great Lakes Expo November 15 Fruit & Vegetable Equipment 12 Noon due to holiday Jan 2013 Winter Shows Winter Shows - To Be Announced December 13, 2011 12 Noon due to holiday Editorial Deadline is two days prior to the advertising deadline COUNTRY FOLKS GROWER 2012 EDITORIAL CALENDAR ISSUE EDITORIAL TRADE SHOWS DEADLINE HIGHLIGHTS We promote or attend these trade shows. Your ad will receive increased exposure and circulation. Country Folks Grower Annual Buyers Guide Ask About Multi Publication Discounts

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Page 1: Country Folks Grower 2012 Calender

Weekly regional coverageof agriculture.

Mane Stream is a monthlypublication serving theNortheast Equine Market.

National coverage grapegrowing and wine making6 times a year.

Monthly regional coverage of the heavy construction industry.

National regional monthlycoverage of the solidwaste recycling industry.

National bi-monthly coverage of the aggregate industry.

Use Lee Publications to multiply your sales and your opportunities.

880000--221188--55558866 •• • e-mail: [email protected]

January Winter Shows MANTS Glossy Section CENTS

The Western December 16Mid State Hort Expo 12 Noon due to holiday

NC Green & Growing The Empire State Fruit & Vegetable ExpoNorthwest Ag Show

Feb Fruit & Vegetable Mid Atlantic Fruit & Vegetable Expo January 12Pest Control NA Farmer Direct Marketing

March Direct Marketing/ February 9Landscaping

April Irrigation / Organic March 15Sustainable Ag

May Value Added Products/ April 12Specialty Foods

June Greenhouse May 10TechnologySafety

July Fall Harvest/ Halloween OFA Short Course June 14Glossy Section

Aug Fall Harvest PANTS July 12New Products/ National Christmas Tree AssociationChristmas Farwest

Sept Organic/Sustainable Ag/ August 16Christmas

Oct Christmas/ Glossy Section September 13Alternative Energy

Nov Winter and Spring Planning New England Greenhouse Conference October 11

Dec New Varieties Great Lakes Expo November 15Fruit & Vegetable Equipment 12 Noon due to holiday

Jan 2013 Winter Shows Winter Shows - To Be Announced December 13, 201112 Noon due to holiday

Editorial Deadline is two days prior to the advertising deadline


HIGHLIGHTS We promote or attend these trade shows. Your ad willreceive increasedexposure and circulation.

Country Folks

Grower Annual

Buyers Guide

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