cost analysis

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Page 1: Cost Analysis

• Cost Analysis

Page 2: Cost Analysis

Management accounting Traditional vs. innovative practices

1 While some form of variance analysis is still used by most manufacturing firms, it nowadays tends to be used

in conjunction with innovative techniques such as life cycle cost

analysis and activity-based costing, which are designed with specific aspects of the modern business

environment in mind

Page 3: Cost Analysis

Biomedical engineering - Clinical engineering

1 Clinical Engineering departments will sometimes hire not just biomedical

engineers, but also industrial/systems engineers to help

address operations research/optimization, human

factors, cost analysis, etc

Page 4: Cost Analysis

Vertical farming - Economics

1 A detailed cost analysis of start-up costs, operation costs, and revenue has not been


Page 5: Cost Analysis

Mind control - Further reading

1 Zablocki, B (1998). "Exit Cost Analysis: A New Approach to the Scientific Study of Brainwashing"

(PDF). Nova Religio 2 (1): 216–249. doi:10.1525/nr.1998.1.2.216.

Retrieved 2008-10-10.

Page 6: Cost Analysis

Concentrated solar power - Costs

1 IRENA has published on June 2012 a series of studies titled: "Renewable Energy Cost


Page 7: Cost Analysis

Flywheel energy storage - Further reading

1 Akhil, Abbas; Swaminathan, Shiva; Sen, Rajat K. (February 2007). "Cost Analysis of Energy Storage Systems

for Electric Utility Applications" (PDF). Sandia National laboratories.

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Phase–gate model - Product definition and analysis

1 Once this is completed the company can then produce a production and

operations cost analysis along with a market and launch costs analysis

Page 9: Cost Analysis

Prosthetics - Lower extremity modern history

1 Cost analysis reveals that a sophisticated above knee prosthesis

will be in the neighborhood of $1 million in 45 years, given only annual

cost of living adjustments.

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Life-cycle assessment - Criticism

1 A criticism of LCEA is that it attempts to eliminate monetary cost analysis, that is replace the currency by which economic decisions are made with an

energy currency

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Life-cycle assessment - Criticism

1 * the analysis is supplemented by economic (monetary) cost


Page 12: Cost Analysis

Wind power - Cost trends

1 [

RE_Technologies_Cost_Analysis-WIND_POWER.pdf RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES: COST ANALYSIS SERIES : Wind Power] International Renewable Energy

Agency, June 2012

Page 13: Cost Analysis

Rooftop farming - Roof garden vs. green roof

1 Life cycle cost analysis of rooftop gardens in Singapore

Page 14: Cost Analysis

Methadone - Cost

1 MMT cost analysis often compare the cost of clinic visits versus the overall

societal costs of illicit opioid use.

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Environmental economics - Valuation

1 Use and indirect use values can often be inferred from revealed behavior,

such as the cost of taking travel cost analysis|recreational trips or using hedonic model|hedonic methods in

which values are estimated based on observed prices

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Cost-benefit analysis

1 'Cost–benefit analysis' (CBA), sometimes called 'benefit–cost analysis' (BCA), is a systematic

process for calculating and comparing benefits and costs of a project, decision or government

policy (hereafter, project). CBA has two purposes:

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Cost-benefit analysis - Public Policy

1 and US guide for emergency management

programs.Federal Emergency Management Administration, 1022.

Guide to Benefit Cost Analysis.


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Cost-benefit analysis - Transportation Investment

1 Transport Canada promoted the use of CBA for major transport

investments with the 1994 issuance of its Guidebook.Guide to Benefit-Cost Analysis in Transport Canada.

Transport Canada. Economic Evaluation Branch, Transport Canada,

Ottawa, 1994 [


Page 19: Cost Analysis

Cost-benefit analysis - Transportation Investment

1 MN DOT Office of Investment Management [] California Department of Transportation (Caltrans),California

Department of Transportation: Benefit-Cost Analysis Guide for Transportation Planning

[] and the Transportation Research

Board Transportation Economics Committee.Transportation Research Board,

Transportation Economics Committee: Transportation Benefit-Cost Analysis


Page 20: Cost Analysis

Regional science - Academic programs

1 Faculty also taught courses in mathematical programming,

transportation economics, labor economics, energy and ecological policy modeling, spatial statistics,

spatial interaction theory and models, benefit/cost analysis, urban and regional analysis, and economic development theory, among others

Page 21: Cost Analysis

Fiber to the premises by country - China

1 During APOC 2003 (Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless

Communications) held in Wuhan, Telecommunications industry in China|Chinese telecom experts discussed Fiber to the x|FTTH in

China. Topics included FTTH opportunities and challenges, FTTH

applications, FTTH network architecture and cost–benefit

analysis|cost analysis.

Page 22: Cost Analysis

Biological hydrogen production (Algae) - Economics

1 In 2004, the US Department of Energy issued a selling price of as a goal for making renewable

hydrogen economically viable. 1kg is approximately the energy equivalent to a gallon

of gasoline. To achieve this, the efficiency of light-to-hydrogen conversion must reach 10% while 2004 achieved-efficiency is only 1% and the 2004 actual selling price is estimated at [

2004-Updated Cost Analysis of Photobiological Hydrogen]

Page 23: Cost Analysis

Biological hydrogen production (Algae) - Economics

1 According to a 2004 DOE cost estimate, for a refueling station to supply 100 cars per day,

it would need 300kg. With current technology, a 300kg per day stand-alone

system will require 110,000 m2 of pond area, 0.2 g/litre|l cell concentration, a truncated antennae mutant and 10cm pond depth.

[ 2004- Updated cost analysis of

photobiological hydrogen production from chlamydomonas reinhardtii green algae]

Page 24: Cost Analysis

Whole-life cost - Financial

1 Whole-life cost analysis is often used for option evaluation when procuring new assets and for decision-making

to minimize whole-life costs throughout the life of an asset.It is

also applied to comparisons of actual costs for similar asset types and as

feedback into future design and acquisition decisions.

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Public economics - Cost-benefit analysis

1 Milliman published a volume entitled Water Supply: Economics, Technology, and Policy

(1960); and a group of Harvard scholars including Robert Dorfman, Stephen Marglin, and others published Design of Water-Resource Systems:

New Techniques for Relating Economic Objectives, Engineering Analysis, and Governmental Planning (1962).[


OpenDocument Introduction to Benefit-Cost Analysis]

Page 26: Cost Analysis

Kemper Project - Transport Integrated Gasification Technology

1 Cost analysis based on extensive design has shown that the economic

benefits offered by the air-blown transport gasifier relative to other systems are preserved even when CO2 capture and sequestration are

incorporated into the design.


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1 The 'time and attendance module' gathers standardized time and work related efforts. The most advanced modules provide broad flexibility in

data collection methods, labor distribution capabilities and data

analysis features. Cost analysis and efficiency metrics are the primary


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Single-stage-to-orbit - Comparison with the Shuttle

1 Most cost analysis studies of the Space Shuttle have shown that workforce is by far the single greatest expense. Early shuttle

discussions speculated airliner-type operation, with a two-week turnaround.

However, senior NASA planners envisioned no more than 10 to 12 flights per year for

the entire shuttle fleet. The absolute maximum flights per year for the entire

fleet was limited by external tank manufacturing capacity to 24 per year.

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ECA - Other

1 * Elemental Cost Analysis, a method of recording which enables the cost of a scheme to be monitored during design development; see Elemental

cost planning

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Elemental cost planning

1 Elemental Cost Planning relies upon the adoption of a Standard Form of Cost Analysis for buildings which allows costs to be compared on a

common format and forms the basis of the benchmarking analysis central

to the concept of Elemental Cost Plans.

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Complex event processing - Integration with time series databases

1 Consider the scenario in finance where there is a need to understand historic price volatility to determine statistical thresholds of future price movements. This is helpful for both trade models and transaction cost


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Systems analyst

1 ISBN 10: 1 -4239-1205-5 They may be responsible for developing cost

analysis, design considerations, staff impact amelioration, and

implementation time-lines.

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Medical electronics - Clinical engineering

1 Clinical Engineering departments will sometimes hire not just biomedical

engineers, but also industrial/systems engineers to help

address operations research/optimization, human

factors, cost analysis, etc

Page 34: Cost Analysis

Cost Engineering - Overview

1 The discipline of ‘cost engineering’ can be considered to encompass a wide range of cost-related aspects of engineering and programme

management, but in particular cost estimating,cost analysis/cost assessment, design-

to-cost, schedule analysis/planning and risk assessment.David Greves Herve Joumier, Cost

Engineering for Cost-Effective Space Programmes, esa bulletin 115 - august 2003, pg1 The broad array of cost engineering topics represent the

intersection of the fields of project management, business management, and engineering

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Peter Gutmann (computer scientist) - Criticism of Windows Vista

1 His white paper Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection, in which he

described the content protection specification as the longest suicide note in

history, Also available: [ PDF version]

generated considerable public interest since it was first posted in 2006. He discussed this with Steve Gibson (computer programmer)|Steve Gibson in episode #74 of the Security

Now! podcast on 2007-01-11.

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LeapFrog Enterprises - Concept

1 Wood was working as an attorney for a law firm. Wood looked around for

an educational toy to help his son. As there appeared to be nothing on the market at that time, Wood developed

a prototype and performed cost analysis studies to ensure that the final product would not be sold at a

prohibitive price.

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American Society of Military Comptrollers - History and organization

1 Today, the organization promotes professional development in general financial management,

accounting and finance, budgeting, resource management, auditing, statistics and Cost

engineering|cost analysis, management analysis, manpower management, Program evaluation|

program analysis, procurement|acquisition management, and comptroller related

administrative support activities.[

y.shtml History], American Society of Military Comptrollers,, Alexandria,


Page 38: Cost Analysis

American Society of Military Comptrollers - Certification program

1 * Module 2 covers budget and cost analysis including: planning, programming, budgeting and

execution of appropriated funds (60%); cost and economic analysis

(20%); business management process improvement (10%); and

fiscal law (10%).

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Management Accounting Principles - Management Accounting Principles Are Not GAAP

1 :b) Matching principle (Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield)p40 – this principle mandates that the costs (expenses) must follow revenues or adopt

the best rational and systematic allocation of costs associated with the benefit, including assumptions about when the benefit (and

therefore costs) are to be received. Clearly, managers who are required to perform a cost

analysis would have no idea under the matching principle what costs would be included/excluded

or be currently impacting his department.

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Qinetiq - Defence

1 *Family of Advanced Cost Estimating Tools (FACET)[



%20Smith%20(MBDA),%20M%20Gilmour%20%20D%20Shermon%20(QinetiQ).pdf A Cost Analysis of Reusable and Disposable

Deep Target Attack Weapon Delivery Systems]

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Engineers - Analysis

1 (1979) “Risk of dam failure in benefit/cost analysis”, Water

Resources Research, 16(3), 449–456.Hartford, D.N.D

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Policy analysis - Decision Methods for Policy Analysis — Step 5

1 Once policy alternatives have been evaluated, the next step is to decide which policy alternative should be implemented. This is shown as step 5 in Figure 1. At one

extreme, comparing the policy alternatives can be relatively simple if all the policy goals can be measured using a single metric and given equal weighting. In this case, the decision method is an exercise in benefit cost analysis (BCA).

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National Council on Compensation Insurance

1 * Cost analysis of proposed legislation regarding workers' compensation regulations

and benefits

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Independent agencies of the United States government - Independent regulatory agency

1 See more at [

independent-regulatory-agencies Benefit-Cost Analysis at Independent

Regulatory Agencies]

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Edward Gramlich

1 Gramlich had other government experience as well, serving as chairman of the Quadrennial Advisory Council on Social Security from 1994 to 1996 and as deputy director, and then acting director, of the

Congressional Budget Office in 1986-1987. He also conducted research in 1992 on the

economics of major league baseball and wrote a popular textbook on benefit-cost

analysis that is in its second edition.

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Environmental impact statement - Layout

1 ::* 'Cost analysis' for each alternative, including costs to mitigate expected impacts, to

determine if the proposed action is a prudent use of taxpayer dollars

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Menu engineering - Definition

1 * Managerial Accounting

(contribution margin and unit cost


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Post occupancy evaluation - Purpose of POE

1 POE usually involves feedback from the building occupants, through questionnaires, interviews and

workshops, but may also involve more objective measures such as environmental monitoring, space measurement and cost analysis.

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Economics of climate change mitigation - Discount rates

1 The choice of discount rate has a large effect on the result of any

climate change cost analysis (Halsnæs et al.., 2007:136). Using

too high a discount rate will result in too little investment in mitigation,

but using too low a rate will result in too much investment in mitigation.

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Plug-in hybrid - Operating costs

1 The study concluded that: For more details see: Xing Wu, Jing Dong,

Zhenhong Lin (2014) Cost analysis of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles using GPS-based longitudinal travel data,

Energy Policy, Volume 68, Pages 206-217, doi:


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Instructional Simulation - Instructional design models for simulations

1 * Analysis – components usually included are a goal analysis, performance analysis, target

population analysis, task analysis, media selection, and cost analysis.

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Reusable packaging - Justification

1 A thorough cost analysis is required. This involves all of the material,

labor, transport, inspection, refurbishing, cleaning, and

management costs. Often these costs may be incurred by different

companies with different cost structures.

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Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs - Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources

1 affect current and future generations of American workers. The Center partners with a range of

stakeholders to conduct timely, relevant research and to translate that research into effective

policies and programs. The Center’s activities and services include: Program evaluation, including

process and implementation, impact and benefit/cost analysis; Survey research;Labor

market analysis; Program design and development; Training and technical


Page 54: Cost Analysis

Economy car - 1970s–1990s

1 Most damaging to Ford were memos found and published by author-researcher Mark

Dowie in the magazine Mother Jones (magazine)|Mother Jones that detailed a cost analysis of corporate liability in the

event of having to compensate crash victims.The editors of Consumer Guide The Ford Pinto memo ruthlessly calculated the

cost of reinforcing the rear end ($121 million) versus the potential payout to

victims ()

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Reference point - Library and information sciences

1 Cost Analysis of Library Reference Services, Advances in Library

Administration and Organization, 11, 1993, pp

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Lease administration

1 Job responsibilities for lease administrators and real estate

professionals include: lease review and abstracting, accounting and

processing, lease audits, CAM charges, lease renewal options,

repairs and maintenance, information management and

reporting, occupancy cost analysis, operating expense review, and

document storage and maintenance.

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Ottmar Edenhofer - Research interests

1 O. Edenhofer explores the impacts of induced technological change on mitigation costs and strategies.

Other research topics focus on the design of instruments for climate and

energy policy, the economy of climate stabilization, social benefit-

cost analysis and the theory of sustainability and economic growth.

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CAFM - Sustainability

1 CAFM gives the ability to assess projects in a glance, and built-in

certification standards for numerous programs to help plot your own green course while running cost

analysis reports for the sustainability projects, or see which buildings are affected and which ones to target


Page 59: Cost Analysis


1 and Marshall, A.Uniformat II Elemental classification for Building Specifications, Cost Estimating, and Cost Analysis, NIST BFRL Office of applied Economics, NISTIR6389,

October 1999

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Death panel - Palin response

1 spoke a lot about the rationing of care that was going to be a part of Obamacare, and, you know, I was about laughed out of town

for bringing to light what I call death panels, because there's going to be faceless

bureaucrats who will—based on cost analysis and some subjective idea on somebody's level of productivity in life—somebody is going to call the shots as to whether your

loved one will be able to receive health care or not

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Prostatectomy - Computer-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (CALP)

1 When performed by a surgeon who is specifically trained and well experienced in CALP, there can be

similar advantages over open prostatectomy, including smaller incisions, less pain, less bleeding, less risk of

infection, faster healing time, and shorter hospital stay.Center for the Advancement of Health; August 29,

2005; Robot-assisted Prostate Surgery Has Possible Benefits, High Cost

[] The cost of this procedure is higher,

whereas long-term functional and oncological superiority has yet to be established.Cost Analysis of

Radical Retropubic, Perineal, and Robotic Prostatectomy; Scott V

Page 62: Cost Analysis

Manufacturing cost

1 'Manufacturing cost' is the sum of costs of all resources consumed in the process of making a product. The manufacturing cost is classified into

three categories: direct materials cost, direct labor cost and

manufacturing overhead.Ostwald, P. F., McLaren, T. S. (2004), Cost Analysis and Estimating for

Engineering and Management, Prentice Hall, ISBN 978-0-13-142127-


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Cost estimation - Overview

1 The discipline of ‘cost engineering’ can be considered to encompass a wide range of cost-related aspects of engineering and programme

management, but in particular cost estimating,cost analysis/cost assessment, design-

to-cost, schedule analysis/planning and risk assessment.David Greves Herve Joumier, Cost

Engineering for Cost-Effective Space Programmes, esa bulletin 115 - august 2003, pg1 The broad array of cost engineering topics represent the

intersection of the fields of project management, business management, and engineering

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Business system planning - Verifying study impact

1 An IS planning and management study should be conducted. When

the organization has finished its work on processes and data classes, it should explore the functions and goals of the system with a list of

requested departmental changes and a cost analysis.

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Managerial accounting - Traditional vs. innovative practices

1 While some form of variance analysis is still used by most

manufacturing firms, it nowadays tends to be used in conjunction with

innovative techniques such as Whole-life cost|life cycle cost analysis and activity-based costing, which are designed with specific aspects of the

modern business environment in mind

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Donald Rice - Public service

1 Two years later, he was appointed as deputy assistant secretary of defense

for resource analysis where he was responsible for cost analysis,

manpower and logistics requirements, and budget planning

for defense programs

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Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Canadian procurement - March 2011

1 On 10 March 2011 the Parliamentary Budget Officer, Kevin Page presented a cost analysis of the F-35 program and concluding a total cost C$29.3B

over 30 years, not the C$16B to C$18B claimed by the government, and a resulting per aircraft cost of

C$450M each

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Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Canadian procurement - December 2012

1 Government officials also confirmed that cost analysis is underway to extend the life of the CF-18 fleet.

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Scoliosis - Cost

1 Hospital cost analysis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis correction surgery

in 125 consecutive cases

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Panhard - Post-war era

1 Once in production, a re-examination cost analysis showed a cost of

55,700fr for aluminum shells and only 15,600fr for steel

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Heather Wilson - Tenure

1 Wilson, 36 Democrats, and 192 other Republicans supported House passage of the Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Act of 2005, which would have amended and reauthorized the Endangered

Species Act of 1973 to provide greater results conserving and recovering listed species, and for other purposes, including: Repealing

the authority to designate an area as critical habitat for an endangered species; Requiring the Secretary of the Interior to create recovery plans within two years of classifying species as endangered

or threatened; Allowing recovery agreements with private citizens whose land may be part of a species recovery plan; Issuing grants to support private property owners who voluntarily help to increase the number of endangered or threatened species on their private land;

Providing compensation in an amount no less than fair market value to private landowners who have had regulation imposed upon their

land; and, Calling upon the Secretary to submit an annual cost analysis of the previous years spending to Congress, including the

amount of Federal and State funds used for each species.

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Central Florida - Public transportation

1 A High Speed Rail line was in the planning stages at one point during the years of

2009-2011, however, that plan was eventually canceled by the Governor of

Florida, Rick Scott, after a cost analysis of the project. The train line had been

planned to run from the Orlando International Airport to downtown Tampa; with future lines eventually connecting to

downtown Orlando, Jacksonville, and Miami.

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Gun politics in Australia - Statements by organisations

1 CLASS (The Coalition of Law Abiding Sporting Shooters) in 2003 stated that no benefit-cost analysis of the buyback had been carried out and

that scientific debate was politicised and ignored benefits of shooting and costs forced on legitimate owners.

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Mannar Line - International goal

1 The proposal was given serious consideration and a Blueprint|

technical blueprint and cost analysis was conducted

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Rail transport in Sri Lanka - International link to India

1 A 22-mile bridge to link the two countries had been proposed as early as 1894, by the

Consultant Engineer for railways in Madras (Chennai). The proposal was given serious

consideration and a Blueprint|technical blueprint and cost analysis was conducted. By

1914, the Mannar line was built to connect Talaimannar on Mannar Island to the Sri Lankan mainland. On the Indian side, the Indian railway

network was extended to Dhanushkodi. The international bridge to link the two was not


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The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential - Scientific evaluation

1 A small (15 patients) 2012 Norwegian cost analysis of non proven intensive training

treatment for brain damage which included 11 patients treated by IAHP found such

treatments were not cost effective and the authors expressed doubt that these

treatments could achieve adequate benefits to be cost effective. The papers conclusion was that health care services should not

fund these treatments other than for clinical trials.

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Assertive community treatment - Early developments

1 Economic benefit-cost analysis

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Pet fence - Technology

1 In cost analysis they have shown to be much cheaper and more

aesthetically pleasing than physical fences

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Institute for Defense Analyses - Systems and Analyses Center

1 :*'Cost Analysis and Research Division' (CARD) helps guide the

Department of Defense and other federal agencies in the decisions,

policies, and processes of resource – both people and money – allocation. Specifically, CARD analysts engage


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Fly Away (film) - Plot

1 They’re under pressure to deliver a high-profile cost analysis report to a major client

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Radical prostatectomy - Minimally Invasive

1 When performed by a surgeon who is specifically trained and well experienced in CALP, there can be

similar advantages over open prostatectomy, including smaller incisions, less pain, less bleeding, less risk of

infection, faster healing time, and shorter hospital stay.Center for the Advancement of Health; August 29,

2005; Robot-assisted Prostate Surgery Has Possible Benefits, High Cost

[] The cost of this procedure is higher,

whereas long-term functional and oncological superiority has yet to be established.Cost Analysis of

Radical Retropubic, Perineal, and Robotic Prostatectomy; Scott V

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Permeable paving - Cost

1 Using permeable paving, however, can reduce the cost of providing

larger or more stormwater BMPs on site, and these savings should be

factored into any cost analysis

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Benjamin Zablocki - Articles

1 *Methodological Fallacies in Anthony's Critique of Exit Cost Analysis, ca. 2002,