corrupted file repair

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  • 8/2/2019 Corrupted File Repair



    Micr os oft Office Access :

    Rep a ir in g An Access

    D a t a b a s e

    I n t r o d u c t i o n

    Contents of this manual provide user instructions for repairing, protecting, and

    maintaining a Microsoft Office (MS) Access Database. Step-by-step instructions areprovided for the user to follow along with the tutorial containing the key issues of

    tutorial, the method used to repair an MS Access database, and database maintenance

    and protection. This tutorial is intended for beginner database users.

    R e pa i r in g Cor r up t MS Acc es s D a t a ba s e

    Three separate steps are needed to repair the database. Each step will be indicated as a

    separate process (e.g. Backup database, Compact and Repair, Import tables).

    B a ck u p C o r r u p t D a t a b a s e

    1. Click the Office button and choose Manage from the drop-down menu.2. Choose Backup Database from Manage sub menu3. Name and Save the backup.

    a. Indicate the saved backup file is a corrupt backup using this namingconvention.

    b. File Name: database name_corruptbackup.mdb

  • 8/2/2019 Corrupted File Repair



    c. Save backup file.4. Rename the corrupt database

    a. With the corrupt database open, click the Office button, and choose SaveAs.


    Save the corrupt file using the same naming convention used for namingand saving a corrupt backup file, excluding the word backup.

    c. File Name: database name_corrupt.mdb

    d. Save corrupt file.

    Co m p a c t a n d R e p a ir

    1. Click the Office button and choose Manage from the drop down menu.2. Choose Compact and Repair Database from the Manage sub menu

  • 8/2/2019 Corrupted File Repair



    Not e : The objects (e.g. tables, forms, reports) will flash inside of Navigation Pane

    on the left-hand side of the window indicating that the database has been

    compacted and repaired.

    I m p o r t Ta b le s I n t o A N ew D a t a b a s e

    1. Close all open databases.2. Choose Blank Database from MS Access homepage3. Name the new database, located in the right pane under Blank Database.4. Click Create.

    5. Click the External Data tab6. Inside of the Import category click Access.7. Click the Browse button to locate the corrupt file

  • 8/2/2019 Corrupted File Repair



    8. Once the corrupt file is located, select the file and click the Open button.9. Select the first choice with the heading Import tables, queries, forms, reports,

    macros, and modules into the current database

    10.Click the OK button located at the bottom right-hand corner11.Inside Table select all the tables by clicking the Select All button located on

    the right side of the window

    12.Click the OK button13.Click the Close button

  • 8/2/2019 Corrupted File Repair



    R e fe r e n ce s a n d R e s o u r ce s

    Create An Access Dat abase-Access-Microsoft Office. (2003). Retrieved October 21, 2010, from

    Microsoft Office:

    Corru pt Access Databa se Repair Tools. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2010, from Data.Revive:

    Mason, L. (2002, April 03). Picking Up t he Pieces: Recovering corru pt Access databases.

    Retrieved October 21, 2010, from TechRepublic:
