copycat the cheesecake factory raspberry truffle cheesecake recipe

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  • 8/13/2019 Copycat the Cheesecake Factory Raspberry Truffle Cheesecake Recipe


    Copycat The Cheesecake Factory Raspberry Truffle Cheesecake Recipe


    1 1/2 cups chocolate cookie crumbs (filling removed or 2! crumbled "reo cookies

    (filling removed1/# cup margarine$ melted


    1/2 cup raspberry preserves

    1/% cup &ater

    % (' ounce packages cream cheese at room temperature

    1 1/% cups granulated sugar

    1/2 cup sour cream at room temperature

    2 teaspoons vanilla etract

    ) eggs at room temperature% ounces &hite chocolate$ chopped into chunks


    2 ounces shaved &hite chocolate (optional

    &hipped cream (optional


    1, -reheat oven to %.) degrees,

    2, -lace a large pan or ovensafe skillet filled &ith about 1/2inch of &ater into the

    oven &hile it preheats,

    #, This &ill be your &ater bath,

    %, Combine the raspberry preserves &ith 1/% cup &ater in a medium micro&avesafe


    ), 0eat for 1 1/2 minutes on high in your micro&ave,

    , tir until smooth,

    ., train to remove the raspberry seeds$ and discard seeds,

    ', 3llo& strained preserves to cool$ then put the bo&l in the refrigerator until later,

  • 8/13/2019 Copycat the Cheesecake Factory Raspberry Truffle Cheesecake Recipe


    4, 5easure 1 1/2 cups chocolate cookie crumbs (or crush 2! "reo cookie &afers

    &ith the filling scraped out in a resealable plastic bag into a medium bo&l,

    1!, 5i in 1/# cup melted margarine,

    11, -ress the crumb into a 4inch spring form pan that has been lined on the bottomand side &ith parchment paper,

    12, 6se the bottom of a drinking glass to press the crumb miture flat into the

    bottom of the pan and about 2/# the &ay up the side,

    1#, 7rap a large piece of foil around the bottom of the pan to keep the cheesecake in

    the &ater bath and prevent it from leaking,

    1%, -ut the crust in your free8er until the filling is done,

    1), 6se an electric mier to combine the softened cream cheese &ith the sugar$ roomtemperature sour cream$ and vanilla,

    1, 5i on the lo&est setting for a couple minutes or until the ingredients are

    smooth and creamy,

    1., 9ou dont &ant to beat too much air into the miture$ or it &ill fall and be


    1', ;e sure to scrape do&n the sides of the bo&l,

    14, 7hisk the eggs in a medium bo&l and then add them to the cream cheesemiture,

    2!, ;lend the miture

  • 8/13/2019 Copycat the Cheesecake Factory Raspberry Truffle Cheesecake Recipe


    2., Carefully place the cheesecake into the &ater bath in the oven,

    2', ;ake for 12 minutes at %.) degrees$ then turn the oven do&n to #)! degrees and

    bake for )! to ! minutes or until the top of the cheesecake turns a light bro&n or

    tan color,

    24, Remove the cheesecake from the oven to cool on a cooling rack,

    #!, 7hen the cheesecake is completely cool$ cover cheesecake &ith plastic &rap and

    place in refrigerator to sit overnight,

    #1, ;efore serving$ sprinkle the entire top surface of cheesecake &ith 2 ounces of

    shaved &hite chocolate,

    #2, To serve$ slice the cheesecake into 12 e>ual portions,

    ##, 3pply a pile of fresh &hipped cream to the top of each slice and serve,

    5akes: 12 servings