contemporary issues in southwest asia

World Studies Contemporary Issues in Southwest Asia

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Contemporary Issues in Southwest Asia. World Studies. Overview. Today, Southwest Asia is at the center of many conflicts that are global in nature and have far reaching consequences. As Americans, we find ourselves involved in and affected by these conflicts. We will examine… - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Contemporary Issues  in Southwest  Asia

World Studies

Contemporary Issues in Southwest Asia

Page 2: Contemporary Issues  in Southwest  Asia

Today, Southwest Asia is at the center of many conflicts that are global in nature and have far reaching consequences.

As Americans, we find ourselves involved in and affected by these conflicts.

We will examine…Arab- Israeli ConflictConflict over oilTerrorism


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Who is an Arab and who is an Israeli?An Arab (pronounced Air-rib, not A-RAB)

is a person who is a member of an Arabic speaking people.

Arabs are spread throughout the Middle East, and make up large parts of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Libya.

An Israeli is a person who lives in the country of Israel, usually a person of Jewish descent.

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Jews claim that modern day Israel is the land of their ancestors and it belongs to them (Old Testament)

Over the course of thousands of years, many Arabs had moved into this area and lived peacefully.

During this time, most Jews lived in Europe.Following WWII and the Holocaust, many Jews

returned to their ancient homeland, and with help from Great Britain and the U.S., created a Jewish state.

This led to a conflict between Arabs (Palestinians) and Jews lasting over 60 years.

Issue #1: Arab-Israeli Conflict Background

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The conflict has consisted of:Military Actions (1948 war, 1967 war)Terrorist Attacks (Munich, suicide bombing)Human Rights Violations (Palestinian

refugees)Peace Talks

The Conflict

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As of 2010, the conflict remains unresolved. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton both made

attempts to bring each side together but were unsuccessful.

President Obama has stated that this is a priority for his administration as well, but nothing major yet.

Barriers to peace: Israel unwilling to give up landTough talk from radical ArabsMilitary action/ TerrorismCycle of violenceU.S. Involvement

The Conflict Today

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Suicide Bombing

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Peace Process

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Southwest Asia has 60% of the world’s oil reserves.Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya.

Extremely important and profitable natural resource.Liquid Gold

U.S. and other powerful western nations have strong desire for this resource.

Because of this, the U.S. has found itself involved in the politics and affairs of this region.

Issue #2: Oil Politics

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Page 13: Contemporary Issues  in Southwest  Asia

1953- CIA backed coup in Iran Overthrow democratically elected socialist Mohammed Mosaddeq in

favor of authoritarian Shah. Why? Oil.

1960- Formation of OPEC Oil producing countries band together to stop western control of oil

prices. 1980- Iran/ Iraq War

Iraq (led by Saddam, supported by the U.S.) invades Iran. Oil tankers are attacked; U.S. sends ships to protect.

1990- Persian Gulf War Iraq (led by Saddam, opposed by U.S.) invades oil-rich Kuwait, also

threatening Saudi Arabia. 2003-2010- Operation Iraqi Freedom (2nd Gulf War)

U.S invades Iraq: WMD’s, connection to 9/11? No WMD’s, no connection to 9/11….OIL? Saddam dead, new govt. friendly to the U.S.

Key Events

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40% of U.S. energy comes from burning of oil.2/3 of oil is imported.5% of population; 25% of oil consumptionU.S. oil allies: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, IraqU.S. oil enemies: Iran, Venezuela (not SW

Asia)China/ India: large populations, need for oil

will increase. Potential conflict? Alternatives?

What’s next?

Oil Politics Today

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Kuwait oil field on fire

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What’s in a barrel of oil?

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Global Oil Use

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In response to the conflict and inequality in SW Asia, many individuals and groups have resorted to terrorism.

Terrorism comes from the Latin word terrere, which means “to frighten.”

Terrorism uses violence or the threat of violence to achieve goals.


There are many examples of terrorism, but we will focus on terrorism related to SW Asia.

Issue #3: Extremism/ Terrorism

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They have been mistreated and feel terror is fair retaliation (violence=more violence)

A need for immediate action.They are out numbed and out armed…no

way of winning an official war.They feel their opinions have been ignored

by national and/or international governments.

Formal methods have failed.

Why do people/ groups resort to terrorism?

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Arab- Israeli Conflict Israeli armyPLO…Palestinian govt. or terrorist org?Hamas…Terrorists or freedom fighters?Suicide bombings, hostagesWhy? Conflict over land in Israel.

Al-Qaeda Radical Islamist group led by Osama bin LadenGlobal, well-funded, well-coordinated attacksResponsible for 9/11, Madrid, London, U.S. embassies in

Kenya and Somalia.Why? Jihad (holy war) against western capitalism/

retaliation for western (U.S.) involvement in SW Asia.

Terror in Southwest Asia

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War in Afghanistan9/11 attacks planned in AfghanistanDisrupt Al-Qaeda network, find bin LadenStabilize governmentLongest war in American history

Post- 9/11 AmericaNew awareness of world around us Increased security (airports) Justification for military action (Iraq, Yemen)Border securityFear (media, politics)

Post- 9/11 WorldTerror/ conflict still existWorld on edge

Impact of Terrorism Today

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Osama bin Laden

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Sept. 11th, 2001

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Nairobi, Kenya

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Double Standard?