constitution of "the apollo association for the promotion of the fine arts in the united...

Constitution of "The Apollo Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in the United States" Source: Transactions of the Apollo Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in the United States, (1839), pp. 3-4 Published by: Stable URL: . Accessed: 13/05/2014 21:08 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . This content downloaded from on Tue, 13 May 2014 21:08:02 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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Constitution of "The Apollo Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in the UnitedStates"Source: Transactions of the Apollo Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in theUnited States, (1839), pp. 3-4Published by:Stable URL: .

Accessed: 13/05/2014 21:08

Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at .

.JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].


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of " Tlte Apollo Association for- the promzotion of the Finc Arls zn the Unitcd States."

Article lst.-Every subscriber of five dollars slhall be a

menmber of the Associaition for onie yeaLr, anzd shall hlave fiee

admission for hailmself, wife and chlildreni; to tlhe exlhibitionis; anid genitlemalen may subscribe for as maniy shar es as they may

tlhink proper. Article 2d1.-The wvllole amouint of annuiial suibscriptions

shall be devoted, after thie necessary dedtuction for expenses, (and of suclh portionl of the ainnual subscription of five dollrtis as th-e Com1mittee maLy deem pr0oper towarids tlhe gieneral ex

penses of thle Exhibition,) to the purchase of a selectioni fr1om the works of American Artists exhibited at the APOLLO GAL

LERY; witlh tlhis singhle exceptioni, that it shlall be in the pow er of the Comtimittee of Maiacrement, \VI hen thou-ght, advisable

by themi, to catuse to be engaraved for distrilbutioni aiimong tlle subscibers such works of Art -as Ir-IT appear woirthly of tihe

distinctioll, povided alwvays ttat a suffilcienlt number of pur. clhases slithll have been previously made.

Ar-ticle 3d.-Artists may sen)d thlir \ works for exhibition to

the APOLLO GALJLi1--ty at aniy time in the course of the year

firoma tlhe Ist of Janiiuary to the first of October. Tlhe price shall 1te fixed by tlie Artist. Onie tmiouith slhall be allowved, in

wlhiclh inidividLuals IMaLy ptiirclmise ; after whiich, if the Com mittee of ManagaemenLit clhoose, thley may becoimie the puirchia sers for the Associationi, anid thle Artist slhall be imminecdiately paid.

Article 4tlt.-A general meetingo- of the mem-iDbers of the As sociationi shiall be lheld anluat;lly, oni the tliicld Monday ini De cember, xvhietn a Coimlmiittee of Maniagement NvilU be appointed

for tlhe enlstingO yeatr', eaclh mcemlber h1avinig one11 vote.

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Article 5t/h.-This Commnittee slhall coInsist of fifteenl gen

tlemen wvho are not Artists, and a Secretary and Treasurer,

wlho slhall be, eX ogfcio, members of the Comm.-ittee; amd

whose especial duty it slhall be to keep correct lists of the stub

sc-ribers, to collect thieir subscriptions, and, under the direction

of the Comm-iiittee, to carry i1to effect every arrangaemeint for

fuLrtlherina the viewvs of the Association.

A,rticle Gth.-Thle Conmmittee slhLall have ftLll powers to pur

ch-iase whIiaIt a-my appear to th1emn thIe 1ost deserving works ex

hibited at thze APOLLO. execuited by Artists in the Uniitecd St.ates,

or bV American Artists abroad.

Ar-ticle 7th.-The purchiase of these works shall take place

during th1eir exhibition at the ALPOLLO, anid t'ley shatll not be

removed, unltil distribLuted amon,st th-ie suLbscribers at the next

annual meetingcr.

Article Sth.-At the annual metingo, the different works

purchased by the Comaittee for the Association shiall become,

by lot publicly dra wvn, the piroperty of inclividua.l memibers.

A rticle 9t/h.-The Commi-nttee of Mlanagcremnetnt shall ann nally

puiblishi a report, ini thie. month of Jalnlury, \vwlereir they shall

state the principles tlha.t gulided them in the selectiotn of the

works of Art thiey may hIave pur-clhased for the Association],

and enter in1to such-i other details as majty arpear to them to be


Article 101/i.-Thie first Comiimittee of Maniagement shall

be appoinited at a meetingcr of th:e stibscribems, oi tIhe 161th- of

Jimii. 1S39, at vhiichi timie the amounlIt stubscribed shall be paiid

afte r wvlich all Stbscriptions shall be paidc, at the time of

subscribilng, to tle. Secretairy, or other memnbers of tlhe Com-i

mittee of Mallanaemllenlt, and paid over totlhe Treastirer forthl

By a resolution adopted on the 16th Decemiber, 1S39, stubscribers

who choose may dir-ect their ConltFibutiOolS to be appropriated to the

purchlase of Nvoi-ks of Xit wvhich shall remain the piopeity of the As.


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