conjuring opening scene

The Conjuring Opening Scene

Upload: 13mcucksey

Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Conjuring opening scene

The Conjuring

Opening Scene

Page 2: Conjuring opening scene

In this first scene we see the doll, due to the doll being dirty and damaged, shown by the cracked eye and mark on cheek, we can see that this doll is a form of evil or in-human. This immediately tells us what kind of movie this is and what its about.

Page 3: Conjuring opening scene

The opening scene goes on and we see the three people sat on the chair describing this, however we don’t see who or what they are describing it too. We can see that the doll has damaged some of the peoples items, but we never actually see the doll move, which gives the movie an aspect of mystery

Page 4: Conjuring opening scene

After watching the opening scene two or three times, I begun to notice that there are two females and a male describing the doll to the unknown man. However, When the opening scene is being played out there are three women and no men. This keeps the mystery of the opening scene strongly and makes the audience want to know what happened to the third girl.

Page 5: Conjuring opening scene

After throwing the doll in the dumpster, they find a note at their door saying as follows: ‘Miss me?’ This not only shows the audience the possessive part of the doll but again we never see the doll move. This keeps the mystery in and is starting to introduce a strong horror side of the movie.

Page 6: Conjuring opening scene

In this scene is shows the doll sat on a chair right up by the door, before this was the note scene, and then there were some loud knocks on the door in their house(not the front door where the note was found) Which not only shows that the doll has almost teleported or moved freely through walls, but also that the doll is manipulating the residents of the house strongly. We also never see the doll move through out this scene.

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This is the last scene of the opening scene shows the two people who the other three were describing to lean forward, before we saw them we only heard a mans voice, and the man leaned forwards first, which gives off a sense of dominancy and shows the main protagonist, then the woman leant forwards and I was surprised to see her, however she shows that she knew what she was saying, and she seems like the ‘silent but effective’ type.