congressional hispanic caucus statement opposing donald trump hosting

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  • 7/24/2019 Congressional Hispanic Caucus Statement Opposing Donald Trump Hosting


    Congressional Hispanic Caucus Statement Opposing Donald Trump Hosting

    Saturday Night Live

    Whereas, Mr. Donald Trump has been invited to host Saturday Night Live on NBC on

    November 7, !"#$

    Whereas, SaturdayNight Live is a %lagship program on a national net&or'$

    Whereas, on(une "), !"#, Mr. Trump denoun*ed both the +ispani* and immigrant*ommunities by saying, When Me-i*o sends its people, theyre not sending their best/

    Theyre sending people that have lots o% problems, and theyre bringing those problems

    to us. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing *rime. Theyre rapists/Theyre sending

    us not the right people. 0ts *oming %rom more than Me-i*o. 0ts *oming %rom all overSouth and Latin 1meri*a, and its *oming probably/%rom the Middle 2ast$3

    Whereas, the Congressional +ispani* Cau*us responded on(une "4, !"# by

    denoun*ing Mr. Trump, e-pressing outrage at his divisive and hate%ul rhetori* to&ardsMe-i*ans and Latinos ali'e, and by &arning that su*h in*endiary rhetori* *an lead to


    Whereas, numerous businesses, *orporations, and individuals severed ties &ith Mr.

    Trump as a *onse5uen*e$

    Whereas, on(une 4, !"#, NBC6niversal also ended its business relationship3 &ith

    Mr. Trump be*ause o% the re*ent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding

    immigrants,3 and be*ause, a8t NBC, respe*t and dignity %or all people are*ornerstones o% our values$3

    Whereas, the Congressional +ispani* Cau*us re*eived assuran*es %rom Com*ast, o&nero% NBC6niversal, during its intended merger &ith Time Warner that both Com*ast and

    NBC6niversal &ere *ommitted to both Latinos and diversity$

    Whereas, Mr. Trumps ra*ist remar's and his *ontinued rhetori* demoni9ing Latinos and

    immigrants has *reated %ear &ithin these *ommunities around the *ountry, many o% &hi*h

    are represented in Congress by Members o% the Congressional +ispani* Cau*us$

    Whereas, on1ugust "4, !"#, t&o men in Boston, Massa*husetts atta*'ed and brutally

    beat a +ispani* man, and one o% the perpetrators told the poli*e that, Donald Trump

    &as right, all these illegals need to be deported$3

    Whereas, on September ", !"# in 1mes, 0o&a during a pea*e%ul protest outside o% an

    0o&a State 6niversity %ootball game &here Mr. Trump made an appearan*e, a &omanripped the sign o% a Latino student that read, :;ur lives begin to end the day &e be*ome

    silent about the things that matter$:

    There%ore, be it resolved that the Congressional +ispani* Cau*us *alls upon

  • 7/24/2019 Congressional Hispanic Caucus Statement Opposing Donald Trump Hosting


    NBC6niversal, Broad&ay