congressional budget office · 10/1/1991 · thursday october 11. 1990 part vi congressional budget...

Thursday October 11. 1990 Part VI Congressional Budget Office Final Sequestration Report for Fiscal Year 1991 to Office of Management and Budget and Congress; Transmittal

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Thursday October 11. 1990

Part VI

Congressional Budget Office Final Sequestration Report for Fiscal Year 1991 to Office of Management and Budget and Congress; Transmittal

41448 - - Federal Register Vol;,35, No.' tsr /;'Thumdayi Otftubef 11, 1990 '/ Wbtiee's '

CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE ACTION Report transmittal. Mergency Deficit Control Reaffirmation Act af 1987, Public Law 100-119

Final Sequestration Report for ~lscaj 8UMMSV: This notice transmits the final Year 1881 10 ~ ( t l c e 01 Management aequeatration report far Fiscal 'YearlBBI "'"y Cnigg'

and B ~ J W ~ and Congrea; Tmnrmml to the Office of,Mafiagement and Budget a ~ % c ~ ~ ~ * offimofI~fergoverjlmento* and the Cowress in a c c o r d a n c a ~ ~ ~ h thk -8ddions, Congmssi~nolBud@t Offee.

- AQlBNGv: CongressQnal~Bu&e't CXt3c.e. procedures of the Bala-rroed~Budget and mwlrta WDE r4sbor.u %

F- bg&er./ V d 55, No: 1W 1 Thursday, Qcuer ,ti, 1890 / Notices 41449


A CongressiomI Badget Offiace R @ p t ta Uae Congraa

and the Office of Management and Budget

October 10,1990

. , C0NmN-S. i . .

SUMMARY ............................................................................ 1 ................................................................. BUDGET BASELINE TOTALS 1

REQUIRED OUTLAY REDUCTBelNS ....................................................... E ., . . . ...................... ..................................................... SPECIAL RULES -- ; 2

SEQUESTRATION REDUCTIONS ....................... ?. ............................... 3

APPENDIX: SEQUESTRATION REDUCTLONS BY AGENCY AND BUDGET ACCOUNT ............................................... 4

TABLES I. Summary ofCBO Eubmt Eetimates for Fiscal Year I991 ..................................... 2 ....................................... 2. CBOSequentrutien Cdcdetiarufor F i t Year 1901 3

All yeare refemd to in this report ere fwet yeam, unless otberwiee noted.

Details in the te&snd.tableaofthi reportmey not adab totelsbecameoFraunding.

The Belanced Budget errd Emagency Deficit Control Act of 1985 bommonIy known as Gramm-Rudman-Hollinga) is referred tn - - in this report more b r idy rr thc B a l d &&get Act. Thin sctwalr arnendedby the Balanced Budgetand Emergency Delieit control Realfirmc~tim A e t d t9W.

The source for dl&ta in t b reportb theCongresmiml5ud.ud6et QSres. u n b otharwis necad. P Thie report WM tnuwmitted on Odaber I 4 1990, by&bsrt a. Rei$cker . Direeta? of t ~ ~ ~ . R u d ~ t , ~ ~ t o ........ ,.-. . . . . . A

Honorable DM Queyla Rceidentofibe hnah; the AonorebleThomS. Foley, Speaker oEae Houar, dReprenentstiuee; an& the Honorable Fluhd E)crmar+ I-otthe 0eB:e.e dManngcmentenb Budgt.

4$45a Fedpral Register / V61:55: No. 197 / Thursday, October 21, lwo / ~N6tices 1.' ' ' I " : " " . , -




October 10,1990


This report updates CBO's initial sequestration re- port to reflect laws enacted and regulations promul- gated since August. As specified in the Balanced Budget !Act, this report uses the same economic and technical estimating assymptions as the August fe- PO&. The August repprt, which was published in the Fedeml Register on August 21 (pages 34158-342041, provides further details on the sequestration process and the assumptions underlying the estimates pre- sented here.

1990. The economic and technic41 assumptions used for these baseline estimates are identical. The differ- ences between the estimates, therefore, result only from laws enacted and final regulations promulgated since January 1. Laws enacted and final regulations promulgated between+Aupst 15 and October 5 have reduced the projected 1991 deficit by $1.8 billion, The baseline deficit as of October 5 is the same as the deficit as of January 1.

The projected 1991 federal budget deficit under laws and regulations in effect on October 5 is $163.4 bil- lion-$99.4 billion above the statutory target of $64 billion. If CBO's estimates were controlling, and if no further changes were made in taxing and spend-

- ing policies, across-the-board reductions of 41.1 per- cent in defense programs and 37.3 percent in nonde- fense programs would be required to achieve the tar- get. On October 15, the mce of Management and Budget will issue a final estimate of the projected deficit and will determine the necessity for across- the-board spending cuts.


, CBO'e deficit estimate is based on economic assump- tions prepared in June. The deficit estimate d ~ e s not include sumcient resources to resolve the. hundreds of-insolvent savings and loan institutions who& de- posits are federally insured. New legislation will be required to provide for these additional spending needs, which if included would add $70 billion or more to the 1991 deficit. The estimate also does not include any deficit reduction that .may emerge from the budget resolution that was approved by the Congress on October 9.

CBO's deficit projection i f $163.&billion would call for outlay reductions of $99.4 billion in 1991. One- half of the required 9utIay reduction must be taken from defense programs (budget accounts in the national defense function, excluding the Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the other half from nondefense programs Table 2 shows how the required outlay reductions would be achieved.

If sequestration is required, the law provides tha t the automatic spending increases in three programs --the National Wool Act, the special'milk prdgram, and vocational rehabilitation--be eliminated and the re-dlting savings be applied to the required reduc- taon in outlays for nondefense programs. Eliminat- ing these increases would produce $56 million in out- lay savings in 1991. The outlay savings to be ob- tained by tipplying four special rules a re also- credited to the tequired spending reductions in non- defense programs. These special rules are for guar- anteed student loans, foster care and adoption assis- tance, Medicare, and certain health programs. Ap- plying the special rules to these programs would achieve $2 billion in outlay savings in 1991.

The outlay reductions of $49.7 billion in defense pro- BUDGET BASELINE TOTALS grams and the remaining reductions of $47.7 billion

in nondefense programa must be taken as a uniform The CBO budget baseline estimates of total reve- percentage of all sequesterable budgetary resources Dues, outlays, and the deficit for fischl year 1991 are, in each category. According to CBO estimates, the shown in Table 1, Separate budget baseline esti- , 1991 outlays assotiated with sequesterable budget- mates aw provided for laws and regulations in effect ary resources for defense programs ate $ l2 lb0 bil- on January l, 1990; August 15,1990; and Oct.ober 5, lion. From this base amount, $49.7 billion in across-


L t . &B~uc%. Outka Mcit

Budget Baseline-as d January k,&W . . 1886%6 . , 163.4 . ,

~ffec€ d ~ e w ~ a w s 1t4d ~e@&ti~m, . . .. DirvEmelrg- , .

, . A r i p r a p - w (P.L. 1QSt&B ; ' 8 0.7- O. T

Iraqi sandiosra' a 1.1 1.1 &her la~%und"'ims' e a , a ' Debt serviceeeSea - 0.1 - 0:E

Subtotal a 1.8 1.8

Budget Baseline as& Augupit 1$k&l -, 1,123.2 1,288,4,- , 165.a.

Effect of New taws and Regulations Customs and Trade Act4P.L. 101-3821 Continuing Appropriations for-

Fiscal Year 1901 (P.L. 101-4032 Bank Insurance Fvnd premium regulations EstablighmenBafFiscal Yeat 1991- payraise Other laws and regulations Debt service costa


Budget Baseline as of October 5, f 990

Balanced Budget Act Defrcit Target 64.0

Excess Deficit 99.4

c Leu than 10.06 billion. . . . .

the-bard outlay reductions , m p t be made. The u n i ~ fonn percentage to be applied t4 sequesterable- de. f e n s budgetary resources ie 41.1 percent, as s h m in Teble 2. The Balanced Budget Act allows the Resident to exempt military personnel spending from sequestration, and he has chosen to do so this WF. The 1991 outlays associsted with eequester- mb& budgetary resources for nondefense programs ' &re estimated to be $127.8 billion. To achieve $47.6 billion in nondefense outlay reductions;a 37.3 per- cent cut is required.

well 864he amosnt oCe&imsrte&outlay savings t a k e r , -. . gained by eliminatingithose increases.. , ,:

The Balanced Budget ~ c t a<~-~rovideaspecial m1ea* - for the sequestration of budgetary resources for cer* tain other federal programs: The estimafd outl~y, savings derived from the first four rules, we. s h m , , . separately ,in Table 2. TbtloutIay s~viagwesulting- from the remaining specie1 mles are Gsctuded i s the . . . . amount ta be achieved from :the uniform percentage. reductione.

With the exception of the child support enforcement SPECIAL RULES (GSE) program, the descriptioas of the epecial rules

contained in CBO's August sequestratiwr repork skill The three programs with automatic spending tn- apply. The Balanced Budget A d provides t h a k ee= creases currently subject to sequestration were listed questration of CSE payam@ to stcrteu- i s to be ac- in Table 6 of CBO'e August eequestration report. complished by redwingthe fedeta1 matching.rsb.fsr The scheduled percentage increases. were &own, aa atata administr&iva expenses, FordWiSL., the fderal

; , ! , , ,,?Megal, Register / Mol., 56, Yoi: 4$Pb:/ Thprsday, OktoBer :EI~ ,~$&JQ~! / W04iues ..,%

3 i * I

A @stchingrate oh most expenditures under OBO esti,, 3 3

" I..,.'

TABLE 2. CBO SEQUESTRATION CALCULA- mates would be reduced 66 percent to.3S.per- TIONS FOR FISCAL l%AR 1991 cent, and the rate for computer-relate$ and labora- (In millions of dollars) tory expenditures wouId'be reduced from 90 percent

to 48 percent, Defenae Nondefense

Rograma Rogramo


Outlay Reductlorn 49,717 49,717 A detailed list of the sequestration bgse and- reduc- S a v b a ern EHminetipg tions by agency, budget account, and ty~e<~f,spend- ..

, , Automutic Spending Inueawo 0 66 , ing authority follows, This report does not conbin a ,

Savinge hui &a , listing of sequestration reductions by program, pro.

Appliutioq o f s w i a l pule4 ject, and activity for defense accounte, because ap- , , Guumtd otudent lo- 0 26 propriation bills for 1991 have not yet been enacted.

, Footerare m d adoption asrhtanw 0 8

Medicate 0 1.757 Other henlth program 0 - 216

Subtotal 0 2.008

Remaining Reduetiom Required 49.717 47,664

Ertimuted Sequertration Outlay hoe 121,014 127,760.

Uniform Percentam Reduction 41.1 37.3

r. Include8 86,440 million in estimated 1992 autlaya for the Commodity C d t Corporation that carr k fl'eeted by a 1991 reguestration. Alao iacludea m entimated (2,091 mil- lionin outlay@ from the apendingofoffaetting collections.



Legislative Branch AkchiSeot ofdtite Capitol SIlarios nd m q x m o a

Senate 01 0100 0 1 8 0 1

Serrto it- w t Authority 131,436 99,025, 401fE Auth-.Of f . Colin

00 0111 0 1 (UI1 ' ' ' ' 120 45 ,

Outlay. 100,464 392aSbO

57 ,*n krdg.<Authority 146,403 A

0ut1.p 373,497 4ibrary of Congresb

Congmssioml us0 of f o n i m curmoy, Srrrto 13','14 $alori.s -Hs

00 0188 0 1 801 03 0101 0 1 6 0 3

582 - Budgot Authority 165,067 61,670

QDl(C1 Authority 1,560 M l ( C 1 Auth-Qff. Coil. 6,060 1,887 582 Out1.y~ 1,560 O u t l ~ y ~ 140,415 12,374

House of Represdmtatioes , Copyriht Office: SIhrios nd wprrros Hilug. of nPntrers 03 QLDP 6 1 376 00 0208 0 1 8 0 1 eudopt Authorify 12,808 4,777 '

kdget Authority ' 217 81 4011C Auth--Off. Coil. 14rS09 5,412 Out1.w 109 41 Outlap 26 ~B96 9,473

Salarias nd oqtmsos C ~ p . t s i o m l Rosuroh Sorviw! h l o r i ~ s yd 00 0400 0 1 801 03 012f 0 1 801 hd(pt Authority , 661822s t09.336 wt Authority 40,911 16,244 O u t h y ~ 538,774 ZOO ,964 Outlay. 44,020 16,419

Congmsiaul us. of foloiqr w r m c y , HOUH of Books for tho blind nd physically handicnpp.d~ R.plosentot ives Salarios d oqt m s n 00 0988 0 a 801 03 0141 0 1 6 0 3

QDl(C) Authority 3,313 1,236 w t Authori4y ye732 14,447 Outlays 3,313 1,2B6 Outlays 17,429 6rMq

Joint I t e m a Furnihn nd furniahhs

w i t 0 1 midm Smrvico 03 0146 0 1 503 Budg.t Authority 2,674 997

00 0170 0 1 801 Outlays 1,390 krdg.t Authority l e4 lS

5 w 6ift nd trust f d .cooults

Outlays 1 ,3!i8 hint Cormittee m Printing

507 03 9971 0 7 603 401(C 1 Other--incl ob lia 328 . 122

00 0180 0 1 8 0 1 m t l a ~ 328 Budget Authority 1,266 468


Outlays 1,156 Gooernmen2 PrinLins OjjrJce

Joint E m i c Cornnittoo 431 Offico of Sqmrintenbnt of Doaunt.: Sa1ari.s nd

00 0181 0 1 8 0 1 uqrwrsrs 04 pzo1 0 1 808 Budget Authority 3,699 1,380

Outlays 3,614 1,311 w t Authority 2SrJ97 9 ~ 4 %

Spwi.1 nrvicos offiw Outlays Us969 61956

00 0190 b 1 801 Conglossiaml printing ond binding

Budgst. Authority 252 )4 04 0203 0 1 8 0 1

Outlays 232 87 Budq.t Authority 77,116 28,764 Outlays b4rQ05 23,874

Offico of tho Attending Physiqim 00 0425 P 1 801

Oaverrnent Printing Offico rrvolving f d

Bu&pt Authority 1,465 W3 M1( C ) Auth--Off . Coll. 38,383 14,317 04 4s05 0 4 808

Outlays 583 217 Outlays 38,383 14,317 Joint Comittee,m T~xation 00 0460 0 1 8 0 1

General Accounting Omoe Budget Authority 4,631

Salarios nd oqmcn

Outlays 4,399 1,641 w t Authority 506,138 144,029 05 0107 0 1 801

Salaries, Cmpitol P~lico Outlays 3B5 940 185,306 00 0474 0 1 801 Bu&pt Authority 58,198 21,708 United States 1- Court Outlays 66,452 21,057 Salarios nd -s

B r w m l o~penur, Cmpitol polico 23 0100 0 1 752 Bu&pt Authority L 9 r W 11,074

00 0476 0 1 801 kdg.t Authority

Out1.y. L3 r 750 8,859 1,951 728 Tax -rts inlprwlrrt e a n u b , U.S. Tuc Court

13uthys 1,656 6m 23 SO23 0 2 $62 Stat-ts of appropriations 001(C) Authority I I 0 4 00 0499 0 1 801 Outhya I 19 4 krdg.t Authority t l

Official mail casts a Legtstative Brand Boar* and Cammlbsiona

00 0825 0 1 8 0 1 Camisrim on S.arrity nd Cooporotion in ~wap.r"' "

krdg.t Authority S a h r i u d uqrwrsos

102 , 978 Outhys 102 , 978 38,410 krdg.t Authority 8)4 313

38r410 09 0110 0 1 (101

Congressionat Budget OjjrJce outlays am 300 SIIarios nd oqunsos Cwri*t Roy8lty ~r~k.ul:_hlorios ond uqms08 01) 0100 0 1 801 09 0110 0 8 176 krdg.t Authority t0,451 7,628 w 4 Au-rity 107 MI Outlay* Lb ,406 6,865 Outly. 16 11

?I(@ A-1

ffiENCY, ,WEEWI .kND MS4lNX VTLZ , -SEWS!lSR -UCY 6 PXWaEWr: :AND dk&&MT 'fa?&& . Biomedical Ethib: 5Wh.n #la. m ~ p n u r : 09 0400 0 1 001

Gourtg 'aif Appeal%, WMdd 42s- mkd other

- Bdget Authority 622 - dudZd&dkmScd9

-4J2 Stlarims 'and expanses Outlay. 949 %7 30 0920 0 1 752

I X n t e ~ t i m a l carfamwrs bhd cartiriglrries~ Hor)rb Ewdgtat Authority 1,330,266 +fi,ia+ a d Ssnr$m ~ s o s 4011C b Authority 7,500 Ps7W

, 09 0500 0 1 001 4011 t ) Auth--Of f . Csl l . 371100 13 8 8 f B 6011 C ) Authority 335 &Outlays f 18267 ,W 4721906 +

Outlays 335 M d r s m w i m

?&+dotmi -iscia, ar Children lPli

;BO 0923 0 1 762

09 1050 ' 0 P ,801 Budgst lluthority 1271520 q?,Sb&

Budget Adthor i ty - . Oart Lays

1,401 121a144 Y5 ,18?

Foes of j-rs and -i+siaorc Outlays 280 91 10 0925 0 1 752

United Statas BipartLsqn Cumqissiar rwr C a ( l a u n l w k m Budget Autkrity 63,333 ZZi8W fledth Cog .. Outlays -551200 .ODb98% - 3 9 1100 .q S #lo1 Court, nmaurity

w t AuKlthority 4'17 585 &O 0930 5 1 752 b

Outlays 497 ' 385- z 1-t Authority 603 233 Za *UP National sptmicsi~ an,awlrd imm~ns defi=i.ney Outlay. 39 ,Z I l ~ ~ ~ U O S s y r r d m lRegistfl sdarmicf rat im .' .. 09 1306 6 1 663 1 0 5101 b 2 752 Bu+t Authority ' 1 , O S gee . * O l 4 C AuCkwrity 12r000 Qi*,w Outlays 866 Bl6 g~~tiays 12,000 *A%

Omce of Technology Assessment Administrative O m ~ e of the United Stages Salaries and enpansas ~ o u ~ ~ S 09 0700 0 1 801 Salaries a d mxpmses

Budpet Authority 19,465 a,t6a XQ 0927 0 1 752

Q4Jtlays E l 3 7 7 6 w 736 B d p t Authority 3S~667 13 &W Out lay8 321100 15197J

U.S. Capitol P r e s e r u a t i s n ~ ~ m i r s i o n Cepitol Pmsatwatim C a ~ i s s i m Twst F u d

Federat dudidal Center Snlerios and expenses

09 8300 B 7 801 10 0928 0 1 752 4054 C J hthority 1,500 560 Bodget Authority 13,150 4.905 ,

dohn C. Stemrb 3@eirtYerynr Pu'bTic Sielroice outlays 10 ,520 J , 0z4

Tralrrtbg m G D&veVopnlent dudiciary ~&tirement@01rrdil John C. Stonnis Center for Ptblic Sowice Payment to judicL11 affiaers' ret'irecnent f v d Davelcpnont trust f u d U) 0941 0 1 752

09 8276 % 7 B01 4014C) Ilutbrity - 8,000 11865


atlays 686 "Ii BUdOefAuthority P4S 1 ~ 6 6 5 ~ 0 5 % 6& tdbS

TOTAL FOR LEGISLATIVE BRANCH 401f C 1 Authority 24,500 9,139

Bud& Authority 4014C ) Auth--Of f. Cell. 3 7,100 13,838

2,092,207 780 $390 bf lays 1,5691452 60lfC Authority 7,374 2 ~ 7 5 2


401t C Q A U + ~ - - O ~ f .- cou ; ' M) ,072 ~ 1 ~ 6 6 3 ' Executive Office of the President- 4011C) Other--id & lis 328 1P 2 Outlays 1,934,736 7e1,656 f i e WlkJSe House Ofice

~Salarias m d oqienses a ljlr ~ . d i d e + 11 0110 0 1 8 0 2

&dget Authority 32,002 1x3937 Supreme Court of the Ueited Stat- mtlays 2 8 ~ 8 0 2 10,743

§ala~ies aid rxpensss Exscuts'oe Residence at the White H w s e 10 Dl00 0 f 742 . *rating e%penres *

Budget Authority . 17,199 b,*90 11 0219 0 1 892 Outlays 133919 Sw29B lludget ,Authority 7,239 -2rbQJ

cat& .af tho luil&inc+) a? ~ l d Y d o 401lCI Auh-rOff. C&l1, 540 gU1 Outlays 71398 1 8 759 10 0103 U 952

~ d g e t k t h r i t y , 4,582 1,703 OfPidal Resideme of the Vice Prqsidenl Outlays 31437 11282 ucp9nsas

h i r e d States Coud qf Appeals for the Federal l l ~ t O A ~ t ~ : i c 898 Cireuit 22P

Qutlays 407 Sallries . . m ; d ; w ,.

u2 10 0510 0 1 VZ Spedal Assistance So the PresiitPeS

, - -g.hripr .nd expanses w t Authority 7,956 PO- 25 '14W 0 1 w2 Ouitliays 7 8 160 arb71 'Budget ,&vibr i ty 2,430 906. UnitdStates Caawt ofhtkmadloraf ' F d e outlays 2,138 te7

klarias .rkl enpanses COU&? of. # k m 0 m f ~ ~~m ZO WOO 0 1 762 rSirhies wd uq#nrbs Ikdget Awthrity 7,762 1,691 11 :I900 0 1 002 Q4Ji lay? 6,977 2 p M 2 Budget hthority 11041 1,144

Out lays 2,737 1,021

P I I I 4-2

Federal Register / Vol. 55, No. 197 / Thursday, October 11, 1990 / Notices 41458

AGENCY, BUREAU, AND ACCOUHT TITLE SEQUESTER Council on Environmental Quality and Ofice

of Environmental Quality Comcil on E n v i m t a l Quality and Office of Envi~ormental Quality 11 1453 0 1 802 Budget Authority 1,558 581 Outlays 1,402 523

Omce of Policy Development Salaries and 8qmtlSeS 11 2200 0 1802 Budget Authority 3,262 1,217 Outlays 2 ,838 1,059

National Security Council Salaries and expenses 11 2000 0 1802 B u h t Authority 5,641 2, LO4 Outlays 4,513 1,683

National Space Council Salaries and expensos 11 0020 0 1802 Budget Authority 1,041 388 Outlays 729 272

National Critical Materials Council Salaries and expenses 11 0111 0 1 802 Budpet Authority 420 157 Outlays 382 142

Omce of Admin&b.ation Salaries wl expenses 11 0038 0 1 802 Budget Authority 19,498 7,273 Outlays 14,039 5,237

Office of Management and Budget Office of Federal Procurement Policy: Slaries and .xp.nses 11 0201 0 1 802 Budget Authority 2 , 790 1,041 Outlays 2,511 93 7

Salaries and expenses 11 0300 0 1 802 Budget Authority 47,030 17,542 Outlays 43,268 16,139

Office of National Drug Control Policy Salaries and expenses 11 1457 0 1 802 Bulge+ Authority 38,588 14.393 Outlays 23,654 8,823

Special forfeiture f u d 11 5001 0 2 802 Bulget Authority 113,360 42 8 283 Outlays 56,680 21,142

Office of Science and Technology Policy Salaries and expenses 11 2600 0 1 802 Budget Authority 2,999 1,119 OutAays 1,799 671

Office of the United States Trade Representutive

§dories wl expenses 11 WOO 0 1 802 budget Authority 18 , 777 7,004 Outlays 16,960 5,953

TOTAL FOR EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Budget Authority 300 r 254 111,995 4011 C Auth--Of f . Coll. W O . 201 Outlays 209,257 78,053

Funds Appropriated to the President Unanb'cimated Needs

Umticipstd 4 s for &tun1 disasters 11 0033 0 1453 Budget Authority 206,759 77,122 Qutlays 82 , 703 30,849

AGENCY, BUREAU, AND A C C W TITLE SEWESTER h n t icipated d s 11 0037 0 1802 Budpet Authority 1,040 388 Outlays 520 194 Investment in Management Improvement

Investment in manag&mt inprov-t 11 0061 0 1802 Budget Authority 520 1% Outlays 390 145

International Security Assistance Peadenping operations 11 1032 0 1 152 Budget Authority 34,084 12,713 Outlays 34,084 12 , 713

Economic s-rt f u d 11 1037 0 1 152 . Budget Authority 4~086~628 1,524,313 Out 10- 2,284,425 852,091

Intatnational military d a d i o n and tmining 11 1081 0 1 152 Budget Authority 49,084 18 , 308 Outlays 24,542 9,154

Foroigr military firqncing 11 1082 0 1 152 Budget Authority 5,021,232 1,872,919 Direct Loan Limitation 420,424 156,818 Outlays lr848r878 689,632

Muldlateral Assistance Contribution to the Inter-American Owelqammt b r k 11 0072 0 1 151 Budget Authority 98,730 36,826 Outlays 1 ,320 492

Contribution to the International Devolgment Association 11 0073 0 1 151 Budget Authority 999,285 372,733 Outlays 99,929 37,274

Contribution to the Asian Development b n k 11 0076 0 1 151 Budget Authority 181,972 67,876

Contribution to th. International Bu3( for Reconstruction 8nd Dwolqmen 11 0077 0 1 151 Budget Authority 51,777 19,313 Outlays 5,178 1,931

Contribution td the International Firunm Corporation 11 0078 0 1 151 Oudget Authority 77,591 28,941

Contribution to the African Development F u d 11 0079 0 1 151 Budget Authority 108,730 40,556

Contribution to the African Development Bank 11 0082 0 1 151 Budget Authority 9,873 3,683 Outlays 9,873 3,683

Intomrtiapl oqpnizations ud programs 11 1005 0 1 151 Budpet Authority 285 8 103 106 , 343 Outlays 169,266 63,136

Agency for Internadonal Development bperating oxpansas Agency for Intornational Develqment 11 1000 0 1 151 Budget Authority 454,928 169,688 Outlays 341,196 127,266

Qmrating expenses of tho A- for International Dovelqammt, Office o 11 1007 0 1 151 Budget Authority 32,071 11,962 Outlays 24,053 8~972

h r i a n schools and hohpitals a b m d 11 1013 0 1 151 sub.+ Authority 36,244 13,519 Qutlay~ 12,069 4,602

lea A-s

' M E W * BUREAU* &NO- M;E#HI TftLE LIST BtWESTU) :$ 4 v

Sth-S#mrm, Mria drvu3upmomt rsrtst- 1 s 5014 0 1 lS1

: l m % ~ t Authortty 6Mr6% z ~ ~ r i r t ~7

-"@+Sf? saq%9 " 31ra5c . . i . O i m t -%4ihf"h-: -. - . J W ~ : + A > ,3*,&5 '"-'-a . . 1

~ ~ l e t ~ b n d d s u ~ ~ ~ t ,~bt.n# - A , ,. 10urhtdr .-tan r L l a i t a b ~ ~83+$?S$. '%Wd$2 f + ., A

aix,auza "e 3 $61 , , 4 , ( ~ ~ $ ~ , , ~ l m k b U . m . - f - ~ J ~ ~ s n , ~-w&J& a - , .- .,$ kdQLt A~tho6 i t y * . &tl8y# '- - B,608'@? - 2r09Sf98 - . !' - 0utl.y. , lQ'lrb09 40r)lrQ

i I n t e r r m t i W l d ius tmr h@sibtan# I X $ e p ~ ~ t ' ' & ~ A@uw' ' ' '

.11 1035 B 11 151 , budg.4 Authority 51~089 a@ce of the ~e&em*jp ' ' '::gi M i c a e f ilh t r n t a r y Dutl0y8 7r710

Special a r s i s t m i n i t i a t i v e s U 0116 0 Adhor i ty S 152 11 1042 6 1 L51 7,746 C ,089 &dglt W b r i t y 165,6W 61rS00 Outlays '7i951 Pa779 ~ u t lay. 31,314 IS8680 De artmentat Adminbation s

, Mousing wd other e d i t m m n t y prpgrrr h t a l r , , ~ m J s md hriSding clpomticms atd 72 4340 3 5 &Sl mint-

Wl(C1 Suth-9ff. -PI. 7,100 2,785 & 2 0 1 1 7 ' 0 1 S 1 2 - Oumtd. Loan L 3 r i * m t i ~ , B20,000 3 9 3 1 w Budgat Authority 7@,996 2?,9,74 put lays 7,132 2ddB #It!ay. 69~~641 BfJu

Private *tar rwo lu fng '4wd Advisory q o w i t t o n 72 4 W l O B 151 - 42 0118 0 1 552

kdg.t Authority J r l 7 l Budg.t Autbmrity 1,670 bBb Dicrot Lour Linitat icm 1,624 a&!&- ltlu)utlay. lbl40 425 Gmmtd. Loan Limit.*iar P4b753 35r%3 . Dqsartmental a c k i n i r t n t i o n

-Outlay. W 143 22 0120 0 4 352 Tmde and Deawlopment Program kdg.1 Wthor i ty 23,443 6 i744

Trr& wd dwmloplrrt prq*rcl Odtlays 10r+li8 7, 11 1001 0 151 H.t.rdars #st8 mnramoni

Budgat Autharity 32,798 W434 12 0900 0 1 304 QtC1.w 6,789 tb63t Budgot Authqrity Po , 724 7,730

Beaue Corps 0ut1.y. 10,362 3,861~ Peace Corps O f f ica a f wt ..ncL -ram swmlysis 11 0100 0 1 151 1L 0503 0 1 SSt wt Authority 174,634 66 rim Bu&pt AuthoriYy 4,626 1,800 4011CI hth--Of f. Coll. 690 Ob7 Outlays 4 B 062 1 s523 out lay8 1 4 3 , w l 53,690 . Oflce of Public qllJairs '

Overseas Priuate Jnvestment Corporatiom M f i c a ot w l i c m f f r i n Oversus Private Xnvestnsnt Corporation &Z 0130 0 1 352 71 4030 P 3 161 8udg.t Authority 9,009 3 Jb@

401CC ) Auth--Of f* C o l l . L219m * r W k t b l t 8 6,897 2,554 m i - t ~ o & L'imitation 20,711 7*X@i Omce of tlrc,frupec#or Gemeral - q

Gmmtd. Loan Limitation 219,998 Outlay. 14,931 ' m i c a o f OI. wpattir

Inte*Ameriean Foundation 82 0900 0 1 352 Budgot Authority 55,003 SO ,516

I n te r -Wr i tam F d t i r n 11 4031 0 3 151

Outlay. 49,228 &8r36t

Budpet- Authori t y 17,SW brb(r3 m c e of the General Counsel 3,dJ0 O f f iw o f the Osnoral C a m e l 4011 C I Auth--Bff. CoH. 10~000

Outl8y8 11,038 , 12 2300 0 1 3 5 2

m e a n Deuefopmenl FoundatSon Budget Au*rity 22 8 928 8,552

A f r im Oovelopnwtf FOL.1(J.f ion Outlays 20 , 704 1,223

11 0700 o 1 161 #grim?tural Research Serufce Budget Authority 9,247 j8+99 Agricultural Rescu*ch Slrvia Outlay. ' 6,086 1,897 L2 1400 0 1 3 5 2

fntematiorot Monelarp Pro- . Wt Atthor i ty 618,535 230,714 Contribution to onh.trrrd structural a d j u c t r r r t ~ 401lC 1 Auth--Off. Coll . 3aLOO 1 r 343 f a c i l i t y af th. i n t e r n * Outlays W i b 3 3 182 t2P2 11 0005 0 & $55 Buildings d f a c i l i t i r '

Budgat Authority &Me974 ~ , 0 7 & 12 1401 0 1 352 Milflta#y Sales Programs kdg.t A u t h r i t y 11,102 * .14a

S p c i a l &fonsa m i s i t i o n tud Outlay. 1,110 a 4

11 $116 o J 166' Gwperotfue SLate Research S e d c e Obl i - t im L b i t a t i a r 286,376 106,616 Caopemtive Stat. b a d 5.rviem Outlay. 2,864 1,068 32 1500 0 1 452

Fomim miaibw uln trust fwd kdg.1 l u h r i t y 398,2?6 l W , B 7 11 8242 0 7 155 40ltC 1 h t b r i t y 2,850 1,063

4014 C) Nth--Off. Coil. 270r000 300 ,ILO D u t h y ~ 205, V7f 7brB27 0ut1.y. 251,100 J J O ~ ~ O E x t d o n Serufoe

Specfol AssiJtsncefor Central America ftnt.n.ion Sowice trntkl American nconoilirthn ~ 8 i 8 l h n a r a2 0502 0 1 362 11 1038 0 1 162 krlpt Authority J 0 4 ~ 2 l S 243 ~5 S t

I)udpt k r * r i t y 27,414 l e a 9 6 a r c &*-off. mi&. 245 91 Outl8yS 27,414 1 U r t S Out10~. 32Ls626 121,906

?baa C 4

Federal Register 1 Vol. 55, No. 197.1 Thwsday, Octobe~ 11, iS90 / Notices 42467 - - -- AGENCY, BUREUlr &NO A C C M T I n E BASE SLwS?ER

NaLfonal ~gricultural tibturrv

12 0300 o i 362 lfucbet Authority 15,461 ' ~ ~ 7 6 7 Outlny~ 11,6?3 6.356

National Agrjcultnral Stadistics Sevuice tdat ional agricultural stat ist ics servicr i z ieoi o 1 352. Bdgot luthority 70,620 26rWl 4011C 1 luth-Qff. Coil, 1 D 700 634 Outlay. 63,210 23 9577

Economic Research Service Eoonaklic rossumh wrvicr 12 1701 0 1 3 5 2 k & e t Authority 53.78vr 20,061 Out 1.- 45 D 716 17,052

World Agrjcultural Outlook Bocerd krld agriwltuhl artlad( board 12 2100 0 1 3 8 2 Budgot Authority 2,030 757 Outlavs I .l77 w

- Foreign ~ ~ r i c u l d u r a l ~ e r v f c e Foroim a~riarlturnl. ssrvica and ganoral sales - - -0.r 12 2900 0 1 362 @ & e t Authority 106 ,455 39,7@8 Out 1- 61,850 23rO7O

Omee oflntemational Cooperation and Desrelopment

Scintif ic act ivities wars-. ( fomiq, cur- p w m n ) 12 led4 0 1 3 5 2 Sd& luthori ty 910 33 9 Outlays 592 221

Offiee of intermtianal arrpontim url bvslcpnrrt 12 3200 0 1 3 5 2 B & e t Authority 6 ,382 2.380 Outldy~ 6,376 2,378

Forefgrr Assistance Programs E m o r . Wlic L w WOD foreiw assisf.(l0. programs, Agrjwlturo 12 2274 0 1 151

Authority 1r017~277 379,644 Direct Lour Limitation 821,lW 306 ,302 Obligatim Limitation 1,582 $424 59Q.244 Out lays '1 ~440,006 537.122 Agrieulhtral Stubilfzation and Consemvation

Service Salaries snd -as 12 3300 0 1 3 5 1

Budget Authority 110 41 401tC Auth-4ff. COIL. 51 D 998 19,395 Outlays 62,108 19.436

Dairy indannity program 12 3314 0 1 351 Budget Authority 100 37 Outlays 100 37

. Agrieulhrrdl eonservotian program 12 3 3 s 0 1 302 Ed@ luthority 169.664 70 t 745 Outlays 87,265 32,lYtZ

Enrrgmcy e m s a w a t i m pr~gns 12 3316 0 L 453 Budget Authority 31 r 124 11,609 Outlays 14,006 6,224

E ~ b r K b ,river basin salinity ccnt1-01 progmm 12 3338 0 1 304 Budgot Authority lO*765 4.012 OutTay~ 5 ~ 3 7 8 21006

tmservatim m s o m m prqlrw 12 3319 0 1 302 b & n t Auihority 1 r423 ,443 S30,%4 QLltlays 1,424 D 943 631 ,604

it 3320 o i 302 W t Authority 12,731 4 ~ 7 4 9 C)utlmys 1,897 708

Fawstry i m t i v e a program $2 3336 0 1 302 Budgot Authority 1 2 , W &B28 Out1.y~ 4,996 8 1,864

Federal Crop Insumnce CorporaLjon khinistrative and cpenting axpotmas 12 2707 0 f 351 Budgot Authority 248,325 92 ,625 Outlays 139,592 62,068

Commodity Credit Corporation Cannodity Credit Corponaim F w d 12 4336 0 3 351

4011 C 1 Authority 11,235~000 4 ~ 1 9 0 ~ 6 5 5 Dirwrt Lou, Linitatim 7 ~ 9 1 9 ~ 0 0 0 2,953,787 6 w m t d . Lour Linitatim S ~ 3 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 1,976,900 Out lays 1 1 ~ 2 3 5 ~ 0 0 0 4,190.655

Pbtianal Wool Aot (special fud) 12 6210 0 2 351

4014 C 1 Auth--Spec. Rules 3,200 3 I ZOO O ~ t l a y ~ 3,200 3 rZ00

Rural Rectrijication Administration Sallrios snd ucprrsos 12 3100 0 1 2 7 1 Budgot Authority 33,4l!5 12,426 Outlays 30 ,050 11.209

Rcimkrrs-t to thm Run1 electrifiatim nd t e I q h m revolving fud 52 3105 0 1 271 Budget Authority 250,387 93,394

Purchase 0f.R~-1 Taleghma Bank capital st& 12 3102 0 1 452 Budgot Authority 29,858 11.137 Outlays 29,058 11,137

Rum1 oletrificatim ud talepJmm revolving f d 12 4230 0 3 271 &Idg)et Authority 5,192 1.937 Dimet Loan Linitatiar J.478~504 1,297,482 Dinct Lean Fl-r 1,866 ,072 6% ,045 &(ktlay~ 91 D 936 34,292

b n l t a l e bank 12 4231 0 3 452 . O i m t Loan limitation 218,962 81,673 Direct b a n Floor 184,127 68 ,679 Qlrtloy~ 9 , 200 3.432

Fanners Home Administration Salaries and qxpenbes 12 2001 0 1 452 BudQet Authority 449.528 1676674 Outlays 400,080 1 4 9 ~ 2 t 9

Rural housing for dcnrestic farm labor 12 2004 0 1 604 Budgot Authority 11.296 9,213 Outlays 452 169

htual HYI self-help harring 1 2 PO06 6 f 604 kdg.1 Authority 8,979 3,349 Outlays 718 268

Very l w in#y hwri* gmnts '

12 2064 0 1 LO* Bu%+et Authority 13,000 4rW9 mtlays 12,350 4.607

Run1 developpni gmnt. 12 2065 0 1 452 Budgot Authority 17,062 6,364 Qrtlays 1 b706 636

Rum1 water urtlr#te d i m 1 g m t s 12 2066 0 1 4 5 2 ' Budgot AuQhority 216,Opg 60,571 Outlays 4r32a 1r6lf

* A-s

41458 'Federal Register I Vol. 55, No. 197 1 Thufsday, Octbber 11,1990 1 Notices I -

AGENCY, BUREAU, AM0 ACCWNT TITLE BASE SEQUESTER Ruml commnity fire protection grant. 12 2067 0 1452 Bu4pt Authority 3 , 215 1 ,199 Outlays 1,447 640

Ruml housing presewotim grants 12 2070 0 1604 Bu4pt Authority 19,906 7,425 Outlays 1,194 445

tonp.nsation for ccmstruction d.f.ots 12 PO71 0 1371 Bu4pt Authority 520 194 Outlays 520 194

AgriwltunI crudit insunnw f m d 12 4140 0 3 351 Budget Authority 3 ,548 1 ,323 401tC) Auth--Off. Coll. 192,000 71,616 Direct Loan Limitation 1,604,744 617,220 h m t d . Laan Limitation 3,158,214 lr178r014 Outlays lrlO9~371 413,795

Rum$ housing insunnw f m d 12 4141 0 3 371 4014 C 1 hth--Of f . toll. 48,630 18,139 Direct Loan Limitaticin 1,981,959 739,271 Obligation Limitation 309,060 115,279 Outlays 1,276,002 475,910

Ruml dovelqmeot insurancm fvd 12 4155 0 3 452 W14C 1 Auth--Off. Coll. 1,000 3 73 Direct Loan Limitation 462,461 172,498 h m t d . Loan Liuitation 201,044 74 P 989 Outlay. 18 ,000 6 ,714

Self-help housim l d devmlopment fund 12 4222 0 3 371 Direct Loan Lill~itation 520 194 Outlays 340 127

Ruml dovelqmeot lour fvwl 12 4233 0 3 452 Direct Lour Limitation 20,069 7,486 Outlays 1,986 741

Soil Conservation Service C o r u e ~ t i o n opomtioru 12 1000 0 1 302 Budget Authority 506,861 189,059 4011 C 1 Auth--Of f . toll. 10,079 3,759 Outlays 477,405 178r072

Resource ccmsmwotion and dovalopnont 12 1010 0 1 302 Budget Authority 28,803 10,744 4014 C 1 Auiuth--Of f . Coil. 1,000 373 Outlays 18,224 6,798

Hatershed plurning 12 1066 0 1301 Budget Authority 9,370 3,495 40lt C 1 Auth--Off . Coll. 236 88 Outlays 8 350 31ll5 ,

River basin surveys a investigations 12 1069 0 1 301 Bu4pt Authority 13,054 4,869 4014 C I Auth--Of f . toll. 269 100 Outlays 12,488 4,668

htershd vd 3lood p m m t i o n opomtions 12 1072 0 1 301 krlg.t Authority 2!i2,311 94,112 4014 C) Auth-4ff. toll. 8,892 31317 Outlays 122,336 45,652

O m t plains carcawotim prcrgma 12 2268 0 1 302 krdg.t Authority 21,899 6,160 W14C I Auiuth--Off. Coil. 20 7 Outlay. 9,940 3 ,707 '

Uirculln#ur m t r i b u t d fmdr (Cbtmr r m r m r ) 12 6210 0 7 301 Ml(C 1 Authority cCbO 179 Outlay. cCbO 179


AGENCY, BUREAU, W O A C C W TITLE SEQUESTER Miscallanears contributed f d s 4 Conservation dnd land m a n a m t 1 12 8210 0-7 302 4014 C 1 Authority 99 37 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Salarims and uqjDnrr 12 1600 0 1 352 Budget Authority 375,331 139,998 4014 C Auth--Of f . toll. 23,112 8,621 Qd1.y~ 330,866 1231414

Buildinpr d facilitims 12 1601 0 1 352 Budget Authority 14,152 5,279 Outlay. 9,340 3 ,484

Federal Grain Inspection Service Salarims and u q w r s n 12 2400 0,l 352 Budget Authority 8,659 3,230 Outlay8 7,100 2,648

Inspection d m i h i m s m w i a s 12 4050 0 3 352 4014 C 1 Adh--Of f . Coil. 37,164 13,862 Out1.y~ 37,164 13,862

Agricultural Marketing Service k h t i n g servias 12 2500 0 1 352 Budget Authority 351181 13,123 4014 C I Auth--Of f . Cdl. 42 ,084 15,697 OutlayS 65,690 P4,502

P a y m t s to States d possmssian 12 2501 0 1 352 Budget Authority 1,285 479 Outlays 334 125

Perishablm Agriwlhral Commodities Act f m d 12 5070 0 2 352 4014 C I Authority 5,675 2,117 Outlay. 5,675 2,117

. F d s for stnwrpthenirp markets, income, wd s w l y (section 32 1 12 5209 0 2 605 401tC 1 Authority 373,984 139,496 Outliys 83,000 30 , 959

Milk market orders a s s e ~ ~ t f m d 12 8412 0-8 351 4011 C 1 hth--Of f . Coil. 41,032 15,305 Outlays 41,032 l5~305

Miscedlams trust fmds 12 9972 0 7 352 4011 C 1 Authority 87,689 32,708 Outlays 87,689 32 , 708

Ofice of Transportation Offim of Tmmportation 12 2800 0 1352 Budget Authority 2,547 950 Outl8y~ 2,099 783

Food Safety and Inspection Service Slarims d uqwrsms 12 3700 0 1504 Budget Authority 447,790 167,026 4014C 1 Auth--Off. Coll. 64,000 20 , 142 Outlay$ 461,689 17k,l35

E v s ond- rrfmds, inspection ond grrdina of fa- products 12 8137 0 7 352 W14 C I Authority 1,200 448 Outlay. 1,200 448

FoodandNuitition Service Spocial'uilk p m g m a 12 3602 0 1 605 6Olt C 1 Auth--Sp.c. Ru1.r 106 106 Outlay. 85 8!i


FsdereltRegister 1 Vol. 55, No. 197 / Thursday, October %I, 1900 ,/ Notices 43489

AGENCY,' EAU hN0 ACCPUCT nTLE BASE, SEWESTER, Y , ,, AND ACWUHT TITY b # ~ ~ E ~ S T E U ~a h Z L 4 6 r o g r . 1 ~ fa i l - t ~ m ,: . taetternnt fuuf *

12 3603 0 1 603 c 12 C207 0 2 302 Budget Authority 211 , 748 t(lrP11)Z w t Authority 41870 1,617


401tC1 wthority 321000 '1,936 ' Outlays 3,896 1 A 5 3 Outlays 199,281 7 4 ~ 3 3 e A w i s i t i m of land. for mti-1 foncts, special

Food stanp p m g m m .cts 12 3505 0 1 605 EZ be08 0 2 302

4ol tcJ Authority 53,332 1 9 ~ 6 9 3 Outlay, 21 ,333

&rlgot Authority 1,097 7 9957

409 Outlays

Food p r q p a ~ ~ ~ rhiniatntia, 925 346

12 f508 0 1 605 Acquisition of lands to cabplate land exchurges 12 5216 0 2 302

Budget Authority 97,551 369387 Outlays 87 , 796 32,740 Budget Authority 1 ~ 0 6 5 397

Spacial s~lplunsntal f& p m g m for m, infant*, Outlays 945 =? nd OhildWn IWICJ *rations .nd mintemnee of qmrters 12 3510 0 1 605 12 5219 0 2 302

Budget, Authority 5,000 , 4011C) Authority 6 ,057 2,259 Outlays 6 ~ 0 0 0 Outlay* 1 )9 (164 1 ,814

State child'nut~ition paynmts 1*865 -mtive work trust f d 12 3539 0 1 605 12 8028 0 7 302

4Ol tC) Authority 9, 944 3 ,709 4 0 l t C ) Authority 329,502 122,904 ~utlayr 9, 964 5,709 'Outlays 272,256 101~581

T~lnpomry anergancy foal assistance p r q r m 8iftsr h t i o n r and beqursts for forest wd 12 3635 0 d 351 rangeland msooreh Budget Authovity 81,815 19,327 12 8034 0 7 SO2 Outlays 30,630 1 1 ~ 5 0 0 Budget Authority 31 12

Human NuMtion Informatfon Sentice ~utlays 31 12 nutrition infondion w r v i o F o m t Sewicrr permnod appropriations

12 3501 0 1 352 12 9921 0 2 806 Budpit Authority . 9 1504 S?M5 QOl( C 1 Authority 338,#5!i 126,430 Outlays 5 1227 1,950 Outlays 238,285 86~880

F o m t Service permanent .ppropriations Packers and Stockyards Adminbbrcrtfon 12 9922 302 Packers and Stodcy.rds kkinistmtion 12 2600 0 1 3 5 2 Budget Authority 9,062 3,380 Budget Authority 10 1163 3 ,791 401 (C) Authority 148,164 55,265 Out1.y~ 9 , 309 3,472 Out1.y~ 118,427 M r l 7 4

Agricultural Cooperafive Service Refomstation trust f d Agricultuml ooopomtive setvim 20 8046 0 7 302 12 3000 0 1 352 40.U C 1 Authority 30,000 11,190 Budget Authority 5,000 1,865 Outlays 29,580 11,033 Outhys 31570 1,332 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE

F0md Service Eudget Authority 10,666,370 3,9781555 C m s t r w t i m 4011 C ) Authority 121654?931 4,720,289 12 1103 0 1 302 401tC J Auth--Off. toll. 531 1682 198lfl.5 Budget Authority 233.046 86 ,926 401 fC) Auth--Spec. Rules 3 1306 3,306 4011 C t Auth--Of f - Coll. 2 1835 1,057 Direct Loan Limitation 16,557,403 6,1751913 Outl8ys 1381701 51 I 735 Direct Loan Floor 21050,199 764 724

Foms t -sear& Qtamtd. Loan Limitation 8,659,258 3,229,903 12 1104 0 1 3 0 2 Obligation Limitation 1,891,484 705?523 Budget Authority 158,403 59,085 Outlays 23,465,534 8,7Yi?702 4014 C buth--Of f . Coll. 1,081 403 Outl8yS lh01358 44,893

State wd priuate fonstry Department of Commerce

12 110s o 1 3 0 2 General Administration Budget Authority 116,193 43,340 %laries ud ocpeoces 4011 C ) Auth--Of f . C o l l . 6 04 Outlays

I3 0120 0 1 376 86,238 32,167 Budget Authority 29,450 10 9 985

National forest system Outlays 27r9TB , 10,436 12 1106 0 1 3 0 2 Budget Authority

Offim of tho Inspector G r r m l 1,218,035

Outlays 1,056 , 036 9m'J.27 1 3 0 1 2 6 0 1 4 5 2 393,901

F i n f i+t in9 Budget Authority 14 I 143 6 3 275

12 1111 0 1 3 0 2 Outlays 13,436 6,012

Budpet ~ u h r i t y 8 w ,200 518,617 Economic Develapment Admintstradfon Outlays 408,843 =2,498 Grants and loans 8dniniatntion

Cbrking capital f w d 13 0125 0 1 4 5 2 12 4605 0 4 302 Bu&at buthority 26,878 101025

W l f C I Auth--Of f . Coll. 101101 3,768 Outlays 23,599 Bra02 Outlays 10,101 3,768 Earnolllic dsvelopmmt asaistuna p m g m m s

Lpnd rcqblisitim U 2050 0 1 452 12 6004 0 2 303 Ed&pt Auhrity 199,139 ' 74s Z79 Budget Xuthority 66 .OW f i r 6 3 4 Wrntd. Laon L~mitatia, 196,000 72 r 735 O ~ t h ~ 8 26,418 9,6!% Oui1.y~ 19,914 7 ,428

Pa@@ h-7

,41460 Eedqral' Register / Vol. -55, No. 197 / Thursday, October 11, IQDU / pptices , , '-,


S l a r i n and -n - 13 0401 0 1 3 7 6

&rdg.t M t h o r i t y 105,919 39,506 4011 C 1 Auth--Of f . t o l l . 8,000 2,984 Outlay. 92 s 738 34,590

Pmriodic ernuros ud pragrur 13 0450 0 1 376

Bu&mt Authority 1,509,059 662,879 Outby. 1,225,356 457,058

Economic and Statistical Analystts Salaries ud wpames 13 W O 0 1 376

&rdg.t Authority 32,798 12,234 4011C Auth--Off. Coll. 395 147 O u t h y ~ 29,913 11 r 167

Intmational Trade Administration Qsomtiarr and a&inistmt ion 13 1250 0 1 376

&rdg.t Authority 190,407 71,052 4011C 1 Auth-9ff. t o l l . 14,600 1,446 Outhy. 147, 941 65,182

&port AdminGtration Opemtian ml K b i n i s t m t i o n 13 0300 0 1 37a

&rdg.t Authority 43,702 16,301 Qlfl8yc 37,147 13,656

Minority Business Development Agency Minority business bvmlopmmt 13 0201 0 1 376

&rdg.t Autharity 41,570 U,506 Outhyt 21,118 7,877

United States Trace1 and Tourism Administration

a l a r i n A c,- U 0700 0 1 376

m t Authority 14,839 8,535 4011 C 1 Auth--Of f . Coil. 1,450 W 1 Outby8 12,876 4,805

I National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Opemtian, -search, ml f a c i l i t i e s 13 1450 0 1 3 0 6

Budpet Authority 1,341,897 500,527 4011 C I Auth--Of f . toll. 15,315 5,712 Outlays 900,805 335,999

Cosstal umrgy i-ct f w d 13 4315 0 3 452

4011 C I Auth--Of f . Coll. 8,000 28984 Outlays 8,000 2,984

F d m l ship f i r w r i n g fwd, f irhing vmrrrl~ 13 4412 0 3 376

W11C 1 Auth--Off. Coil. 6,550 2,443 W m t d . Laan Limitation 104~000 38,792 CUt lay~ 6,550 2,443

Fishing -so1 end wr damp oanparration fwd 13 6119 0 2 376 .

&rdg.t Authority 1,&3 389 Outlay. 1eW3 389

F i h r n ' s c a t t m fwd 13 6120 0 2 376

&rdg.t Authority 765 W5 Out- 727 271

Foraim f ishing obsmrvmr fwd 13 1122'0 2 376

Budpt Authority 2,060 768 Outlay. 1,976 ' tfe

F i rhr in p m m o t i m l fwd U 6124 0 2 376

buQ.t - i ty 2,082 177 ~~~ 1 t 145 427


r m ' t o .nd d n o E ti- PW~S= r h r - pertaining t o krrioan - ' 1J 6139 0 2 576

4OllC) Othr--in01 ob lim' 1,916 716 Outlaw 1,064 . . 393

Aviation wuthor &icos pmgrm 1s 8105 0 7 306 -

&rdg.t Authority S0~766 ' 11,476 butby . . 10,766 11,4176, '

Patent and T~ademark O@ce '

s a l e r i a ud --B l3 1006 0 i 376 i %

wt k b i i t y 7

90,740 J3,W9 M l t C 1 hrith--Off. Coll. 241,420 ' ' 9a,om Out lap 277,719 lQ3~590 , ,

Technology Administration S a h r i n arid'wq%mws i s 1100 o a 376

Budgot Authority 4,106 1,632 O u t h p S,53L 1,317

Infomati* p h t a ud w w i w 13 8M6 0 7 376

4011C I Authority 82 ;472 19,572 Outhys 3 4,10.7 12,722

National Institute of Standards and Technology % .

S c i m t i f i o ud t o d m i a l rosaaroh 4 u r v i c r n 13 0500 0 1 376

Budg.t Authority 172,139 b+, 200 O u t h y ~ 132,100 491497

)lorking a p i t . 1 fwd 13 4650 0 4 376

&rdg.t Authority 569 212 '

Out lay8 265 106 National Telecommunica~ons and

fnfomatibn Administration !%larims ud ogmrms 13. 055Q 0 1 376

Budget Authority 14,839 5,535 Outhyc 11,871 4,428

W l i c t m l o c o m w i a t i m s f m c i l i t i h , plaming and amstructian 13 0551 0 1 5 0 3

Budg.t Authority 20 ,826 7,768 Outlays 2 916 1,068

TDTAL FOR OEPARTnENT OF CQ+(ERCE &rdg.t Authority 3,689,824 1~450,906 4011C I Authority 52,472 19,572 4Ol1C 1 Auth--Off. Coll. 295,730 110,307 4011Cl Othor--in01 ob l i m 1,916 7 U h m t d . Loan Limitation 299,000 L11~627 Outhyt 3 ~ 0 6 7 ~ 2 1 0 1,144,069

Department of Defense-Military '

Operqtion and Maintenance w m t i a n ud maintawus, Hbrirr CMp. 17 1106 0 i 051

Budg.t Authority 1,867,435 775,736 Outlay. 1,453,325 6971316

Qp.mtian ud mint-, lbrinr Corps Rosmrvo 17 1107 0 1 051

M t Authority 80,895 33 125 Outlay. 58,028 2 3 , W

Operation ud mmintamnco, #vy 17 leOQ 0 1 051

kdg.t hthor'ity E6,664,597 lO,b90,150 O u t l ? ~ 20,275r031 8,333,038

m m t i o n nd mint-, Hvy ~ w o 17 -6 0 1 051

- 6

,wt Wthacity 961,412 S%, lU Ckttbym * 607,612 t49,728

Federal Register I Vol. 55, No. 197 1 Thursday., Ootbber'll, 1~90 .1 Notices . 1 ,. " L , i

, 4$&fail

AGENCY, BUREAU, WD AC TlTLE WE SEWPER Mti-1 w r d for tbC=tik o f m l e P A T A r r y 21 1706 0 1 0 6 1

B&et Authority 4,835 l r987 butlays 2,669' 1,093

Op.mtion d *Lintenan#, Aray 21 2020 0 1 0 5 1

W t . & t k r i t y 23,761,123 9,774~04i Outlam 19,167,686 7r877r8tb

Qmmtion end mintwunco, Anry Mti-1 Gurd 21 2061 0 1 0 5 1 , B&et Authority 1,943,616 798,826

Outlays 1,610,190 620,688 Op.mtioh ud maintenance, A m y Rescue 21 2080 e l 'bq1

Budget Authority 911,289 374,540 Outlays 692 ,&O 204,660

Restomtian of th. Rocky )(arntain A-1 21 6096 0 2 051

6Q1I C I Authority 21,300 8,754 I lnobligatd b1--Defame t9nMO 12,281 Outlsys 21 ,300 8.754

Op.mtion end minterunco, A i r F o r a 67 3400 0 1 051

Budgst Authority 22,363,719 9,191,489 Outlays 17,152,912 7,049,872

Op.mtion and mintenancop A i r F o r a Reserve 67 3740 0 1 0 5 1

B&et Authority 1 ,0%,611 433,445 Outlays &O ,017 349,357 ion end mintarmmop A i r N m t i a ~ l Gurd B7 3840 0 1 051

B&et Authority 2,113,076 868.474 Outlays 1,705,252 700,859

W m t i a n and mintmancot D.furse agencies 97 0100 0 1 051 wt Authority 8,151,698 3,350,347 Outlays 7,175,444 2,949,107

court of Mi l i ta ry -ls, D.fsnse 97 0104 0 1 0 5 1

Budget Authority 4,141 1,702 Outlays 3,478 1 4 2 9

Drug interdiction end under -drug a c t i v i t i t e s , Oaf mse 97 0105 0 1 051

B&et Authority 462.006 189,884 Outlay6 184,802 75 r 9%

Coobtil l glmes 97 0106 0 1 0 5 1

b d p t Authsrity 15,103 6,207 Outlays 12,082 4,966

Office o f the Inspector 6enora1 97 0107 0 1 051

B&et Authority 100,672 41,576 Ulob1igat.d Bal--Defense 19 8 Outlays 75,518 31,038

F o n i g r w r m c y f l u c t u t i a n , D.fmse 97 0801 0 1 051

Ilnob1igrt.d Bal--D.frue 299,186 122.965 Erniremental mstomtion, 0.f- 97 0810 0 1 0 5 1

&dg.t Authority 625,164 ZM,934 Ilnob1igat.d Bsl--D.f.nre 211 67 Outlays 363,945 191 ,362

Mmmitar ian assistcv# 97 0819 0 1 051

B&et Authority 13,359 6,491 Outlays 9,792 6,026

Procuremerot P r o a r m t , b r i n e Corps 17 1109 0 1 051

W t Authority 1,102~303 663 ,W lhab1igat.d 207,181 W d 5 1 ~ u t l o y ~ 205,601 w ,sea

ffiGNCY, BUREAU, AND A C W 1ITI.E BASE A i m h f t pPocumm@db Hjr 17 1506 0 1 051

Budget Authority 9,638,049 U lob l igqtd B.1--Def.(we 1,831,479 Outlays 1,376,439

-porn p ~ t * W W 17 U 0 7 0 1 061

Budg.t Authority 6,619,634 Ilnobligatcrd B.1--D.furse 1,353,274 Outlays - 618,562

Shipbuilding end aonversian, Navy 17 1611 0 1 051

Budget Authority 11,972~304 lhdrligated B.1--0efsnse 8,439,096 Outlays 816 ,456

0 t h - proaumwct, Nmvy 17 1810 0 1 051

B&et Authority 6,071,773 l lnobligatd B.1--D.fme 3,801,419 Outlays 1,294,177

A i m m f t p r o c u m r r t , A r r y 21 2031 0 1 0 6 1

Budget Authority 5,864,099 I lnobli-td 8.1--Defu\.e 686,737 Outlay8 691 ,609

Missile p m - t r Army 21 2032 0 1 0 5 1

B&et Authority 2,547,492 I lnobligatd B.1--D.f.nre 601 ,260 Outlays 157,438

P r o a r m r r t o f -palls and t h c k d cab A r r y 21 2033 0 1 0 5 1

Budget Authority 2,685,172 Ulob1igat.d B.1--0sfurse 1,091,834 Outlays 37,770

P ~ ~ t of ammrritian, Army 21 2034 0 1 0 5 1

Authority 2,031,997 *ligated B.1--Oafanso 201,135 Outlays 759.265

0th.r p-rrrnont, Army 21 2035 0 1 051

Budget Authority 3,655,117 Ulob1iaat.d B.1--Defense 1,062,611 Outlays 306,652

A i rcmf t procurement, A i r Form 57 3010 0 1 051

Budget Authority 16,096,413 Ulobligated Bal--0sfurse 7,067,694 Outlays 926,566

Missile procurrrnat, Air Form 67 3020 0 1 051

Budget Authority 6,8M,195 Ilnob1igrt.d Bol--D.furse 21408,909 Out 1.~8 2,223,144

Other p-rrrnont, A i r F o r a 67 3080 0 1 051

Budget Authority 8,591,464 W l i g a t d B.1--Def.nre 2,029,804 Outlays 6,096,607

Proarrrrnont, Defmse agencies 97 0300 0 1 051

Budget Authority 1,310,934 Ilnob1igat.d Bal--D.fame 362,333 Outloys 686,248

Nmtionsl g u r d bnd m e r v e .quipwant 97 0360 0 1 051

Budget Authority OQ6 ,669 W l i g a t d b1--Defense 976,830 Outlays l58,068

Defame probct ion .ct purdusas 97 0360 0 1 061

krdpt Authority 95,218 IlnobligatM 8.1- -D.fmo 97,62?

PI## A-9

. ,

41" Fadpnl qegister-l Vol. 65,. No. 187 1 Thandayti@tobes6~-;]' , ,., , , .C . lQ&f&$~t ,, . . . . , .,: .. ..-. ' . .. ..A' , ,) . -a; .-. . . ,-... . . -- -

bGEICY, UJ, A JInt? O M € -A b i m 1 Y m t s % 'im?Em bt~7~a. b m 97 0390 0 1 051

kLtthDI.ity 264,390 laS*bb$ lhobliqatd Bal--Omfrru 17re87 7 r'1S Outlays 107,319 QOblOB

Research. ~ e v e t o ~ m e n t . Teat, and Evatdalpn R a s ~ ~ , *.lq*nsotr test, Md evaluation, Navy 17 1319 0 1 051 Budget 4uWrity' 9~787,918 4,022,836 . lhoblig8t.d hi--0ofme 414,&6 1701174 0ut1.y~ s,ni5,6ih z,390,1%

Researoh, develqp~ntr test, d mhtiq, A r r y 21 2060 0 1 051 Budget Authority 4,566r710 trPBlr917 lhob1igat.d Bal--0afme 269.349 _ 1 1 0 p W Out1.w 3,093rlll l,Z71rZ61)

Rasumh~ develap~ntr test, and ~ l u t i a r r Air a

Fomo 67 3600 0 1 051 Budget Auhrity 13~959,866 k737r506 hobli@atad B.1--0afanse 1,693,954 6% 1207 Outlays 9,392,280 3~060~OL7

Researoh, dsvrlopkr\t, tost, mnd o ~ l u t i m , D.f- agwrcirs 97 0400 0 1 051 8udg.t Authority 8,396,726 3,451,055 hobliptad BPl--Defwrcr 889,699 365,666 Outlays 4,830,579 lrWpS68

0.vcrlopent.l ht ud mmluation, 97 0450 0 1 051 Budget buthority l85rSW 76,179 Ulobliptad B.1--0.fmse 3Z~733 13 ,453 Outlays 46,608 19,271

Opmrotiorol bst md waltatim, Dofuru 97 0460 0 1 051 Budpt Authority 13,234 5 ,439 lhbliaatd 8.1--0efma 1,909 785 Outlays 605 948

Military Construction Military cmstruetimr kuy 17 1205 0 1051 hdget Authority 1,165,411 478.984 hobligatd 8.1--Dafme 399,542 1 W ,212 Outlays 250 , 217 106r126

Military construction, Naval hsarve 17 1235 0 1051 Bucbnt Authority 50,864 24,193 hobliaatd Bal--Defmsa 10,545 4,334 Outlays 9,717 3,991

Military amstruttion, A r m y 21 2050 0 1 051 Budpt Authority 760,515 312 ,572 hobligated, 246,750 101 ,4111 outlays 322,328 132 ,477

Military amstruetiom, Amy Matiara1 Buod 21 2085 0 1 051 Budget Authority 239,710 98,521 Lhobliptd bl--D.fmsa 100,727 41,399 Qltlay~ 24,511 10 ,074

Military canstruetim, A m y Reserve 21 2086 0 1 051 - h e l p * Authority 103 , 147 Q2 ,393 hobliptd Bal--0efme.m 38,015 l5t624 (luthy8 19 056 71832

Military wnstruetibn, Ais fora I7 3300 0 1 051 Budget Authority lr218,lW 500,659 LlhDbliptd -1--0sfdnsa 521,050 214,UT Outlays 286,967 1179993

Military emstnrctim, Air Fo*rr Rmsanm 67 sno o i 051 wt huthwity 40,048 1 9 ~ W Ulohliptd Bal-Jkfarme 12,163 4,991 Outlays 6 ;W 2.-

Outlays 1€2 , 935 5b113-6. F o m k cur- ,f luctuatiqms, ~~~.tmtotion a *

97 0803 0 1 051 . , . . U#bligatrd b.1--D.f.n~ 152 ,w' ' 62,6n "'

North Atlmtie T r u t y W i a t i a r infrestnrcm, J '

97 0804 0 1 455. . ., c

adpt Authority 418b901 172.,168 ; :' Qltlays 63 r 78a ,%srC% ,

FamIty H o d n g Family haniY~, Nwy wd *pin Cbrps 17 0703 0 1 001 Bi&pt Authority 830~2% Wl123e3(i . Ilnobliptd bl--Dofnu 137,094 B ~ D J Q ~ Qltlays 415,022 170,574

Fwily housing, Any 21 On2 0 1 051 Bt&et Authority 1,506,237 619,063 lb'tob1ipt.d b.l--0efoma 86.640 35,609 Outlays 1,046~979 4319 U O

Fmuily housing, Ais force 57 0704 0 1 051 hdgnt Auiuthbrity 904,806 371 ,en

,- Qltlrys 616,761 ,211,567 fwity busing, Oafmsa agencies 97 0706 0 1 051

Budpet Authority 21.969. - 9r030 Urobliptrd bl--Dofmsa 70 99 (Iutlay~ 15,087 6,201

Revolving and Management Funds Air forcm st& fud 57 4921 0 4 051 Budget Authority 115,564 47,488 Outlays 45,062 18,520

National defmse stodcpile transaction f d 97 4555 0 3 051 Urvh~igatod 8.1--Dafmse 421,820 173 ,371

Energmcy response fvd 97 4965 0 4 051 Buci~~t Authority 104,000 42,744 hobligatd Bal--Defame 100,000 41,100

TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT OF OEFEEISE-3(ILIflRY 8udg.t Authority 222,077,*16 91j27,3,@16 4Ollt 1 Authority 21,300 8,754 hobligated 38,081~455 15,651,480 &thy8 114r041,501 46,872~700

Department of Dqfense-Civil Cemetedat ErpeMes, Army

blarip ud ug#mes - 21 1805 0 1 705 Budgst Authority 12,994 4,847 Outlays 9,687 3,613

Corps of Englneem--CiDif I M rrtemmy. trust fr?wl 20 Wbi 0 7 301

8 d p t hthwity 122,609 45,753 Outlays 05,826 32,013

tedqrgl Register / Vol, 55, No. 197 / Thursday, October 21, la90 / Notices ' , . A " , , , .- -* - ,


AGENCY, BUREIU+*NO ACCW TITLE-' BASE .SEQWS~ER , AGENCY, ~ E A U , - A ~ D ACCOUNT TITLE BS' , SEW - , J R , r100d u m t r a l , ~ i s s i s s ~ ~ i ' kiver a n F G i d t a r M ~4 ~ i l d i & + a &n&'c)aude Pepper Fou*&jTOS, 96 3112 0 1 301 ' M & l d M and Claude Popper F d t i o n

&dset Authority 346,190 121,k29 97 $826 0 1 552 . 401(C) AIIth--Off. Coll . 400 14 9 Budget Authority 10,400 3,879 Outlays 284,968 106 , 293 Outlays 10~600 3,879

Gwroml .invostigafiaw TOTAL FOR DEPARMEHT OF DEFEHSE--CIVIL % 3121 0 1 301 @u+t Authsrity 3,416,394 1,273,941

&dset Authority 136,730 51,000 '401lC 1 Authority 159,800 53,606 mtlays, 94,891 36,394 401lC) Auth-dff. Coil. 4,279 1 ,597

C o n s t w t i m , gennml Outlays 2,445,375 312,123 % 3122 0 1 501

&dget Authority 1,009,172 376,421 4U1l C 1 Auth-df f . Coll . 235 88 Outlays 393,812 146,892

Opention and maintoname, general ( k t e r rosarrws) Food and Drug Administration 96 3123 0 1 301 Program ucpenses

Rucbet Authority 1,258,809 469,535 75 0600 0 1 F54 401lC 1 Auth-dff. Coll . 3,500 1,306 &dget Authority 627,039 233 &0!3 Outlays lr015,%5 378,798 OLlflay~ 520,442 194,125

@omtion and maintenance, geneml (Rocroati-1 Buildirrgs and f a c i l i t i a s n r w - s 75 0603 0 1 654 % 3123 0 1 3 0 3 *t Authority 8,684 3,239

Authority 20,735 7,734 Outlays 1,216 4% Outlays 16 , 173 6,033 Rovolvirrg f w d for cartif icmtion and other servicas

Gwroml e~qmnses 75 4309 0 3 554 % 3124 0 1 301 4O1( C ) Auth-df f . Coll . 3 , 338 1,245 '

a t Authority 150,486 56,132 Outlays 3,338 1 3 245 0ut1.y. 120,389 44,905 Health Resources and Services

flood control and coartal a m m i o r % 3125 0 1 3 0 1

Administration V-irw ikm-t program trust w

&dget Authority 20,953 7*815 20 8175 0 7 651 Outlays 10,477 3,908 &dget Authority 4,735 1,766

R-latory program a t l a y s 4,735 1,766 % 3126 0 -1 301 Heelth ~ ~ s a t r w s and servicos (Health cmm $ervicos)

&doe+ Authority 72,670 27,109 75 0350 0 1 551 Outlays 69,044 25 763 &dget Authority 1,072r591 400,077

Rwolvirrg f w d k x b a t Auth--Spec. Rules 10,552 10,552 % 4902 0 4 301 401tC I Auth--Off. Col l . 365 136

, &dset Authority 10 256 3,825 Odlays 596,094 225,982 Outlays 8,205 3,060 Health n s w r w s and sorvicor (Educrtion m n d

Rivers ud harbors o m t r i k r t d f d s tminirrg of heolth cam wor % 8862 0 7 301 75 0360 0 1 5 5 3

401IC) Authority 145,600 64,309 &dget Authority 221,944 82 , 785 Outlay* 90,272 33,671 Outlays 133,166 49,671

Harbor mint r r~ncm tnnt f w d % 8863 0 7 301

Indian Health Seruice Tribal heolth ach in is tn t ion

&dgef Authority 192,500 719803 75 0390 0 1 651 Outlays 192,500 71,803 &dget AuthorEty 91,567 34,154

Pornrnent appropriations ()later mswrcas I &dget Auth--Spec. Rules 22,917 22,917 96 9921 0 2 301 4011 C 1 Auth--Spec. Rules 60 60

401(C1 Authority 7,000 2,611 Outlays 91,623 45,691 Outlays 4,508 lhel Indian haplth f a c i l i t i e s

Pomanont appropriations (Other mrrl p u ~ s o ' 75 0391 0 1 5 5 1 f isca l assistanco1 &dget Auth--Spec. Rules 1,493 1,493 % 9921 0 2 806 Outlays 299

4011C 1 Authority 5,000 1,865 299

Centers for Disease Control Soldiers' and Airmen's Home Disoaso control, rosoard-r, ud tninirrg tnoalth cmro

@ont ion wd u a i n t w y w r ~ r v i c o r )

M 8931 0 7 705 75 0943 0 1 6 5 1 &doet Authority 45,132 Uir342 h c b a t Authority 1,035,221 386 , 138 401lC hth--Off . Coil* 144 54 4O1( C ) Auth--Of f . C011. 1,000 373 Outlays 37,163 13,862 Out1.w 649,667 205,025

- Capital artlays D i m - cmtml, nsoarch, m d t k i n i n g (Health W 6932 0 7 705 rr~lrd,) 7

Bud& Authority , 9,750 Outlays

33637 75 0943 0 1 552 195 73 &dget ~ u t h o r i t ~ 138,655 51,718

Forest and Wildlife Conservation, Military 0ut1.y~ 83,193 31,031 Res&vations National institutes of HPalth

M i l d l i f e cmsarvmtia, H r t i a l Libmry of W i o i r w I H u l t h n m & ) 97 6095 0 2 303 7 S O e a 9 0 1 6 6 2

. M l t C ) Authority 2, 200 821 Budmt Authority t9r708 11 ,081 Outlmyi 1,320 492 Wtlmy. 18,122 6 , 760

?as@ 4-lb

21- 1114

289 oze' 1: rfi*~?ng 866*09 s 2 4 ' 9 ~ f U.wa &UCZ OfSrL rs)?JWW ?dpnq L W ' W S40'LZZ 4e$r-4?~ ?-

S!z T O O S Q L 2 s 1 0 1990 U 31 .wm?O ulyS pr (W- Wf..H)

ly*~.wxmw P-.SJ+Y*JV 40 .+n+?+.u~ I-!?* -5- WT* 1 q w w 3 P"'.+~+??wI t-?+.n Z 6 y S2 -0' H .=*I W f f 9 ' f t f f f ' 1S U*l W CL8' 29 199'891 fi??Joy)nV ?- BlT'PS 056'88 ~?J+"WV ?@I'm

259 f 0 8880 SL S59 f 0 f.SW Sf H , -.-.?a U?yS p- 0 h?u !u? P- W ? ) - v 3 l

l * M l W l m S n ) r W s???J%JV bo .?W??.uI I W l 3 W -?jS t='!W 1 - q 40 @V???UY I .LPI?W r 9 1 OOL sA*liW 286'09 f f f ' L f Z m)ng ow'z SLL'L A?t~oy)w +.(Jprg 6 ~ s ' ~ 9 1 ~ ~ 0 ~ 9 &?-Rw ?@I'm

ESS T 0 4800 Sf m f o f m s l -0) NJ- m.3 Y)IY (Ww-J rRI..Wl

#a &!u!u? P- W ? ? 9 3 ) .?n?!?.UI d 3 t"o?.?W .-!w l==?P311u.uq ko .)n)!?.uX I-??.n f26'2f f 9 2 ' W .A*l?W 089 M 5 ' f "w )nO 9L6'W ZWC9£Z rt)?JOw"' ?* 269'9T 249'8s &!Jal)rq ?dpne

240 1 0 LWO sf f 0 6- S f ( W W S W % l r O 9n???.UI dl l w l ? # 0) *a" SJ- '4lV

B'J 9L6'f ~ A ~ F ? " o b0 fW?u?u) P uo!?-3) s)n+!?su1 ~=*j f ruo ! )~ %Z'9 66 fe9 f fi?! J W ? ~ V ?- 820'862 f00'66L U*l?m

f 5 5 f 0 9890 4L 268'029 065'999'f I~)?Jww ?* ? PM ~ ! ~ ~ 3 ) rYar3S 259 t 0 6- 5 1

pr* ~ J - O V I ~ T==!~IOJ(~PN j o e+n+!+su~ T-I;,~ (w-+u '-t~t=+n) .+n+!+s~x 4-3 I -?+w 921 'W 82L'Mt sA*l;W 09 %Sf W

- Cf2'58f 028' 96, ~ ? J O W " ' ?- £00' f 689'2 ~~??JOW"' ?dprg 255 f 0 9880 !7L S % t O 9 ( 1 9 0 I U

yu- WlWHl T ? S (-0) lf.lom N W P- wrpcoyp T ~ ! ~ ~ W F W N 60 *?n+!?su~ 1-??w COTV )O ~ F U J U ? PM u~!+c~cP~) s-ms- w-.l(

f b f ' f 990'1 .A*f?n() f98'Of 9L6'681: U*~W MI'f S51'61: &e$rJa~fV tLZ'PEt BSS 'S9S & ? ; t a ~ ~ ?w

£55 f 0 E88a SL 250 t 0 BcRO EL U? pr. 'Jo??'=F3) ..?.r.!O (\pt=-SJ W1-n) -fm.u w-w

s~??=)uI PU* **IIV j o .?n)?+.u~ 1-??.N wz4f wzCz . A * t i m zf f 'e6 CIO'SPZ rA*l?no 689'2 6 0 2 ' ~ er-~oy)~ bdpnq 06)'9fS 869'838 A?!J0'4v"' ?- S S S t O W E L

255 t 0 we0 SL mob-w 04.0 -1- tyu-.- *tW) ... -fa

I bO a!u?@J? P- W ? ) q 3 1 JO?w?Q .Y) 60 13j)tO

'~??=WI PU. -*IIV j o *?~+??.UI f-?qw ~ O S * B ~ fi9'6(r .&I w ~ ~ 9 ' 2 ~ 9 1 $4 .A*I+~?o ~ ~ ' 6 s os*sof & f ~ a ( l r +@~'m L S ' 6 965'92 A??JW?W ?- 2% t 0 9390 Sf

S f l f o m i m a ( W m s " 'Ul.bW) JO?-FO W j O -Fib0 ,

+ m p 3 I -sw.?a W r n s69 298.1 U*l?el) I“'. .fi!W&!0 P- ..)-lo 40 *?W??.uI l F ? ? W Lb6'9 9 2 9 ' ~ ~ @?JWW ?-

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zss 1 0 O SL - P- *l..W PI?W 40 ,)ry!?SUI l-?.?W WT..W r srs-s?o A ~ ! X tosdta 9 f t 4 9 ~ f sA.~?ng

, P;. e~?+.e?a pc. s.+.q.!a j o .+~+?+.UI T-FW ~ ' 5 9 ~ ~LL'IM 4 l ~ o r ~ n v +d~nq JLE '~ 189'£ .A*t@n() ZSg I 0 S f f 5b' 2 9L5' 9 QfJ%nV ?+ WWS- rOl..H) ?-I.-

S!iS t 0 SL89, sf wrnH P- rl*l..H R ? W $0 .+n)I?"I 1'-!?=N 40 h!ulwl O O t ' t CfZLS '=.l?ng

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£03' 0s , . BZt'SST @?Jw~* P 'wW *a U'P W l a Y &O

Z P O E O f L W a knuF-3 P- u o ? ? m p l ) ~ ? O V .?n+??WI I w ? ? r N (Y3.(W.U SWILa. U£f'34 d * l ? W

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Z* iP 0 2490 $& tS(r9 922'91 . 4?4C4bnV ?dpnq ,(-- 2% t 0 6f90 9L

94)lkH1 *?W?FWI ppofa pn.knl o ~ w tw'zw ~.;-3 ~ - ~ + = J J ~ ~ ~ I 44-4 .3 upy 9h ' 2 f W ' 9 * - .A*l?W 69L'ZI ZSZ'% d * l ~ W OIOCC, ,183'tf ' % ? J W F ?.M"s t f6eVZ , 0f t19S ~ T J W W P-

r s T 0 o o m sf er

Federal Register / Vol.155, No, 197 / Thursday, October 11, 1990 / Notices a 41445

AGENCY, BUREAU, AN0 A C C W TITLE BASE SEWESTER AGeWCY, BUREAU, AND ACCOUNT TITLE BASE SEWESTER National Canter for Htrsina R e s e r m e r l t k - - - Federal tmr~ital i n s u m trust f d - - nserroh) 75 0889 0 1 552 kdget Authority 30,120 1 1 ~ 9 3 5 Outlays 4,518 1,685

Natiml Canter for Ihrsitq Researoh IEckation ond trrining of hulth a 75 0889 0 1 553 kdget Authority 4,795 1.789 Outlays 719 268

Matiaul Instituts ar Deafness a d Other C-iutiw Oisordars I Health 75 0890 0 1 552 hdgat Auhrity 118,980 94,380 Outlays 48,782 18,196

Ilrtiml Xmtituto on Deafncs ond Ottwr Cormmicativs Oisodars (Echcat 75 0890 0 1 5 5 3 kdget Authority 3,405 1,270 Outlays 1,396 621

Ilrtiml -tor for lusvr gw#. m a a d (Italth nsearch 1 75 0891 0 1 5 5 2 kdget Authority 58,764 21,912 Outlays 20,560 7,669

Ilrtiml cattor for huan roc-& (€&cation a d training of hso 75 0891 0 1 553 Budget Authority 3,217 1,200 Outlays 1,126 420

Atcohot, D m g Abuse, and Menta l Heaitl, Administration

F&nl stbsidy for Saint Elizabaths Hospital 75 1300 0 1 551 & & p t Authority 10 r720 6 ,983 outlay^ 18,720 6,W3

Al-1, drug .busor d m t a l h l t h I With & s o ~ i e s s 1 75 1361 0 1 651 & & p t Authority 1,725,182 643,493 Outlays 603,814 225,223

Al-1, drug abussr 4 nartal h l t h I I4ultR w n h ) 75 1361 0 1 6 5 2 Budg.t Authority 934,359 348,516 .htiays 345 , 713 128,951

Al-1, drug abuse, 4 m t a l b l t h (Echcation mnd .training of b l t R 76 1361,O 1 553 Budget Authority 73,833 27,WO Outlays 14,767 5,508

Assistant Secretary for Heatkh M l i c b l t h servica a a m m t (Health a m sewiws 1 75 1101 0 1 6 5 1 bulg.t *uthority S t 6 1 2 21,862 Outlays 32,237 12,024

Rblic k i t h somica m g m # r t 1H.olth ro.ud1 7 s 1101 0 1 6 5 2 w t *U*~ify 21 ~ 3 1 8 ' 71952 Q l t h y ~ 13,1030 6,009 )(dial tnrtnont sffctivwrus 75 1105 0 1 a 2 W t Authority 27,942 10,492 Outlays 15 368 6,732

Health Care Fiaandng Administratian F d m l rcgpl.rrartrry ..dial i n s u m trust fwd 20 8004 0 J 571 MltC 1 0 h r - - i m l cb lis 27,699 lOr29b Ull t C 1 Auih--Sprc. Rulw 6 H , O O O 6Mr000 &ligation Liaitrtioo 1 , SQO,037 Y)lrZW Qltlays 1,(953,422 lrO38rb84


20 8005 0 7 671 401lC1 Other--iml cb lim 103,826 38,727 401( C 1 Authv-Spec. R U ~ S 1,203,000 1,203,000 Obligrtim Limitation 1,021,734 381,107 Outlays 9,275,280 1,602,961

Progrmm n r n a m t I Hulth c o n sswioas 1 75 0511 0 1 5 5 1 Budget Authority 91,475 34,120 Outlays 77,754 Z9r002

Program mnagmmnt (Healtk rrsesmh) 75 0511 0 1 552 Budget Authority 13,410 5,002 Outlays 10,728 4,002

Sodat Security Administration Sqplan~4nt.l sea~rity i m pmgrna 75 0406 0 1 609 Budget Autkrity 849,576 316,892 Outlays b498576 316,892

Spacial benefits for disabled coal miners 75 0409 0 1 6D1 QOlIC) Authority 7,000 2,611 Outlays 7,000 2,611

Famity Sapport Administrati om Pmgram .&inistmtim 75 1500 0 1 6 0 9 B&wf Authority 9Q12tW 33,676 W1lC 1 Auth--Off. Coll. 400 149 Outlays 68,113 S r W 6

Family srpport .pppmts to Statas 75 1301 0 1 609

401(C) Authority 1,586,000 691,578 ChItlay~ lr506,000 591,578

Lab, incom~ h o a ~ energy assist- 75 1502 0 1 6 0 9 Budget Authority 1,500 , 720 659,769 Outlays 1,365,651 509,389

Ref- and uttrant assist.ncr, 75 1503 0 1 609 Budget Authority 389,816 1453401 Outlays 253,380 Wt511

Grants to Stetas for special u w i m s 75 1504 0 1 536 Budget Authority 412,372 153,814 Outlays 280,413 1 0 4 ~ 5 %

Hark i-tivos 76 1505 0 1 504 BUdQBt Authority 20,800 7,750 Outlmys 19,552 7,293

Interim mssistmca to States for lqplizatim 75 1508 0 1 506 Wl(C1 Authority 910,000 339,430 Outlays 273,000 101 pa29

Payr*~nts to states for family scpport activities (Other income security 75 W 9 0 1 609 QOl(C1 Authority 650,000 242,450 Outlays S20,OOO 193 960

Human Devetopment Seruicea Social urvicos block grant 75 1634 0 1 bO6 4611 C 1 Authority 2,600,000 l4%4,WO butlay. 9 r661r890 9 9 2 r W

HLlRWr ~ a l q m m n 4 srmieos 75 1636 0 1 806 Budget Auhrity 3,055,309 1,1393630 Outlays ' 1,778,147 663.249

Paywmts to SGtss far fostor esm nd Kbption assistma 76 1645 0 1 606 40ltC1 &*--Speo. Rul- 10,000 10 ,OW QjtLy. 7,iiOO 7,WO

'as* h-1s