configuring derby database in eclipse

Configure the Database Development View This page shows how to install, configure and use the database development view in eclipse. Alternatively, using and browsing Derby databases on the command line is shown at the end Install Database Development If you have not yet installed the database development package use menu Help and then Install New Software... . On Install dialog fill the Work with drop-down list with --All Available Sites-- and tick the checkbox Database Development Step through the install dialog and restart your Eclipse Add new Derby Connection Open the Database Development perspective, right click on Database Connections and call the wizard for adding a new database connection by clicking on the context menu New... .

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Page 1: ConfigurIng Derby Database in Eclipse

Configure the Database Development View

This page shows how to install, configure and use the database development view in eclipse.

Alternatively, using and browsing Derby databases on the command line is shown at the end

Install Database Development

If you have not yet installed the database development package use menu Help and then Install New Software....

On Install dialog fill the Work with drop-down list with --All Available Sites-- and tick the checkbox Database Development

Step through the install dialog and restart your Eclipse

Add new Derby Connection

Open the Database Development perspective, right click on Database Connections and call the wizard for adding a new

database connection by clicking on the context menu New....

Page 2: ConfigurIng Derby Database in Eclipse

From the list of available connection profiles, choose Derby.

Page 3: ConfigurIng Derby Database in Eclipse

Specify Driver Details

Open the driver deteail editor by clicking on the round icon to the right of the Drivers combobox.

Choose the embedded derby driver for version 10.2.

Go to the tab Jar List and there specify the location of the derby.jar. If you don't have any, download it (from the official

derby website: , it's inside the zip file) or download

theTutorialMiniCrmWorkspaceDerbyDB and click on ok to leave this page.

Page 5: ConfigurIng Derby Database in Eclipse

Add the path to your DerbyDb along with the login data (for the minicrm: minicrm/minicrm).

Page 6: ConfigurIng Derby Database in Eclipse

When you have entered all the required data, click on Test connection in order to test the connection details you just

entered. If everything is fine there will be a message box Ping succeeded.

Page 7: ConfigurIng Derby Database in Eclipse

Now you can browse through the DerbyDB, modify tables, data, run statements and much more. Please be aware

that you cannot have more than one connection to your DerbyDb, therefore either you browse through it in the

database development view or you access it using the minicrm, therefore you need to manuallydisconnect from the

database before you can run your application.

Page 9: ConfigurIng Derby Database in Eclipse

Access the Derby database on the Command Line

Change to the library folder of your Derby installation, then type the following in the DOS shell to connect to your database.

C:\DerbyDB\db-derby-\lib>java -classpath derby.jar;derbytools.jar ij version 10.6 ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:c:/derbydb';

Remark: For the above example the derby installation is found under C:\DerbyDB\db-derby- and the data

base is stored directly under C:\DerbyDB


If you get an error message similar to

ERROR XJ040: Failed to start database 'c:/derbydb' with class loader


ERROR XSDB6: Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database C:\DerbyDB

you might still have your Scout server running that is accessing the database. If so, stop the server in the Scout

perspective and try again.

Once connected you may browse, change, ...

ij> show schemas; TABLE_SCHEM ------------------------------ APP MINICRM ...

ij> show tables in minicrm; TABLE_SCHEM |TABLE_NAME |REMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINICRM |COMPANY | MINICRM |COMPANY_FIGURES | MINICRM |CRM_SEQ | ... ij> describe; COLUMN_NAME |TYPE_NAME|DEC&|NUM&|COLUM&|COLUMN_DEF|CHAR_OCTE&|IS_NULL& ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPANY_NR |DECIMAL |0 |10 |5 |NULL |NULL |NO SHORT_NAME |VARCHAR |NULL|NULL|60 |NULL |120 |NO ...


ij> disconnect; ij> exit;