complex genetics and the etiology of human congenital...

Complex Genetics and the Etiology of Human Congenital Heart Disease Bruce D. Gelb 1 and Wendy K. Chung 2 1 Mindich Child Health and Development Institute and Departments of Pediatrics and Genetics and Genomics Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York 10029 2 Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York 10032 Correspondence: [email protected] Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect. Despite considerable advances in care, CHD remains a major contributor to newborn mortality and is associated with substantial morbidities and premature death. Genetic abnormalities appear to be the primary cause of CHD, but identifying precise defects has proven challenging, principally because CHD is a complex genetic trait. Mainly because of recent advances in genomic technology such as next-generation DNA sequencing, scientists have begun to identify the genetic variants underlying CHD. In this article, the roles of modifier genes, de novo muta- tions, copy number variants, common variants, and noncoding mutations in the pathogen- esis of CHD are reviewed. C ongenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common developmental defect, occurring in almost 3% of neonates when including bicus- pid aortic valve (BAV) patients. Numerous stud- ies have shown that the overall incidence of CHD is relatively similar across populations (after ac- counting for the ascertainment bias associated with improved imaging over the past decades). The distribution of heart lesions is broadly sim- ilar with a few notable examples such as the rel- atively greater incidence of right-sided over left- sided defects among Asians (Sung et al. 1991; Pradat et al. 2003; Wu et al. 2010). The genetic architecture of CHD is incom- pletely understood. It has been long appreciated that chromosomal defects and single-gene dis- orders can cause CHD, often in the context of a multisystem disease. Common examples of an- euploidy with CHD would include trisomy 21, for which 50% of individuals will have atrioventricular canal defects and/or tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), and Turner syndrome (45,X), for which aortic coarctation is overrepresented. Examples of Mendelian disorders include au- tosomal dominant conditions with CHD and pleiomorphic extracardiac abnormalities such as Noonan and Holt–Oram syndromes and rare autosomal dominant isolated CHD such as caused by GATA4 and NKX2.5 mutations. The most common segmental aneuploidy is the 22q11 microdeletion, usually arising de novo, which accounts for a substantial 34% of truncus arteriosus and 16% of TOF (Goldmuntz et al. 1998). Nonetheless, these known genetic causes of CHD are estimated to account for ,20% of CHD. Editors: Margaret Buckingham, Christine L. Mummery, and Kenneth R. Chien Additional Perspectives on The Biologyof Heart Disease available at Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a013953 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2014;4:a013953 1 on June 2, 2019 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from

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Complex Genetics and the Etiology of HumanCongenital Heart Disease

Bruce D. Gelb1 and Wendy K. Chung2

1Mindich Child Health and Development Institute and Departments of Pediatrics and Genetics and GenomicsSciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York 10029

2Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York 10032

Correspondence: [email protected]

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect. Despite considerableadvances in care, CHD remains a major contributor to newborn mortality and is associatedwith substantial morbidities and premature death. Genetic abnormalities appear to be theprimary cause of CHD, but identifying precise defects has proven challenging, principallybecause CHD is a complex genetic trait. Mainly because of recent advances in genomictechnology such as next-generation DNA sequencing, scientists have begun to identify thegenetic variants underlying CHD. In this article, the roles of modifier genes, de novo muta-tions, copy number variants, common variants, and noncoding mutations in the pathogen-esis of CHD are reviewed.

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the mostcommon developmental defect, occurring

in almost 3% of neonates when including bicus-pid aortic valve (BAV) patients. Numerous stud-ies have shown that the overall incidence of CHDis relatively similar across populations (after ac-counting for the ascertainment bias associatedwith improved imaging over the past decades).The distribution of heart lesions is broadly sim-ilar with a few notable examples such as the rel-atively greater incidence of right-sided over left-sided defects among Asians (Sung et al. 1991;Pradat et al. 2003; Wu et al. 2010).

The genetic architecture of CHD is incom-pletely understood. It has been long appreciatedthat chromosomal defects and single-gene dis-orders can cause CHD, often in the context of amultisystem disease. Common examples of an-

euploidy with CHD would include trisomy21, for which �50% of individuals will haveatrioventricular canal defects and/or tetralogyof Fallot (TOF), and Turner syndrome (45,X),for which aortic coarctation is overrepresented.Examples of Mendelian disorders include au-tosomal dominant conditions with CHD andpleiomorphic extracardiac abnormalities suchas Noonan and Holt–Oram syndromes andrare autosomal dominant isolated CHD suchas caused by GATA4 and NKX2.5 mutations.The most common segmental aneuploidy isthe 22q11 microdeletion, usually arising denovo, which accounts for a substantial 34% oftruncus arteriosus and 16% of TOF (Goldmuntzet al. 1998). Nonetheless, these known geneticcauses of CHD are estimated to account for,20% of CHD.

Editors: Margaret Buckingham, Christine L. Mummery, and Kenneth R. Chien

Additional Perspectives on The Biology of Heart Disease available at

Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a013953

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Epidemiologic studies strongly suggest ge-netic factors as the predominant cause ofCHD, although environmental exposures arealso relevant. The best population-based studyof CHD was performed in Denmark, in whicha nationwide medical registry enabled nearlycomplete ascertainment. In this study, the rela-tive risk for any form of CHD in first-degreerelatives was 3.2 (Oyen et al. 2009). The recur-rence risks of the same form of CHD varied bylesion. After exclusion of chromosomal defects,the population-associated risk given a positivefamily history of CHD was 4.2%. Parental con-sanguinity is associated with a 2- to 3-fold in-creased offspring risk of CHD, likely becauseof the shared genetic variants among parents(Nabulsi et al. 2003; Yunis et al. 2006). Finally,family studies of left-sided forms of CHD rang-ing from BAV to hypoplastic left heart syndromehave indicated a high degree of heritability(Cripe et al. 2004; McBride et al. 2005; Hintonet al. 2007).

In the 1960s, James Nora proposed a mul-tifactorial model for CHD, in which polygenicinheritance combined with environmental fac-tors would underlie cases not readily explainedby aneuploidy, Mendelian genetic mutations,or teratogens (Nora 1968). Although broadlypopular for complex genetic traits, the multi-factorial model has substantial problems whenapplied to CHD. Specifically, most of the pre-dictions that flow from polygenic inheritanceproved untrue for nearly all forms of CHD, pat-ent ductus arteriosus in full-term newbornsbeing the singular exception. In the 1980s, thegroundbreaking work of Ruth Whittemore,who studied the progeny of women with CHD,further invalidated the multifactorial model(Whittemore et al. 1982) by documenting a16% CHD recurrence rate, often with thesame heart lesion, much greater than the 2%–3% rate expected for polygenic inheritance. Ofinterest, the recurrence risk for fathers withCHD is substantially lower. This sex-specifictransmission risk remains largely unexplored.

In this article, we will review the role of ge-netic defects underlying CHD, focusing partic-ularly on recent findings using relatively newgenetic and genomic approaches.


Many monogenes or copy number variants(CNVs) associated with CHD are incomplete-ly penetrant and/or phenotypically heteroge-neous. Although complexity can result fromnongenetic factors (environmental exposures/epigenetics, stochastic effects), modifier genesare likely to be relevant. Recent efforts, particu-larly studies with animal models, have begun toaddress this latter possibility.

NKX2.5 mutations are associated with arange of lesions, including atrial septal defects,(ASDs), conotruncal defects, and hypoplasticleft heart syndrome (HLHS), and often causelater-onset atrioventricular conduction block.Similarly, mice heterozygous for a null Nkx2.5allele on a C57BL/6 background display a rangeof CHD, most commonly ASDs and ventricularseptal defects (VSDs) (Winston et al. 2010). F1

offspring resulting from the outcrossing ofC57BL/6 mice to FVB/N or AJ mice have sig-nificantly lower incidence of CHD. F2 mice fromF1 intercrosses or N2 back-crosses to the parentalstrains have higher CHD rates (ASD 5%–12%and VSD 12%–15% vs. ASD 7%–8% and VSD0%–1% in the F1 pups). The analyses suggestedthe presence of genetic modifiers of Nkx2.5 onASD and VSD phenotypes. Using a C57BL/6�FVB/N F1�F1 intercross (Winston et al.2012), linkage analysis for membranous VSDsidentified three loci with moderate-sized effects(odd ratios [ORs] of 1.4 to 2.2) (Fig. 1). Formuscular VSDs, there was no significant linkage,and two of the three loci for membranous VSDswere excluded. Of interest, a modest maternalage effect (OR ¼ 1.1) was also observed. Futurework to identify the precise genetic alterationsmediating these modifying effects in mice mightbe relevant to NKX2.5-related CHD in patients.

A similar strategy was used in mice hetero-zygous for a null elastin allele (Elnþ/2) (Kozelet al. 2011). In humans, the ELN gene resideswithin the microdeletion associated with Wil-liams syndrome. Haploinsufficiency for elas-tin is strongly implicated in the aortic patholo-gy in Williams syndrome as individuals withELN point mutations have the related, butmore restricted phenotype, familial supraval-

B.D. Gelb and W.K. Chung

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vular stenosis. Linkage analyses with inter-crossed Elnþ/2 mice revealed three loci for aor-tic size and systemic hypertension. Of interest,one of the loci resides near the Eln locus, poten-tially affecting the Williams syndrome criticalregion.

A candidate gene resequencing approachof 26 genes in individuals with Down syn-drome with either atrioventricular septal defects(AVSDs) or without CHD (Ackerman et al.2012) identified potentially damaging variantsin almost 20% of individuals with Down syn-drome with AVSDs but in only 3% of those withDown syndrome without CHD. Six genes werespecifically implicated: COL6A1, COL6A2,CRELD1, FBLN2, FRZB, and GATA5. Pathwayanalysis with these six genes implicated VEGF-A signaling, which was known to have a rolein atrioventricular valvuloseptal morphogene-sis. The findings in this study provide an initialproof of principal for using individuals with asensitized genetic background like trisomy 21

that predisposes to CHD to explore additionalgenetic variants mediating expression of CHDphenotypes.

Further interesting insights into the genet-ic complexity of CHD were gained throughmouse N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagen-esis screens (Kamp et al. 2010). Three-genera-tion backcrosses were conducted and lines withperinatal lethality were assessed for CHD. Thisbreeding approach favors autosomal recessivemutations. The first CHD gene identified fromthese ENU screens was Ift172, which encodes anintraflagellar transport protein (Friedland-Littleet al. 2011). The mice with the Ift172 mutationshowed a phenotype of VACTERL (vertebraldefects, anal atresia, cardiac defects, tracheo-esophageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limbabnormalities) with hydrocephalus and CHD.Efforts to identify other genes are currently inprogress. The interesting finding, particularlyrelevant here, is that �75% of the lines withCHD had only a single G3-affected pup, despite


α-Threshold = 0.001

α-Threshold = 0.05

α-Threshold = 0.05















Figure 1. Genetic linkage analyses for loci that modify membranous and muscular ventricular septal defect(VSD) susceptibility in Nkx2-5þ/2 animals from the C57BL/6�FVB/N F2 population. An example of eachVSD type is shown. (A) At least three significant membranous VSD modifier loci exist on chromosomes 6, 8, and10. Genome-wide significance thresholds are indicated by the dotted lines (a ¼ 0.001 and 0.05). (B) Geneticlinkage analysis for muscular VSD modifier loci reveals a significant overlap of the chromosome 6 peak with amembranous VSD locus. The significance thresholds shown were determined by permutation of genotypes onchromosomes 6, 8, and 10, which contain the membranous VSD modifier loci. N ¼ 233 membranous VSDs, 80muscular VSDs, and 284 structurally normal hearts. (From Winston et al. 2012; reprinted, with permission,from Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics # 2012.)

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the assessment of at least 50 animals. Of note,control crosses in which the founders had notbeen exposed to ENU produced no third-gener-ation offspring with CHD. Possible explanationsfor this finding include modifier genes becausetwo of the three ENU screens were performedusing mice with mixed genetic backgrounds,multigenic inheritance resulting from theENU-induced mutational load, or fetal demiseof some of the CHD-affected animals. Futurestudies, such as additional breeding to variousmouse strains, would distinguish those possibil-ities and might facilitate identification of modi-fier genes when present.


Another form of genetic complexity is geneticlesions that arise de novo such that the parentsdo not harbor the mutation and family historyis negative for CHD. For highly penetrant mu-tations underlying severe forms of CHD, thismechanism is more likely a result of low repro-ductive fitness because the modern era providesstrong negative selection against the accumula-tion of these mutations in the population.

Through recent advances in molecular ge-netic technologies, it is now possible to sequencethe �2% of the human genome that containsthe coding regions for all genes (called theexome), representing �180,000 exons and 30megabases (Mb), in a relatively rapid and af-fordable manner. Although exome sequencingwas initially used to discover mutations under-lying Mendelian disorders, current efforts areincreasingly focusing on unraveling complexgenetic traits.

The Pediatric Cardiac Genomics Consor-tium (PCGC) (Gelb et al. 2013), a NationalHeart, Lung, and Blood Institute–funded re-search collaborative, recently completed a first-of-a-kind study to determine the role of de novomutations in the etiology of severe forms ofCHD (Zaidi et al. 2013). Exome sequencingwas performed for 362 parent–offspring triosin which the offspring had a sporadic conotrun-cal defect, left ventricular outflow track obstruc-tive lesion, or heterotaxy, and was comparedwith comparable data from 264 control trios.

Although the overall rate of de novo point andsmall insertion/deletion (indel) changes wasequivalent between CHD cases and controls,there was an excess burden of protein-alteringmutations in genes highly expressed in the heartduring heart development (OR of 2.53). Theseexcess mutations accounted for 10% of CHDcases and led to the estimate that approximately400 genes underlie these cardiac lesions. Afterfiltering to retain only variants most likely to bedeleterious (nonsense, splice site, and frame-shift defects), the burden among CHD casesincreased, attaining an OR of 7.50.

Next, the PCGC investigators asked whetherthe burden of de novo protein-altering muta-tions among the CHD cases preferentially tar-geted particular biologic processes (Zaidi et al.2013). Indeed, they observed a highly significantenrichment of mutations among genes encod-ing proteins relevant for chromatin biology,specifically the production, removal, or readingof methylation of Lys4 of histone 3 (H3K4me)(Fig. 2). The phenotypes of the eight subjectsharboring H3K4me de novo mutations wasdiverse, both with respect to the form of CHDand extracardiac manifestations. In addition,two independent de novo mutations were iden-tified in SMAD2, which encodes a protein withrelevance for demethylation of Lys27 of histone 3(H3K27me). SMAD2 contributes to the devel-opment of the left–right bodyaxis; both subjectsharboring SMAD2 mutations had dextrocardiawith unbalanced complete atrioventricular ca-nal defects with pulmonic stenosis. Althoughthe contribution of chromatin remodeling tocardiovascular development generally and tocertain rare genetic syndromes with CHD likeKabuki syndrome had been recognized previ-ously, this study exposed a far broader role forH3K4 methylation in CHD pathogenesis. Thefinding also suggests a fascinating potentiallink to other birth defects as de novo chroma-tin-remodeling mutations have also been impli-cated in autism (O’Roak et al. 2012).


Copy number variation (CNV), or gains orlosses of contiguous DNA ranging in size from

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1 kb to several Mbs, affects �10% of the humangenome (Redon et al. 2006). CNVs are typicallydetected on a genome-wide basis using single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarraysor array comparative genomic hybridization.Significant challenges remain in differentiatingpathologic CNVs from benign polymorphicones. Nevertheless, it became clear soon aftertheir discovery that pathologic CNVs contrib-ute significantly to the pathogenesis of certainphenotypes such as autism and schizophrenia.

Thienpont and colleagues (2007) showedthe importance of pathologic CNVs for CHD.The studies published to date have often fo-cused on particular subpopulations of individ-uals with CHD, often based on cardiac anatomy.Certain CNVs are recurrent and at higher fre-quency in individuals with CHD, often onesthat are also associated with extracardiac abnor-malities.

The role of CNVs for TOF has been studiedin two large studies. In one, 10% of 114 patientswith TOF were found to harbor rare de novoCNVs (Greenway et al. 2009). Next, nearly 400probands with TOF were assessed for CNVs atnine genomic loci and were identified in 5%.Several CNVs were recurrent with both gainand loss at chromosome 1q21.1 being observedin 1% of cases. Of note, 1q21.1 CNVs have pre-viously been associated with other phenotypessuch as autism, schizophrenia, and intellectualdisabilities.

In the second large study of TOF, more than400 adults with TOF with or without pulmo-nary atresia, but without known genetic ab-normalities like the 22q11 deletion, were stud-ied (Silversides et al. 2012). Large, rare CNVs(.500 kb) were more prevalent in cases com-pared with controls (8.8% vs. 4.3%) with mostlygenomic gains. Especially when the CNVs con-tained genes, the subjects were more likely tohave extracardiac abnormalities. Several of theCNVs had been previously implicated in dis-eases including duplications at 1q21.1, whichwere observed in 1.2% of CHD patients, a16p11.2 duplication, and a 22q11.21 duplication.

Two studies focused on CNVs in individualswith defects of the left ventricular outflow tract(Hitz et al. 2012; Payne et al. 2012). In a smallstudy of children with HLHS, CNVs, predomi-nantly small lesions, were more common amongsubjects than controls (Payne et al. 2012). Thefrequency of rare CNVs, however, did not varybetween the groups. In a study that includedindividuals with a broad range of left-sided car-diac lesions with a focus on those from familieswith more than one affected individual, theoverall burden of CNVs was not increased incases over controls, but a number of rare CNVswere identified in cases only, none of which wasrecurrent in the study (Hitz et al. 2012). Of in-terest, these rare CNVs were found to harborgenes relevant for angiogenesis. After filtering,the investigators identified 25 putative candi-date genes for left-sided heart defects.

The role of CNVs in AVSDs, both in patientswith and without Down syndrome, was investi-gated (Priest et al. 2012). None of the 29 indi-viduals with AVSD without Down syndrome














SMAD2 (2)



Figure 2. De novo mutations in the H3K4 and H3K27methylation pathways. Nucleosome with histone oc-tamer and DNA, with H3K4 methylation bound byCHD7; H3K27 methylation and H2BK120 ubiquiti-nation is shown. Genes mutated in CHD that affectthe production, removal, and reading of these histonemodifications are shown; genes with damaging mu-tations are shown in red and those with missensemutations are shown in blue. SMAD2 (2) indicatesthere are two patients with a mutation in this gene.Genes whose products are found together in a com-plex are enclosed in a box. (From Zaidi et al. 2013;reprinted, with permission, from the authors.)

Complex Genetics and Etiology of Congenital Heart Disease

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had a pathologic CNV on chromosome 21 andonly two harbored rare CNVs elsewhere in thegenome, deletions of 1–1.5 Mb that weredeemed of uncertain significance. None of the50 individuals with Down syndrome with AVSDhad a CNV of clear significance. The investiga-tors concluded that larger rare CNVs alteringchromosome 21 do not contribute significantlyto the pathogenesis of AVSDs in patients with-out Down syndrome nor do large CNVs con-tribute to the AVSDs in Down syndrome.

The role of rare CNVs was investigated in theetiology of heterotaxy, resulting from asymmet-ric development along the left–right body axis,leading to thoracic and abdominal organ defects(Fakhro et al. 2011). More than 250 patients withheterotaxy and nearly 1000 controls were geno-typed with SNP arrays. There were nearly two-fold more rare CNVs among the heterotaxycohort compared with the controls (14.5% vs.7.4%, respectively). In the 38 smaller CNVsidentified, 14 of 61 genes altered were relevantto biological processes of relevance for left–right axis development: ciliary function, zincfinger transcription factors, and TGF-b signal-ing. Five genes contained within CNVareas wereshown to be significant by examining conservedgenes located within these intervals and func-tionally evaluating the effect of knockdown ofthese genes in the frog Xenopus tropicalis. Specif-ically, knockdown of NEK2, ROCK2, TCGBR2,GALNT11, and NUP188 disrupted left–rightdevelopment (Fig. 3); none had been previouslyimplicated in left–right patterning.

A genome-wide CNV study of various typesof CHD compared more than 2000 CHD casesincluding approximately 800 with TOF to near-ly 900 controls (Soemedi et al. 2012b). Theyfound a significant burden of rare loss CNVs.100 kb containing genes (OR 1.8; popula-tion-attributable risk of nearly 3.5%). Therewas a trend toward greater ORs with increasingCNV deletion size and gene content. Enrich-ment analysis with the rare loss CNVs revealeda significant association with WNT signaling,which was altered in a broad range of CHD.Examining CNVs that were recurrent, the inves-tigators confirmed prior observations of gainand loss CNVs including GATA4 at 8p23.1 and

deletions at 15q11.2 in 0.5% of cases, an OR of8.2 compared with controls. Finally, the parentof origin for de novo CNVs was assessed in 11cases, of which 10 were paternal.

Restricting the search for CNVs to genespreviously implicated in CHD, another studycompared more than 800 CHD cases withoutknown genomic defects (e.g., Down syndrome,22q11del) to 3000 controls (Tomita-Mitchell etal. 2012). Large, rare CNVs (.100 kb for lossesand .200 kb for gains) were observed in 4.3%of cases compared with 1.8% of controls, a sig-nificant difference. The previously noted gain at1q21.1 and loss at 8p23.1 that includes GATA4were detected in this study as well. Of interest,two CHD subjects without a clear syndromewere found to harbor gains of HRAS, the genewith gain-of-function mutations underlyingCostello syndrome.

The role of 1q21.1 CNVs in CHD was inves-tigated in a mixed CHD population, althoughenriched for TOF (Soemedi et al. 2012a). GainCNVs were observed in 8/948 cases comparedwith 3/10,910 controls, an OR of 30.9. Smallergain CNVs (100–200 kb) including GJA5 werealso increased among the TOF cases with an ORof 10.7. Although no 1q21.1 losses were identi-fied in this TOF cohort, three losses (but nogains) were observed among nearly 1500 casesof assorted other forms of CHD. Taken as awhole, this study suggested that 1q21.1 gainsaccount for �1% of TOF, possibly a result ofaltered expression of GJA5.


To examine the possibility that common geneticvariants contribute to the etiology of CHD, twogroups have recently completed genome-wideassociation studies (GWASs). A GWAS includ-ing nearly 1000 Han Chinese with ASD and/orVSD and more than 1200 racially matched con-trols in the discovery group and (Hu et al. 2013)nearly 1600 ASD/VSD subjects and 2300 con-trols in the replication cohort identified twoSNPs, at 1p12 and 4q31.1 that were replicatedin the second stage as well as within an addi-tional second replication cohort (582 cases and1565 controls). In aggregate, the associations of

B.D. Gelb and W.K. Chung

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45% 100%











A (anterior) L (reversed) Abnormal40%










rt lo
















* **







































D-loop (right; normal)

Normal Abnormal



utA-loop (midline; abnormal) L-loop (left; reversed)









Figure 3. Left–right (LR) abnormalities from morpholino oligonucleotide (MO) knockdown in X. tropicalis.MOs were injected at the one-cell stage and heart and gut looping were assayed in tadpoles at stage 45/46. Viewsare from the ventral aspect, shown in schematic form in F. (A) Heart (area outlined in red box as in schematic inF) showing normal D-looping. The inflow (red arrow) is on the tadpole’s left; the outflow tract (yellow arrow) ison the tadpole’s right. (B) Heart showing abnormal, anterior, A-looping. The inflow (red) and outflow (yellow)are both at the midline, with no discernible LR orientation. (C) Heart showing abnormal, reversed L-looping.The inflow (red) is on the tadpole’s right; the outflow (yellow) is on the tadpole’s left. (D) Normal clockwiserotation of the gut. (E) Abnormal gut rotation. (F). Schematic of Xenopus tadpole at stage 45/46; ventral viewwith anterior to the top; arrows indicate heart and gut. (G) Heart looping in MO knockdown tadpoles. Bothdnah9 and ift88 are positive controls; standard control MO (StdCtrl), uninjected control (UiC), and dye-injected (Dye) are negative controls. Bars show the total percentage of abnormally looped hearts: dividedinto A-loop (blue) and L-loop (red). (H ) Gut looping in MO knockdown tadpoles. Red bars show the per-centage of abnormal gut loops. Heart and gut looping were analyzed by two independent readers blinded togroup status with 95% concordance. �P , 1024 versus standard control. (From Fakhro et al. 2011; reprinted,with permission, from the National Academy of Sciences # 2011.)

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these two SNPs with CHD were highly signifi-cant (P , 1 � 1029 and 5 � 10212, respective-ly) and both had ORs of 1.4 (Fig. 4). For the1p12 locus, the nearest relevant gene is TBX15,which encodes a T-box transcription factor. Al-though mutations in several TBX genes cause

CHD in humans and mice, loss of Tbx15 inmice is not associated with heart abnormalitiesand no TBX15 mutation has been found ina human. The gene MAML3, which encodesmastermind-like 3, resides in the 4q31.1 locus.Mastermind proteins bind Notch, a key devel-


P = 6.07 × 10–6

P = 1.68 × 10–7



Plotted SNPs

Plotted SNPsB








Combined P = 8.44 × 10–10

Combined P = 4.99 × 10–12

Position on chr. 1 (Mb)119.0 119.5118.5

Position on chr. 4 (Mb)

140.0 140.5 141.0 141.5
















10 (

P v



r 2




bination rate (cM/M









bination rate (cM/M





r 2









10 (

P v



Figure 4. Plots are shown for the two loci associated with congenital heart malformations. 1p12 (A) and 4q31.1(B). Imputation was performed for each region using The 1000 Genomes Project CHB (Han Chinese in Beijing,China) and JPT (Japanese in Tokyo, Japan) data (November 2010 release) as a reference. Results [2log10 (Pvalues)] are shown for SNPs in the 1.6-Mb regions centered on the proxy SNPs. Proxy SNPs are shown in purple,and the r2 values of the other SNPs are indicated by color. The genes within the regions of interest are annotated,and arrows represent the direction of transcription. The right y-axis shows the recombination rate estimatedfrom the HapMap samples. chr., chromosome. (From Hu et al. 2013; reprinted, with permission, from NaturePublishing Group # 2013.)

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opmental regulator, and have transcription ac-tivation domains. Loss of Maml3 in mice is notassociated with an observable phenotype, andno human MAML3 mutation has been identi-fied to date. Finally, this GWAS did not confirmassociations with any of the previously pub-lished SNPs. It is not clear whether the failureto replicate is attributable to prior publishedfalse positives, as most of the previously pub-lished studies were based on modest-sized co-horts, or to differences in race and ethnicity ofthe subjects.

A GWAS of more than 1800 European Cau-casians with various forms of CHD with morethan 5100 controls failed to identify any SNPswith genome-wide significance (Cordell et al.2013a). Subgroup analyses based on CHD anat-omy produced suggestive P values for ASD andVSD. Replication cohorts (more than 400 ASDand 200 VSD cases compared with more than2500 controls) genotyped for 10 SNPs from sixregions showed association of ASD to a locusat chromosome 4p16 (combined P , 3 �10210 and OR of 1.5). Within this region, thebest candidate gene was MSX1, which encodes atranscription factor relevant for atrial septal de-velopment. Loss-of-function MSX1 mutationsin humans alter craniofacial and dental devel-opment, but have not been associated withCHD.

In a separate GWAS publication, this groupstudied 800 cases of TOF and more than 5100controls in the discovery phase and 800 casesand 3000 controls for replication (Cordellet al. 2013b) and identified two regions of in-terest at 12q24 (P , 8 � 10211; OR 1.3) and13q32 (P ¼ 3.0 � 10211; OR 1.3). The 12q24locus has been implicated in GWASs for othercomplex genetic traits such as type 1 diabetesand coronary artery disease, but no other de-velopmental disorder. The best candidate geneat 12q24 is PTPN11, which encodes SHP-2, aprotein tyrosine phosphatase. PTPN11 muta-tions cause Noonan and LEOPARD syndromes,which can include pulmonary valve stenosis.The best candidate gene from the 13q32 locusis GPC5, which encodes the heparan sulphateproteoglycan glypican 5. Glypicans serve as reg-ulators of signaling pathways during develop-

ment, and mutations in genes for other glypicanfamily members are associated with CHD.

Of interest, both major CHD GWAS studiesidentified associations for ASDs, albeit differentloci. Because this heart lesion would seem tohave the smallest effect on reproductive fitness,common variants not subject to strong purify-ing selection is more likely than for other le-sions. Future work will need to confirm thesefindings and then establish the biological effectsof the relevant common variant in the region.


Mutations in gene promoters, enhancers, locuscontrol regions, microRNAs, and even inter-genic regions are likely to be relevant for CHDcausality. Although ongoing large-scale geno-mics efforts such as ENCODE are facilitatingsuch work (Dunham et al. 2012), the task ofidentifying disease-causing variation in non-coding regions of the human genome remainsdaunting.

A recent study focused on the identificationof cis-regulatory elements for TBX5, the genemutated in Holt–Oram syndrome (Smemoet al. 2012). Using a series of constructs withLacZ reporters in transgenic mice, a 700-kb re-gion around TBX5 was scanned and three en-hancer elements residing 380 kb, 140 kb, and9 kb downstream of TBX5 that drove cardiacexpression were identified (Fig. 5). The threeenhancer regions were sequenced in 260 unre-lated individuals with ASDs, VSDs, or AVSDs.Among the nine rare or novel variants identi-fied, one altering a highly conserved nucleotidewas homozygous for the variant allele in a sub-ject with a VSD. When tested in vitro, the oli-gonucleotide with the variant bound the tran-scription factor less avidly. Strikingly, use of thevariant sequence with reporters in transgenicmice or zebrafish embryos resulted in dramati-cally reduced expression in the heart. Thus, theinvestigators provided strong evidence that thissingle nucleotide variant in a TBX5 enhancer al-ters expression of the gene during heart develop-ment. The challenges, well illuminated throughthis study, are how to prove causality definitivelyand how to scale such work as large numbers of

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candidate variants are identified through whole-genome sequencing.


Since the earliest ideas about the genetics ofCHD as a complex trait were proposed 35 yearsago, substantial progress has been made in un-derstanding that complexity. Following an era ofgene discovery based on highly penetrant mu-tations with Mendelian segregation with CHD,we have now entered an exciting period in whichthe landscape of the genetic complexity is beingexplored robustly. This has been enabled by ad-vances in genotyping and sequencing technol-ogy and new methods for detecting CNVs. Themost recent large-scale efforts to understand

the noncoding portions of the human genome,particularly through ENCODE (Dunham et al.2012), will allow CHD researchers to expandtheir search for causative variation.

As exemplified by the finding that de novomutations underlying CHD often alter chroma-tin remodeling, epigenetic modifications areprobably important for CHD pathogenesis. Be-cause epigenetic states can be tissue-specific, ef-forts to procure and study cardiac tissues willbe needed. Moreover, these discoveries under-score the likelihood that interactions of geneticvariation with environmental exposures willprove relevant for understanding the complex-ity of CHD. Research methodologies for ad-dressing gene�environment interactions arestill emerging and may require international ef-


RP23-173F14-Tn7 RP23-267B15-LacZ RP23-235J6-Tn7RBM19A



E F G 1692










120,400,000 120,200,000

Figure 5. Regulatory landscape of the TBX5 locus. Whole mount and histological sections through the heart ofembryonic day 11.5 (E11.5) embryos. Top row: In situ hybridizations showing endogenous expression (pur-ple) of (A) RBM19, (B) TBX5, and (C) TBX3. Bottom row: b-Galactosidase staining (blue) captures theregulatory landscape of enhancers within bacterial artifical chromosomes (BACs): (D) RP23-173F14-Tn7, (E)RP23-267B15-LacZ, and (F) RP23-235J6-Tn7. The genes probed for in A, B, and C are contained, respectively,within the BACs tested in D, E, and F. In B and D–F, the forelimb is outlined. A–E, transverse sections; F,sagittal section. RA, right atrium; LA, left atrium; AS, atrial septum; RV, right ventricle; LV, left ventricle; VS,ventricular septum; AVC, atrioventricular canal. (From Smemo et al. 2012; reprinted, with permission, fromOxford University Press # 2012.)

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forts to assemble CHD cohorts of sufficient sizeto power studies.

Finally, researchers and physicians caringfor individuals with CHD and their familieswill need to creatively and cooperatively trans-late genetic findings into meaningful medicaladvances. Low-hanging fruit is likely to includebetter prediction of recurrence risks for coupleswith a prior child with CHD and offspring riskfor adults with CHD as well as improved prog-nostication of extracardiac involvement for in-fants with CHD. More challenging, but poten-tially more impactful, would be the developmentof therapies to reduce its incidence.


This work is funded in part with support ofNational Heart, Lung and Blood Institute grantsHL098123 to B.D.G. and HL098163 to W.K.C.


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2014; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a013953Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  Bruce D. Gelb and Wendy K. Chung Complex Genetics and the Etiology of Human Congenital Heart Disease

Subject Collection The Biology of Heart Disease

The Genetic Basis of Aortic AneurysmMark E. Lindsay and Harry C. Dietz

Cardiac Cell Lineages that Form the Heart

Blanpain, et al.Sigolène M. Meilhac, Fabienne Lescroart, Cédric

DiseasePersonalized Genomes and Cardiovascular

Kiran Musunuru Cardiovascular Biology and MedicineToward a New Technology Platform for Synthetic Chemically Modified mRNA (modRNA):

Kenneth R. Chien, Lior Zangi and Kathy O. Lui

Congenital Heart DiseaseComplex Genetics and the Etiology of Human

Bruce D. Gelb and Wendy K. Chungvia Genome EditingNext-Generation Models of Human Cardiogenesis

Xiaojun Lian, Jiejia Xu, Jinsong Li, et al.Genetic Networks Governing Heart Development

Romaric Bouveret, et al.Ashley J. Waardenberg, Mirana Ramialison,

SubstitutesDevelopment to Bioengineering of Living Valve How to Make a Heart Valve: From Embryonic

Driessen-Mol, et al.Donal MacGrogan, Guillermo Luxán, Anita

Heart Fields and Cardiac Morphogenesis

Antoon F. MoormanRobert G. Kelly, Margaret E. Buckingham and

Monogenic DisordersonHeart Disease from Human and Murine Studies

Insights into the Genetic Structure of Congenital

PuTerence Prendiville, Patrick Y. Jay and William T.

Discovery and Development ParadigmRegenerative Medicine: Transforming the Drug

Sotirios K. Karathanasisfrom a Research-Based Pharmaceutical CompanyCardiovascular Drug Discovery: A Perspective

G. Gromo, J. Mann and J.D. FitzgeraldMyocardial Tissue Engineering: In Vitro Models

and Christine MummeryGordana Vunjak Novakovic, Thomas Eschenhagen

Genetics and Disease of Ventricular Muscle

G. SeidmanDiane Fatkin, Christine E. Seidman and Jonathan

DiseasePluripotent Stem Cell Models of Human Heart

Dorn, et al.Alessandra Moretti, Karl-Ludwig Laugwitz, Tatjana

Embryonic Heart Progenitors and Cardiogenesis

et al.Thomas Brade, Luna S. Pane, Alessandra Moretti, For additional articles in this collection, see

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