community detection in graphs

Community Detection in Graphs Nicola Barbieri [email protected] References: Community Detection in Graphs, Santo Fortunato Community Detection and Mining in Social Media, Lei Tang and Huan Liu

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Community detection in graphs

Community Detection in Graphs

Nicola [email protected]

References:Community Detection in Graphs, Santo Fortunato

Community Detection and Mining in Social Media, Lei Tang and Huan Liu

Page 2: Community detection in graphs

Zackary’s Karate Club

• Members of a university karate club (unknown location)

• Zachary (1977) used these data to explain the split-up of this group following disputes among the members.

• Conflict between the club president, John A., and Mr. Hi over the price of karate lessons

• The conflict results in "pulling" apart the network of friendship ties

Page 3: Community detection in graphs

Structural properties of Real Networks

• Graph representing real systems are neither regular (like lattices) nor random

• The distribution of number of links per node of many real networks is different from what is expected in random networks

• The degree distribution is broad, with a tail that often follows a power law

• Proteins interaction nets: some protein act as hubs, they are highly connected, while most of the others interact only with few other

• Biological nets: high degree nodes systemically link to nodes with low degree

• Social nets: nodes with similar degree tend to link each other

• The scale of organization of complex networks show a hierarchical structure

• Hierarchical random graph model

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Communities and Applications

• Community structure:

• Vertices in networks are often found to cluster into tightly-knit groups with a high density of within-group edges and a lower density of between-group edges.

• Applications:

• Identify web clients with similar interest and geographically near each other

• Identify customer with similar interests (purchasing history)

• Graph Compression

• Classification of vertices

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Communities in real-world networks

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Relationships in real-world networks

• Link direction

• Relationships between nodes may not to be reciprocal

• In the Web few hyperlinks are reciprocal (<10%)

• Community detection on directed graph is a hard task

• Overlapping Communities: some vertices may belong to more than one group

• Heterogeneous Networks: different classes of vertices, playing different roles

• Multipartite Networks

• Weighted relationships

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Finding Communities

• Given a graph G=<V,E>

• Community detection problem: find modules and their hierarchical organization

• What do we miss?

• Define what is “a community”

• Design algorithms that will find set of nodes which lead to “good communities”

• Why just “good”??

• Evaluate different results

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Community: Definition and Properties

• Informally, a community C is a subset of nodes of V such that there are more edges inside the community than edges linking vertices of C with the rest of the graph

• Intra Cluster Density

• Inter Cluster Density

• ∂ext(C)<< 2m/ n(n-1)<< ∂int(C)

• There is not a universally accepted definition of community

• Connectedness is a required property: for each pair of vertices in C there must exist a path

• Community detection makes sense only on sparse graphs


V set of vertices

E set of edges

n |V|

m |E|

C A subset of V

nc |C|

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Local Definitions

• Clique: subset of V such that all the vertices are adjacent to each other

• Triangles are really frequent in real networks

• Finding cliques in a graph is NP Complete

• Too strict definition

• k-clique: is a maximal subgraph in which the largest geodesic distance between any two nodes is no greater than k

• k-club: restricts the geodesic distance within the group to be no greater than k

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Global Definitions

• Communities can be also defined with respect to the whole graph

• A graph has a community structure if it is different from a random graph

• A random graph is not expected to have any community structure:

• any two vertices have the same probability to be adjacent

• We can define a null model and use it to investigate whether the graph under consideration exhibit a community structure

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Similarity• A community can be defined as a subset of vertices that are similar

to each other

• Do not consider connection

• Structural equivalence: v1 and v2 are structural equivalent if they share the same neighbors and they are not adjacent

• Overlap between the neighborhoods Γ(i) and Γ(j) of vertices i and j

• Pearson

• Commute-time: average number of steps needed for a random walker, starting at either vertex, to reach the other vertex for the first time and to come back to the starting vertex

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• A partition is a division of a graph in clusters, such that each vertex belongs to one cluster

• The Stirling numbers of the second kind count the number of ways to partition a set of n labelled objects into k nonempty unlabelled subsets

• Hierarchical organization

• Communities embedded within other communities

• Nodes can be shared between different communities

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Comparing Different partitions• What is a good clustering?

• A quality function is a function that assigns a number to each partition of a graph

• We can rank partitions based on their score given by the quality function.

• A quality function Q is additive if there is an elementary function q such that, for any partition P of a graph

• Performance P• # vertices belonging to the same community

and connected by an edge• # vertices belonging to different communities

and not connected by an edge.

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Modularity• The most popular quality function is the modularity

density of edges in a subgraph vs density in a null model graph

• The δ-function yields one if vertices i and j are in the same community, zero otherwise

• Pij represents the expected number of edges between vertices i and j in the null model (which is arbitrary)

• Bernulli random graph

• Configuration model

ki = degree of the vertex (i)

• nc is the number of clusters,• lc the total number of edges joining vertices of module c • dc the sum of the degrees of the vertices of c.

a b








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Graph Partitioning

• Divide the vertices in k groups of predefined size, such that the number of edges lying between the groups is minimal

• The number of edges running between clusters is called cut size

• Specifying the number of clusters of the partition is necessary

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Kernighan-Lin algorithm

• Heuristic procedure for the problem of partitioning electronic circuits onto boards

• Iterative Improvement:

• Generate an initial solution

• Update the current solution iteratively, until we have an optimal solution

• KL-Algorithm O(n2 log n):

• An initial partition is generated at random

• A solution is acceptable if both the communities contain the same number of vertices

• The cut size is the goodness of a solution

• Update: Select a subset of pair of vertices (u,v), where u belongs to C1 and v to C2 and swap them

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Kernighan-Lin algorithm • Assume (v,w) is in E

• they belong to different communities --> (v,w) is said cut

• they belong to the same community --> (v,w) is said uncut

• For each vertex v we compute

• Cv= # cuts

• Uv= # uncuts

• Improvement Iv = Cv-Uv

• Record the cut size corresponding to the current configuration

• Compute the improvement for each pair of vertices

• I(v,w)= Iv +Iw -2 if (v,w) is in E

• I(v,w)= Iv +Iw otherwise

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Kernighan-Lin algorithm 1.Compute Improvements for all pair of








Vertex C U Iv

A 2 0 2

B 2 0 2

C 0 1 -1

D 2 0 2

E 3 0 3

F 2 1 1

G 2 0 0

H 1 0 1

Pair Iv.w

A,C 1

A,D 2

A,E 3

A,F 3

B,C 1

B,D 4

B,E 3

B,F 2

G,C 1

G,D 2

G,E 3

G,F 3

H,C 0

H,D 3

H,E 4

H,F 0

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Kernighan-Lin algorithm

2.Sort the list

Pair Iv.w

A,C 1

A,D 2

A,E 3

A,F 3

B,C 1

B,D 4

B,E 3

B,F 2

G,C 1

G,D 2

G,E 3

G,F 3

H,C 0

H,D 3

H,E 4

H,F 0

Pair Iv.w

B,D 4

H,E 4

A,E 3

A,F 3

B,E 3

G,E 3

G,F 3

H,D 3

A,D 2

B,F 2

G,D 2

A,C 1

B,C 1

G,C 1

H,C 0

H,F 0

Pair Cut Count

Zero swap 7

BD 3

Page 20: Community detection in graphs

Kernighan-Lin algorithm

3.Perform a tentative swap B,D

Pair Iv.w

A,C 1

A,E -1

A,F -1

G,C -1

G,E -3

G,F -1

H,C 0

H,E 2

H,F -2

Vertex C U Iv

A 1 1 0

C 0 1 -1

E 2 1 1

F 2 1 1

G 2 0 0

H 1 0 1







Pair Cut Count

Zero swap 7

BD 3

HE 1

Page 21: Community detection in graphs

Kernighan-Lin algorithm

2.Perform a tentative swap H,E

Pair Iv.w

A,C -3

A,F -5

G,C -3

G,F -5

Vertex C U Iv

A 0 2 -2

C 0 1 -1

F 0 3 -3

G 0 2 -2







Pair Cut Count

Zero swap 7

BD 3

HE 1

AC 3

Page 22: Community detection in graphs

Kernighan-Lin algorithm

5.Perform a tentative swap A,C

Pair Iv.w

G,F -3

Vertex C U Iv

F 1 2 -1

G 0 2 -2






Pair Cut Count

Zero swap 7

BD 3

HE 1

AC 4

GF 7

Page 23: Community detection in graphs

Kernighan-Lin algorithm 6.Scan the list searching for the min cut

7.Perform the swaps (if the min cut < zero swaps)

Pair Cut Count

Zero swap 7

BD 3

HE 1

AC 4

GF 7











HF8. Second iteration

Page 24: Community detection in graphs

Hierarchical Clustering

• Widely used in social network analysis

• No need to specify the number of clusters

• Graph may have a hierarchical structure

• Hierarchical Clustering aim at identifying groups of vertices with high similarity (not focusing on connectedness)

• Define a similarity measure between vertices

• Compute the n x n similarity matrix

• Agglomerative algorithms: (bottom up) clusters are merged if their similarity if sufficiently high

• Divisive algorithms: (top-down) clusters are iteratively split by removing edges connecting vertices with low similarity

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Hierarchical Clustering

• Merging Clusters

• Single linkage

• Complete linkage

• Average linkage

• Drawback of the hierarchical procedure: it does not provide a way to discriminate which level better represents the community structure of the graph

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• Divisive method: detect edges that connect different communities and remove them until clusters are disconnected

• 4 Steps:

1.Compute Edge centrality

2.Remove the edge with the highest centrality

3.Update (!!!!) Centralities

4.If |E|>0, go to 2

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• Instead of trying to construct a measure which tells us which edges are most central to communities, we focus instead on those edges which are least central

• If a network contains communities or groups that are only loosely connected by a few inter-group edges, then all shortest paths between different communities must go along one of these few edges

• Edge Betweenness O(mn)

• number of shortest path between all vertex pair that run along the considered edge

• The edges connecting communities will have high edge betweenness

• Which partition is the best???

• Compute modularity

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Optimal community structure for Zachary's karate club.

Modularity without recalculation

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Modularity optimization

• If high modularity indicate goods partition, why not simply optimize Q over all partitions to find the best one?

• The search-space is exponential in |V|

• Greedy algorithm (Newman):

• Agglomerative clustering: we repeatedly join communities together in pairs, choosing at each step the join that results in the greatest increase (or smallest decrease) in Q

• Note that the joining of a pair of communities between which there are no edges at all can never result in an increase in Q. This limit the number of tentative joins to (m)

eii is the fraction of edges in the network that connect vertices in the group iai is the fraction of edges that connect vertices in the group i with every other group

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Modularity optimizationC1





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Modularity optimization

• The peak modularity is Q = 0.381

• The GN algorithm performs similarly on this task, but not better it also finds the split but classifies one vertex wrongly (although a different one, vertex 3).

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Overlapping Communities

• The most popular technique to discover overlapping communities is the Clique Percolation Method (CPM)

• The internal edges of a community are likely to form cliques due to their high density

• It is unlikely that inter-community edges form cliques

• If it were possible for a clique to move on a graph, in some way, it would probably get trapped inside its original community, as it could not cross the bottleneck formed by the inter-community edges

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CPM• Given a parameter k:

1.Find all the cliques of size k

2.Construct a clique graph. 2 cliques are adjacent if they share k-1 vertices

3.Each connect component of the clique graph is a community

cliques of size 3= {1,2,3}, {1,3,4},{4,5,6},{5,6,7},{5,6,8},{5,7,8},{6,7,8}






{5,7,8} {6,7,8}

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The communities of the Karate network (by k-clique percolation for k = 3): gray nodes are overlapping and white nodes

do not belong to any community

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Overlapping Communities: Edge centric approach

• A vertex can belong to several communities

• A link is usually related to one community

• Cluster edges instead of nodes!!

• After obtaining edge clusters, communities can be recovered by replacing each edge with its two vertices

• A node is involved in a community as long as any of its connection is in the community

• Assume we are given a set of description label for each vertex

• Given the similarity matrix, apply a cluster algorithm to discover edge-clusters

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Testing algorithms

• Compare the partition provided by the algorithm with the ground truth

• We assume that the community membership for each vertex is know

• The mapping is clear when dealing with 2 communities

• When there are many communities the mapping may not be intuitive

• We need to average all the possible mappings

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Normalized Mutual Information

• Consider two partitions πa and πb with size k(a) and k(b)

• nh,l is the number of vertices belonging to the h-th community for (a) and to the l-th community for (b)

• nah is the number of vertices belong to the h-th community for the partition (a)

• nbl is the number of vertices belong to the l-th community for the partition (b)

Entropy Information Gain


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Testing algorithms without ground truth

• Use a common (and simple) objective function

• Conductance: the ratio between the number of edges leaving the cluster and the number of edge inside the cluster

• Network Community Profile: the score of best cluster of size k