communication with moving trains in tunnels

COMMUNICATION WITH MOVING TRAINS IN TUNNELS By Newton Monk and H. S. Winbigler Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated New York, N.Y. Synopsis This paper describes tests conducted intheNorthRivertunnelofthePennsyl- vania Railroad to determine a practical means f o r communicating with moving loco- motives and trainsintunnels. It is shown that frequencies between about 25 and 1500 megacyclespersecondapenot suitable for such communication over any substantial distance when employingcon- ventional radio techniques. Tests are described utilizing other means of trans- mission,includingtheuseof a series of antennas bridged onto a transmission line extendingthrough the tunnel,and a closely-spacedtwo-wirelinewithout antennas acting as a radiating and pick- up device. It is concluded that satis- factory transmission in tunnels can be obtained for a distance up to approxi- mately 6,000 feet using the frequencies and equipment ordinarily employed in railroad mobilesystemsand-twin-lead cable such as RG-86pJ suitably located within the tunnel. Introduction Very early in the application of radio to the nation's railroads it was found that, for the frequenciesused, the radio signals did not penetrate into tunnels beyond a few hundred feet. Thus, communication with the trains when they are within tunnels of any substantial length is not possible with the existing radio systems. To determine a feasible method for obtaining communication with locomotives and cabooses when t h e y are in tunnels, a number of t e s t s were made by Bell Telephone Laboratories in cooper- ation with the Pennsylvania Railroad in the railroad's North River tunnel. This paper describes these tests and outlines anarrangementwhich is believed to be practicable for communicating with trains in tunnels. As assigned by the F e d e r a l Communi-. cations Commission, frequencies in the range of 159 to 162 megacyclesareused by the railroads in their road and yard radio installations. It is highly desira- ble that the same communication f a c i l i t i e s be employed when the trains are within tunnels as are used at other times. For this reason most of the tests described in this paper were made at frequencies in the neighborhood of 150 megacycles. However, a few tests were made at higher andlowerfrequencies. Description of Tunnel The Pennsylvania Railroad's North River tunnel passes under the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey. It consistsof two separatetubes,each of which carries a single track. One tube is known as the "northtube" and theother as the "south tube". Normally, trains leaving Pennsylvania Station in New York pass through the northtube,whilein- coming trains use the south tube. The t e s t s were made in the north tube. The tubes measure 13,393 feet from portal to portal. In addition to the entrances , there are two shafts at inter- mediate points through which access to thetunnel is possibleand where base station equipment can be located. One of these is at 32nd Street and 11th Avenue, Manhattan, and the other is in Weehawken, New Jersey. A simpltfied dia- gram of the north tube, showing the loca- tion of these shafts and other pertinent information, is given in Figure 1. The tubes are substantially straight throughoutmostof their length, with a I-- I 6627 FT "' 'Ti.$ 13,393 FT SUBAQUEOUS SECTION 5907 FT P * WYSIM SmAL Fig. 1 - Simplified diagran. of north tuoe. 21

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Page 1: Communication with moving trains in tunnels


By Newton Monk and H. S. Winbigler Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated

New York, N.Y.


This paper descr ibes tests conducted in the North River tunnel of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad to determine a p r a c t i c a l means f o r communicating wi th moving loco- motives and t r a i n s i n t u n n e l s . It i s shown that frequencies between about 25 and 1500 megacycles per second ape not su i t ab le fo r such communication over any subs t an t i a l d i s t ance when employing con- ventional radio techniques. Tests a r e d e s c r i b e d u t i l i z i n g o t h e r means of t r ans - mission, including the use of a s e r i e s of antennas bridged onto a t ransmiss ion l ine extending through t h e tunnel, and a closely-spaced two-wire line without an tennas ac t ing as a r a d i a t i n g and pick- up device. It i s concluded that satis- factory t ransmission in tunnels can be obta ined for a d is tance up to approxi - mately 6,000 feet using the frequencies and equipment o rd ina r i ly employed i n r a i l road mobile systems and -twin-lead cable such as RG-86pJ su i tab ly loca ted within the tunnel .

In t roduct ion

Very e a r l y i n t h e a p p l i c a t i o n of r a d i o t o the n a t i o n ' s r a i l r o a d s it was found that, f o r the frequencies used, the rad io signals did not pene t ra te in to tunnels beyond a few hundred f e e t . Thus, communication with the t r a i n s when they are within tunnels of any s u b s t a n t i a l length i s not poss ib le with the e x i s t i n g radio systems. To determine a feasible method fo r ob ta in ing communication wi th locomotives and cabooses when they are i n t u n n e l s , a number of t e s t s were made by Bell Telephone Laboratories in cooper- a t i o n w i t h the Pennsylvania Railroad i n the r a i l r o a d ' s North River tunnel. This paper descr ibes these tests and ou t l ines an arrangement which i s be l ieved to be

p rac t i cab le fo r communicating wi th t r a i n s i n t u n n e l s .

As assigned by the Federal Communi-. ca t ions Commission, f r equenc ie s i n the range of 159 t o 162 megacycles are used by t h e r a i l r o a d s i n t h e i r r o a d and yard r ad io i n s t a l l a t ions . It i s highly desira- ble that the same communication f a c i l i t i e s be employed when the t r a i n s a r e w i t h i n tunnels as are used a t other t imes. For t h i s reason most of the tests descr ibed i n this paper were made a t f requencies i n t h e neighborhood of 150 megacycles. However, a few t e s t s were made a t higher and lower frequencies.

Descr ipt ion of Tunnel

The Pennsylvania Railroad's North River tunnel passes under the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey . It consis ts of two separate tubes, each of which c a r r i e s a s ing le t r ack . One tube i s known as the "north tube" and the other as the "south tube". Normally, trains leaving Pennsylvania Stat ion in New York pass through the north tube, whi le in- coming t ra ins use the south tube. The t e s t s were made in the north tube.

The tubes measure 13,393 f e e t from p o r t a l t o p o r t a l . I n a d d i t i o n t o the entrances , t he re a r e two shafts a t i n t e r - mediate points through which access to the tunnel i s possible and where base s t a t i o n equipment can be located. One of these i s a t 32nd S t r e e t and 11th Avenue, Manhattan, and the other is i n Weehawken, N e w Jersey. A s impl t f i ed dia- gram of the north tube, showing the loca- t ion o f these shafts and o t h e r p e r t i n e n t information, i s given in Figure 1.

The tubes are s u b s t a n t i a l l y straight throughout most of t h e i r l e n g t h , w i th a

I-- I 6627 FT "' 'Ti.$ 13,393 FT


5907 FT


Fig. 1 - Simplified diagran. of north tuoe.


Page 2: Communication with moving trains in tunnels

Fig. 2 - Cross-section of north tube.

two-degree curve close to the eas t e rn end. S t a r t i n g a t the Manhattan p o r t a l t h e r e is. a 1.92 per cent descending grade changing t o a 0.53 per cent grade about 3,000 f e e t from the por ta l . This l a t t e r grade holds for about 2 ,000 feet under the r iver , from which point there I s a 1.3 per c e n t r i s e i n grade to the wes t por ta l .

Between the New York and New Jersey shafts the tubes are of typical under- water construction, being composed of a c i r c u l a r c a s t s t e e l s h e l l w i t h a r e i n - forced concrete l ining. The nature of the tube construction over most of this length is indicated in Figure 2. It shows, i n simplified form, the segmented c a s t s t e e l ring construct ion of the she l l , the re- inforced concrete l ining, and o ther f ea tu res . West of the New Jersey shaft the re inforced concrete tubes have an i n t e r io r con f igu ra t ion l i ke that shown i n Figure 2. East of the New York sha f t t he tubes a re somewhat wider and hiRher in t e rna l ly .

Radio Prowfa t ion

Although it was already known that the loss a t VIIF radio f requencies was extremely high in tunnels , i t was believed that knowledge of the approximate loss in the tunnel under test would provide a f i r e basis for fur ther exper imenta t ion . Accordingly, radio propagation within the tunnel, in the 152-162 megacycle band,

was f i r s t s t u d i e d . A 30-watt radio trans- mitter and a companion receiver together w i t h the neceesary control and power equipment were s e t up in a small room a t the foo t of the 11th Avenue shaft, Figure 3 i s a photograph of t h i s s t a t i o n . The radio t ransmit ter , control panel , and power panel are mounted i n the l a r g e r rack, and the r ad io r ece ive r i n t he smaller one. The radio equipment was connected through an ad jus tab le a t tenu- a tor , included on the control panel , and a sui table length of R Q - 8 f i cable t o a coaxial antenna located within the tunnel about as Indicated in Figure 4.

The radio equipment was arranged to operate on a coonon car r ie r channel which i s assigned for use by the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company in th i s area. This channel uses frequencies of 152.75 mega- cycles for t ransmission from the base e t a t i o n t o t h e mobile u n i t s , and 158.01 megacycles fo r t r ansmiss ion i n t he r e - verse d i rec t ion . By employing these frequencies , tests could be made wlth exis t ing publ ic passenger radiotelephone i n s t a l l a t i o n e on a number of t r a i n s which pass th rough ' the tunnel da i ly . A mobile s t a t ion ope ra t ing on these frequencies, which was i n s t a l l e d on one of the rail- road ' s e lec t r ic locomot ives for rad io survey purposes, also was a v a i l a b l e f o r the tests.

talking tests were conducted to and from With the arrangements described,


Page 3: Communication with moving trains in tunnels

I ” I ... -I .. -.^-_”

F i g . 3 - Base station equipment at the l l th Avenue shaft.

t h e t r a i n s with a va r i e ty of antenna types, heights, p o l a r i t i e s , and or ien ta- t ions , and with several values of a t tenu- a t ion i n se r t ed between the base s t a t i o n and the antenna. Also , recordings were made of the signal s t rength received a t the base s ta t ion from the passenger t ra in or the locomotive. By not ing the instants a t which t h e t r a i n s t a t i o n passed c e r t a i n wayside signals during i t s passage through the tunnel , p lo t t ing a t r a in p rog res s curve, and coordinating t h i s information wi th t e s t times, the location of the t r a i n s t a t i o n a t any time during the t e s t s was quite accurately determined.

The r e s u l t s of t he propagation t e s t s f o r a representat ive antenna are summarized in F igure 5. This shows the d is tance from the base s t a t i o n f o r which r e l i a b l e communication could be obtained p lo t ted aga ins t the power output of the rad io t ransmi t te r . Data fo r bo th d i r ec - t i ons of transmission are included. Unavoidable changes i n day-to-day values of the mobile transmitter output and re- ce iver sens i t iv i ty p robably account for most of the observed scattering of the data. The straight l i n e drawn through the t e s t p o i n t s i n d i c a t e s that the aver- age a t tenuat ion of the rad io waves a t 152 megacycles over the pa th measured is i n the order of 18 db per hundred feet . It should be noted that this a t tenuat ion 1s

not that for an empty tunnel s ince, dur- ing the tests, the path between base and mobile s ta t ion an tennas was a t least par t ia l ly occupied by t h e t r a i n . For a 30-watt (+15 dbw) t ransmi t te r , t h i s a t tenuat ion permits a range of only about 750 feet .

A recorded sample of t he s igna l from the locomotive, as received a t the base s ta t ion, is shown in F igure 6. The



Fig. b - Base station antenna location and mounting.


Page 4: Communication with moving trains in tunnels


200 400 so0 em 1 0 0 0

Fie. 5 - Radio coverare vs. t r a n s m i t t e r output, a t i 511 mtgac-cles.

curve represents the build-up and decline of the rece ived f ie ld s t rength as ind i - cated by rece iver first l imi t e r cu r ren t when the locomotive enters and leaves the coverage area. It w i l l be noted tha t the received s ignal s t rength var ies about as would be expected, and no substantial i r r e g u l a r i t i e s are evident .

In order to determine the possibi l - i t i e s of u t i l i z ing f r equenc ie s of the order of 40 or 450 megacycles some fu r the r data were obtained a t these frequencies. In these cases ta lking and l i s t e n i n g t e s t s only w t e s t s , *e made. For t h e 40-megacycle

witable base station equipment ard

t r a i n s equipped for public passenger service operat ing a t approximately t h i s frequency were used. For the 450- megacycle tests, a commercial Tv con- v e r t e r was purchased, suitably modified, and i n s t a l l e d on one of the 150-megacycle- equipped trains to convert the incoming signals from 450 megacycles to the ca r r i e r frequency of the 150-megacycle rece iver . These tests indicated that the average radio a t tenuat ion over the tes t pa th a t 40 megacycles was about 3.6 db per 100 f e e t and that a t 450 megacycles approxi- mately 12 db p e r 100 feet .

The above data together wi th the r e s u l t s of t u n n e l t e s t s made b observers as gleaned from the l i teraturee are p lo t ted in F igure 7. The points on t h i s curve are by no means accura te bu t a re be l ieved to Ind ica te the o rder o f magni- tude of the l o s s i n t h e r a d i o path i n a ra i l road tunnel when occupied by a t r a i n . It w i l l be noted tha t the loss increases rap id ly wi th f requency in the VHP range and decreases again as the frequency i s increased. Th i s suggests a change-over from f ree-space to waveguide transmission. Computing the c r i t i ca l cu t -of f f requency of a c i r c u l a r waveguide having the approx- imate dimensions of the tunnel under test, we f i n d t h a t the cut-off frequency varies somewhat wi th the mode of transmission but i s In the order of 50 megacycles. However, i f the dimensions of the wave- guide are reduced to take account of the presence of the t ra in within the tunnel and abso rp t ion a f f ec t s , the cu t -o f f f r e - quency is subs tan t ia l ly increased . Figure 7 suggests that t h i s cut-off frequency i s about 275 megacycles. The curve ind ica tes a l so that 150 megacycles

*See Bibliography a t the end of t h i s paper.

I ST L IY u4


I C 0


8 0

4 0





8 0

4 0


375 43) 47 2 505 539 572 606 640 674 708


Fig. 6 - Recorded s igna l r ece ived from locomotive.


Page 5: Communication with moving trains in tunnels


I 8

J I6 z

14 LL 0 c 12 0

IO U u

P a

Z 6 9



IO 20 50 100 200 Mo loo0 2000 M O O FREQUENCY - M C

Fig. 7 - RF transmission loss in train-occupied tunnels.

i s almost the worst frequency which could be chosen for th i s type o f t ransmiss ion .

drawn s lana l

S t i l l another deduct ion can be from Figure 7. The minimum usable . for radio transmission of t h i s

type i s known t o be about 120 db below one watt. Assuming t h a t a 30-watt radio transmitter i s employed, a t o t a l a t t e n u - a t i o n of approximately 135 db i s the maximum which can be tolerated. There- fo re , t o t r ansmi t a distance of one mile, the length of a long f r e igh t t r a in , the l o s s i n the tunnel must not exceed about 2.5 db per hundred f e e t . Allowing f o r a small margin to i n su re good transmission under a l l condi t ions, the curve of Figure 7 Indica tes that frequencies above about 25 megacycles and below around 1500 mega- cycles are not su i tab le for rad io commun- ica t ion In tunnels over any subs tan t ia l d i s tance by conventional means.

It should be emphasized t h a t t h e curve of Figure 7 shows the loss which i s experienced when a t r a i n i s i n the tunnel . A few t e s t s made wi th walkie-talkies showed tha t when a t r a i n i s not present the a t tenuat ion i s somewhat less. Tests made by other observers employing small hand c a r s o r t r o l l e y s a l s o have indicated lower losses , par t icular ly a t the higher frequencies.

Parallel Antennas

The above data ind ica ted tha t rad io coverage in the tunnel could be provided by a s e r i e s o f base s t a t ions l oca t ed within the tunnel and spaced about 1000 f e e t apart. Obviously, such an arrange- ment w i t h 13 or 1 4 base s t a t i o n s i n e a c h of the two Hudson River tubes did not appear very a t t ract ive. However, the tes ts suggested another possibi l i ty: a transmission line extending through the

tunnel fed a t one end and having antennas bridged onto i t a t s u i t a b l e i n t e r v a l s . This arrangement would have the advantage of employing only inert equipment in the tunnel . Unfortunately, to provide cover- age f o r a tunnel of any substant ia l length by such means would requi re a t ransmission l ine of very low loss (0.5 db o r less per 100 f e e t ) i n o r d e r t o de l ive r su f f i c i en t .power t o the more dis tant antennas. Coaxial cables such as 7/'8-inch "Styroflex" o r "Heliax" hav- ing a t t enua t ions of t h i s o rder o f magni- tude are avai lable but they are qu i t e expensive. Nevertheless, a few tes t s to determine the f e a s i b i l i t y o f t h i s method of providing coverage within the tunnel were i n i t i a t e d .

For these tests 2000 f e e t o f RG-8/U coaxial cable was i n s t a l l e d i n the tunnel , Although R G - 8 i U cable has a loss a t 150 megacycles of some 2.7 db per hundred f ee t and would no t be s a t i s f a c t o r y f o r a permanent i n s t a l l a t ion o f t h i s type of any appreciable length, it is inexpensive, e a s i l y i n s t a l l e d , and r ead i ly ava i l ab le . It was thought that the method could be t es ted ou t wi th t h i s type of cable w i t h - out the expense and diff icul t ies which would be incurred w i t h low-loss st ructures .

No special precautiorls were taken in i n s t a l l i n g t h e RG-8/U cab le . It was mounted i n the tunnel by suspending it a few inches below a l ight ing condui t located on the wall about eight f e e t above the catwalk. This condui t is v i s i - b le in F igure 10. One end of the cab le was terminated i n the base s ta t ion equip- ment a t the 1 1 t h Avenue s h a f t . From th i s point the cable was extended westward w i t h f ive antennas, spaced a t approxi- mately 500-foot intervals, connected to i t . These antennas, w i t h t h e exception of t h e one a t the d i s t a n t end which

2 5

Page 6: Communication with moving trains in tunnels

terminated the cable, were simple rode nine inches in length designed to provide a r e l a t i v e l y low bridging loss to the cable .

The f irst observation w i t h t h i s arrangement Indicated that good t r ans - mission was obtained throughout the en- t i r e l e ,ng th of the cable . The second and fourth antennas were then removed to p ro - vide greater spacing between the antennas and the test was repeated. The r e s u l t s were the same, The remaining antennas were then removed in turn and successive t e s t s were made. It was found that an exce l l en t c i r cu i t cou ld be obtained with no antennas a t a l l . I n view of t h i s re- su l t , t he cab le was extended another 1000 f e e t . However, good transmission could not be -obtained beyond the or iginal 2000 f e e t . In an e f f o r t t o o b t a i n g r e a t e r coverage, antennas were bridged a t the 2000-foot point and every 250 f e e t beyond. With t h i s arrangement, the range of satis- factory t ransmission was increased to 2600 f e e t . It was concluded from these tests that fo r r e l a t ive ly sho r t t unne l s up t o about 2000 fee t i n l eng th , communication can be obtained with a s ing le base s ta t ion a t one tunnel entrance connected to an RO-8/U cable running the length of the tunnel , * I f base station equipment can be l o c a t e d i n the middle of the tunnel, this d is tance can be increased to about 3800 f e e t . Bridged antennas will permit those d is tances to be extended to about 2600 and 4900 fee t , r e spec t ive ly .

Transmission Line

The a b i l i t y of the train s t a t i o n t o pick up the s igna l in the R G - 8 / U cable and vice-versa immediately led to specu- l a t i o n a s t o how the coupling was being effected. Consequently, a t e s t was made i n which the inner and outer conductors of the coaxial cable were shorted to- gether and energized, against ground, by the base s ta t ion t ransmit ter . With t h i s arrangement, the coverage was only about one-fourth of tha t obtained wi th the cable connected normally. In addition, labora- t o ry t e s t s Ind ica t ed that R G - 8 / U cable,

which has a s ing le braid ou te r conduc'tor, has r e l a t i v e l y high c ross t a lk i n to a similar and closely associated cable . From these data, i t was concluded that the f ie ld radiated d i r e c t l y from the coaxial cable was mainly responsible for the coverage obtained. It appeared reasonable to suppose, therefore, that a t ransmission l ine having an appreciable ex te rna l f i e ld bu t with considerably lower attenuation than the RG-8/U cable would extend the coverage materially.

Accordingly, theore t ical studies of s ing le and tm-wire t ransmiss ion l ines were initiated. Because of physical space l imitations, such lines must be mounted c lose to the w a l l of the tunnel. This r e s u l t s i n a b s o r p t i o n e f f e c t s which grea t ly increase the a t tenwt ion over that f o r such l ines In free space. Since i t was f e l t that accurate estimates of such absorption effects could not be made, it was concluded that a c t u a l f i e l d t e s t i n g would be required to determine the best arrangements. A s ing le-wire l ine of the Ooubau type was Considered, but a t a f r e - quency as low as 150 megacycles i t was f e l t that a two-wire l i n e would be more p r a c t i c a l . The absorpt ion loss and the f i e l d s t r e n g t h a t a given dis tance from a two-wire l ine both decrease as the spacing between the w i r e s i s decreased. Therefore, a compromise between these f a c t o r s was indicated. Other considera- t ions included first cos t and t h e a b i l i t y of t he l i ne t o s t and up under the weather cond i t ions l i ke ly t o be experienced i n the tunnel. With t h e s e f a c t o r s i n mind, a survey of ava i l ab le two-wire l i n e s having low a t t enua t ion a t 150 megacycles was made. RG-86B s o l i d d i e l e c t r i c pa ra l l e l -pa i r cab le , which i s similar t o but heavier than television twin-lead cable , and which has an adver t i sed f ree- space loss of about 0.6 db per hundred, fee t , appeared to meet the requirements best . Accordingly, 1000 f e e t of t h i s cable was ins ta l led in the tunnel and a s e r i e s of t e s t s made wi th i t .

The arrangement employed for these tests is shown in Figure 8. The base station

Fig. 8 - Testing arrangemsnt for RG&/U cable.


Page 7: Communication with moving trains in tunnels

equipment was connected direct ly to 1500 f e e t o f RG-8/U coaxial cable which ex- tended westward along the tunnel wall. The RG-861U parallel-pair cable was then connected t o the end of the coaxia l cab le through a spec ia l impedance-matching transformer (balun). This was employed not on ly to match the 50-ohm impedance of the coaxia l cab le to the 200-ohm impedance of the parallel-pair cable but a l s o t o c o n v e r t from an unbalanced t o a balanced l ine. The RG-86f l cable was terminated a t the far end i n a second impedance -matching transformer and a res i s tance of 50 ohms. Thus, by subs t i - t u t i n g a 50-ohm measuring se t for the res i s tance , measurements of the cable loss could be made. A schematic of the impedance-mawhlng device employed, which was constructed local ly , i s shown in F igure 9.



Fig. 9 - Impedance-matching transformer (balun).

The RG-8% w i t h i t s loss of

approximately 0 db, served two usefu l purposes . Firs t , i t excluded the possi- b i l i t y of any f i e l d r a d i a t e d d i r e c t l y by the transmitting equipment from reaching the RG-861U cable . Second, i t provided attenuation between the base s t a t i o n and the RG-86/U cable . T h i s a t tenuat ion , as well as add i t iona l pad loss, was required to determine the limits of acceptable transmission.

The RG-86fl cable was suspended f.rom the exposed wall conduit previously referred t o by means of marline twine in such a manner that i t hung approximately 6 t o 10 inches below the condui t . In t h i s pos i t ion , the para l le l -pa i r was about 7 f e e t above the catwalk, 12 feet above the rails and 6 t o 10 inches from the wall of the tunnel. Th i s placed i t about 6-1[2 f e e t away from the car and locomotive antennas, in a plane about 1 foo t below them.

With t h i s tes t setup, two-way t a l k - ing and l is tening tests were made between the base s t a t i o n and a number of t r a i n s . Next, the loss of the parallel-pair cable in p l ace was measured and found t o be 1.3 db per hundred feet , a subs t an t i a l i n -

crease from the ind ica tad loss o f 0.6 db per hundred f e e t when the cable i s i n f ree space . From these data it was determined that wi th transmission powers of 30 watts, s a t i s f a c t o r y two-way communi- ca t ion would be possible with the R G - 8 6 f l cable for a d is tance of approximately 6000 feet .

For a f i n a l series of tests, the R Q - 8 6 4 line was mounted as i n d i c a t e d i n Figure 10, i n what was considered to be the most favorable location from the standpoint of coupling which physical and c learance requihuents in the tunnel would permit. I n this pos i t ion the cable was about 6 inches c loser to the c a r and locomotive antennas, and about 1-1/2 feet higher than for the previous tests, per- mi t t ing a c l ea r l i ne o f s ight to the c a r antennas and a partial one to the loco- motive antenna. However, no s ign i f i can t improvement i n coverage range was ob- served.

It was concluded from these tests that s a t i s f a c t o r y communication could be established wi th locomotives, cabooses, and t ra ins in the Pennsylvania Rai l road I s North River tunnel w i t h R G - 8 6 f l wire su i t ab ly Installed throughout the length of the tunnel and three 30-watt base s t a t i o n s . One of the base s t a t i o n s would be located a t each portal and one a t the Weehawken shaft, which i s about 6000 feet from the west p o r t a l and 7400 f e e t from the east p o r t a l . The s t a t i o n a t t h e e a s t p o r t a l would be connected t o about 4400 f e e t of wire, t h a t a t the Weehawken shaf t to about 3000 feet extending eastward and 2400 feet extending westward, and the s t a t i o n a t the west po r t a l t o abou t 3600 feet, This arrangement should provide considerable margin over. the limiting distance of 6000 f e e t from the base sta- t i ons as determined by the tests.

Although the tests were conf ined to a spec i f i c tunnel, i t i s believed that the so lu t ion a r r ived a t would be general ly appl icable to o ther tunnels . To be sure , the e f fec t o f the tunnel walls upon the a t tenuat ion of the wire may vary somewhat with the physical s t ructure of the tunnel as may, a lso, the coupl ing between the wire and the train antennas. However, these factors should not be subs t an t i a l ly d i f f e ren t i n o the r t unne l s and should result o n l y i n r e l a t i v e l y minor d i f f e r - ences in the range of coverage a t ta inable with the RG-86/U wire and a single base Sta t ion .


Th i s paper has desc r ibed t e s t s looking toward a p r a c t i c a l s o l u t i o n t o the problem of providing communication w i t h r a i l road ro l l i ng s tock i n t unne l s .

Page 8: Communication with moving trains in tunnels

Fig. 10 - Location of RG-&/U cable on tunnel w a l l .

The r e s u l t s of t h e t e s t s may be summar - ized as follows:

1. Frequencies between about 25 and 1500 megacycles a r e n o t s u i t a b l e f o r r a d i o communication with locomo- t i v e s or t ra ins in tunnels o f any sub- s t a n t i a l l e n g t h by conventional means.

2 . Communication i n t h e 152-162 megacycle band between base s t a t i o n s and t r a ins i n t unne l s , c an be accom- plished by connecting a base s t a t i o n t o a closely spaced two-wire line ex- tending through the tunnel and mounted about s ix inches f rom the tunnel wall i n a posi t ion to provide as close cou- p l i n g t o the antennas on t h e t r a i n s as clearance or o the r r a i l road r equ i r e - ments w i l l permi t .

3 . An arrangement of the type descr ibed in (2) above employing RG-86/U wire and a 30-watt base s t a t i o n will provide covera e f o r a dis tance of approximately E 000 f e e t i n t h e North River tunnel of the Pennsylvania Railroad.

4. It i s believed that the cov- erage which could be obtained wi th t h i s arrangement i n other tunnels would not be ma te r i a l ly d i f f e ren t .

It should be pointed out t h a t o u r e f f o r t s were d i r ec t ed toward de - termining a p r a c t i c a l means fo r p ro - viding radio communication wi th r a i l road ro l l i ng s tock i n t unne l s . T h i s was t o be accomplished u t i l i z i n g equipment and f a c i l i t i e s known t o be ava i lab le and without employing special mobile s ta-

tion arrangements. It is not suggested tha t the arrangement arrived a t i s the best s o l u t i o n t o t h e problem nor i s it even suggested that RG-86/U wire i s the best poss ib le wire to u se . Fu r the r research and experimentation might wel l revea l a more e f f i c i e n t method or type of wire l i n e . However, such a study would be time-consuming and expensive. In view of the p rac t i ca l answer already arrived a t , i t does not appear to be j u s t i f i e d a t the present time.

In conclusion, the authors wish to express the i r apprec i a t ion t o t he i r a s soc ia t e s , Messrs. H. J. Bergmann and R. V. Crawford, fo r t he i r sugges t ions and a s s i s t ance i n conduc t ing t he t e s t s , and t o Mr. F. 8. Llewellyn for h i s advice and encouragement. Also, the cooperation of the engineers and other personnel of the Pennsylvania Railroad i s g r a t e f u l l y acknowledged.






Ernest Dahl, "Rock Island Radio Tests", Elec t ronics , Vol. 18, pp. 96- 102; May 1945.

J. P. Shanklin, "VHF Railroad Com- munication in Tunnels" , Communications, Vol. 27, pp. 16-19; June 1947.

G. H. Leversedge, "The Problems of Radio Communication wi th Moving Tra ins" , B r i t i s h IRE J l . , Vol. 7, pp , 157 -163 ; Ju ly -AU@s t 1947.

J. B. Love11 Foot, "Transmission Through Tunnels", Wireless World, Vol. 56, pp. 456-458; December 1950.

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Page 10: Communication with moving trains in tunnels