comment on “geometric phase in coupled neutron interference loops”

COMMENTS Comments are short papers which criticize or correct papers of other authors previously published in the Physical Review. Each Comment should state clearly to which paper it refers and must be accompanied by a brief abstract. The same publication schedule as for regular articles is followed, and page proofs are sent to authors. Comment on ‘‘Geometric phase in coupled neutron interference loops’’ Apoorva G. Wagh* Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, 86 Dhruva, Mumbai 400085, India ~Received 4 December 1998! Two interferometrically split and recombined subbeams which are in the same quantum state are treated as mutually orthogonal states by Hasegawa et al. @Phys. Rev. A 53, 2486 ~1996!#. This conceptual error has created the illusion of a geometric phase in U~1! evolutions. @S1050-2947~99!04602-8# PACS number~s!: 03.75.Dg, 03.65.Bz, 07.60.Ly, 61.12.Ld Hasegawa et al. performed a two-loop interference ex- periment @1# with unpolarized neutrons using a four-plate perfect crystal interferometer. Employing U~1! Hamiltonians in the form of a scalar phase shifter and a partial absorber, they observed the expected interference effects for the U~1! evolution. Using an ‘‘analogy’’ with the up-down-spin su- perposition, Hasegawa et al. interpreted this experiment as an observation of a ‘‘geometric phase.’’ In this Comment, I show that their interpretation is not correct. To elucidate the proposed theme of this experiment, let us examine the evolution of the normalized wave function u C& 5 e i x I u & 1A Te i x II u & A 1 1T , obtained by superposing the up- and down-spin states of a spin-1/2 particle. As the phases of the two constituent states are varied for a fixed intensity attenuation T 5tan 2 a /2, say, of the down state, the spin traces an arc spanning an azi- muthal angle u 5D x II 2D x I on a cone of polar angle a on the unit sphere of directions. The phase acquired by the ini- tial state u C(0) & in this evolution is prescribed by the Pan- charatnam connection @2–5# as f 5arg^ C~ 0 ! u C& 5 D x I 1D x II 2 2arctan S tan u 2 cos a D , comprising a dynamical component @6,7# F D 52i E ^ Cu C ˙ & dt 5 D x I 1T D x II 1 1T 5 D x I 1D x II 2 2 u 2 cos a and a geometric component @2,4,8–10# b 5f 2F D 5 u 2 cos a 2arctan S tan u 2 cos a D 52 V 2 . Here V denotes the solid angle spanned by the closed curve obtained by joining the ends of the arc traced on the unit spin sphere with the shorter geodesic @4,9,11#, i.e., the great circle arc. Thus even when the evolution is noncyclic, i.e., the states u C(0) & and u C& are distinct, the total phase f as well as its dynamical and geometric components are well delin- eated. We note that the u & and u & states being mutually orthogonal, add only in intensity so that the superposed beam intensity remains proportional to 1 1T regardless of their phases. With a variation in their relative phase, the spin of their superposed state evolves on the unit sphere producing the solid angle-dependent geometric phase. For the unpolarized incident beam in the experiment @1# of Hasegawa et al., however, the split subbeams on paths I and II differ only in momentum and U~1! phase. Hence over the region of superposition, they produce spatial interference fringes. This cosinusoidal intensity variation has the argu- ment @ ( k I 2k II ) r1x I 8 2x II 8 # , defined completely by the dif- ferences between the wave vectors and phases. A change in the phase difference merely shifts the fringe pattern. The analyzer slab of the interferometer combines the subbeams to produce the superposed ~O and H! beams @9#. The two sub- beam states constituting each superposed beam are identical in all respects, differing only in phase. In the forward dif- fracted ~O! beam studied in Ref. @1#, both the constituent subbeam states u C I & and u C II & are identical to the incident state u C 0 & in momentum, energy and spin. In contrast to the mutually orthogonal subbeam rays ( ^ u & 50) in up-down- spin superposition, the two normalized subbeam rays in the experiment @1# are identical ( ^ c I u c II & 51). Hence the two subbeams add coherently in amplitude and the superposed beam intensity varies as 1 1T 12 A T cos(x II 8 2x I 8 ), as ob- served in a multitude of experiments ~see, e.g., Ref. @12#!.A variation of the phases x I 8 and x II 8 therefore leaves the super- posed normalized wave function u C& 5 e i x I 8 1 A Te i x II 8 A 1 1T 12 A T cos~ x II 8 2x I 8 ! u C 0 & 5e i f8 u C~ 0 ! & , *Electronic address: [email protected] PHYSICAL REVIEW A FEBRUARY 1999 VOLUME 59, NUMBER 2 PRA 59 1050-2947/99/59~2!/1715~2!/$15.00 1715 ©1999 The American Physical Society

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Page 1: Comment on “Geometric phase in coupled neutron interference loops”

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Comments are short papers which criticize or correct papers of other authors previously published in thePhysical Review. EachComment should state clearly to which paper it refers and must be accompanied by a brief abstract. The same publication scfor regular articles is followed, and page proofs are sent to authors.

Comment on ‘‘Geometric phase in coupled neutron interference loops’’

Apoorva G. Wagh*Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, 86 Dhruva, Mumbai 400085, India

~Received 4 December 1998!

Two interferometrically split and recombined subbeams which are in the same quantum state are treated asmutually orthogonal states by Hasegawaet al. @Phys. Rev. A53, 2486 ~1996!#. This conceptual error hascreated the illusion of a geometric phase in U~1! evolutions.@S1050-2947~99!04602-8#

PACS number~s!: 03.75.Dg, 03.65.Bz, 07.60.Ly, 61.12.Ld




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Hasegawaet al. performed a two-loop interference experiment @1# with unpolarized neutrons using a four-plaperfect crystal interferometer. Employing U~1! Hamiltoniansin the form of a scalar phase shifter and a partial absorthey observed the expected interference effects for the U~1!evolution. Using an ‘‘analogy’’ with the up-down-spin superposition, Hasegawaet al. interpreted this experiment aan observation of a ‘‘geometric phase.’’ In this Commenshow that their interpretation is not correct.

To elucidate the proposed theme of this experiment, leexamine the evolution of the normalized wave function

uC&5eix Iu↑&1ATeix IIu↓&


obtained by superposing the up- and down-spin statesspin-1/2 particle. As the phases of the two constituent stare varied for a fixed intensity attenuationT5tan2a/2, say,of the down state, the spin traces an arc spanning anmuthal angleu5Dx II2Dx I on a cone of polar anglea onthe unit sphere of directions. The phase acquired by thetial stateuC(0)& in this evolution is prescribed by the Pacharatnam connection@2–5# as

f5arg C~0!uC&5Dx I1Dx II

22arctanS tan


2cosa D ,

comprising a dynamical component@6,7#

FD52 i E ^CuC&dt5Dx I1TDx II


Dx I1Dx II




and a geometric component@2,4,8–10#


2cosa2arctanS tan


2cosa D52



*Electronic address: [email protected]

PRA 591050-2947/99/59~2!/1715~2!/$15.00







HereV denotes the solid angle spanned by the closed cuobtained by joining the ends of the arc traced on the unit ssphere with the shorter geodesic@4,9,11#, i.e., the great circlearc. Thus even when the evolution is noncyclic, i.e., tstatesuC(0)& anduC& are distinct, the total phasef as wellas its dynamical and geometric components are well deeated. We note that theu↑& and u↓& states being mutuallyorthogonal, add only in intensity so that the superposed beintensity remains proportional to 11T regardless of theirphases. With a variation in their relative phase, the spintheir superposed state evolves on the unit sphere produthe solid angle-dependent geometric phase.

For the unpolarized incident beam in the experiment@1#of Hasegawaet al., however, the split subbeams on pathsand II differ only in momentum and U~1! phase. Hence ovethe region of superposition, they producespatial interferencefringes. This cosinusoidal intensity variation has the argment@(kI2kII)•r1x I82x II8 #, defined completely by the dif-ferences between the wave vectors and phases. A chanthe phase difference merelyshifts the fringe pattern. Theanalyzer slab of the interferometer combines the subbeamproduce the superposed~O and H! beams@9#. The two sub-beam states constituting each superposed beam are idein all respects, differing only in phase. In the forward dfracted ~O! beam studied in Ref.@1#, both the constituentsubbeam statesuC I& and uC II& are identical to the incidenstateuC0& in momentum, energy and spin. In contrast to tmutually orthogonal subbeam rays (^↑u↓&50) in up-down-spin superposition, the two normalized subbeam rays inexperiment@1# are identical (c Iuc II&51). Hence the twosubbeams add coherently inamplitudeand the superposebeam intensity varies as 11T12ATcos(xII82x I8), as ob-served in a multitude of experiments~see, e.g., Ref.@12#!. Avariation of the phasesx I8 andx II8 therefore leaves the supeposed normalized wave function

uC&5eix I81ATeix II8

A11T12ATcos~x II82x I8!uC0&5eif8uC~0!&,

1715 ©1999 The American Physical Society

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latched to the incident state, changing only its phasef8.That the superposed state remains stationary is also evfrom the full interference contrast it produced@1# with the









ntsliesnat tiet


entreference subbeam from another path, which should belto ‘‘another subspace’’ according to Hasegawaet al. Thephase

f85Dx I81Dx II8


cosa sin@~Dx II82Dx I8!/2#

cos@~Dx II82Dx I8!/2#1sina cos@~x II82x I81x II802x I8









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of a

differs from f above in the sina term which arises from thecross termAT$exp@i(xII82x I8

0)#1exp@i(xI82x II80)#% between

the complex conjugate of the initial amplitude of either subeam and the final amplitude of the other subbeam. Inup-down-spin superposition, this cross term vanishes sthe two subbeams are mutually orthogonal. Hasegawaet al.@1# observed the phase for the trivial case, termed the ‘‘clicity condition,’’ Dx II82Dx I852p wherein the phasesf8andf above happen to be equal. The geometric phase dnot require a cyclic evolution@4,5#. To establish the claimed‘‘evolution’’ @1# of the superposed state, the experimeought to be performed by varying the phase differenDx II82Dx I8 continuously. According to Hasegawaet al., theevolution would then be ‘‘noncyclic’’ and a phase varyingf above should be observed with an appropriately reduinterference contrast due to the noncyclicity@5,13#. From theneutron interferometric data produced in the 1970’s byVienna-Dortmund group and other groups~see, e.g., Ref.@9#!, however, it is clear that such an experiment shallserve the phasef8 above with full interference contrast. Th‘‘analogy’’ with the up-down-spin superposition professby Hasegawaet al. is therefore not appropriate.

Any Poincare spherelike ray space has the fundameproperty that every pair of diametrically opposite pointherein represents mutually orthogonal states. This impthat when superposed, such states must add only in intensince their cross term vanishes. It is only for two orthogostates that the superposed state evolves on a cone abouaxis in the ray space when their relative phase is varSince the statesuC I& and uC II& in the experiment are no












mutually orthogonal but identical, placing them at oppospoles on the two-sphere ray space~Fig. 2 in Ref. @1#!amounts to a conceptual error.

For the superposed beam in the experiment@1#, the stateand hence the density operator remain stationary in thespace throughout the evolution. The evolution thus beU~1!, is cyclic all through and the phase produced is scaand hence wholly dynamical@14#, f8[FD8 . Geometricphase which requires a ray-space evolution through noncmuting density operators@9,11,15# vanishes identically hereHasegawaet al.mistakeuC I& anduC II& for orthogonal states~Fig. 2 in Ref.@1#! and misinterpret the observed purely dnamical phase as geometric phase.

Hasegawaet al. @1# appear to have incorrectly cited thneutron polarimetric measurement@16# of Weinfurter andBadurek as an experimental demonstration of geomephase for noncyclic evolutions. For polarized neutrons inuniformly rotating magnetic field, Weinfurter and Baduremistook the rotation angle of the field for the noncyclic gemetric phase and claimed to have measured@16# this‘‘phase.’’ Rakhecha and I@17# delineated the correct noncyclic phase for these evolutions, propounded a polarimemethod for observing noncyclic phases and showed thatpolarimetric experiment@16# did not constitute a phase measurement. The noncyclic phase for neutrons was observean interferometric experiment@13# whose results are in closagreement with theory@5#.

To conclude, the phase observed in the coupled loopsfour-plate neutron interferometer@1# is U~1!, i.e., wholly dy-namical. Contrary to the claim made by Hasegawaet al., theexperiment did not show a geometric phase.



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