columbia and the jose vicente aircrafts

Upload: leopoldo-colmenares

Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 Columbia and the Jose Vicente Aircrafts


    Columbia and the Jose Vicente Rangels War Aircrafts.

    The so many times commented newsy dinamic, that without exaggerating

    we could point has shake up for more of 10 years to the country, and that

    includes attempts of magnicide, sale of cheaper dollars to travelers, give

    shelter to CIAs spies and many other issues, it has not somehow allowed

    giving the importance that they deserve to the unrealistic affirmations of

    the former ene!uelan deputy "resident #ose icente $angel% &e should

    remem'er that this ill(fated character pointed with serious tone that the

    ene!uelan opposition 'ought to the )nited *tates of America eighteen

    war aircraft, which would 'e transferred to a +orth American military 'ase

    in Colom'ia% &ith respect to that statement, officials of the vene!uelan

    government have given as certain such lucu'rations and they have said

    that ene!uela should take measures with regard to this matter%

    The initial uestion 'efore us is to determine which one is the o'-ective of

    the ene!uelan government to launch such claim to the international

    arena%&e say the national government 'ecause we have no dou't whatthese statements are finely orchestrated 'etween #ose icente $angel and

    the vene!uelan executive% This is not the case of a courageous -ournalist

    who has 'rought up an important news event, 'ut it is the manufacture in

    live, direct and in slow motion, of some sordid plan for unknown

    purposes% It could also 'e said that pro'a'ly will not 'ring any 'enefit to

    the country and unless to the leaders of the democratic opposition%

    In principle one might have thought that these declarations, #os. icente

    $angel -ust looking to get some centimetra-e in the national and

    international press, 'ut then he insisted on such nonsense and also to 'e

    endorsed such claims for ene!uela/ s "resident +icolas aduro, the fact

    then acuires a different dimension that at least should 'e analy!ed from

    a 'roader perspective%

  • 8/12/2019 Columbia and the Jose Vicente Aircrafts


    ne of the issues that most impact us is the very shy reply given 'y the

    Colom'ian government to such assertions% In principle we estimate

    2ogota should have made it clear that Americans do not have 3'ases3 in

    its territory% *econdly they should also make it clear they would not allowits territory to 'e used 'y opposition elements to desta'ili!e the

    ene!uelan government% This action certainly does allow the 2olivarian

    regime with its partners in the 4A$C%

    &e must emphasi!e that there is no contradiction to point out that $angel

    allegations are a'surd, with our assertion that these should 'e evaluated

    carefully% +or is it a conspiracy theory counter with another of the same

    sign% &e emphasi!e that what is important is to determine what are the

    real o'-ectives of this farce staged 'y the ene!uelan regime%