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October 21, 2015 to October 20, 2018


Appendix A- Departmental Job Occupations & Classifications Bereavement Pay ...................................................... . Bulletin Board .......................................................... . Dental Benefits .......................................................... . Discrimination .......................................................... . Education Fund ........................................................ . Eye Glass Plan .......................................................... . Grievance Procedure ................................................... . Health Benefits & Prescription Drugs ............................... . Holidays with Pay ...................................................... . Hours ofWork/Overtime .............................................. . Jury Duty/Subpoenaed Witness Allowance ......................... . Letter of Understanding ... (Company Training) .................... . Letter ofUnderstanding ... (Health & Safety Committee training) Letter of Understanding ... (Seniority) ............................... . Letter of Understanding ... (Students) ............................... . Life Insurance ........................................................... . Long Term Disability .................................................. . Management Rights .................................................... . No Strike or Lockout. .................................................. . Pension Plan ............................................................. . Period of Agreement ................................................... . Purpose ................................................................... . Recognition/Jurisdiction ............................................... . Safety/Travel/General Conditions .................................... . Seniority .................................................................. . Separation Allowance ................................................... . Short Term Disability ................................................... . Signature .................................................................. . Trade Apprenticeship Program ......................................... . Union Memberships ...................................................... . Vacations with Pay ....................................................... . Wage Schedule ............................................................ .

Page 19 15 11 13 16 18 15 5

12 4 8

15 21 22 23 24 17 14 3 6

15 2 2 2 6

10 11 14 18 16 3 4



Article 1 - PURPOSE

1.01 The purpose of this Agreement is to secure for the Company and the Union the full benefits of orderly and legal collective bargaining; to provide the means for the prompt and equitable disposition of grievances; and to establish and maintain mutually satisfactory working conditions for all employees who are subject to the provisions of the Agreement.

Article 2 - PERIOD

2.01 This Collective Agreement shall be a three year agreement, effective on October 21, 2015, and shall remain in effect until midnight on October 20, 2018. It shall be renewed automatically unless either party gives notice to bargain to the other party within ninety days prior to October 20, 2018. Even in the event of such notice, this Collective Agreement shall continue in effect until such time as a new Collective Agreement has been reached or until the conciliation procedure required by law has been completed.

The parties agree to meet within forty-five days of such notice to bargain or otherwise by mutual agreement.


3.01 The Company recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agency for all employees of the Company in the City of Thunder Bay save and except foremen, persons above the rank of foremen, office and clerical staff and salespersons per the terms of the Ontario Labour Relations Board certification documentation.

3.02 The Company shall not contract work out regularly performed by the classifications set out in this Agreement and further hereby agree that before any welding work is contracted out, Management will advise its intention to the Union Steward.

3.03 Supervisory personnel shall not perform work which would normally be a function of employees in job classifications covered by this Agreement. However, the Union does agree to allow salaried employees to perform work during an emergency workload situation, vacation, holidays or to cover for absenteeism when service to customers must be maintained.



4.01 Subject only to the restrictions contained in this Agreement, the Union recognizes that the customary functions of Management are vested in the Company.

4.02 The Company has the exclusive right to manage the affairs of the business including such things as determining the viability of all or part of the business, locations, products/services, methods, efficiency/standards, as well as terms and conditions of employment.

4.03 The Company agrees that the exercise of functions under this Article will not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.

4.04 Any employee who feels these rights have been exercised contrary to the provisions of the Agreement may have his complaint dealt with through the Grievance Procedure outlined in Article 8.


5.01 All employees subject to the provisions of this Agreement per Article 3 shall become members of the Union after their probationary period with the Company. Probationary employees shall pay monthly Union dues.

5.02 The Company shall remit Union dues monthly and shall furnish a list of employees from whom the deductions have been made, including the amounts deducted.

5.03 A representative of the Union carrying a Certificate of authority signed by the President and the Secretary of the Union shall have the right to visit the Branch in connection with Union business. The Union Rep. will report to the Branch Manager or his designate prior to visiting the Branch. The Union Rep. shall conduct himself in a manner which will not interfere with the normal operation of the Branch during his visit.

5.04 The Union shall furnish the Company with a list of local officers and representatives and shall amend these lists as changes occur.

5.05 The Company will recognize as an authorized representative of th~ Union a Steward. The Steward shall be selected by the employees and shall act as their spokesperson in matters pertaining to the Agreement and collective bargaining.

5.06 One Union representative will be appointed to represent all departments in dealing with departmental issues.

5.07 The Company agrees to allow the Union to conduct a one hour orientation meeting with new employees, with one (1) member of the Union Executive and the Shop Steward in attendance.



6.01 (a) The duration of an employee's vacation is determined by his/her length of service and the following represents the maximum vacation allowance which shall be granted.

Maximum Vacation Base%

Per Year

Less than 1 year 4%

1 year to 4 years 2 weeks 4%

5 years to 9 years 3 weeks 6%

10 years to 19 years 4 weeks 8%

20 years to 24 years 5 weeks 10%

25 years or more 6weeks 12%

6.01 (b) All vacation time taken shall be paid based on the employee's hourly rate for eight (8) hours per day of vacation taken.

6.01 (c) Should an employee be prevented from taking vacation entitlement during the year, it will be carried over to the following year upon the approval of Management and Union Shop Steward.

6.01 (d) The base% shall be calculated for all overtime hours and shall be paid to each employee once per year.

6.02 Vacations will be scheduled at a time mutually satisfactory to the employee and the Company taking into consideration the operating requirements of the Company. If there is a conflict in requests for scheduling of vacation periods, seniority by classification will govern. The employee shall indicate on a form provided by the Company, by March 15th, the vacation period they are requesting. It is further agreed that a vacation list will be posted on the bulletin board indicating the vacation periods granted by the Company.


7.01 (a)

7.01 (b)

The following Holidays with Pay will be observed without the performance of work.

New Year's Day Family Day Good Friday Victoria Day Canada Day

Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day

Boxing Day New Year's Eve 2 Floating Holidays

Specific dates for each year will be posted on bulletin boards. If the holiday falls on a weekend the following Monday is usually substituted. If the holiday falls during your vacation, the day may be added to your vacation.



8.01 Any employee who believes he has cause for complaint may present his case for investigation and settlement in accordance with this procedure.

8.02 The Company will provide the Union with updated lists of its Supervisory employees.

8.03 Step 1: The employee must ftrst present his complaint verbally in person to his immediate Supervisor. The employee may be accompanied by a Union Steward when doing so. The Supervisor will endeavour to provide a verbal response to the complaint within two (2) working days.

If a verbal answer does not resolve the matter or it is not timely, the employee may submit the Grievance in writing on a form provided by the Union. The Steward will present the Grievance to the Supervisor within ten (10) working days of the "event" which caused the complaint.

A Grievance should allege a violation or misinterpretation of the terms and/or conditions of the Collective Agreement. The Supervisor will give a written reply to the Grievance within two (2) working days of receipt of the written Grievance.

8.04 Step 2: If the Supervisor's written answer does not resolve the Grievance, it may be resubmitted by the Steward to Step 2 within ftve (5) working days. At Step 2, the written Grievance is submitted to the Branch Manager or his designate. The Branch Manager and the Steward will meet within one (1) week to discuss the Grievance. The Branch Manager will give the Steward his written answer within seven (7) working days of receiving the Grievance from the Steward.

8.05 Step 3: If the Branch Manager's written answer does not resolve the Grievance, it may be resubmitted by the President of the Local Union or his designate within two (2) weeks. At this step, the Grievance should be submitted to the General Manager or his designate. A meeting will be held to discuss the Grievance. Arrangements for a meeting will be agreed upon within one (1) week of receipt of the Grievance at this Step. The General Manager will give his written response within two (2) weeks of the meeting.

8.06 If the written answer at Step 3 does not resolve the Grievance, it may be referred to Arbitration. Notice of such intent will be given within two (2) weeks.

8.07 Grievances not appealed from one Step to the next within the time limits shall be considered resolved. Time limits may be extended by mutual agreement.

8.08 Probationary employees are entitled to grievance procedures except in matters of lay-off and discharge.

8.09 If the Company has a complaint that the Union or any Member(s) have violated the provisions of this Agreement, the Company may submit a complaint to the Union. It will be processed in the same manner as a written grievance is processed by the Union. Failing settlement of the complaint to the satisfaction of both parties, it may be referred to arbitration. Complaints per this paragraph are initiated at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure.


8.10 The party submitting a grievance to Arbitration shall give three (3) names of proposed arbitrators.

8.11 Within ten (1 0) working days of receipt of such notice, the other party will give written acceptance of one of the arbitrators or submit their proposed list. Failing agreement, the matter will be referred to the Minister of Labour for the Province of Ontario.

8.12 As soon as possible, after the Arbitrator has been selected, he shall fix a date for the hearing and so advise the parties.

8.13 The Arbitrator shall, upon completion of the hearings, schedule written submissions when requested by either party. He shall deliberate and render his decision in writing on the merits of the Grievance.

8.14 The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties.

8.15 However, the Arbitrator shall have no power to add to, subtract from or modify the terms of this Agreement.

8.16 Each of the parties concerned shall pay an equal share of the fees and expenses of the Arbitrator.

8.17 An employee's discipline record will be cleared after two (2) years.


9.01 There shall be no strikes caused, called or supported by the Union or its members, nor lockouts by the Company during the life of this Agreement. The definition of a strike or lockout is as dictated by the Ontario Labour Relations Act.

9.02 It shall not be a violation of this Collective Agreement for the employees covered hereunder to refuse to cross a picket line.


10.01 It is agreed that the company and the Union shall cooperate collectively in improving safety and first aid practices. The Company and the Union agree to set up and maintain a joint safety committee to promote safe working conditions and practices. There will be at least two (2) meetings of the safety committee each calendar quarter.

10.02 The Company agrees to furnish on loan all safety equipment required by law and safety equipment it deems to be necessary. This will include prescription safety glasses for those that require them and will include 3 options for frames and the prescription lenses.

10.03 Upon receiving a receipt for the purchase, the Company agrees to pay for the purchase of safety boots to a maximum of three hundred ($300.00) each year during the term of the Collective Agreement.


10.04 Coveralls, shirts, pants and ties are to be supplied and cleaned by the Company free of charge. The Company also agrees to supply two (2) pairs of winter coveralls to Road Mechanics which will be returned in exchange for new ones when they are worn out. The Company expects all shop and/or field service employees to wear the Company attire provided to them by the Company at all times while performing work for the Company.

10.05 The Company shall supply work gloves on a return and replace basis.

10.06 The Company will ensure that an employee required to work alone in an isolated area will have available appropriate communications equipment to enable him to call for assistance if necessary.

10.07 The Company agrees to continue to provide bi-weekly pays effective July 1st, 1997.

10.08 The Company agrees to maintain a proper first aid station in the shop and first aid kit in the road service vehicle. The Company also agrees to provide first aid training for any employee who wishes to take it at the Company's expense and through a training provider selected by the Company.

10.09 (a)

When an employee is away from the Thunder Bay shop performing duties for the Company outside of the City of Thunder Bay at a location that is 100 kms or more from the Thunder Bay shop, the present practice for rooms shall apply, and the employee will receive a $60.00 per diem for meal expenses. The employee will be furnished an advance sufficient to cover anticipated expenses.

10.09 (b) Corporate credit cards (or similar) shall be made available for service vehicle needs only pertaining to the corresponding asset that the card is tied to.

10.09 (c) The Company will supply a road service vehicle for business use, as per Company policy. Vehicles must be returned to the Branch when the employee is away from work for more than seven days.

10.10 (a) Effective October 21, 2015, an annual tool allowance will be provided for tools purchased between October 21 to October 20 the following year upon provision of receipts. No carryover of any unused allowance is allowed.

The tool allowance amount is as follows:

Journeymen Mechanic: $500.00

Note: Apprentice Mechanics having a set of tools comprising 80% of the value of an average journeyman's tool kit shall also qualify for such an allowance.

New eligible employees hired within October 21 to October 20 of a following year and who have passed their probation period, shall be eligible to receive a portion of the above allowance pro-rated to the number of full months employed with the Company.


(b) Tradesmen will furnish all hand tools common to the trade. Such tools will include spanners up to 1-1/4" opening, sockets up to 1/2" drive and 1-1/4" opening, adjustable wrenches up to 18" in length, hammers, chisels, punches and screwdrivers.

The Company will use its influence where possible to enable employees to purchase tools at good prices. The Company will make available any special tools including power driven tools, testing and measuring instruments, gauges, pullers, sockets over 1/2" drive and spanners over 1-114".

(c) Equivalent metric tools are furnished by the tradesmen or by the Company per the outline in 10.10(b).

(d) The employee shall make up a list of his tools and furnish it to his Supervisor. The list shall be kept current per present practice.

10.11 The Company will provide insurance against loss by fire or theft of employees' tools in the work place. The Company will pay the deductible.

10.12 Where practical and with management's prior written approval, employees may be granted the option of using their personal vehicle while on Company programs, schooling, up-grading, etc. ill such cases, employees will be paid fifty cents ($.50) per kilometre.

10.13 Employees will continue to be eligible for any other current privileges which do not cost the Company time or money.


11.01 The regular work week shall consist of forty ( 40) hours. It shall consist of eight (8) hours per day, Monday through Friday.

11.02 The regular work day hours for Service Mechanics shall be 8:00 a.m. until noon and 12:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Noon until 12:30 p.m. will be taken as a lunch break. There will also be a fifteen (15) minute break in the morning and a fifteen (15) minute break in the afternoon.

The regular work day hours for Parts Department Salespeople shall be 7:00 a.m. until 6:00p.m. There will be three shifts in the Parts Department with the first shift starting at 7:00a.m. and finishing at 4:00p.m., the second shift starting at 8:00a.m. and finishing at 5:00 p.m., and the third shift starting at 9:00 a.m. and finishing at 6:00 p.m. The first shift will take lunch from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., the second shift will take lunch from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., and the third shift will take lunch from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be two (2) fifteen (15) minute breaks as above. Lunches and breaks must be taken so that at least one employee is working in the Parts Department at all times.

The Parts Department will be open Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. until noon as customer needs require. A Parts Salesperson will be scheduled to cover this period on a rotating basis as per past practice.


11.03 It is agreed that these provisions are guidelines and are not to be taken as guarantees of forty (40) hours of work.

11.04 It is agreed that the starting and stopping times and/or the length of the regular shifts may be changed by mutual agreement. fu the event that changes are required because of competitors' hours or work and there is no mutual agreement, the Company may vary the starting and stopping times unilaterally with two (2) months notice.

11.05 Overtime work will be subject to the prior approval of the Company.

11.06 (a) Overtime work will be done by the employee already working on the job requiring the overtime. If such employee is not available, the overtime will be offered per the provisions of 11.06(b) and (c).

(b) When a job no one has been working on requires overtime, it will be offered to the senior employee in the classification where the work is required. If the senior person refused the opportunity, the second most senior person will be offered the work and so on down the seniority list. Employees not readily available will be passed by.

(c) Where there are no volunteers, the junior person in the classification will be required to perform the work in the case where the work is an emergency from the customer's perspective.

(d) If an employee is required to perform overtime for a period of at least two (2) hours after his regular shift, the Company will provide him with a meal allowance for a maximum amount of$15.00 with receipt. The eating time will not be paid for.

11.07 Overtime at the rate of time and one half will be paid for all work performed in excess of eight (8) hours on a regular work day and after forty ( 40) hours in a work week. Up to forty ( 40) hours per year may be accumulated at straight time (hour worked for hour oft) for time off my mutual agreement. Banked time can only be utilized one vacation entitlement had been exhausted. At times when demand is slow; and by mutual agreement the employee will be allowed time off. Hours must be cleared off the books within the calendar year. Any hours not used cannot be carried into the following year and will be paid out.

11.08 Two (2) times the regular hourly rate will be paid for all overtime hours worked on Sunday or on a paid holiday.

11.09 Travel time that is not booked to work orders will be paid at straight time up to a maximum of eight (8) hours per day.

11.10 fu an emergency, where an employee is called into work after their regular work day hours, the employee will be paid at the applicable premium rate for actual hours worked. The employee will be guaranteed a minimum of two hours paid. Parts Department employees designated to be on-call will receive two (2) hours at their regular rate of pay per week in addition to any payments for actual time worked.


Article 12 - SENIORITY

12.01 The Company recognizes the principle of seniority. Seniority will govern subject to reasonable consideration of skill, efficiency and ability, in promotion, transfers, layoffs and recalls after layoff.

12.02 Employment of any new employee shall be considered as probationary until he has been employed for ninety (90) calendar days within a twelve month period. At the end of this period, his seniority shall be established and he shall be placed on the seniority list in the order of hire.

12.03 (a) Seniority will be applied on a departmental basis within the job occupation and classification for purposes of recalls, promotion and layoffs.

(b) The Company, when filling vacancies, will do so from within the bargaining unit in accordance with Article 12.

Notice of impending vacancies will be posted on the bulletin board for at least five (5) working days prior. It is agreed, however, that temporary appointments may be made without posting for filling vacancies ofless than one (1) calendar month duration.

Newly created jobs will be posted on the bulletin boards by the Company for a period of five (5) working days prior to any appointment to such jobs, stating the normal job requirements. Employees shall not be considered for such jobs unless they apply in writing within the five ( 5) day period.

All jobs will be filled from among the qualified applicants on the basis of Section 12.01 of the Agreement. Employees accepting the posted jobs shall be allowed five (5) work days in which to qualify (or further time as may be mutually agreed, if additional training is required). Failure of an employee to qualify shall entitle him to return to his former job without loss of seniority or benefits.

12.04 In case of layoff, the Company will notify, in writing, the employees intended to be laid off, at least two (2) weeks in advance, with a copy of such said notice to the Union. The Company agrees that all reasonable effort will be made to give employees as much advance notice of layoff as possible.

12.05 When the approximate time of recall is known at the time of layoff, employees will be informed of such approximate date at that time. In any case, notice in writing will be sent by registered mail to an employee at his given address at least seven (7) days before he is required to report for work. Employees will be required to acknowledge receipt of such notice and report to work on the date specified, unless other arrangements have been made within the seven (7) days. At the employee's request, the Company shall grant an extension to the return to work date of up to seven (7) days.

12.06 The Company agrees to submit to the Union Office by January 31st of each year an alphabetical list, in duplicate, of employees covered by this Agreement. The list will also show each employee's occupation and address as at December 31st of the prior year.

12.07 A list shall be prepared and posted quarterly showing the seniority order of the employees.


12.08 An employee's seniority shall be lost and his name will be removed from the seniority list if he: 1. Quits voluntarily. 2. Is discharged and not reinstated. 3. Fails to report for work following recall, as provided in this Article. 4. Fails to return from a leave of absence on the date specified unless his return to work

is prevented by circumstances beyond his control. 5. Retires. 6. Is laid off for the following periods based on service with the Company:

Period of Seniority Less than 12 months 12 months and over 60 months and over

12.09 Return to the Bargaining Unit:

Recall Period 6 months 12 months 24 months

In the event that a bargaining unit employee accepts a salaried job with the Company, they may return to the bargaining unit under certain conditions:

•!• Return within one (1) year of leaving the bargaining unit. •!• Not bump a bargaining unit employee out to the street due to a return (not within six

(6) months). •!• Get credit for service accumulated within the bargaining unit prior to leaving for

seniority list purposes. Not get credit for time out of the bargaining unit for seniority purposes. Gets credit for total service for purpose of vacations, pension and sickness and accident benefits.

•!• Return to classification held prior to leaving the bargaining unit. •!• This provision also applicable if a bargaining unit employee accepts a Union Staff

job, same terms.


13.01 The Union shall have the right to post notices dealing with Union affairs, and the Company shall provide one (1) bulletin board in the employee lunch room for this purpose.


14.01 (a) An employee with three (3) months or more of service for whom no job is available may elect to receive the following:

LENGTH OF SERVICE (As oflast day worked)

Less than 3 months

3 months but less that 6 months

6 months but less than 1 year

ENTITLEMENT (Includes notice period & pay in lieu of notice)


1 weeks base salary

2 weeks base salary


1 year but less than 5 years 4 weeks base salary

5 years but less than 6 years 12 weeks base salary

6 years but less than 7 years 14 weeks base salary

7 years but less than 8 years 16 weeks base salary

8 years but less than 9 years 18 weeks base salary

9 years but less than 10 years 20 weeks base salary

10 years but less than 11 years 22 weeks base salary

11 years but less than 12 years 23 weeks base salary

12 years but less than 13 years 24 weeks base salary

13 years but less than 14 years 25 weeks base salary

14 years but less than 15 years 26 weeks base salary

15 years but less than 16 years 27 weeks base salary

16 years but less than 17 years 28 weeks base salary

17 years but less than 18 years 29 weeks base salary

18 years but less than 19 years 3 0 weeks base salary

19 years but less than 20 years 31 weeks base salary

20 years but less than 21 years 3 2 weeks base salary

21 years but less than 22 years 3 3 weeks base salary

22 years but less than 23 years 34 weeks base salary

23 years but less than 24 years 3 5 weeks base salary

24 years but less than 25 years 3 6 weeks base salary

25 years and over 3 8 weeks base salary

Separation allowance shall be computed on the basis of forty ( 40) hours at the employee's regular straight time hourly rate.

In addition to his separation allowance, when he receives his last cheque, he will be paid for any accrued and vested vacation that he has earned.

The separation allowance will not be paid if the separation is a result of quitting, being discharged for cause, retirement.


Your provincial health plan covers most basic hospital and medical costs. Your supplementary health benefit covers additional expenses once your provincial coverage is exhausted, or expenses that are not covered under the provincial plan. The Health Care Premium is shared equally by you and the Company.

Hospital 100% coverage for semi-private accommodation.



Out of Canada

Major Medical Vision Care

Hearing Aids Private Nursing


Annual Deductible Overall Maximum Termination Age

85% coverage for drugs which legally require a written prescription. 100% coverage includes emergency treatment in excess of provincial medicare and includes an emergency travel assistance benefit and card. Coverage is limited to $1,000,0001lifetime per insured dependent. 100% coverage includes supplies and appliances. 100% coverage up to $250124 months for frames, lenses and contact lenses. 85% coverage up to $500136 months per person 100% coverage for in-home private duty nursing. Limited to $1 O,OOOicalendar year. Physiotherapist: 100% coverage up to annual maximum of$750 I person Chiropractor: 100% coverage up to annual maximum of$500 I person including x-rays Psychologist, Massage, Speech, Osteopath, Naturopath, Podiatrist, Chiropodist: 100% coverage up to annual maximum of $500 I person I practitioner Nil. Unlimited. (Inside Canada) Retirement.


The Dental Premium is fully paid by the company.

Basic Services

Major Restorative

Orthodontia Annual Deductible Overall Maximum

Dental Fee Guide

Termination Age

85% coverage for maintenance checkups, fillings, minor surgery, endodontics, periodontics and denture repairs. 50% coverage includes dentures, bridgework, restorations and complex surgery. 50% coverage. Nil. Basic and Major Restorative combined: $2,500 I calendar year I person. Orthodontia: $2,500 I lifetime. Payment based on the current year Dental Fee Guide for Province of Residence. Retirement.



This plan provides a continuation of income if you are off work due to sickness or injury. Benefits are based on your length of service with the company as outlined in the chart below.

The company pays the full cost of this benefit.

w Length of Service

3 months but less than 1 year

1 year but less than 3 years

3 years but less than 5 years

5 years but less than 7 years

7 years but less than 9 years

9 years but less than 10 years

10 years or more

Benefits & Durations

Full Salary

2 weeks

4 weeks

6 weeks

8 weeks

10 weeks

12 weeks

15 weeks

The first three days of sickness payments are subject to management approval. After three successive days of absence a medical certificate from your doctor is required by the company. This should indicate the nature and extent of your illness or injury and the length of time you will be away from work. Medical documentation will be required to support continuation of disability.

Defmition of Earnings: Base Salary

Payments may continue for up to 26 weeks for any one period of disability.

Canada Pension Plan Pays a monthly income to the contributor plus a monthly income for each dependent child.

Benefits start in the 4th month after the month of disability, and continue until age 65.


Pays 60% of first $2,500 monthly earnings; 50% of next $2,250 monthly earnings; 40% of remaining earnings to a maximum benefit of$11,000/month.

Payments are reduced (offset) by Workers' Compensation and CPP/QPP Primary benefits.

Benefits start after 26 weeks of total disability and continue to age 65 or prior recovery.

Coverage applied to any medical cause of disability, excluding pre-existing conditions.

Premiums are 100% employee paid, which therefore provides an LTD benefit that is not taxable.

Defmition ofLTD Earnings: Base Salary

Definition of Disability Based on the regular duties of your own occupation for first 24 months of LTD benefit; any occupation thereafter.



19.01 When death occurs to an employee's spouse, children or parents, the employee shall be granted leave to attend the funeral and shall be paid at his regular straight time rate for hours lost, for up to a maximum of five (5) consecutive working days. When death occurs to a member of the employee's immediate family, the employee, at his request, will be granted up to a maximum of three (3) consecutive working days off to attend the funeral. He will be compensated at his regular straight time hourly rate for hours lost from his regular scheduled work week, subject to the following conditions: Claims for Bereavement Pay must be submitted in writing and must include proof of bereavement in the employee's immediate family.

FNE (5) DAYS BEREAVEMENT LEAVE: Spouse Children Father/Mother Brother/ Sister

THREE (3) DAYS BEREAVEMENT LEAVE: Father/Mother-in-law - Son/Daughter-in-law Grandparents Brother/Sister-in-law


20.01 In case an employee is called for Jury service or subpoenaed by the Crown, the Company shall pay, for each day of such service, an allowance equal to the difference between eight (8) hours of pay based on his regular straight time hourly rate and payment he received for Jury service. The employee will present proof of

service and of pay received when making his claim for such allowance.

Article 21 -EYE GLASS PLAN

21.01 The Company will provide a Vision Care Plan which will provide for expenses incurred by an employee and/or the employee's covered dependents when recommended by a physician or optometrist as follows: 100% coverage up to $250/24 months for frames, lenses and contact lenses.

Article 22 - PENSION PLAN


Employee Contributions

Company Contributions

You are eligible to join the plan any time from date of hire. You must join after two years of service. Once you join the plan, you remain a member until you leave the company.

You contribute 3.5% of your "total covered earnings" which includes your base salary, bonus, commissions and overtime.

The Company contributes a matching 3.5%.


Pension Account Your contributions and the company's matching contributions are deposited into an individual pension account in your name, with Sun Life Financial. You make the investment decisions among a range of investment options. Refer to the "Your Benefits Program" booklet for further details.


23.01 Every employee has the right to equal treatment by the Company with respect to all aspects of the exercise of managerial authority by the Company, which equal treatment shall be without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, religion, political affiliation, sex, record of offences, age, marital status, family status, handicap, sexual preference, and membership or office in the Union.

23.02 Whenever the male gender is used throughout the Articles within this Collective Agreement, it is agreed that the feminine gender is an acceptable substitute whenever the feminine gender is applicable.


24.01 Once an employee enters an apprenticeship contract, it is expected he will continue to fulfil the obligations of the contract, including necessary training periods in a vocational school.

24.02 The apprentice will receive a weekly training allowance from the government while attending a Trade School Course. An apprentice's entitlement to Vacation Holiday Pay, Weekly Indemnity, Funeral and Bereavement Leave will not be affected by his attendance at a Trade School nor will his participation in any employee welfare plans in which he is enrolled.

24.03 Providing a Tradesman has completed the time in the trade necessary to write for a Provincial Trade Certificate, he may write for such certificate and receive the "Class C" rate of his Job Occupation within his Department immediately following his course of studies and notification that a Trade Certificate will be issued.

24.04 If an apprentice is entitled to a reduction in the term of his apprenticeship because of academic achievement, he shall enter his apprenticeship at the proper category as per the Job Description.

Mechanic without licence: Year one - 60% Year two - 70% Year three - 80% Year four - 90%

Non-licensed non-apprentice, newly hired employees will be paid at 80% of licensed rate. NOTES: 1. Percentages relate to Mechanic with licence rates 2. Scale under" Mechanic without licence" refers to completed years of

Apprenticeship program.



Basic Life Insurance (Company Paid)

Basic AD&D Insurance (Company Paid)

Dependent Life Insurance (Company Paid)

Optional Benefits (Employee Paid)

2.5 X annual salary to a maximum of$1,500,000. Evidence of insurability is required for amounts in excess of$1,000,000. Age Reduction: Reduce by 50% at age 65. Termination Age: Retirement.

Matches Basic Life Benefit. Provides a benefit in the event of accidental death, dismemberment or paralysis due to an accident. Termination Age: Retirement.

Flat benefit of$10,000 for spouse and $5,000 for each dependent child.

Additional life and AD&D insurance available through payroll deduction. Optional group life insurance is subject to evidence of insurability except for the first $40,000 of employee coverage if application is made within 31 days of insurance eligibility date. Evidence of insurability is not required for optional AD&D insurance.

Article 26 - WAGE SCHEDULE

26.01 All employees governed by said Collective Agreement are paid at the salary specified in Appendix A for the year starting October 21, 2015 to October 20,2018.

For the year beginning October 21, 2016, to October 20, 2017, there shall be a general increase of2% (2%) as of October 21, 2016.

For the year beginning October 21, 2017, to October 20,2018, there shall be an increase of2% (2%) as of October 21, 2017.

26.02 It is recognized that changes in equipment, processes, methods, products, etc. may require the establishment of new job occupations and/or classifications. The Company will establish new classifications and rates, considering their relationship to existing classifications and rates. At least one (1) week prior to the establishment of new classification, the Company will meet with the Union to explain the changes. Should the Union disagree with the new rate, the matter may be presented as a Grievance.

26.03 Where there are changes per Article 4.02 and where the Company does not establish a new classification, employees in the job affected will be given training for a reasonable period of time. At the end of such training, the employee will be expected to meet all performance expectations.

26.04 (a) Once a year (minimum twelve (12) months following his last reclassification), every employee may, in writing, claim another classification. The Company shall respond in writing to such a request, by providing detailed reasons for the acceptance or rejection of said request. The Company's decision will be based on the employee's contributions, competencies and successful completion of all pre-determined training.


This response must be given to the employee and Union during the following month. This response can be appealed in accordance with the grievance settlement process.

(b) However, notwithstanding the preceding, an automatic progression shall take place for the following job: Apprentice Mechanic Year 1 shall become an Apprentice Mechanic Year 2 after providing evidence of successfully completing the necessary school programing. Subsequently, he shall become Apprentice Mechanic Year 3 and then Apprentice Mechanic Year 4 after each successful completion of annual school programmg. Afterwards, he shall be subject to the conditions mentioned in the previous paragraph.

26.05 Any employee who is temporarily transferred to a better-paid classification shall be paid at the higher classification rate for any work carried out under this classification.

The purpose of temporary transfer is not to be permanently overlap jobs or to permanently occupy two jobs.

26.06 Any employee temporarily transferred from his job to a job with a lower pay rate classification shall continue, when the transfer is done at the request of the Company, to be paid at the employee' s regular salary rate.


27.01 The Company shall contribute to the Union's Education Fund $300.00 per year for the life of this Collective Agreement.

SIGNED THIS /d)_ DAY OF ;{)!) Je "'! ~ ~ r , 2015




Appendix A

Departmental Job Occupations and Classifications

Service Department

Shop Job Occupation Field Job Occupation

Shop HD Construction Tech Field HD Construction Tech

Year1 Year2 Year3 Year1 Year2 Year3 Level A 35.59 36.30 37.03 Level A 37.73 38.48 39.25 Level B 33.39 34.06 34.74 LevelB 35.54 36.25 36.97 Level C 31.19 31.82 32.45 Level C 33.33 34.00 34.68

Shop HD Forestry Tech Field HD Forestry Tech

Year 1 Year2 Year3 Year 1 Year2 Year3 Level A 35.59 36.30 37.03 Level A 37.73 38.48 39.25 LevelB 33.39 34.06 34.74 LevelB 35.54 36.25 36.97 Level C 31.19 31.82 32.45 Level C 33.33 34.00 34.68

Shop HD Mining Tech Field HD Mining Tech

Year 1 Year2 Year3 Year1 Year2 Year3 Level A 35.59 36.30 37.03 Level A 37.73 38.48 39.25 Level B 33.39 34.06 34.74 Level B 35.54 36.25 36.97 Level C 31.19 31.82 32.45 Level C 33.33 34.00 34.68

Shop HD Road/Aggregate Tech Field HD Road/Aggregate Tech

Year1 Year2 Year3 Year1 Year2 Year3 Level A 35.59 36.30 37.03 Level A 37.73 38.48 39.25 LevelB 33.39 34.06 34.74 LevelB 35.54 36.25 36.97 Level C 31.19 31.82 32.45 Level C 33.33 34.00 34.68

Shop Journeyman MH Tech Field Journeyman MH Tech

Year1 Year2 Year3 Year 1 Year2 Year3 Level A 34.02 34.70 35.39 Level A 35.10 35.80 36.52 LevelB 31.78 32.42 33.07 Level B 32.85 33.51 34.18 Level C 29.54 30.13 30.73 Level C 30.61 31.22 31.85

Shop HD Crane-Utility Tech Field HD Crane-Utility Tech

Year1 Year2 Year3 Year1 Year2 Year3 Level A 35.59 36.30 37.03 Level A 37.73 38.48 39.25 LevelB 33.39 34.06 34.74 LevelB 35.54 36.25 36.97 Level C 31.19 31.82 32.45 Level C 33.33 34.00 34.68


Apprentice based from Class C shop occupation

Year 1 60% Year2 70% Year 3 80% Year4 90%

Lead Hand Premium +1.00

Mobility Premium +3.00 for every hour worked in the field (with the exception ofMH Tech) + 1.00 for every hour worked in the field in the MH Tech job classification

Job Occupation

Parts Representative

Level A LevelB Level C

Yearl 29.27 26.50 24.19

Year2 29.86 27.03 24.68

Parts Department

Year3 30.46 27.57 25.17

Job Occupation


Level A Level B Level C

Year 1 21.55 20.95 20.40

Year2 21.98 21.37 20.81

Year3 22.42 21.80 21.22







Whenever possible, the Company will advise the Union Steward of Company training courses and will attempt to divide them on an equitable basis between the employees, where in the opinion of the Company, the employee requires the training.









All members of the health and safety committee shall receive training from the Workers Health and Safety Centre. Any such training will be provided in the city of Thunder Bay.


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Re: Article 12.03(a)- Seniority

In its effort to grow the existing business, and to not negatively impact existing employees in the event of a reduction in workforce, the parties hereto agree that for the purposes of staff reductions only the following employees will maintain seniority over all HD Technician Classifications:

David Ball Donald Levanen










Re: Students

The following sets out the terms and conditions regarding the employment of students. Student is defmed as an individual who has attended full time education prior to the season and who will be returning to full-time education following the season.

1. The Company will supply the Union with the name of the student who is being employed.

2. There shall be no more than one (1) student employed with the understanding that the hiring of students for summer employment shall not hinder or affect the hiring of permanent staff.

3. The employment of such students shall be from May to September or terminated earlier at the discretion of the Company.

4. It is agreed and understood that the student shall: a) Not have more hours than any full-time employee, overtime shall be given by

Seniority to regular employees; b) The rate of pay for students shall be $2.00 per hour above ESA minimum wage; c) Have no seniority rights and will not be entitled to benefits; and d) Pay regular monthly union dues but no initiation fees.

