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VOLUME 13. AGENTS l'OR Harbor Grace Standard. St. Joux's. ... ... . .. . I. Ir. T. Hyall . ... .. . .. . . ... .. .. '' 0. Ouehue. Y Rou&an ..... .. . . -.lKL. \::>'1> Con:... ... .. . . . " John Cr:lnc. .• .'.' t .Ej. T .•••• ••••• •• -; • don. TRJ)IIT\'. ..... . .. . .. . .. . " \ V. Pittmnn. R. uwo.u Sou!I"D .. ... . " A. 'l'u.u:v. Cuur;u ....... . .... . Cllpt. J. Perry. HOl'.I.\'IST.I. ..... .. . Mr. J, T.nwrcuco )fuaoJUvs Tows . .. " G. \rM·. 0RE£.'1SI"'SD . . . . . . . " F. White. }'ooo ... ........... ... " J Twu.LISO.I.T£ . ....... .. . " J.J. l'careo. SOTRE DAYE DAY. NoaTn .. ... ... .... Mr. 1-'. Tho01M . LITTUt Bu- lsuso.... '' J. Cnmpbl.' ll . Notice. J' ·a ....... .. . COIC 10 lAY ADVERTtiER. r li.ABJioK GRACE1 NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, 26, 1872. I No t lce11 . ) _H_Q _L_L_Q_W _A_ Y- 'R - r Xo . PILLS. I !'( o ·l I ce e, \ a nb l Suns hluc In Dwelling.._ [f'O!I. TUE U.I.JIDUU OIUCE ST.I. :O.lJ.ul U.) DRJJ.WlNO JNTEREST. Tbo time will '' err likrly como when Lll{bt n.od or sunlight, .,.ill be 80 util it('tll But in lieu. thereof AJr. ;u l<' bo tho entire used for ,·cry 1 is f ormed of tho uucoo• l.el no one be long•r wi th 'the SLO mnny diaea s os. 'l'l1:tt it n wonderful au wed pnrticlrs of coni; 1101l aoot ia notiou th•• hi• malaJy i• incurable till th•ae 00,000 J. rL£.1. roa TilE POon. vitalize r, u one rnn who kno 1 v tho eventua l in tho chimney. Prlla have had a fair trial. A few - .... U.liil Giu to Cf011'iiod htt>o'-nd court nbout it. · D:&oger is t ho result when this is nUow- duau will rtmon the .-IIIIWI ur&errt •1mp· L ' h d · Bu t how nr:tn.'· nro corJ •trtrct. cd to ncc umubto. ·, I mo:ln n••ri• toma, all<l lhnefMe l!bnirolall -•o:- lj: tan at r. g " disord•rrd action•, rou•• t he torpid lher, rt· Givo to nil, for lif o'p etl with the view lu r;cuirr!: nil tho sun- cultur:llloss ; id tho result wlu m this eoot Stock or Guarantee Cnpital NUDER 32 . Utrttorc logimJ. 0A.LES"Il4R FOil JU!I"E ::f . . -s. · 11. T. W-J. 1'. 1 1 ---- ------+-- ·· ··· ·· ··· ... .. · ·· ···1· ··· ··1·· ... ; i 1g 1 t 1! lG 17 1 19 20 2t 23 ' :.!.:; 20 27 28 i 3l) I .. •• • • · • . •• .I •· ••• .... -- l100"'s \ 'ltUES. 1 • 8 l iS 22 2!) 1 lic•e tl;e o'.lllructtd kidr.t)·a, clean to im- UlWJON Light and air. a lo in <' <'opct'inlly wbon llO o1u ch id cnet away nnd mnJo p roperly n- blood, nnd confer on H'c ry function .1.... To tho cmfta mnn pale,- i11 ne<.•lc•l nv in winter nrrd in tiD r ing ? \·nilnblo for tho u•c:>a of cultivntion. It beahhful vigour. 'I DTU l L LJfP Jl ' SURA NCP CO To th o poor on haif n me:r. l,- Th e li, ·inr::, or si tti ur:: ·roo 01 , nt sen- c 1 b 1 c advised thnt its uso for tho L.l!T Qu.\RTER ........ 27th, 5. 117 P.v: 1m purities uf the Blood. tl 11 D 11 1 C To tho work hou•o nr11lthe son • o f tho yenr, least, •lwuld hn\'O n nn m nrgo quantitiel4 is to bo ad• ·oca.. I L ic; ht nnd nir. full ontlrrrn with lnrgo win- tctl but extmets will show tha.t u aod in [ ron TilE ll.&..nnon OIUCE These wonderful }'ills are . valu•d at the (INCORPORATEU 1 8-18.) to ll't iu t hu IIU'lslrino.-." •cp 1 · 0 g• a mode rato dl' 0 "r<:O it id " OCd for more humbl••t htl\ttlra aa wrllu m the houau of •> ., comfort an J wealth. 'fhry work atbo roullh --- Uenr ou r chiiJrcn cry, ruums. wnrt!robt>a, clodeta . rcaao nd on.o. our Vorlctlcs. purr6cat!on throughout the Yhole I\ altar, Light nnd air. reCI.'l\'0 tho cl oan•IDJ;', \' irif, ·i og s tnot nutsl:\ut 10 tlrrs SCICncu co mes 10 without diaorderrng tho naturlll action of DircctO I S' OJ!icc, Gi •·o us, I :orJ, or wo •hnll rlic, inllu cnco of th o Sickly pe rsons nod hel pa us. Tht.:s io tho It isplnin from the quoted 'tntcmont• ony and etadiatr tho•e f! •rm• or Light and uir slrouiJ court tht> na much ns Cmrndia11 XcrDI of }by 1 .I 7:!,n I (UOtcd r eferred to iu my IMt, tbnt nit hough complainu "hich cooai&o tooa or tbouuruh 27 'o urt ton. Hcml Thy clou d' nnd let Thy euu in it, lie in it, luxuriate iu nnalyais of ec-ot : •· In 1000 parts were uzune is such n powe rful disiufcctnnt, 10 •o tarly grne. Shino un horne• by und on e; 11. It nuythiug only nppre· fou nd : Substnnco umttor ao. still tbnt too grent 1\ wpply of it in the Indigestion , Bilious Compl aints, OFFICEHS: ui, ·o 10 l' a ch and C\'Or) · o n<' , 1 cmti un. lub!o in cnustic pot:\Sh 30:.! ; cubstnnro nppc:-:1re to bo ronnceted nnd Sick Ucndnche. . L iJ;ht anti oir. .\ room wnr mcd neither by tho tiro or solulllo in wntcr, contnioing nitroge n with the nction of iulluon:tn, which, how. ,.. . . h II , •· r Cnocr.:En. . .. . . . . . ... 'Prcllull.'nt I tire sun '" unhrnlthy. and not lit fo r hu - 200 ; of limo nnd mns;ncs in o•·e r, iu c<luntry of minor import- "0 organ rn I o human body ia •o liablt lJ .., ,.. p · 1 \ hh f rnnn ha bi tation . lt is n p oor ]51) ·, :r nd llf limo nnd - ·ltnn compn-- 1 with the power of to disorder u tho 11\u, and nnne i• :nnr• >lt.lUP ·· · · · 1 ''<'· r el!u l'DI. \"h\ · will mnn wi t ol•l r om mao •;,. ' .. ' n :u dittutd . Hemrmbcr "hen n:>. uua, <"11•11- H. UrtE\YER .. ... Chil'f Clerk . It is n ot n c ri me 10 b: lll rrrto n culd room lo sleep, on hC:\lt h <.:hloritlo nnd B cc lato of potn sh • l,j ; \"c. which Nowfouodbnd hu been apnrcd. whtn 10 become •u iouoly \\ 1 lo1. 1. tsn :u .. . .. . Sccrc tnr y. J. i;;ht nnJ ai r :' tha. t scndd moo, women, or childreu ou I mngnc:>!in 1;;2 ; Phosph11te of limo 1.:; ; ntl:cr and f:tr grente r epidemic• froD\ cy, or acidity 011 tile •lom 1 ch •orns u 1 that IJ L. ti .\lt. n• Artuary. Li ·•ht nnd nir. l•rrndplee, when wnrmth lr:us been ex- gctnblo 1101muuin:.! ; Charcoa.l powder, [ remnrk further, that tho appcnrnnce FOB .1.$D t:XTnl1!. u. t:1H :, dige11i on is not thot J ('. >• \RP, )[. D Gi, ·c our cit y'• tl;rkest s pot,- I clu•ll·•l fur n day . or n. wuck. or pcrhnpe aod powdor and c.1rbon 1 ; \\"nt cr nnd of oz o no on th o teat pnpor, when ma.crni- h now in ita Sixtieth rtar and i• tday , regulate nerdfunuion,giu Jl . 1. .. .... :Supc rmt c mluut of To lo rn creatures lo rr:: fo r got.- rnuntlrd. Tho 111 t ho 1 LaG. 1-'urtlrerit ia enid thnt in Eu. tho m11rka u of lNO l DY NB LI N IM E,T to org•n, •P•• ly remove all A ;;<· u,·r.:d . To brniu nod brow IVith fever hot, turc of n both flro nn11 ropo it b< :Ou u sc:-d ns n top th<' layiug o£:1 minute form of llsh duet. whctc It ia knowr ., the rnost uuteaol indiJ:coriun, bile, anollick htada"hv, oftcr tho su11 down. i 3 ox. to 1111 c ro p•. but no tnblr with eli- W hnt tho chemical nnturo of this i1 I ·u d • • and dfecta pern<Jnent cu1e. I.iglrt nnd 11ir ,. 1 k J 0 I J 1 p 0 p u 1 a r .An e 1 c lll e C('Culllg y mar c . A pcr ceptiblu chill ect ou gmll8, w lent nu oat8. ...,Is pun - cannot S.'ly, but Ul}' oLsorrnhon j:061 to \V cakness and Dc:!bilit)•. B. R. C t1 n W [:"i' ){n M,::e r f o r Cnn Giro to hut 1111 , 1 fo rthwith folt. gcu c ch:tmc t<'r nud ,·c ry bitter tns to Rhow tho why nnd tho \Vhereforo ofowno In the IJni•cd Statu. Thouunth 1 r people In cssu of drbilil •, tatgou r ond :11la arul Prov inc011 . L :t:hl nnd nir. --«»-- ma.kc it dc•irnblo liS n pro\ ·en tnti\ ·o 1\• in I'C r}" largu qu:mtitiea nffocting tho u •• It tor th• Ont timr tach year .• :ul :hou . ntll. generat•d by· uctu of any krnd, .\ . .Ocnl.' Ag ent ,. Let lhero bo light," ll:tid U olv \\ 'rit; The Cnn' " of smn ll•po x. gni!'st cut-worm and, . thr o!lt or tho no!e ao ns to cnu i'O cough uncia ' l.entllttedby i:, where 1 wheth •t mtntal or rhnocel, the rfT ccu of fur Li" h' nnd nir. .\ Gerrrr:1n pll\·dil'ian lmbtoh · •'-rt- whac .h •.nJuro <',:tbb.ns<:s. l r10 r to rn.m or influeDL'I, t ho lnttcr of "· 1 •i•·h it i1 lh •y awate of 1 ' ta in,..timable uluo. Tntre l theae P ill• 11 rn lhe hiuhut d•g ru bucin,., " <a f I II b · · f I · · " " Come:-, Hopo nnd the wnn and frllil, · eel tho tlw<>r y that tho fatnl · 'o or . ·n It m:ay o put on Ill well kno"· n rs o n.n ur •to 1rn- i• roaitinty no rn thia coun•.ry and teotormti\ c. The)· drin · Th:lt J ' ud "'m<'.tl Will' n ot fnil ·, known as omnll pox ori" oirrates from un s ulRII qunnt.r.ttc:< of S/\ .Y bushllf. p er ro L'ltiun of tire membr:ut._ . f tiro d. d to t herelirfondcureofao great a ltomthctyotem tl,t causea of dis- STA fEMENT o t Jl "t II t S . . I I I a pte . ' ., re-cu abt. th the rrgulate all lllest h cnlth, bleat lt calth- : -\11 bnil, nil l'lCOill of Ul!ltter in tho I rcpen ° .. v. .., rCWIII[! " 0111 '.Junu 11108 uoso. 'uecung •• t 10 <UU orm t or .. '"itt)' of diautr• aalrnr,Pt• u J uhnaon • ! the 1 eortt io ru, •lr•n,:;thtn the nen ou 1 •r•. For the Year Ending Dec. 31, h:til. hl ou•l, nnJ thnt tlrio is to bo prevented of soot ru thocnbl>:tgc : ur tl turmp lievo tire ord innrl" irritntion. It mBv l>o AsoUTSE LtSI:\I EST. P. e»ple tea., rain the apirira, and brin;t L ight nnd air. liy t ho of corrrrnorr wuuld to be hc n :\I iutcr cst in" to orr"r friends tu k.nO\V thr ouRhout t he N cw State• are back the fraw e tu its pmtin e heallh a01J 181 · l'ho of chiiJn•n in in.lnlgrrrg O\ 'Cr 1 rate HI :rgnrnst I ho hy. I that t hi' oi.l f orm. of "bien tnthuala, tic in ill pra11e and many thou- •rgour. Prronium.. .. ... ... SI,r.2G.>!I2.G.J fn•d v 10 he one wou l<l hl'Ck to on th o p coJ, Io t he us •· 11 91.'<1 nft cr n 'ncCIZC, :lr O!IC fr om aaod• of .or U 0 ,I c nnd Dropslcnl ntun L .. ... .. .. .. v I. ,. . ,,., . gNat c.'luse of t ins dcrcl o pml'nt .I " to ur:nlp n c \C 1:1 :uu·wn t tuno" 1 :1 "ren . 4 •1&. f 1 ·c . II .,., •. I'' I wout.o not ••rvo much for \'Our r o- , ' . 1 •• t 1 . ' tv fnrt l' · tl t · 'b f · · · tl t 1 B Fid t l co 11 . T 1 . --- lrg10n unless ll cnn be L: unpa do , vr 11 Jbnmeu nnd cofl'•· c nnJ 1<::1 if Jri .. hlr l Othl'rwt8C lho rrop uug ht f'ickjlOr.! On 8neezed he nr sho w:u ona 8 61'\IWCa 88 ,,we mgs, " 1 ' r..:<opto. ... ' not t.'llk , but they do •hmo . A I J t 'd 1 t . · · .' t" I · be lo•l 'WI.' e<lsshould not be cn•t oror br lldr and the re tho T ( . . . --- - h J I ' t b t aus :\rc en a so 0 111 1\( u ts . . . . . . mi ht be obtaineJ rrom tbou whou prrju· h• o u c ." the mo•t dr< treurag 1 :'"'•'· .• .. ..... ..•• S318,!1JO.«< ouso aonn 8 no t rum, I . l'n ". no .\II or a cid, li nch "" lemon J. uicc:> Ir e tire fonc('d on tbe ronds ns m:.y bo fro. I lion " l.ll.'•d u' .' :\no I I cy wo uld bo .• bu been ortreome by iu aatu·••>· ,.. ;>etrod rn .. om>n • 11 duuor• l••<l for ourrcndered :uul y l't ovc:> r th e wa.t!'ro tt s fn l' nd. · . tl b f f . 'I seen but nth Ci r burnt or o ther. I ::u :•c uli:1r people if t hry diJ nlll thcu u b tboutando. The wh • r ·.- J:fO II humoura l'olicin . .. ·· ·· ·· ·· IG'l tf .U.Sl h· . Jnrk ia seen · tho mariner So I t 1 ° Cdt Ull ':lll 0 r l'(•lllg t l l' ,. • .• '1'1. I , . . . . . . I II . h 1 ulu. It would !le impo o11blo ora to 11 1 t 11 <I d Oo•idrnd....... .. .. i s.i. I •• •• e I blood when clO"!;etl up with t oo 11111 ·lr \\l ti O c •cy • 10uld n ot bo pul pr:\1•e, wlulo r ecogmtrn; Wit r II r1g t uume ra te all the ---- your 11lnno out yo ur re)I!;IOil. nlbuurcn nnd nllt "cd lh"t b, - in with 111:\111\rD for a 8rr nplc thnt Joonor nnd pr:\i•<'. tho n oblo &<'ioncc of . d U I •.: ' . ". T<ral .\ mt. rtln'llrd w l'ohcy. I,ct tho &c rmo:.r oF your lifo be · ' . '"' · . ' . o tl c ·tl f ·e ·J ··11 1i t1 b d' · C tl' tl re t t rnrrller vane ses . powrrlul!y check• d. I homo .. corlarn lllll · lloldcu in u;;l .... .. .. .... S!lVG.GGS.iG 'II cd b It d d . thoso l lmplo romcdtcs Ill tho W:l\' of pre. I grol\ I II 1\ ' 5 \\I 0 lero y 1111' I Cill O. :1 111, .le g . a . . . . . . t fo r at: thou dangeu ia HollowaJ'• ---- 1 natnat . y n Y . our uct, no at caution, he h:ut, fo r upwards o'f hYuh ·e pro mutcJ . . \n i yt't I h:r., ·o sern tlrcrn the r\ v rth .\ mcrarnn lndtan•, or which tne Anodfne Lrn•mtnt l' •lla Armed witb them the fitry o rdeal Grou Auelt,Uec. 3t, 'i l, f.j,OIG,S:lJ. IO shall not fntl to be 11lustnous. I yen p t f- t d 1 k of ton so t•lnce.! L et me 511'' here thnt 1 hnl"c r l.':t•l recomnmnds d d b tbe proprietor• will churfully . . -• h d . Ml n8 uon e or a en up ns . . ' . h a , u.l h . 11 . 1 r 1" paufu 1 an th r aufT•rer 11 once nbodo in tire mosL p cst ilontinl s mall 01 1 tiro growth of UJUK Lnrol cropH now nnd I tbnt tho mo uth l>o kept nt IPoS 10 0 I 01orc tu poteuion ol uotmpairt'd )h rati o of clai ,.a and nptnau to income T ..oor;; on th o briglrt side. It i11 tho lro• l>it.'\id of Furolll.' nud South tlrcu net• nan nntl cle11n8cr of mnclr :\S poniblo in rold, clrilliug air, H a pamv tt it"'"" bt• hh Irs but hulo known th•l at the · th 1 1 d · 1 t 'I Tl t' t 1 -' 1. 1 d h ... ' II I' d · · 1 h · ld t · · · wuh roanv cen illcatu and n•u .ch •o· calitd .. t• rrn of lifr .. man also when •• on e owta gna e. I Kll o. 10 ames >C mru, uut wr th entire impunity. Tho of I ro f:rouu :\11 t :.t _,uu wa 111 tt :1!1 :tt'gurng t rnl sue ntr wou nc IDJtln,. othtr nluabla .. A rew ceru6 .. 1 .,,., in" on forty or fifty' .n.e, diaeo•e'rt that WProofoCloM aubmitted to theun1er- tt w1 ll ma.ko th om llll easrcr to wc . ar n pre, ·e nti on :lJlJ> ccrtninlt· eimnlc, but ndnurablo r to ot her on the mombr:wl' . of tho thro:1t. h h h d I wil!be fornrded, anC::theto .. poiJ 1 -• d t 1• 1 ' .- \" 1 1 •I •· 1 o. J - '1 J b 1 b tl catu art • re 11 11 ope hll ht•hh ia contidt:ahl) deranl!ed and wttbout n:oenH 10 tb• Policy holder. :; oom.Y nnu a. 1 coun OIHiuco. t 10 Ul:l)' lie worthy rof irrvc:>stigation. •. uc p cop ow ro •'Ill" t Anu tl' :1 y 10 hue the they know• nN •h• cau••-• critical petiod in euollhloC, 11ntl n ?t tho cl o ud, that --:m-- thmg may a&) · we but the under su ch \\ 0 a1 rb• y o.". fr om gerlll<mtn or the b•gheat 1 111 lrf•. All pe•il• to hoth .. ,.., ore at once W . .H. THOMPSON, a !lower. Tlwru ld alwnys thnt boforonnu The Ohjcclll of worse fauiL of a wntcr 1s to suppose 1111\.f not !Jo prcpnred to KaJ ho,., fnr euch rc•peclab•h:y. 1 remoYcd by to theu Pil la. around us which aboultl cheer nnd fill Tl t b' I ld b . tl u' peoplu rnny koowlodgo :1 ru lucoul.l be rnrricd ou t, but t he quet· F•um E.r-Gorcrnor U<ambalair.. Th e Kiuocys-Their llernnoe- Huaoa OJUoE, tbo h c:trt >Tith wnrmth . Tho sky is blu!' . 10 grcnth 0 kto reff-uhJ- which t hey m ny not p ossess. TheM e lot· ti nn is ono 1vortlrv of r<'usidcrnt iou for o · h · · b'- k \' l"orntu c u• \' nu to wor o t o · f 1 b 1 II 1 'bl Avr il 16, ments and Cu re. Geu. Ageua for Nc wfoundlnod ton times w c:>re at 1s we · O!lco. tl:;, worn o ut m;,;tc n1 in tho tl.' 1 bu 1 ot w 1 r1ltenk. odr t great 1 .1l 1 thl ultd, n.s clu.IJrcn c 1 ou . < n 1 o 1 . poutt .Y Mr Sir.-:-1. ho•• n.•• ·ttlbern wllbout lftl:ete Pill• u••d ncrord in ,; tn t ht l"int- June 12. Uut if carric<llo oxceos tho surpluK.l!,;C t 10 lum, fc, w aoaho .In! 1 cs - m:r.u ngo letrl ou tan your Anodyne Lrnrru•nl 11nc• can tomCrn· d d. . d 0 , . . . . . I · I fl' 'b 1 I teem nnu rom w om ln\ 'e carnt MOille pl:ly. Auc, pro :1 y. t 10 IV•l)' 0 L<r I it •he b.•t thing of th• an .,. rntm<nt ru'•hed o•.r } FAUt.T Ill pravntc, tfposstblo, nnd I ts uot t lrown o ' ut n so ot lOr I kno wleJ,..o of tho ma.ttor on which I I will e, ·c r bo tn disrouuteo- in thf market. Uted • l!rhtll d.u I or il •• Parson's Purgatives eo m,o nftoTr hi hobol ffcedneo mtbe,r th .nn I b'::t for t ho I write. f nOlO from March nod April IInce the ir moping Ol'er h(lt firca nod t oo in tbe army dunng tbe war, w "" •t wat . a• a.nt, it wrll tho bift•Y• and eo•· on nt t •o ltmo. o nm nro Oil to·\1 ° 0 ) · exer \Vzu hington Gor!'rnment lJllpnrtmcot much atutly nud rttho r to cncoorago ropulor u it i• at horne. t tet any d<tangoment. Should he affi,ction cl!nod to . r esist wl:on they arc .bbuwd .not bo nud 0\ '0r- I repo rt toat complaints out-door amuao- ) OU upon J Ou r auoc•u, t he 1 bo 11 one or gruel. it b panicululy ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. wtthuut Wlt:loUel . Both pnrhC!l nrc I ; It sh ould bo nr:d I hnvo beou tundo br corrl.'eponrlc:>nta in mont Their brniut too will Atrong- r ou att do rn a at the um• ume, men• l•d tbatl hc Ointmtnt, in auch au •, bt Clllmt>r nnd th o 1\CCusod p: ut, · ia a tru <'k modcmto, thnn Ahort nnd lnbor- .... . . \ ' k . 1 N J f . . d . '-- tt ' th ' lllAAm thc •'tr I•• 1 am rour (de ad and auunt, Th 11 r h d 1 p·u ' · _ , 1 ld b d ·' c" or nn• r ow Ol'li(',Y o IUJUnol er nn "" or, cy WI ...,. Jo "HUA. L. CUAMDEI\LAIN. u•t'd night ond motnin[l, aA by iu e oompoceu 0 1 "'won er u 1 1 by tho forbcnranl'O of the nccnacr, who l OUJ, 3 11 0 " 1 011 , 0 sto ppe short of dooo to in the b,· tho •ons bette r, nnd aa men ond womt'n ., •. i b d. that are DOtl' aatoaisbing bndy b, g iY- h th I d h d ti . I unl f II"UO rho A mot t f " app rca\ on t e rnolluloun rog cuna tr.•1 ins nrllefto bundretla a nd tbouu nrla nf e&lf'o as aron o rnu t, nn \V:tl c e or n prr .l '' "' . Ill o exorcrso nttncks of n amnii green cntorpillnr io future they will ble,_, tho wor ld, ith LowELL, Mau., Sept. II, I SGO. Oentlemen -:\ friend of miot hu bttn troubled with• a hocking cough (o r et•eral )tart, and rtOf' ntly wu ao wnk he waa unablo to wotk. Having aeen the el· ftell of 'our Li ni ment on othr n, 1 took ho:ne a boule and biln; in leu than a wrtk tbt cough bad eotirtiJ l•ft hi:n. 1 hut no b .. uatlou in reooa.rnending it to all our cu\tomeu wbo are in waot ol • good t bing, Very rHptttrullyyoon, ll S. WOOU, Uruggl•t & Apothecary. Josuaoao. Mareh 11, IIHO. Otntlemen,-Piutt •end rne b7 nut ma il ont half grou J ohntoil't .{norl)·ne Liniment 1 at it It lht O:CLT U.lollDY (or Pu!tld Sore Tbrollt, an1 Sca rlet Bath. Eury ' "" it wi:.b eueotU wlleo all utnn llltd:ciDI fai!J. lUtptctflltl, TOiltl, J OSIAH WRITNEY. be tt .at han senerally bffa auppoaed to vato nod proper timo for tt. outivuiu:; it. holca in th o tnrir \Vcalth i• good, b ut curable hau been uMd In a ph:raician'a uf Hc 8 ptr:t.IIOn, rtrc u- I thOIJI liken s io\'O. 'fhia cnt l.'r· hcnlth must not bo acrificod to it. Boau- - Ilollorcay'• Pill• n,.,. bnt practice lu<llr.y ruro, long enough, A LOYI!I"CI he11rt .n conn. !ftllon .d iJ.:C' t 1 ?n: they nrc I 0.3;; of nn inch in leng th ty with propt>r gmco nnu i• ;, t!. e I Vorl.lfor tire one would llfi• for thtm to • indicate heir tonanco nrc ro mmod tl1Cs winch n mnn 11101 r fuJI pc:>rfuct rlyllnllracnl an fo rm thi ckest in tho mid . confe!sedly Jo,·.:ly. Hut no1ther di•etur• :- claim to pub io Cnor . nut unf ortunattly, should fl\il to bome with hi01 . per great·'' 1\ot u po u I dlo anrl of n 'col.Jur. 'l ' ho moth or benuty 1\ro oflinnlanfoty. Children Agu& I pm, . 11 •.cdoen: Thor w11l beat St'Mon h1s food and soft• our '? untark' movodmr, 1 . 113 ·J · oglccL of produeod frc01 it W:\8 unwed Plut ella \vill undcretnud nlninly thnt this great A•tnma of all kioda " .. 1 · ' II It . t th ' oxorciiO wen end an ur•or ON< tho et o- 1 . b · II b Cl d · d 'b · ,.d r h ' II tb ' k far, in 6nt, of the 1tl6•h nar. on rrs p1 ow. . A gre11 . mg h d h . . f h b un 1po1U n, y omens nn 11 cscn . \Vo rld chcquerc \t oy wt 1n Ol I r"w . mindednau or tbt owner, and, for a ru11n th.1t h1s ,n fe aod ch•ldreu nrnd • rc ureal 1 0 0 . t t c: cd by Dr. Fitch in tbe Now York Agri- that word when pin yang b3Ck gammon) llo w•l Complaa 'ntt llndiguti•n his inabili17 to car:7 out auccHtlully aa en. could trul y &a)' of hiDl, " H o no proreolts bntt?n 111 t 0 cul tur : ll Report for I "3, JI:I"O i4 1\8 btaunehino and dnrknc-.clearocea ana · · · h .• b 1 r . h · mato s. I urt ur ouy nnr mtnd 1 o · . 7 d d I Debility LiYtt Complainttrrpmt rtqumnjf 10 rnue mooty anu ptt- 1t n o or uo :r.pptDC4ll nc rou U . . f II .r . I . 1 tho go mol 1, urnt onr oJ lmuu: nlln, c ud lj)Css, pi'OIIpcraty.lln ll fertllj . n Dropsy ai11ent u t ba manufacture ancl •ale or Ius thrcahold. I' an n. 11111 111 u " 01 e o pmeut wtt lOUt nud is clo!oly 11llied t o, if uot I Iif!' 6-osst'S must be borne. To IIIII thcD\ a l'attat Medioioo, bowner good and valu•· mous with Li'nn In l tb 1 t thi1 is n bright, hapffc world i1 aiUJ. J,umbago I S•condarw S•mp iOID bit It mas be. Anu tha d .. th of tho phJ1i· Th f h ' h --(.0') -- t. d ·r . I . d r I h m t ., , oian ref ernad to the recipe 11110 ere nro mnny ruih w 1c noror For iftocbers. r uropo; nn 1 80 1• nno t11"r unpo rte plo noneccao - 11- o ow. ...o pam l'ilea Tic. Uoloreus the banda of tho of J obnaon'a turn swee t until thll frost h tur lnio upon indcct. Whou disturbed this cnto rpillnr pic turoa for them-it not right. Urine \ AIJectionna Linlmtnt, who will l "'il"• them them. There nro many nuts tluat never Sc:-nd your little chiidren to bed hnp · drops from ti re plant, but eu1ponda it· . in either caao they would be led u- Sczofula ur Worma or all kinde ia •trietaccorc!ance with I he original rteipa, fall from tho boughs of the for est PY· Whntc\ 'Cr cnrca, gi\'o it n self tty of n siik on tlrrend ." trny. Lot thrm t nko oxoreiao, let them Kvrl. Wnkoeu fr om and ltlllbem In eonntetio11 with their Lini- till tho froat hns opened and ripened wnrm bed at night, kie1 na it goes to T. ERH:\. NO\' A. run nbout io tho open plllios nud wood• Sor• 1 wloalner eagan mtnll tbut gi•inr sll r•ople, uorywhtrt, an thom. And thoro arc many elements ita pillow. Tho momor v of this, in the uodor proper Cll ro than f rom Stone & Gruel &r:.. &:e., opportuniiJ to nallthemaal•n oftba ••fett , of 1 .r th , e fnr ro t d b stormy y<'an! thnt may ho in 1toro for CJm tlons. bouse to houao with uncurbed tongue-. aureat, aod moet reliable or anti- 110 n. n " g w awco nn eau· th o little one will bo liko Dothlchcm'a {. R both --o- bilioaa ktoowl\ to rnrdical 11110 , t iful until so rrow touc he• thow. N ercr begi n n journey until br!'akfnst for honvy dose• o ID uonzn maY Tbe Pilla ar.d Ointment are aold at Pro. Alll r to tho bewildM-ea shepherds. " My id rnton . <'OniiCquenco of too talkitir. Tho rmor Ho• . wwn 's Ettabliabrnenl, .S33, Os· All Who Need Physic, I·' · d my mother lo\ 'C<'I mo." Xo· After 1 pnakin ... sin,. or wisdom of '""Ddfath. on and graodm&.th- d 1 d 1 h 1 Tm: wor u •• !;0\ 'Croc by three th ' t.: k th t bl od h t ' "' o · " •· o·- lk a ,•o thnnyho ,. .t T . .UCE thiu,..., witHlom and a.ppo:lrnn - b • ,us eALn. :1 o awhady · "th thou in a \YIIrUl room in wiotor, do uot ll.'nve did not all o\V tina el xtreb tn datdtYO· " ·' • toug 11 o- :1 m. 1pa pare e w1 o wor 11 it f o r 1\t lcMt t on minutra, nnd C:l'en nou. 1t WOilnl out t te nun an 08 the Civilia•d \Vorl!!, tn Bone and Pou at p p p•Jt cos. Wisdom ia for t houghtf ul people, fofc ' II bcfto d · t th h · · t th I S h · fi h 1 d r ""' ' mo · cwy ngnm 1\ 0 tbon cloao tho mouth, put on tho <'love•, not tnntl on tt ap101 e h. 1·2d., :lt. !ltl. ,h. 6d., Ita ., 22e., and :!Sa. I nut ortty or rou:; e, an appear- tltr 1 ·11 of yo utltful momon· 08 K · 18 • • o 1 k f · d . .,. b' h tac!l. Tht 2• . Od. aiu contsina thrtt , th•4t. · nncc• f or tho gro.:at mats of auporfl c inl · o wrnp up tho neck, nod put on II cloak or e toe 8 o proape nty or a •ent., • w ll' 6d. me alx, tho I h . •in isrten, the :J2•. 1C your •y• tam 11 lo an onb•altbl alate, pooplo, who ran look ooly 00 th o outaidu your !j.ttlo child be foro goes to ovl.'r<:Ollt before pnuing out of tho dnor; more or l en must be mot in tho world, eiu tbirty·thrn, •nd th• a3J. •ilte fifls.twn two or thr" of" Panona'a Pilla" wtll briar aod wbo judge only by exterool mnt- tho ncgloct of these lal\lt laid 0111ny a 11nd which in our ago aooften made •imea 1be quan1icy o f a Ia. 1-l!d, Box or it round all ricbt. __ ...,.,__ {tood and useful mnn io ll promaturo reaeon totter from itt throno . The brain Pot. Tbe m.allut n ox of Pilla eontain Uaa.Sacbe\ Ne"ou Headaeht, Diz- tore. SaJaryaucl Sal t. grove. ,nil not cxcet!lifo drinlrins or ex .. four donn 1 a r. d the amall .. t Pot ol Oiat- aint u, a or Blindoau, &c., may be cured When wo aay of a •hiftlCBa follow N k d h ·vo It hu it. tem""rature eat Do you mean to Jiye witboot trill I ? over ap 11 un cr n oa. reoncsl!, Cl· rellllt 1 ,.. Full to nch bra bort .,f Pllrt?na'al'url•tiYt Pl:la, wbicb Tben you would with to di o but hlllf a that he doc• cam bit ult," we peci:llly if itrl.'quirc• nn effort, or uwcllM tho y,and mattor Bolt .D ·' Pn• and can be had in any Jan - 0111 1 coat• twenty. lln h nlludo to an ancient cos - hurhn .. or pniuful feelin", for it oncn it to prePc"o it llt mea.n temperature a• u ., " Pareoae'' Pilla" art be•t knn•n ,.... man-at t e •ery beet but half a man . Ro h 0 0 ...r U t.h too rug•, n•n in Turk lab, Arabic, Ara:enian, mldl Cor Cor.atlpation of the Row Ia. l nftaltl· \Vith.>ut tnalyou cannot gueu at your t om among t u mana. Among t em rotulta in 11 permanent lou of voice or 11 M pouiblo. .r.•OW a He IDA Peniao cr Chincte, f b "ld N H ho was wd to be io po11101ioo n "an- t 00 ,. la 'fo of in•alidism. tore t oo aro moro or loa correlated, u mat on o I n. DtJ•, • n oua •••l••n•, own •trenl(th. Uen do not learn to " b h · If Siclt Headache, lrre •u larirr, co.tiYt: 1tu, lary" who had his" aalnraum," his al. \ Vh ilo eleeping with tho ho.'\d bol· I hllfe 1hown with t e wut or ttte , F I S y_t I{ I E S &\\ im on a t able. Tht>y muet "0 into the 1 f It f 1• h h h' h t' • · bl -•..- .(J. Bllloutneu, Dyaptpela. hdi11utlnn, F .. "' owanco o u oro an ., w l.'ro- aLcrccl u p, tho Yenele through whi rh t. o w tc ere rta tme. a Till o .... - .. U r Obttructlooa, lnllaoo u, to.. or Ap· doop aod bull' ll t tho aurgot. with to savour tho food lly which ho liv- blood pnaaea from tho h enrt head, Dull , hCilvr, niny weather baa ita drecL petite, ud Loea of IS!HOJtb, 'l'bo Prlla ara ed. Thua ulary coma. froo1 snit; arc leuenod in their CI\Vi tica ; thcrcforo Bright, Inc. wnno and 'flll'J' warm weatll. P•' up wi&O JJMt.,. bJ Derose \on uk a fa for of a Dllln,just and in tbit Tiow of the word, how in all attend...d. with fonr, er bu ita efFect . Cold weather hu fta L S. JOHNSON & CO., .. many tbero aro ,.-ho do not" CllrD the ir tho bead ehould be nc:1rlyluYel "·itb tho eitect, tho lattor alu, how painf1allJOD MA.CB. - ·- - bU , aalt." body. tho poor. And tloaeother u"'laireaftta to grant you, if your brain force or mind to reNt tile eJaaWa M'" For &le at tile , 'Drq of placee llo for your fnend for vaee.... # Wile W..... _ ftoocliog that. it onen their w. B. Tao.aeo• aod J. J. what you uk him t;o do for you p Pnt ou a •imp to poultico or brsu lour FooliJh •pending i• the rather of pOY· mrnt. Tbit .. feU hylhe telaoliw .. • • ; . Cor twenty.four hnur•. the ulc-:r nty. Do not be aabamod to worlr. ne tho 1Nln or buaiue-relt pl ·• 8o Deeellll'J' il uo to tho mind, tlaat afterwarda wi th J>owderodcinchona bllrk. yonr own mutor, and do not let eoc:ietr lida Moruind-t in Nl "ID 1 t late pbilOIIOiJher l&f' if Yi" aho uld R.ei)Cai for Hranl . ullJil and whion awallow up yolll' iudi•idn· creount ril'l than thit. play-gn>uoda When the nicer begm• tu look red alit.y. Do not tat ap or wear out all t el11ou bow !'PbOM would be1ond lbort ditiAon healthy, map it tiMbt with I OJJg 1trip1 you ean tarn. Compel tbo Mltiah body air uupomd into lA a lU'etiaao. . ohdheoite pluwr dra .. iug tho Odga of to apaN eomftlling for the prOito •m. ohlp'• bold, anbiwl ... the 110re t;ogetber. Ooutiaue latter & atingy in yuar own W the elole Elm iutronaly clwaet..iatic or lit- tleatmeot uotil wvU. to U.O..'olmiad ' a &n&IJ aoble aud 1ft · o&._.., and Mk DGt t;, aanf•llaoOIUDf&J towarcbaalle- " (rom which the 8ee tlaa' .,. riral. . ........ _ otthe ---o- OOD SEINE), &c., •• \ \

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Harbor Grace Standard. St. Joux's. ... ... . .. . I.Ir. T. Hyall. DRJut;t~ . .. .. . .. . .... .. .. '' 0. Ouehue. B~ Y Rou&an ..... . . . .

-.lKL.\::>'1> Con:... . . . ... . . " John Cr:lnc.

.• !\t~~·&·F~·~::·· .'.' t .Ej. ~t~-T ~£ . •• ••••••• •• -; • .li-~ don.

TRJ)IIT\'. ..... . .. . .. . .. . " \V. Pittmnn. R .uwo.u Sou!I"D . . ... . " A. 'l'u.u:v. Cuur;u ....... . .... . Cllpt. J . Perry. HOl'.I.\'IST.I. ...... . . Mr. J, T.nwrcuco )fuaoJUvs Tows . .. " G. \rM·. 0RE£.'1SI"'SD . . . . . . . " F. White. }'ooo ... ........... ... " J Fit7.~crnld Twu.LISO.I.T£ ........ .. . " J . J . l'careo.

SOTRE DAYE DAY. NoaTn ~nou . . ... . . . .. .. Mr. 1-'. Tho01M. LITTUtBu- lsuso.... '' J . Cnmpbl.'ll.


J' ·a

-~-......... .



I No t lce11 . )

_H_Q_L_L_Q_W_ A_Y-'R- r Xo


!'( o ·l I ce e, ~riginn l. .~ \ ~~t~r~ ~f~~n 41~0~~ anb ~rn!t~." ~ l Sunshluc In Dwelling.._ [f'O!I. TUE U.I.JIDUU OIUCE ST.I.:O.lJ.ulU.)

DRJJ.WlNO JNTEREST. Tbo time will ' 'err likrly como when Lll{bt n.od eun~lline or sunlight, .,.ill be 80 utilit('tll A~culturc.

But in lieu. thereof AJr. ;u l<' bo tho entire used for ,·cry 1 Co:~lamokc is formed of tho uucoo• l.el no one be long•r oppr~u•d with 'the SLO mnny diaeasos. 'l'l1:tt it i~ n wonderful au wed pnrticlrs of coni; 1101l aoot ia

notiou th•• hi• malaJy i• incurable till th•ae 00,000 J. rL£.1. roa TilE POon. vitalize r, uone rnn lloub~ who kno1v tho eventual dcpo•i~ in tho chimney. rurifyin~t Prlla have had a fair trial. A few - .... -p~ U.liil Giu to Cf011'iiod htt>o'-nd court thin~ nbout it. · D:&oger is t ho result when this is nUow-duau will rtmon the .-IIIIWI ur&errt •1mp· -~,--~ ~~ L ' h d · But how nr:tn.'· hons<'~ nro corJ•trtrct. cd to nccumubto. L:>~s ·, I mo:ln n••ri• toma, all<l lhnefMe l!bnirolall -•o:- lj: tan atr . g "

disord•rrd action•, rou•• the torpid lher, rt· Givo to nil, for lifo'p r~upp•nL, etl with the view lu r;cuirr!: nil tho sun- cultur:llloss ; id tho result wlum this eoot

Stock or Guarantee Cnpital


UtrttorclogimJ. 0A.LES"Il4R FOil JU!I"E

::f. . -s. · 11. T. W-J. 1'. 1 ~·. 1----------+--

····· ····· ..... ··· ···1······1·· ... ; i 1g 1 t 1~ 1 1~ 1!

lG 17 1 19 20 2 t 23 ' 2·~ :.!.:; 20 27 28

i 3l) I .. •• • • · • . • •• .I •· •• • .... • --l100"'s \ 'ltUES.

1 • 8

l iS 22 2!) 1

lic•e tl;e o'.lllructtd kidr.t)·a, clean to im- UlWJON Light and air. alo in<' posscs:~ed, <'opct'inlly wbon llO o1uch id cnet away nnd no~ mnJo p roperly n-pu~• blood, nnd confer on H'cry function .1.... To tho tJilin~ cmftamnn pale,- i11 ne<.•lc•l nv in winter nrrd in tiD r ing ? \·nilnblo for tho u•c:>a of cultivntion. It beahhful vigour. 'I DTU l L LJfP Jl'SURA NCP CO To tho poor on haif n me:r. l,- The li,·inr::, o r sittiur:: ·roo 01, nt the~o sen- c

1 nndn~t b

1c advised thnt its uso for tho L.l!T Qu.\RTER ........ 27th, 5.117 P.v:

1m purities uf the Blood. tl 11 D 11 1 C To tho work hou•o nr11lthe go:~l, son• o f tho yenr, n~ leas t , •lwuld hn\'O n nn m nrgo quantitiel4 is to bo ad•·oca..

I L ic;ht nnd nir. full •ontlrrrn ,·~posu~. with lnrgo win- tctl but extmets will show tha.t u aod in [ ron TilE ll.&..nnon OIUCE STA...~l>.uu>.)

These wonderful }'ills are . valu•d at the (INCORPORATEU 18-18.) oluw~ to ll't iu thu IIU'lslrino.-."l·•cp1·0 g• a moderato dl'0"r<:O it id " OCd for more humbl••t htl\ttlra aa wrllu m the houau of •> ~ • ., comfort anJ wealth. 'fhry work atboroullh --- Uenr our !;11Spin~ chiiJrcn cry, ruums. wnrt!robt>a, clodeta •. pnna~e w:~ya, , rcaaond t~:ln on.o. ~hc~istry, our CO~· Meccorolo~rlclll Vorlctlcs. purr6cat!on throughout the Yhole I\ altar, Light nnd air. ~hould reCI.'l\'0 tho cloan•IDJ;', \' irif,·iog s tnot nutsl:\ut 10 tlrrs SCICncu co mes 10

without diaorderrng tho naturlll action of DircctOIS' OJ!icc, Gi•·o us , I :orJ, or wo •hnll rlic, in llucnco of tho ~un. Sickly persons nod helpa us. Tht.:s io tho 11/rutraf~, f It isplnin from the quoted 'tntcmont• ony org4~, and etadiatr tho•e f!•rm• or Light and uir slrouiJ court tht> ~unHhino na much ns Cmrndia11 XcrDI of }by 1 .I 7:!,n I(UOtcd referred to iu my IMt, tbnt nit hough complainu "hich cooai&o tooa or tbouuruh 27 'ourt ~trcct, ~OS ton. Hcml Thy cloud' nnd le t Thy euu pod~iblo.-~it in it, lie in it, luxuriate iu nnalyais of ec-ot : •· I n 1000 parts were uzune is such n powerful disiufcctnnt, 10 •o tarly grne. Shino un horne• by pi.1~Ul' undone; 11. It doc~n·t co~t nuythiug only nppre· found : Substnnco rc~cmbling umttor ao. still tbnt too grent 1\ wpply of it in the Indigestion, Bilious Complaints, OFFICEHS: ui,·o 10 l' ach and C\'Or)· on<', 1 cmtiun. lub!o in cnustic pot:\Sh 30:.! ; cubstnnro ntmo~phero nppc:-:1re to bo ronnceted

nnd Sick Ucndnche. . L iJ;ht anti oir. .\ room wnrmcd neither by tho tiro or solulllo in wntcr, contnioing n itrogen with the nction of iulluon:tn, which, how. ,... . h II , •· r Cnocr.:En. . .. . . . . . ... 'Prcllull.'nt I tire sun '" unhrnlthy. and not lit fo r hu- 200 ; of limo nnd mns;ncsin o•·er, iu thi~ c<luntry i~ of minor import-"0 organ rn I o human body ia •o liablt lJ .., , . . p · 1 \ hh f rnnn habi tation . lt is n poor tbco~ ]51) ·, aulph:~to :rnd :~cctnto llf limo nnd n11~e, - ·ltnn compn-- 1 with the power of to disorder u tho 11\u, and nnne i• :nnr• •>lt.lUP ·· · · · 1''<'· r el!u l'DI. \"h\· will mnn wit ol•l rom mao •;,. ' .. ' n :u

dittutd. Hemrmbcr "hen n:>.uua, 1\•~ultL · <"11•11- H. UrtE\YER . . ... Chil'f Clerk . I t is not n crime 10 b:lll rrrto n culd room lo s leep, on hC:\lt h <.:hloritlo nnd Bcclato of potnsh •l,j ; \"c. which Nowfouodbnd hu been apnrcd. ~pr, whtn n~llltct~d. 10 become •uiouoly \\ 1 lo1.1.tsn:u .. . .. . Sccrctnry . • J.i;;ht nnJ air :' tha.t scndd moo, women, or childreu ou I mngnc:>!in 1;;2 ; Phosph11te of limo 1.:; ; ntl:cr and f:tr grenter epidemic• froD\

cy, or acidity 011 tile •lom1ch •orns u1 that IJ L. ti .\lt.n• Artuary. Li·•ht nnd nir. l•rrndplee, when wnrmth lr:us been ex- gctnblo 1101muuin:.! ; Charcoa.l powder, [ remnrk further, that tho appcnrnnce FOB LYTEIL~.I.L .1.$D t:XTnl1!.u. t:1H: , dige11ion is not Jlro~edin~t t~toprtly, thot J ('. >• \RP, )[. D ~rcdi.:nl E~nrnincr. Gi,·c our city'• tl;rkest spot,- I clu•ll·•l fu r n day. or n. wuck. or pcrhnpe aod powdor and c.1rbon 1 ; \\"ntcr nnd of ozo no on tho teat pnpor, when ma.crni-

h now in ita Sixtieth rtar and i• to·day, llullo7~1·• l'rlla regulate nerdfunuion,giu Jl . 1 . U.\~ros .. . . . . :Supc rmtcmluut of To lorn creatures lo rr:: forgot.- rnuntlrd. Tho clmn~:o 111 t ho ll-mp~;rn. 1 ~:t.hd LaG. 1-'urtlrerit ia enid thnt in Eu. fied,cxhibit:~pr·imafacic tho m11rka u of

l NOl DY NB LI NIM E,T tt ren~:• to e~ery org•n, •P•• ly remove all A ;;<·u,·r.:d. T o brniu nod brow IVith fever hot, turc of n ~ounr. lrar i n~ both flro nn11 ropo it hn~ b<:Ou usc:-d ns n top drcsain~; th<' layiug o£:1 minute form of llsh duet.

whctc It ia knowr., the rnost uuteaol indiJ:coriun, bile, anollick htada"hv, ~urr~hinc. oftcr tho su11 ••uc~ d own. i3 ox. to 1111 c rop•. but notnblr with UhJ~t eli- W hnt tho chemical nnturo of this i1 I ·u d • • and dfecta pern<Jnent cu1e. I.iglrt nnd 11ir , . 1 k J 0 I J 1 • p 0 p u 1 a r .An e 1 c lll e C('Culllg y mar c . A pcrceptiblu chill ect ou gmll8, w lent nu oat8. ...,Is pun- cannot S.'ly, but Ul}' oLsorrnhon j:061 to

\V cakness and Dc:!bilit)•. B. R. C t1 n W [:"i' ){nM,::e r for Cnn Giro to hut 1111,1 h:~ll forthwith i~ folt. gcuc ch:tmct<'r nud ,·cry bitte r tns to Rhow tho why nnd tho \Vhereforo ofowno In the IJni•cd Statu. Thouunth 1 r people In cssu of drbilil •, tatgour ond ntr~ou 1• :11la arul IJriti~h Provinc011. L :t:hl nnd nir. --«»- - ma.kc it dc•irnblo liS n pro\·entnti\·o 1\• in I'Cr}" largu qu:mtitiea nffocting tho u •• It tor th• Ont timr tach year .• :ul :hou. ntll. generat•d by· u ctu of any krnd, THO~ .\ TE~lPLE. ..Ocnl.' Agent ,. L e t lhero bo light," ll:tid Uolv \\'rit; The Cnn'" of smnll•pox. gni!'st .t~o cut-worm and, . cntcrpill~r thro!lt or tho no!e ao ns to cnui'O cough uncia mot~ mi~ht h~ ' l.entllttedby i:, where 1 wheth•t mtntal or rhnocel, the rfTccu of fur ~laritime Pro,·in<·e~. Li" h' nnd nir. • .\ Gerrrr:1n pll\·dil'ian lm• btoh· •'-rt- whac.h •.nJuro <',:tbb.ns<:s. l r10r to rn.m or influeDL'I, t ho lnttcr of "·1•i•·h it i1 l h•y awate of 1' ta in,..timable uluo. Tntre l theae P ill• 11 rn lhe hiuhut d•gru bucin,., " <a f I II b · · f I · · • -~ " " Come:-, H opo nnd chc~r the wnn and frllil , · eel tho tlw<>ry tha t tho fatnl · tli~cMe ' o pr111~ or . ·n It m:ay o put on Ill well kno"·n rs cre:~hvo o n.n ur •to 1rn-i• roaitinty no m~~cine rn thia coun•.ry renou~i~g. and teotormti\ c. The)· drin· Th:lt Honvcn·~ J' ud"'m<'.tl Will' not fnil ·, known as omnll pox ori"oirrates from un sulRII qunnt.r.ttc:< of S/\.Y ·~ bushllf. per .:~c. ro L'ltiun of tire mucon~ membr:ut._ . f tiro d. d to therelirfondcureofao great a ltomthctyotem tl,t m~rbi1. causea of dis- STA fEMENT o t Jl "t II t S . . I I I a pte . ' ., re-cu abt. th the dr~;ullon, rrgulate all lllest hcnlth, bleat ltcalth- :-\11 bnil, nil l'lCOill of albuminun~ Ul!ltter in tho I rcpen ° .. v. .., rCWIII[! "0111 '.Junu 11108 uoso. 'uecung •• t 10 <UU orm tor .. ~

'"itt)' of diautr• a~d aalrnr,Pt• u J uhnaon • ! the 1eorttioru, •lr•n,:;thtn the nen ou 1 •r•. For the Year Ending Dec. 31, h:til. hlou•l, nnJ thnt tlrio is to bo prevented of soot ru thocnbl>:tgc :ur tl turmp ~n~den. lievo t ire ordinnrl" irritntion. It mBv l>o AsoUTSE LtSI:\IEST. P.e»ple ~·nerally tea., rain the l>~tr•rot'a apirira, and brin;t L ight nnd air. liy t ho ntlruiui~trat ion of corrrrnorr ~alt. wuuld th~rofore ~t":m to be :\I iutcrcstin" to orr"r ,·ourr~: friends tu k.nO\V throuRhout t he N cw ~ngla,nd State• are back the frawe tu its pmtine heallh a01J 181 ~ · l'ho h~bit :~ of chiiJn•n in in.lnlgrrrg O\'Cr 1 an~· rate HI p~tcel111g :rgnrnst I ho hy. I that t hi' oi.l form. of elprl'~~ion "bien tnthuala, tic in ill pra11e and many thou- •rgour. Prronium• .. .. ...... SI,r.2G.>!I2.G.J • fn•d v 10 swccltnl.'at:~ he con:~i <l l' rs one woul<l hl'Ck to unprc~s on tho pcoJ, Io the us •· 1191.'<1 nftc r n ~nir 'ncCIZC, :lrO!IC from aaod• of .orU 0 ,I c nnd Dropslcnl ntun L.. ... . . .. . . "v.•~•· v I . ,. . ,,., . gNat c.'luse of t ins urt~luu dcrclopml'nt ~rc~l . I e(eS~1. " l~ nmng to ur:nlp n c \C 1:1 :uu·wnt tuno" 1:1 "ren. 4 •1&. f 1 ·c . I I .,., • . I'' I wout.o not ••rvo much for \'Our ro- , ' . 1 •• t 1 . ' tv fnrtl ' · tl t · 'b 1· f · · · tl t 1

B Fid C~ t l co 11

. T 1

. --- 5~1::gj lrg10n unless ll cnn be 80~11 • L :unpa do , vr 11Jbnmeu nnd cofl'•·c nnJ 1<::1 if Jri .. hlr l Jntlr~tou~l v . Othl'rwt8C lho rrop uught f'ickjlOr.!On 8neezed he nr sho w:u ~;ctung ona 8 61'\IWCa 88 ,,we mgs, "1' r..:<opto. ... ' not t.'llk , but they do •hmo. A li~ht. I J t 'd 1 t . · ·.' t" I · be lo•l 'WI.'e<lsshould not be cn•t oror br lldr and there \1':1~ tho ~ions "J·acul~. T ( ~ . . . ---- h J I ' t b t aus :\rc en a so 0 Cl~\10 111 1\( u ts. . . . • . .

mi ht be obtaineJ rrom tbou whou prrju· h• t~m o u c ." the mo•t dr<treurag 1:'"'•'· • .• . . .....• ..•• S 318,!1JO.«< ouso aonn 8 no t rum, I . l'n ". no .\II or ~nnic a cid, linch "" lemon J. uicc:> Ire tire fonc('d on tbe ronds ns m:.y bo fro. I l ion " l.ll.'•d u'.' :\no I I cy would bo .• ,.~ bu been ortreome by iu aatu·••>· ,.. ;>etrod rn .. om>n • ur~ttnce; 11 duu or• l••<l for ourrcndered son~, :uul yl't ovc:> r the wa.t!'ro tts fnl'nd . · . tl b f f . ' I , 111~:uth· seen but nthCir burnt or other. I ::u:•c uli:1r people if thry diJ nlll thcu u b tboutando. The wh • r ·.- J:fOII humoura l'olicin . .. · ····· ·· • IG'l tf.U.Sl h· . Jnr k ia seen b·· tho mariner So I t COU~lon!n! 1° Cdt Ull':lll 0 rl'(•lllg t l l' ,. • .• '1'1. I , . . . . . . I II . h 1ulu. It would !le impoo11blo ora to 11 1

t 11 <I • d Oo•idrnd•....... .. .. i s.i . .S I!I~ • I • •• • •• e I blood when clO"!;etl up with too 11111 ·lr \\ltiO c c~troy~u. •cy • 10uld not bo pul pr:\1•e, wlulo recogmtrn; Wit r II r1g t uumera te all the ~a~•~ :~d ~~r;e•\,"1~" ~r'~:~ ·~·,:~lr~:·~ ---- your nctlon~ 11lnno out yo ur re)I!;IOil. nlbuurcn nnd ),~ nllt•"cd lh"t b,- bki~1 ., in with 111:\111\rD for a 8rrnplc re:w~on thnt Joonor nnd pr:\i•<'. tho noblo &<'ioncc of . d U I •.: ' . " . T<ral .\ mt. rtln'llrd w l'ohcy. I,ct tho m~m &crmo:.r oF your lifo be · ' . '"' · . ' . o t l c ·tl f ·e ·J ··11 1i t1 b d' · C tl' tl re t t rnrrller vane ses . powrrlul!y check•d. I homo .. corlarn lllll · lloldcu in u;;l.... .. .. .... S!lVG.GGS.iG 'II cd b It d d . thoso l lmplo romcdtcs Ill tho W:l\' of pre. I grol\ I II 1\ '

5 \\I 0 lero y 1111' I CillO. :1 111, .le g . a . • . . . . . t Lint~ for at: thou dangeu ia HollowaJ '• ---- 1 natnat . y n Y.our ~n uct, no at caution, he h:ut, for upwards o'f hYuh·e promutcJ . .\n i yt't I h:r.,·o sern tlrc rn nmon~: the r\vrth .\ mcrarn n lndtan•,

or which tne Anodfne Lrn•mtnt ••r~rftclly l'•lla Armed witb them the fitry ordeal Grou Auelt,Uec. 3t, 'i l, f.j,OIG,S:lJ. IO shall not fntl to be 11lustnous. I yen p t f- t d 1 k I · ofton so t•lnce.! L et me 511'' here thnt ~u1ncwhero 1 hnl"c r l.':t•l recomnmnds d d b tbe proprietor• will churfully . . -• h d . Ml n8 • • ~q uon e or a e n up n s . . ' . • h

a •;~•• , u.l h .11 .1

r 1" paufu 1 tou~h, an thr aufT•rer 11 once nbodo in tire mosL pcstilontinl small 01 1 tiro growth of UJUKLnrol cropH now nnd I tbnt tho mo uth ~houiJ l>o kept • nt IPoS

~end rr~pahull . 10 ~~y "~~~~ p01~:cu~~~ 0 1:~ I 01orc rcat1o r~J tu 1h~ poteuion ol uotmpairt'd )h ratio of clai,.a and nptnau to income T..oor;; on tho briglrt side. It i11 tho lro•l>it.'\id of Furolll.' nud South Am;~cn tlrcu net• nan Jur~,;nti,·e nntl c le11n8cr of mnclr :\S poniblo in rold, clrilliug air, H a pamv tt it"'"" • bt•hh Irs but hulo known th•l a t the · th 1 1 d · 1 t 'I Tl t' t 1 -' 1. ~ • 1 d h ... ' II I' d · · 1 h · ld t · · · g~• b.r wuh roanv cen illcatu and n• •o·calitd .. t•rrn of lifr .. man also when •• on e owta gna e. ~1g I Kll o. 10 ames rn~y >C mru, uut wrt h entire impunity. Tho mean~ of I ro f:rouu :\11 t :.t _,uu wa 111 tt :1!1 :tt'gurng t rnl sue ntr wou nc IDJtln,.

othtr nluabla inrorme~i.on .. A rew ceru6 ..


.,,.,in" on forty or fifty' .n.e, diaeo•e'rt that WProofoCloM aubmitted to theun1er- tt w1ll ma.ko thom llll easrcr to wc. ar n pre,·ention :lJlJ> ccrtninlt· eimnlc, but ndnurablo prcdcce-~~o. r to o t her rrop~. ou~ly o n the mombr:wl'. of tho thro:1t. h h h d I ·~.. a ign~ wil!be fornrded, anC::theto .. poiJ 1 -• d t 1• 1 ' .- \" 1 1 •I •· 1 o. J -'1 J b 1 b tl catu art he•~ .ll«•n_. • re 11 11 ope ~11 hll ht•hh ia contidt:ahl) deranl!ed and wttbout n:oenH 10 tb• Policy holder. :; oom.Y nnu a.1 coun OIHiuco. • 1~ t 10 Ul:l)' lie worthy rof irrvc:>stigation. •.uc pcop ow ro •'Ill" t •e~ ,;nowc:>rory Anu tl' :1 ,·o~atca re:1l11n~ y 10 nn~u

hue the cona:dcrau~on they Jnor~e. c~mrng know• nN •h• cau••-• critical petiod in euollhloC, 11ntl n?t tho cloud, that m:~k cs --:m- - thmg may a&)· we tl11~; but the under such Clrcurn~wnca••, tn~(cl\d. \\ 0 a1 rb•y o.". from gerlll<mtn or the b•gheat 1111 lrf•. All pe•il• to hoth .. ,.., ore at once W . .H. THOMPSON, a !lower. Tlwru ld alwnys thnt boforonnu T h e Ohjcclll of Exercl~c. worse fauiL of a wntcr 1s to suppose 1111\.f not !Jo prcpnred to KaJ ho,., fnr euch rc•peclab•h:y. 1 remoYcd by rtc~ura• to theu Pilla. around us which aboultl cheer nnd fill Tl t b ' I ld b . tlu' peoplu rnny Jr :~,·c tlr:~t koowlodgo :1 rulucoul.l be rnrricd out , but the quet·

F •um E.r- Gorcrnor U<ambalair. . The Kiuocys-Their llernnoe- Huaoa OJUoE, tbo hc:trt >Tith wnrmth. Tho sky is blu!' . 10

grcnth 0b~elrtss d•ou 0 kto reff-uhJ- which t hey mny not possess. TheMe lot · tinn is ono 1vortlrv of r<'usidcrntiou for o · h · · b'- k \'l"orntu c u• \' nu to wor o t o · f 1 b 1 • • II 1 ' bl Bau~swlc:K, Avr il 16, l ~iO. ments and Cure. Geu. Ageua for Nc wfoundlnod ton times w c:>re at 1s we · O!lco. tl:;, worn o ut m;,;tcn1 in tho ~rstcm. tl.'

1 n~1nro bu

1ot w

1r1ltenk. odr t ·~ great 1.1l


thl ultd, n.s clu.IJrcn c1ou. < n

1o1. poutt .Y

Mr Sir.-:-1. ho•• n.••·ttlbern wllbout lftl:ete Pill• u••d ncrordin,; tn tht l"int- June 12. ~· Uut if carric<llo oxceos tho surpluK.l!,;C t 10 lum, fc , w aoaho . In! lnss•~IL'Inco 1 cs - m:r.ungo r i.IO\Yill~btoblt letrl c~··Utlg ou tan your Anodyne Lrnrru•nl 11nc• can tomCrn· d d. . d 0 , . . . . . I · I fl' 'b 1 I teem nnu rom w om ln\'e carnt MOille pl:ly. Auc, pro :1 y. t 10 ""~ IV•l)' 0 L<r I re~:ord it •he b.•t thing of th• kl~d • ~t•cuon•, an .,. rntm<nt ru'•hed o•.r } I~O FAUt.T Ill pravntc, tfposstblo, nnd I ts uot on~ t lrown o ' ut n so ot lOr I knowleJ,..o of tho ma.ttor on which I I ~trcn~:thon will e,·c r bo tn disrouuteo-in thf market. ~Ve Uted • l!rhtll d.u I or il ~~·;:~rio:. o~.~h-~i.:~~ ~:~: •• [~i: a;o;;;~' rn~'~ Parson's Purgatives eom,o ti~o nftoTr hi hobol ffcedneo mtbe,r th.nn I olorn·~bts ft~r~t b'::t n~;:sa.'I~Y for t ho I write. f nOlO from March nod April IInce their moping Ol'er h(lt firca nod too in tbe army dunng tbe war, w "" •t wat . a• a.nt, it wrll penetrat~ tho bift•Y• and eo•· on nt t •o ltmo. o nm nro Oil to·\1 ° 0

) · ~rcruro, exer • \Vzuhington Gor!'rnment lJllpnrtmcot much atutly nud rtthor to cncoorago ropulor u it i• at horne. Consratulat~ ttet any d<tangoment. Should he affi,ction cl!nod to . resist wl:on they arc .bbuwd ~~~~ sl~ouh! .not bo oxcoa~IVI\ nud 0 \'0r- I A;:ricultur:~l repo rt toat complaints out-door es~rciso ~nd prop~r amuao-) OU upon JOur auoc•u, an~ u;~on the 1 bo 11one or gruel. it b panicululy re~m· ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. wtthuut Wlt:loUel . Both pnrhC!l nrc I tutr~um~ ; It should bo prt~loo::cd nr:d I hnvo beou tundo br corrl.'eponrlc:>nta in mont Their brniut too will ~row Atrong-r ou att do rna at the um• ume, men•l•d tbatlhc Ointmtnt, in auch au•, bt Clllmt>r nnd tho 1\CCusod p:ut,· ia atru<'k modcmto, r:~thor thnn Ahort nnd lnbor- ..... . \ ' k . 1 N J f . . d. '-- tt 'th ' lllAAm thc•'tr I•• 1 am rour (dead and auunt, Th 11 r h d ~ 1 p·u • ' · _, 1 ld b d ·' c" or nn• r ow Ol'li(',Y o IUJUnol er nn "" or, cy WI ~ ...,.

Jo "HUA. L. CUAMDEI\LAIN. u•t'd night ond motnin[l, aA by iu judi~ioua e oompoceu 0 1 "'won er u 1 1 • by tho forbcnranl'O of the nccnacr, who l OUJ, 3 11•0 "

1011 , 0 stoppe short of ~c- dooo to r:~bb:1scs in the :~utumn b,· tho •ons bette r, nnd aa men ond womt'n ., •. i b d . that are DOtl' aatoaisbing ner~ bndy b, g iY- h th ~ I d h d ti . I unl f II"UO rho A mot t f • " app rca\ on t e rnolluloun rog cuna tr.•1 ins nrllefto bundretla and tbouu nrla nf e&lf'o as aron o rnu t, nn \V:tlc e or n prr.l ' ' "' . Ill o exorcrso nttncks of n amnii green cntorpillnr tha~ io future they will ble,_, tho world, ith LowELL, Mau., Sept. II, ISGO.

Oentlemen -:\ friend of miot hu bttn troubled with• a hocking cough (o r et•eral )tart, and rtOf'ntly wu ao wnk ~at he waa unablo to wotk. Having aeen the el· ftell of 'our Liniment on othrn, 1 took ho:ne a boule and ~eue biln; in leu than a wrtk tbt cough bad eotirtiJ l•ft hi:n. 1 hut no b .. uatlou in reooa.rnending it to all our cu\tomeu wbo are in waot ol • good t bing,

Very rHptttrullyyoon, ll S. WOOU, Uruggl•t & Apothecary.

Josuaoao. Mareh 11, IIHO. Otntlemen,-Piutt •end rne b7 nut mail

ont half grou J ohntoil't .{norl)·ne Liniment 1 at it It lht O:CLT U.lollDY (or Pu!tld Sore Tbrollt, an1 Scarlet Bath. Eury ptr~ou '"" it wi:.b p~rf.ct eueotU wlleo all utnn llltd:ciDI fai!J.

lUtptctflltl, TOiltl, J OSIAH WRITNEY.

be perfar:~~ed. han senerally bffa auppoaed to be~~- vato nod proper timo for tt.outivuiu:; it. neccs~C:~ rydepend8srcntfy .on ~hon~ount l.':lt.~ holca in tho ~nterlcnvcs,~ome~iwc:-• tnrir iot~llcct. \Vcalth i• good, but curable hau been uMd In a ph:raician'a uf ~ootl ~ou~umc~. Hc8ptr:t.IIOn, rtrcu- I riJillin~ thOIJI liken s io\'O. 'fhia cnt l.'r· hcnlth must not bo acrificod to it. Boau-

- Ilollorcay'• Pill• n,.,. In~ bnt r~mrdy practice for ~ lu<llr.y ruro, long enough, A LOYI!I"CI he11rt 1\11~ .n plo~nnt conn. !ftllon nr~J .diJ.:C't 1?n: thou~h they nrc I pill~r, i~ nll~ut 0.3;; of nn inch in length ty with propt>r gmco nnu ~elf-dt'ninl i• kt~o•cr• ;, t!.e IVorl.lfor tire one would llfi• for thtm to • indicate heir tonanco nrc rommodtl1Cs winch n mnn • ~ot 11101r fuJI nn~ pc:>rfuct rlyllnllracnl an form thickest in tho mid. confe!sedly Jo,·.:ly. Hut no1ther 'II'Dal~h

fullou:it~g di•etur• :- claim to pub io Cnor. nut unfortun attly, should ~ovor fl\il to tnk~ bome with hi01. per ~rjnnro ~5 great·'' <'pon~ 1\ot u po u I dlo anrl of n ~rec:>n 'col.Jur. 'l'ho moth or benuty 1\ro oflinnlanfoty. Children Agu& I Female lrreg•1laritl~• ~rbatupdaadbloierthh•:~bebeoe'lln'!owrb•'achlo,bn~•etl pm,.11•.cdoen: Thor w11l beat St'Mon h1s food and soft• our ' ? untark' movodmr,1.113· J · oglccL of produeod frc01 it W:\8 unwed Plutella \vill undcretnud nlninly thnt this great A•tnma Fe~ere of all kioda " • .. • 1 · ' II It . t th' oxorciiO wen end an ur•or ON< tho eto- 1. b · II b Cl d · d ' b · ,.d r h ' II tb' k far, in coruM~u•nce, 6nt, of the 1tl6•h nar. on rrs p1 ow. . wer~ A gre11 . mg h d h . . f h b un 1po1U n, y omens nn 11 cscn . \Vorld ~~ chcquerc \ t oy wt 1n Ol m~~c~::~:~~:i~:in I ?1:~~•cbe r"w .mindednau or tbt owner, and, a~condlr, for a ru11n th.1t h1s ,nfe aod ch•ldreu nrnd • rc ureal

1 0 ~ntln:-lt) 0. t t c: e~t.l cd by Dr. Fitch in tbe Now York Agri- that word when pin yang b3Ck gammon)

llow•l Complaa' ntt l lndiguti•n his inabili17 to car:7 out auccHt lully aa en. could truly &a)' of hiDl, " H o ne~cr no proreolt s rNr1e~rhrcu bntt?n 111 t 0 ~~· cultur:ll Report for I "3, JI:I"O i4 1\8 btaunehino and dnrknc-.clearocea ana • • · · · h .• b 1 r . h · mato ~CSVI) s. I urt ur ouy nnr mtnd 1 o · . 7 • • d d • I Debility LiYtt Complaint• trrpmt rtqumnjf 10 rnue mooty anu ptt- ~ug 1t n ro:~ o or uo :r.pptDC4ll ncrou U . . f II .r . I .

1 tho cobb:~ go mol 1 , urntonroJ lmuu:nlln, c udlj)Css, pi'OIIpcraty .lln ll fertllj. n

Dropsy ai11ent ~IJ.,rt u t ba manufacture ancl •ale or Ius thrcahold. I' an n. 11111 111 u " 01 e opmeut wtt lOUt nud is clo!oly 11llied to, if uot ~•ooov• I I if!' 6-osst'S must be borne. To IIIII thcD\ a l'attat Medioioo, bowner good and valu•· oxerrt~e. mous with l'lut~lln :ylo~trlln, Li'nn In l tb 1t thi1 is n bright, hapffc world i1 aiUJ.

J,umbago I S•condarw S•mpiOID bit It mas be. Anu tha d .. th of tho phJ1i· Th f h ' h --(.0')-- t.• d ·r . I . d r I h m • t ., , oian refernad to •bo~e. the recipe pau~ 11110 ere nro mnny ruih w 1c noror For iftocbers. r uropo; nn 1 80 1• nnot11"r unporte plo noneccao- 11- o ow. ...o pam l'ilea Tic.Uoloreus the banda of tho ptopri~tora of J obnaon'a turn sweet until thll frost h tur lnio upon indcct. Whou disturbed this cntorpillnr ~loomy picturoa for them-it not right. ~~eun~l~·~·:f Urine \ ~~c:;:l AIJectionna Linlmtnt, who will h•n~forth l"'il"• them them. There nro many nuts tluat never Sc:-nd your little chiidren to bed hnp· drops from tire plant, but eu1ponda it·. ~'or in either caao they would be led u-Sczofula ur Ki~a• Worm a or all kinde ia •trietaccorc!ance with I he or iginal rteipa, fall from tho boughs of the forest trco~ PY· Whntc\'Cr cnrca, gi\'o it n ~;ood self tty mCAn~ of n siikon tlrrend ." trny. Lot thrm t nko oxoreiao, let them

Kvrl. Wnkoeu from and ltlllbem In eonntetio11 with their Lini- till tho froat hns opened and ripened wnrm bed at night, kie1 i~ na it goes to T .ERH:\. NO\' A. run nbout io tho open plllios nud wood• Sor• Tbroa~•

1 wloalner eagan mtnll tbut gi•inr sll r•ople, uorywhtrt, an thom. And thoro arc many elements ita pillow. Tho momorv of this, in the uodor proper Cllro n~other than from

Stone & Gruel &r:.. &:e., opportuniiJ to nallthemaal•n oftba ••fett , of 1.r th , efnr ro t d b stormy y<'an! thnt may ho in 1toro for CJm tlons. bouse to ho uao with uncurbed tongue-. aureat, aod moet reliable pur~tatin or anti- 110 n. n " g w awco nn eau· tho little one will bo liko Dothlchcm'a {. R both

--o- bilioaa mtdicla~ ktoowl\ to rnrdical 11110, t iful until sorrow touche• thow. N ercr begin n journey until br!'akfnst for honvy dose• o ID uonzn maY • Tbe Pilla ar.d Ointment are aold at Pro. Alllr to tho bewildM-ea shepherds. " My id rnton . <'OniiCquenco of too mu~ talkitir. Tho

rmor Ho•.wwn's Ettabliabrnenl, .S33, Os· All Who Need Physic, I·' · d f:~ther, my mother lo\'C<'I mo." Xo· After 1 pnakin ... sin,. or nrc:~chin2 wisdom of '""Ddfath. on and graodm&.th-~ d 1 d 1 h 1 Tm: wor u •• !;0\'Croc by three th' t.: k th t bl od h t ' "' o · " r· •· o·- lk •opre:t:'b··leV~nd(lnor; a ,•o 'lydn:~r! thnnyho,..t T . .UCE thiu,..., witHlom autht~rity, and a.ppo:lrnn - b •,us eALn. :1 o awhady ·"th thou 0/lld~ in a \YIIrUl room in wiotor, do uot ll.'nve on~ did not allo\V tina el xtreb ~o tn datdtYO·

• " ·' • •~•n- toug 11 o - :1 m. 1pa pare e w1 o wor 11 it for 1\t lcMt ton minutra, nnd C:l'en nou. 1t WOilnl out t te nun an 08 the Civilia•d \Vorl!!, tn Bone and Pou at p p p•Jt cos. Wisdom ia for t hought f ul people, fof c ' II bcfto d · t th h · · t th

I S h · fi h 1 d r ""' ' mo · cwy ngnm 1\ 0 tbon cloao tho mouth, put on tho <'love•, not tnntl to,stren~t on tt ap101 e h . 1·2d., :lt. !ltl.,h. 6d., Ita., 22e., and :!Sa. • ~ I nut ortty or rou:; p~p e, an appear- tltr1·11 of youtltful momon·08 K· 18• • o 1 k f · d . .,. b' h tac!l. Tht 2•. Od. aiu contsina thrtt, th•4t. · nncc• for tho gro.:at mats of auporflc inl · o wrnp up tho neck, nod put on II c loak or e toe 8 o proape nty or a •ent., • w ll' 6d. me alx, tho I h . •in • isrten, the :J2•. 1C your •y•tam 11 lo an onb•altbl alate, pooplo, who ran look ooly 00 tho outaidu your !j.ttlo child be foro i~ goes to ovl.'r<:Ollt before pnuing out of tho dnor; more or len must be mot in tho world, eiu tbirty·thrn, •nd th• a3J. •ilte fifls.twn two or thr" of" Panona'a Pilla" wtll briar aod wbo judge only by exterool mnt- ~lcep. tho ncgloct of these lal\lt laid 0111ny a 11nd which in our ago h~fO aooften made •imea 1be quan1icy of a Ia. 1-l!d , Box or it round all ricbt. __ ...,.,__ {tood and useful mnn io ll promaturo reaeon totter from itt throno. The brain Pot. Tbe m.allut n ox of Pilla eontain ~iela Uaa.Sacbe\ Ne"ou• Headaeht, Diz - tore. SaJaryaucl Sal t. grove. ,nil not be:~r cxcet!lifo drinlrins or ex .. four donn 1 a r.d the amall .. t Pot ol Oiat- aintu, a ~~ell• or Blindoau, &c., may be cured When wo aay of a •hiftlCBa follow N k d h ·vo t11lk'n~ It hu it. tem""rature eat Do you mean to Jiye witboot trill I ? over ap 11 un cr n oa.reoncsl!, Cl· rellllt 1 • ,..

Full printtdmdi,e:,i:n:u.~~~·.mud to nch bra bort .,f Pllrt?na'al'url•tiYt Pl:la, wbicb Tben you would with to dio but hlllf a that he doc• no~" cam bit ult," we peci:llly if itrl.'quirc• nn effort, or ~il'ca uwcllM tho y,and the~ mattor Bolt .D·' P n• and can be had in any Jan - 01111 coat• twenty . lln ~nil. h uncooeeioual~ nlludo to an ancient cos - hurhn .. or pniuful feelin", for it oncn it to prePc"o it llt mea.n temperature a•

u ., " Pareoae'' Pilla" art tb~ be•t knn•n ,.... man-at t e •ery beet but half a man. Ro h 0 0 ...r U t.h too rug•, n•n in Turk lab, Arabic, Ara:enian, mldl Cor Cor.atlpation of the Row Ia. l nftaltl· \Vith.>ut tnalyou cannot gueu at your tom among t u mana. Among t em rotulta in 11 permanent lou of voice or 11 mu~h M pouiblo. .r.•OW a He IDA

Peniao c r Chincte, f b "ld N H ho was wd to be io po11101ioo o£ n "an- t00,. la'fo of in•alidism. tore t oo aro moro or loa correlated, u mat on o I ~ n. DtJ•, •n oua •••l••n•, own •trenl(th. Uen do not learn to ~ " b h · If Siclt Headache, lrre•ularirr, co.tiYt:1tu, lary" who had his" aalnraum," his al. \ Vhilo eleeping with tho ho.'\d bol· I hllfe 1hown with t e wut or ttte ,

F I S y_t I{ I E S ~ &\\ im on a table. Tht>y muet "0 into the 1 f It f 1• h h h ' h t ' • ·bl -•..-.(J. ~, Bllloutneu, Dyaptpela. hdi11utlnn, F .. mal~ "' owanco o u mont~y, oro an ., w l.'ro- aLcrccl u p, tho Yenele through whirh t. o w tc e r erta a~ tme. a Till o .... - .. U r Obttructlooa, Wol~e, lnllaoou, to.. or Ap· doop aod bull'llt tho aurgot. with to savour tho food lly which ho liv- blood pnaaea from tho h enrt ~the head, Dull , hCilvr, niny weather baa ita drecL

petite, ud Loea of IS!HOJtb, 'l'bo Prlla ara ed. Thua ulary coma. froo1 snit; arc leuenod in their CI\Vitica ; thcrcforo Bright, Inc. wnno and 'flll'J' warm weatll. P•' up wi&O JJMt.,. bJ Derose \on uk a fa for of a Dllln,just and in tbit Tiow of the word, how in all di~~euca attend...d. with fonr, er bu ita efFect . Cold weather hu fta

L S. JOHNSON & CO., 0000~.·-_. .. f~Preo2d.th0inangat.i.l.a0t0·0 TCoaunapypol~ many tbero aro ,.-ho do not " CllrD their tho bead ehould be nc:1rlyluYel "·itb tho eitect, tho lattor alu, how painf1allJOD B..._~., MA.CB. - ·- - bU ~ , aalt." body. tho poor. And tloaeotheru"'laireaftta

to grant ~Would you, if your brain force or mind to reNt tile eJaaWa M'" For &le at tile ,'Drq ~rea of placee '""'.~"~~'~~~. llo for your fnend for vaee.... # Wile W....._ ftoocliog that. it onen their aceoa~ ~1'1. w. B. Tao.aeo• aod J. J. what you uk him t;o do for you p Pnt ou a •imp to poultico or brsu lour FooliJh •pending i• the rather of pOY· mrnt. Tbit .. feU hylhe telaoliw .. ])aug·~ • • ; . • Cor twenty.four hnur•. the ulc-:r nty. Do not be aabamod to worlr. ne tho 1Nln or buaiue-relt

pl · • 8o Deeellll'J' il uo to tho mind, tlaat afterwarda wit h J>owderodcinchona bllrk. yonr own mutor, and do not let eoc:ietr lida Moruind-t in Nl "ID 1 t late pbilOIIOiJher l&f' if Yi" ahould R.ei)Cai for Hranl. ullJil al~t'rnately. and whion awallow up yolll' iudi•idn· creount ril'l than thit.

~&iJa.cboolhoUUtwithout play-gn>uoda When the nicer begm• tu look red alit.y. Do not tat ap or wear out all tel11ou bow roori~ !'PbOM would ge~ be1ond lbort ditiAon healthy, map it tiMbt with IOJJg 1trip1 you ean tarn. Compel tbo Mltiah body air uupomd into lA a lU'etiaao. . ohdheoite pluwr dra .. iug tho Odga of to apaN eomftlling for the prOito •m. ohlp'• bold, anbiwl ...

the 110re t;ogetber. Ooutiaue latter & atingy in yuar own W the elole • Elm iutronaly clwaet..iatic or lit- tleatmeot uotil wvU. to ot~~en• ~~~~o.!::l "::.t=~~J~:& U.O..'olmiad ' a &n&IJ aoble aud 1ft· o&._.., and Mk DGt • t;,

aanf•llaoOIUDf&J towarcbaalle- " (rom which the 8ee tlaa' .,. riral. . ........_ otthe

---o-OOD SEINE), &c.,


\ \



TnE Lo~oos O.uu1Y.lf YICTOIIOCI II!' l'wO"''T J , £WOT III

c: ndu 10 11


· s If s ... == .... ~ 1 *

I . 1 I I News in Brief. ( l!rom tlr4 Ttffii]JeNJMtJJormud, ;,.1111~ 21.) Firth, A.-jre ~2), 1. ~lel-t, J. ~nd M .. t or N 0. I c 0. • . __J__~r S:l!c. --- - - __ ~-~~- Wllolesate Prtee.'J Cu.rreaa,

1U;iirtl,,J. ~~atb•! I . F~er, ~- March, --.---

-Brick Pomeroy has <'hnllt•neted Sl. .Joba'8. • 1. tl. 'Mart1o, C111(oa, Pippr; E . Power, Tbo .\.ouu~l M~ctiog of tho R.eoe1 VeCJ. Jlutler to meet him ou tho field of bo- ~- Pow~r/ tllillPJOr., ~P.g;l, s. wm~. 8lockho1cler• •• tbo P er A.IIIJIIiUml nud other VC&IIt.'l!l frouJ nor. Uaun- IInmbro Xo 1,33•;Xo2,3::>s.; 11ippislo;r,D.B'un1 J.""P1ko. Stecl'l\ge- "'D"- b G W t ~ Liver 11onl, ,.

- - - No. a, 2 I. • H: .ltugol'll aod 'wife; And. Malter A ius- ~r or race a Gr \. o. A. I'..UlGE DDcl S PLE:\'DID

- Englnnd'a nttnuBI oxprncliluro (or Loclll No]/'c:..,'~~- ~o. 2• 2~/G.' worth. ! • Will bo h old on :.\[0~ D.\ Y, tho first AS ORT.liE~T 01•' nlcl'holicdrink~ is$40,000,000. J-:.ui · dnyofJulynox~. nttho LlTERATl\' }:'(. EARTHENWARE Assu ra nce Oom·pany

I , . , FLOt:"n-Cannrli\Sunrrlino or ~ow York F · ..,_, · m.•te t ao · eonMequontml dnma"c~ on E t ·.{g JO or ....,e. STJTUTE, iu thi" to1vn, llt -~ t•.lC., for tho J • 0 thnt,thcu to:llll it inn fu~ilnJo ~'r..lriuk . Ru~~rfu:o s;~:: .. ·a;~. OJ. trnns:\ct ion c>f tho munl bus inc•JO, in CHINA & GLASSWARe OF lOND N.

__ ...,__ . No. 2. .. 33s. to 3 h . Lu ....... et• , C~)nfo rmitywith tho Act or I ucorporn- )f.\."S'UP.\CTUJU:n DY E t bl " h d 18'n 1 . .-- T::l·ory ('olumnufn nowspnprr c-on- Cons ?.f.: 1 - •)1) Gl ••• u • l toz· Suitnblc fornllt·lnl'~e•ufthocomruunily. PERRY. DA. VIS & SON . 8 a - 18 e R

tams fro:u tonto twenty .thonanud dia- l () . •1 "<' f' __ sd. ). a· I t 3 - c. w A 1'1'3, &cretary. Jl:al·in .. p urch:al!cd for C.\ S II' hcfnro c- c fl2 000 """ "· 'o" . . f 'I'h r \Tl!E\1.- v ann n .a. 0 .>S. ---o--- . IT u 0 .J 16th l 2 ., . I .,UilSC'Rt UI:I> \PIT.\1, ..... I ,vvv ·~

t1~1ct ptl'C~8 o tyr.e. o < •~plllcomet~t l' ..: \>~t;-:!2~. Dally expect ed, per Scbr. 14 ){ate,•• · r or mcc, uno _ '• 1 • the etriko iu England, th<·,l' nniV offer " t tO , Toni. Jxn:sTt:D 1-'i:sos " ' :t sm:;le 0110 makc~ n11 error. Js tl u . ,, J d ,. S 1. lOd to-tlwirumnt'rons CU410 IIIt' rd :at Hcduccd ... , 1 \ • I

tr: 0 th t (l ~ I uUTIII.t--.1\11:1 nnn ·' on~ co ttl, . A Cargo of l'···· .... s for " .\...: '. 1. O r.c;;C Fnmllf JTic ... clne of c I C j ge. l"l'IVAUD.< Oi' .. ....... 2,700,000 " ~ .111g " l'rror~ r•·ur. ,\ m~rirnu. !)tl· ~· .... u

. - -. .,., _ _ . . ('ur:r.s~:- !M. to 1oJ. -:\ LSll,- Aud why it s h ould be kept a l- 1 .-b~•· ·''· Ixcolt r., t:r--- l.•~uten:tll~ s~·d"'-'Y Scn1th H nltlt· , 11 , " " _ !),) 1., 10 I. PRIM£ LUMBER. D.\IT. 'l EXPECTED, ways n~nr at hand w.l ttvl t.t· . . .. . . .. :IGO,OOO "

ma11 U~t·lwu~. hftla S•>n of thnl:ne l'hnr. l l' I ' I' . G" p . ' f l"l " I" IT Ll'R · 1 I 1) . I. I' I I. d . till I>- ·.t. ramo ·'': rtmo :• css c "" u ·o.,., •. C o \ lst " -' . \. • . · ~ t IC m o•t cc-r I'< tl'M'II~. lll'< 011 uo:ar t ha• Pl'lllll- , c;· :\{ ' _ ~., "J ' • n. ~ .. • • L:u·~c A~~o:-ttncnt of · : ; · . . · .. 1 nttl 0 .h lt I I l'r It I ···~ : . c~~ • .tid. to 1- !1. v • Juno 2G. 1:1111 LholC'm t•uretlantmuJtrnl SCI.Jnce 'l'lt" II "• t'.\RT>l .' .~ .• bn'tn!: 1\ nnot uar l ra.a a~c:unrr . ~ t a,on t1e Jl ·· ·r 1. 1 ~- til B ~ 1 1 1 - " u " "

::! nJ in<t.1 on his way homo fr~w Bom- \(F. t.P- .. ~ . • : ~1°, '~-., 1 ·11

~'HI. 11/JI/611/TR./19111- 111~ pro! 11_,.,., . . 1 <'lad< En,:;li•h l ns umncc Cornpnny, off<'r& b~,· . ·. 111. '~~·-~--·. · u. to : t . : · TRA.T :Prodama tions. 1 -.wJ• ·Q~ lllt/•CI• .:1 2n•l. I'.\ I:"· k I I. I ;r.n, nll n D ut_rrh!l)., all t ho.•o ntlmntas::e• mo~t tlo~arnblo to in.

· __ ...,__ J ~t·u .\n-:\ru~rarado, ~~ ~. ltJ . I ·~n•IU ,·~er.t.,rr rcmc•h · sciJo:uaf<·1·cr I · 1 bt rl 1 LIT ~ .1•

110 . ltt ct::- :?l•. to :?:?~. 1; 1 DWELLING HOU 3E -- - \ -- --- ·- -~ -- - From Sh<·Oichl, r ouapri-iuz el'rr~· <le · ·f· .1 • • ·' 1 ~urcrA, \IL. : unc ou o ~ n 111_v. I\ Your:

!· rench J;ll\'eriiiiiCIII h:t~·lc·tcr- J ' . B'l .\ ulltMit\· uf n I'I'\!I'OI't frl'lll I Ill' ~··riptinn nf nrri,·lc~ fttr ll •>ll···ltOIJ • . I ··,· .~ - ~ ,. I' ll r 1~1' .,, 'c :.lllo term•, nud promt•t ~ottll·UIOnt 01

"11·111.,1 to tr·· "l''·nr:ul 11r 111 , , . . 1 01. <.:orn:t:-(C.rt•c n) 1 Ld. hnlf- :)1 enn" t o -and- \ \' 1 • : 1 1 \[ • • 1 .a C . .l r• . .\ ·' - " • • • • " 1 <' Ill'\! mmps I· ·r. • r0 lo •

.• 0 • • l ~' Ill ra s I I · ld I tl r• 11 (>111 I 10 • n ·t-t r:t l<·~ II l "' u •e• :lllu nrpcnlcnt rc•t • ll~l lc• 1' . . r I I c ·11 .h 1' r ~--l ht• late w.1r who Ita '·<' l>\lcu t·•·n•ur"'' hr 1 T (' ll. ·

1 !'\

1 . Prem:l&e& ">orth(' rn lli•t•·ir t ll<':~ ri "~ <j.1tc the ti ll1 AL ' ) · 1 ", '· •

111;' ' ;":my p~rlt 11 n~ •c ll)"dl cm. t T h .• utHI<'r<ii~ncJ h:wiu :: been nppo>int-

t lae Clltnllli tlr<' afJplli JJh •J Ill 111\"c'•li'.!:ti.C t:A- OIIIL.·Ok\1 111111 r' o,uc :olnz, orJu!)ln,ry :In•· o f June in<l.. ;IIIII to ~h! di n···lt•J . I - ~~ .- I . , .···,·~·'' ,· -",'r"r",~ lll;l .1:11;\ cch 1\ 11')111'<.'. ' e•l .\ ~('Ill fn~ ~CI•·fou.r.dlnn•l, is Jlrf')l!treJ I ,11, en <'a s to h u In thoocc-upaney of the SubJcrihl'r, Mit- J p I HI'H"B, • It, \ ·' - , , • ·. , "'' <'nro ,.. . . L' 1. · · 1 1 o · t la.-c·apitulntionoDl etl'.!lllll other French f . . J' . . .. . J . . . ; unw on tho N orlh siuo of lbrruy :Street lal'rcuy J;i \'0 p :tLiie IIIII it•(• thnt n G Jill' rill l:n " ·• ... ' ' 1: llll\1 13vSTO'i. . . . I I I" . ·r I . to 11111.: 0 1Cit'8 ns"lll't•t OJ• )y r lTC. . lurtr,·~H·~~ . ! • ' :ilr 1•'. ::oo ' :!• . ' '' :!s. G • in lbrbor Grnpo Qu~rl<'r Sc••inn• .,f t he' !'care fnr the K l·:llO'E:-a: 011., 1"'1"11a 1111< I " ' a·: ··•taou, I usct :tc J .\. li~S !). " 'l::\1'P.Il,

l •lR \ <"•'u- I •. GI. to I • 'i,J. • · "J I>" t . ··"lib I IJ I lJ :;<1 \l'-i" 7,jlh. Jl .. ••• , ,.,,., 11&.! 1•>• ·n•<'l <lll•. ::>t Juhu'•

Tl --·m---, K.t: llti:H.~I: Ott.-:!~.10 :!<. 1J . 1-'orpnrticu lnrs,npply to ll."l[t ·~ r tl'I , \\J u IJ e nnttao ourt 1'.\H I.Ol'!t 1..\\11'~-\"lriou\ oiz•• , .. lth . I'\I:\-KILI.Eit i<~llnlmo~tncl·er n OB"R'"T "Qt" R~V

- ll'<'~pet'llliCJit tri··· nt l.i,·rrpo(ll. a:' ·l·OI· ·· ··"· 1\l:\HO:\nFr l H I\V" I OU80 UU it:\1-:ll~ i ailin .. ~un·f.Jr ~uuJcnColud <.:nu•·l·~ .:. L • ·~ :\ r. L , ;.;.,, publi,hitt~n la.toftwr- ~. . ... • .., I . ·. · ~ InHa.rbJr G ra.":) j WICK IIHC$1 11·::; •. . 0 1

"'' ~ub-.\geutl llarborOrnco. -..1 /or itllumper.tna·c•. la:t. haJ '='.'·\I. nn., llltt O tt.-ttuno offcrcJ. LZCCtl!rl.r qf the late \ V ll . Dow ·I . J v' Aut.! "l'll•lt .l' o tlal' r nrliclcs. . ''"'; . - Fehrunn· 7. -1 I , . 1 l ou Ft~tl - l.'lr::n :\. [ .. r•lt• ttl.•<'· lo .•n ·' J uno l !l. " "t. on )fo n.b,·, t he ~ ~~ •lnv <·I' .l nh·nr~t . nt Gtla. I .\ 1::\ - h 1 LLF.R hM proTC'd nSn1'-f :•~:;•· ~ utmini, tin'-! tlarlllllll· , ~ ' H u " u ._. ) -.; II '\ U ---------------~ ~~- 'f hl' ll'rr<>r• of p:ahti .. it ,. :\[,•Juun, 1S•. 111 l!l•. Smnll, I I 11 •J'd,h:l:' i•t t'al' forrn' '"• ·an.) :~ · 1 - l .- \ · - <'r•·1i~l'''l ~lllt'<ll~<·<l.•· f.:r_ l-'e

1 1·er a n<! .\1 ~u1c, I I . I . ti- lo 1:'•. ·. :\(nJc·i r:t , 1·:~. N 0 ,, c e... ( 'nrnllt'l"•. '' ····t>f'r~ of Ite r 'I I I····: r'• A la.r·::ra St"~'.: of T."l·- o~·m· -:-... an II _ . .. ,.,.r; II 1!\5 curet llU nrcgrl'atcr:.l:tll ltn~eul tlel:tw. Y b .J- .~ ,.. - ::

__ ,..,.., __ \\'. ! tal in, I ~~- (;;utls. the II i;.:la ( 'nn•tahlc>. a•a•l all ol hrr I t ~. In"'' ,.l.•lltUlll' I'M I.'~. - T hig · 1 l - tl C t • ft d " ·• C•>rt<ta bl.:• an•! !hili II~ wi tiain tho .,.;,) 1npor a ~lOllS. i llt. 1' .\ I::\ l\ I LI.Elt :~ s n l inimont, i~

I~ t I~ w:a_,. , ll' C.·.lor R'lpi· l ~ H<>I.I.Oif\\''s Ot-;nu:s r I 'ill l' ti.I.S.- I au lOU 0 en l,,sappolnts i~frict. ~n·l nil olh<'l' t•~r~·m• (' .>ll"t'rn· '1 "" wllflll' will b~ s •• l. l at the lowC'-t U"II'<JII'II I··· I fpr F_rnH B. itc• •. C l_•il .. H I'Jlllblira.t pnl<i it : .. )),an 't hnrrow n 1 S 1 " 11 (

I II l .1

~el f ll <•l p . - In • i•·kttt••• it w:t< n mo _ a , rd aro l~t•n•hf dir.·•·t ,· I I•> "•ll"ern t lu: ua· ll'"'' blc• li~nr•· :at l•l.t<n•, uuru~, rutst:.•, . ut• , S pmms, ' ...-:"lll -r ~ ~ -- -r -r ~ ~ l h'\\-tp:q Jl' r ~ lll:\ r y :1. t l(' p rt' \':\1111!! · • • • • · . • •. , \... ...: - .&.~....-::... ~ ..a...a.a....K;"-~ (·piJeull.-.< a rc •prt·ad in tlai'l ""Y· If na•nt.•n• malt,•r to fan.l nn ea.,y. rc:ldy, I -~- . . •l·l\"c• a~cvr-hu~ly: • ... . No. 110 'B.0::7erson' 3 Stone • , ; . . . - -- .

I · 1 11 '· nn.l rl'li~ l.Jio rrmeJ.- fo r ou twarJ di~ti 1 W E the u n<lerswnccl nij ~ur<'lll·~ 111 .IIlii '\ 1!1-. \[(',J r.n b "'"·I .\ I"\ 1, I r.r.ER ltn, rnrr•l c:tsc~ · ~·t•n ' ti ll t waul t lO KDl:l pot tattc your ~ . . . • . . : ' h ": . . . . . B "ld ,. Il l . _} , . . ) .. · I" c· 1' \\' 0 ' 'ILl [Q ' . ""' u pa per Jaret:llr<>at tho pullhtihcr. I J.:Ur •llo~ •• n:l •l IIIW:Irtl Jt~o~d,·r• uniii J t c s~u~ of :·1.00 ~. more or )('~S. S ; . ·i lf' .\'J"' 'Irr. t JJi.tric·t ' Ul in~. ".. . ll'llnt:lta~:n :lllu .Hum ,a.< n tc r I I t• I r It •. - ·'~ - ·' ~ .,ro.

--"'-'>-- thl'IIO anrst11n:tblo pr<'1>arataons were f,tr t he Admuu•tr:t.or ol the lhm:.n 11 •.•• , .1.,. ~ 1 ·'- · _, , ,,.tau~. --- --1 I k

,. C th I' Cl h f I [ b G , ll .lrhor ~~ r:m· . .I n , I :l, 1 ·~:.!. • • ·r n .\1':\"1·:1.1, •\: < ·o. 'lt I I, \1 \' I' II I F R n·ill I •• t m· 11 "I . I - There i~ :l l'nrio us l'ltinNo pro~erb mnt o · uow•L ·' o im·nliu nccd now bo ' .a o IC IUC:C o 1T otr ra~''· I .I ll· ----- .I Ulll' .; . . a. I' . . • ~ . ' . . '.' r . . ": ~ . . A s~a· .u. lh:n :o; n: t'tcOll Fl nr:

"hi<·h •:t)· ~ .. •• i tt .• Clt"lllltb"r l'aclt'. d·• 1 nt a loss in sul'ct·~s full •· mn. nn0"ill,.." _ul- twn tho .publac not In hu,_·. Kc-1!. ur 1'",' ' 8 ,. , . f ·,_ . 1'.' '.'~·. \\ l .. ,tl_,w.•, tl.l . .t :i·.'r~· · !...'"'11

!! , P ut: \tllill-1 ..... £lSO,<Y.>O •• ' ' y J b I l I \ Il l I"HII\" •. a ,,..,.,.,·;•t :·r·t'll till· - -- . I II I r I I I I

" " ' s too p : o t ic y our ijhl)e, :Ill• I unJrr 1\ Cl'r•.. •nrc•, t u!nou.-, . bot!~. brutAl'~, I se,~. I\ II) prop<'tt l' l' (llll:ltl~ lo t le ·.• . \\' ...... J.i;aflll tlau ~~ ' -''-1 r.l l•·· .. r ''"' AI E w G noo s '· ~· l.l ' I'"" .1111 ,I Ill I IU trd .<pp I· :\ :-1~T .ll. H t: \ ·:~ l:t: I'U())l ) , 11'1: p!umtr,·odt>notw:tiltns(•lii<·Yuur c:~J) •prn~n~ .• tc. bl\·c~oput7 . 11oll<>'~·ny:~ l~toof_ thc_lnto·D.tcL••~ Ihlt~n, l<<>ln~u \ >rtl ... rl ll•<ril'l. <·•·ariu,! lat t•ti .. · l7 :11 " 1\l U I t:tll:'·'- . - .'> . l'ltt:\ltl"\1< . . .C~LO,OOO ''" ·'""r ltc:~tl .... whi,·h tnenta.•. ·,·r \ <IU clo mcdu·a.ncs :tro \" l•_ry mtellagabl_o "· rtnte•l lathohc Dt~hop nf H.:~.rbur. Urncu. I , NEW GQ Q D S ' l Oth .. I .'.' '. _K_II _.J.J.I, ' url'd H c!\u:tcho I .\:<~t" \1. lh .n:"(n: I'IIIJ\t 1:-;n:n-

f p BP E~ ~ \ \: d.n· ~• f .l unc 111 ... 1 . :t't•l hJ lltl' 1 •n·t>lt.:d I T f 1 1 } 1 H•II·C 0110 run\' thin" \ '<ttl ~ro - tcrtl;u .. tbc-' •hr.:oclwn• •>r ll ~ln!: them. winch shoulc l • · · ' '•· · · · 1 1 · 1, · 1 • I

11·" '''.


1 . t:< r t' J•,t:<> Js , t:s-rt:o Fr~D~.

• . 1 .. ' t t ~~- ' 0 1 bo•tttcnti•·ch·~t u.Jic• l un<l immediately ' ,f:\:\1 1-:-) :\lc-"GifL.\;\ . >•r< ' I' ~IH"III I •. I o " ta- o ll· ·••,tllt:t lr,·ut·a·:t · ' 1 l it h 1'\ 1.\ · I" I.I . . F.Jt Wtlf S:l \"0 yn a • l! l llOQO cucuutucrd o r ao p unas. . . J I , J 1 1 hta•l•·r :-; .... ... ", , f t11 .. j', .... ,. :· .. r the' Che" c C b 1 r k 1 11 II ~•· ' 111·'· •• • • · ...... ..,. .. _ , --'-<n-- foll 1•wcd by :~11...-ho resort to his trent- :--;t, o Ill~. uno :?tit a, l Si:! . tf. • :..p .1.0 l' all 1 t ·'.'"~" , ... · uc··• till•. tn~n:r n o 11 r

·rl , .. , b ftl 1[ r ' ment. Sooncrorbtcr l hosuftorcr · .. ill ------ ~:ll• llli• l ril· t,\\ :lll.ct. .. i i.·n.lltlwCourt ---. I'III"IH' :I'I•IIln<•litr~ !ldl<. I

- IC <'oa li1CII\ c rs 0 te ou•c 0 . [ l l vu•t! 'I t ·> • I'\ I '\ r II I I' l' I I , . 1 rJ h t't 1 t l J ·•s•uredlr truamt>h o1·cr lhe wor.!t (lis. "'.on:nrtSf.\lt' 'iT JlllARD BROTH,.RS . t.a · ' · · ·' ~:tpun• ,. <'1!· 1 :<> •. \l' II 0?115 I u 0 . IO court. to (•· . ~ '] '!' ··h " " . , ' . I . . . . . . In C arbO!l'"'l', • t' l:l:, l ' Jr. •.l:':llin•t. s·tlil to kl•r l n ne! I O ciJc nllqu<'stwn•rcl:atang to,·l:a~rn•to ell.e". ""~<"nr. ano<;> l:'\1':\lE~Tdts - ACorrectlonto Avol dMlS· "'"" ~ ' ,·, ' .. 1. . . . ' ·· .

·'t t ' tl b . "fi .I I. J>rrdCS ·ttl thoso m:tlt"nnnt humours , " '[ nncl:w th.•l,l ol l'<l('.ltt l\'llt .. l .. ·tt ll .. ·,n· rCC(·i•····l l" T "If rt , .... (. ll<l I.I C'\Crj f.llnah. rho~amphclll nt- 1 bUCCCCu n a 1 c !'Ill• ' sn.t I !'I t•u t " n t · ._ o d t d • ' "' · " u • . a,l.lll- · • • 1 · 1 .. Ooor~c tho '"•ail.;r E.trl"of \ ll<·a·.lccn ' which :11!l!rll\':ll0 disc:tSI/8 of thoRkin. l un ers a.n lUgs . IJ ,,·,·I· •·I;. inlh"t•r··;, , .. ,_,ll;•l a.l! "_.,r· ,,,., .. u:.d "Fh·rlwio::.'' f• cm 1.··-rii•PI. l(' ' J• I·n"'l! •l.1'"· toll!I '[IC~\\'Jit t ho ~rC'at :\ In: ft l)f::f:: ;>; - :; Kin~ 'tro~t. \\ • thh'

1,e ,,.1 d 11 - 1'. (lrm·cntthc<.'i<·~tril:.tion of ulcorB nn,l ••n·r• 1\ c•·• ll·r~<i' ll r \ t 1·, .. ,,.· .• r ; ,,J " ''l1 •·r " .\ 11•1 ... " ··11.11"" .. ""·l ··F,., , . .. urh tl·of .la-".l<!'"lh:tttn:ll"boc>ntarch· ~

. l.;. ,, NOll l(l, Ull cr IC n:unc () . .. I [ . ' • ' . .., r I I • . I . ' . .., , . . ! I • I I . . . () b I I I b I c~or ki nd le infl unmfltor~ tooduncics in . TO -rtlt-: t-:D tTOil ol' ran: sr..~o lUI' 11 ... II a ·h 1 • 1111 ~-at,l .. .,,,) ··I' , 111 ·r \ · ''.' rout ''"'""·I 1c11 ·.II :woe:< " '


• n '"·" ''' •1 11. :tllt t tc g rc:1t ncnonut ~ orne, \\'J\:l u! nt t4C3 rom (J"l O:l.r• . ... I s I .... ' l I • .. • ' '

0 f . I r . I b II . 1 ·~u J[. ra,' b:l\·o J.,~iJ~ :u ;J dcdarcJ thu ~ptem.

1 tn,- . . . •t .d•l··~ :ual lltiltf:'• ";, ... , th1• .<:11•1 Il l··

1 GOC)DS 0 1'~ 1 11 :tn• ".' 1 ··rm~ t nt C:l~l ~ n r n - 1 Cn.•umnl'eM eff~,· tt-•1 on Property ia• ~C11' tl 1 1 1 · f \" t J I l' I __ l c:tlll·nurnltrnltont n a rnt•takc•wiH,·h 1..,,.1• :tnd all .,111, r 1,,.·-m• Cllth"t' I"IH'<I. . nl<••lthrou;.:h 111 11•c.•, maku 1t unp<'r:t· f111111,!1anclllt CurrcuL HlltOol tJt'l'~; I

I :Ill ,•. I(' ,1. :um, 0 ··r:;un t I" "' • :unp - Tho rii r:tnr.l IIIII .,. ·· ffe•~t of pr. r - np,Jen. rs 'in the :tth c rt i«·llh'llt .. ( '•l utiun ,_ I l i,·,. "•''•111 ,., ··n· JH'r-o•t , ,, ~IIJ>pl~ I hc·m- I IIIII ' "l" .-1(" , 0r, nn, u~ ;ouXf1' l·~ ,rot h: r til . . "" '" ,., ~ · · a ,.,. h,• r~..·h.'· ~lir~...·l' tt·d t •c.;·,\ ern thl•tn~t· l\l "' . .· , 1 •

I hl· tttl.: uf Earl o f .\ o;r..iccn h:u been . Ln_w:r ('() ~r POt: ~[) . SY n 'll' ( ) F nflc•n ~ll .. aJ•pohu ... II s .narc:-.. p ut. . .1\"t'OI'<liu:;ly . C'O'i<t-TI'i(; l'i I ' \I: r ut• i ~··h····. \\ :tl~ IIIIi \" 1>1c remedy, nnJ lo Prn•pcrl U!leH-F 'lrtn'l of .\.pf'liention r •• r e~tauli~lactl. II\ POPI_IlhPI_IIT I·;:S ."' duo _i <> Jls , ''.)'~·:;' ';' the ... llorniiiJ Glt~·!ln •cl~. an t! .JOII::\ B t·: ~rt:-;TEH , flrn~ 1 Cloth•, u •• ,.,. I kc~~ 11 ~~~~'j'~· ;•:·~r t:.- 1~a~"l. k . I .Far,· :uul 1.:.!.: lnm mn.:ennilnll ut hcr

- - em-- Jl""'''r u f amJ)art<nt: t ho nt:d pru1c11tlo to ~' 11' '· . pt·r('CI\ c , y ou :tro nn~ • nrtd<••lt" \\ """'"· . 1'11roto 10 · . · ' . • ' · 1' IIOIY nn"n I nl:•rau:tt i•Jn C'IJI be IIUI:tincd nt thv .til ,.,111, 1ir u tiun• impalrecl by wnstitl" or tii ~Crt 111 I O - IIIIIrr.,w·~ Stnmlnrtf. T lat· S lwr!JI' .\' 1rt !.rru f)i.<ll'll"l .1Ju .. •ki1u-h.lock am! f•n•r :trt<l :tpprt'etalc<lllll'\'!'r.:· cptat"l ('r uf tlar Ufli c f

- \ W0\1 '" ' 1· ' T~:<•·•:n TO ntnTn - .Jel.ilctatin:.: mnb,)i('•. I t i• ncccnti7ble 1, :\dmini•trat<>r of tho E<t~l<' n£ th" bt•· I fa thor (; r:wr, .J nne 1!1. l'-'72 . · 'fw•:·<~•-:-rotch_ •n•l ll"miniort • ::!Pb!•. l'hr•i•·i:tn• rccotamcn•l it in tlaeir

1 0 n

:\ln r:.:ca.•ri t c l>"l>lalll:. :1 F r,•ndt •t·n·.lnt I I . 1' D I> . · I I · · \\ •nc" •-·•hu n " '"I fnnc >· 1 , . . ·h"l II ·I f · t · I · :\. () H \ , . ·.~ - \ P l·> tiC J>al.llC':III• ~Ui tnbln ' '' n!l :t"CS nnt! II. ,\ I. TO:< •• not l lu :\ • lllllll, tr:atnr - ---- I .I 'k" . \ I ' . . pr:ll' ""·" 1,. n ' 1«c<•• •oca.· ~ t:tu• . !:•rl "ho nwru<'rcu lwr ani•Lr"•• 111 Lon. " I' h n • 1 · 8 \' \ 1 · f f 1 lrr" •~u :-; ar t · • t•ra•l•-111 "«•I VD!Ielv I' 1 · 1· f 1 r t · · I ..., .I ' • • . ..,.. .111 <'lln~. itutiou•. Tho blond is rc~tored 1 o I I' •wu1an lJ:lll<>ltc Chur,·h , £ I hr. . 111 tnraty '' a l"r••rt•pt rom t '" 11 , . ,,.r,· l'ur• ' 'llucl· " · '""'' 111 ll •·~ tt· nil• <'•llna•>rt. JI\"C tt a '' '" la3~ bet:tt rtm~..-tc.l. in t 1n t .:tt l" b (] • \\' 1 f 1 :\1 r · ·" • · 1 :\ :!r·· • I to pur ~nJ hcoalth , tho tl!'r\"eS nml l or •rlll'O: h., lll'C :\[c8Sr:l. P. lln•un nn . ur. 1.11' 1 11• • . n:.:i• fl•:t l!•<" t_h,• 1 ll..oto ~hoe$ nne! Sli11nr ro - 11 1•1 · - · · a.·t ' · :~ !"11· r a 1""!-: :tutl ' " -.:i till l(-t The n•r- d J ' I Lo h , . 1 I) 1 1 1 1 1

1 I I 11'"0 10\l"Wll• :trt" ~trcn0•-.thc•nN.I, wlulo t ubt•r· :\n •. a m e:, ·' c UJ.: 1:\n :lt'o 1111 •• :H · ' v rl H! rn lz'_ 1 rw t. lt•'lrtt'~ 1 .It t_· t h ' · •1 .1 , En~.: J i~h 3n1l llomL,i.,n ' · u. y • ' · ~·~-c:~.:.':.:. l~:;:;io:"~ .~c~::~;,:~.·.ii.-~11 '~'t:~ .-u lou~ nuJ ..:onsumpti\'e .lep<>•i t is ro. , ~~~tr..clto~ cf,Jr ,th,o Admini• nr nf t lw .tny ,f Juli O tu•t.. :1'"'·''' ",''' ·hrr•c·tc··l I ll r,1.1~: ~l nilrl('l,lhc• -lnl•ll r ... l,ions I {:O();l WUJlDS FOil Tilt-: ----...., ·- - ---

lllrtlcJ. 1 ~omnn., n. t t.o ic Churr l1. t•f ll a..J, ,. ~ h··n·L1· ;.:•• ." J•t_thlir·n•.H H"(', t.1.1l a t ; ,.ll.•r.11 ._·,•• . . t.• J;• II''· lllonkc-tint::• pAIN_ K I L L E R PHCE NJ '"X t!r""'"! tla:tt the ailllt' "'"" ian;>rcmc.ll · (' 1 1 l f h ,. r I •· 1 - ( ' rrnrc. ns 11 1• exprc~~ed 111 t he .\ ,J.,.r . <,•tart<•r :--;,. ,_,, .,,~ ol t 10 '1·:lt'<• "r t l!, -.orp<llll t: \-111 hemp, • t ,,; wo( 0 , >-t a t•••L T h,• pruu<ll'r b•'lll~ c~ll<·.l •>n r .• r . •. h . I u 'II I. I IJ I . \ ll ' s k f I "hat •he h:tt! t u•~v ht·fur•·«· nt<•ne•· wn. T •• ot h :\o·lu· ur ~t·ct•• l• from nzue in ta~crnunt, uut ~nt cr for the .\ . l m~ni •. • w · ~tnd. ""' uu ao cni>tlauluurt l . • • ·•• ·~c•ctt to~ o \\',. cnn r,utfi·lrnt ly rccommcnJ th ! Fire A~3Ul'{\.:.J.•~9 lJo: :p.-t.llj"'.

1 .. ,.,,.,J.,J<·,·b rr•l thnt sll<' h·c.t n ..


11 tln· fllt'l' oper!ltin:: u p·1n tho u:cposed tmt~r ~f tho F.•tnw_ o £ thu l ~to Haght l!,tuso l'f~·~c4)rl1J~ ' i'.un -_ 1\ •i lc·r.-·ror.,~t" IJ"I'ti~t. ,

t 1•111 o f t'all •lll~ II .. · olc:tlh nf lll'r mi• · lll•rrt• ,o f~ dcc:IY<'•l IO•Ith_. Ltub tho J:: ~1111 I Ito I . BIShop DJ.t.TU > . In Bri;ruc; . ~. 'UJif .::- If;.::;~· It I<'".'' tnCI·l t·tl.· c_lll:tl .. r t·.:nl'•l_y \\'(' I 1. <• (l. (I . ~ 1! I I I l 1 t tl l ours r.~ - 7 1 f \ 1 1' 1 '' 1 .omunrtl .::-lrcct ,-.~, ~ anrti1 0•'

l . .. , . . T hu ,.,,ura t t..•n sentence.! th.· u>r•lll'-!' ." WII ' t "' lltt:c r . Wl' WI t ' ' "' ., D F ' nil )fnnob\·, tho l •r tl:tl" o f .T nll' nrlt . nl PAINTS Q J LS ;nns ,, h•r ''•ll'•. 111 11• . . ICdn Otttt• • pra~oncr ' " IJ,• h.cl1:!•"" · .l tllf'\S(J\".-; .\ ">()1>\'::\E t.r:'o/D[ . . ·. 1 1l . l k ·. l f . i II ( ' AND ~.- -.,·· . .J,.I,, .• _, ••. ,c,, JI.I/

_ . ...,... E\1'. hc·.at tho f:~,·o well nn.t ln.y " ! Hnrbor Or:tcc,Juno !!;l , l~i2. I "e"~' ai1Ller'""("'""''· :' 11 ' :•, M· I \\'<~n•hi•t• that l'V\'r\'f.11nily~hnul11 lh nu;•l wath <h" l11timl'nl 'un tho fnce, 1 nurr~·. 1' "''!wr.• 0 1 ('I' :\l:t.t•••ty ~ ~~~"1"• II AitiJW.\ Hg nn.l IOOI.'i -: I h1>·e so <'il'· t·lu:tl :md R;C<'<II' n l'.lin-

- Prir:ll t• lette r• rr .. an fll'r<n tt>h •t:tl t• I• I Jl a lt n l• n i t ic I ' ' t into , •·Er~I.O\VS· t;O:liPOU~D S l "K l t (> tho ll a~lt ( 0Jl' ' :t11lt•, :tn•l all 11111(•1' ( .... Ill ron· "-'Cfi JI IIOn 1""'1 - I I I \' S .(' _·,, E s :r An LIs II r: n I N l 7 8 2;

t h:~t th" Jl,.vqf . ll,ud """" •ull un •l••r .a " " ' I , 1111111< 11 l •tnule~ :Hul B3i litf~ wit !tiu the •. , ;.) lli• · :·:nci:.h, Frrnc!J. (;ernnu nml.\ m.·lle>n I \1. •' · • 'l rN .• .... ' " - ' r . . ' , , , 111 ~ t<•t' " '.:,' " "t he dowk nl 1\ ·rullt•l:< th..- •':\\"1

1\ " of tl tl' to 11h on cot ton. I - OF- 1 . l I II ·II I I \\ ' J'tJlJ!;\U H t ~ li S and I Lar ' '·'" ('\f'C rh"lh'(' a• tl<:tt n loot ttc• .- - · _ I rw 'aJH :t . n tcr JH·r•nr•; r om·l'rtll'• · • · JF\\"1'1 l l'lt\' vf l'.atn. l\ dl1·r i< tla ~ t.,••t l'l11·sir ian n

I t W:t< l' llllfi•!<'!!llv l' lf)C("I('(I th:~t •".: HYPOPHOSPHITES nrc "•'r!•lll' dcrc.:tet! tu ••ol"l'rll t hem•olH·< . . . . . . I [rustrt5 an~ ~irrcturs: I I k I . I f II ··r T h" "Y•Icm fr<'lJ' II:II !Iy ::c tR nutofor- 1 I ' ... ,, . " ( i/c.'N.l/.1.\' ·' ' fi. I'F.R no./ t :·.wr:ln .-:w h:t~·c. - 1/wm/(1).'1 s,lrr. . . • •

W•'U1• 111:~··· " "r

1''.1\"0h•l•r ~"·1"l\ ·lc>r :tn ·l~lwnl . l lw nt nm·o ro~-:ulntod • --------- • ~ (', oruano.'J.()I('"nT:\[I'T l'l' I F fl'I' "/'!(U. f 'LITFII'IIU·.' ..; t<rf.J. ·. Sar J . Lu1•1•ntk,Oart .. ,\1.WIIncn~r.F.•tt·

(II\ t I(' •' I lll•l . ~~~· rr·n·· l ll'rC Ull I I(' ·I l . LJ •'I I . ·' . ' ;A II I' . I · ' • " ·, '· •• - • •. • .. • 1-' .. I •1 . t 1 L I I I' ~1.1· F. l:. s .J. ,o ,jlnotl llont.ury. l·:.'l 1::. Tf. I -. t· · II I. , . ..... '" IIIIe r l r<llll> l'~ \\1 l'llHII(\ 1 \\111 11 . ~ a tlo-ondowod bndtes whr thl'r '{l ·"'/' r , ... D "t·'·l \ rc fll't' J'!I I'l"" tv clt•(IO<U ot t h• ~ · 111 · ••. 1·' ' ·1111 l'l"ll!l t\rll 0~ l'rn~ :tpp I· . .. I' !K I II F

· . llii•u•.lllll• •llrtll ~ hr.l ph,-. ,.. ;.ll('{'lh••lt.ako l' \R'\!)\'S rcn. t h b 13 bl B' d ' R - ~ . lrl !t'. vr.uul 1$1/c •• I l .• ··:at; ... , lt:t\"l' fo uutl it o f grc. t yalue.- nrclmtH II•III<IC , ··· '] • ) lldi(IOn, } ' ' I· cr ui •O Wore llvl full'l •l 10 Ill' :t< " l'rtllll ' '. Tl ,. F • . . . er ° C:\~ • • tr s, CJI~l c•. II b G r I') J -.. .ll I IC I ,. . . T •• , . .,. flu• I""· l'.•q . lr.n. l). ~lal(rJH, P.·q. ni h, ,1 bt'l'n l' t pcrlt•t! an.! tho •hip \\i th

11• \ • II Ll ~". t ho\' a_r~ n 111.1fo, ! Insects. or oven Zn~phtt08 nucl su bJ'''"'~ 1 !\r or m re,' 111111 · • " 1

-· 1

\ 'C'I')" J.nwr'l {'a-.h l'ri<'<''•: ( ,. ·,~ .f.·:•: . . linn. J unes Urn::. llof·,min Shaw, ~-q. 1


f . 1 whul<•«l tne and u:ttuml mr<lu·cno. 1

of tho Ve,.et.nblc Km,.dom fl rt' 9or· rur.l I 1 .\ meclwane nl' f.11nalr ~houiJ bo Wtth. John r.tulton l' •o IV f hnmpooq r. • ., t'\('(•p 1 n o '"vmu rt'fl!UN o gun .... wal4 . ~ . .o · · • , • • · · • : · • · • • • • a:. , . i I tho 111051 tlaorou:.:h "l':t -~0111~ ····n·la- : I by r;l/.alforu, whtch Ullld~ n~l t ho ~prtll !;• ~an. 'ted. N 0 t l••t• ". '" ''-:- .Jtn·•l.·ral l m:I<'' I'IJ'I. . . ' l l. K (.;nn:•· ·. r·.•q. · ~ · II. l oulnun, t~·q. 11


~"'1 nol lt~cly 10 return 10

F.n;.;buJ 1 DlltTII. 1 o l e xtstenco, 11od ~ n oth111g c~n "~'·e __ . __ _ _ __ __ ·--~ _L•>t~l·~ h:u·Jly kc~p houao ITtthout 1t- 1 Juhn C: Jl, .,.~ bq. (;. F~ llnodbtor~.l'.•q.

I I I f I , , - • - · - -- them froo\ deatrucltnn whon tluR pr111· o L I 1''J.JE U JJ' ·· r':l JJJ ' ·' /·' l·.d. l 1m:r. I G. A. hll.r, E•q. J. A. OoJdt~n, Etq. \lU ll llC C 0"'U u t JC p rcl'irnt. l'tllfH il l'i • . . I . . - . ,. l§hi.JAIA V a• u .. . · · · "011. Tho :\ Pl'rpnsc~ \'1•11111!.! - .\ I ~t. .J nhn •. on ;\{ond:l_,._ morn&~l\'. ctplo le!l \'el tlt~m, _ tho dtSCO\'ur.r . n f Cfi 'tll8fl!lle••' . . . I hn:tl tl be l;c pl Ill eTory ItO Ill~ ln r~:ld t- o.or~~ W . J,M'Pil, f:Oq_.. Stt:rdary. ~ • X .-wfoundllluJ J urinf: tho month ol 1. do m~L • . \ l.r• . . l.ol a~nnn Walltams. wtfe I rnc~M wh?r.ot.y ''lt:ll~t>. mny be 11ustnm- ! 1 .. nr•volntNl Soh• .\ J:<'ll l fot• :-.i <·w-: "~:• f·1~ •u•l•ll·n attacks of ••cknes!'- 1 J ohn J. llroomfiu•u, .tful41atrl Stcrctan; _\ ur;udt. ..r :'>f r. :\l:trttn \\ tlluun~ o f t hrro sons. ] ed m t lto lmn:; b<>dy 11 mdccd n boon to Five Tho-asand Pounds. Stg. founcllmul foa· t h e I C.u·_u 1 ··~-«. . 1 rhe J>R0\11'1T!1JIH: 8 ntJ L10ERALI1 y

- -un-- tho \\'OrieL . . , I Gl t 0 p • t C :..; ,. arltek <'~<': obt~mc• l ~udt un- , wit!t which nil claims u on the D E l TIIS. I Modern Chomtatry has 1'0'ltilntcd tho FOit n nnm_bcr nf ~ <';1 r~. (Ill morl!!a<;!e ouces er Oppe r aln 0. 1 htl!llhlcd JIOjiUI.trtl_l' -· tlrfll Oln~r~rr. p

- \\. 0 fc:tr the .\ ·ncrit•:tn prople 11" . .. . . 1 queation nnd di~covercd t ho in:;rodior.h ?f frc-sun rle 11 11 11!c!tm~crcd \\':'· nne_! would rr~per-tfully intimato to t he I Itt~ .,ft h~· mn•t rulinLI.: KJ>ccific~ of the P li <E N I X 0 F F I C F. n " unJcr~tnnu whnt . :tn !' ~t ranruinn~\· .\ t Smllh ~'''"· nn tho 2 ~ ~ n tnat., :\lr. const itut ing tho brain muacle11 nntl tcr sado PJCOPF.RT\ 111 :--;t, •1 nlt n ' · :-;hap Ow nee·~ of ::it. .J ohn' • ll.u·l.Jur I ~:.:r-0/J .\ .Jrlh '1••1•1 I b ' it II k d h pcr•?n h:ts.bc~n nomuutcd lu lw llu-tr · Paw-iek J!,'""'' (Cooper), ngcd iO ye:ar.~ . I ncrn•a nnd finds thl\t •by introdnl'in" ft•r which six per cent. intorest will be llr.tce :tnJ tlw ll utpnr)< t t.:t't Ito h·<• l It• pt11H·r i• .wollllcrfnl nn•l nncqunll - ~anl _ftn pa~ ar: .,.~ no'(ntn C t e cor• Pro>"'J ent. '] ho GoJ1),•c! ,\ g.- i<!&Y~ . - 1.. f l .' . -,.. _ . ~ nit•r ll . . . . I. 1. . •I \ . unun tncreutnj: 11\tnru o t e ontt>•ny, •· ·\ boJ 1 , ·

1 · \( • n 1111 1\C" ' "" t o'~" - thoso tnj:rcdtl'rJU1o proper proporttond, o · . . , I r•'l'el\·cd 11 ~uppl~· nf l tljlpl·r l1,unt ala- c• tn rc • ~' an;; · to most aovoro p;un- ,,0 "' ncari!J nind!J t1ear1 in uu•tnct, thrw

• '~Y Y w 10 111 ' .n~~nc~ 1 t.IL · r 1 .\ n ; tnt:'T \LI.Y .UttO\~XI:n-.\ t Tro- tho brain nod ucnous ii)Bl!lm nrc _ A IIp~rltcul:tr~ rl'~p<'rlan~ t ho h 3bl<' r.:r t fa·om tft,, :\launf:u·t urur. llurlin:ll•l.l Srutiuel. tho high poal\ion it l:ol•h in pu~hc utlma-.O rr~lcy_ It :a~ nnt n tl!'ctphnod nrHI pcne- , pns~ey, on the !lth iu .. tant, .\lr. Michllel s trenuthenrd. wtll bo gn·cn hy I hn Sut.•.·rd•er. Thi~ l'.1in L i~ pronunncr.l I~> ~!tin Au in<li~pa·n~r.blo nrticlo ia1 tho medi- tin n. t ratnw tnRIIIIC( f.,r rhnr:~cter annkt·K :1, I . h I •>•) • • • !" . . I~ 11 0 I Ll' , - '[L) I' n f" . . ,. . ' , . I 1 b . I • 0 . . . "l. <'nnt; · :t;.:<'< ·•- J <'Rr.t, n ttnltvo of Thaa t hen 11 11UbJI.1nltnlly tho bnsr o; -" · u • ~-' · " 11 • .\fn~t.·r• who h:w e u~l·<i at to bo t I all t.r;l emo chr3l-.\ . Y. :E..r.Jmwer. Annu~ :tnc • ort ttmr nauraneta tare e .• ~ grcnt n Ull"lnko ns ~~ euppnsm~ that. ' l~ri~;n.•, Conct•ptaon llay.- )lny bo rest whX: h Fellow<~' IIJpopho .. p hlle• i~ Uuinll lfotrl. l' aint for \' c8il' l~· U(>lll'•n• in dt<' 'Larkct 1t will reeommcncl itsl'lf to nil wllo ftcted :malmoat e,·orr kintl of proptrtr Ill when lte [!Oea to RIC<'p II) rhurch. he <lnes . . . d ' . . h " I St .J 1 ' J 10 1!> ~.. 'li I n· . . . . G . E . Nrwfountll.r.u on the fuotoble Ierma.

t h II \" h k an pe:nc<'. b•ult, tta trect aelton 1s upon 1 o u oo11, · o Ills, uno , • •-· · · :u u nul' tcwnt prul<'l' ttuu a;;:un~l Bar- uscM tt- r:>nJ"' • nt~1r.u. ~ 1 . • , · 1 r i _ Dl&J ~ . n o <'llT le l'<' rmott. • 0 n\'C 110\1" 1\ h . d ... ' I . • l . ' I . I h r u u &11'1 , ..... cu .... 0 nauran- .. \ {

0 1 1 tl 1 1 t e Brntn nn .. crv.:>u~ Syatem. nnd the nnc l'd an•l :-; ·n <• m ~- t1~ ••tton"" ·c y use nnli eoug l n ter . • t•t•lic4 rion to

· r . 1

r<'C 1cyth 10 ~tr.<'p 1 trou~ 1 a long ~-<-· ~ Muscl<'s. • Stren::thenin~ tit~ uerl'r•. it 1-'or ~·tl('. 1<--.a•l tl~t• fnllowin·• Ccrilh-~t o frntn n• n rcnllr ll j cful tne!licino- J ourna/1SI. •a

00 / ,\. r. G' RE""DELT

e~ccc •, nne <' II n t l~ c oAo rt~<' nne ro- .- I ·d d ' 1 ' b · f \ ' I 1, · 1 ( - . r • \ ' 1·1 ..- '" " u 1 t ' t · t f . t .. p h h r. ~ cnusca t tempt ~ rt ut:on o tt t. r ,,f,•s<or .1y~~ • . \~••y••r nn•l G :hHJllll~ .;-OIII, . •• . · • S J , '

P r, 1°h 1 ' pm[n bor tpnf111

11· erhn_r•

1 .11 -k S hip ~c'~" ir.etl Blood of tbo )[useulur Or;:utd of T hat Eligible fo r thu dtatu of .Hn~·•h.:hn•rtL• . ::\o moclit·ino h:IS ncquire tl such n rc. , 1 j ,_ .r. Td./ Odll!'l s, 1 hnu c p roo - s cc o 10 epcec 111 us h

1, d '[ . · . . 1 1 . " ~gcn .t or • •tlfJ OIIn a11 , or o

k t - -- - -- ----· t 0 )0 y. DWELliNG Hnuse - ·~S~IlS . { t"IIIIH:t: k r n.•k. pul:tltOn : at I:U r<:n mertl--•ctcpo.·t . . poe 0 · ----- l'onT ot- H \nnon fin.\C£. Uousin~: tho Slu:;::ish Ilc.1rt nnd Li. , ?.II t j U t.urt:EH, :\1 ~ ~·- /J •il!t :'v'r•u. · W. O. WOOD, Ella., Darr•;;:~:~~oa\ 11

- )lnrl!hlll lla7.:li ll<' rec<'i,·etl, on the Y.:"Tf:nr.o. I'Or, ~tren):;tbenint: tho :u·tion of t hr \1

W ' th G d tt h d 0f:sno t r.:>, J Uno llf t hn mn•t u•eful motlic innt; St(l' · G. ' c !lth in•t., thoorcl<•r which he wns then .Juno 2~-Gicn~nrry, fl'lrry, 1 !) ton•, Stom:aeh nud bowc:~. nr.d cnnhlinc 1 · -ar en a a.c e 1 1 :Ill) fn milinr with lho · '}~\Ccl•ior l h~\"ll llHCd itnnd ·l••punsed it_ fo r _tho l' lpl'ct ing f rom Lho Government to llllr· )tontrenl, pro,·i· ion• . l'unto:l ,t ) I unu. the L unge to bo fully tuOnted Wtth Oty· .\ t pro,en t in tho O·~I'II JllllAY nf tlar rupr<·r Pniut," Jllll' ll l ccl hy _\'Oil . I t i~ Jl'I<L lwcnty yean - R ev. H 1/J, 1T render himself. A colonel ITith n cotn- Cl.t-:Attl!o. s on.. ~l'n~cr~rnr.n, •ilunt.-_nn ~d··itl'!\''.":-;';<·.<·1. a l'ni •~t fur .'hips ll<>t ll111111. contnini:1c 1 , r~·'?·ll. . . . p~ny of lt)() rlm::onn•, wns ront

10 e

8. June 2:;- E•cort, Wnlsh. 1~; tons, Jl:oo- lt ts nd.aplcd f? r .:\ LL !'n•r s of W enk tnunl'dt'llcl.r nppo:Hio St. l'.1ul ~ J-. j> t~- C'hemtt·al clotnclll!' nf k11!lrr,1 , · 11 !t1,. ""' I I he mns t ,·:llunblo met! tel no now tn uso

cor~ him fo Y er81Jilfe8 , whore ho nrrh·ed trc:-nl, nil - Pun tort k ~tunn. noss nncl Emnc1n~aon, wh<'!hc,r n_r isi rt::; COjlnl Church . prc1·entint; tho ndlarsiun of rhrnncla·~ nn•l -T"~"· Vr_qau. . . bto at ni~rht. H o was nt onco taken . - - - ' rom n.scdcnt.llry hf~. 1\ t roplen. dtnt~ l t'. E. , V. Ql.i rsrl s . 'c.'\ W eeds, :tnd it i~ :Ill ctlicicnt protcc 'I h td r (l.llly n l'al_n~blo mcdt('tn'7 .nn.l to hou~o Xn. 32 A~enuo l'il':lrdic. whcrt' P o nT 1w Sr. J o ux's. from ~ever or Dobaltty. from nny ell o w, Juno 1:! . lm. t io!l. u~et! by mnuy phy~acmus-JJollon 1 .·au-hc ,rill bo lodged du riog the t r ial. ::-io and is effiCIIcioua iu .. uhnon try Coo• ( i""n<'tl) rllrr.

0 00 tQ 00 nllo "·ed to l<e<l him tho t::>n:REll. ';"JIDPlJoa, annny confirmed c:uca hav- COME AND SEE f ~') . .uAX.l H:\ "rF.S. I W e nln"ayJO_k?OJ> it whero. "'C cnn put -oF- ,

dftyS. Public fooling Juno '21- )Ior;\vinn, GrahAm, llalif:\X !ng bcon eurod and a.ll bcnrfitte•l, wh11ro a For S ale In m ay rcqnlrC'd qnnntlt• ou r h:m Js ~n •~ 111 tho dark, tf n eed bo- LIVERPOOL ~ LOJ!tlDON excited by the news of his - A . Shcn. 1111 usc haa been continued O\'cr 1\ fort- 1\ T i c'> lJ)' Rrt· 0. Jhbb:ml, Bu,-1,111!1•

tbo numerous fritnda ho Cbriatabol, Carlton, Sydnoy-W . & G. nig ht 1 SQUIRES & NOBLE'S, ,- CIL\lt[,F,S TILLIS. Ouo o ftbc low nrticlcs that oroju~t

in Pnri•, only IIi I had tho Ronde! I. 1 n flron chiti•, it is n r pPcifil·. nnd itt \ X o. 2 :.1:? Water Stree t , whnt t protoull. to bo-lJrUNIIIl"ir:k . s r 0

enll upon him durin~ the Ell11, J nnea, X ow York- Unnoy k Co AKthmn, it give• r r liof wh.m evury <> tber The C h rnJlr"1. RIHI B est :\[ny 1. Rt J utan·11• Trl•gmp.•. 'AI'ITAL-£2,000,000 tcr m~·~ 0

woch. :)ince tho dccidion of S!llcluthft, Scott, ll:arbadcea- 1 . & W remody fmile. C R A ,... K E R S In rny mountnin tr:a,·ols no medit' ino t ho vornmont 11'U nnnouncod for l:itowart. ~'or n nrvous D ebility it . ~Uind~ unri- \ J i~ of eo nui•·nn~ttl nppr&entiou 111 Pain .. brin -1 S" him be£ oro" court-martini, Ito l •lftnd Hom e, :\[utch, P . E. leland- ~·allod , nnd can be used wtth eoufidenco ANn Killcr- ./ko ... u: II. JJi.r!JJ. Fire Department; ) t d I f . dl H . r. Clirt, .W ood&.(.;o. anallc-Mes. , , Cbl ' b 11 tb '

111.1 I II most nen elll<. 0 II .... r CLEARED. As this i• ootire!r diatinct nntl tlitfor- CONF rorl ON ARY '-- ur~ 0 ern ~v en. n 0 cr re· T HT.$1oog ettablisbecl~tl well-kn"111l from guine, &bout the iiiUO, and be- Juno2l- M or:lvinol Graham, Liverpool ont f rom efery other prepllrntion of I; mediCS fat!. Compat\]", Cit Or eolobrat.edl.tbrongb.r Jie, ce firmly tbat it will bo ad,ora, to - A . Shea. u 1_.opllu .. hllC', bo cnroful 10 n~k n .r POR1'EU. WHE..V USED E:J..TEBNtJ.LLY out tho world, fo r ~rympt &Q.d l•boral him. - , _ ./'"'

1 Jmme• St.cwart, B ogle, Darcolonll--J. &. for hllowa'Strup, aud lftko no o- THE SUB C R l llBR."' be~ to inform A.l; A./, I NIJLET,not,hingginss quick- a~ttlomont ut nll legttillltlto lonCII, e •h

W . Stewart. ther. tho l'ublic of R nrbor Uruee nnd O ut- cr ea40 in B~~rlfl, 0.14,l)r,u,l, 8prtriM, tmu€1!' ~o oiTco~ lnnl'&t(qo' M. Ctory TonPb~~- -The ~·nufaeturc; ·of JamesCoffili,Day, H.alifax- DainoJoho- Sold by AootheeAri(lll. Price st.:;o pllrtll, thRt they hnvc l.teon nppoiutcd DB. LANE l)liii!JI{rom Inlcclll and &nlM. l trrc· doee~~~ qf pr~perty. QQ~b JO tu.u:

torpedo~ ••Jolt now gotog on bnskly~ 1tooe & Co. per. bottl•, or a 'or • ".so, On the r A- •olo A genu for tho tnOY'!" ho Oro, nn!l tb." _ ... o;•n·' "-Ia like rw,d eouJltry • 6~ &he lo,-e.t Md on tha. · h B 1 .. ~bo to W 1 · h ' " qt ~ Tina introduced into hisoffic<i, wilh other · - , .... ,.. 11

' """' t li-... ......: .. ,_ t tnt e oya .__ ra '1 at oo WIC ' coiptof$7..00 tho propiiotor w-ill for- • A ,\f~R~.-11\T . DAKERY, iPtprovomcnt., ordinM! •orell. Tbot& . ~uff¥\nglfrom ~9• ,..o~l . erm": \ • • • '

•411d alreadflllYetal tbouaaode of tho or- P.&.us:tolas.-Per MortJPilJI• from ward at., any pllrt of ~..,0 ,11 Scoti!\ or ~ • /lliHUAl.t:riSM, (}Q fRli or ~U .. • , l ts ataar"' >;. ·~e~DJ 0\lfiOCia .. tlae dioary clllll are •t4red readr for uee at Ralifax-Mr. and Mn. Bruce, in~t New. Brun~wiek {reo. · .ro,_.,- a: G. A •a•~ ProprJcocorl!l, ~ )litrO'\l.~· ~'ri~c tits ~ppntas, RJ..~(l]J., ir n nt a!Yo c..,._ abeJ bHt pTOO O•• ttl It*' A moment'• nl'ltic:e. Theeo are for plllc. and nurao, Capt. J . '8pieor, R, (). J A.ME.:i L .F f C.LO w 3. Chemist. / 46 1Ve Gower Str eel , r?tho t ~iJuJlf:.cluro nnd Adn'tilliJ- 6od1tLoPpi~t-$illrrgi'o. t~ief .... ""e~ AI: Qf. ing in hilrj)orl, for tbo. purp!>le of pro.. Palmer,Moes!'ll. J. B. Dond, w. O~tel, • 1 • I • • 1!1~ J olitl, N. B. . lit • .loll a.'• · t ration of tho a": which fnr pt\inlelae ho oth,r I,'Omedy wjll . I • ~. wb\Cb. • PIDM ... '.JIIIDIIIG "fotntin~t tho ontry of llhi.,., And they are W. Bryden, JI. L. Crandall, Ruben W tH 'TEtOHP.iON' Tho ~milll aiw~pen~ will . find it oxtraetion of Teeth ClUJ bo relied oa u I ' arranged to be fired by eleetrieitr from Lamb, 0. D:~rfrc.J,·F: a. ' ~ ... ~~- roa rr. ~ oo' G to thct· r ··d,&'n ..... "" ·~ 11 d th --··-.a -•a Pal t glfta instant re\i~N·ro~ Ach• t .te •bore: Another kind of torpedo ward, C . E. Aocel and .... ,.. D-ARD ll ll \ CZ " ""o u "'en • 'l eoe e -.....n•Jr ... 0 • • l'eeth.' ~ ;' ' • h.., bow .. ,or. b4Jen •sued f'or agsrc.r. Mamra Clift (2), 1J -n__ p~kora nnd Conroctionap- fh ' niiiJ. being not'only aafe buL pleaant. Evei'J' • li'e purpoea ltialll&deiotheAhape Bol')teN, ~ Vf, ~ ~t,_ofB'ewfound. · i ,SUUllU~S & ~ .JJJLE'S, - bad. or ...... iiiYe feet in leqtJa, and baa and E. \Vdaoo. • '.~ '!\a. :lOt) (Bater Jtmt, lli~Improva:l Plate " J at q •

tAil wtri~b worb u a.eerew propeller. Per .-.....i.. ror ., t' 'H atbt)r Gfll!:e. I• "'efJ -pqpular, ia light;, _,. eaa be••' witbalmc*lllleftinc aiJn the l'lln" l,2.

lida qr. •hip roar lla.Mreci _...._,. --:--......... -~'-:----,-. u4 would. e( ca.u.. be nf.Jr' 8Bt:.JJIYED

... trwm~Li.a .. it& o~tiou. o. OB~L"B ,. 'f~?« .~m.

Rl;l~O~IS WilY TOE

\ \



11 E.\ T> OfFICI-:.'-'.

Lo;.;oo:-;-l ~lnorgntc St1cet

-~ l.fl:'\IJ O ~.


t~'!l~ nnb ~f~



gentle. aocl only .a.tcr. Jn u&ter dis· .one or freaay upon Uae bed, aecuaing back to \he door. Tho paper parttl ho, all who boanl1t ; and few periODIIMil- happily a docrt'"• l'l!lftl'llmg that of Mr. room hT a eide.door tri\hout ~obee"iDg ilRin and tli;ht'ortbo clq:nit-1 of aoc...· himaelr of baring marclered her, with tho butler, hAd juat beforo d-:li•el'f'd wu tally Wltheld tho•r uae:1t to bia ueer• Juatu:e Groao, had gono forth from mo. Xou ha•o now tlle key to my cun-

_._------- try, abo hacl choaon to un1te heNelf fO& atraogo aod incoherent expreaiona, lpng open on tho table, A'ld llr. Erorctt t 1oa, na ho concluclecl what ... e•iclent. Hoavou. 1 wu ~tltung at h :>mo about duct. I l...atbecl to look upon tho mur • ....,._.., Olrlt. jtOntlcman of tho name of ~[ordaunt, upon which an inl.imatlun aoon anC'r bold 111 ono hand a ftat t10 ftaak-tho iyn painful t.Mk, ',' ~t he ~ouJd tiring au hour llft~r tho court hAd doted paiD• doror , but T trould .flayo died a thou.

Up In the euiJ•onalnr. lta•t at lilt P"P or d.aJ,

Stralolq liM .. uk Ia 1h• dairy, T.relar tile CO'Ifa •••J-s ... pl•& tiM IOCir 111 tn• katcbto, NUia.&liM bNa 11;1 ataln,

Wa.llill& tiM bteakrou diahta, D11atla& parlor chaan

Biuabiq the cntmbt rro"' lht p111try, l:lla •lin& (or •fJCI " 1 he barn,

Roaa\ha~ 11M meat for dmDfr, Splnnllllf the atockln~t yarn,

Spread In& the eno• whll"' •Into Down on tbe bu•h•• lwlow,

Ranaackin1 enry m•ad'lw Whue red atra•b.=mu grow.

Starehin,r'tlMir oottona (or SundaJ, Cbun11n11 IDt tnowy crnm,

Rin•insthe paala aJtd alraaner l>own II\ tha rc~anang •trum,

Ptte!iq lht 1" .. a'ld pouhr), ' Making \bt puddinl(' .. lnd ~·

Jo1~ring the ht It on•'• orodl., l>mlng •••> lha II if•·

Ora~ In enry motion, P.lu11c in anry tone,

8tnty of lotm and featu~ TboUJaudl. m1ght cont to own­

Crteka that rt~AIIht roa.ta1 Tet~h the wba•e•t or pearl•,

On• or theM oountrr maaden• u worlh, A ICOrt ofyoUOf gadd)' ltrlt

who, though pOIIt'IMil or great talent• warda made by Dr. Archer throw tlart. witn~a han no doubt tho eame fou1\d tn cndooco aubstantiabng tho etatemeut, fully muamg on the c•enta of tho day, eand c!rath1 rather than atterup to MYO .1n unapotted namo, aod, for hil ft80> ling light. That gentleman, co&jomtly tho cl\bmct.-and in the other a notco he had made, the man.who could · then when the door of tho ap:utmont eud. mv own hfu by tho'Ulce ora fa~or'a htgh rank in tho clfil eer,•ice of tha E.~t wtth Mr. Sm1th, roqueeted ao immodinto whirb ho wu read1og Ho, tho" itnou' rofuao to behoyo the ' pn10ner'1 guilt, dooly llew open, nnd 10 ruahed Mr ......:how gu1lty ·aoo•er he might be" lndl& Cumpsny, had-mo.lpi~blo mta• interYIOW' with Captain Evorott, :\Dd Mr thought to Altt'llct Mr. lborott'• Alton· would cquRIIJ refuae crodence to ac• Sharpe in a ala to of srent ox. atem.snt, Furmahod With thiAI oxrlaoatioo, and fortune-o. trader fur bts pndrnther I Hntdyman, th~ doconaod lady'• ll\nd· t ton, who hurndly turned round, clap. hons WltnePC<i by bit own bodily accompauted by Sergeant Echfl\rds, tho affidaYit. or E-lwardl, waited upon Th~t cnme a~raioet her" houee" Mn. atoward and aohc1tor, who hBpponcd to pod down tho &sk Ru.i tho note, abuf- oye• " whou1 the rcadJr w11l 1'\lrucm\x>r had tbcJudgo, 1\od obl.4ulod not only a ro. Elea.nor K1t:&hugh rcaolvod oove r to for>o bo in tho houeo atthe tilllO TboNquCit ftms tholll nndor tho paper wrnpper, aa 'l ' ho dtfferoot witnoeaca wore thoo cal callt'd tho prcrioua dlly at that s ontlc · 1p1te for tho priwoner, but a warrant for g1vo~ and abo et~d1ly returned, unoJlCn· WlUI ot' cour10 comrhod "ith, and Dr 1f teo concoal them, and then, 111 n very led, aod tcetafied to the nnoua acta I m:m'• house. In A fow mmutea 1 wa• the nrrcat ol Cnptam Evcrott. od, tho frequent le&r• kddroued to her Archer at onco bluntlv etated that, 111 confuaod m11nner, nnd Ius fac:o red •~ hl\vo before related. Va10ly clld Mr. 111 poascuaon of thu followmg 1mpor• lt wu a bu11v r~eDIDI{· Bdwa..dt wna uy her aistt~r, whll pined m hor didtftnt h11 opmaon, plOIOII lmd bocn adm111iator· n Oaml', ll'kod w1tnou what ho wnntoJ Kml!~lon :\lad I exert ouraclvoa to m•a.- t.ant miormo.llon, eh~ttcd by Mr Sho.rpo d01pn.tcbed to 'Londoo Ill the friendly lndltiD homo for A renown I of tho old eJ to tho doceaw:llaJy, though or wh:\L there? W itness thought tins behaVIOUr dnto tho II'I'Cal~tlblo prooftl or !;UIIt 10 froiU tho half· w•lhog, hal! r eluctant custody or an mtolli~ont officer, to 10· 111terely loro whteh hAd wntchod over proctao kind ho was aomowhnt nt n lo:~~ verY. ~trango Rt tho timo, but the Inca chspo.n1on:1toly deta1lcd " It ia uto· eorgoant, whom ho ho.d found wa1ttng for rurc tho person of tho foroagn.Jookmg and gladdened hfo from inf11nry to man~ to cOnJectnro-oDium otsontanlly h11 dol) soon pM:~cd from h11 mmd, and hi' leu," "b11pored Mr. l:lharpo, .. I aas b1m at hta o>ffice vendor of l)l~le poiaune • 1\n,l Mr hood. A loag stlenco-n lllonrc or thought, though ccrtn•nly DOl Ill nny of h.'\d thou:;b~ no IIJOI'O of It tall tho find· down nnor tho cro ... oumiDAtiOQ of tho In tho fin~t plnct, Cnpt.'lln Everett ::ihnrpe, Wlth tw con•tahlo• , l Ot ofF 10

many yenrs-eucccode<l, broken 1\t Jut 11.3 ordmnry preparatiOil~-ono or tho mg ufthe pnpor and fi~k tld descrlb.:d agel! butler, boil a doomed mao SllllO WD.8 not the rl\thor of tho pnsonor r 1\ postcbaUIO r W oodland• Manor­by tho s:uiRnnouncement thnt tho UD• nlkl\loads prob:\bly, whtch ehouucal11~a· by tho othl'r watnell8ea of btd 111nocouce, of wb1ch l foo!, every Tho youoj; m:m \\as son of ~lary }'atl\• lluusc. lt wlll!latco when thor am•cd foll,ravcn one hnd lon:; !!nco found nn once lt.'\d rocently dasco'l"erc1l Uc tlu:~ 11r l!'rcdorack Everett, who ho.d man I moment that I look at htm, tho moro hugh by bor fin~t ruornago , and b1.1 tl:oro,nnd thn Fervunt. mronned tbom ~rly l:r:lfO mil foreagn lAnd. aa at mlly, a po1l·111qrteu1 oxamannhou of af<lllte<\ tho strango!t 1mpnssabahty. n 1111tt uaor~•conv1ocoo (}Qd help us, wo nllmo, cone~uontly was ~lol'lnunl,not th11tCaptnm J<:,erott hnd 1\ ro­

'l'he lettrr wlnrh brought the m tel:t . the body would clc:tr up nil doubts, BOd cnlmuoss of dcsprur thrcu~hont the 111 - .1ru poor, falhblo cro;1turo., wath all our Everett llua moth or h:~d sur\ aved her tared. Thoy of conl'foO maa•tod upon J:OOCO boro tho London post 11\llrk, llnd ~hould 1.3kc placo liS lflcOOly u poss1blo q1.ary, whach perplexed and d .. h.,arton. •~ • o.:nufio ru :~ch1oory fo r gutt mg at tho el'C-.;a•tl mo.rr•aso barely 111 months J-:v. eoeang b1m , nod ho prceently appeared, wna wntton by Captam E1orett . to Capt..'\m I::vorott at oncu 1\cceedml to Dr cd ~{r Shnrp, whoso seru ccs bt1d boon truth ,.. urett, calculnung doubtleu upon tho wmppcd 10 n drc.\l.lmg golfn, 114u:;bhly 11 hom, 1t was 1tnted, l\(1'1' Eloonor Ftl7.· Archer's propoMI, at tho eamo limo ob· ret.'I IDOII by Cnpt:nm Evorett,allowed e l'eU Tho case for tho crown \VIIJI over, groat pecumnry nchautngCII winch 1\0uk.l domaodod thc1r busmua wath b1m at huctlt'lllltor, onrly w1dn\\cd, hlld been aornng thnt ho was qu1to euro tho rodnlt tlnd m1och uvoua e1 1dunco to pua w1th· nnd thu prasoner wu told tl~atnow wn.s bo hktlly to result to lumsolf Ill! tho ro- euch nn hour Tho noawer amoto lum united in aocond nuphnl,, 1111d bv whom \\ Onldontaroly d1spro' o tht1t ,::ontlotntln's out n wor1d of rommcot of cxpbnahon, tho tamo fo r h1m to addroaa tbo JUry m putc<l lnthor of tho he1r o! n splcurhd .\8 w1th n thunclerbolt. nnd he stnggcred sho had borne n son, ~'rcderack E1erett, u5umpllon .i.\lr. Ha.tdymnn nlso fu lly :mel ho wl\ll ns 11 matter of conn~<', fully ruas~rcr to tho cbargo prcforrod ngamst l::nghab C1tato, alould the quarrel wath b:1ckwarda, tlllllrrcAted by tho wall of no\'1 nenrly twc .. tv yonl'll of nl!C. Tlto concu rred 111 tho nccoss1ty of" l'lg td Ill· com matted for the wilful murder of ha~ baua llo bowed courteously to tho in ~{ rs Eleanor 1'1tzhu:;h-all ho not lam~ tho npnrtmeut, Rnd then 111uk feebly, lonn pout- up 111Fcchon of ~lr.1 ht:r:hugh 1osu,::ataoo; and the po•l·mort~J/1 cxnm a. rotati\O 1'ho ch11111 of cm:umstnnhal ' umnt.on, nnd drawmg 1\ paper from doubtod- bo ultluantoly mndo up, ht1d uer\eleasly. mto n cluur. E.lgcn y, nner for 'teronco ldohzcdsllterbur.~t forthnt n:\hon should, at 1\'I!.JO armngcd, L"lko e\ldcnc!', moti'I"O lllclndcd, was, 1t 11ns lu~ pocket spoke, nftc r A full prohma brough t has dece:uecl 11afo's mfllut aon n pnuso, he quoahoncd t ho mtrudcra thus announcement of her death wath plnco rnrly on the £ollo11ang ruornm): foal. coruploto-not n luak \\:Ill nnnl m:; 1 nry \l o rds of courac, nC4rly "" fol. np M has own Thas \\31 tho S!'cret of nr•on tho nabro of the oHJencoa.gnan't uncoot roJ13ble nolenco , :uaJ, R'l some " 1 hn1u a not'1er nnd vory pnmlul, r beso were tho clue£ 1nculenls da~ - lowo _ l' .. l" nru~ nml h111 11 afo nnd to purchase hun :\Ir harpe bncfty rcplaed tb:tt ntooement fo- hur put "mfnl obduracy duty to perform," cor.houctl Dr \ rcher clo:~ed to mo bv )[r Sh:\ql damn!! onr ' • 1 holt! 111 my h:1nd n 'l"e ry l\CUto nnd thoar illlenc!', l'nptaua 1:1erett h3cl ng!'f'eu 1-:.ln nrd~ 1\R!I ID custudy, nnt! lu. :-sho 1mmedmtelv mv1locl tho hu~band nddrcssang Capt.1111 J~1orett ' \ fincl l lon:; noel p.uuful consultollon 01 th!' eloquent raJJrc~a prepared for mo by ono to R•vo tho bond fur nn :mnuaty \\Inch ed Ncrytlun~ nndson of ber long lost 'obry t o W oorl thnt your Ron, Mr l:'rcdorao.:k E1ore lt, l prcca~c nature o[ tho terr1ble s•l•f.IChlll• of tho nble and zealous gontlomon who ~lr ::ih:~rpo ~':t• to tlr :111 up. 'l'bo stor) "t~ at andce<l •o ~" rejoined t lnnJs ~fauor llou8C, to ho henceforth, :\lone aduumiltercd medacmo nucl nil mont 11 hach hnnntcd a uri tl•~turbo.:tl me, 1 shnii 111JII'(' l r to d:~y ns my counsel a111l wh1ch 1 of tho lor;ac.v 1vns a mc ro prl'lenccl scen11n; to elem o rolll\luuon And rona.

Experience of a Barrister. thu "nld, she hoped thoar homo :Soon to Mrs 1-'atzhu .. h duriD~ her •lln!'•S nnly 1!\ th•• p11CO say thnt lll!lthor l\1 r llut for t ho llllfJIIItOIIS ~~~ \\' \\ luch p ro•ha 1 When J:~.h~anls \\II• Ill YurkJiuro bo tutlo from thu ve ry oxtremll)' of deap:tll', nfter lhear nrmnl. 'o(rs Fauhu;h m:~de :Strange, po•~•bly whollylrcn:r:aecl oxpre~ I :-\llnql, nor ""'•~.--quuntly lll) ~clf, 11 0uiJ b•t• t'lc • of n prctunl()(\ felon, fore, E1crctt pn<ahcd hun for tho t unc l'hc 11 tho gl\nl\1 '"unquesllonabiJ. Iost. n " 111-tho famah property was e ntire- 81ons, but 11 Inch sounded "~tly hkc 111 nil pn1baiJ•Ia1y hn\ o sncss!'•l or ~,; I1111C' ltul c 111nocent pon~on, from with 1\ eum of mom 1", 11nd 1 proumu tu I t "a•, hOI><'' cr, bolclf) and s kallfully Circa•UPallol E\ ldcarc. ly :\t her d1~poMI-rovokang a former cracs of remonst•, arrepr.s• ablu b) ll per I ed nt thC'na, huL for the per. ••t o" "'"' 1r1 upon whoao verd1ct do more for h1o1 ~~~ •von as hiS reputed pl:1} 1 d a mi l nn1 not a mnn lv \Yhlmpcr one, \\harh bequeathed tho \\hole of tho son unu1od to crame, escnpecl haUl muu 1 Aertaun of \la•s Carrm:;ton •• t hl'a In•, 1icnJ1 wuulcl no doubt I sonC4DIO 111to tho propert) llu then 0\Cr n fat11l turn of tho darc l u n fow

In tho eocond )'CI!.l' o f my Cilnno~•on rent and pero~nonl propert) to l\ d•~t.'lnt hcnrmg J U~t afte r tho eloso uf a finn I < lm~r ""' 1111\tllv ~a~r1fic1n.: laun·d f lr'"" h ' " • •t!Jj-.:Ct m:\ttor of l\11 hurracd thu Cl drranl 8\'rg,•:~nt b:~ck 10 mancte" ~:entlcaucu," ho added, 1 shnll With tho Northern Circuat, whon e~en relative wllom sho hnd never seen, a1ul scene , nnJ - -But porh:~p•, (.'npt:un •omo t huncm.1l uaotl\o uf huuuur "' . 11,1, , "wid crcc:enco to I Loncluu , a nd nt the la~t lntor \IO\\ ho hnt<e chnn~,;od my drcM, nnd bo all rcndy JMtuor bnefa wcro much leu numerous hi whach nil ":\~ 1Jovascd to her ncph<'" 1 E"orctt 1 ou h:1d bette r n:taru, th11 ld <lui v 1 h" 1blc tcotunooy nr l t.:W 11 1th h1m, sa~ o ham n no to noltlre•s l lo a\'cnmonny you than accopt-ablc, I wn.s agreeAbly 1111r - who w:~s 10101,.01:\tely p ro>cltlllll<'<l sol.: I sctlrcciJ 11 snlrJ<.'< L ·-- \ .,11 tin not kno\\, ){r Sh:~rp, ~ I mH•I ~ubsl :mco of <-'<Ito n J'OI'llon, hun~; 111 onu of our Wu ea1111ot lose llj;ht of y•m for pnaod, na 1 s.t muemg ou tho evenmg hc•r to the l:'a llhn~h e•l:\tC-'4, JICidmt; n I • (}..,on ea r, !l:'ltd tho c:~pltlln, O\'Cr do she "'mll.l fr<"qUOntl) e1cl:u w "alia 1 ta 1~ de a.,. hHc (;1\thC'rcd , ~trocu - 1 forgt t \\ hu·h - le HI Ill!! out of nn auot:\nl rophecl Mr ::ihnrpo of my arnl"lllm the ~11c1ent • 1ty of YorK yCArly rent. 'II 0{ nt lc.ut C 1:! ll:l I :1'\ay, whoso l'ountc.m:!.llce n at rnngc Ol(lr•'•· ' tearful "hcmcnC{' ' tho gcncron6 cl11ld I rom tla" 1 • ... o:ti\UIInn· I thu lio.) market, tocctlocr 11 ath :1 h. c Uno of tlte ullJccns must nccompany upon tho capnc1ous modo 10 ltih1ch thoae 80 thorou:.:hh " '~ sho 60I't. 11c•l to1Yt1rdd ~~~n-to u•e Or Archer 1 " " n wo>r•l• - II lake •am ph II) tho chi\ nlrac ontlau••••m 1 '""'" hut~ 1, • I at produce, pound nolo, 11 l11ch ho wa~ lo P") tho I J OU ' powerful persouagea tho Rtlorneye did- t ho memory of her llocc.'l-'!'d a1•tor, thnt had ftnahed , "so uu l nm better of 1118 d aar:u 1e r lud u tter :~bno,..: llhlll of 1 , 1m 111 th 1t r , 111 11bly d tme, person to If hom tho l.,tte r " 18 ndclruu I " llc at ftO I l!htlll not cletnan eatht r tbcar valuable fa1 our4, bv tho tho w111-of " lurh, n.s I ha1 0 'IAtcd no11 " self, :11111 re:1~ohn eo~ on nil o'ra•l(•n~ 11• 1111J 60 tc~ll l•h~•l" 11 lthnt. 11.:h at " ere 1 cd fo r aomo \ Cr) raro n11tl Halnn.blo puw hun or yon Ions" entrance of ono of tho DIOit emmcot of no s~crot \las maoll'-provaclcd, II\ the .. \Vo till know- . rceumetl D r Arch •ncrlficc ha• " "II c:a•e. lu • 01\ II \\ asia:• romlcred \I ll h a a. :\n:,:cl d "!lll.lllCO, It I der, wluch tho captnan \l.lllteU for V< ICII· l'npt F.•orctl roll'lwed by tho officer tho l'aC() prnctlllug m that part of the el"ent of ~'redcrack dJ1n.: chal•llo•.-~ th:~t (• r, • hu\\ gre:~ tcly 'olr Frt'<h ra.k E' or to forwnrd tha Ia 'PI"'" •• of ••thcr• nat~ I 110111,1 pro1 c utt rh 1111p ,, •t to shako taGc purposes. 11 luda tho capt 11n "nut , p3d•L .. l mto In• drea•ms room lie pul­e luotry, and tbc lo rthmth tender of n the property ahllul•l pns~ to h1:s father, ctt ~1\lll:l 10 wealth by Ius annt s all':llh nbo1 0 all ha • I 111111•t" no I a.•n• ell honnnr tlac M ron" (On• '""""" , 1111 ~111h, ed for vcaoutalic purpo:~e~. unJ "luda loJ ofF In~ j::0\1 n 1\0<l poanlecl to A coat bulkT bncf 10 the Crown Court, on )L'\ry Fat:r:hu::;h ri second hu3bo.nd. nn1l th3 t her dOCCil•!', moroo1 or, 11 all en· • -al1111 , a£ \'UU "al! - wlm h 11 oultl, I f~c.l 11 h" h 1 ;,,7 •hurl 51 •Ia II~• I i 'hblc morwls 1-:.0 h• urd• 11 '~ to fur11.1 rJ by ,uncia to •n•pcndeJ on n p••g nt the further 01• 1f'nic'h, .. mr glance IDi hncllvely fell 0 11 No tuo person~ could bo.: more unhke nhlo lum to condutlo lho mnrr~ago to a'L<Url ' '·prompt It II II to liii'Ur :\II) pen I - .;h >rl Ml •htcd a~·l talhblo bcc:lu~u \V oodl:uuld 'bnor House l ;dw ards t rcontl of the npnrtmcnt, requested tho the intoi'Colt:IDg figurea, I pcrce~tcd that t han wero tho fnthor :'ln<l son- mentnll) 11 1a1ch ~lac wo.\ so cloturrnmcdl'l" oppolsed tlc.'lth atdelf, t o> shadal I rom dan~cr nn1 mort:\ I • -l mc.-.11 nu ola~ •ncct- mn:tt obOJed hiS llldlru• t l-> •~. au,l dcl11orucl wnstnble to re:~da 1t to ham - tho mnu tho lArge fee, 10 cnmmal CMoe, of fifty mornll7, phya1c.1lly Frt.'<lra~k Evcro:tt 1 thmk therefore, thnt. unclor nil tho 1 0110 11 lao h3tl cl~un• upun Ia am oat her of Ia 11 0 ctra11 11 from 1 Ia.- 1 .. ,.1 f endonco

1 tho me:tS:\J;O to th11 queer bu$111 I•~:~ rued hn,cte ned ~o comply " ath lud 1118h -

g .uneu wu mArked Tho loCl\l no\\ a was a {a1r bftared blnc.'·oycd voun" m.w , carcum~tnnces lfO shall bu fully JU:stafi .,,l1

blood or nf :ttlectaun \ uu know to 1 1011 h 11 0 lao.-. rd ti&J • 1 w 1 •t "cary , fllrcague r til nlwrn at \\:t• nJclrc"~•l, ::il'ftftl) , e1 orctt opened" drosaang·CMO plpen, from wh1ch I lmd occ:a.s1onnlly of Rmaable, cnreuan~ mannol'l', gentle 111 pl3 111g tho' ) ouug ~;outlomnn under whom my "u~pac aon• pnuat nn1l h"" ) ,111 o r In) self bl re, 11..: 'ill on ' 1vho to ld lum lh:\t af lao bruu~ht tho sum "l11cla stood on n tnvlo ncar h11 ~1 • tho IIOoln extracta, had been for aomchmo da•poa1t.on, and nrcluu t poc!ll<: templ!r:\ l such - I 11allnot !1:1) cu•tod) , t.ut dur drc 1dful to tln11k tho.t one so vuun:;: Au 11 ob•onc t h3 t 1t pmlll • •, to

1 of monn1. ml!ni &Oih·•lan tho awlt •Ill tho olhc11r lwe rd thu almrp d~<kmg of "

buey With tho , nud I knew 1t thoro· mont 1118 fntlacr, on the rontrnrJ. 11 as I ,01111\nce, ns 11 all prol'ent lum e1tlanr f l'>m br:\\1' so pwu•. :\OJ so true shouiJ be 1 t)te 01 crproo.~r so to tv " ' ' eel lollowan~ J :11 he blaoultl Ia till 1ho nrli· I P,•~tol lock, nml lurm •I 11 .\IU~ nround fo~ t o be relAtnely to tho condahon 111 a dark· feAtured, cohl hn~ht\', rcpuls11e 1 lc:~11n~ the Louse, ahouhl ho tm:\01110 l s:tcraficod tor such a mou:slor a~ I bu • a;:ruu•t mCI- to the full) •' .... :; t lc rc•( •urccl l! u nl~o b:~Jo hun; a I oo lat<>' A l•>uol report rnnk through J1fo of tho pnuc1pal penon 1mphcato<l, llllln, e .er npp:\rontl} \\r:lOJ>Cd up Ill hamself suspectl'd, or of clcstro>•"S nn1 hc1o thnt mun to he • · t h:lt nn antunlaon:~l a ur ' rnl•l o5• IHII et"l'l'eretl bot1 k to put at ua ~~~ the ltouso, the ro10an \\.1, hlled \Hth an 1mportnot one. Rumour bad 1\S- 110(fish and moodv rc' en e• Betweun I 0 \ 1donco "Inch mny po~3abl) ollst of ha~ To~~· these pn;~S~On:\te oxpostulnllcns, ten lat1ou•h per~a•t 111 ~.lau Jt1•ran:; tho tho bottle 11 :1• 10 b.> s~nt b) en ,{'h J.,l "moko nntltho 11 rctche<.l MII.'ISIIIII nnd ••good tho conduct or' tho defence to an ham and b1s 8011 thcro appc:ared U> ex guilt, 1( mdoed he be smlty ' " 1 !'n-~ t he :'lttOnley euuld on I\' rupl) that 1n:;ue ( 11:\1 p couon lo 1 ho , 14 lam 11 atla Ia a. ""'" 11 ~r,l• purdaa•od a t ua tl a~k . :1< llfTt)rclau~ au11cadc In) e xtended on tho lloor a mm· emanent leader on l hc carcuat- aance, 1st but httle of cordtl\1 mtercour.~e, 1\l· uroly agree 111th you, Dr .-\rcber, e~ 811"1''""'"' wen• not 111dlcll\l prouf~ . nn<l hnntl•, .arcfnll) 0 ,dutlm:; nil uthcr" a bcllcr a!'turatl a.;.m11t bru 1kagc nnd :;lcJ corp•o 1

uno of our ablest JUdg~ • and on lookm~ thounh the h1ghl) scn1111ve nnd rcla~aou' cl;11n.ecl ~[r llardym:tn "Ito ho.d hsten that af ~( r 1-'rl'dcrack E• erctt 1\0uhl from 3 ch:1ncc of mcurrmg 311opacaon hav1ng obt.,mcd tho pu11 Jer, p:~ck, .. t at I 1~ \\ ould be u~olr~~ to manntely ro­more cloeely at tho bno( \ 1 porcel 'l"ed tone

0 of 11111ul of Frcderack Even: It eJ "ath much e~ca tomon t to tho doctor 'I pcr~•·t HI In• ob<lnaato rc~ene, n t; ,t :tl ~ 'l'hcro aN other poml.d, but thas • ~ I He-el~ up nuJ toiJ ha~ lllt.'Cu, "lao """ C.'lpatull\lo tho finn I 'nuJm~ u p ef tlus

thnt that goutloman'a DAme hl\d b('('n caused lum to trc.l\t has p:~ront wath un n:~rrntavo • " nn,l 11 all upon ruy ""'" r.1 rc•ult ":\S anu1 11:1\> lc But \ I r ~h:~q1o b) (ar the most flO\\ orful ono nnd n~ etapuJ: 11 ath hun nt tho 11111e, t.a tlu eel 0 1 cntful drau.a oulhcu at to roo.:orcl, erossod out, and mmo subs\ltutoJ Tho I 1 :trvang 1lcfcren~e alii I ro•pe< L • spoua1bahtv, t 1ke tho ncce11•ary st('ps rul\daly con•l'nh J to ~:r:~ ta£) t ho 11 111hrs 1 cannot bela eve th31 "1ll mduce ) ou '!, ~ ho :• :18 Ill :'1 h1!rn to go out, to thl\l tho pre1 aous rcr atccl f ' etA Wl'ro )": f ee also--a much les11 ngrco~blollltern:l• rho pOOIIC t empornmortt: of_l rctlorack fnr efTcctang tho ObJeCt you bnt<c Ill vf ~l r C~mu0ton :uul lus clau.;Jat!'r 0 11 111 rutu ru n 10rd1d rGICUtng mo from i Square J:luretl , \\ Ootlluoal:s 'obnol• tll\l:lllj e~ t nbl .. heJ , nod thnl ~lr J rc· t1on-bad boon, I 111\W cons~cmbly rc- Evere£u:;ht ham nl Ja, t l\!1 puolac , , I I'll one pomt lao rctnrnocl the m•liHJY, noll "hnt tho fovhsh world, JUd>:IOg frum lluuso, \: orkslure nuu lh~u t:1ko ~ ~ to de rack \[ordnnnt, 11 t" , a fte r a deb) rc. dncel, m accord!\ nee, do••btlt>say " ath te mp col" arC' apt to clo,anto t rouble • • G~ntlom<'n,' aaad Ct~pl..'llll I\ ('rett, 11 •Cr) l.1r .:o ~11111, wluch Cnpln111 l:vorett nppenrnncc•.;, 11 all cnll a ahameful de11th, the book•n:; office llo Lhoug ht. of ' ato r.!d to freedom nnd n aplend•d post· tbn attornoy'sa~lllt.IO!!. pftno aaf y 011th e:lnll, auuoccn<'(', 11n1l srncc, rasa'l.; from hasch:ur, ")OU I\III of courso h:1J •ont hun,rmJ a.;reetl thtll \l r Cnr. but "lllch 1, kuo~rang my own heart, counro, thou~h hu smd Sgu1re •na JO• 80CI!'l) After tho lapiiC of 11

fercnco of l"lliuc bet ween a11lk.and 1t ufT umt.od 111 tho pel'l"on of Lnry C'arran,: d 1 1 ou r clut) but l C.'\D t:1ke no part, an~• uu !hould sul'f'Y tho fundsn~ecd:s.'lr) fcc 1 Ill bo 8;~,1ctauued by tho hwheat culnr 11 "'" • thtlt sho would hl\fC d1rcch.'<l clcce nt'intc rvnl, ho espouocd I.ncy CAr· goll'n , tnn- the onlv chalc! of 'o[r Stephen nor ollo.:r n11~ countt,el, to 1uch a cn•c I for tho clefcnco v tho pra:soncr mot n o wluch cau 101\uenco m:a~1-1t It Capt.'\ID B•a~rett , M e'ho knl'w lum ran~t:ln 'l'ho umon prorod, I behevo "

" l" ou nre not, sa r, I behe, o, retnancd Cnrrm:;ton ,; re~pectnblo retnc!d mc r must lcMe you t.o ) our 011 n do \Icc~ O ur consuho.uon the nen d ay nl 'of r \\ ould be mcro.:h " :uto of ume to rcpe:~.t but 1t ~t'Omotl ~ho had not, li:d11 nrd • lm1l hnpp1 one , Rncl they 11 ero bll'aai:J, 1

for tbe prosecution an tho crown aJ:Umat I ch:mt 0{ mo,lc1'3to 111" :1"" r!'s1d1n::: wllh Ho thou f1 It tho :1p.1rtmcnt Slmr pu's 11 IS n •:ad nnd hopcl!!•s one tlaem l'rom tho first monaeut, ~en tlo- returned to Yorksharo only tw o dn1" kno 11 , 1\'lth n 10111ewhat numerous pro· liverert i'" 1111(1 ~{r ::ilmrpo 10 baa bnef, .., ll ft>,. nulc• of \Vootlbnd• ~[nnor· llo h:\11 been gone b•atl\ f<'" manu tea, :\o" huro dad n gle:~m of c heNfu l laght 111 , 11 tlmL tha• n;cuaat.1on WM preferred : sanC'O to got Ius nniiUit) aottlo.Y, neul gonv Tltoar ciJc•t aon rt>pr<'..cnts h11

bUIIDCIII mnonor I Houso-cro~~c· l ha~ p ath . :\ntl apllo uf "hen t'roh:ru k 1-~•erctl, atlll tn 11 atntc I brenk 111 'J'he ~n•o wns OIOr\\laelmall..; """aua~L 1110 1 felt I had dono \\ath th11 fo rtunate ly Wl\8 prc~cnlua court nt tho th1s prc•cut p~rlm.JJeut one ol t 0

:: I am uot, .llr Sharpe.· b111 sfue ld of mnny qullrterm;:~. ho W :lll o f tor.rablo o~c• toment, enter.-11 tho room, 1

ly eouapleto ng:llll t! l tho pra~oner 'l'ho 11~ 1 rltl . nnci young u I am, but fur o11:1 trll\l of Jo're<lor1ck ~ordnunt, t~luu E1 • ' En.:la•h borou~hs, anti ld b) 110 W~Ans In that rue I beg to tender you I mmshL..J 1n :111 an•tant. nnd almost 111th sl rotlu fi erce I) up In Dr .\ rchcr, nnd 1nguo IIU8pacaon• 11c entortnmed poant bcloHd belli~ 11 hoso hght.ocl j erctt, nne! nt 011~0 recogmr.ed tho tara 1 nn un•h~llugua~laud muuavur of tho Com-

t~ele.'\dan~ hr1cf for tho dofoncr l t out resasl.'\nco l'ho ' t lenst I neat c?n dcm3nd!'d huw ho dnrcd prnpo6!', M tho I ed to a cr me ftU c oust run•, ~o 1111 1\:UI up uud 1rrad 1 :~tocl th11 cold nud b:1rron lla~k lt.ll tho ono ho had purch(U!cd aod 1 "-'=J=n=s =l=[=u=u=a=e====================~ wu an tended, M you percel\'0, to place sent anti :~ppro1 AI of \I r Carr n.:ton buller h:~d JU•t anlorme<l hun he haJ I ble thtlt 11 b felt at could not bo so much e:~rth 1 should "1th httlo roluc•nnco, fon~ urdccl to W ooJI:mtl~. 11 hero at must · : lt an tbo b11.nJs or our g reaL ,,.~ pr1u1 and In~ fnar daughter secur .. -d 'f r Evor done, l\ dl5lloctmn of Ius :~uut ~ boJ)· l l\ll iuntct\ nt upon ~uch, le~nlly cons1dcr h:n c ~ .. cepted th~t gafk of appnrcntly s~ m duo cont'llo on tin tl") dtatcd b) tho · Facetious. loader, but he w11l bo •o completely OC• ott , Jllnaor- hl\llt v, hc.11l<t rong lover th:1t " 1 w•ll uot perm1t at," continued the : od light gronnrl1, 1' h<J tm son!'r 111\8 I 10r,•, but perhaps merc1ful fl\to flus 1 butler l 'err1ficU nnd bell aldercd nt t ho ~- _ • _ · -- - -- - -~ cup1od In thnt cou rt, tho.t ho hu been ho w:us- unmod•nl{'l'l" da•clo•ctl, ha~ nan - 1\:;al:'lted roun:; m:~n " r nm 1n:1ste r s:utl to be nn eloquen t spcnkor, nnd 1 un h£,1 gout lumen," ho cootmuotl after a con.iequoncos of 11 hnt ho clune or Tm: Don ASU Tm SnTIOs· )[ \ S"JEK'

compoUed U> decline at. Ho monuoned trnnomo.l prOJCCt.~to ha, fnthor audnunt h!'re, nnd I s.w 1t ~hall uot be dllne I dortuok to dmw up tho outlmo of l\ clo- ~hot'l. p:~usc," It bas boon wol. 1:t1d, as ~aolpect to do 1-::d"nrds h~teucd to 'ol r A. .:ood storv 11 told of tho m:111ter at a you, and from "hilt 1 hnvo mys1lf seen C:1f>ta10 Evcrt•tt rccoii'OJ tho announce 1 Whnt now hor ror 11ould you O\ oke ? Is fence. 1mpu;::mnlj. "1th all, tho cla:alccllc 1 but n batl lo and a march I ho.vo boon j :Sharpe, who by dmt of odaorl'ltaous, r:all" .l\"-Blalaon Ill the ourt h. n f.'\t, ~ood­of you an SOfc rnl CUC!!, I ha• o found no • mont \\ ILh n snr.:t5IIC ll!llal<' coldly ro 1at not onough th:~t ono of tho kallclCJ<tof l "klll l \~ns master of, tho conclu! trcneu 11 truck dllwn &~&rl110 tho combl!.t, !)ut thrcl\te llnd prctmees JUdlcaon•ly blond- n:~turcll, drull fcllo11 , 11 ho5o Jokes ht~vo doubt my uo(ortunnw chcnt " all hno 1 mnrkcd thnt af '(r~ ~ 1tzbugh ":1~ God • crc.,tured, lana pct'lshe1l, but "1111


of tho e v•deoco for tho crown To tlus of rrht1t moment 11 thAt, af 1t bo fo11nd 1 cd, mducod ham to mnke a d !'uu brc:111t bccnmo qua to popul:'lr 011 t ho n.rnd Hts amrlo JUfttaco dono bun Mr K aug~tou !1\t&sfied, '"' ho.d no objeenon to ofFer other SIICrtfiC Oillllll~t ---What do I Bllll n host of t l'SIImouy to clanrnctc r I bv \l am \\ ho tho Wltneaa•WOrld unootl- or It 1113100 " Ball \. fow DIOI'OIUJ;II IIIICO wal be wath you." But, Rlns I no soone r dul her neph01v say ~ !-;no ugh thnt 1 wall not perm1t

1 winch wo prcpo~ed to cnll , rC'I!tocl our cut! deed. of nil bt4110id•er•, t'ut.t I bA~o As much utounded 1\5 elated by thas I "halo 111 tho perform.LIJCO vf h11 rogulnr

1 th:aoked Mr Sharpr Cor ha1 com. w1th peraphrrutac cloquenr<', 1mnnrL Ius 1t I ha10 aecn s1m1lnr cnsca 111- 111 famt hope~ of " n good de l11o r11nco" cnrned tho v1o.:tor'a crown I 1/.lt 1t bo unlookcc1 fo r mfllrmallon, at 11ns snmu tl ntathinn ug l} J1ttlo Scotch torner got ph mont, :1od aeeoptod h11 bnof As tho pnu·on fur tho tlaughter of 11 11um· mer l nrlll\ • llusaoeas lfll~ ove r, noel wo l'lcrc tnkan~ ' yuur coosolnu oo, .;cotloolon, a£ hercaf manu tea be foro 1 could auUiciUn tly con- 10 h~S wny, nnd ho g3vo ham A amnrt comm~t~aaon would be opeoe<lon the fol• chnot to has aunt, t han a ,..,bomont to r T ho ,::ootleman sn strnogely n<ldrcas n ~;hu of " 'no wath )fr Sh:irpCI, 11heu tor ) OU should diiCOfCr tha~ you have ecnt:mto my thou~hts upon lho pr.>per kack, "luch eout tum o1 cr tnc tmck, lowmg ruormng, l at on co 3pphod my- rcut of 10dagn:111t rt'buke~ broke I rom o<t had!'<l a1gnaflC'nnt glnnccs h1s clue£ dork ente red to sny thnt Scr- sent mo to nu uodoaorvod denth, that course to bo pnraued I wns not, llo11 • yolpaul! rho owner of tho dog eoon aol,- to a poruaal of tho bulky p11per her laps Sho would dao rnthe r to con durmg t ho d .. lavery of ha. aucoborcot ,::e::uat l:Alwnrd~. nn o>ld solclu;r- 11 ho !anti you 3 t le.~t w1ll not have burned a soul e1cr, lo1:~ 10 doc1dmg LMnng Mr. nppc:trod 111 h1~h dudgeon, \nntcd to alded na 1 road by,the ve rbal explaoataon 10ot to 110 de:;rndang l\ T1V.4trllutnc" , nnd apcoch, notl , quato confirmed 111 thetr apukon to thc>u1 80010 tame befor<J rob - llp.Jtted 111th tho 11wful cno.(l of murdor Sbarpo to drn1v up a n aOJdnvat of t ho knoll why ho k1ckod hu1 dog. IUld commentanot of Mr Shnrpe Our ehoulcl ho pcnnst an yacldm~; to such I prcnous ampre.a.s•on, ){r l-£1\rdyrur~o, M ti\O toll lnrgo cl~•m wluch lao n••erted I before a t:~ mnker Aud oh," booxcla1m· fncta d11l'loscd by EJI'Inrds, and to " 'Vas thnt your dog I" ukod Btll, 10 conference lallcd t eYer:al boura, and at grou mfatuallon she 1\0ultl not only thear spokcsmno, anterrupted the speak. ho blld a!."'llllilt Cnr lru n r:•orct t, nras.u;: I ed 111 conclusaoo, w1th aolomn OArnoat. tnko espccanl care of t h1t worthy, I hl!.ll· h•~ usu:ll drnwl 1tU arrauged that lltlothor Khould bo dasmbor1t, but. bnna•h ham from her or to an form htm thnt llo woa tho lUI out of A legacy bcquc:~.thl•tl to hun an j ness, • may nil who, haYc tho gut It of Loucel ofF to tho Jnll, 1n order to obl:\ln II " lAlrlnanly 1t wna Whnt nght havo held ~rl.Y the noxt mornans .at llr houeo, Rnd c.uL ham forth n beggar on pccto:i M!ltlSsm of h1a aunt ! The nccu•· Ind1n, t.od tho beat modo of ·~surmg ats

1 ltlootl upon tlailm eo hnato.n, wbalat lafo thorou~h elucu1At1on of all tho my~tor· ) 011 to k•ck ham P"

Shl\rpo • office, at wh1elt Mr Kmgeton tho world L:Lngungo hko th1:1 one cnn 1111; sentence• had hnruly plll!aed the 10"' pnymont IS by nn nnr.uaiJ, M proposed 15 sllllgr!lnted them, to clean10 them· IC.'\ connoct.od nath the affa•r beloro 1 .. ll o'a mnd,' Iliad Dall. would Ulllt cnally umlorstnnd, pro1okoc\ lrut!:UI11!e hcator'a hp1, "'when tho fu r1011s youm:: by tho cnptnm- :mu now Cl\lloJ W 811) •ehoa bv repentance of that foul em, so l wa•tccl upou 11r J ushco Oros(l "Xo ho's oot mnd, uatbor," 11\ld tho

D:&rk, aotncato, compassod w1tb fear from tho andagnnnt young man wh1ch 111 111nn ~prnng towl\ru• hun w1tl. tho bound that tho terms n ero at b et linn II) nr· thnt uot only the aACnflco or ono ~or 1 1'he rovulsaon of feehng 1n the pmon- onner ful m1•tery, wu tho c:uo 10 toddcoly lou heated moment• ito would h:a"e dis of n hgor, nnd nt ono blo1~ prostrnt.od ranged, nud th:\t ho l'll~hed to know hfc, but th:~t , ..... dt holy and trcmonc.ous I or'e rumd when ho leanaed t lmt tho mt1n " W ell, 1 should bo 1f Anybody lucked eubm1t:tocl to my gu1danco. an~ tbe dllancd to utter , and tho aunt and no h1m on tho floor H o wu amme<hatclv whon Mr 1Sh.up11 wouhl be at Ieasure to ono o1lur"'l " ' r"o world's consummate for whom ho hlld ao recklessly Mc nficed 100 m tbt1t 11 ay," responded BtU. few faio' gleam~ of light donved from phew parted •n fierce 1\ogor, 1\Dd nf'>.or selzod by tho t wo n1edtc1tl gentlemen, tlrnl'l up tho bnntJ ' !Io n~>ed not fenr hu•a• the m ha•o beon mnclo hamself "' ns not on!)' not hiS fnthor, but __ ..,., __ tho attomoy'• ~h. p rcsc•oucc and mutual douunctatlon of OAch othor- ho And help baY!n•• tx-cn summoned, ho'w.11 for Ius money 1 • e xdn1mcd ' l'lrpo tnrt. ~1 nnrl gentloml\n, I a cold blooded vallnm, "ho, nccordmg to Ksont p01~n - SuppoiCI\ man own• eagacity, ee"ed but to rentlordltnly 'I'W· na & d11'lbochont mgrate, shb M 11n am. wath much dtffi~ulty secured, and pl11ccd ly , "tho Cnpt.1111 w11l, 1 fe a "o rarh 113, , You w1ll doubt the toatltnOuy of &lrgeaot F...! wards, h11d n 8k1fF , ho foe ten• tbo 1k1fi to tho ah:>ro ble a tliU pro(ounder and blackl'r nbyu pe n oWI, uogooorous t ynmt The qunr· m etr d confioomoot, to a wRit tho roault enou;.;h boforc nnvthor 11 eek h~ pant I le•• I hnre dono mmc" emb1twrod, porbap~ ehortoncd has Wltlf rr..rO"po oULdo of atrnlf, along come• or cnme than that diaclnacd by tho eu· rcl WILli wath soUlO d1fficulty p11tcbcd up of t ho noxt dny'emJury 01o.:r our• Toll ham to c:'lll In I 1 , 1 ' mmutos anor tho mother's lAst houN, wu tmmochntc o.od n cow, cow t;ot1 1ato tho boat, tun11 a-donee for tlte crown Young aB I then by Captam Hvorctt, nncl wath tho ox Thcoumaoo.t•unof the body checlosed morrow evomnc;, I 11111 sou ham afte r I concluoo ,, 1 1n~o nod unex• oxceu aro I should hll"o tnkon round and eat11 tho ropo , tho ak11F thue WUID tho profet~aon, oo marrol thn.t l coplloo of the change whach took plnco tho tcrrablo fRet, thnt tho deccnsod Indy r(' laar.l f rom court ' .\ fo\\ m1nuto~ u£ pocled ndcle, • ,11 •ur watnenos t o Lucy's Bdflco 1 bo baltcrly cxclrllmod lut looao, w1th tho cow on board, elart. felt oppi'OIIIOd by the weight or thu ro.- 10 the d1aappomtcd IoYe r's demeo.nor- hnd ponahed by" 1\Cotntoof morph1110 " tcr\\ nrde, 1 nnd Mr. Kang~wn took our I cbnr:tctM. wbun, 1 '• «rpr•~o of tho na bo strode to nnd fro 111 h11 pr1~on down strcnm, Rod 00 ttl p .. aaso ts upeot ; epon11bihty eaat upon me. o r that, when from laght hcartod 1;t11et v to gloom and thus •orafymg the an::ncaou~ guess of lenv•. whole eour~ . nu•l cuc. · t, ru auou of tho cell , should lu.\'o toll t ho truth at nil tho cow 11 drowned. No..-,ho.a the mao ,11cared ~~>atb tbinkmg, and du:zy wath eullenne.,- th1oga, r.fwr l\ few dr~y• , Dr Archer A. mmuto eoarch wM •m Tho Cro1vn Court IIIli! throng!'d to pr18oner. i\11•» t:n rm:;ton 111arted up, hnurde, and hav11loft tho real to Ood" that owna the cO'II got to pay for tho profltleea CODJOCture, I ~brew myeolf Ill· wo11t oo pretty ooarly M beforo mtd1"tely mllde throughout ~fr FrC'der su!F.tCAtwn mt tho follo~> ang morum~. ~ th rew naaJ e her 1c 1, l\1111 nddrcssms tbo l:h sexplannuon of the anca-icn ta tbnt boat, or t ho llU\n that own1 tho bo!l.t got to bed perpltoxrog amagct and t hllpc• The eudden rupturo of tho hopet M rs 1ck Ererott'a nputment, and bchmd one nnd tho oxc•tuua,•nt or the n•Hlltory IIJl · JUd~o. demt~ndcd tu b!' Ia~ :tr,l hftd so pu:r:r.lod us nil """ M 11mplo llll to pay for t~e CO\V ? of go• I~ and t.error pureued me through F.lcanor l-'1tzhugh had repoaed an he no· of tho drnwors of a cabmct 111 Ius boJ peared to bo of t ho mten!I03t kmd ~11111 Queenly, ~rnce!l . l . naul ol wuchmg aat1af~tory. H e h!\d nlwnn, f rom has __ .., _ _ zay troubled eleep I U.rpily the next phew as the reetored of her anc1ont room- at tho back of the ebelf or pell· C:\rr!n•!ton do~oly v.:aled, !1\~ bill111io hor lovohoou d•·l a he look an her H•hemonco 011rhcst clay•, et.;od much 10 1\11"0 of h11 A ChllrActor, 0,er the water, wna rnl• day wu not that or tna ; for I awoke " houro," t.arn11hed br Mary 1-'•tz:hu~:h's t1on upon wh1ch tho dr11wcr reatod, and futher ~~~ o ao of tho a ado beuchej, A of 110 rrow- md1:10t nK n ••mh.;ht 10 her father, who 111 the, to youug ~1ordl\unt led 00 for 4 tout Ho guo tbo..,ow­wlth a tbrobbang pulae and burnan.c m:\rriago, a!Fuctod tll\ngerou:sly aL aoon of cour40 compl.1tolf h1Jdon by tho t ruo btllngnanRt tho pr1soner h:~d been day11 of JOY a he muet h " o bot~n-u abo eacrod cbnmctcr of t•srent, ciorc•aod an lowlllg _ bnin,IUiclthould bAYe been bu~ poor• apJlO"rod, that lady'" al1"0111ly faa lang dmwor 1t10lf \~hon 111 1ts wM £uund on the prr1VIOIJ~ nfternoon , and stood up, nff<'rllon- prowptod. ropnl• tiTOIIIhblo control over lnm . nnd when All hail th• Amtrlnn 11111 ly prepared (or a atru::~.;lo lnvoiYID(; tho health .-\. fortn1ght t~f'kor tlfo qn~rrcol fuaand n Rat lin Ouk, Ruwd on the out. tho t r1RI, at had boon nrrnogod, to au1t leu of eolf, uf tho world, to llUiko one the butler ontorod tho hbmry, ho behev• Proud bird or rreedom, 1 DIUOI or Me and death. Ettremoly wi'b hornophew, abo becAme alarmangly Stdo, and closed watha s~row stopper the conveDioncc of tho coun:~o l , ehoultl IMt efFort to snre hor aflbocod bus· ed for an IDatllnt 1t WQS baa fa thor who Tba rowlthat no 011, c•n ann~tlt, aomitiYe, .. under the carcUJnatancot, I til Unueal and bafllmg •ymptom~ shll" 1t was IC'Ottely euYol6pod 111 A shoot of bo firdt proc"'Olcd wath Tho court was bt~nd had eurpn.aed htm in tho ac t of rtlftdmg Or put aal\ o11IU bt~utilut taU. 1lnld QeeOI&Inly ha•o bofon, t o tho ar- ed tbomeelvea, and After au!Fcnng e1ght brown p'\per, dircetcd " ---E•orctt, prc»~dod over by .l{ r Jus t aco Oru110 , " \ Vhat would you aay, y oun~ lAdy ~" bid corroapoodeoee, no act wlucb, how- - ----chaou nature of tl_le graYe dutiea 110 un• dan from •hen\1\t~ acuto pam, and B•q , W oodlands Maoor. Hou.c, l" ork• 1\nd llr Gurnoy- nftorwnrJ• M r ~ 11\111 ~lr J ushcc Grol~O, k•nJI~, " If you OYor uomtontiunal, "'~uld, be know, ex · Oa&tHE..'rr TO 0PDB1L!I - A young man especteclly clevol~Dlt upon roo, the fol . he~Yy, unconquerable!D, tho ahara," Alld upor. c:loao oummatloo, a ron Gnrno•- w•th another sentlom11n, hMo Rnythang to t03tlfy 10 f,u .,ur oftbe cito Capta1u £yorott • fierceat wmtn out \Vest"" eotruatod w1th t he monoy ;--ol ... <hOf ;oddeo,. of O<p;Nd '" h" oophon "m' Th" ood •-II qo,.oOty of " "'"' po•d,., wbO<h •ppmud fO, Uoo p~O<uhou A• ooou '""""• you hod bot<" oo~m ""'~" lfoO<o ,,... tho doom•r '"d <unf ~"" to bring hoo '""" "'"" • good f~oly tiM M eoo.flded to me by Mr. den aod fatalallnees of h11 rch\h"o ap' provod to bo " aceta to of morph1ue," as the JUdgo had taken h11 seat, tho prt· wath htll counael " wh1ch tho but lor had de.cr1bed He ro 10n 1og machine Hn carried off' a neagh-

will I think, fully &C'tOunt to peared to 't'f'llkoo all ~'redonck EYerct~·· wae found m the Sutp1eaon of 110nor Wl\l ordcrod to bo brouglft m, and "Nut tbat- nllt that," abo hurnodly loucd tho parcel, and plncod 1t in h11 bflur'a daughter to l'biCftgU, married her, tile for the """oue irritability toodem ... and atfoctaon for hor llo young Etoro~·, gu1lt now became con- a bush of expectation pervaded tho M - rophed, u 1f f011rful that her atroogth roputod fntbtr'• dwollms; bouso, And and brought her home.

w,Ja I for the momeot lAbour- wu 1nceeeantm Ina elo110 attend11nco 1n Ylcllon 1 and as if to confirm bo•ood a' I aombly Ju a few momenta bo mado would fall before t he enunriated he r thought httlo more ot' the mat ter, hll, ell :- the 11ck chamber, perm1tung no ooo doubt the eouoc!no" of tho cha1o or c1r- b11 appearance 111 the dock H11 Mpect purpoao "Put, my lord, put ~'rodonek, on onr.cmng bta aunt' a bod room on tbo *· :rrea.iek ~erott, tho priaoner oleo to adminiltcr to his aunte•thor ""· cumat.antial eYidenco tn whtch be wne -<llllm r.ud mournful, And full o( p~- -the prisoner, I m06n-on hil o.'\th first e Yeo•og o£ her 11loou ho bC'hold fhe HarborGrnccSlandard ..... to be arraiped bel~re a • of mentor meclicioo. On th11latter poaot, imme~bed, tho botler, J ohn D.uby, "" tiont rutgnatioo-.poke •troogly to t ho Bad hun declar"' u be ehall a01wer at E verett pour a email porlioo of wh1to ~;:::!'Ci, folo the In ·me indeocl, he ioebtod, w1th etrange ftorco· ~eel and truaty tenant of the late Hn. feehngs of tho aud1unco, ADd a low mul"tt the bar of Hil .A.Jmight1 God, who il powder from tho tan ftuk in tho bottle "• D 'll wiU. ltil , Captain a.., taking tho med11ine with hie own "Fanhll8h• q~ado on. the oed day tho mur of eympatb1 ran through tho tho murderer for whom be il about t1> 0<\Dtaioang hie aont'• mod1c1oe The Con~ Bay Advutiler,

NllJecl for IOYenU llla.nA from t.b~ man who bronght . it i foUowiog dilpotition before the map. court Ho bowed :s.ootrully to tho tnJidly aacriflce haiiiiOlf. aod yon will terrible trntlt ftuhod from him. A r• prlr~ 11111 pubtlolwd eTII7 WEDlCS8-~~ .... J .... _1~ JIVo~a .. llahor-Houf, acl after adminilt.c!rin.,t the preaenbed trat.N :- • bench, and then bil , proud. cyo wan. find "-- fierce altercation immed~toiy eneuod in DAY mo1111111~1 Bon aT T8olla:.

l'i&allltflh a quatUJ, carefully lock•nJ up the re- "He 'bad talren in, two day• Wore dered arou~nditory, tlll 1t reetod " Your roqueat il an abanrd one," the &thor'• dreea1og-room, whither ~~~.!':.'".:.~~~=-Hilt to ""' mainder io • eabinet in hi. bedroom. hil late mlltr.l wu aeised With her fa. on tho form or L 1 Carrington, who, tho J udp with IOIDO ... Prederirk followed him. Ererett per<- N~'lrtoluadlaiiiL

'ii.!ij~~r.;:_ •iiu!Pitu• to tiNt Jaat. On the morning or the day that Mre. W 11ln ... a emall brown paper parcel o•ercomfl b1 eucJd "emotion, had bidden • " I bftyo no ponr to qoedioo liltecl &hat the ~er wu .a celeb rat- Tt,._TwlarrT lmi.IDG8 ,. -. .~ died, her ordinary meclieal at.. whieh had ban brought bY from her weepios taee in her father'• boaom, a priro6er.'' • I ed W mclclicament. wh1eh would .~::-:::;,.o. ot ""1 ......,

terri lied aocl per- Loud4)u. aod ror wbacb t.. ' lOll. eaniap Skoog feelins, ~ he wich diOlc:altr " 'rben ehrieked tho uofonunat.lady •"- if aoythins could, bw aunt'• life. -~ Ia a....,..,-· .. ..,_oroftbe •JmDtollll W. chiU'!I(ed aocl paid. Tbe ~loullll mutered. abOok hie frame, and blaooh- ainkinJr back Wntio' and helpl ... in ln&D'"* tlo' of courae cle.. taD I'Oil ~I'IIIIJIG,...,........_

ealled iu the la Hr. frucleriek BYeretfa eabiaet wu, eel to a e&ill deeper pallor lUa lao, Intel- ber lAther'• "he ia loat- &~it alaallow falael!lood, aod -Mllllw u-. •""'Jr"•) .,,,., phylieian, Dr. he could potttinlJ••..,., fro• tile cla&e IIIC&ual coDDWaaace. He eloily with- loa& P" ,.. - aoaMahdalluiiMNcl die.... ;:,-g,::_~.a.i .... ~.., .... il not .,.....IDU'bclCIII it.aa41Uaeh&Dd- drew bw paefrom the agitatiq ·~· 8be,.. i......., · earrW oa ~eotlae~&widt hilonlwtcla, -....._ ............ ..,11 • 11._

oe~paper . ....,_of tlaat &acle,aoclbilt~oablecl gluoe aHttq court,aaclu e.-•tloa ... -..o..--. .,.._. eoatli ... la ·--- ~• ...... Jilt W ai,... ia to JCNa1 Hr. &hat of Mr. a..... to Mk wh1 ed bJ aa *! ~ ._... ~ Ia lit....._ .. PoeleiiMI •lliil --... -.w~•

..-·tollllii!IIIW'., who to Mia.lllt H- pi'Dtlllliap, ...... ..,_ oal1 ooe ei111Dt ~~ ... .. .... -.......a ta ......... 110

=~DIR~~~=~ .. ~=-:.1 .... ~~~ ,... IU ..... ... ... ...... ~ ""*' ...... -·--t-

~ 1 I I