cloudchain - the necessary e transformation in the journey to an efficient cloud computing

The Cloud Chain ManageMenT Hélène Stavridis - Avril 2013 - Source: Desksearch & Interviews A necessary transformation

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This presentation is meant to explore the necessary enterprise transformation in the journey to an efficient cloud computing. In particular it investigates the possible structure in the Customer/vendor relation and the essential migration to achieve a state of the art organization, which focuses on the company core business.


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The Cloud Chain ManageMenT

Hélène Stavridis - Avril 2013 - Source: Desksearch & Interviews

A necessary transformation

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objeCTive of The presenTaTion

This presentation is meant to explore the necessary enterprise transformation, in the journey to an HIˋFLHQW�FORXG�FRPSXWLQJ�


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Scope of the preSentAtion introduction: A new erA emergeS Digital business model Journey to the cloud The fundamentals to be secured

current cloud computing pArAmeterS A fragmented world The Customer: a new diversity The Stakeholders : removing borders

evolution of the cuStomer / vendor relAtionShip

AggregAting ServiceS: A muSt ? The 4PCCP concept The 4PCCP mission A structured relationship the next wAve: verticAl cloud computing

future cloud outSourcing model

concluSion Interviews takeways Fundamentals

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S t ru c t u r i n g t h e r e l At i o n S h i p

cuStomerS B2B

Any InDuSTry


vendorS ClouD ProvIDerS

PuBlIC &



as a Service


as a Service


as a Service


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a new business Model…

…for a digiTal era

orgAniSAtionAl model mAtrix multilAterAl trAnSverSe

it model technology informAtion innovAtion to the buSineSS

it Sourcing device cApAcityService AggregAtor

finAnciAl model

cApex to opex, (growing pay per use)

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The journey To Cloud CoMpuTing


virTualizaTion ?

CosT reduCTion ?pay as a serviCe ?

supporT The business ?

generaTe business value ?

value for My business ?

StArt the journey to cloud computing

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seCure The fundaMenTals: ConTraCTual essenTials

boTToM line, if The neT goes down, The Cloud beCoMes useless…










(calculation definition)


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seCure The fundaMenTals

geT beyond preConCeived ideas…





c r i t i c A l








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a fragMenTed world

MulTiple and overlapping serviCes generaTe CoMplex ouTsourCing & Challenging business value assessMenT




saas erp

telecom operAtorS

the enterpriSe mArketplAce


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The CusToMer in The enTerprise: a new diversiTy

who is The CusToMer? iT, user, MarkeTing, finanCe? ��������������7+(�25*$1,=$7,21$/�6,/26�'21Ȣ7�:25.�$1<025(���

7KH�LQWHOOLJHQFH� of the company is in WKH�GDWD��QRW�LQ�,7



Multi-channel communications are FULWLFDO�WR�WKH�EXVLQHVV



it trAnSformAtion to buSineSS pArtner,

broker of ServiceS

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The sTakeholders: unClear borders

MulTiple overlaps… 72�*52:,1*�62/87,216��6(59,&(6�'(0$1'��

iT and TeleCoM ConvergenCe is a MusT


Cloud integrator


Saas&RQVXOWLQJ�ILUPBusiness process


h/w manufacturerEnabler, IaaS



Telecom operator, Outsourcing Provider

Iaas, Broker, VAR

muSt help build A cleAr


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evoluTion of CusToMer / vendor relaTionship

newfor M er

devices & licences

Capex/opex – leasing –

SolutionS & ServiceS

fully opex

the cloud mArketplAce




buSineSS unitS

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AggregAtor of ServiceS “4pccp”**Selects & manages 3rd party vendors - takes full accountability for “cloud Service”

manages performance on each vendor technical kpi’s.

aggregaTed serviCes: a MusT? inTroduCing The 4pCCp ConCepT

cloud computing cuStomerconcentrates in his area of expertise - end to end SlA with 4pccp* performance management based on ccc key business deliverables


Telecomoperator paas iaas

saas erp saas


*Cloud Computing Chain,

**4th party Cloud Computing partner – internal iT or external.

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The 4pCCp Missionorganize & seCure

- intelligent AggregAtor of cloud ServiceS And buSineSS proceSSeS

- pro Active mAnAgement of the “ cloud chAin ” AuDITS PerFormAnCe mAnAgemenT CrISIS mAnAgemenT ConTInuouS ImProvemenT, DeFeCTS mAnAgemenT STrATegIC AnD TACTICAl DeveloPmenTS, InnovATIon

- Security, ip And integrity of dAtA

- contingency plAnning

- Service continuAtion (reSilience)

- coSt control

- reverSibility of dAtA & Service

- contrAct iterAtionS (frequency, conditionS)

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a sTruCTured relaTionship

4th pArt y cloud computing pArtner

cloud computing cuStomer

Telecomoperator paas iaas

saas erp saas saas saas


business VFRUHFDUG

set of technical & process requirements 2SHUDWLRQDO�GDVKERDUG

set of requirementsIRU�P\�EXVLQHVV��.3,ȢV���7DUJHWV

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The nexT wave: verTiCal Cloud CoMpuTing a Major role in seTTing The sTandards


educAtion retAil


v e r t i c A l i n d u S t r i e S S tA n d A r d S

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The fuTure “Cloudified” enTerprise

induStry StAndArdS



=mAture cloud ServiceS & SolutionS

cloud mAtured buSineSS modelS & proceSSeS

increASed enterpriSe focuS on core buSineSS

flexibility within StAndArdized proceSSeS

“it” AS A Service, A trAnSformed buSineSS pArtner:from cio to cdo*

croSS functionAl, trAnSverSe orgAnizAtion

functionS Shift from execution to AnAlySiS

unified multi chAnnel uSer experience (privAte vS profeSSionAl)

*CDO: Chief Digital Off icer

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inTerviews Takeways

- SAme fAct Acknowledged from All interviewS: A viSion of cloud iS Still to be built by the field.

- cloud computing in itSelf doeS not cAll for Anything SpeciAl (AvAilAbility of remote ServiceS) however, itS orgAnizAtionAl And StrAtegy impActS Are mAjor And Still to be fully meASured. A digitAl ‘r’evolution iS in progreSS.

- All compAnieS Are convinced cloud computing will bring Added vAlue; they yet hAve to ASSeSS how it cAn bring vAlue to their buSineSS . there iS definitely A cloud StrAtegy to deploy by uSer compAnieS.

- in the it world, compAnieS living from licenceS Are threAtened in their core buSineSS And fAce reAl chAllenge in trAnSforming their hiStoricAl buSineSS model

- cloud computing bringS convergence between two hiStoricAlly SepArAted SectorS: it And telecom

- the ActuAl pArAdigm iS About competency trAnSformAtion

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AS A profeSSionAl of buSineSS development And trAnSformAtion, i would emphASize the eSSentiAl mutAtion thAt the enterpriSe muSt Achieve to StAy on top of the digitAl ‘r’evolution in progreSS:

Some fondAmentAl StructurAl chAngeS:

SHIFT From “SIloS” TyPe orgAnIzATIon To CroSS FunCTIonAl, “mISSIon” TyPe moDuleS, AT CounTry AnD InTernATIonAl level

mAnAge THe DIgITAl TrAnSFormATIon oF IT: CreATIon oF A unIFIeD DIgITAl uSer exPerIenCe AnD lAnguAge, wITHIn THe enTerPrISe

AlIgn THe CoorDInATIon AnD InTegrATIon oF ServICeS wITH ProCeSSeS

BuIlD on FunCTIonS evoluTIon From exeCuTIon To AnAlySIS

HelP DeveloP AnD leverAge From verTICAl InDuSTrIeS STAnDArDS: SHAreD InDICATorS, normATIve DeveloPmenTS...

above all: Ma xiMize value of the cloud chain to focus on the coMpany core business

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cloud computing definition 1/2


the niSt* definition - peter mell timothy grance niSt Special publication 800-145 September 2011

(*)National institute of Standards and Technology (uS Department of Commerce)

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cloud computing definition 2/2

essential Characteristics:



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Hélène Stavridis - 2013

SpeciAl thAnk S

christian binelli, Coo elcaflorence deSain, Partner engagement IT, cisco Systemspamela dullaghan, global Head of vendor ops management, Technology Services iAtA cecile ferreboeuf, Sr Business Dev. manager windows Azure iSv Alliance microsoftibrahim georges, Sales Account manager, oracledavor jakic, System Architect bt global Services laurent lafarge, vP monaco telecomyvic le Scouezec, IT Senior manager, ciscotristan leteurtre, Ceo Aneviahugues meili, Chairman & Ceo nijiolivier nguyen van tan, marketing Director Salesforce.comclement vouillon, Founder weloveSaas for sharing their views and, above all, for making this a rich human experience.