cloud foundry for spring developers

© 2011 SpringSource, A division of VMware. All rights reserved Cloud Foundry for Spring Developers Gunnar Hillert, Member of Technical Staff, Spring Integration

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Post on 06-May-2015




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This session provides an overview of how to build and deploy Spring-based applications to the Cloud Foundry platform. The session will cover application configuration parameters, binding services to your application, deployment options using using STS, the vmc command tool, as well as the new Apache Maven plugin for Cloud Foundry. Gunnar will demonstrate how to deploy applications to both micro and public Cloud Foundry and will also show how debugging works with Cloud Foundry and how you can inspect services remotely using Caldecott. Gunnar will also show various options to keep your War-files deployable to both Cloud Foundry and stand-alone Servlet Containers using auto-reconfiguration, the cloud namespace, and Spring 3.1 profiles. Lastly, he will give a high-level overview how you can use Cloud Foundry together with Spring Integration in order to create scalable Spring applications.


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© 2011 SpringSource, A division of VMware. All rights reserved

Cloud Foundry for Spring Developers

Gunnar Hillert, Member of Technical Staff, Spring Integration

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§ Overview §  Deployment §  Debugging §  Profiling §  Agnostic War Files § Modular Cloud Apps

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What is Cloud Foundry?

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Three Layers of Cloud Computing

§  SaaS •  Software as a Service

§  PaaS •  Platform as a Service

§  IaaS •  Infrastructure as a Service

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Private    Clouds    

Public  Clouds  

Micro  Clouds  

Choice of clouds


Data Services

Other Services

Msg Services



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Broad Support for Languages/Application Frameworks

§  JVM •  Spring, Grails, Roo, Lift, plain Java

§  Ruby • Rails, Sinatra

§  Node.js §  Community contributions •  Erlang, Python, PHP

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JVM Frameworks

§  Unit of deployment: Java WAR files • Can run any standard War file •  Servlet 2.5

• Don’t assume particular container

§  Spring, Grails, Lift framework •  Auto-reconfiguration goodies

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§  Relational database •  Postgres • MySQL

§  Key-value store • Redis

§  Document store • MongoDB

§ Messaging • RabbitMQ

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Open Source

§  Source code available under Apache License v2.0 •

•  VCAP •

•  Project Website •

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Logical View

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Thursday, October 27, 11

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Deployment Options

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Deployment Options

§  VMC • Ruby based command line tool

§  SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) § Grails §  Spring Roo Cloud Foundry Addon §  Cloud Foundry Maven Plugin §  vcap-java-client

• Used by STS and Cloud Foundry Maven Plugin

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DEMO Deployment Options

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§  Start Cloud Foundry applications in debug mode §  Set Break Points for Micro Cloud Foundry §  STS 2.8.1 supports it §  Coming with Micro Cloud Foundry 1.1.1 (Currently RC)

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§  TCP over HTTP tunnel §  Local client §  Remote server

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Caldecott - Multiple Services and Sessions

§ One vcc server instance • Manages multiple tunnels

§ One vcc client instance per service • Multiple local apps may share a

client if they connect to the same remote server:port

•  Each listens on different local port

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DEMO Debugging

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Profiling – Spring Insight

§  Providing real-time application runtime performance and behavior information for Java Spring applications

§  Beta available for §  Signup at: § Write your own plugins


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DEMO Spring Insight for Cloud Foundry

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Agnostic War Files

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Agnostic War Files – Toolbox

§  Auto Reconfiguration §  Cloud Namespace §  Spring 3.1 Profiles

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Agnostic War Files – Auto Reconfiguration

§ Move existing Applications easily to Cloud Foundry § Makes 2 modifications at deploy time:

•  Adds additional Jar • Updates web.xml

§  BeanFactoryPostProcessor examines the application context before creating beans

§  Swaps existing beans of matching types

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Agnostic War Files – Auto Reconfiguration

Service Type Replaced Bean Type

MySQL javax.sql.DataSource

Postgres javax.sql.DataSource



RabbitMQ org.sf.amqp.rabbit.connection.ConnectionFactory

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Agnostic War Files – Auto Reconfiguration

§  Limitations •  one service of a given service type •  one bean of the matching type

•  If application does not follow limits, auto-reconfiguration mechanism will not take place

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Agnostic War Files – Cloud Namespace

§  Explicit configuration of Cloud Foundry Services §  Finer grained control of configuration parameters §  Necessary when configuring multiple services of same type

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Agnostic War Files – Cloud Namespace

§  Setup – Maven

§  Setup – Spring Application Context

<dependency> <groupId>org.cloudfoundry</groupId> <artifactId>cloudfoundry-runtime</artifactId> <version>0.8.1</version> </dependency>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans … xmlns:cloud="" xsi:schemaLocation=“">

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Available Namespace Elements

§  Define and use a DataSource

§ Optional Subelements •  <cloud:connection> •  <cloud:pool>

<cloud:data-source id="dataSource" /> <bean id="jdbcTemplate” class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" /> </bean>

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Available Namespace Elements

§ MongoDB Support •  <cloud:mongo-db-factory>

§  Redis Support •  <cloud:redis-connection-factory>

§  RabbitMQ •  <cloud:rabbit-connection-factory>

§  Autocreate Services •  <cloud:service-scan>

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Agnostic War Files – Spring Profiles

§  Spring 3.1 adds new support for environments §  Deploy to Cloud Foundry and Stand-alone Containers

<bean id="mongoTemplate" class=""> <constructor-arg ref="mongoDbFactory" /> </bean> <beans profile="default"> <mongo:db-factory id="mongoDbFactory" dbname="pwdtest" host="" port="27017" username="test_user" password=”s3cr3t" /> </beans> <beans profile="cloud"> <cloud:mongo-db-factory id="mongoDbFactory" /> </beans>

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Modular Cloud Apps

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Monolithic Enterprise Application

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Benefits of App-level Modularity

§  Efficient Elasticity §  Fault Isolation §  Dynamic Configuration §  “always-on”/Rolling Upgrades

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Modularized Enterprise Application

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DEMO Spring Integration

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§  Cloud Foundry on Ubuntu

§  VMC

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§  Cloud Foundry Maven Plugin (Sources + Reference Documentation)

§  Caldecott

§  Cloud Foundry Samples

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§  Spring Auto Reconfiguration

§  Spring Insight for Cloud Foundry

§  Cloud Foundry Namespace

§  Spring Profiles

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§  Spring Integration

§  Samples

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