clash of empires 1688-1763: 4 world wars with england, france, spain, all involving the american...

Clash of Empires 1688-1763: 4 world wars with England, France, Spain, all involving the American colonists •1 st two wars: King William’s War and Queen Anne’s War : French, Indians, later Spain vs. English colonials, no reg. troops on either side- neither sent large troops & funds= tension

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Page 1: Clash of Empires 1688-1763: 4 world wars with England, France, Spain, all involving the American colonists 1 st two wars: King William’s War and Queen

Clash of Empires

• 1688-1763: 4 world wars with England, France, Spain, all involving the American colonists

• 1st two wars: King William’s War and Queen Anne’s War: French, Indians, later Spain vs. English colonials, no reg. troops on either side- neither sent large troops & funds= tension

Page 2: Clash of Empires 1688-1763: 4 world wars with England, France, Spain, all involving the American colonists 1 st two wars: King William’s War and Queen

Clash of Empires (1688-1763)

• (1689-1697 )King William’s War (War of League of Augsburg)

• (1702-1711) Queen Anne’s War (War of Spanish Succession)

• (1730’s) War of Jenkin’s Ear (War at sea between Britain & Spain)—merged with King George’s War

• (1744-1748) King George’s War (War of Austrian Succession)

• (1754-1763) Seven Years War (French & Indian War) * only war fought mostly in North America.

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British Policy Before the RevolutionConstant Warfare for Empire•Constant war consumed British politics (contributed to salutary neglect)•Constant war was expensive for Britain (debt)

Competing Visions in the British Empire•Old Whigs & Tories—envisioned authoritarian empire, gain territory by conquest & extract resources, eliminate British debt by raising taxes & cutting spending on the colonies.

• Radical Whigs (Patriots)- envisioned trade & manufacturing instead of land & resources; economic growth…not taxation solves national debt.•* Whigs thought the American colonies should have equal status with Britain

•These issues kept Britain from how the colonies were managed.

•So the American colonies grew prosperous & their own sense of their place in the empire.

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Native AmericansNorth American Indian tribes were involved in warfare in the 1700’s and aided by their European allies.

The Beaver Wars (Backcountry Wars) 1640’s-1740’s

* Lasts 100 years; French try to push Iroquois out so French can hook up their southern (Louisiana) & Northern empire.

1628- Mohawk (part of Iroquois) defeated Mahicans =monopoly of trade with Dutch= became well armed.•Iroquois make war on Algonquins, Huron, etc.•1640-Beaver had virtually disappeared in Hudson River Valley= center of fur trade moved northward to Canada (Huron allies of French lived).•Iroquois (declining) began aggressive war to expand their area of control= attacking smaller neighbors= survivors flee to Huron.

* The Dutch encouraged the Iroquois.

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The Indians & Colonial Wars

• The Iroquois defeated the French and their Indian allies consistently especially after the Iroquois allied with the British

The War in the South (Chickasaw Wars) (1700-1750)

The French allied with the Choctaw (along southern Mississippi River) who harassed the Chickasaw (who controlled territory).

• The French lose in the Beaver Wars & Chickasaw Wars• French & Indian War began in 1754= Indians attacked & killed

thousands of American settlers.

The Cherokee & the French & Indian War• initially ally with the British but, in 1757 with the war going bad for Britain

the Cherokee attacked American settlers on the frontier in NC, SC, Georgia (Fort Dobbs built)

• Cherokee were eventually defeated, signed a peace treaty in 1780’s.

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Backcountry settlers felt defenseless against Indian attack.•Anger at ruling colonial elite•1760’s & 1770’s Paxton Boys Revolt (Penn.) & Regulator Movement in NC•After the American revolution, state capitols will be moved from eastern seaboards to western portions of states.

Effects of Indian Unrest/War on American Colonists

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French Foothold in Canada• Like England, France was late in coming to New World—Why?

• 1598- Edict of Nantes -ends religious wars in France

• King Louis XIV- (ruled 72 years) took interest in overseas colonies.

• 1608: Colony established at Quebec by *Samuel de Champlain (*Father of New France)

*French government-

• autocratic, no trial by jury, no elected assemblies, so it grew slowly (1750- only 60,000)—no French Huguenots alllowed; landowning French citizens refused to go.

• Establish the fur trade (beaver)- “coureurs de bois”

• Friendly relations with Huron

• French Jesuits- converted Indians to Christianity

• French joined the Huron in battle against Iroquois Federation, who in future hampered French settlement/allies of British

• Government of New France under direct control of king, no democracy

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•The French set up trading posts for the fur trade and developed

working relationships

with the Indian tribes.

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New France Fans Out• French fur trappers ventured into present

day Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Arkansas, Missouri & Spanish Texas.

• Robert La Salle- floated down the Mississippi river (1682) to stop Spanish penetration into Gulf of Mexico.

* Founded Louisiana (1718- after La Salle died)

• Antoine Cadillac- founded Detroit to stop English settlement in Ohio Valley (1701)

• 1718- French settled fortified post New Orleans.

• Settled trading posts & forts in the Ohio Valley

• * Place names: Baton Rouge, Terre Haute, Des Moines, Grand Teton

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French Settlement & the Natives

The French gained much wealth from the fur trade with Indians and (Coureurs de Bois) & Voyageurs & Jesuits shaped relations with Indians.

Jesuits-in America were respectful of Indian ways—learning the languages, styles of dressing, & behaviors “to penetrate their thoughts” & convert them. •Created “Metis” –mixed blood as French explorers mingled with Indians.•Indians were soon hit hard by disease, alcohol, wars over decreasing turf (Beaver Wars/Wars of Mourning)•Indians often tried to find a “Middle Ground” as more whites moved in

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• 1713: Treaty of Utrecht English victory (French & Spanish loss)

– England given Nova Scotia (Acadia), Newfoundland, Hudson Bay

– 1755- All French forcibly removed from Acadia-Louisiana

• Generation of peace followed, more salutary neglect

• 1739: War of Jenkins’s Ear, England vs. Spain

– Fought in Caribbean, Georgia

Clash of Empires

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• War of Jenkin’s Ear merged with larger King George’s War (Austrian Succession)

– France allied with Spain

• New England colonials captured Louisbourg fort

• 1748: Peace treaty gives Louisbourg back to French

– Colonials mad at Old World diplomats=tensions

Clash of Empires

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Fortress Louisbourg

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Indian Habitation

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The Iroquois & The English

• 1701- Iroquois agree to peace treaty with French.

• During Queen Anne’s War, the Iroquois attacked French settlements.

• 1710- British attempt to get treaty with Iroquois (Three Mohawk chiefs & One Mahican chief met Queen Anne)

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The Iroquois & the English• The Treaty of Albany : 1721-1722 (Governor Alexander

Spotswood) of Virginia concluded the Treaty of Albany with Iroquois (aka The Six Nations).

• Renewed the “Covenant Chain” – Blue Ridge Mountains is line dividing Virginia Colony & Six Nations.

** 1730’s– Colonial governments could not stop settlers from moving beyond Blue Ridge= angered Iroquois Confederacy (who were told the line was meant to keep them from trespassing east NOT preventing colonists from expanding west).

* Iroquois attacked valley settlers.• To avoid all out war- Gov. Gooch (Va.) paid 1000 pounds

Gold for any land settled by whites.

Treaty of Lancaster (1744)-Iroquois sold remaining claim to Shenandoah Valley for 200 pounds gold.

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Conflict Over the Ohio Territory Origins

The Ohio Company•1748- Thomas Lee and Lawrence & Augustine Washington (relatives of G. Washington) organized the Ohio Company.•Virginia Royal Governor (Robert Dinwiddie) among others invested in it.•1749- British Parliament granted the company 200,000 acres & promised 300,000 acres (if the company settled 100 families

within 7 years) in Ohio Country between the Kanawha River & Monongahela River.

Loyal Company of Virginia (1749)- land speculation company established to recruit settlers to Ohio territory.

* Thomas Walker established a cabin (near Barbourville, Kentucky

***1752- The Ohio Company signed a treaty of friendship agreement with local Indians (Iroquois) at “Logstown”.

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The French in Ohio Territory

In 1749, the governor of New France sent 300 soldiers led by Celoron de Blainville down the Allegheny & Ohio River.•Nailed copper plates to trees long the way marking royal French land.•De Blainville arrived in Logstown & found English traders & evicted them.•Iroquois left angry back to their homeland tearing copper plates off trees along the way.

1750’s—The French constructed a line of Forts down through Ohio territory.

1753- Gov. Dinwiddie sent G. Washington to ask the French to leave---they refused.

1754—The French built Fort Duquesne on the site where a British fort had stood (Fort Prince George).

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Page 21: Clash of Empires 1688-1763: 4 world wars with England, France, Spain, all involving the American colonists 1 st two wars: King William’s War and Queen

• Concerned about French forts in Virginia Concerned about French forts in Virginia territory, Gov. Dinwiddie Sent G. Washington, a territory, Gov. Dinwiddie Sent G. Washington, a Lt. Colnel in the Virginia militia, to the Allegheny Lt. Colnel in the Virginia militia, to the Allegheny

River Valley. River Valley.

•1754-Washington leads 150 men against the French at Fort Duquesne and kills over a 100

French (Pittsburgh later).

•The Battle of Jumonville Glen (May 28,1754)- Va. Militia led by G. Washington & joined by Mingo Indian warriors led by Tenacharison (“Half King”)

ambushed 35 Canadiens led by Joseph de Jumonville.

•The Canadiens were surrounded & some were killed including the French commander


• Concerned about French forts in Virginia Concerned about French forts in Virginia territory, Gov. Dinwiddie Sent G. Washington, a territory, Gov. Dinwiddie Sent G. Washington, a Lt. Colnel in the Virginia militia, to the Allegheny Lt. Colnel in the Virginia militia, to the Allegheny

River Valley. River Valley.

•1754-Washington leads 150 men against the French at Fort Duquesne and kills over a 100

French (Pittsburgh later).

•The Battle of Jumonville Glen (May 28,1754)- Va. Militia led by G. Washington & joined by Mingo Indian warriors led by Tenacharison (“Half King”)

ambushed 35 Canadiens led by Joseph de Jumonville.

•The Canadiens were surrounded & some were killed including the French commander


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G. Washington Builds Fort Necessity

Washington & militia hastily built a fort at Great Meadows called Fort Necessity.•June 1754- 600 French, Canadien, & Indian allies under command of Jumonville’s brother left Fort Duquesne.•July 3—The French force captured Fort Necessity at Battle of Great Meadows.•Washington forced to negotiate a surrender.•Surrender document written in French (Washington could not fully understand)•Included language claiming that Jumonville was assassinated.

***Start of French & Indian War

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The French & Indian War (Seven Years War)

• Fought in America, Europe, West Indies, Philippines, Africa, & the ocean

• In Europe- Britain & Prussia vs. France, Spain, Austria, & Russia

• Bloodiest fighting ---in Germany- “America was conquered in Germany”-William Pitt

• France unable to fully fund war in America because of European fighting

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Seven Years Seven Years of Warof War

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•1754: Albany Congress – convened by the British government, led by Franklin ~ 1st attempt at colonial unity ~ only 7 of 13 colonies there•Immediate Purpose: keep Iroquois loyal through (bribes)

•Long range Purpose: bolster defense against France through colonial unity•Franklin sponsored plan for colonial home rule, unanimously adopted by

delegates from colonies•Individual Colonies rejected: not enough independence•London rejected the plan: too much independence

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•War goes poorly at first for BritainWar goes poorly at first for Britain

Gen. Edward BraddockGen. Edward Braddock -->1755 led -->1755 led British regulars & American colonials to British regulars & American colonials to attempt to evict the French from the OH attempt to evict the French from the OH Valley & Canada Valley & Canada (Newfoundland & Nova Scotia)(Newfoundland & Nova Scotia) Attacks OH Valley, Mohawk Attacks OH Valley, Mohawk Valley,Valley, & Acadia. & Acadia. Killed 10 mi. from Ft. Duquesne Killed 10 mi. from Ft. Duquesne by 1500 French and Indian by 1500 French and Indian forces.forces.

British are defeated by French & British are defeated by French & Indian allies (Indians go on Indian allies (Indians go on rampage)rampage)

British commanders scorn British commanders scorn American colonial fighting tactics American colonial fighting tactics (guerilla tactics)(guerilla tactics)

French expelled from LouisianaFrench expelled from Louisiana

1755 1755 Br. Decides to Br. Decides to Eliminate Fr. Presence in No. Eliminate Fr. Presence in No.


1755 1755 Br. Decides to Br. Decides to Eliminate Fr. Presence in No. Eliminate Fr. Presence in No.


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William Pitt Leads to Victory• 1757- Pitt becomes “Organizer of

Victory”, “The Great Commoner” P.M. for England

Pitt’s Strategy:

• Focused more on attacking the French in North America (Quebec & Montreal)—Not French West Indies

• Chose young, energetic commanders

• 1758- retakes Fort Louisbourg

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The Battle of Quebec (1759)

• Pitt chooses James Wolfe to command assault on Quebec

• British/colonial troops scale heights to overtake French troops protecting Quebec.

• *Plains of Abraham- British defeat the French (Wolfe v. Marquis de Montcalm-both killed)

• *Quebec surrendered to the British

• 1760– Montreal surrendered to English—last time French flag flew in Canada.

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“The Death of General Wolfe” by Benjamin West, 1770

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France --> France --> lost her Canadian lost her Canadian possessions, most of her empire in possessions, most of her empire in India, and claims India, and claims to lands east of the Mississippi to lands east of the Mississippi River.River.

•Thrown entirely out of North Thrown entirely out of North America (except for French speaking America (except for French speaking settlers)settlers)

Spain -->Spain --> got all French lands west got all French lands west of the Mississippi River (Louisiana), of the Mississippi River (Louisiana), New Orleans, but lost Florida to New Orleans, but lost Florida to England for Cuba.England for Cuba.England -->England --> got all French lands in got all French lands in Canada & North America, exclusive Canada & North America, exclusive rights to Caribbean slave trade, and rights to Caribbean slave trade, and commercial dominance in India; commercial dominance in India; naval power.naval power.

1763 1763 * *Treaty of Treaty of ParisParis

1763 1763 * *Treaty of Treaty of ParisParis

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Northwest Territory

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Treaty of Paris 1763Treaty of Paris 1763

•England gains French land from Canada to Florida and

Appalachians to the Mississippi River.

•England gains Florida from Spain.

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• March in formation March in formation or bayonet charge.or bayonet charge.

• Br. officers wanted Br. officers wanted to control control colonials.

• Prima Donna Br. Prima Donna Br. officers with servants officers with servants & tea settings. & tea settings.

• upset American upset American colonists continued to colonists continued to trade with West Indiestrade with West Indies

• Drills & toughDrills & tough discipline. discipline.

• Colonists should Colonists should pay for own for own defense.

• Indian-style guerillaIndian-style guerilla tactics. tactics.

• Col. militias servedCol. militias served under own captains. under own captains.

• No mil. deference orNo mil. deference or protocols observed. protocols observed.

• Resistance to risingResistance to rising taxes. taxes.

• Casual, Casual, non-professionals. non-professionals.

•Colonists traded withColonists traded with

West Indies (Fr. & Sp.)West Indies (Fr. & Sp.)

Methods ofMethods ofFighting:Fighting:






British-American British-American Colonial TensionsColonial TensionsBritish-American British-American Colonial TensionsColonial Tensions


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The War Changed Colonial Outlook

• Emerged with new self-confidence• Shattered myth of British invincibility• Learned Indian “guerilla” tactics• Colonial disunity-remained

unchanged (distance, geography, religion, social class)=barriers to unity melt

• Recognized a lot in common: language, traditions, ideals.

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1.1. It increased her colonial empire It increased her colonial empire in in the Americas. the Americas.2.2. It greatly enlarged EnglandIt greatly enlarged England’’s s


122 million pounds (4.4 million/year 122 million pounds (4.4 million/year interest)interest)3.3. BritainBritain’’s contempt for the s contempt for the colonials colonials created bitter feelings. created bitter feelings.

• Contempt for American officersContempt for American officers

• American secret trade with American secret trade with enemy nationsenemy nations

• Some Americans refused to Some Americans refused to fight French unless fight French unless reimbursed. reimbursed.

Effects of the War Effects of the War

on Britainon Britain??Effects of the War Effects of the War

on Britainon Britain??

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1.1. It united them against aIt united them against a common enemy for the first common enemy for the first time---the French!! time---the French!!

2.2. It created a socializing It created a socializing experience for all the experience for all the colonials who participated. colonials who participated.

3.3. It created bitter feelings It created bitter feelings

towards the British that towards the British that would only intensify. would only intensify.

Effects of the War on Effects of the War on the American the American


Effects of the War on Effects of the War on the American the American


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Pass a series of tax laws and have the Colonists help pay back the debt.

Pass a law restricting Colonists from moving westward into and settling the Northwest Territory.

Keep British troops in North America to stop Indian attacks and protect the Colonies.

Stop the smuggling of Colonials by enforcing the Navigation Acts with a series of unrestricted search warrants.

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Pontiac’s War or Rebellion• Named after one of the chiefs of

natives dissatisfied with British policy after the war.

• Tribes located in the Great Lakes area & Ohio valley.

British Policy Changes:• Viewed Native-Americans as

conquered.• Did away with “gift-giving” with Natives • Cut back on amount of guns & ammo

traded to Natives

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•1763-Chief Pontiac ( Ottawa leader) attacked English settlements in the Ohio

Valley (Detroit & 3 British outposts west of Appalachians).

•Killed 2000 British soldiers & settlers

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•Colonists moved into this new

territory causing Indian attacks on their settlements.

•Great Britain would prohibit the Colonists from moving


•After the war, Indians had to deal exclusively with Britain.

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The Paxton Boys (1763-64)• Vigilante group made up of Scots-Irish

settlers in central Penn.• Angry with Native-Americans after

French & Indian War and during Pontiac’s Rebellion.

• Killed 20 Susquehannock (Conestoga Massacre)

• 1764-marched on Philadelphia-angry that government was not protecting them; Ben Franklin promised consideration of their concerns.

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Northwest Territory

Indian Attacks Indian Attacks force British to force British to build forts to build forts to

protect settlers protect settlers moving westwardmoving westward

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•British Troop

Movements in response

to Chief Pontiac’s resistance

to negotiate.

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•Colonial pioneers such as Daniel Boone, defied the Colonial pioneers such as Daniel Boone, defied the Proclamation of Proclamation of 17631763 and crossed the Appalachians and settled areas in what would and crossed the Appalachians and settled areas in what would

become Kentucky- --1775-In Salisbury NC (wagons rolled west) become Kentucky- --1775-In Salisbury NC (wagons rolled west)

•The belief that the land westward was sacred land, fought and died for and that it was their birthrightbirthright….It belonged to them.

•The “American DreamAmerican Dream” could be found out west led many colonists to defy the Proclamation of 1763 and cross the Appalachians.

**British land policy: **British land policy: prohibited settlement in prohibited settlement in

the area west of the the area west of the Appalachian Appalachian Mountains.Mountains.

Meant to give British Meant to give British time to work out Indian time to work out Indian


**angered American angered American colonistscolonists

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People of DestinyPeople of Destiny

• Americans felt betrayed, they defied the Proclamation= bad sign for future of royal power

• War gave colonials sense of destiny to conquer whole continent

• War gave British confidence= heavy hand toward colonies

• Stage set for conflict

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Restless ColonialsRestless Colonials• Colonials: higher confidence in military ability, but

contempt from British (Washington demoted)• British concerned by disloyalty of American

shippers in war• Many colonies refused to provide money or troops

for war• Colonists wanted rights of Englishmen, but not

responsibilities.• Inter-colonial disunity had continued through war

(distance, religion, ethnicity, class), but participants in war had found commonality

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People of DestinyPeople of Destiny

• French presence had forced colonists to stay close to British, no more

• Spanish threat lessened (FL)• Indian threat lessened: Iroquois and

Creeks hurt by Treaty of Paris, could not play powers off each other