cities for climate protection

Cities for Climate Protection® Campaign Kim Lundgren Director, Northeast Regional Capacity Center ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability US Office UN Commission on Sustainable Development- CSD 14

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Page 1: Cities For Climate Protection

Cities for Climate Protection® Campaign

Kim Lundgren

Director, Northeast Regional Capacity Center

ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability

US Office

UN Commission on Sustainable Development- CSD 14

May 4, 2006

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A bit about ICLEI

An international association of local governments dedicated to a sustainable urban environment

Organized in 1990 under the sponsorship of the UN Environment Program and the International Union of Local Authorities

500+ local government members from 6 continents and 50+ countries

Governed by and for members

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Mission: To build a worldwide movement of local governments who achieve measurable reductions in local greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and enhance urban livability.

Participation: 500+ municipalities worldwide representing 10% world GHG emissions

Theme: Climate action makes sense for cities

Premise: Cumulative local actions have a positive impact on global climate change.

Cities for Climate Protection CampaignTM

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The Big Numbers

DemographicsWorld Population: 6 BillionWorld Urban Population: 2.8 Billion Population of CCP Participants: 243.2 MillionNumber of CCP Participants: 546

Emissions & Savings Annual World Urban Emissions: 9.15 Billion tons of eCO2*Annual Emissions from CCP Participants: 1.85 Billion tons of eCO2*Percentage of World Urban Emissions from CCP Participants: 20% Estimated Annual Emissions Reduced by CCP Participants: 60 Million tons of eCO2*Estimated Annual USD Saved by CCP Participants: $2.1 Billion*

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CCP Milestones

• Conduct an emissions inventory• Set emissions reduction target• Develop Climate Action Plan to meet target• Implement Local Action Plan• Monitor and report on progress

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Multiple Benefits for Local Governments

• Reduce municipal operating costs

• Improve air quality

• Improve public health

• Reduce traffic congestion

• Develop local economy

• Create local employment

• Improve quality of life

• Energy Security & Safeguards

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• Tools and methodology

• Emissions quantification software

• Technical assistance

• Training sessions

• Professional network

• Competitive grants

• Publications

• Interactive website

What ICLEI Provides

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ICLEI: International Development Programs

Local energy and waste governance– CCP (Cities for Climate Protection campaign)– PEPS– Ecobudget

Water campaign Transportation, measures implementation Exchanges and peer transfer Meeting facilitation (COP, WSSD, etc)

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USAID Support History

Mexico and Philippines, 1999 India/Indonesia, 2001 South Africa, 2001 HEAT software development, 2004

– India, Indonesia, South Africa and Brazil

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CCP Philippines

Launched in 1999 16 local government members

– combined population of more than 5 million– interest from many additional localities and provinces

60+ projects implemented– 40,000+ tons of GHG emission reductions achieved– $7.5 million in annual cost savings achieved

More than a dozen projects in the pipeline– can leverage ICLEI’s work on water governance

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CCP Indonesia

Begun in 2001 with 5 cities; 10 members in 2005– more than 6.5 million inhabitants

26 projects initiated– over US$ 4 million in domestic investment leveraged– 500,000+ tons of eCO2 avoided per year (mostly from new

composting programs diverting waste from dumps)– annual savings approaching US$ 1 million

20+ projects in the pipeline– tremendous interest in waste-to-biogas projects– substantial support for BRT from Jakarta’s experience

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CCP India

• Growth from 7 cities to 16, and demand is increasingGrowth from 7 cities to 16, and demand is increasing

• 10 projects implemented: focus10 projects implemented: focus energy efficiency energy efficiency• Energy Saved - 4 Million KwhEnergy Saved - 4 Million Kwh• Carbon Emissions Reduced - 4000 T / YrCarbon Emissions Reduced - 4000 T / Yr• Potential of 125597 T/Yr and $$ Savings: $6,563,177Potential of 125597 T/Yr and $$ Savings: $6,563,177• USD 3+ million leveraged domestic investmentUSD 3+ million leveraged domestic investment• 1 million non-USAID ODA investment1 million non-USAID ODA investment

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Introducing HEAT.

Online global database of emissions and action plans All sectors, from energy, waste, transportation. Standardized reporting for all cities Easy-to-use emissions calculators Multilingual Air pollution and GHG co-benefits analysis Local to global reporting Users get accounts: all you need is a internet browser

The Harmonized Emissions Analysis Tool

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HEAT’s Global Partnership

Data Developers Bandung Institute of Technology: Indonesia Bajaj Auto: India University of Cape Town: South Africa CETESB, U of Rio/COPPE, Brazil

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HEAT Quantification Tools

HEAT contains calculators to compute emission mitigation options, e.g.,

• Energy efficiency• Landfill gas capture (IPCC/EPA LandGEM)• Fleet fuel switch• Installing renewable energy• Many others…..

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HEAT Framework

User account database• Emission inventories• Action plans• Local commitment tracking

Emission Tools• Inventory• Measures

Reporting• User level• National level• Global level

Carbon offsetsCost savingsPollution benefits

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Who will use HEAT?

Local and State Governments Energy, transportation, land use, and waste

planners Research community NGOs Anyone wishing to translate energy data into

an emissions estimate

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How to use HEAT

Members Area: Full access uses that can store track and report emission inventories and mitigation action plans for many years.

Guest Access: Support for the general public to use quantification calculators, and to evaluate the application.

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Future for HEAT?

This year development, next year deployment… Hundreds of inventories and action plans online HEAT becomes premiere international repository for

local energy and emissions data. Developing additional modules:

– Carbon Asset Accounting– Land use/carbon stock– Sustainability indicators– Vulnerability/Adaptation tools

Develop dispersion link to World Bank SIM/BAQ model.

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Local Renewables Model Communities Network Project

A new initiative of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

• Supported by BMZ with technical support form GTZ Germany

• Time frame : November 2005 to October 2008

• Objectives:

- to promote generation and supply of RE and EE with a focus on the roles and responsibilities of local governments as the driving force for innovation and investment

- to motivate and enable two/three local governments from India to anchor the development of RE sources in their municipal development strategies and to initiate related activities

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Local Renewables Model Communities Network Project

Three complementary components of the project:

A: Model Communities:

- ICLEI will support the development of two/three “model” communities in India

- The model communities will commit to creating local policies to encourage

- EE & the increased use of RE renewable energy

- Establish & operate capacity centres:

- demonstrate & promote RE & EE technologies

- provide information and advice

- The model communities will set examples & encourage additional municipalities to emulate their progressive energy policies.

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Local Renewables Model Communities Network Project

Three complementary components of the project (Contd.):

B: Network:

- ICLEI will facilitate the linkage of the two/three model communities in India with existing pilot cities in Africa, Europe, Latin America & US through an international Network

- ICLEI will also link relevant academic institutes, NGOs, municipal and professional associations and international agencies to the Network

C: Replication:

- To ensure the LocalRenewables Network grows beyond India, ICLEI will design and fundraise for more model projects in additional countries

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Impacts of the project

 On the local level:

• a reduction in the rate of growth of energy consumption;

• improved access to lower-cost energy services for the urban poor;

• a reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants;

• a healthier, cheaper and more sustainable, secure and efficient energy supply.

 Additional local benefits that the project will seek to provide include:

• job creation and creation of opportunities for entrepreneurship

• reduced operating costs for municipally owned systems & facilities from the utilization of RE sources and improvements in EE

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On a national and/or international level:

Cities and other entities that do not directly participate in the project will benefit from:

• Establishment of a benchmark for other local governments & national governments in the formulation and implementation of energy policies;

• Increased demand for renewable energy technologies;

• Reduced pressure on global environmental common goods;

• Strengthened cooperation between local governments;

• Showcases for more countries to start national model projects; and

• Enriched technical knowledge that ICLEI can provide to further cities and actors.

Impacts of the project

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Activity Plan- Model Communities

Phase I (completed)

• Selection of project cities

Phase II 2006

• Establishing Renewable Energy Resource Center in the selected cities

• Create Stakeholder Group

• Identification and Collaboration with Private Partners

• Formulating RE Targets for the cities (By December)

• Organize an Awareness Campaign (In July)

• Replication

•Identifying and liaising with other Local Governments, Govt./Semi Govt research Institutions Private companies & housing companies in the region

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Phase II 2007

• Finalising the City RE/EE Policy and its formal adoption by City Council (By May)

• Implementation of Local Renewable Policy/ Projects (May-September)

• Launch pilot projects and monitor results

• Network Business plans for specific measures developed by ICLEI (October-December)

• Replication in Indian Cities

• Outlining ways in which national governments, local governments, investors and other actors can be linked to the project

Phase II 2008

• Revision of Local Renewable Policy document and targets for city (By June)

• Efforts for reaching at least 5 goals of Local RE Policy (By July)

• Establish links between all stakeholders

Activity Plan- Model Communities

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Network: Year 2006-08• Set up an international network

• Invite African/European/Latin American/US cities

• Involvement of further actors in network

• International Network Meetings

• Establish database

• Create a Web learning center

Outreach : Year 2006-08• Project WWW

• Continuous documentations of model activities

• Establish contacts with Existing model cities projects  

• International presentation of project

• Trade show

• LR International Conference

Activity Plan - Network & Outreach

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Contact Information

Kim Lundgren

Director, Northeast Regional Capacity Center


Email:[email protected]

Phone: 617.820.8038

Jim Yienger

Director, Policy Institute


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 510.332.4988
