citate despre prietenie

Citate despre prietenie – Proverbe despre prietenie – 100 de definitii ale prieteniei – Ce este prietenul adevarat - Unii prieteni sunt umbre, nu apar decat cand e Soare. De Mihail Sadoveanu - Un prieten este un dar pe care ti-l faci tie insuti. De Robert Louis Stevenson - Un prieten este un alt tu insuti. De Zenon - Un prieten este o persoana cu care pot fi sincer. In fata lui pot gandi cu voce tare. De Ralph Waldo Emerson - Un prieten este o persoana care stie totul despre tine si inca te place. De Elbert Hubbard - Un prieten este cineva care te cunoaste asa cum esti, intelege ce ai fost, accepta ce ai devenit si, cu blandete, te lasa sa cresti in continuare. De William Shakespeare - Un prieten este cineva care iti da libertate totala pentru a fi tu insuti. De James Douglas Morrison - Un prieten este cineva care are aceeasi dusmani ca si tine. De Abraham Lincoln - Un prieten adevarat te prinde de mana si iti atinge inima . De Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Un prieten adevarat iti va ramane intotdeauna prieten. Din The Marquess of Lossie - Un prieten adevarat iti stie slabiciunile, dar iti arata calitatile, iti simte temerile, dar iti intareste credinta, iti cunoaste ingrijorarile, dar iti elibereaza spiritul, iti recunoaste defectele, dar iti subliniaza posibilitatile. De William Arthur Ward - Un prieten adevarat este cineva care iti trece cu vederea esecurile si iti tolereaza succesul. De Doug Larson - Singura prietenie de pret este cea care s-a nascut fara motiv. Din Arthur van Schendel - Singura cale de a avea un prieten e sa fii unul. De Ralph Waldo Emerson - Sfera de cunostinte a lui Seneca a fost intregita cand a aflat ca un prieten ajuns la putere insemna un prieten mai putin. De Henry Adams - Sa nu legi niciodata prietenie cu omul pe care nu-l poti respecta. De Charles Darwin - Prietenul tau are un prieten, iar acel prieten al

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Page 1: Citate despre prietenie

Citate despre prietenie – Proverbe despre prietenie – 100 de definitii ale prieteniei – Ce este prietenul adevarat

-          Unii prieteni sunt umbre, nu apar decat cand e Soare. De Mihail Sadoveanu-          Un prieten este un dar pe care ti-l faci tie insuti. De Robert Louis Stevenson-          Un prieten este un alt tu insuti. De Zenon-          Un prieten este o persoana cu care pot fi sincer. In fata lui pot gandi cu voce tare. De Ralph Waldo Emerson-          Un prieten este o persoana care stie totul despre tine si inca te place. De Elbert Hubbard-          Un prieten este cineva care te cunoaste asa cum esti, intelege ce ai fost, accepta ce ai devenit si, cu blandete, te lasa sa cresti in continuare. De William Shakespeare-          Un prieten este cineva care iti da libertate totala pentru a fi tu insuti. De James Douglas Morrison-          Un prieten este cineva care are aceeasi dusmani ca si tine. De Abraham Lincoln-          Un prieten adevarat te prinde de mana si iti atinge inima

. De Gabriel Garcia Marquez-          Un prieten adevarat iti va ramane intotdeauna prieten. Din The Marquess of Lossie-          Un prieten adevarat iti stie slabiciunile, dar iti arata calitatile, iti simte temerile, dar iti intareste credinta, iti cunoaste ingrijorarile, dar iti elibereaza spiritul, iti recunoaste defectele, dar iti subliniaza posibilitatile. De William Arthur Ward-          Un prieten adevarat este cineva care iti trece cu vederea esecurile si iti tolereaza succesul. De Doug Larson-          Singura prietenie de preteste cea care s-a nascut fara motiv. Din Arthur van Schendel-          Singura cale de a avea un prieten e sa fii unul. De Ralph Waldo Emerson-          Sfera de cunostinte a lui Seneca a fost intregita cand a aflat ca un prieten ajuns la putere insemna un prieten mai putin. De Henry Adams-          Sa nu legi niciodata prietenie cu omul pe care nu-l poti respecta. De Charles Darwin-          Prietenul tau are un prieten, iar acel prieten al prietenului tau are si el un prieten, asa ca fii discret. Din Talmud-          Prietenul este raspunsul dat nevoilor noastre. De Kahlil Gibran-          Prietenii vin si pleaca dar dusmanii se aduna. De Thomas Jones-          Prietenii sunt rude pe care ti le faci. De Eustache Deschamps-          Prietenii sunt acei oameni rari care te intreaba ce mai faci si apoi asteapta sa auda raspunsul. De Ed Cunningham-          Prietenii se pretind sinceri, dusmanii sunt intr-adevar. Din Arthur Schopenhauer-          Prietenii raman prieteni. Cei care nu raman… inseamna ca n-au fost. De Ada Milea-          Prietenii mei nu sunt multi, dar sunt nenumarati. De Nichita Stanescu-          Prietenie. Incredere si respect. De Ovidiu Oana-          Prietenie inseamna sa fii alaturi de prieteni nu cand au dreptate, ci cand gresesc. De Andre Malraux-          Prietenia inseamna un suflet in doua trupuri. De Aristotel-          Prietenia inseamna a fi frate si sora, doua suflete ce se ating fara sa se confunde, doua degete ale aceleiasi maini. De Victor Hugo-          Prietenia este… tipul de dragoste pe care ne inchipuim ca o traiesc ingerii. De C. S. Lewis

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-          Prietenia este una din mangaierile vietii. De Gala Galaction-          Prietenia este un bland angajament al inimii. De Motesquieu-          Prietenia este umbra serii, care se inteteste odata cu apusul soarelui vietii. De La Fontaine-          Prietenia este o relatie interpersonala care se bazeaza pe incredere, cinste, toleranta. De A. Von Kotzebue-          Prietenia este o hainavaloroasa care se curata cand se murdareste, nu se arunca la prima pata. De Cato cel Batran-          Prietenia este o delicata legatura a sufletelor prin o armonie in cele mari si bune. De Goethe-          Prietenia este inchisoarea sufletului de buna voie in trup strain. De Dimitrie Cantemir-          Prietenia este incercarea prin care se masoara un om. De Oscar Wilde-          Prietenia este firul de aur care leaga inima intregii lumi. De John Evelyn-          Prietenia este egalitate armonioasa. De Pitagora-          Prietenia este cu siguranta cel mai bun balsam pentru durerile provocate de deceptiile din dragoste. De Jane Austen-          Prietenia este confortul inexprimabil de a te simti in siguranta cu o persoana, fara a trebui sa-ti cantaresti gandurile, nici sa-ti masori cuvintele. De Geoge Eliot-          Prietenia consta in a sti ca ai un ajutor in plussi un necaz mai putin. De Marcio Barrios-          Prietenia este cel mai de pret bun al omului. Fara prietenie nu e dragoste, fara dragoste nu e prietenie. De Goethe-          Prieteni are cel ce stie sa si-i faca! De Ioan Slavici-          Prieten. Dusmanul dusmanului meu. De Valeriu Butulescu-          Prieten se numeste omul care te ajuta fara ca verbul sa fie urmat de un complement circumstantial de timp sau de loc sau de mod. De Nicolae Steinhardt-          Prieten ne este cel care ne cunoaste, si cu toate astea ne iubeste oricum. De Jerome Cummings-          Prieten iti este cel care te ocroteste de prostii, nu cel care te indeamna la ele. De Iosif M. Cristian-          Prieten este cel cu care poti ramane in liniste. De Camillo Sbarbaro-          Prieten e omul care lupta cu dusmanii mei, nu cel care are aceiasi prieteni cu Tristan Bernard-          Ori ai multe idei si putini prieteni, ori multi prieteni si putine idei. Din Santiago Ramon y Cajal-          Omul trebuie sa aiba si prieteni si dusmani: prietenii il invata ce trebuie sa faca, iar dusmanii il obliga sa faca ce trebuie. De Plutarh-          Omul si-a gasit multi prieteni in randul animalelor, de regula necomestibile. De Valeriu Butulescu-          Of, crud mai este sa gusti din singuratate, alaturi de prieteni. De Iosif M. Cristian-          Oamenii nu mai au timp sa cunoasca nimic. Ei cumpara lucruri de gata de la negutatori. Cum insa nu exista negutatori de prieteni, oamenii nu mai au prieteni. De Antoine de Saint-Exupery-          O spun doar ca un fapt pe care nu-l comentez: daca toti oamenii ar sti ce spun ceilalti despre ei, n-ar mai exista in lume nici macar patru prieteni. De Blaise Pascal-          O singura clipa de impacare este mai de pret decat o viataintreaga de prietenie. De Gabriel Garcia Marquez-          Nu stim niciodata daca o prietenie se naste mai curand din contraste decat din asemanari. Din Balzac

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-          Nu putem ajunge departe in prietenie daca nu suntem dispusi sa ne iertam unii altora micile cusururi. Din La Bruyere-          Nu judecati oamenii dupa cei cu care se aduna. Nu uitati ca Iuda avea amici ireprosabili. Din Ernest Hemingway-          Nu imi distrug oare dusmanii atunci cand mi-i fac prieteni? De Abraham Lincoln-          Nu face prieteni cel ce niciodata nu si-a facut vreun dusman. De Alfred Tennyson-          Nu existam decat pentru dusmanii nostri si pentru cativa prieteni care nu ne iubesc. De Emil Cioran-          Nu exista prieteni in politica, exista numai prieteni politici. De Titu Maiorescu-          Nu ai cum sa cunosti pe cineva cu adevarat pana nu i-ai fost prieten. Din Walker Best-          Mi-e dor de un dusman adevarat. Ma sufoca devotamentul falsilor prieteni. De Valeriu Butuelscu-          Mai bine pierzi un prieten, decat un cuvant de spirit. Din Quintilian-          Intr-o prietenie, lucrul cel mai greu nu este de a ne da pe fata defectele dinaintea unui prieten, ci de a-l face sa si le vada pe ale lui. Din La Rochefoucauld-          In vremuri bune, prietenii ne cunosc. In vremuri grele, noi ii cunoastem pe ei. De John Collins-          In afaceri nu avem prieteni, ci doar parteneri. De Alexandre Dumas-          Imi place sa stiu totul despre noii mei prieteni, dar nimic despre cei vechi. De Oscar Wilde-          Iubirea este singura forta capabila sa transforme un inamic intr-un prieten. De Martin Luther King-          Fetele nu vor fratii si prietenii, ci adoratori, si cel mai plat Don Juan are mai multi sorti de izbanda decat fadul coleg si prieten. Jos ipocrizia colegiala! De George Calinescu-          Fara fidelitate nu exista nici iubire, nici prietenie, nici virtute in lume. De Joseph Addison-          Esenta prieteniei sta in integritate, generozitate si incredere deplina. Ea nu poate banui sau incuraja infirmitatea. Singurul fel de a avea prieteni este de a fi prieten. De Ralph Waldo Emerson-          Dusmanii se recruteaza dintre prieteni. De Grigore Moisil-          Dumnezeu a creat barbatul si, necrezandu-l suficient de singur, i-a dat o prietena ca sa simta si mai mult singuratatea sa. De Paul Valery-          Dragostea este prietenie cu momente erotice. De Antonio Gala-          Daca vrei sa-ti faci rudele prieteni, inrudeste-te, intai cu prietenii! De Victor Martin-          Daca vrei sa gasesti in drumul tau prietenie, gingasie si poezie, ia-le cu tine. Din Georges Duhamel-          Daca socotesti prieten pe cineva in care nu ai aceeasi incredere ca si in tine insuti, faci o mare greseala si nu cunosti valoarea adevaratei prietenii. Din Seneca-          Daca cel mai bun prieten se imbolnaveste, fireste ca il voi compatimi, dar asta nu inseamna ca va trebui sa ma simt vinovat pentru ca sunt fericit. De Jaques Salome-          Daca vrei sa iti cauti un dusman, cauta printre prietenii de zi cu zi. De Mihai Stanciuc-          Cu cat ne iubim mai mult prietenii, cu atat ii vom flata mai putin. Din Moliere-          Cred in compatibilitatea spiritului uman. Sunt sigur ca am in lume milioane de prieteni pe care nu-i cunosc. De Valeriu Butulescu-          Cel mai greu, cred, e sa construiesti o prietenie. Sa-ti gasesti un barbat e mult mai usor. De Olimpia Malai-          Cel mai desavarsit dusman si cel mai mangaietor prieten este propria noastra memorie. De Nichita Stanescu

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-          Cel mai bun mod de a cunoaste si a nimici un dusman este sa te prefaci ca-i esti prieten. De Paulo Coelho-          Cel ce are o mie de prieteni, nu are un prieten de aruncat, dar cel ce are un dusman, il va intalni pretutindeni. De Ali ibn-Ali-Talib-          Ce sunt prietenii? Acelasi suflet in doua trupuri… De Aristotel-          Cartile sunt prieteni reci, dar siguri. De Victor Hugo-          Bunele maniere si bunele moravuri sunt prieteni nedespartiti si aliati durabili. De C. A. Bartol-          Cine nu gandeste nu iubeste! Nu exista natiune fara ratiune! De Valeriu Butulescu-          Biblia ne indeamna sa ne iertam dusmanii, nu si prietenii. De Margot Asquit-          Am prieteni de 3 feluri: prieteni care ma iubesc; prieteni care ma inseala; prieteni care ma detesta. De Alfred de Vigny-          Am invatat ca nu e nevoie sa schimbam prietenii daca intelegem ca prietenii se schimba. Din Kathe Kane Hensen-          Am atatia prieteni in lumea literara, incat mi-e imposibil sa scriu o carte proasta, fara sa le trezesc entuziasmul. De Valeriu Butulescu-          Adevarata prietenie e ca sanatatea; valoarea ei este rar apreciata, pana cand ai pierdut-o. De Charles Caleb Colton-          Adevaratii prieteni sunt aceia care se afla alaturi de noi atunci cand ni se intampla lucruri bune si se bucura de victoriile noastre. Falsii prieteni apar in momentele grele, cu mutra plouata, “de solitaritate” cu noi, dar de fapt suferinta noastra ii consoleaza pentru viata lor mizerabila. De Paulo Coelho-          A avea un prieten este mai vital decat a avea un inger. De Nichita Stanescu

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Friendship Quotes: Famous & Historic

"Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache: do be my enemy for friendship's sake."- William Blake, sent in by Lauren

"Tell me what company thou keepst, and I'll tell thee what thou art."- Miguel de Cervantes (1547 - 1616) Spanish novelist.

"Have no friends not equal to yourself."- Confucious (551 - 497 BC) Chinese philosopher.

"Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends."- Jacques Delille (1738 - 1813) French poet.

"A Friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature."- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) US poet & essayist.

"Keep your friendships in repair."- Ralph Waldo Emerson (as above)

"A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud."- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one."- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, Sir, should keep his friendship in constant repair."- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784) British lexiographer.

"True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice."- Samuel Johnston, (as above)

"It is more shameful to distrust one's friends than to be deceived by them."- Duc de la Rochefoucauld (1613 - 1680) French writer.

"If it is abuse - why one is always sure to here of it from one damned good-natured friend or other!"- Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751 - 1816) British dramatist.

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."- George Washington (1732 - 1799) US Statesman.

"True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation."- George Washington, (as above)

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"I can never think of promoting my convenience at the expense of a friend's interest and inclination."- George Washington, (as above)

"Should auld aquaintance be forgot, And never brought to min'?"- Robert Burns (1759 - 1796) Scottish poet.

"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us."- Epicurus (341 - 270 BC) Greek philosopher.

"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us."- Epicurus (as above)

"These are called the pious frauds of friendship."- Henry Fielding (1707 - 1754) British novelist.

"Always, Sir, set a high value on spontaneous kindness. he whose inclination prompts him to cultivate your friendship of his own accord, will love you more than one whom you have been at pains to attach to you."- Samuel Johnston (1709 - 1784) British lexicographer.

"Sir, I look upon every day to be lost, in which I do not make a new acquantaince."- Samuel Johnston, (as above)

"To like and dislike the same things, that is indeed true friendship."- Sallust (86 - 334 BC) Roman historian

"One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives."- Euripides, Greek playwrite

"My friends are my estate."- Emily Dickinson

"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant."- Socrates, Greek Philosopher

"Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together"- Woodrow Wilson

"Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."- Oscar Wilde

"Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel;But do not dull thy palm with entertainmentOf each new-hatch'd, unfledg'd comrade."- William Shakespeare

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"Friendship with oneself is all-important because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world."- Eleanor Roosevelt

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."- Mother Teresa

"I will speak ill of no man, and speak all the good I know of everybody."- Benjamin Franklin

"Misfortune shows those who are not really friends."- Aristotle

"The bird a nest,the spider a web,man friendship."- William Blake

"Friendship is love without his wings"- Lord Byron

"Friendship is love with wings."

"Never injure a friend, even in jest."- Cicero

"When true friends meet in adverse hour;'Tis like a sunbeam through a shower.A watery way an instant seen,The darkly closing clouds between."- Sir Walter Scott

"... no man is uselesswhile he has a friend."- Robert Louis Stevenson

"A true friend stabs you in the front."- Oscar Wilde

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends,And say my glory was I had such friends."- William Yeats

"Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with."- Mark Twain

"Thus nature has no love for solitude, and always leans, as it were, on some support; and the sweetest support is found in the most intimate friendship."- Cicero

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"Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind."- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

"The best mirror is an old friend."- George Herbert

"With every friend I love who has been taken into the brown bosom of the earth a part of me has been buried there; but their contribution to my being of happiness, strength and understanding remains to sustain me in an altered world."- Helen Keller

"What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies."- Aristotle

"The friendship that can cease has never been real."- Saint Jerome

"I count myselt in nothing else so happyAs in a soul rememb'ring my good friends."- William Shakespeare

"I find friendship to be like wine, raw when new, ripened with age, the true old man's milk and restorative cordial."- Thomas Jefferson

"Sir, more than kisses, letters, mingle souls;For, thus friends absent speak."- John Donne

"Too late we learn, a man must hold his friendUnjudged, accepted, trusted to the end."- John Boyle O'Reilly

"Friends have all things in common."- Plato

"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods."- Artistotle

"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me."- Henry Ford

"The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life."- Edward Everett Hale

"Except in cases of necessity, which are rare, leave your friend to learn unpleasant things from his enemies; they are ready enough to tell them."- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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"The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend. I have no wealth to bestow on him. If he knows that I am happy in loving him, he will want no other reward. Is not friendship divine in this?"- Henry David Thoreau

"Friendship that flows from the heart cannot be frozen by adversity, as the water that flows from the spring cannogt congeal in winter."- James Fenimore Cooper

"Those that want friends to open themselves unto are cannibals of their own hearts."- Fracis Bacon

"Friendship without self interest is one of the rare and beautiful things in life."- James Francis Byrnes

"Friendship is the only thing in the world concerning the usefulness of which all mankind are agreed."- Cicero

"I do not wish to treat friendships daintily, but with the roughest courage. When they are real, they are not glass threads or frost-work, but the solidest thing we know."- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Do not save your loving speechesFor your friends till they are dead;Do not write them on their tombstones,Speak them rather now instead.- Anna Cummins

"True friendship's laws are by this rule express'd,Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest."- Alexander Pope

"A friend is, as it were, a second self.- Cicero (Sent by Nigar Baimova)

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious, it is the true sourse of art, science, and friendship."- Albert Einstien (Sent by Brandon Merenda)

"But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life; and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of life is sunshine."- Thomas Jefferson (Sent by Shawn)

"The world would be so lonely, in sunny hours or gray. Without the gift of friendship, to help us every day."- Hilda Brett Farr

"All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon the sand."- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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"In a friend you find a second self."- Isabelle Norton

"Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours."- Ludwig van Beethoven

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."- Helen Keller

"Happiness is time spent with a friend and looking foward to sharing time with them again."- Lee Wilkinson

"Ah, how good it feels...the hand of an old friend"- Mary Englebright

"A friend should be a master at guessing and keeping still."- Friedrich Nietzsche

"Friendship is a single soul dwellings in two bodies."- Aristotle

"A friend to all is a friend to none."- Aristotle

"Little do men percieve what solitue is, and how far it extendeth. For a crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures, and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love."- Francis Bacon

"Friendship is the only thing in the world concerning the usefulness of which all mankind are agreed."- Cicero

"I do not wish to treat friendships daintily, but with the roughest courage. When they are real, they are not glass threads or frost-work, but the solidest thing we know."- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The only thing to do is to hug one's friends tight and do one's job."- Edith Wharton

"Never injure a friend, even in jest."- Cicero

"When true friends meet in adverse hour;'Tis like a sunbeam through a shower.A watery way an instant seen,The darkly closing clouds between."- Sir Walter Scott

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"... no man is uselesswhile he has a friend."- Robert Louis Stevenson

"Never shall i forget the days i spent with you . continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours."-Ludwig Van Beethoven

"Be slow in choosing your friends; slower in changing."-Benjamin Franklin -Sent in by André

The following five quotes were sent in by Handan"Go often to the house of thy friend, for weeds choke the unused path."-Ralph Waldo Emerson, American writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

"Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing."-Benjamin Franklin

" 'Stay' is a charming word in a friends vocabulary."-Louisa Mary Alcott [1832-1888], American writer, reformist

"Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after."-Anne Morrow Lindbergh

"When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves."-William Arthur Ward

"Friendship? Yes Please."-Charles Dickens - Sent in by Steffi

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

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Please be paitent; this page may take time to load due to our wealth of quotes! :)

"True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."- Charles Caleb Colton

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."- Anais Nin

"My friends are my estate."- Emily Dickinson

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

"A friend is one who walks in when others walk out"-Walter Winchell

"A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else."- Len Wein - Sent by Paulo Louro

"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."- Sent by Donna Roberts

"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."- Sent by Lysha

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.Walk beside me and be my friend."- Albert Camus (also attributed to Maimonidies). Sent by clovers

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"A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more."- Sent by Jasmine Fitzwilliam

"Everyone is a friend, until they prove otherwise."- sent by Steve

"Every person is a new door to a different world."- from movie "Six Degrees of Seperation" (thanks to Steve's Famous Quotes)

"It takes a long time to grow an old friend."- by John Leonard (thanks to Steve's Famous Quotes)

"Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you."- Elbert Hubard

"I get by with a little help from my friends."- John Lennon

"Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up."- Bible: Ecclesiastes

"Two may talk together under the same roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends."- Mary Catherwood

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival."- C. S. Lewis

"I might give my life for my friend, but he had better not ask me to do up a parcel."- Logan Pearsall Smith

"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."- (sent by Dior Yamasaki)

"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships."- Abraham Lincoln, (sent by Heather Myers)

"The love of my life is the love between friends."- (sent by Jess)

"One's best friend is oneself."- (sent by Jess)

"A Friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway!!!"- (sent by Heather Tallent)

"To be depressed is to be lonely; to have a friend is to be happy..."- Guido

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The following Girl Scouts Motto has been submitted by many people in varying forms, so I've just placed the three most popular versions on:

1) "Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other gold"

2) "Make new friends, both young and old, one in Silver, the other Gold."

3) "Make new friends but keep the old, some are silver and others are Gold"

4}"I have a hand, and you have another; put them together and we have each other."

"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen."- (sent by Steve Klaka)

"Sometimes you pick your friends, sometimes they pick you."- (sent by Steve Klaka)

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him, his own."-Benjamin Disraeli

"Though our communication wanes at times of absence, I'm aware of a strength that emanates in the background."-Claudette Renner

"I can trust my friends. These people force me to examine, encourage me to grow."-Cher

"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being."-Goethe

"Friendship is a pretty full-time occupation if you really are friendly with somebody. You canít have too many friends because then youíre just not really friends."

"No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever."- Francois Mocuriac - Sent in by spiff

"Give others freedom to be themselves. Appreciate the differences between their ways an yours."- (sent by Jennifer Chen)

"Friends are the Bacon Bits in the Salad Bowl of Life."- "Pizza Place Sign", (sent by Rory Bristol)

The following 5 quotes were sent by Danielle N. Redfield - Thanks!! :) :)

"Friendship is one mind in two bodies."- Mencius

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"Truth and tears clear the way to a deep and lasting friendship."

"True friendship is never serene."- Mariede Svign

"Friendship: a building contract you sign with laughter and break with tears."

"Friends are God's way of taking care of us."

"It's the friends you can call up at 4am that matter."- Marlene Dietrick

"A friend is a gift you give yourself."- Robert Louis Stevenson, (sent by Julio Fung)

"Friend - a person known well to another and regarded with liking, affection and loyalty."- Collins English Dictionary

"A new friendship is like an unripened fruit - it may become either an orange or a lemon"- Emma Stacey

"Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."- Oscar Wilde

"Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel;But do not dull thy palm with entertainmentOf each new-hatch'd, unfledg'd comrade."- William Shakespeare

"Friendship with oneself is all-important because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world."- Eleanor Roosevelt

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."- Mother Teresa

"I will speak ill of no man, and speak all the good I know of everybody."- Benjamin Franklin

"Misfortune shows those who are not really friends."- Aristotle

"Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with."- Mark Twain

"Thus nature has no love for solitude, and always leans, as it were, on some support; and the sweetest support is found in the most intimate friendship."

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- Cicero

"Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind."- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

"The best mirror is an old friend."- George Herbert

"What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies."- Aristotle

"The friendship that can cease has never been real."- Saint Jerome

"I count myselt in nothing else so happyAs in a soul rememb'ring my good friends."- William Shakespeare

"I find friendship to be like wine, raw when new, ripened with age, the true old man's milk and restorative cordial."- Thomas Jefferson

"Sir, more than kisses, letters, mingle souls;For, thus friends absent speak."- John Donne

"Too late we learn, a man must hold his friendUnjudged, accepted, trusted to the end."- John Boyle O'Reilly

"Friends have all things in common."- Plato

"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods."- Artistotle

"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me."- Henry Ford

"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. They are but trifles, to be sure but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable."

"No soul is desolate as long as there is a human being for whom it can feel trust and reverence."- George Eliot

"It is a sweet thing, friendship, a dear balm,A happy and auspicious bird of calm..."- Shelly

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"The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away."- Wilson Mizner

"The happiest moments my heart knows are those in which it is pouring forth its affections to a few esteemed characters."- Thomas Jefferson

"One can never speak enough of the virtues, the dangers, the power of shared laughter."- Francoise Sagan

"Friendship is always a sweet responsibilty, never an oppourtunity."- Kahil Gibran

"There is magic in the memory of schoolboy friendships; it softens the heart, and even affects the nervous system of those who have no heart."- Bejamin Disraeli

"I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends."- Walt Whitman

"True friendship is never serene."- Marquise de Sevigne

"When friends stop being frank and useful to each other, the whole world loses some of its radiance."- Anatole Broyard

"Friends are born, not made."- Henry Adams

"This communicating of a man's self to his friend works two contrary effects; for it redoubleth joy, and cutteth griefs in half."- Francis Bacon

"Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose."- Tehyi Hsieh

"There is no hope of joy except in human relations."- Antoine de Sainte-Exupery

"The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life."- Edward Everett Hale

"Except in cases of necessity, which are rare, leave your friend to learn unpleasant things from his enemies; they are ready enough to tell them."- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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"The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend. I have no wealth to bestow on him. If he knows that I am happy in loving him, he will want no other reward. Is not friendship divine in this?"- Henry David Thoreau

"Friendship that flows from the heart cannot be frozen by adversity, as the water that flows from the spring cannogt congeal in winter."- James Fenimore Cooper

"Friendship without self interest is one of the rare and beautiful things in life."- James Francis Byrnes

"Never kiss a friend. If you have deeper feelings, never reveal them. You will lose that friend forever..."- sent by David

"Do not save your loving speechesFor your friends till they are dead;Do not write them on their tombstones,Speak them rather now instead.- Anna Cummins

"True friendship's laws are by this rule express'd,Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest."- Alexander Pope

"Best friends are like diamonds, precious and rareFalse friends are like leaves, found everywhere."- Anoymous (sent by Deanne Pigdon)

"Every man should have a fair-sized cemetary in which to bury the faults of his friends."- Henry Brooks Adams

"We are all angels with only one wing...we can fly only embracing each other."

"If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them"

"A good friend is hard to find, hard to lose, and impossible to forget..."- Sent by Joanne

"Time isn't what makes a friendship last...It's love and devotion that keeps the tie between souls."- Sent by Christina

"The best antiques are old friends."

The next five quotes were sent in by Ashley "When the silences are no longer akward, you know you are around friends."

"Friendship is a special kind of love."

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"The secret to friendship is being a good listener."

"A true friend is someone you can trust with all your secrets."

"Gems may be presious, but friends are priceless."

"You my friend, I wiil defend. And if we change, we'll love you anyway."- Sent by Jeffery Sherian

"If you have more than one friend, you have more than your share!"- Sent by Sunpreet Singh

"Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say."

"A person is only complete when she has a true friend to understand her, to share all her passions and sorrows with, and to stand by her throughout her life."- Sent by Jennifer L.

"Material things can't make the soul whole. The only the love, trust, and loyalty of friends can do that."Sent by Andy Spak

"Friendship is not friendship without trust, without it I walk alone."- James P. Michels Jr.

"Friendship is the golden ribbon that ties the world together."- Sent by Kristina Kentigian

friendship is talking to your best friend without words."- Sent by Ralph Rusconi.

"A true friend is the one who knows more about you than yourself and still loves you>"- Sent by Suzie

The next three sent in by Irma Berbis"Friendship is the golden thread that ties all hearts together"- Sent by Kim

"Money might make you wealthy, but friends makes you rich."

"You don't make friends, you earn them."

"When your looking for a friend don't look for perfection, just look for friendship."

" A friend is someone who sticks (hangs) to you at all times, and a friend is someone who you trust...."- sent by Winnie Chau

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"How do you know you've found your best friend. When you are ready to talk to them about anything, even though they know everything about you already."

"A friend with break your heart, a friend will mend it, a friend will provide you with every feeling in the world, good and bad. A friend is emotion incarnate."

These next two sent in by Rena"Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, but somewhere in the middle we've become best of friends."

"When we are grown, we'll smile and say we had no cares in childhoods day, but we'll be wrong. 'Twill not be true, I've this much care... I care for you."

"A faithful friend is a strong defence and he that hath found one hath found a treasure"- sent by Cris

"Friends are those who norish the spirit"- sent by Cris

"I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me. I'd like to be the help that you've been always glad to be; I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day, as you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way."- Edgar A. Guest (sent by Rena)

"A friend loves you, makes you feel alright, troubles are not troubles when you talk, listen and accept you as you are, because you will feel the same and love the same......."- Sent by Mike

"Try to be governed by your loves and not your hates and find goodness and beauty where you can."- Sent by Brandon Merenda

"It is better to be thought of as a fool, rather than open your mouth to remove all doubt."- Sent by Bill

Keep your eyes upon me, keep me in your sight, Help me don the crooked road, lead me to the light. The road I'm on is dark, I'm not sure if I know the way, Yet with you right beside me, I'm certain I won't stray. Protect me from the world, I know we'll make it through, Give me all the strength I need..... Let me lean on you."- Megan Stroup (Sent by Lauren)

"No lapse of time or distance of place can lessen the friendship of those who are truly persuaded of each other's worth."- Unknown

"Friendship is what gets you through the bad times and helps you enjoy the good times"- Sent by Kate

"Friends are angels following you through life"- Sent by Melissa

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"Friends are like pillars on your porch. Sometimes they hold you up and sometimes they lean on you."- Sent by Sharon

"You cannot say you've lost a friend. If a friendship is capable of ending, it is because it never existed."~ Sent by Mayza Blanco Martinez

"A world without a friend, what would it be? It would be like a world without water, something you need. Friends are like glass, once broken, they are hard to fix. Keep your friends, as you would keep your water."

"The music may stop now and then, But the the strings will remain forever..."- Sent by Yuslina

"Friend derives from a word meaning "free." A friend is someone who allows us the space and freedom to be."

"Having someone who understands is a great blessing for ourselves. Being someone who understands is a great blessing to others."

"Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts."- Maragret Lee Runbeck

"Scatter seeds of kindness everywhere you go;Scatter bits of courtesy--------watch them grow and grow.Gather buds of friendship;Keep them till full-blown;You will find more happinessthan you have ever known.- Amy R Raabe

"We cannot tell the precise moment when a friendshipt is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, There is at last one drop that makes it run over. So in a series of kindness there is at last one drop that makes the heart run over."Sent by Collen

"Any day is sunny that's brightened by a smile...Any friendship blossoms if it's tended to with style."

"The better you know someone, the less there is to say. Or maybe, there's less that needs to be said."

"Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness..."- Richard Bach

"The most beautiful discovery that true friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart."-Elizabeth Foley

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"How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to."

"I don't remember how we happened to meet each other. I don't remember who got along with whom first. All I can remember is all of us together...always."

"You only meet your once in a lifetime friend... once in a lifetime."- Little Rascals

"A circle is round it has no end, that's how long I want to be your friend!"- Anonymous

"A friend is like an oreo, its not always that great, but it always gets better!"- Erin Westbrook

"A best friend is a sister that destiny forgot to give you."

"One loyal friend is better than ten thousand family members."

"You just remined me of what's really important in life, friends, best friends."- Fried Green Tomatoes

"Times of need are not enough to prove your friendship."Sent by Kristen

"If your trusted and people will allow you to share their inner gardern...what better gift?"- Fred Rogers

"A friend is someone who reaches for your hand, but touches your heart."- Kathleen Grove

"Friends are like Peanut Butter ... it sticks to the roof of your mouth .like a friend sticks to you.... and it feels as if they never go away.!"

"True friendship, unlike love, always lasts forever."Sent by Chatterbox

"To the world you are someone, but to someone you are the world."Sent by Lisa

"A friend will be there for you when things are good...but a TRUE friend will be there for you when things are good and also when things are very bad...and just when it feels like you will never smile again...she can put a smile on your face with just with a hug!"Sent by Kathrine

"A real friend is not one who only entertain you, but one who cares about you, one who will be there when you cry"Sent by David

"Best friends are better than boyfriends."- Sent by Mavis Jukes

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"As I reach a time of complete uncertainty, friends are my most precious asset."Sent by Josylan

"There is no distance too great between friends, for love gives wings to the heart."Sent by Elizabeth E. Koehler

"Where there is love there is life."

"A friend will strengthen you with her prayers, bless you with her love, and encourage you with her hope."

! " I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me. . . I'd like to be the help you've always been glad to be; I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day, as you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way."Sent by Jenny Mcgehee

"A friend is like a rainbow. They brighten your life when you've been through a storm."Sent by Jenna Palmer

"A friend in kindergarten is the one who sat next to you and let you have the pretty red crayon, when only the ugly black one was left."Sent by Liz

"True friendship is one that lasts even though one friend's sole has left this earth"Sent by Jennifer

"A reassuring presence, A LIGHT when times are dark, A hand reaching out, Is what friendship is about."Author Unknown - Sent by Laure Schnackenberg

"We always thought we'd look back on our tears and laugh, but we never thought we'd look back on our laughter and cry."-Author Unkown, sumitted by Amanda

When I'm asked what one happy thought is I always say knowing that no matter how big the fight is I will always havea best friend.- Smitten_Kitten

"Dont walk on front of me, i may not follow~ dont walk behind me i may not lead~ just walk beside me and be my friend."

"Love is blind, but friendship closes its eyes."

"I believe in Angels, the ones that heaven sendsI believe in Angels, but i call them my best friends"-Sent in by Micaela K

"Friendship is like a popsicle on two sticks, when the friendship breaks, so does the popsicle, making everything a mess"-Sent in by Paul

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"Even on the road to hell a flower will make you smile."-365Tao -Sent in by Tara

"Dreams are wishes casted upon stars, so catch a shining one ~ take your friend's hand~ and hold on forever"-Traci Brown

The following seven quotes were sent in by Susannah Thomson"You are you and I am I,You do your thing and I'll do mine,and if in the end we meet up together,it is beautiful."-Boy Meets World

"Love doesn't make the world go round, it makes the ride worthwhile."-F.P. Jones

"All our young lives we search for someone to love, someone who makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere and somehow there is someone searching for us."-The Wonder Years

"We laugheduntil we had to cry.We gave love,right down to our last goodbye.We were the bestwe thought we'd ever beJust you and me,for just a moment...

"You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back."-Barbara DeAngelis

"My wish upon this shooting star is that your heart be happy."-Gilbert

"If we discovered that we had only 5 minutes left to say what we wanted to say, every telephone booth would be occupied by people calling other people to stammer that they loved them."-Christopher Morley

"A friend you have to buy, wont be worth what you pay for him."-Sent in by Maris B

"I can doubt my friends, but I can believe in our friendship."


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"True friends, like ivy and the wall stand together and both together fall."

The following two quotes were sent in by Cheryl."Friendships are fragile things, and require as much handling as any other fragile and precious things."-Randolph S. Bourne

"With clothes the new are the best, with friends the old are the best."

"Friendship is like thighs, they are always sticking together."-Sent in by Leesa and Ashley

"If you are going to gain anything in life, gain a friend, they will always be there, and that makes all the difference in the world."-Sent in by Steve

"True friends are never apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart"- Sent in by Louisa

"A real friend will tell you when you have spinach stuck in your teeth."-Sent in by Nadine Cooper

The following two quotes were sent in by Louisa"Shared sorrow is half sorrow, shared joy is double joy"

"Most people come into our lives and quickly leave. It is the special few that come in and leave a footprint in our hearts. and we are forever changed."

"There is an exquisite melody in every heart. If we listen closely, we can hear each other's song. A friend knows the song in your heart and responds with Beatiful harmony."-Sent in by soumya

The following two quotes were sent in by Beth Miklius."Friends are like flowers, beautiful flowers; friends are like flowers in the garden of life."

"True friendship is sitting together in silence and feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had."

"If we were leaving in a world where to say i love you would make more sense, i would always say you i love you"-Ozge Dilsiz

"Choose your friends carefully you never know who is on your side, and remember the truth shall prevail. "-LINK

"False friends aren't always that bad because it shows you about yourself and teaches you to be strong and life goes on."-Josh Wojo

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"Remember that every good friend was once a stranger"-Sent in by André

"They say 'you only regret the things you never do.' Then why do I regret every bad thing I did to you?"


"Just to prove i was right that it's harder to be friends than lovers and you shouldn't try and mix the two, cause if you do and then you're still unhappy, then you know that the problem is you."- Liz Phair

"If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend."- Stone Temple Pilots

"Mother my friends are no longer my friendsAnd the games we once played have no meaningI've gone serious and shy and they can't figure whySo they've left me to my own daydreaming."- Suzanne Vega

"And the days went by like paper in the wind. Everything changed, then changed again. It's hard to find a friend. It's hard to find a friend."- Tom Petty

"I'll lean on you and you lean on me and we'll be okay."- Dave Matthews Band

"You were the one who made things different, you were the one who took me in. You were the one thing I could count on, above all, you were my friend."- Tom Petty

"When I'm with you I feel like I could die and that would be alright, alright."- Third Eye Blind

"Lean on me, when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on, for it won't be long, 'til I'm going to need somebody to lean on."- "Lean On Me"

"In good times, in bad times I'll be on your side forever more, that's what friends are for."- "That's what friends are for"

"I think about you all the time, but I don't need the same."- Goo Goo Dolls

"Without you, there'd be no sun in my sky, there would be no love in my life, there'd be no world left of me."- Leann Rimes

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"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is before you can meet again. And meeting again after a moment or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends."- Richard Bach

"I get by with a little help from my friends."- John Lennon

"Hey my friend, I see your eyes are troubled, care to sare your time with me?"- Dave Matthews Band

"You've got troubles, I've got 'em too. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. We'll stick together to see it through cause you've got a friend in me."- Randy Newman

"Best friends just won't leave your side"-Blink182

The following five song quotes were sent in by Ginny Dugan"Once upon a blue moon a wish apon a star, you find someone to help you find out who you are, I never thougth that love could feel the way you make me do, so as a token of our love, I say these words to you."-Marty Keith

"Take my hand, and hold on tight, don't let go, don't you dare even try, there are so many roads to travel, so much still to find, and with the help of our lord, I want you to help me try and reach for the sky."-Marty Keith

"Thats what a friend is for, when your lost in darkness and searching for the light, to help you through those lonely nights, when everything around you fails just hold out your hand, and i'll come running, thats what a friend is for."-Marty Keith

"Earthyly friends may prove untrue, doubts and fears asail, but one still loves and he cares for you. One who will not fail."-Song "Jesus, never fails"

The following three quotes are from the Dave Matthews Band (Sent in by Kaitlyn Peers)"Turns out not where but who you're with that really matters"

"See you and me have a better time than most can dream of"

"Hey my friend, it seems your eyes are troubled. care to share your time with me"

"Let me be the one you call If you jump, I will break your fall, lift you up and fly away with you into the night If you need to fall apart, I can mend a broken heart, If you need to crash, then crash and burn, you're not alone"-Crash and Burn by Savage Garden -Sent in by Ashley

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"We've gone our own ways and I know its for the best, but sometimes I wonder will I ever have a friend like you again?"-Blink 182

"Even if we never talk again after tonight, please remember that I am forever changed by who you are and what you meant to me"-Chasing Amy

I was just wondering if you'd come along to hold up my head when my head won't hold on. I'll do the same if the same is what you want, if not I will go alone."-Dave Matthews Band

"Do what you will, always walk where you like, your steps, do as you please I'll back you up."-Dave Matthews Band (i'll back you up)

"See you and me have a better time than most can dream of, better than the best, so we can pull on through, whatever tears at us, whatever holds us down, and if nothing can be done, we'll make the best of what's around."-Dave Matthews Band

"A friend is always good to have, but a lover's kiss is better than angels raining down at me."-Dave Matthews Band

The following three quotes were sent in by Logan."I did try to come back and listenYou never it..I didn't wish itBut I did hear every answer ever questionIt's all about protectionstil through the sunlight days I waitTrack a ghost through the fogThe sun is burning meAnd you come running out in the wind with meThe ocean is your blanket..."-Stevie Nicks

"I pull you from your tower, take away your pain, show you all the beauty you posess if you'd only let yourself believe"-Sarah Mclachlan

"I won't be the one who's going to let you down Maybe you'll get what you want this time around The trick is to keep breathing"-garbage

"Once there was a darkness, a deep and endless night, you gave me everything you had and oh, you gave me light"-Sarah Mclaughlan - Sent in by Rachel

"If I had only one friend left, i'd want it to be you."-Paul Overstreet.

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"The times when we would play about,The way we used to scream and shoutWe never dreamed you'd go your own sweet way.

Look for the rainbow in every storm,Find out for certain, loves gonna be there for you,You'll always be someones baby

Goodbye my friendI know you're gone, you said you're gone although I can still feel ya hereIts not the endGotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear."- Spice Girls - Sent in by Allison

Caught like a leaf in the windLookin' for a friendWhere can you turnWhisper the words of a prayer and you'll find Him thereArms open wide, love in His eyesJesus - He meets you where you areJesus - He heals your secret scarsAll the love you're looking for is JesusThe friend of a wounded heart-by Wayne Watson from his song "Friend of a Wounded Heart" - Sent in by Rene

"As we go on.. We remeber... All the times, we had together... As our lives change...come whatever We will still be friends 4-Ever "-Vitamin C~Graduation Day Song -Sent in by ~!~Brittany~!~

"At the shrine of friendship Never say die, Let the wine of friendship never run dry."- Les Misérables (Jean-Marc Natel & Alain Boublil

"Ill stand by you, take me into your darkest hour, i wont let nobody hurt you, ill stand by you, and, ill never desert you"- The Pretenders

"Don't you worry.Sometimes you've just got tolet it ride.The world is changin'right before our eyes.Now I've found youthere're no more emptiness inside...if we're hungry,love will keep us alive."-Eagles-Sent in by Susannah Thomson

"Every now and then we find a special friend, who never lets us down, who understands it all, reaches out each time you fall, you're the best friend that I've found."

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-Jordan Hill - "Remember Me This Way"

"I hope you got all the answers and you've come to understand That people and things are always going to change And you can't stop them now."-"Rebecca" by the Pat McGee Band.-Sent in by Annie

"For a shield from the storm, for a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm...I turn to you. For the strength to be strong, for the will to carry on...for everything you do, for everything thats true, I turn to you."-Christina Aguilera (I Turn to You)

" When I'm lost in the rain, In your eyes I know I'll find the light to light my way And when I'm scared, losing ground When my world is going crazy You can turn it all around and when I'm down you're there Pushing me to the top You're always there, giving me all you've got "-Christina Aguilera (I Turn to You) -Sent in by Ashley Delpidio

The following two quotes were sent in by Lacy."And I will take you In my arms.. And hold you right where you belong. 'Till the day my life is through.. This I Promise You."- "This I Promise You" -NSync

"I'll give you stregnth, I'll give you hope. Keeping your faith that is gone. And the one you should call was standing there all along."- "This I Promise You" -NSync

"Don't want to leave, but we both know sometimes it's better to go. Somehow I know we'll meet again, not sure quite where and I don't know just when you're in my heart, so until then, smile, don't want to cry saying goodbye."-The Muppets - Sent in by Sandy Macbeth

"Let's make a resolution. I'll drink to that. Let's always stay friends. Friendship is thicker than blood...That depends...Depents on trust. Depends on true devotion. Depends on love. Depends on not denying emotion..."-Rent - Sent in by Cat.