chronicling america...the richmond dispatch. rr-r-whole number, 11,390. richmond, va.. wednesday....

THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. rr-r- WHOLE NUMBER, 11,390. RICHMOND, VA.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 4, 1888. THREE CENTS PER COPY. DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID '"iv; nii»*- : V n7f,rf*n* * TpX^r" ,h IN i \sK pan, of iliirna.So*ld*,Hruiiw" 0p <>r wounded any kind, lr. i .,,>r»«^o T*nl* lI>fl*m"..Hon »»d "up Ai » 1 PUNTS. pur.-.tion. and rapidly teal! . )"»mhc no »<»r. GANGRENE OR HBXTD FI.RMI NKVF.R Ar TEAK WHERE THE 1 Till) H CLEANSES ANO HEALS nhettnat- floors Bolls < arounele*, Kryetpelaa, and running s«.r<« ..f frrry klod, |1 trrtori !¦¦ flfcU|rona Me effluvia ariitlii* from Can - \ . i*. and overykliid of pu¬ rulent die-barge. "lhere MM Oarhye Trophy I ari lc Xluld I rmepllal ami private i>r«a- -t i«**» forton years an kaow of nott inc bettor for atoaghlaa;, eMtaoat and la- crated wound*, f. ul and Indolent ul.rn Md »h a disinfectant."'.J. Y lin <ii*. Profe<wo MoMla Medial loll.-ge. de ao-K,Su,WJtw CarpetS. The prire nf every p*M> of Carpet In our *tnr ha* t>een marked denn We wMi H to tie .iii tin.'Hy knadwfatood Hist we have not selected few piece* of uin|e«lr*Me wtyle* an 1 marked th » ii Uiein, 1 -i»I »« offer all of our elf i -r Uinr. you OMI Ml them 1 l .V DAVIS, BLANK I S very cheap. Ja 4-ood CloakS. The j lain f cure* with wt:!, li the prim of on torments In Um tinah Department are mai Viv .. (roAt ie lo ri .'! ttiat wa I nv.- mode I QUO, tad Wri gi ewi lim Leen Barked dOWl to buy <i Kat LIVY << D wi*. SK ET" rory cheap. ja i-e.vl .Bf~ PILLOW-SHAMS IN C.IU.A vari- A larg. | .'heap TOW Very M HIS a; low price* J K.vr baadred remantaof DRESS DOODS; 1 %BI I N IPK1S . ron -'heap; HANDKBRl MIK ' vb; BLA N B girt n away; IR M.i i kg |i TbOOMBdOOf HA H'.A LEVI .V DAVIS'S. r cboap SMYRNA lil OS. iwjf-MorR\rs'a woods. dre$ VEILINGS, li LOVES, HANDKER CWKi -. (h.M'b, Aa, form in.In.', ut LIVY i i>\ Soo oar cheap 8MYBN! \ Kt UH, AN EVENT. SEMI-ANNUAL OLEARAXCE SALE -A.; 9 CC 00. IN ORDER TO RIOT! (HR HUGE STOCK or MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS and make neoe««ary t>i a. e r»"|iilre.l for our early Ute iprlug wbol< Mle trade oj m -\ out ttorl down t- much u n.'W oflerUxi k uii.'mut reserve ala Reduction of 25 per ct. ON FORMER TRICES. TUls bo doubt tba larp.- t ead aroeteot eaert. indite ever Offered in Richmond. AN EARLY INSPECTION OPTBI8 GREAT Mark-down Sale IS SOLICITED. u 0, .[ 13 east Broad street iiKH.K. ¦BMrMsa, *-. TTATHOBS WATER, BAjUTOOA SPBIRGS, Ni:w york, A PLEASANT ANI> BBfBBfUUMa APERIENT. Ilk by PURCELL, LAM) * CO., ale Agent*. (no 81 BLAIRS CHLORAL THYMOL baa proved luw-lt lo A POW KR HI. 1MMN1T.C1ANT. It baa prevented the apraM of OMBagfOM Olneaewa, parti-uler'.y Diphtheria and Nariel- POW, in fatnllle*; ll bait MOdlfled t-ad .yinp- Ioom, aad t.a.^ ofloa oSordcd oomiort I OtlllUf tm*, lt boa ea*od llvee lo toto etty. Tor «*le l>y drui'Klata 1'rbe W rtutit a bOlMa de ah w E PEABCE, NO. SOO tW H:iOAI>. OOUIB1 HLMtY, (ftru»erly hourlh and Loajk MMtSaJ . opeoed a n^w DBI OSTOBI al toe above Mber, wbere lie will be pleaeed to aee bl* ._*udeai»J Ute publl<- fMaral f. Will olwaya keep on band a go.Mi ¦ojoffaolof everytliluf oeually id In a brat-, lau drugilore. Pb)»l- vi*a* prea. ilpttouB a »pe.1aitv. Telepbooe No. ilW. de IB MuAWlin nu ni K5 I 1 >.» HMIIIIt. 1MIE "HAMMOND" TY IV. WK UM' frka |100, C. O. l>., on three UW'Olba' trial. WHEELWRIGHT A UOWI- .Bidualve Weelara for Vlr du la, UU Mala caei eweet, Bicluuvud, "¦^.N'Nys/v*. de M LEGISLATURE BACK. TH1 TWO HOUSES OP THl OEHEBtL AS- IEMBLT TO BE IV IESIIOH TO-DAT. Holiday* Bein* Over, How for Work on tb* Public Dabt, Railroad Chartara, Local Billa, fte. At 12 M. to-day tho two houses of tho General Assembly will reconvene and proceed to tho serious work of the ses¬ sion. Belora they adjourned for the holidays they were able to elect a United Bl il' s senator find nil hut one of the Capitol offio rs, Hui exception being the Begirter of thc Land Office Action in tlwt instance was postponed to await the report of especial committee appointed to inquire into the truth of Um charges advanced when it waa an open question whether this office should t>e abolished or not. Judges for tho Chancery Court ind Hustings Court of Richmond ^"w also to ted, int tiic elections tra hmm far* maliti< KMninationa have bet a made hythe Democrats, the selections are accepted by the community, and it only msini for tho eulogistic seeches to be made and tho roll in each house IO bs culled. 'il. Republicans have determined, with great unanimity, to cast their Totes for Hustings judge foi the presenl in- emili), nt, lliii. '1 homaa S. Atkins ; while with equal unanimity the Democrats will support Mr. Samuel B. Witt. Poi judge ol the Chancery Conti tho Hcpub- red to throw their rotes for Henry Hndnsll, i'.s<|., while the Democrats will successfully record the community's wishes that the Hon. I'.. M. Fitzhugu sball bs returned to the office which he honored and from which he whs thrust by Mahone. 1,1 \i:kaj. Of legislation of a general charactei there is less needed or proposed than usual, and the public-debl question is in rectory condition this yeal than at any time .since the funding bill of Istj was drafted by Governor Gilbert .'vcr and pissed by the Legisla¬ ture. Tho Coupon-Crusher has destfoyed the markets for coupona, and it ia now for the bondholders to decide whether they pt ;'. per cent, bonds in ben of their holdings or will devise new plana ting intbecourts "thecrusher.n thal hare been made to show thal Virginia liss not now i pay :< cent on the sled-down debtif funded are being un d to demonstrate to holders of consol that if tiny fund in new -'J's they nob ttci off than now, and there t no movement to show thal the British accept tlie situation. Mean¬ while, since the decision of the United Supreme Court, there haw been U of 10-40 bonds and consol coupona mos! of them fundable at 60 cents iii the dollar surrendered for ex- into new o's. Byan amendment put upon the Bid- dleberger bill since the Democrats came into po* ir certain coupona and interest now amounting to 83,000,000 have be a outlawed, lt is believed that if provi¬ sion could be made foi these, even at 10 cents on the dollar, the foreign land¬ holders might inc: illly be inclined to fund. inga now stand very little debt- Mon is needed. Next to none, in- dud, prominent legislators ssy, unless the General Assembly prepared to re- pesl the outlawry of the aforesaid coupoi ¦ the 1 lid til bill as it was when Ma I it. Bul then there is the financial condi¬ tion of the State uttering a warning! The signs are that war is to l>e made on the peddlers, and if Mr. Pollard's lull each peddler afoot will have to pay $300 foi his license. At present by r of coupons it costs him £1">. Very few country merchants will weep if this bill com< i a law. Mr. < gone to England, but will return in a fen w< els. Mr. Royall said yesterday that he waa going to sm the sherill" of Middlesex county for 815,000 damages foi arresting and confining in jail Friedman, one of ddli rs hen tofore n ferred to. Mr. Koyall added " Within the course of a shall institute some twenty or thirty more suits tor damages in the United States Court in cases in which the State's oflScerfhave trespassed upon the rights ol persons wno have been ten- lt was understood yesterday that Mr. had received a cablegram from mncil ol Foreign Bondholders bim to continue the ti^ht, Imt win d approached on the subject be ed to give anything nut for publi¬ cation. A T.IVKI.Y I loIIT. A tolerably lively fight is going on over the medical bill thal is, tho lull i. titiou 1 ri j the Medical Society, in ami n ling the existing law and abolishing examinations for license by what is popularly called ..District of three, and requiring all ap¬ plicants to pr. sent tin mst Ives Ik fore the State Board, which animally meets st Biohmond. \ 1 be law now is the graduates of the lia Medical College atBiohmond f the Medical Department of the University ol Virginia have to undergo examinations just like all other appli¬ cants; lmt tlo % and all would-be doo* present can either go before the .'District Board" or the State Hoard. tuc mm boabd. Some objections have been urged to the Board-of-Fir missioneis bill in the shape in which it has been prepared. lt is i question win ther tlie bill ought to be made operative from Muv 1st or July Kt. in the matter of naming tho board. if, as proposed, they shall be named in Ihc .tv d. li Ration, who sro re- Bpoinible t thc people, will have ti) un¬ dertake tijut duty. I; There are no others ko do it 'lie concensus ol opinion, inasmuch M aa thia bill is designed to separate the I artment from partisan control, ia that no member of the City Council should be a commissioner, and that when¬ ever a commissioner becomes a candi¬ date i iran »ffice hisphoe shall tptofacto belvine vacant. I hat is the law as to the Police Com- lt is abo thought desirable by some Of the public that tho bill shonld le that BO commission, r shall ! ¦el] the department, by contract or1 otherwise, any of its supplies. That, it is claimed, is'the policy of the law gov- arning city councilmen and city depart¬ ment supp Tilt: liKOOH lt KSI'IHK. lt Munt .>.¦ i»v;iuirni or .%© Tolls fol- ( lewsesl. The Iburieo County Court was in ses- | yesterday, tint time having Wen fixed tor hearing tho Brook tiirnptkecase. | j lins pike, which is a continuation of Brook avenue, extends a numbec of miles out into the county and is dirtied into six ns. The condition of the thorough- 1 fare has of late given rim' to much oom- I plaint, and si vera! months ago the com- i missioners- Mesam c. L .Muller, Henry j ] !. r, and lt. Ii. Harrison. sitora 1 thorough examination prebentcd a unani- 1 mom report condemning the third, t fourth, filth, and fixtb sections of the t turnpike, The first Sud ¦aeond sections ( ware report. 1 us in passable condition. < Theta asa the seotions nearest. Biehmond. « Tho Turnpike Company, through Mr. j t George P. Haw, ita ecnneel, moved to reject the report, and it waa upon thia motion that tho case came np yesterday. Commonwealth's-Attornoy Oeorgc W. Thomas appeared for the comity, assisted by Mr. ('onway R. Banda, who represents various citizens. Judge Minor, after giving a patient hearing to the case and well considering all of the facts addnced, adhered to bis former decision and issued an order di¬ recting the gates to be thrown ooen and the collection of tolls to be suspended until tho property is put in Rood nyah and again viewed bv tho county com¬ missioners. No tolls have. been collected since this litigation was begun. A largely^attcnded meeting of the citizens of Brookland district was held at Solomon Brothers' storo Monday af¬ ternoon, when a permanent association, having for ita object the improvement of the pike, was formed. The following officers were elected: Charles King, president ; John Solomon, vice-presi¬ dent ; and .Simon Solomon, wertt.iry und treasurer. An effort will ho made to have the company's charter so changed as tomako tho obligations to keep tho pike in re¬ pair more binding. MSIIt I Kit ll IBttwl "N WORK. He Baa . Largo Docket ol Tr I flin n 4a«ee. Justice Richardson looked fresh and well when he ascended tho Police-Court bench yesterday morning at half-pant!) o'clock. This notwithstanding the fact that the night before he uttomb d the BS- onioa of Syracuse Lodge, Knights of Pythias, at which he Blade an admirable address, and remained at tho danc^! until 4 A. M. yesterday. Thc docket em¬ braced a largo unrulier of trifling eases, such as fighting, drunkenness, vagrancy, Ac, whieh consumed but little time, and in two hours tue Justice had completed bis daily dutii ¦ that pertained to the bench, As a result of the day's work six pri¬ soners were sent to jail. Ftaesan to u considerable sum were imposed, hut tho collections were not large. " Luring the first ten days of each year," remarked Justice BiehardaoB to a Dispatch reporter, " the business of the court is light and the membership of temperance .octettes greatly ina Many good pledgee are made, new li av I turned over, demijohn! broken, Ac, but it is all soon forgotten and things as- sumo their normal condition." Among tins cases disposed of yester¬ day were the following : George Hooker (colored), charged with carrying coaled weapons, and Lewis, his brother, charged with shooting find wounding Walter Weaver. Both continued until Saturday the 7th institut on account of the inability of Weaver, the piiucipal witness, t<> be present. W. IL Randall and David Lucas (both colored), charged with being auspicious characters. Required to give security for three mouths iu the sum of SluO each. Silas Wortham (colored), assaulting, striking,and wounding William Grafton with an iron pin. Fined 810 and costs, ima ADAM* IN T KO I lil. r. Ali A1N. Churned willi Nteulma " W ai« I; from 51 j ron lliikcr'H Nraas, Joe Adams, a young mau oi not more than twenty-two or tlireo summers, and who appears even several years younger, was before the Police Court yestt rdaj morning charged with unlawfully and feloniously stealing front the person of M\rou Baker a gold watch valued ut 1240. Adams, though youug, is well known in police circles and has spent ut least two years of his life behind prison bars. It will be remembered that about, two years ago he, together with several prisoners, attempted to escape from the city j ul, and in scaling the high prison walls fell and broke his leg and was re¬ captured. Ho only lacked then a few days of having completed his ten:, bot waa given six months moro for his at- tempti d escape. Tho evidence in the present east, ns far as heard, .shows that between '1 and ll o'clock yesterday morning air. Baker, while sitting in Murphy's ballroom, on Sixth street near Marshull, asleep, had ins watch guard cut in two and hib hand¬ some gold watch stolen. The proprietor of the establishment testified that be saw thcaccnsed bi aging around baker before the latter t-ll asleep uni feeling about his clothes; that Baker spoke to Adams and told bim to let him alone ; that when Adams went out of tlie saloon witness aroused Baker und asked him if he had his watch, but it was gone Later in the morning Adams was 1, but the watch was not found. The casi- was continued uutil Thursday that other witnesses maj be summoned, and Adams, being nuable to give secu¬ rity, wa** committed tu jail. The Hell Ut Itroken. "The bell of the Third Presbyterian church is broken, consequently it will Dot be nmg for the service to beheld to¬ night (Tuesday)." Tho hIhjvo, written by a member of the congregation of this church, was handed in nt this office OB Monday and ivas published by request of the writer. Mr. Edwin Pleasants, a member of the dniren, when asked by a Dispatch re¬ porter yesterday what was tho trouble .boo! toe bell remarked that there was nene. 'J he author of the item WM be- youd doubt conscientious, bat he was mistakes. There being some doubt ob Sunday us to whether services would be icld last night a conditional notice < riven, and the ringing of the bell wm to ufonn the congregation if sen ices would !>. held, lt was decided not to have se r- riosSj and the bell dui not ring. The Cradle and the Chair. The miniature cradle and chair made arith a pen-knife by Mr. William L. Hol¬ li, of Boston, ami sent here to Mr. J. I'yhr Jobson, have been received by the attn and are tho objects of general sd- uiration. These two gentlemen have exchanged lOUM sOi in tiie spirit which characterizes wei representatives of then-unit, ions of this country, and Mr. Holli-, vho is a mau of leisure and artistic ikill, has carved out of polished woods rom many historic places tho articles uentioued. They are very unique and pretty. A description of them was ¦eceiltly given in a social telegram to his puper from Boston. Tooti olin t>r« Installed. At a meeting of Virginia Lodge, No. ll, Order of Tonti, the follow- ng officers for this year were installed re Actiug-Supreme Deputy W. F. G. iarnett, Jr. Thomas W. Sydnor, »ast president; M. W. Ford, president ; Lug. W. Rosene, vice-president ; Ed¬ vard Sydnor, secretary ; Charles L. Sie¬ gel, Jr., trt*surer ; A. W. Ball, ebap- aiu ; J. W. (iurbttt, guard j J. W. Bea¬ nies, sentry ; M. B. Carter, medical ex- .miuer. Board of Trustees -Aiitf. W. tosene, P. ii. Burford, and J. W. Pea- ross. This order pays $2~> per week as a bick lencilt; 81,000'in seven years. (tamllfJod. Judu'e H. W. Flournoy, Becretary of lu Commonwealth ; Mr. A. W. Harman, Itate TrcMnrer ; Colonel Morton Marve, luditor of Public Accounts; Mr. W. W. lorn-s, Superintendent of tho Peuitcii- iary (re-elected), and Colonel Thomas Vhitehend, Couimitsioner of Agricul- ure, and Captain J. EL O'Bannon, ^qM-rinteniteut of Public Brintiug n»w)y elected), qualified yesterday. The ither State officers who were recently lected by tho Legislature will no doubt like the oath ol office to-day, , THE COMMON COUNCIL. EXPOSITIOH SCHEME BROICHID AT THE ¦ EETIBO LAST BIGHT. Proviiion for Bad emption of City Bsnda- Colorad Troopi' Araorr-Oaa Dspart- msnt Appropriation, Ac. TheJanuery meeting of thc Common Council waa held last night. Present: Messis. Bryan (in the chair), Archer, Both ker, Bowden, Connor, Cutehins, Farrar, Ferriter, Griffin, Guy, Hayes, Hughes, Jones, Kaufman, Kendler, Molloy, Montgomery, Murphy, Owen, and 1'arrish. OAS. The Committee on Gas asked an ap¬ propriation of 84.000 to its department tor general expenses. Allowed. ItEDEMPTION. Tlie Committee on Finance presented S report asking that they l»e allowed to issue $140,000 of bonds to make np the duly redemption fund on the debt of the city. Agreed to. ARMORY. The same committee returned without report th resolution providing for the selection of a site and tho building of an armory thereon for the colored troops of the city. Received. On motion a resolution was adopted providing for the appointment of a spe¬ cial joint committee- thr. o councilmen and two aldermen -to look into tho ex- pediency of building au armory. Agreed to. tarroni force. Tho Water Committee submitted a re¬ port providing that the pay of the tap- ping-ioroe hands 1 Ifromfl.o0 to ,-tj and the pay of the foreman from S2.75 to $3 per day. . Referred to the I 'mince Committee. TRICK. Tho Committee on Fire Department presented a piper in which they recom¬ mended that a truck company be or¬ ganized for the western part of the city, and gave the following figures as the cost for one yeal ol same: One foreman, 1240; one tillerman, 1822; one hostler, |822; nine laddermen, H.620; two horses, M.'.n; provender, S260; hernoas and hames, $70 ; overhauling truck now ont of service, |100 temporary altera¬ tion of No.»; engine-house, 8100. Total, st.i:1'. also submitted a reso¬ lution asking to be authorized to or¬ ganize and equip a ni w book-and-ladder- truck company, to be known as "So. 8." for service on and after February 1st in the western part of the eity. I'he report was referred to the Finance Con,mitt' e. srnooLs. Mr. Bowden, from the School Com¬ mittee, submitted from the City School Bosrdalisi of arti.'hs needed in thc public schools. Referred to thc Finance Commit!. SANITARY rouen. The Committee on Ordinances re¬ turned in proper shape an amended ordi¬ nance in relation to .sanitary inspectors. J be ordinance aaamendi d relieves the police of this work and puts it entirely under tho control of tho itoard of Health. g Tho amendment adopted. wu kui: is rr I Mr. Kaufman wished to know what had become of tho ordinance referred to rdinance Committee in regard to requiring stationary engineers to i examination Be .said lie bad seen the prop led ordinance in the Whig ot Ho- vi inlier otb, but had hoard nothing of it since. Mr. Oliy, of tho committee, said tho committee had acted on the ordinance and he could not understand why tho clerk of the committee had uot reported it. METERS. The Committe on Second Market asked that the ordinance in relation to gas in the markos be so amended as to have a gas-meter put in each stall, so that occupants will pay for gas actually used nnd not by asseaament as at present. Tho amendment was adopted. nxposrnox. Mr. Hod-ker offered (for Mr. Pizzini. who was absent a joint resolution pro¬ viding that the Finance Comtnittt authorized to arrange with tho Virginia star Agricultural Society for the ex-1 of tho debt due by said society to the city into the common stock of tho a Agricultural and Industrial Fx- position Company, or if in their judg-l mentit b. to tho interest of the city, to cancel said debt of §30,000 providedthst said Virginia state Agricultural and In-1 dustrial Exposition Company builds on the grounds near the city now known as the st:it^- Fsir-Grounda an exposition building costing not less than 180,000 for the purpose ol holding annual indus¬ trial expositions therein, lleferred to the Finance Committee. l'RINTIN.;. Tho report of the Committee on Ac¬ counts snd Printing awarding the city advertising to the Whig, book work to James E. Goode, job-work to K. T. Wal- thall, stationery to N. V. Randolph, and recommending that the Daily ck r- miin Advertiser be given the German advertising, was adopted. SOLDnXBS' MONTMF.ST. Mr. Bowden presented a resolution providing that Libby Hill (Marshal) Park, or so much thereof as may be .iv, be tendered to the Confede- a- rs aud Sailors Monument As¬ sociation for the proposed monument to commemorate tho deeds of the Coufede- rate soldier; further, that the Committee on Finance be instructed to provide in ] the budget of 1888 for |6,000 to pay for building a foundation for the proposed monument Adopted unanimously. a mm natm This is tho first official move that has been made toward securing money for the monument, and it is a fact worthy of mention that tba first vote in its favor was cast by a colored man.F* Archer, of Jackson Ward. POLICE. Mr. Hughes otVered a resolution pro¬ viding that the Committee on Finance be instructed to reserve a fund sufficient to increase tho pay of tho city police 10 I>er cent, lhlorred to tho Finance Committee. ELECTION. To fill the vacancy caused by the re¬ signation of Mr. Patrick Sullivan, of Marshall Ward, Mr. Faratcr nominated John Mann, Jr. : ; Mr. Parrish nominated W. B. Haynes. Tho veto resulted : Mann, 15 ; Haynes, j' 11 Mr. Mann was declared elected. Tho new mombor is a member of the firm of Forbes ft Mann, brickmakers and builders, iu tho lower part of the city. Ho is a Deniocrut, and is about forty-two years of ago. Adjourned. i. o. o. r. Last night Friendship Lodge installed i the following officers for the ensuing ] half year : A. K. Henry, noble grand ; < W. Creetl Davis, vice-grand ; John Pitt, secretary ; W. J. Syduor, treasurer ; H. F. Jones, chaplain. Past-District-Depu- i ty Grand-Master George B. Davis per- J termed the work aud delivered the ne- I cesaary lectures. Immediately siter- j wards he called to the floor the retiring I secretary, Arthur A. Spitzer, the presenl grand master, and in a neat speech pre sented him on behalf of tho brethren ol the lodge with a handsome motto of thc order.three golden links. This lodgt has a memtierahip which embraces som« of tho best business, professional, anil skilled mechanical men in the State, and is prospering. A PBI.HOXER LIBERATED. Jnd»e Hogtie* Dlaebarcea Max Boa deltcher iron, Cuatody. Judgo Hughes arrived in the city yes¬ terday morning from his home, in Nor folk, and at once proceeded to the Unitoil States Court rooms, in tho old (irani building, on Twelfth street between Mar¬ shall and Clay. Soon after the Judge'sarrival e»Judgc Edmund Waddill, Jr., and Mr. William Flegenheimer, as counsel for Max Rcs th it. lier, the Austrian peddler charged with having passed a counterfeit SUO note on Samuel Shapowitch in Chester, Pfc., presented a petition asking that a writ of nebea* corjwi be barned, returnable forthwith, upou which their client might be brought before Judge Hughes with a view to securing his discharge from cus¬ tody. HISTORY OF THU CASE. Tho complainant, Shapowitch, who was doing businefs at that time, charges that on tho l'Jth of April, 1887, the prisoner made some small purchases from him and paid for the goods with a $20 note, which proved to bo coonter- fcit; and on Monday, December 90th, he met Bosdettchi r on the street, wt nt before Commissioner Pleasant* and made his complaiut, a warrant was issued, and the accused taken before Mr. Pleasant*, who, after hearing the evidence, sent him on to the grand jury to be tried in the Shite ia which the offence is alleged tc have been committed. Rocdeitcner claims that the only transaction he evei had with Shapowitch took place on Sun¬ day the 29th of March, 1887; that the two made the trade of some wearing ap¬ pen 1 and that he had no $-20 note, but pail' the 63 difference iu the value of the goods. TUP PETITION. The petition for the writ alleged that the accused was illegally in custody and that he could not lie imprisoned and beldon them/AmtfJ Of Commissioner PloMsnts t<> await trial for an offence alleged to have boen committed in the State of Pennsylvania, anti fer which ot¬ ho had been regularly examined by said Commissioner Pleasants some davseiaos and by him sent onto the grand jury and held to await removal to the State of Pennsylvania. orrs TU whit AMD is DfBOHABBBD, The Judye awardeel the writ of f corpus, directed to Bberiff Southward, ol Henrico comity, in whose keeping Elosdeitoher waa, and the body of the petitioner was forthwith brought into Boort bj Deputy United States Marshal Overliy and Sherill' Southward. Tho Court, after fally considering thc matter and hearing the evidence adduced and the arguments of counsel for and I thc application, the District Attorney (Colonel Gibson) appearing for ivemment, directed thereleaMof the accused, and he was forthwith set at Ubi rty. This is an exceedingly important eas", particularly upon the question of the moiie of procedure ta thc Pt deni courts tiing parties accused of crime ta (tate and arrested ta another, from the pince of arrest to the State in winch tin y are to bo trad. BBB DBOmOB, Tho Judge in effect holds that pro- eec.bogs for the arrest of an se found m Virginia foran offence com¬ mitted rn another State should originate in the State where tue crime is all nitted ; that upon such pro. chare the necessary steps should be aiken to cause thc arrest and detention nf thc party for triai ; that the mere fact me person here alleged the oom- mission of a crime ia another State was not of itself sufficient to justify the ar¬ rest and imprisonment of a citizen in Virginia to await the action ot the courts in another State that might or might not he taken. Tin Jodge wm satisfied that Ibis proceeding was the result of bad feeling and amounted to malicious prose- ,-utiou. goold ur ru'.AiiitEsTF.n. Should the Pennsylvania authorities -ce lit they could take the Beet and within twenty-four hours se¬ nna the rearrest here of the sconced. I'hen be could be takeu to Pennsylvania for trial. As the mutter now stands thc -vidence is till in Richmond, if there il my anywhere to connect tho accuse.I with the- alleged offence, and the Phila- i hphiaor Cheater authorities huvo no knowledge of the case. Etoadmtchcr has spent much of his ife here, and the Dispatch is informed hat he, character has never before been juestioned. OTiir.n SUSISBSS. Judge Hughes during the dny entered miers in a large number of other cases, coat of them of an unimportant chanc¬ ier. In the case of S. Blanchard, who nile an assigimn nt here sonn three e irs a^ofora large sum, and in which an ir.ler ol distribution was entered in June kf last year, the .bulge made an order if final distribution, which puts an end o the litigation. Judge Hughes and Mr. M. F. Plea- lants, clerk of the Circuit Court, will MSW hen this morning for Alexandria, there they will remain until Saturday. NO SOLDIER. On Judge Hnghen's return Saturday io will lie called u]>on to hear the koocas-eorjnif case instituted hythe DOthct of Edward W. Richardson (col- ired), who hus enlisted in the cavalry of ho (Jolted States army. It is alleged hat Richardson is still a" minor, and his nother asks that Lieutenant Thurston, ho recruiting officer, bo restrained from lokUag him. Mr. I'arrish, counsel for Richardson's uother, was at the court-house yester- lay afternoon with his witnesses, but ludgo Hughes had left for the day. lt raa agreed between him aud District- attoraej Gibson thal the witnesses shall lot be summoned for Saturday but that bf BM shall bo submitted on the afii- lavit of a gentleman well acquaiutetl wth Richardson's age. No strong re- istance will be made to the discharge of he would-be soldier. Commercial Traveller*-Poat D. A meeting of* Poet D, Virginia Division of the Travellers' Protective Association, was held last night at Ford's lotcl, President Archer in tho chair, rho officers elected at the December ne'oting were installed and the consti¬ tution adopted. Messrs. J. D. Russell ind (X E. Wilson, of New York, were iresent and addressed the meeting, after vhich twenty new members were elected, [he committee appointed to wait on our ne-rehants to interest them in the niove- uent and to secure help to get a hall .MIBM] favonble progress. The State wai adopted as the organ of ?ost D, while the Dispatch remains the trgan of the Virginia Division. vt fk or Prayer. There wm ii large gathering of the baptists at Grace-Street church last ught. The meeting wm led hy Dr. ^andrum, who made the opening ad- tress. Ho wm followed hy Rev. Messrs. 'itt and Billson and Dr. Hatcher. Rev. i. Albn Tupper, of Louisville, Ky., led u the closing prayer. There will be nectiugM tonight at One*)-Street, l'uie- ttri et, and I^eigh-Stroet churches.sub¬ set: " Faith Under Trial; or, Th* Uses rf Affliction.'' THE JAIL-BREAKING. REPORT OT THE OBAWD JUST Ol THE HECENT ESCAPE OF PRISOHERI. Jr Their Obisrvationi oa th* Priion BJ' -*t- mtat-A Bnmbsr of Indiot- maets Pound, Ac. Yesterday the Hastings-Con rt grand jury looked into the matter of the escape of certain prisoners from tho city jail on December 16th. A number of witnesses wero examined and the jury formulated a report, which was presented to tlie Court. jrRORS' OBSERVATIONS. In tho repost thaw say that "tho es¬ cape was duo to the employment of prisoners to perform duties outside tho prison proper (but inside the entrance- yardi and carelessness on the part of the officers of the jail in the manner of se- curing tho prisoners confined in the dungeon unsecured by a lock. They think that tho presence of a single watch- man ou duty for a portion of time. from 7 to B P. M..was wrong ; and the grand jun- further find that there is evidence liefore them to show great remissness on the part of the jailor and every officer in the general security of the jail." OBAN!) iUnX I Vim TMF.NT3. Thc grand jury.Dr. 0. H. Mills fore¬ man.yesterday brought in the follow¬ ing true bills of indictments and misde¬ meanors: David Peterson, keeping a disorderly house ; Bobert Brown, con¬ ducting a lottery; Jam.a Driscoll, re¬ sisting the polio.. ; Henry hammins, keeping a disorderly house ; Huck Spotswood, conducting a loth ry. Felonies: < harli i Braxton, breaking into the house of Jordan Bandolph; Charles Doolittle, breaking into tho of Paul Maroni and steaiingcer- tain articles (three indictments); John Glasgow, freaking into the store of ll. P. '1 nylor and others ; Walter Harris, breaking into the store of Scott ft Cur¬ tin; Albert Harris breaking into tho store of Jordan Randolph ; ti Johnston, stealings watch from Philip Zimmerman; W. H. Johnson, entering the dwelling-houses of fl. A. Lacy ami others (six indictments); Edward Kin¬ ney, committing an assault on Henry Johnson; W. I'. Lipscomb, breaking into the store of J. K. Molloy ; John Bfabry, seduction; Xbomss Palmer, breaking into tho store of Jordan Ban¬ dolph; maloy Pear, assaulting A. Domi¬ ni; J. Samuels alia* Pike, breaking into the store ol Paul M MAX II KM I It 1 4 OMKIBITIO*. Ninan Latte* oiuerrM lawiallsal !*¦>¦ annul ami Older lit*ni*. At the regular meeting of Stuart No. Ill, Independi ni Order of o.ld-F. lions, the following ed to serve this vi y installed J. A. Moore, nol le grand; li. D. Bailey, ria ¦Timi; J. B. vaden, secretary; C. M. Cousins treasurer Geoi Payne, chaplain. The attendance was unusui md the occasion one of much inhrest. Indisnola Tribe, No. 52, Improved Order of Red Mi n, on Monday night in¬ stalled tin ir officers foi fte year, whoso nun. s have been published. After the lion the tribe repain d < >dd- Fellows'Hal] and enjoyed a sumptuous repast ranon ship con The following officers have elected by Friendship Lodge, No. 20, Knights of Pythii C. B. Galloway, past chancellor; G. P. Cox, chancellor Mainlander ;J. W. Condry, rice-cb !or; C. P. Price, prelate; W. T. Lith¬ gow, keeper of records' and seal ; W. A. Gibbs, master of finance; II. L. Kidd, roaster of exchequer; J. P. Galloway, master-at arin:'. Will be installed Thnra- day, January 5tb. There will be a re¬ union of tho lodge mid .sipper. ranaoMALS and bbibpb, Mrs. John Viles, of Now York city, who accompanied her husband's rem tins to Bjehmondand who has been itaying a few days with lier sister, Mrs. \\ bite- head, left for her home yesterday morn¬ ing. The river is several feet above usual tide and the water is very muddy. lt was falling slowly yesterday afternoon. During the year 1S.S7 there wi rfc 9 felony cases before tho Mayor's Court, 159 ordinance violations, and J'Jo misde¬ meanor cases; total, 397. .Mr. Kob.rt Camp, formerly of Kich- mond, now employed in the Bichmond and Danville genera] freight office in Washington, wai in the eily Monday. Ho returned to Washington that night. Mrs. IL M. <Tasty, of Buckingham, who has been spending some time with relatives in this city and Richmond, left yesterday on tho Hichnioiid and Alle¬ gheny 10:18 A. M. train for home. Cinder crossings have been put on upper Hull street, and they greatly im¬ prove navigation for the pedestrians. A party from Wilkesbarre^ Pa, ar¬ rived bore Monday, and went out to tho Midlothian coal-mines for tho puqiose of prospecting for natural gas and SOaL Several parties are now boring tor gas, and all feel confident of success. Mr. William I. Martin, an old resi¬ dent of Manchester, WM reported . v tremely ill yesterday with congestion of the lungs. Mr. Martin was a member of the Virginia Senate in 1800, being the firs! senator from Chesterfield after the days of reconstruction. Kt. Paiil'a rur.nT.iul A«<tucl«tloM. A meeting of tho congregation of St. Pauls church was held last night for the purpose of organizing for more efficient Christian work. A plan was submitted and adopted providing for a distribution of work under au organization to l»o known as St Paul's Parochial Associa¬ tion, with the following working chap* tors : Chapter J. Sunday school ; Chap- ter IL, Charity ; Chapter UL, Missions ; Chapter IV., church homes.1. Orphan Asylum, if. Women's Department; Chap. ?er V., Dorcas Society ; Chapter Vb, f Willing Workers ; Chapter VII., Ladit s' Aid society ; Chapter VIII., Young Men; Chapter IX.., Chancel Chapter; Chapter X., Popairs aud Improvements; Chapter XI.. Visitors and Strangers. The meeting was spirited, and will no doubt result in great present and tatars good to this large and influential church. The Bollon Ideals at tb* Theatre. The Boston Ideals, under the manage¬ ment of Mr. W. H. Foster, playenl the opera of "FraDiavolo" last evening to a tine audience. The company has been laboring under some difficulties here by reason e-f several of their principal peo- pie suffering from severe colds and sore throats. The opera hist evening was creditably given notwithstanding. Miss Avery, it is said, played the part ofyZer- lina for the first time, and a member of the chorus had to la- substituted for Mr. Myron in the character of (iiacomo. Though the company is with its full com- plement strong and evenly balanced, there were some weak points in the cast last evening. The opera is a charming composition, and has been so often reu- demi here by eminent arti*tm that the Ideals suffered by the inevitable com- jmrison which ap naturally arose to the minds of all who had aeen it well given before. The chorus and the orchestra eape-' cially did their work most faithfully and effectively. We must congratulate Mies Avery upon her d*OMlasZe<rlina. She rendered thia exacting rule pleasantly and with grace. Ordinarily abe lacked force, y* t in many of the climaxes she came out with surprising strength and spirit Mr. Appleby s Fra Dmvolo whim having some points of excellence, was not alto¬ gether pleasing. His voice ia rather rah snit metallic. Tho Lord and Lady lllcashof .Mr. Herbert and Miss Camp¬ bell wt re good enough in their way, but presented no special feature ot interest. Mr. Pastor appeared as Lorenzo, and he sang bis numbera very sweetly indeed. He bsa a pure tenor voice and knows how to use it. Mr. Clark made the hit of the evening an Beppo. In the last act he in¬ terpolated '. Let All Obey," from Balfe's " Enchantress," and woo rapturous ap¬ plause for his rendering of this popular song. To-night Carmen will be given with the full strength of tho company. As the opera will take Wtween three and four hon ts for its rendition it has been requested by the management that the addienos be in their seats at least ten minutes before H o'clock. mr BTAYSra wak v ran cl. Who Will be « aptaln or the Chesa¬ peake? The Boatd on the Chesapeake and Its Tributaries nut yesterday morning at ll j'clock to go into the election of a com¬ mander for the cteanier Chesapeake. All the members.Governor Iav, Auditor Marve and Treasurer Harman.were present and the session lasted until -\ /clock, when a recess was taken. An Imnrand a half later the Wrd again met md did not adjourn until »!00o'clock. During the two sessions several ad- Iressosworo nada and three names were d in lore the board Seth Pester(ill- mmbeat], Thomas -J. Woodland, and frank W. Cunningham. Colonel W. D. Bobin*, of Gloucester. spoke in favor of Woodland, and Sens¬ or Btabba presented a petition signed iv 187 DH n and gave his reasons for favoring Foster's removal. Mr. John ll. Donovan of Mathew-. fudge Garnett, and Mr. S. H. Miller moke in favor of Poster. Colonel Cutshaw, City Engineer, pro* po* I Captain Cunningham's name. Tho board adjourned without taking my action. It will meet at 10 o'clock ,hn morning. Mortuary Krport. The following shows tho actnal mor- :alitv in the city for tho wi <k ending December 81, 1887 : .< of Death: Apoplexy, 1 ca- arrh, 1 consumption. 4; debility, I Iropsy, 1 dysentery, 1 euterii ', I [ever typhoi I, catarrh, 1 ..-... aud .' probably abd, J ; heart-disease, 2, maras- mu., 1 ; menin) dis. i myelitis, 1 ni r- ibaustion, I; old age, 1 ; pa rah is I ; suicide by morphine, 1 ; toi .. ; tub rculosia, 1 ; unknown, 2, v> Dumber of deaths in tho city, exclusive of still-births, 27. Females White 1, jolored I males colored 2; total I. Bate of mortality of whole per cent, per 1,000 per annum ; rate of mortality of white population waa 18.98 per cent, per 1,000 p. r annum ; rate of mortality of 14.18 per cent. per 1,000 pi r annum. ,sv ./. and ('olor: Whil white rema!- s 7, toed, b"> ; colored mall I feniai. s;., total 12. .i me to titty days, 1; nibs, 1 six to twelve month", t . tl r. .""ire, 1 ; five to ten .; ten to tweuwyeara, 2 : twenty ;o thirty yean, I thirty to forty years, ! ; loi' $ ; fifty to irs, ii tty to .-¦ n nty yi irs, 2 ; seventy tai fears, 2; <ightj to i. [e, 14; marr! sidowi rs, 1 .. ibmond, 9 ; other parts if the 15 ; England, I Sicily, 1 : Scotland, I. Locality: Marshall Ward, 5; Jeffer¬ son Ward, i ; Madison Ward, '2 ; Mon¬ roe Ward, 5; Clay Ward, 5; Ja< Ward, i; Almahoa Comparative Weekly Mortality: T«>- ,d deaths for the week ending Jenn- irv i, issy White lt. colored 28; itiil-born.white 1, colored;!. For tho seek ending December 8L 1887.White 15, colored, BJ; btill-boru.white 1, ¦oiored :i. Tcmperahtn : Mean temperature for seek ending January 1, 1867. 88 ,00. | Ifeau temperature foi week ending l>e amber 31, 1887, 89 .88, Amount of rainfall for week ending lanuary 1, 1887, ."1 inches. Amount if rainfall lot week ending December ll, 1887, .'Jt inches. T. K. Shutton, M. P., President Hoard of Health. Neut tin for Felonious fchootliia*. A yoong man named Thomas Hamp- on was helots Bqaire Whiting at the ilenrico court-house yesterday, ohargi d sith b (onions shooting He was sent on 0 the grand jury and was buffed by Fudge Minor for his appearance on Mon¬ tey next, when tho Junuary t.-nu of the :ourt b.'gins. . '-'i Let l.wi.i.. Yt -sh rday the State and the city and a rambo of tho railroads paid interest on lu ir ls,inls, and numerous bunks, insu- ¦ance e< mpanies, Ac, paid their January lividenos, which altogether puta largo iniouu'. of money iu circulation. Personal* and Brief*. A. P. Bowe, Jr., of Fredericksbnrg, ms in tho city yesterday. Mr. R. W; Brailsford, of New York, is ¦>n a vi.sit to his brother, J. H. Brails- 'ord, of this city. Mr. W. C. Adams, Superintendent of be Gas-Works, was yesterday presented sith a bearskin e'amage-robe by the eui- iloyeos of the upper gas-works. Mr. Thomas Glover, of the Warm Springs, Va., passed through tho city ..-t.i hiy on his way homo from New fork, where he Jiad been spending the lolidays. Tho one half interest of the late Rev. Dr. deter in the J:> ttgtOKi ll' ruhl will M offered for sale at public auction to- aotrow at 3 o'clock P. M. at the office of: iiihlication. Kev. J. Calvin Stewart was presented light Indore last with a beautiful en-, .'raving by the Ladies' Society of the r'ourth Presbyterian church, and the aithful superintendent of the infant de- lartment was the recipient of a hand¬ some gold-headed umbrella. The following ladies and gentlemen lave arrived here from Louisville. Ky., 10 attend the marriage of Miss Pace, which takes place- this afternoon : Mrs. rV. a Bite, Mrs. G. A. Wigton, Mr. ind Jlrs. J. G. McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Adams, Messrs. Levi Bloom, rhouias W. Todd, J. BL Caperton, Allen ll. Bite. Bona] Weissinger, Louis Hite, I X, W. Fuller, Colonel W. W. Hite, and Muir Weissinger. Dr. Hatcher, of the Grace-Street bap ist church, gave a reception to the mem¬ bers of his' congregation on Monday "rom 1 to 0 o'clock P. M. For hourn a stream of people crowded in his parlors iud library on weat Grace street and « x ended their greeting* to their pastor. I'ho Doctor aud his wife were assisted in receiving their guests by their son and laughters, tl rs. Perkins, Mrs. Clements, Ur. aud Mrs Whitfield, Mrs, S. lt. Witt, ind a number of young ladlee. A half- lozou young gentlemen, under the direc- :iim of John T. Goddin, Esq., acted aa ishers and looked after the comfort nf the visitors. The tahlee were in charge >f Mrs. T. H. EUett, Mr*. Thomas J. 1 odd, and Mrs. B. Ba Vau Burvn, aid besides bring handsomely decorated were amply supplied with meats, fruits. Creams, scabs, chocolate, Ac. It was an evening fnll of enjoyment to the Doctor and his host of visitors. Clyti %-rTlre. The United States Civil Service Cora- miamen will begin its examinations for 1888 to-day in this city. All parsons who have properly-filed applie thous for posi¬ tions in tin" departmental service ia Washington will be examined. Tb* Academy. Hettie Bernard Chaso will begin a three nights' engagement at the Acad¬ emy to-morrow night in " Raga, the Wild Cat of Woodland Farm." Tho lathes interested in the fruhlings- fest to be held at Easter, after a suspen¬ sion of active work during the holidays, will resume their meetings, and hope now to pudi their work through vigorously. Their first meeting will bo held at the Young Men's Christian Asso¬ ciation hall on Wednesday, January Uth, at 12 M., st which time it is earnestly requested that all should at¬ tend. _ iv.r, Delicacy at Antoni's Restaurant after the open. fourth I'ri -li \ li ruin < Ininti There will bs BO SSfkieC at this church to nitrht. This is tho Week of Prover, and there will be a inion meeting of all Presbyterians at the Fourth church ( Rey. J. Calvin Stewart pastor) on Thursday night at B o'clock, to which all aro cor¬ dially invited. M" ni -i. tl I In,r.'lt Those desiring to nat Pews in thie. Church can dos,, tty applying to tho Committee al tho church this afternoon Itetween it and ."> o'clock. Phcaaanla, PartrMge*, Darke, Oye- ter*. Ac, at Antoni's Ri-stuuraut after tho open. Mr. J. ll. .HI tn poon will lie glad to st-,. Pm old friends at John P. Ban's, thc fMhionabss hatter, 838 Maui street, corner Ninth. Rich¬ mond, Xx, (fortacrllj with J. D. Kid- ford.) . Tho Bille** lavurlte ttr«lanranl. Antoni's,Si renthand Bro id, oppositi the Theatre. En ry delica ry aft* t tbs opera. ii.t : 'i..h. \ 11 can bc borrowed on good city real estate V Lu and Loans, N I I renth street. Kau. to alton.l au. klafk, KntraTlng*, ? -., at Lewis akt Uamckt, January td, 10 A. M. ana I P. M. IBVSBAI Of nv ivks ol- KtTMWff Tkoibi.s bare Inproved nore tat me nae of ISS fl I III HIM WATHttlM ISIBSSM "r Buffalo Water, J. >.. iBBVOua, M. P.. Kl. Lin..a.I, ta. .Trna iuttkhs. Om axirVS-reoewraei *p» Mtlawf an.I la ttl the wimle !. St ..»r.< f Imitation* Ask fer tho genuln¦¦ Ul ifacturvd bf Li i: DAM1 Pl tm gt*o< promt* ai l pei I.'nins, i ita and ¦nuada of et il li ls loralnabta .¦. .iirititharU, Maall-pox, cholera, ] ed. Saw) othor fr. I the ll. V. Al lt .-. HVIIA. ti'lin nf 111- 'i' as well aa nie* lal i family ll ft Phillipa's Digeiubl*, Cocoa i Moysawr.n ai. I Seams* linn, ii »r.;i the ardlaary eaotM lila tog Ui a hi»:h |. tree sad . -utily til gelled. Ar ::.¦. I.o ins.;., EMI t vinos. My Matre nu- k af le Mis, to re Mes rAeck, January Bf, M .1 M. ul i r. M, CooUaoe until all aoM, III orrrHiit-Kv I.mut ami BAeWBtu WATra. *| nat til of III'timon.1 aii.l IsilUaurS without revetting ai.) iMtlag baoMI unnl I ..lumen. i>.l tl.i, uee ut OfTsaaoM LiTuu \s ATr.K. .John Mann, IM2 Main etreot Ik tub BUWBSBBI tirnm I asm km u*ing MtsSms msssci. im nraMtriM Limit t>a* -tri rMsyaesaat pms ka th« -horteat Ban eiKuBOi J. Iii .Hi-UK, sa., Ki.-Iuiiuud, Vt Acctios sals at I.swut AatOAfABBT. loronioining Munday, January ;M, at WtM anil 11*. M., I will uflVr my eutlro atm k al pat auction to .< --. k. outltiue unUl ail -mid*! .. ¦ M*"tBBBir ai trio* BUM f»J Pil tICBMORD lAZAAB, lOanl ll A. M., horsaa, ni ii. -, .¦.,»... kauapsa, .*¦ T OUT, MONDAY NIOHT, EITHEB J J at Krui"!-* reasaaraal ur between thor* and MOeael .. a gentleman « OPAL I' 1N. ll., r.iii. r»u toerally by Irevlug Ulla i,rr*.* Jet-* FX)R RENT, TWO DtiSIRARhhf| fuNNSt/TIM, HtsiM'1, wltb r*tai-t-i<>m"*-» nu Ute narnu Hour. Apply at No. SJ» north, Klgbth ttreet,_Ja MC J^OR SAT!, om; COW AMJUB* i'ALI-': ow riving three paanBCJBl * milk penley. Apply tu K. W. C'OfKTNSY, Ja Mt* tirov.t road near Soliller*' Betaa. < piNii Btrccirracu. PATENTED. -A Modi I. OF THE J V.'lioWKI.I. PATBMT KISII HKI'KPTACLR will lio on aiblbittoa at Uki American Hol»l JAM \*IV I, ls*s. stAV. »r I'iii teal Slaun right* will be nulli at reit* liable figure*. Ja Ml* a xi ki*, we rent. DICHMOND THEATRE. TWENTY-Pot'HTU SEASON. 'TaKIOHT(tVKDNKMI)AY), JtKrtar «tb, HON IDEAL OPBBAI DMPAMK In CAR- MKN. »(th Um full caat of ibo .onipany. Owing to UH* opera running uearly fmir boars, tte curtain will rta* punctually at a o'clock, an I thc au.Hence aro tvoiMW'tfnlly requeeled lu be In their eeatfl before that Una .iigheat prlif for rr ««rred aeete, $I.C\ Veil attraction KuLAMJ Kttll. TelephOM 497._;aMt* LIMB, t KNE.*4T. PtuAftTKk,. Ac. .-|,(KK) HikKLANI) Itu-, per ai-hoonera J. HC. Beachuni and Alfred Koorie. Akwx 4.U0U barrel* "lim-K HAN'b' ItosKMiALSCIMBJIT In etoo* for sale low. AM IIOK l.JMK mcelreil Hally. lu »to'k, 1M11IKI KI> 1'UHTLAMU L'S- MKNT, i AU I Mil> 1'l.AsiKit, K IK SUM Sl«. K, LATBS, Be.. Ac. WAHNKH BOOBS. NOVA-VOl'IA H'MP ani t.Ktil'NO PLAS. TER The only place you caa ireah droned Planter. _ MERCANTILE AGENCY. [XSTABLISlilD WIS.] C. P. Clabi. Proa. B. P. R-tupotra, Ttvas, bkadStrspi-s. Rtl^MMOMPOmCS; Na HOS MAIN H1HSCT; f clcphoue Na L J. ll. Winn v, SaperlnkamdMt. Mo espeoee ht coaaidorwd loo groat la ara. coring ami applying u> Ute con-luci nf Ute biud. noe* all poaatblu lraproremenla, V, Uh ita proa- eui A»»itii fur ot.tiuulng an.1 prouiutgattug ia. U.riuaUou, thia Agency la Jueily regarded by lat lai-oas ns au'.bority on ail matter* affecUug cotu war.-iel OeOtk Ita raw liltanon*, are greener and rta buainoea largor than any other Mealier *igen>iaiHHi la tho wurta otitKiucted ia oae mtee*at ead nader one laanageuient, HHS BltADST'ttrrcOMPABY, PstrrairrnM ^.e^MTa^SlnWAY

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ale Agent*.(no 81

BLAIRS CHLORAL THYMOLbaa proved luw-lt lo t«


It baa prevented the apraM of OMBagfOMOlneaewa, parti-uler'.y Diphtheria and Nariel-POW, in fatnllle*; ll bait MOdlfled t-ad .yinp-Ioom, aad t.a.^ ofloa oSordcd oomiort I

OtlllUftm*, lt boa ea*od llvee lo toto etty.

Tor «*le l>y drui'Klata 1'rbe W rtutit a bOlMade ah


(ftru»erly hourlh and Loajk MMtSaJ. opeoed a n^w DBI OSTOBI al toe aboveMber, wbere lie will be pleaeed to aee bl*

._*udeai»J Ute publl<- fMaral f. Will olwayakeep on band a go.Mi ¦ojoffaolof everytlilufoeually k« id In a brat-, lau drugilore. Pb)»l-vi*a* prea. ilpttouB a »pe.1aitv.Telepbooe No. ilW. de IB MuAWlin

nu niK5

I 1 >.» HMIIIIt.


frka |100, C. O. l>., on threeUW'Olba' trial.WHEELWRIGHT A UOWI-

.Bidualve Weelara for Vlrdu la,

UU Mala caei eweet, Bicluuvud,


de M


Holiday* Bein* Over, How for Work on tb*Public Dabt, Railroad Chartara,

Local Billa, fte.

At 12 M. to-day tho two houses of thoGeneral Assembly will reconvene andproceed to tho serious work of the ses¬

sion. Belora they adjourned for theholidays they were able to elect a UnitedBl il' s senator find nil hut one of theCapitol offio rs, Hui exception being theBegirter of thc Land Office Action intlwt instance was postponed to await thereport of especial committee appointedto inquire into the truth of Um chargesadvanced when it waa an open questionwhether this office should t>e abolishedor not.Judges for tho Chancery Court ind

Hustings Court of Richmond ^"w also toted, int tiic electionstrahmm far*

maliti< KMninationa have bet amade hythe Democrats, the selections areaccepted by the community, and it only

msini for tho eulogistic seechesto be made and tho roll in each houseIO bs culled.

'il. Republicans have determined,with great unanimity, to cast their Totesfor Hustings judge foi the presenl in-emili), nt, lliii. '1 homaa S. Atkins ; whilewith equal unanimity the Democratswill support Mr. Samuel B. Witt. Poijudge ol the Chancery Conti tho Hcpub-

red to throw their rotesfor Henry Hndnsll, i'.s<|., while theDemocrats will successfully record thecommunity's wishes that the Hon. I'.. M.Fitzhugu sball bs returned to the officewhich he honored and from which hewhs thrust by Mahone.

1,1 \i:kaj.

Of legislation of a general characteithere is less needed or proposed thanusual, and the public-debl question is in

rectory condition this yealthan at any time .since the funding billof Istj was drafted by Governor Gilbert

.'vcr and pissed by the Legisla¬ture.Tho Coupon-Crusher has destfoyed the

markets for coupona, and it ia now forthe bondholders to decide whether they

pt ;'. per cent, bonds in ben oftheir holdings or will devise new plana

ting intbecourts "thecrusher.nthal hare been made

to show thal Virginia liss not nowi pay :< cent on the

sled-down debtif funded are beingun d to demonstrate to holders of consol

that if tiny fund in new -'J's theynob ttci off than now, and theret no movement to show thal the

British accept tlie situation. Mean¬while, since the decision of the United

Supreme Court, there haw beenU of 10-40 bonds and consol

coupona mos! of them fundable at 60cents iii the dollar surrendered for ex-

into new o's.Byan amendment put upon the Bid-

dleberger bill since the Democrats cameinto po* ir certain coupona and interestnow amounting to 83,000,000 have be aoutlawed, lt is believed that if provi¬sion could be made foi these, even at 10cents on the dollar, the foreign land¬holders might inc: illly be inclined tofund.

inga now stand very little debt-Mon is needed. Next to none, in-

dud, prominent legislators ssy, unlessthe General Assembly .¦ prepared to re-

pesl the outlawry of the aforesaidcoupoi ¦ the 1 lid tilbill as it was when Ma I it.

Bul then there is the financial condi¬tion of the State uttering a warning!The signs are that war is to l>e made

on the peddlers, and if Mr. Pollard's lulleach peddler afoot will have to

pay $300 foi his license. At present r of coupons it costs him £1">.

Very few country merchants will weepif this bill i» com< i a law.

Mr. < gone to England, butwill return in a fen w< els.

Mr. Royall said yesterday that he waa

going to sm the sherill" of Middlesexcounty for 815,000 damages foi arrestingand confining in jail Friedman, one of

ddli rs hen tofore n ferred to. Mr.Koyall added " Within the course of a

shall institute some twenty or

thirty more suits tor damages in theUnited States Court in cases in whichthe State's oflScerfhave trespassed uponthe rights ol persons wno have been ten-

lt was understood yesterday that Mr.had received a cablegram from

mncil ol Foreign Bondholdersbim to continue the ti^ht,

Imt win d approached on the subject beed to give anything nut for publi¬

cation.A T.IVKI.Y I loIIT.

A tolerably lively fight is going on

over the medical bill thal is, tho lulli. titiou 1 ri j the Medical Society, in

ami n ling the existing law andabolishing examinations for license bywhat is popularly called ..District

of three, and requiring all ap¬plicants to pr. sent tin mst Ives Ik fore theState Board, which animally meets stBiohmond.

\ 1 be law now is the graduates of thelia Medical College atBiohmondf the Medical Department of the

University ol Virginia have to undergoexaminations just like all other appli¬cants; lmt tlo % and all would-be doo*

present can either go before the.'District Board" or the State Hoard.

tuc mm boabd.Some objections have been urged to

the Board-of-Fir missioneis bill inthe shape in which it has been prepared.

lt is i question win ther tlie bill oughtto be made operative from Muv 1st or

July the matter of naming tho board.

if, as proposed, they shall be named inIhc .tv d. li Ration, who sro re-

Bpoinible t thc people, will have ti) un¬dertake tijut duty. I;There are no others ko do it'lie concensus ol opinion, inasmuch M

aa thia bill is designed to separate theI artment from partisan control,ia that no member of the City Councilshouldbe a commissioner, and that when¬ever a commissioner becomes a candi¬date i iran »ffice hisphoe shall tptofactobelvine vacant.

I hat is the law as to the Police Com-

lt is abo thought desirable by someOf the public that tho bill shonld

le that BO commission, r shall !¦el] the department, by contract or1otherwise, any of its supplies. That, itis claimed, is'the policy of the law gov-arning city councilmen and city depart¬ment supp

Tilt: liKOOH lt KSI'IHK.

lt Munt .>.¦ i»v;iuirni or .%© Tolls fol- (lewsesl.The Iburieo County Court was in ses- |

yesterday, tint time having Wenfixed tor hearing tho Brook tiirnptkecase. | jlins pike, which is a continuation ofBrook avenue, extends a numbec of milesout into the county and is dirtied into six

ns. The condition of the thorough- 1fare has of late given rim' to much oom- Iplaint, and si vera! months ago the com- i

missioners- Mesam c. L .Muller, Henry j ]!. r, and lt. Ii. Harrison.sitora 1

thorough examination prebentcd a unani- 1mom report condemning the third, tfourth, filth, and fixtb sections of the tturnpike, The first Sud ¦aeond sections (ware report. 1 us in passable condition. <

Theta asathe seotions nearest. Biehmond. «

Tho Turnpike Company, through Mr. j t

George P. Haw, ita ecnneel, moved toreject the report, and it waa upon thiamotion that tho case came np yesterday.Commonwealth's-Attornoy Oeorgc W.

Thomas appeared for the comity, assistedby Mr. ('onway R. Banda, who representsvarious citizens.Judge Minor, after giving a patient

hearing to the case and well consideringall of the facts addnced, adhered to bisformer decision and issued an order di¬recting the gates to be thrown ooen andthe collection of tolls to be suspendeduntil tho property is put in Rood nyahand again viewed bv tho county com¬

missioners. No tolls have. been collectedsince this litigation was begun.A largely^attcnded meeting of the

citizens of Brookland district was heldat Solomon Brothers' storo Monday af¬ternoon, when a permanent association,having for ita object the improvement ofthe pike, was formed. The followingofficers were elected: Charles King,president ; John Solomon, vice-presi¬dent ; and .Simon Solomon, wertt.iryund treasurer.An effort will ho made to have the

company's charter so changed as tomakotho obligations to keep tho pike in re¬

pair more binding.MSIIt I Kit ll IBttwl "N WORK.

He Baa . Largo Docket ol Tr I flin n4a«ee.

Justice Richardson looked fresh andwell when he ascended tho Police-Courtbench yesterday morning at half-pant!)o'clock. This notwithstanding the factthat the night before he uttomb d the BS-onioa of Syracuse Lodge, Knights ofPythias, at which he Blade an admirableaddress, and remained at tho danc^! until4 A. M. yesterday. Thc docket em¬braced a largo unrulier of trifling eases,such as fighting, drunkenness, vagrancy,Ac, whieh consumed but little time, andin two hours tue Justice had completed bisdaily dutii ¦ that pertained to the bench,As a result of the day's work six pri¬soners were sent to jail. Ftaesanto u considerable sum were imposed, huttho collections were not large.

" Luring the first ten days of eachyear," remarked Justice BiehardaoB to a

Dispatch reporter, " the business of thecourt is light and the membership oftemperance .octettes greatly inaMany good pledgee are made, new li av Iturned over, demijohn! broken, Ac, butit is all soon forgotten and things as-sumo their normal condition."Among tins cases disposed of yester¬

day were the following : George Hooker(colored), charged with carryingcoaled weapons, and Lewis, his brother,charged with shooting find woundingWalter Weaver. Both continued untilSaturday the 7th institut on account ofthe inability of Weaver, the piiucipalwitness, t<> be present.W. IL Randall and David Lucas (both

colored), charged with being auspiciouscharacters. Required to give securityfor three mouths iu the sum of SluOeach.

Silas Wortham (colored), assaulting,striking,and wounding William Graftonwith an iron pin. Fined 810 and costs,

ima ADAM* IN TKO I lil. r. Ali A1N.

Churned willi Nteulma " W ai« I; from51 j ron lliikcr'H Nraas,

Joe Adams, a young mau oi not morethan twenty-two or tlireo summers, andwho appears even several years younger,was before the Police Court yestt rdajmorning charged with unlawfully andfeloniously stealing front the person ofM\rou Baker a gold watch valued ut1240.Adams, though youug, is well known

in police circles and has spent ut leasttwo years of his life behind prison bars.It will be remembered that about, twoyears ago he, together with several

prisoners, attempted to escape from thecity j ul, and in scaling the high prisonwalls fell and broke his leg and was re¬

captured. Ho only lacked then a fewdays of having completed his ten:, botwaa given six months moro for his at-tempti d escape.Tho evidence in the present east, ns

far as heard, .shows that between '1 and llo'clock yesterday morning air. Baker,while sitting in Murphy's ballroom, onSixth street near Marshull, asleep, hadins watch guard cut in two and hib hand¬some gold watch stolen.The proprietor of the establishment

testified that be saw thcaccnsed bi agingaround baker before the latter t-llasleep uni feeling about his clothes;that Baker spoke to Adams and toldbim to let him alone ; that when Adamswent out of tlie saloon witness arousedBaker und asked him if he had his watch,but it was goneLater in the morning Adams was

1, but the watch was not found.The casi- was continued uutil Thursdaythat other witnesses maj be summoned,and Adams, being nuable to give secu¬

rity, wa** committed tu jail.The Hell Ut Itroken.

"The bell of the Third Presbyterianchurch is broken, consequently it willDot be nmg for the service to beheld to¬

night (Tuesday)."Tho hIhjvo, written by a member of

the congregation of this church, was

handed in nt this office OB Monday andivas published by request of the writer.Mr. Edwin Pleasants, a member of thedniren, when asked by a Dispatch re¬

porter yesterday what was tho! toe bell remarked that there was

nene. 'J he author of the item WM be-youd doubt conscientious, bat he was

mistakes. There being some doubt obSunday us to whether services would beicld last night a conditional notice <riven, and the ringing of the bell wm toufonn the congregation if sen ices would!>. held, lt was decided not to have se r-

riosSj and the bell dui not ring.The Cradle and the Chair.

The miniature cradle and chair madearith a pen-knife by Mr. William L. Hol¬li, of Boston, ami sent here to Mr. J.I'yhr Jobson, have been received by theattn and are tho objects of general sd-uiration.These two gentlemen have exchanged

lOUM sOi in tiie spirit which characterizeswei representativesof then-unit,ions of this country, and Mr. Holli-,vho is a mau of leisure and artisticikill, has carved out of polished woodsrom many historic places tho articlesuentioued. They are very unique andpretty. A description of them was

¦eceiltly given in a social telegram tohis puper from Boston.

Tooti olin t>r« Installed.

At a meeting of Virginia Lodge, No.ll, Order of Tonti, the follow-ng officers for this year were installedre Actiug-Supreme Deputy W. F. G.iarnett, Jr. Thomas W. Sydnor,»ast president; M. W. Ford, president ;Lug. W. Rosene, vice-president ; Ed¬vard Sydnor, secretary ; Charles L. Sie¬gel, Jr., trt*surer ; A. W. Ball, ebap-aiu ; J. W. (iurbttt, guard j J. W. Bea¬nies, sentry ; M. B. Carter, medical ex-

.miuer. Board of Trustees -Aiitf. W.tosene, P. ii. Burford, and J. W. Pea-ross.This order pays $2~> per week as a bick

lencilt; 81,000'in seven years.(tamllfJod.

Judu'e H. W. Flournoy, Becretary oflu Commonwealth ; Mr. A. W. Harman,Itate TrcMnrer ; Colonel Morton Marve,luditor of Public Accounts; Mr. W. W.lorn-s, Superintendent of tho Peuitcii-iary (re-elected), and Colonel ThomasVhitehend, Couimitsioner of Agricul-ure, and Captain J. EL O'Bannon,^qM-rinteniteut of Public Brintiugn»w)y elected), qualified yesterday. Theither State officers who were recentlylected by tho Legislature will no doubtlike the oath ol office to-day,,



Proviiion for Bademption of City Bsnda-Colorad Troopi' Araorr-Oaa Dspart-

msnt Appropriation, Ac.

TheJanuery meeting of thc CommonCouncil waa held last night. Present:Messis. Bryan (in the chair), Archer,Both ker, Bowden, Connor, Cutehins,Farrar, Ferriter, Griffin, Guy, Hayes,Hughes, Jones, Kaufman, Kendler,Molloy, Montgomery, Murphy, Owen,and 1'arrish.

OAS.The Committee on Gas asked an ap¬

propriation of 84.000 to its departmenttor general expenses. Allowed.


Tlie Committee on Finance presentedS report asking that they l»e allowed toissue $140,000 of bonds to make np theduly redemption fund on the debt of thecity. Agreed to.


The same committee returned withoutreport th resolution providing for theselection of a site and tho building of an

armory thereon for the colored troops ofthe city. Received.On motion a resolution was adopted

providing for the appointment of a spe¬cial joint committee- thr. o councilmenand two aldermen -to look into tho ex-

pediency of building au armory. Agreedto.

tarroni force.

Tho Water Committee submitted a re¬

port providing that the pay of the tap-ping-ioroe hands 1 Ifromfl.o0to ,-tj and the pay of the foreman fromS2.75 to $3 per day. .

Referred to the I 'mince Committee.TRICK.

Tho Committee on Fire Departmentpresented a piper in which they recom¬mended that a truck company be or¬

ganized for the western part of the city,and gave the following figures as the costfor one yeal ol same: One foreman,1240; one tillerman, 1822; one hostler,|822; nine laddermen, H.620; twohorses, M.'.n; provender, S260; hernoasand hames, $70 ; overhauling truck nowont of service, |100 temporary altera¬tion of No.»; engine-house, 8100. Total,st.i:1'.

also submitted a reso¬lution asking to be authorized to or¬

ganize and equip a ni w book-and-ladder-truck company, to be known as "So. 8."for service on and after February 1st inthe western part of the eity.

I'he report was referred to the FinanceCon,mitt' e.

srnooLs.Mr. Bowden, from the School Com¬

mittee, submitted from the City SchoolBosrdalisi of arti.'hs needed in thcpublic schools. Referred to thc FinanceCommit!.

SANITARY rouen.The Committee on Ordinances re¬

turned in proper shape an amended ordi¬nance in relation to .sanitary inspectors.

J be ordinance aaamendi d relieves thepolice of this work and puts it entirelyunder tho control of tho itoard ofHealth. gTho amendment w£ adopted.

wu kui: is rr IMr. Kaufman wished to know what

had become of tho ordinance referred tordinance Committee in regard to

requiring stationary engineers to iexamination Be .said lie bad seen theprop led ordinance in the Whig ot Ho-vi inlier otb, but had hoard nothing of itsince.

Mr. Oliy, of tho committee, said thocommittee had acted on the ordinanceand he could not understand why thoclerk of the committee had uot reportedit.


The Committe on Second Marketasked that the ordinance in relation togas in the markos be so amended as tohave a gas-meter put in each stall, so

that occupants will pay for gas actuallyused nnd not by asseaament as atpresent.Tho amendment was adopted.

nxposrnox.Mr. Hod-ker offered (for Mr. Pizzini.

who was absent a joint resolution pro¬viding that the Finance Comtnitttauthorized to arrange with tho Virginiastar Agricultural Society for the ex-1

of tho debt due by said society tothe city into the common stock of tho

a Agricultural and Industrial Fx-position Company, or if in their judg-lmentit b. to tho interest of the city, tocancel said debtof §30,000 providedthstsaid Virginia state Agricultural and In-1dustrial Exposition Company builds onthe grounds near the city now knownas the st:it^- Fsir-Grounda an expositionbuilding costing not less than 180,000for the purpose ol holding annual indus¬trial expositions therein, lleferred tothe Finance Committee.


Tho report of the Committee on Ac¬counts snd Printing awarding the cityadvertising to the Whig, book work toJames E. Goode, job-work to K. T. Wal-thall, stationery to N. V. Randolph,and recommending that the Daily ck r-

miin Advertiser be given the Germanadvertising, was adopted.


Mr. Bowden presented a resolutionproviding that Libby Hill (Marshal)Park, or so much thereof as may be

.iv, be tendered to the Confede-a- rs aud Sailors Monument As¬

sociation for the proposed monument tocommemorate tho deeds of the Coufede-rate soldier; further, that the Committeeon Finance be instructed to provide in ]the budget of 1888 for |6,000 to pay forbuilding a foundation for the proposedmonument

Adopted unanimously.amm natm

This is tho first official move that hasbeen made toward securing money forthe monument, and it is a fact worthy ofmention that tba first vote in its favorwas cast by a colored man.F* Archer,of Jackson Ward.


Mr. Hughes otVered a resolution pro¬viding that the Committee on Finance beinstructed to reserve a fund sufficient toincrease tho pay of tho city police 10I>er cent,

lhlorred to tho Finance Committee.ELECTION.

To fill the vacancy caused by the re¬

signation of Mr. Patrick Sullivan, ofMarshall Ward, Mr. Faratcr nominatedJohn Mann, Jr. : ;

Mr. Parrish nominated W. B. Haynes.Tho veto resulted : Mann, 15 ; Haynes, j'11Mr. Mann was declared elected.Tho new mombor is a member of the

firm of Forbes ft Mann, brickmakersand builders, iu tho lower part of thecity. Ho is a Deniocrut, and is aboutforty-two years of ago.Adjourned.

i. o. o. r.Last night Friendship Lodge installed i

the following officers for the ensuing ]half year : A. K. Henry, noble grand ; <

W. Creetl Davis, vice-grand ; John Pitt,secretary ; W. J. Syduor, treasurer ; H.F. Jones, chaplain. Past-District-Depu- ity Grand-Master George B. Davis per- J

termed the work aud delivered the ne- Icesaary lectures. Immediately siter- jwards he called to the floor the retiring I

secretary, Arthur A. Spitzer, the presenlgrand master, and in a neat speech presented him on behalf of tho brethren olthe lodge with a handsome motto of thcorder.three golden links. This lodgthas a memtierahip which embraces som«of tho best business, professional, anilskilled mechanical men in the State, andis prospering.

A PBI.HOXER LIBERATED.Jnd»e Hogtie* Dlaebarcea Max Boa

deltcher iron, Cuatody.Judgo Hughes arrived in the city yes¬

terday morning from his home, in Norfolk, and at once proceeded to the UnitoilStates Court rooms, in tho old (iranibuilding, on Twelfth street between Mar¬shall and Clay.Soon after the Judge'sarrival e»Judgc

Edmund Waddill, Jr., and Mr. WilliamFlegenheimer, as counsel for Max Rcsth it. lier, the Austrian peddler chargedwith having passed a counterfeit SUO noteon Samuel Shapowitch in Chester, Pfc.,presented a petition asking that a writ ofnebea* corjwi be barned, returnableforthwith, upou which their client mightbe brought before Judge Hughes with aview to securing his discharge from cus¬


Tho complainant, Shapowitch, whowas doing businefs at that time, chargesthat on tho l'Jth of April, 1887, theprisoner made some small purchasesfrom him and paid for the goods with a

$20 note, which proved to bo coonter-fcit; and on Monday, December 90th,he met Bosdettchi r on the street, wt ntbefore Commissioner Pleasant* and madehis complaiut, a warrant was issued, andthe accused taken before Mr. Pleasant*,who, after hearing the evidence, senthim on to the grand jury to be tried inthe Shite ia which the offence is allegedtc have been committed. Rocdeitcnerclaims that the only transaction he eveihad with Shapowitch took place on Sun¬day the 29th of March, 1887; that thetwo made the trade of some wearing ap¬pen 1 and that he had no $-20 note, butpail' the 63 difference iu the value of thegoods.


The petition for the writ alleged thatthe accused was illegally in custody andthat he could not lie imprisoned andbeldon them/AmtfJ Of CommissionerPloMsnts t<> await trial for an offencealleged to have boen committed in theState of Pennsylvania, anti fer which ot¬

ho had been regularly examinedby said Commissioner Pleasants some

davseiaos and by him sent onto thegrand jury and held to await removal tothe State of Pennsylvania.

orrs TU whit AMD is DfBOHABBBD,The Judye awardeel the writ of f

corpus, directed to Bberiff Southward, olHenrico comity, in whose keepingElosdeitoher waa, and the body of thepetitioner was forthwith brought intoBoort bj Deputy United States MarshalOverliy and Sherill' Southward. ThoCourt, after fally considering thc matterand hearing the evidence adduced andthe arguments of counsel for and

I thc application, the DistrictAttorney (Colonel Gibson) appearing for

ivemment, directed thereleaMofthe accused, and he was forthwith set atUbi rty.This is an exceedingly important eas",

particularly upon the question of themoiie of procedure ta thc Pt deni courts

tiing parties accused of crime ta(tate and arrested ta another, from

the pince of arrest to the State in winchtin y are to bo trad.

BBB DBOmOB,Tho Judge in effect holds that pro-

eec.bogs for the arrest of an sefound m Virginia foran offence com¬mitted rn another State should originatein the State where tue crime is all

nitted ; that upon suchpro. chare the necessary steps should beaiken to cause thc arrest and detentionnf thc party for triai ; that the mere fact

me person here alleged the oom-mission of a crime ia another State was

not of itself sufficient to justify the ar¬rest and imprisonment of a citizen inVirginia to await the action ot the courtsin another State that might or might nothe taken. Tin Jodge wm satisfied thatIbis proceeding was the result of badfeeling and amounted to malicious prose-,-utiou.

goold ur ru'.AiiitEsTF.n.Should the Pennsylvania authorities

-ce lit they could take the Beetand within twenty-four hours se¬

nna the rearrest here of the sconced.I'hen be could be takeu to Pennsylvaniafor trial. As the mutter now stands thc-vidence is till in Richmond, if there ilmy anywhere to connect tho accuse.Iwith the- alleged offence, and the Phila-i hphiaor Cheater authorities huvo no

knowledge of the case.

Etoadmtchcr has spent much of hisife here, and the Dispatch is informedhat he, character has never before beenjuestioned.

OTiir.n SUSISBSS.Judge Hughes during the dny entered

miers in a large number of other cases,coat of them of an unimportant chanc¬ier.

In the case of S. Blanchard, whonile an assigimn nt here sonn threee irs a^ofora large sum, and in which anir.ler ol distribution was entered in Junekf last year, the .bulge made an orderif final distribution, which puts an endo the litigation.Judge Hughes and Mr. M. F. Plea-

lants, clerk of the Circuit Court, willMSW hen this morning for Alexandria,there they will remain until Saturday.

NO SOLDIER.On Judge Hnghen's return Saturday

io will lie called u]>on to hear thekoocas-eorjnif case instituted hytheDOthct of Edward W. Richardson (col-ired), who hus enlisted in the cavalry ofho (Jolted States army. It is allegedhat Richardson is still a" minor, and hisnother asks that Lieutenant Thurston,ho recruiting officer, bo restrained fromlokUag him.Mr. I'arrish, counsel for Richardson's

uother, was at the court-house yester-lay afternoon with his witnesses, butludgo Hughes had left for the day. ltraa agreed between him aud District-attoraej Gibson thal the witnesses shalllot be summoned for Saturday but thatbf BM shall bo submitted on the afii-lavit of a gentleman well acquaiutetlwth Richardson's age. No strong re-

istance will be made to the discharge ofhe would-be soldier.Commercial Traveller*-Poat D.A meeting of* Poet D, Virginia

Division of the Travellers' ProtectiveAssociation, was held last night at Ford'slotcl, President Archer in tho chair,rho officers elected at the Decemberne'oting were installed and the consti¬tution adopted. Messrs. J. D. Russellind (X E. Wilson, of New York, wereiresent and addressed the meeting, aftervhich twenty new members were elected,[he committee appointed to wait on ourne-rehants to interest them in the niove-

uent and to secure help to get a hall.MIBM] favonble progress.The State wai adopted as the organ of

?ost D, while the Dispatch remains thetrgan of the Virginia Division.

vt fk or Prayer.There wm ii large gathering of the

baptists at Grace-Street church lastught. The meeting wm led hy Dr.^andrum, who made the opening ad-tress. Ho wm followed hy Rev. Messrs.'itt and Billson and Dr. Hatcher. Rev.i. Albn Tupper, of Louisville, Ky., ledu the closing prayer. There will benectiugM tonight at One*)-Street, l'uie-ttri et, and I^eigh-Stroet churches.sub¬set: " Faith Under Trial; or, Th* Usesrf Affliction.''


HECENT ESCAPE OF PRISOHERI. JrTheir Obisrvationi oa th* Priion BJ' -*t-

mtat-A Bnmbsr of Indiot-maets Pound, Ac.

Yesterday the Hastings-Con rt grandjury looked into the matter of the escapeof certain prisoners from tho city jail onDecember 16th. A number of witnesseswero examined and the jury formulateda report, which was presented to tlieCourt.

jrRORS' OBSERVATIONS.In tho repost thaw say that "tho es¬

cape was duo to the employment ofprisoners to perform duties outside thoprison proper (but inside the entrance-yardi and carelessness on the part of theofficers of the jail in the manner of se-

curing tho prisoners confined in thedungeon unsecured by a lock. Theythink that tho presence of a single watch-man ou duty for a portion of time. from7 to B P. M..was wrong ; and the grandjun- further find that there is evidenceliefore them to show great remissness on

the part of the jailor and every officer inthe general security of the jail."


Thc grand jury.Dr. 0. H. Mills fore¬man.yesterday brought in the follow¬ing true bills of indictments and misde¬meanors: David Peterson, keeping a

disorderly house ; Bobert Brown, con¬

ducting a lottery; Jam.a Driscoll, re¬sisting the polio.. ; Henry hammins,keeping a disorderly house ; HuckSpotswood, conducting a loth ry.

Felonies: < harli i Braxton, breakinginto the house of Jordan Bandolph;Charles Doolittle, breaking into tho

of Paul Maroni and steaiingcer-tain articles (three indictments); JohnGlasgow, freaking into the store of ll.P. '1 nylor and others ; Walter Harris,breaking into the store of Scott ft Cur¬tin; Albert Harris breaking into thostore of Jordan Randolph ; tiJohnston, stealings watch from PhilipZimmerman; W. H. Johnson, enteringthe dwelling-houses of fl. A. Lacy amiothers (six indictments); Edward Kin¬ney, committing an assault on HenryJohnson; W. I'. Lipscomb, breakinginto the store of J. K. Molloy ; JohnBfabry, seduction; Xbomss Palmer,breaking into tho store of Jordan Ban¬dolph; maloy Pear, assaulting A. Domi¬ni; J. Samuels alia* Pike, breakinginto the store ol Paul MMAX II KM I It 1 4 OMKIBITIO*.

Ninan Latte* oiuerrM lawiallsal !*¦>¦annul ami Older lit*ni*.

At the regular meeting of StuartNo. Ill, Independi ni Order of

o.ld-F. lions, the followinged to serve this vi y installedJ. A. Moore, nol le grand; li. D. Bailey,ria ¦Timi; J. B. vaden, secretary; C.M. Cousins treasurer GeoiPayne, chaplain. The attendance wasunusui md the occasion one ofmuch inhrest.

Indisnola Tribe, No. 52, ImprovedOrder of Red Mi n, on Monday night in¬stalled tin ir officers foi fte year, whosonun. s have been published. After the

lion the tribe repain d < >dd-Fellows'Hal] and enjoyed a sumptuousrepast

ranon ship conThe following officers have

elected by Friendship Lodge, No. 20,Knights of Pythii C. B. Galloway,past chancellor; G. P. Cox, chancellorMainlander ;J. W. Condry, rice-cb!or; C. P. Price, prelate; W. T. Lith¬gow, keeper of records'and seal ; W. A.Gibbs, master of finance; II. L. Kidd,roaster of exchequer; J. P. Galloway,master-at arin:'. Will be installed Thnra-day, January 5tb. There will be a re¬union of tho lodge mid .sipper.

ranaoMALS and bbibpb,Mrs. John Viles, of Now York city,

who accompanied her husband's rem tinsto Bjehmondand who has been itayinga few days with lier sister, Mrs. \\ bite-head, left for her home yesterday morn¬ing.The river is several feet above usual

tide and the water is very muddy. ltwas falling slowly yesterday afternoon.During the year 1S.S7 there wi rfc 9

felony cases before tho Mayor's Court,159 ordinance violations, and J'Jo misde¬meanor cases; total, 397.

.Mr. Kob.rt Camp, formerly of Kich-mond, now employed in the Bichmondand Danville genera] freight office inWashington, wai in the eily Monday.Ho returned to Washington that night.

Mrs. IL M. <Tasty, of Buckingham,who has been spending some time withrelatives in this city and Richmond, leftyesterday on tho Hichnioiid and Alle¬gheny 10:18 A. M. train for home.Cinder crossings have been put on

upper Hull street, and they greatly im¬prove navigation for the pedestrians.A party from Wilkesbarre^ Pa, ar¬

rived bore Monday, and went out to thoMidlothian coal-mines for tho puqioseof prospecting for natural gas and SOaLSeveral parties are now boring tor gas,and all feel confident of success.

Mr. William I. Martin, an old resi¬dent of Manchester, WM reported . v

tremely ill yesterday with congestion ofthe lungs. Mr. Martin was a member ofthe Virginia Senate in 1800, being thefirs! senator from Chesterfield after thedays of reconstruction.Kt. Paiil'a rur.nT.iul A«<tucl«tloM.A meeting of tho congregation of St.

Pauls church was held last night for thepurpose of organizing for more efficientChristian work. A plan was submittedand adopted providing for a distributionof work under au organization to l»oknown as St Paul's Parochial Associa¬tion, with the following working chap*tors : Chapter J. Sunday school ; Chap-ter IL, Charity ; Chapter UL, Missions ;Chapter IV., church homes.1. OrphanAsylum, if. Women's Department; Chap.?er V., Dorcas Society ; Chapter Vb,

f Willing Workers ; Chapter VII., Ladit s'Aid society ; Chapter VIII., YoungMen; Chapter IX.., Chancel Chapter;Chapter X., Popairs aud Improvements;Chapter XI.. Visitors and Strangers.The meeting was spirited, and will no

doubt result in great present and tatarsgood to this large and influential church.The Bollon Ideals at tb* Theatre.The Boston Ideals, under the manage¬

ment of Mr. W. H. Foster, playenl theopera of "FraDiavolo" last evening toa tine audience. The company has beenlaboring under some difficulties here byreason e-f several of their principal peo-pie suffering from severe colds and sorethroats. The opera hist evening was

creditably given notwithstanding. MissAvery, it is said, played the part ofyZer-lina for the first time, and a member ofthe chorus had to la- substituted for Mr.Myron in the character of (iiacomo.Though the company is with its full com-plement strong and evenly balanced,there were some weak points in the castlast evening. The opera is a charmingcomposition, and has been so often reu-demi here by eminent arti*tm that theIdeals suffered by the inevitable com-

jmrison which ap naturally arose to theminds of all who had aeen it well givenbefore.The chorus and the orchestra eape-'

cially did their work most faithfully andeffectively.We must congratulate Mies Avery

upon her d*OMlasZe<rlina. She renderedthia exacting rule pleasantly and withgrace. Ordinarily abe lacked force, y* tin many of the climaxes she came out

with surprising strength and spirit Mr.Appleby s Fra Dmvolo whim havingsome points of excellence, was not alto¬gether pleasing. His voice ia rather

rah snit metallic. Tho Lord and Ladylllcashof .Mr. Herbert and Miss Camp¬bell wt re good enough in their way, butpresented no special feature ot interest.Mr. Pastor appeared as Lorenzo, and hesang bis numbera very sweetly indeed.He bsa a pure tenor voice and knows howto use it. Mr. Clark made the hit of theevening an Beppo. In the last act he in¬terpolated '. Let All Obey," from Balfe's" Enchantress," and woo rapturous ap¬plause for his rendering of this popularsong.To-night Carmen will be given with

the full strength of tho company. Asthe opera will take Wtween three andfour hon ts for its rendition it has beenrequested by the management that theaddienos be in their seats at least tenminutes before H o'clock.

mr BTAYSra wak v ran cl.

Who Will be « aptaln or the Chesa¬

peake?The Boatd on the Chesapeake and Its

Tributaries nut yesterday morning at llj'clock to go into the election of a com¬

mander for the cteanier Chesapeake. Allthe members.Governor Iav, AuditorMarve and Treasurer Harman.werepresent and the session lasted until -\/clock, when a recess was taken. AnImnrand a half later the Wrd again metmd did not adjourn until »!00o'clock.During the two sessions several ad-

Iressosworo nada and three names were d in lore the board Seth Pester(ill-mmbeat], Thomas -J. Woodland, andfrank W. Cunningham.Colonel W. D. Bobin*, of Gloucester.

spoke in favor of Woodland, and Sens¬or Btabba presented a petition signediv 187 DH n and gave his reasons forfavoring Foster's removal.Mr. John ll. Donovan of Mathew-.

fudge Garnett, and Mr. S. H. Millermoke in favor of Poster.Colonel Cutshaw, City Engineer, pro*

po* I Captain Cunningham's name.Tho board adjourned without taking

my action. It will meet at 10 o'clock,hn morning.

Mortuary Krport.The following shows tho actnal mor-

:alitv in the city for tho wi <k endingDecember 81, 1887 :

.< of Death: Apoplexy, 1 ca-

arrh, 1 consumption. 4; debility, IIropsy, 1 dysentery, 1 euterii ', I[ever typhoi I, catarrh, 1

..-... aud .' probablyabd, J ; heart-disease, 2, maras-

mu., 1 ; menin) dis. i myelitis, 1 ni r-

ibaustion, I; old age, 1 ; pa rahis I ; suicide by morphine, 1 ; toi

.. ; tub rculosia, 1 ; unknown, 2,v> Dumber of deaths in tho city,exclusive of still-births, 27.

Females White 1,jolored I males colored 2; total I.

.¦ Bate of mortality of wholeper cent, per

1,000 per annum ; rate of mortality ofwhite population waa 18.98 per cent, per1,000 p. r annum ; rate of mortality of

14.18 per cent.per 1,000 pi r annum.

,sv ./. and ('olor: Whil whiterema!- s 7, toed, b"> ; colored mall

I feniai. s;., total 12..i me to titty days, 1;nibs, 1 six to twelve month",

t . tl r. .""ire, 1 ; five to ten.; ten to tweuwyeara, 2 : twenty

;o thirty yean, I thirty to forty years,! ; loi' $ ; fifty to

irs, ii tty to .-¦ n nty yi irs, 2 ;

seventy tai fears, 2; <ightj toi.

[e, 14; marr!sidowi rs, 1

.. ibmond, 9 ; other partsif the 15 ; England, ISicily, 1 : Scotland, I.Locality: Marshall Ward, 5; Jeffer¬

son Ward, i ; Madison Ward, '2 ; Mon¬roe Ward, 5; Clay Ward, 5; Ja<Ward, i; AlmahoaComparative Weekly Mortality: T«>-

,d deaths for the week ending Jenn-irv i, issy White lt. colored 28;itiil-born.white 1, colored;!. For thoseek ending December 8L 1887.White15, colored, BJ; btill-boru.white 1,¦oiored :i.Tcmperahtn : Mean temperature for

seek ending January 1, 1867. 88 ,00. |Ifeau temperature foi week ending l>eamber 31, 1887, 89 .88,Amount of rainfall for week ending

lanuary 1, 1887, ."1 inches. Amountif rainfall lot week ending Decemberll, 1887, .'Jt inches.

T. K. Shutton, M. P.,President Hoard of Health.

Neut tin for Felonious fchootliia*.A yoong man named Thomas Hamp-

on was helots Bqaire Whiting at theilenrico court-house yesterday, ohargi dsith b (onions shooting He was sent on0 the grand jury and was buffed byFudge Minor for his appearanceon Mon¬tey next, when tho Junuary t.-nu of the:ourt b.'gins.

. '-'i Let l.wi.i..

Yt -sh rday the State and the city and a

rambo of tho railroads paid interest on

lu ir ls,inls, and numerous bunks, insu-¦ance e< mpanies, Ac, paid their Januarylividenos, which altogether puta largoiniouu'. of money iu circulation.

Personal* and Brief*.

A. P. Bowe, Jr., of Fredericksbnrg,ms in tho city yesterday.Mr. R. W; Brailsford, of New York, is

¦>n a vi.sit to his brother, J. H. Brails-'ord, of this city.Mr. W. C. Adams, Superintendent of

be Gas-Works, was yesterday presentedsith a bearskin e'amage-robe by the eui-

iloyeos of the upper gas-works.Mr. Thomas Glover, of the Warm

Springs, Va., passed through tho city..-t.i hiy on his way homo from Newfork, where he Jiad been spending thelolidays.Tho one half interest of the late Rev.

Dr. deter in the J:> ttgtOKi ll' ruhl willM offered for sale at public auction to-aotrow at 3 o'clock P. M. at the office of:iiihlication.Kev. J. Calvin Stewart was presented

light Indore last with a beautiful en-,.'raving by the Ladies' Society of ther'ourth Presbyterian church, and theaithful superintendent of the infant de-lartment was the recipient of a hand¬some gold-headed umbrella.The following ladies and gentlemen

lave arrived here from Louisville. Ky.,10 attend the marriage of Miss Pace,which takes place- this afternoon : Mrs.rV. a Bite, Mrs. G. A. Wigton, Mr.ind Jlrs. J. G. McCullough, Mr. andMrs. G. H. Adams, Messrs. Levi Bloom,rhouias W. Todd, J. BL Caperton, Allenll. Bite. Bona] Weissinger, Louis Hite, IX, W. Fuller, Colonel W. W. Hite, andMuir Weissinger.Dr. Hatcher, of the Grace-Street bap

ist church, gave a reception to the mem¬bers of his' congregation on Monday"rom 1 to 0 o'clock P. M. For hourn astream of people crowded in his parlorsiud library on weat Grace street and « x

ended their greeting* to their pastor.I'ho Doctor aud his wife were assisted inreceiving their guests by their son andlaughters, tl rs. Perkins, Mrs. Clements,Ur. aud Mrs Whitfield, Mrs, S. lt. Witt,ind a number of young ladlee. A half-lozou young gentlemen, under the direc-:iim of John T. Goddin, Esq., acted aaishers and looked after the comfort nfthe visitors. The tahlee were in charge>f Mrs. T. H. EUett, Mr*. Thomas J.1 odd, and Mrs. B. Ba Vau Burvn, aid

besides bring handsomely decoratedwere amply supplied with meats, fruits.Creams, scabs, chocolate, Ac. It was an

evening fnll of enjoyment to the Doctorand his host of visitors.

Clyti %-rTlre.

The United States Civil Service Cora-miamen will begin its examinations for1888 to-day in this city. All parsons whohave properly-filed applie thous for posi¬tions in tin" departmental service iaWashington will be examined.

Tb* Academy.Hettie Bernard Chaso will begin a

three nights' engagement at the Acad¬emy to-morrow night in " Raga, theWild Cat of Woodland Farm."

Tho lathes interested in the fruhlings-fest to be held at Easter, after a suspen¬sion of active work during the holidays,will resume their meetings, and hopenow to pudi their work throughvigorously. Their first meeting will boheld at the Young Men's Christian Asso¬ciation hall on Wednesday, JanuaryUth, at 12 M., st which time it isearnestly requested that all should at¬tend.


iv.r, Delicacyat Antoni's Restaurant after the open.

fourth I'ri -li \ li ruin < Ininti

There will bs BO SSfkieC at this churchto nitrht. This is tho Week of Prover,and there will be a inion meeting of allPresbyterians at the Fourth church ( Rey.J. Calvin Stewart pastor) on Thursdaynight at B o'clock, to which all aro cor¬

dially invited. M" ni -i. tl I In,r.'lt

Those desiring to nat Pews in thie.Church can dos,, tty applying to thoCommittee al tho church this afternoonItetween it and ."> o'clock.

Phcaaanla, PartrMge*, Darke, Oye-ter*. Ac,

at Antoni's Ri-stuuraut after tho open.

Mr. J. ll. .HI tn poonwill lie glad to st-,. Pm old friends atJohn P. Ban's, thc fMhionabss hatter,838 Maui street, corner Ninth. Rich¬mond, Xx, (fortacrllj with J. D. Kid-ford.)


Tho Bille** lavurlte ttr«lanranl.

Antoni's,Si renthand Bro id, oppositi theTheatre. En ry delica ry aft* t tbs opera.

ii.t : 'i..h. \ 11can bc borrowed on good city real estate

VLuand Loans, N I I renth street. alton.l au. klafk, KntraTlng*,

? -., at Lewis akt Uamckt, January td,10 A. M. ana I P. M.

IBVSBAI Of nv ivks ol- KtTMWff Tkoibi.sbare Inproved nore tat me nae ofISS fl I IIIHIM WATHttlM ISIBSSM "r BuffaloWater, J. >.. iBBVOua, M. P..

Kl. Lin..a.I, ta.

.Trna iuttkhs. Om axirVS-reoewraei *p»Mtlawf an.I la ttl thewimle !. St ..»r.< f Imitation*Ask fer tho genuln¦¦ Ul ifacturvd bf

Li i:

DAM1 Pl tm gt*o< promt*ai l peiI.'nins, i ita and¦nuada of et il

li ls loralnabta .¦. .iirititharU,Maall-pox, cholera, ] ed. Saw)othor fr.

I the

ll. V. Al lt .-. HVIIA.ti'lin nf 111-'i' as well aa

nie* lali family

ll ft

Phillipa's Digeiubl*, Cocoai Moysawr.n

ai. I Seams*linn, ii »r.;i the ardlaary eaotM lila

tog Ui a hi»:h |. tree sad . -utily tilgelled.Ar ::.¦. I.o ins.;., EMI t vinos.

My Matre nu- k af le Mis, to re

Mes rAeck, January Bf, M .1 M. ul i r. M,CooUaoe until all aoM,

IIIorrrHiit-Kv I.mut ami BAeWBtu WATra. *| nat tilof III'timon.1 aii.l IsilUaurS without revettingai.) iMtlag baoMI unnl I ..lumen. i>.l tl.i, uee utOfTsaaoM LiTuu \s ATr.K.

.John Mann, IM2 Main etreot

Ik tub BUWBSBBI tirnm I asm km u*ingMtsSms msssci. im nraMtriM Limit t>a*

-tri rMsyaesaat pms ka th« -horteatBan eiKuBOi J. Iii .Hi-UK, sa.,

Ki.-Iuiiuud, Vt

Acctios salsat

I.swut AatOAfABBT.loronioining Munday, January ;M, at WtM

anil 11*. M., I will uflVr my eutlro atm k al patauction to .< --. k. outltiue unUl ail -mid*!

..¦ M*"tBBBirai trio* BUM f»J Pil

tICBMORD lAZAAB, lOanl ll A. M., horsaa,ni ii. -, .¦.,»... kauapsa, .*¦

T OUT, MONDAY NIOHT, EITHEBJ J at Krui"!-* reasaaraal ur between thor* andMOeael .. a gentleman « OPAL I' 1N.ll., r.iii. r»u toerally by IrevlugUlla i,rr*.* Jet-*

FX)R RENT, TWO DtiSIRARhhf|fuNNSt/TIM, HtsiM'1, wltb r*tai-t-i<>m"*-»

nu Ute narnu Hour. Apply at No. SJ» north,Klgbth ttreet,_Ja MC

J^OR SAT!, om; COW AMJUB*i'ALI-': ow riving three paanBCJBl *

milk penley. Apply tuK. W. C'OfKTNSY,

Ja Mt* tirov.t road near Soliller*' Betaa.


piNii Btrccirracu.PATENTED. -A Modi I. OF THEJ V.'lioWKI.I. PATBMT KISII HKI'KPTACLRwill lio on aiblbittoa at Uki American Hol»lJAM \*IV I, ls*s. stAV. »r I'iii teal Slaun right*will be nulli at reit* liable figure*. Ja Ml*

axi ki*,werent.



MKN. »(th Um full caat of ibo .onipany.Owing to UH* opera running uearly fmir boars,

tte curtain will rta* punctually at a o'clock, an Ithc au.Hence aro tvoiMW'tfnlly requeeled lu beIn their eeatfl before that Una

.iigheat prlif for rr ««rred aeete, $I.C\Veil attraction KuLAMJ Kttll. TelephOM497._;aMt*

LIMB, t KNE.*4T. PtuAftTKk,. Ac.

.-|,(KK) HikKLANI) Itu-, per ai-hooneraJ. HC. Beachuni and Alfred Koorie. Akwx 4.U0Ubarrel* "lim-K HAN'b' ItosKMiALSCIMBJITIn etoo* for sale low. AM IIOK l.JMK mcelreilHally. lu »to'k, 1M11IKI KI> 1'UHTLAMU L'S-MKNT, i AU I Mil> 1'l.AsiKit, KIKSUM Sl«. K,LATBS, Be.. Ac. WAHNKH BOOBS.NOVA-VOl'IA H'MP ani t.Ktil'NO PLAS.

TER The only place you caa ireah dronedPlanter.



C. P. Clabi. Proa. B. P. R-tupotra, Ttvas,bkadStrspi-s.Rtl^MMOMPOmCS;

Na HOS MAIN H1HSCT;fclcphoue Na L

J. ll. Winn v, SaperlnkamdMt.Mo espeoee ht coaaidorwd loo groat la ara.

coring ami applying u> Ute con-luci nf Ute biud.noe* all poaatblu lraproremenla, V, Uh ita proa-eui A»»itii fur ot.tiuulng an.1 prouiutgattug ia.U.riuaUou, thia Agency la Jueily regarded by latlai-oas ns au'.bority on ail matter* affecUugcotu war.-iel OeOtk

Ita raw liltanon*, are greener and rta buainoealargor than any other Mealier *igen>iaiHHi latho wurta otitKiucted ia oae mtee*at ead naderone laanageuient,

HHS BltADST'ttrrcOMPABY,PstrrairrnM
