christy before, during and after

ageLOC Transformation Jeff Ghaemaghamy...I can't believe it... This new ageLOC product has just blown me away.. In September I had my skin analysed and they found 189 UV spots which are invisible today but will certainly be- come dark age spots as I grow older. They also have the potential to become cancer. Well today, after 90 days of using ageLOC I had my skin analysed again and it's hard to believe but my UV spots are now 13.

Upload: gmasoero

Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Christy before, during and after

ageLOC Transformation

Jeff Ghaemaghamy...I can't believe it... This new ageLOC product has just blown me away.. In September I had my skin analysed and they found 189 UV spots which are invisible today but will certainly be-come dark age spots as I grow older. They also have the potential to become cancer. Well today, after 90 days of using ageLOC I had my skin analysed again and it's hard to believe but my UV spots are now 13.