christian formation – social action

Christian Formation – Social Action St. Joseph’s College of Quezon City 295 E. Rodriguez Sr. Blvd., Quezon City Basic Education Department RECORD OF SERVICES RENDERED DATE Nature of Work From To Number of Hours Signature(perso n in charge) Name of Student : Patricia Arlene L. Limon Grade / Section : Grade 10 - Excellence Name of Parish and Address : St. Paul the Apostle Church

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Christian Formation – Social Action


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Christian Formation – Social ActionSt. Joseph’s College of Quezon City295 E. Rodriguez Sr. Blvd., Quezon CityBasic Education Department


DATE Nature of Work From To Number of Hours

Signature(person in charge)

Name of Student : Patricia Arlene L. Limon

Grade / Section : Grade 10 - Excellence

Name of Parish and Address : St. Paul the Apostle Church

Timog Cor. Mother Ignacia

Date submitted :

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1. Student’s Profilea. Nameb. Year and Sectionc. Home Addressd. Name of Parish / Churche. Parish / Church Telephone / Cellphone Numberf. Others

2. History of the Parish (includes the vision, mission . . . – not more than three pages)

3. Reflection Paper 1: before the start of Parish Involvement (Personally, what is my honest feeling / opinion regarding this parish involvement? – minimum of 1 page

4. Reflection Paper 2: after 10 hours of Parish Involvement (After working for 10 hours in this parish, what is my honest feeling / opinion regarding this requirement? State and/or enumerate your experiences and comment on them – minimum of 1 page and maximum of 2 pages)

5. Reflection Paper 3: after the parish Involvement is finished (Now it is over. How did this activity / experience help me grow as a person? Explain clearly. Am I willing to work again even without the grade? Why? At least 2 pages)

6. Summary of what the students have learned (essay form – one page)

7. Other comments (optional)

8. DTR – must be duly accomplished

9. Documentation (with captions) – at least four pictures

10. Certification from the parish priest.

11. Other things required by the teacher

Note: Submit to your teacher in a ¼ piece of paper the name of the parish/church where you will be working.

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NAME: Patricia Arlene L. Limon

YEAR AND SECTION: Grade 10 - Excellence


43 – A. Bayani St. Brgy. Doña Aurora Galas Quezon City

NAME OF CHURCH: St. Paul the Apostle Church


II. HISTORY OF THE CHURCHThe community started as a quasi-parish in 1978 under the patronage of St. Paul the

Apostle. Parish work was initiated by laymen, with the assistance of the RVM Superior

of St. Mary’s College. The quasi-parish was originally supervised by the SVD priests of

the Sacred Heart Parish in Kamuning and later by the Sacred Heart Missionary Fathers.

Masses were held at St. Mary’s College Auditorium while other liturgical needs were

served at a temporary chapel in the Dionisio Compound on Scout Magbanua.

On September 21, 1979, the parish was established by the Archbishop Jaime Cardinal

Sin. The MSC fathers continued giving their services until April 16, 1980, when Msgr.

Celso Ditan took over. He was formally installed as the first parish priest on April 27,

1980. The Parish Pastoral Council successfully acquired a lot for the church on August

19, 1983. It was solemnly blessed and dedicated to St. Paul the Apostle on July 10,


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A COMMUNITY OF CHRIST-LIKE DISCIPLES alive and dynamic in the practice of

faith, praying and caring for one another in the spirit of COMMUNIO, moving towards

becoming CHURCH of the POOR.


S - Spirituality, Service, Stewardship (Conversion and Renewal)

P - Parish "Communio" Builders (Unity in Diversity)

A - Authenticity and Availability

P - Partners in Apostolate and Mission 


S - Spirituality, Service, Stewardship (Conversion and Renewal)

Deeply rooted in the faith, committed to live out the Gospel values. 

P - Parish "Communio" Builders (Unity in Diversity)

Different Gifts and Charism harnessed / or maximized to promote unity, fraternity and solidarity in the Christian community inspired and strengthen by the life of the Holy Trinity.

A - Authenticity and Availability

Authentic in relationship as one faith family (Parish) sincere and available in reaching out to those in need especially the poor.

- PCPII p. 435 

P - Partners in Apostolate and Mission 

As the parish community grows, in the spirit of "communio", a dynamic and communal

discipleship continues to grow to maturity bearing fruit a hundredfold. - PCPII ch. 3,

p. 98  

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III. REFLECTION PAPER NO. 1In honest feelings and sincere thoughts about parish involvement, my past

parish involvement was traumatizing to me. I do follow instructions and orders

but my past parish involvement felt too cruel to me. Due to so many

requirements, stress and projects in my past year I didn’t have time to do Parish

Involvement, adding the happenings in my family and problems that we had

faced, also that every weekends my family goes home to our province which is

Meycauayan, Bulacan. My family and I tend to spend our weekends there to

gather and have fun with our relatives and my other grandfathers and

grandmothers. Due to that I tend to forgot to do parish involvement, I did my

parish involvement around February, and it was in Fatima just nearby Our Lady

of Fatima public school. I thought it was going to be okay to serve and all.. I don’t

know if I should be telling this but my experience was okay I guess.

The nun that was managing us was kind of scary and is real strict, that even if

we talk to her properly she tends to be snappy and kind of snob. I guess it’s

probably because I was late to serve. But even though she does that to me, I still

managed to finish my hours fully and rest aside the whole situation, and that is

why I changed the place where I’m going to serve. Hopefully this church will be

fun, welcoming and accepts me with warm heart. I’m not saying all of these to put

Fatima Parish a bad name, actually my family used to serve there a lot. I was a

Kid of Christ, my sister was in Youth for Christ and my mother was in Couples for

Christ, but due to family problems we lack the time to serve which led us to just

attend masses every Sunday instead of joining the gatherings and praises we

used to do in the church.


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After 10 hours of my service, I am back here now; writing a reflection about

my experiences and opinions with honest thoughts and feelings regarding my

journey through this parish involvement, to be honest. All that I can say right now

is: this parish is like home now. I am comfortable to serve, I feel welcomed, I feel

no kind of insecurity at all. The people or should I say the “Kairos” (that's what

they call the Youth for Christ in here) have welcomed me and my friends to serve

the church of St. Paul the Apostle. During my first time entering the gathering

place of the Kairos, they were surprised to see us/me because they weren’t

informed that we were gonna be joining them.

First I was scared and shy since I’m not a very sociable person and I tend to

be shy at first so I didn’t get to talk to many of them only my friends which is

Raphael and Sam. They asked us what our name was and what school we were

in and we replied with a smile which they returned. Then we met Ate Abi, she’s

somewhat the oldest and the leader of the Kairos. When she saw us she smiled

so widely and asked about us. There I noticed that the group wasn’t so bad and

the church was warm. They were all so friendly that we didn’t feel so isolated and

separated from them. They were kind to us, they gave us instructions on what we

should do and what we shouldn't do and we followed it. So far all is good and fun.

Hopefully when I get back here everything will be as fun as it is now.

Last January 15, 2016. I was one of the welcoming committee in the Mercy

Evening where we handed out flyers to the people and talked to them on why

they should join us to pray and celebrate the word of God. This was the very best

experience to me, we were joined by missionaries and student missionaries that

are foreigners, I was partnered with a girl who is German, I forgot about her

name but she’s so pretty. She had blonde hair and beautiful doll eyes. I

complimented her that she looked like Mother Mary and she thanked me with a

smile, we walked around the streets, talking to people and even the homeless to

join the Mercy Evening, we also prayed for them and praised God with them.

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Some had rejected us but that didn’t stop us from still trying on helping and

praying for the people. We walked and walked and tried to convince them even if

we were turned that multiple times, It made me learn to never stop trying and just

work hard.

There was one time where I served on a weekday, since I didn’t have

anything much to do that day. My friends and I decided to serve the parish, when

we got there. There was gonna be a mass but I saw that there was Ate Abi, in

the piano by herself and 3 other women who seems to be serving for the church

ever since. They called us and told us to join as a choir, note that we weren’t the

best singers out there and we were shy about singing since they were a lot better

singers that us. But even though we already told them we don’t sing well they still

insisted and motivated us that we can. So we did, we sand throughout the mass

and we were getting looks from the people who were attending the mass. We

were really shy about our voices but at least we still tried and served the Lord

even with out of tune and not very pleasant to hear voices hahaha.

V. REFLECTION PAPER NO. 3I am back and this will be my last reflection about my parish experience and

opinions with true feelings. I have finished 20 hours of serving in St. Paul the

Apostle Church, through all of the struggles and praises that I have done for the

Lord I can say that my experience was very much fun and will always be

remembered, from the warm welcome we have received, from the laughs and

jokes the Kairos and we shared, from the bond and unity we had done and also

for the same willingness to serve the Lord. It was so memorable to me, I can still

remember the time my hands were shaking as the first time I was gonna be one

of the mass collectors and my shyness to many people. I can remember the time

we were turned down by person by person in the streets as we try to talk them

out to join us in the Mercy Evening, the time we prayed to the people who were

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willing to join. The time we placed our worries in the worry box and got bible

verses in the joy box to cheer us up in the Mercy Evening.

All these experience helped me grow as a Catholic who is willing to do

whatever It takes no matter what the conflicts and problems that may occur. The

experience built me another trait that I shouldn’t be scared of other people and

that I should be sociable and be more open so that I’ll have more people around

me. It may be hard at first but it gets better and better each day. Parish

Involvement helps people and the Youth to develop into a much better individuals

I’m not saying that if you aren’t attending or doing parish involvement it means

you aren’t an okay person. But honestly speaking if you do parish involvement

you’ll learn and earn so many things and remember important events and learn

to cherish even the smaller things in life. I learned to be a much more patient

person and that happened when we were talking to people into making them join

the parish’s Mercy Evening, that even if we got turned down twice, thrice and

many times we should still try and accept our failures and be happy for our


We shouldn’t discourage people and learn to motivate them so that they’ll also

turn and evolve into independent and confident individuals. I am mostly referring

to the youth because most of us are not very confident to our selves and we feel

so out casted and as if we don’t belong to a group, but we aren’t we are all God’s

children and we should be treated and we should treat others equally. We

shouldn’t judge because the only one who has the right to judge is the Lord. We

shouldn’t take vengeance and revenge to others because it isn’t the right thing to

do. Instead we should pray to those who’ve been bad to us and learn to forgive

and to also ask for forgiveness. Pride won’t get us anywhere, we shouldn’t stoop

so high and think that we are better than the others, instead we should be warm,

open and friendly to others. So that we’ll be in a much more happy and peaceful

environment. Learn to Praise, to Pray, to talk to God and also Learn to be

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unselfish. So far, my thoughts about coming back to serve is still there, with or

without the grades and the need to finish my hours for requirements are present.

I am willing to come back, so that I’ll learn more and so that I will be a better

Catholic, to be closer to God and to learn his words.

VI. SUMMARYI was raised by my parents as a God-fearing child, my blood-line is very much

faithful and it's always God first. My Dad gets mad at us when we don't attend masses

and also my Mom. My family used to serve Fatima Parish and is part of groups such as,

Kids for Christ for me, Youth for Christ for my sister and Couples' for Christ for my

parents. That was the time where we don't have that much money and we were

struggling to have money to buy food. During gatherings my parents will take home

some left overs just for us to have something to fill in our stomachs. It was hard, but as

we continue serving and having more hope our lives got better and better. Although we

stopped because of conflicts going on in our family that didn't give us much time to be

with God. There was this time where me and my sister got Dengue and our lives are in

danger, I didn't have enough blood while my sister's BP was too high than normal.

I would hear my mom crying to my dad on the phone not knowing what to do.

During that time my dad was overseas, working for us to have money. We didn't have

that much to pay, but that didn't make us lose any hope. Couples for Christ helped my

family with charity and prayer, and after all the cries and prayer my mom and dad did.

We survived the situation and now above healthy, obese you can say. I'm telling all

of this because I have learned a lot through my days, with the parish and without the

parish involvement I have been raised by my parents to always turn to God first when it

comes to problems and downs that I may experience in the future. Through my days, I

have experienced stress and anxieties that made me think about things that shouldn't

be done by an individual, because of the problems I was facing, there was a time I felt

so depressed I just wanted to end it. But I didn't, with God by my side and praying to

him every time I have a big problem, I know things will eventually be better. Maybe not

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so fast but as you wait, it'll get there if you have the patience. Now to my learning/s in

the parish, right now..

I am facing problems with my family, it feels like mine is falling apart. My dad, he has

someone else whilst my mom also. I'm trying to understand the situation but it hurts a lot

thinking that maybe they don't love each other anymore and that they are only together

because of the 3 baggage they carry, and that's me, my sister and my brother.

Sometimes they love each other, but more often they fight and ignore each other. I had

shared this too in the retreat and I want to share this again because the wound and

worry of my parents separating is still there. With my parish involvement, it helped me to

be happy for a while, I felt free and felt like I'm in a new peaceful world. Everyone was

nice, everyone was welcoming, and everyone was warm. They made me feel like I've

been with them for so long and as if I'm close to them. It made me learn that we

shouldn't neglect people and out cast them. Because what we treat others is what we

will get in return. We should be friendlier not judgmental and we shouldn't down others.

Instead, let's learn to be nice and welcome people with a warm heart.

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