choosing a dev ops paas platform

Selecting a DevOps/PaaS Platform John Mathon VP, Enterprise Evangelism Blog: Twitter: @john_mathon Mail: [email protected] (C) WSO2 2014

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Selecting a DevOps/PaaS Platform

John MathonVP, Enterprise EvangelismBlog: Johnmathon.wordpress.comTwitter: @john_mathonMail: [email protected]

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WSO2 Selected Customers (8 years, 200+)

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The Broadest Product Set for the Connected Business

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What is a PaaS?

• PaaS automates the development and operations of Application(s) in a self-service way

• Provides incremental costs as you grow the application(s) and tenants it runs

• Best Practices baked in• Provides resource sharing to reduce costs• Generally runs on top of an IaaS infrastructure either

Private or public

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The process simplified w DevOps:

Before - software development is costly and risky as well as a slow process30-50% of project cost and time in devLarge hardware commitment up frontOperations personnel a big cost• Do tests on early versions of software to determine loads from

customers• Plan demand expectation and hardware required• Acquire hardware and networking equipment for a time period

including additional hardware for failures and expected peak periods

• Find space for hardware, plan network integration plan, rule changes in switches, routers, update configuration management, outages for upgrades and changes

• Test hardware and network with software to insure it works• Understand failure modes, when to scale, runbooks for different

scenarios, train people in operation and what to do in different scenarios. Write scripts to detect scenarios and provide needed information in failures.

• Write or acquire management tools, put in instrumentation in hardware.

• Plan for upgrade strategies, outages and SLA measurements, backup policies.

• Beta customers • Go Live

Now (cost and time nearly disappears, zero upfront, lower risk)• Choose IaaS vendor• Choose PaaS platform• Write some runbooks for different scenarios,

train people in PaaS operation• Deploy software• Beta customers• Go live





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Lower Costs, Faster Time to Market

In today’s world this is not optional for many companies

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PaaS/DevOps Initial Costs

Vendor Selection, Tools

• Select PaaS platform• Choose one or more IaaS

– Public IaaS• Select Vendors• Security research• Value Added Services• Compliance issues

– Private IaaS• OpenStack vs VMWare vs

Eucalyptus vs …• Select hardware• Network management,


Skill Development, Integration

• Hire/train competency in DevOps

• Developers training• DevOps administration• Design and Test ALM

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What’s the difference DevOps/PaaS?

Basic DevOps – you write the automation

• Chef, Puppet• You write the rules• You figure out how to deploy

on IaaS infrastructure(s) or on-premise

• You figure out and implement how to scale usually implemented manually

• You figure out and deploy FT/HA strategy

• Tenant management and other tasks like security may be very manual still

PaaS – its built in

• PaaS automatically builds deployment architecture

• PaaS can deploy on hybrid infrastructure

• PaaS can scale automatically• PaaS configures clusters

automatically• PaaS load balances, assigns

tenants and fires up new instances as needed and resources needed for those instances

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Different Types of PaaS

• Application PaaS– Language / IaaS / Application specific PaaS – some good for Java or

Ruby or PHP or only work on AWS or Azure or OpenStack or with Salesforce or their Application

• Toy PaaS– Not designed for “enterprise” with multiple tenant teams, multiple dev

environments, more rule oriented, don’t isolate test from production, not designed for large scale production, limited integration capabilities

• Generic PaaS– Support DevOps type functions generically but not lifecycle support

• Ecosystem PaaS– Support for many isolated tenants for application building, a store for

sharing assets between tenants, a powerful multi-tenant resource sharing deployment model, governed rules for lifecycle operations, built-in support for source code, issue tracking, continuous integration tools

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Applicability of Types of PaaS

• Application PaaS– if you don’t need flexibility

• Toy PaaS – avoid• Generic PaaS

– Good if you are going to do one app or just a few apps

• Ecosystem PaaS– Good for you to use yourself if you want more automation,

governance and more enterprise features for many apps– Good for your Ecosystem to enable partners and customers

(Create your own aPaaS)

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How do you pick a PaaS?

• Features?• Type?• Performance?• Ease of use for dev, operations?• Flexibility?• Open Source?• Operating Experience?• Compatability with existing enterprise devops?• Compatablity with IaaS choice?

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Covered here


• Generic Private PaaS• Ecosystem PaaS


• Competitive landscape• Toy PaaS’s• Application PaaS’s

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Generic and Ecosystem PaaS’s Requirements


• Private or Public• IaaS independence• Hybrid Cloud Capability• Resource Sharing differences• Security Concerns• High Availability• Polyglot• Management and Performance

Monitoring• Automated Resource Allocation• Scaling Automatically• Operations Support• Pluggability• Multi-tenancy


• Ecosystem support• Environment support• Business Process

Automation• Lifecycle support• Social Capabilities• Store• Reuse

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Run yourself or Public

Private / Run yourself• Gain Experience

yourself before launching into public sphere

• you can deploy anywhere and grow based on benefits and even burst into public on demand

Public• Start cheap • Start small• Build from there and

gain on the job training• Possibly locked in to a

vendor and its problems and limitations on performance and scale, compliance, security …

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Public IaaS Vendors – large variabilityHigh Risk – not all PaaS’s run on all IaaS

Dell*, Azure**• Microsoft (Free)• Dell - On-premise like

Joyent**, SoftLayer*• High Performance

– Joyent special virtualization, SmartOS

– Softlayer – bare metal

• MongoDB, Hadoop

Rackspace*, HP*• MySQL• OpenStack Pioneer


• Google Compute Cloud• Google App Cloud

Amazon AWS**• Wide variety of choices• Lots of extra value

services• Poorest performance • Highest cost

*OpenStack ** Proprietary

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Do you need IaaS independence?

Lock into a cloud vendor

• Become dependent on a cloud vendor size limitations, growth and viability, security policies, pricing. If any fail to meet future needs be prepared for major cost and difficulty moving


• Change cloud vendors based on experience and cost changes as needed

• May not be able to use IaaS vendor specific features

• Flexibility - Have some on-premise hardware as well as public cloud for better cost mixing

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Private IaaS Choices

VMWare – expensive

Eucalyptus(AWS) – ties you to Amazon

OpenStack– Many supporters



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Hybrid Capability Important

• Change cloud vendors based on experience and cost changes as needed

• Run different tenants, environments or even different components in different clouds for reasons of performance, compliance, cost or any reason

• Burst on demand• Have on-premise hardware as well as public for

better cost mixing

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Polyglot PaaS Important

Polyglot Development

Support for different development technologies like Java, PHP, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, …

Polyglot Runtime (Cartridges)

Can the framework support different runtimes and cartridges?

Multi-tenant and non-multi-tenant cartridges?

Can the system generate cloud artifacts from cartridge definition automatically

Can the system automatically allocate resources for cartridge and tenants

Can the system do resource sharing for multiple cartridges in one application?

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Component Resource Sharing is better

Great PerformanceDedicated Resources but expensive!Multi-tenancy

Allows each instanceTo be shared – betterutilization

Break into componentsAllows each piece to be utilizedAnd split to different servers Giving higher performance

Multiple copies ofEach componentAllows unlimited scale

Individual components can be scaled independentlyGiving maximum utilization and scalability as well as Fastest response to load changes

Tear down Instances fasterAnd easier too

Dedicated instances expensive But scales

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High Availability / Disaster Recovery


• Is the PaaS itself fault tolerant?

• Fault tolerant technologies for all supplied cartridges?

• Active/Passive and Active/Active deployments supported?

• Load Balancing between fault tolerant components?

• Single points of failure anywhere in the system?


• Does the PaaS include a gReg to replicate governance data between regions?

• Does the PaaS support artifact distribution automatically to all regions?

• Does the PaaS support resource backup?

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Security built-in?


• Federated Identity support including OPENID, SAML and dual factors?

• Support for multiple LDAPs or at least one LDAP per tenant?

• Is the IM scalable to support your needs?

Authorization, Audit

• Does the PaaS support OAUTH2, XACML and other authentication standards?

• Does it scale to your needs?

• Can you audit the logs or easily build alerts to detect potential breakins or fraud?

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Auto Scaling?

Detection of Change

• What KPI’s can the system use to decide if something is overloaded or going to be overloaded or is underutilized?– Fixed?

• May work in some instances but will probably lead to bad results in many cases

– Real-time information– Or historical based– Complex Event detection?– SLA based?

What is auto vs manual?

• Is the scaling manually initiated? Does it do automatic up and down scaling?

• Can you set rules or business process to scale up or down

• Can you scale by tenant• Can you scale in different clouds?• Can you scale by time of day or

by region depending on the load in that region?

• Can you scale individual cartridges or whole applications?

• Can you scale resources as well as CPU?

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Open Source or Proprietary?


• Does it have support for standards?

• Do 3rd parties support it?

• Is it available as private or hosted version?

• Are plug points well defined?


• Is there a license fee for enterprise version?

• Is the product open source? Apache Licensed?

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Performance Management?

Management Capabilities

• Does the system come with monitors, agents and built-in monitoring for applications?

• Does it allow 3rd party monitoring to be added?

• Can you do APM to detect what inside an application might be an issue?

• Does the system check internal and external performance?

Visualization and Escalations

• Do you have good visualization tools of the status with KPIs on historical as well as real time performance?

• Is the monitoring flexible and designed to make seeing overall system performance easy to see as well as individual instance performance

• Can the system detect anomalous situations and instantiate a workflow or escalation notification to the right people?

• Can the system perform automatic workarounds to known events or scenarios?

• Can you plug in 3rd party tools?

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PaaS Management

• Do all parts of the PaaS have APIs to manage the PaaS so you can build your own interfaces and inquire on status?

• Do all parts have CLI interfaces?• Does the PaaS have consistent operation for all parts?• Is there a flexible enough billing and accounting


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Upgrades? Down Times

• What are the components to be upgraded and can they all be upgraded without any or very little interruption?

• What modules will require down time or maintenance?

• Are downtimes required for data backup or other maintenance?

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Management Data / BigData


• Is bigdata integrated with the system so scaling, management, load balancing, SLA monitoring etc are all facilitated out of the box?

• Can you gather KPIs on usage both real time and over time intervals?


• Are the feeds for performance, logs, gateways, load balancers, and all the components instrumented to provide big data information easily to the bigdata platform?

• Can the system log data from applications as well as the PaaS to be used for analyzing tenant usage

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Ecosystem PaaS

• Full Lifecycle support– including source code repository, agile project management,

automated build, continuous integration, continuous deployment for each tenant and tenant application

• At least one Administrative Tenant– who can establish Governance of Tenants roles and ability to

control the promotion and demotion business process for users and tenants of artifacts

• Business process definition – for promotion/demotion include automated steps as well as

human involvement

• A social Store to share entities– APIs and work products between tenants that is role and tenant


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WSO2 App Factory : Enterprise DevOps

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What are use cases for Ecosystem PaaS?

1. You want to establish leadership in your ecosystem and disrupt your competition

2. PaaS add-on for your APIs or SaaS applicationI.e. Salesforce

3. Regulatory mandates or security requirementsI.e. Health, finance, government, security

4. You want a collaborative development environment with reuse and common development methodologies

5. You build lots of applications and need a better way to automate the development and management

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Managing Environments

• Dev• Test• Production• Staging?• Demo?• Training?• UAT?• LastGood?• Partner?• …

• Do you need flexible gReg support for all environments?

• Do you need more than 3 environments?

• Do you need automation to keep this working?

• Do you need automated testing between environments?

• Do you need to allocate different environments to different clouds or isolate them from other environments?

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Application Lifecycle Management

No Lifecycle support

• The devOps will have more manual elements more room for error and less consistency

• You are using tools that cannot be integrated into your DevOps Platform?

• You aren’t requiring promote standard processes in development?

• You don’t have requirements for automated governance of development products

Lifecycle support

• Controls and Policies • Standardize on tools like

Maven, Jenkins, Agile project management, Git?

• Do you have both automated tasks to perform as part of promotion and human involvement and approval?

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Tenant Administration?

Creating / Assigning Tenants

• Different tenant tshirt sizes supported?

• Assign tenants resources in different locations / clouds

• Tenant LDAP / security policies supported?

Administration of tenants

• Tenant size to size migration?• Tenant instance migration• Tenant backup• Separate tenant versions• Easy to see tenant SLAs or

other performance characteristics

• Tenant logs• Tenant billing• Tenant support with easy

problem reporting and documentation

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CXO Dashboard

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• Is there a store for customers to access applications, APIs, subscribe to assets and be a tenant or user of an asset?

• Does the store support a community through social comments or other community features?

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Publish and Socialize to facilitate Reuse

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Enterprise App

Integration &

Common APIs

New IT: PaaS Powered, Democratized,

Mobile Enabled,Socially Aware

Enterprise IT Store: APIs / Apps / Mobile Apps & More

Data Repository & Analytics Foundation

Cloud Service





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Partners & 3rd Party Ecosyste


Happy Users, Customers, Partners, Developers





AppFactory Ecosystem PaaS

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WSO2 Private PaaS

• Generic PaaS– Full polyglot, hybrid cloud support and

component resource sharing capability– All cartridges and components of the PaaS

are multi-tenant, fault tolerant, no-down-time upgradeable

– Open source shared with Apache– Integrated Performance Management– Optional Identity Management, BAM, API

Management and BigData support

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WSO2 Ecosystem PaaS - AppFactory

• Integrated with Git, Svn, Maven, Jenkins, Redmine, Puppet, Apache Stratos and other open source projects

• Full ALM support with business processes for promotion/demotion including human tasks

• Full governance control of what is available in the store, what tenants can do, where everything is and the rules of the PaaS

• A Social Enterprise Store that can share assets and information between tenants based on role

• Self-service interface for tenants

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More Information

• John Mathon [email protected]• Twitter Feed: @john_mathon• Blog:

• Cloud:• Download:• App Factory Signon: