choose dairy etawa goats english

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  • 8/6/2019 Choose Dairy Etawa Goats English



    Selection of sires to be milked Etawa is the most important thing done by the breeder of

    dairy goats. Selection is done carefully to avoid possible risks such as: lack of maximumproductivity of goat milk produced, diseases mastitis until defects in goats. All these risks can

    bring losses to the farmers. If the goats are milked for mastitis disease then milk production willdecrease to a halt. Farmers also have to find goat milk substitute for children affected by mastitis.

    It also will add to the cost of production. If the affected udder Etawa mastitis until the defect isthe selling price of goats would be reduced.

    Criteria Etawa GoatsGood breeders Etawa meet the criteria mentioned in the article Choosing Etawa females.

    Udder morphologyMorphology udder (udder) is an important aspect in choosing a dairy goat. Study (Study) of the

    correlation / relationship of udder morphology with milk productivity has become an intensiveresearch abroad [1]. Many papers (paper) & references that can be found on the internet. The

    results of this study is consistent with the reality on the ground that are often encountered dairygoat breeders. Unfortunately there is no reference in the book and local internet that discuss this.

    Udder (udder) in goats consist of two separate parts. This is udder milk-producing gland. Milk produced is stored in a container (Cistern), which is then removed through the nipple udder

    (TEAT). Aspects to consider in choosing a dairy goat udder morphology based are as follows:

    1. Strength udderGood udder udder which is taut and lifted. Udder is tight and raised is a strong udder formilking [3].

    Udders sag (cable sag) or shaped bottles should not be selected. Udder type this makes ithard for milking. In addition, this type of udder bottle makes it hard to walk so blindlygoat's very easy to hurt [5]

    We have seen the facts on the ground udder-shaped bottle or sag easily torn. Rupture

    could be due to exposed objects udder, milked, even just because disusu by young goat(cempe) is. If the wound is left unchecked can cause an infection called mastitis. Mastitis

    sometimes can not be cured and over again every birth of a child (remember the uddercan be torn because disusu by his son). If the recurrence of mastitis udder likely to be

    amputated (mastectomy) [4]. Here is a photograph of a bottle that was attacked mastitisudder. Due to an unintentional thing this udder mastitis attacked again and had to be


    Along with the old goat, udder will add sag downward. This makes it difficult to bemilked and easily wounded as described above. Therefore, farmers should avoid this type

    of udder bottle.In the world of goats and dairy cows, one udder firmness criteria called the depth of

    udder (udder depth). These criteria are calculated from the distance of the bottom of the

  • 8/6/2019 Choose Dairy Etawa Goats English


    udder to knee goat / cow. Udder which diminished the lowest score of this criterion [6],[7].

    2. VolumeProduction of milk from an udder is very dependent on the volume of the udder. Uddervolume diameter measured from the horizontal and vertical harmony (the BalanceBetween the horizontal and vertical diameters [2]). In discussing a much simpler

    approach is how close a perfectly spherical shape. Udder-shaped bottle that does notmean having a large volume due to the vertical diameter is too long (not perfectly round.)

    Volume of large udders that have high milk productivity compared to the small size ofudder volume [1].

    Udder consists of two separate parts. The ideal udder should be equal (symmetrical) withthe distance between the nipples are rather far apart. Udder shape is able to produce milk

    to the max. Besides udder like rare lamb sag even when older [5].In addition, udder shape that can produce maximum milk is a large chalk bag (Roomy

    udder) as shown image below.

    3. Size Nipples .If ranchers want to flush it manually by hand, should select the udder with the nipple(TEAT) is big and long so comfortable to be milked [3]. Nipples that are too small will

    be difficult for milking. The size of these nipples will get bigger with age goat.

    Breeders SenduroExposure to the above was written was based on field experience, background and analysis of

    dairy goat breeders in Senduro, Lumajang. With the many variations in Senduro Etawa,

    Senduro breeders can compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this type ofudder morphology Etawa existing. O bviously if this is true then the analysis should beappropriate and in line with the reference and the existing scientific research. The hope with

    this scientific study can provide insight about the ideal form of udder and great for dairy goats.

    Referensi:1. Correlations Between Udder Morphology, Milk Yield, and Milking Ability with

    Different Milking Frequencies in Dairy Goats, page 20762. Correlations Between Udder Morphology, Milk Yield, and Milking Ability with

    Different Milking Frequencies in Dairy Goats, page 20773. Udder Information4. Culling In a Meat-Goat Herd5. The Goat Handbook, Chapter Nine, page 1076. Udder Depth7. Judging Guide, page 10 (Analyzing Udder)