chn, · 2007-02-05 · chn,s new york...

CHN,S NEW YORK BUSINESS, "fDinerslare muih more critical thantheyve everbeen." . -Dou gl as G riebel, p rcsitl ent Roso Afexico no ;6tnu trtrt Page 48 vot-. xxilt,N0. 5. IANUARY2g-FTBRUARY4, 2OO7 PRICE: $3.00 A BR0ADWAY PR0DUCER who'won a Tony at age 29, an gpelgelcy managementexpert who lived through the World Ti'ade Center attacks and a neuroscientist who raiies money for Ft"if rgsggchare justthree ofthe exceptional orecutives profiIed in Crainis NeuYork Business' 4o Under 4o special report. Crain\ editors chose this year's class -from a- record 8oo nominations, making it more difficult than ever to select the honorees. Read their stories, find out suqprising tidbits abouteadr member of the group,and go to Crain'sWeb iite to watch video interviews with this year's rising stars. www.newyorkbusiness-risingstats,com PHOTOGRAPHY BY BUCK ENNIS Ilelen Allen -___page Ft9 Jcon Binn ------- Page F24 Angela Burt-Murray --------------___--_ Paga F6 SarahCaddick __pase FjT Nicholas Cagliuso - ---------------------folg" fZl WendyCai -----PageFg Maurice Colernan- ---------------------PageF)4 Chris Concannon ----------------------fog" f U Janine DiGioacchino ---------------__-__ Paee F6 Michael Duda -- puel ple Adarn Epstein ----- ----------------------- krye F6 Jroorr Firgcr ------- -.----.----:--- Page F3 Neal Goldrlan -- fuge F24 Muk Cordorr --PageilO Mattlrew Greitzer - -----------,--------- Page F)6 Eric I'leaton ------Page F9 Scott Heifennar,----------------------- Pa ge F4 Kerrry Lao ------Page F22 Adrienne lcarus - ----------------------- Page. F3 Br;an lcach ----Page F16 Dary Levy --------- ---',-------____-_,-____ Page tr'9 Saralr TomassiLindrnm ---___---_. ___ PugeF2) Andrerv Matlrias-- ---------------------- Page FJ1 Crystal lvlcCrary Anthony ..----------_ Page F21 Merry lvliller------- ---,------- -- ---------- PageF4 Sara Mirski --_-__-page F24 Rohan Oza --------- -----------------------Page F7 Michble Penzer -page F2l Lauref Pickering-- - ---- -- -------- ------- fa ge f I A Jessica Pincomb - Page FIS Jefrey Pollock Maite Quinn ---- PageF13 Daniel Bemard Rounun ------------Poge FJg Andrea Batista Schlesinger ----------Page F17 Felix Sencidn------- ---------_-_-_-_--_-_ Page F1t JoeJ Simon --------Page F3 Ryan Slack ----------------------- ------ PageF17 Elizabedr Weymout}, -------------- ----fuge FZ2 Amira Yunis ----PageFl) SteveZeng ____-_PugeF22

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Page 1: CHN, · 2007-02-05 · CHN,S NEW YORK BUSINESS, "fDinerslare muih more critical than theyve everbeen.". -Dou gl as G riebel,


"fDinerslaremuih more critical

than theyveeverbeen."

. -Dou gl as G riebel, p rcsitl e ntRoso Afexico no ;6tnu trtrt

Page 48

vot-. xxilt, N0. 5. IANUARY2g-FTBRUARY4, 2OO7 PRICE: $3.00

A BR0ADWAY PR0DUCER who'won a Tony at age 29, angpelgelcy management expert who lived through the WorldTi'ade Center attacks and a neuroscientist who raiies money forFt"if rgsggch are justthree ofthe exceptional orecutives profiIedin Crainis NeuYork Business' 4o Under 4o special report.

Crain\ editors chose this year's class -from

a- record 8oonominations, making it more difficult than ever to select thehonorees. Read their stories, find out suqprising tidbits about eadrmember of the group, and go to Crain'sWeb iite to watch videointerviews with this year's rising stars.



I lelen Allen -___page Ft9

Jcon Binn ------- Page F24Angela Burt-Murray --------------___--_ Paga F6Sarah Caddick __pase FjTNicholas Cagliuso - --------------------- folg" fZlWendyCai -----PageFgMaurice Colernan - --------------------- Page F)4Chris Concannon ---------------------- fog" f U

Janine DiGioacchino ---------------__-__ Paee F6Michael Duda -- puel ple

Adarn Epstein ----- ----------------------- krye F6

Jroorr Firgcr ------- -.----.----:--- Page F3Neal Goldrlan -- fuge F24Muk Cordorr --Page ilOMattlrew Greitzer - -----------,--------- Page F)6Eric I'leaton ------Page F9Scott Heifennar,----------------------- Pa ge F4Kerrry Lao ------Page F22Adrienne lcarus - ----------------------- Page. F3Br;an lcach ----Page F16

Dary Levy --------- ---',-------____-_,-____ Page tr'9Saralr Tomassi Lindrnm ---___---_. ___ Puge F2)Andrerv Matlrias -- ---------------------- Page FJ1Crystal lvlcCrary Anthony ..----------_ Page F21Merry lvliller------- ---,------- -- ---------- Page F4Sara Mirski --_-__-page F24Rohan Oza --------- ----------------------- Page F7Michble Penzer -page F2lLauref Pickering-- - ---- -- -------- ------- fa ge f I A

Jessica Pincomb - Page FIS

Jefrey PollockMaite Quinn ---- Page F13Daniel Bemard Rounun ------------ Poge FJgAndrea Batista Schlesinger ---------- Page F17Felix Sencidn------- ---------_-_-_-_--_-_ Page F1t

JoeJ Simon --------Page F3Ryan Slack ----------------------- ------ Page F17Elizabedr Weymout}, -------------- ---- fuge FZ2Amira Yunis ----PageFl)SteveZeng ____-_PugeF22

Page 2: CHN, · 2007-02-05 · CHN,S NEW YORK BUSINESS, "fDinerslare muih more critical than theyve everbeen.". -Dou gl as G riebel,



ENr.rr LAo Ist'T suRr whom to credit for his careerc-hoicr-his mother, who prepared Chinesedumplings with him everyweek, or his stepfather, afoodie who took him out ofschool for lunch dates.

One thingis certain: His parents neverimaginedthat they would be watching their son on TheMartha StezuartJlaru or on MTVtalking aboutChinese cuisine.

'My mother wanted me to be a lawyer," says the California transplant,who instead got an M.B.A. at NewYorkUniversity's Stem School ofBusiness.

Though IW. Lao worked brlefly on Wall Street, his food lust won out, andhe opened Rickshaw Dumpling Bar two years ago. The casual Chelseaeatery grew out ofa business plan contest at Stern. Mr. Lao nabbed secondplace and attracted the school's dean,Thomas Cooley, as an investor. ChefAnita Lo, whose work elsewhere has garnered Michelin stars, joined as apartner.

"The force ofhis persondity and histhoroughness" persuaded Mr. Coo-ley to sign on, sa)'s the dean, who

had never invested in a student


the ambitious young man workedforMyriad as a newprojectsmanaeer before he enteredgraduite school.-

Riclishaw's revenues of$r.3 million in frscal zoo5are on track to rise rz9o infiscal zoo6, sqls Mr'Lao,whose am-

$3 mllllon needed to oPensix more Rickshawbars,here and in othermarkets, over thenext couple ofyears.

The entrepre-neur, a reformedmarathon runner, says: "I got

that masochistic streak out of mYsystem. Nofu I c-hannel it intothe restaurant."

bitions dontstopwith -,t_.,1one spot. Hehas raisedtwo-thirdsofthe

- L I S A F I C K E N S C H E R