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  • 7/27/2019 Chennai Express (2013) DTHRip -X264 -[1CD] ESubs


    00:00:01:movie info: 0x0 0.0fps 0 B|/SubEdit b.4072 ('m Rahul.|/I'm 40 years old and...00:01:35:/...normally by this age,|/there comes one or two...00:01:39:/big twists|/in everybody's life.00:01:41:/O too experienced a twist,|/a really big twist which...00:01:45:...changed my life.00:01:53:/Actually, I'll start|/from the very beginning.00:02:03:/Since childhood, I've been|/living in this house with...00:02:05:/ grandparents and parents.00:02:08:/When I was eight,|/my parents passed away.00:02:11:/My granparents brought me up.00:02:14:/When I was little, it's obvious|/that I was a very a cute child.00:02:17:/People used to|/pull my cheeks and say...00:02:19:...'O so sweet'!00:02:21:/This sweetness was also|/my granfathers main business...00:02:24:/... Y.Y. Sweets Merchant.00:02:26:/In Mumbai, the branches of our|/shop were more than it's greenery.00:02:29:Please pack this and|half a kilo of 'jalebi', brother.00:02:34:Brother?! Why?|Why? Sweets merchant?!00:02:38:/My grandfather always|/intruded in my love life too.00:02:40:/Sometimes he would call and|/sometimes he would leap up...00:02:43:/ between like a frog.00:02:46:/I never had the|/chance for romance...00:02:48:/ marriage is|/totally out of question.

    00:02:51:Six, six!|Rahul, did you Sachin plays?!00:02:56:/I admit that my grandfather|/was a die hard fan of...00:02:59:/...Sachin Tendulkar but|/he never applied the world...00:03:01:/...'die' in his life.00:03:03:/Time passed on but not him.00:03:05:/All my relatives settled|/abroad and then came 2013...00:03:10:/...the 100th birthday|/of my grandfather.00:03:12:/Once again, all my|/relatives get together again.00:03:14:/The two tragedies|/of my life came too...00:03:17:/ two friends,|/Bobby and Salim.00:03:19:Hi Rahul.|- Hi.00:03:21:All set for Goa?|- Goa?

    00:03:23:Once you reach there,|don't be naughty at forty, okay?00:03:25:You two better|mind your own business.00:03:27:Tanu, can you|help me decerate this?00:03:30:What are the|two of you up to?00:03:31:Not only us,|it's for all of us.00:03:35:Rahul, it's grandfather birthday|but we brought you a gift.00:03:38:Hot NRI girls!|I've spoken th them.00:03:42:We'll be with them in Goa for|6 days, 7 nights, package fix!00:03:45:What kind of friends are you?|That too for one week?!00:03:47:How will grandfather|let me go for a week?00:03:49:Salim, one second.|I'll be back.00:03:51:He's an idiot,|you are one too.00:03:53:Rahul, come here.|Grandfather.

    00:03:58:You come with me.00:04:01:Yes, grandpa.|You brought me a gift?00:04:06:Yes. You haven't opened the|gifts given by Brother Vimal...00:04:08:...Sister Renu|and the others.00:04:10:That is from others,|not your own.00:04:14:I'm going to be a hundred.|I'll tell you something genuine.00:04:18:They like me|because we are related.00:04:21:You love me, that is why we have this bond.00:04:26:I'm wondering what'll happen|to you once I'm gone, Rahul.00:04:31:No, grandpa.|Look at that. I've started...

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    00:04:34:...talking about leaving.|I'm still young.00:04:38:Why talk about something that|is to happen 20-25 years later?00:04:43:Come, show it to me.00:04:48:Wow! A bat with|Sachin's autograph on it?!00:04:54:Hit the boundary.|Swing your bat.00:04:59:Grandpa, Rahul has an idea|to open a franchise of in Goa too.|Open it! Open it!00:05:04:Why are you|batting so slowly?00:05:06:Grandpa, we found an|appropriate plet in Panjim.00:05:08:Grandpa, can we go there|with Rahul to finalize the plot?00:05:11:Go, go!|Okay!00:05:13:Sachin, plaease hit the|ball outside the boundary.00:05:19:Six! Sachin is on 99!|Sachin is on 99!00:05:24:Old woman. Sachin is on 99!00:05:38:/He goes for 99!00:05:40:What, grandma? Why are you|reacting se much for a century?00:05:42:It's just a game.|He'll make it some other time.00:05:51:Grandpa?!00:05:53:/Both grandpa and|/Sachin get out at 99!00:05:56:/It was a strange feeling|/but then. I read something.00:06:05:/A person's death is|/predestined even before his birth.00:06:08:/I thought to myself that|/if what happened had to happen...00:06:11:/...then how does it matter?|/After all, grandpa lived from...00:06:14:/...the era od All India Radio|/to that of Twitter.

    00:06:17:/He lived a really long life.00:06:20:/Thus, at that very momemnt,|/I made a decision.00:06:24:Goa is on.00:06:31:Grandma, I want to do|something else in life.00:06:33:I want to do|what my heart says.00:06:37:I cannot handle|Y. Y. Mithaiwala anymore.00:06:40:Grandma, I have|my own dreams too.00:06:42:So far, I've just|let my age catch on...00:06:45:...but now I want to see|the world and learn things.00:06:49:Grandma, I want|to live life my own way.00:06:53:Rahul, with the property,|you've alse become the...00:06:57:...master of your own self.|Live your life as you wish.00:07:01:Nobody is stopping you...

    00:07:04:...but you'll have|to do something for me.00:07:08:Tell me, grandma.00:07:10:It was your grandfather's|last wish that after his death...00:07:13:...half of his ashes|should be immersed into...00:07:16:...River Ganga and the|remaining half in Rameshwaram.00:07:22:Rameshwaram?|- Yes, I'll go with the Ganga and|immerse half of his ashes...00:07:26:...but you'll have to go to|Rameshwaram with remaining ashes.00:07:32:Grandma, me?|- Yes, you. This was...00:07:35:...your grandfather's last wish|and you'll have to fulfill it.00:07:43:Rameshwaram is|at the end of India...00:07:45:...that too exactly the|opposite direction of Goa.00:07:51:One minute, guys.|Salim, give it to me.

    00:07:54:The waters od Goa must be|flowing to Rameshwaram, right?00:07:58:What do you mean?|- It means that if we...00:08:01:...immerse grandpa's|ashes in the waters od'll float and eventually|reach Rameshwaram, right?00:08:06:What are you saying?|Where is Goa and Rameshwaram?|Goa is here and Rameshwaram.|It means, Goa is on!00:08:15:Yes, Rahul.|/Bobby, change of plan.00:08:17:What?|- You're coming to Goa, right?00:08:19:Of course I'm coming but|to dodge grandma. I'll have...

  • 7/27/2019 Chennai Express (2013) DTHRip -X264 -[1CD] ESubs

    3/10 start my journey by train.|- What?00:08:24:Grandma is coming to see me off,|so in the next two hours...00:08:28:...I'll buy a ticket to|any train going ro South India.00:08:31:I'll board it but will|get off at Kalyan Station.00:08:33:You wait for me there and|from there, we'll go by road.00:08:38:Which means, Goa is on!00:08:47:Let's go, grandpa!00:08:59:Chennai Express?|- Yes, Chennai Express.00:09:03:As far as I know, Chennai Express|doesn't go to Rameshwaram.00:09:09:You didn't understand.|I told you I want to spend...00:09:12:...more time with grandpa,|that's why I am taking the...00:09:15:...long route. I'll get off|at Chennai and take Rameshwaram by road.|Rahul, do you know why...00:09:24:...I'm taking grandpa's|ashes tp the Ganga?00:09:29:It's because I don't trust|anyone here but have in you that you'll|immerse grandpa's ashes with...00:09:39:...full respect-in the|waters od Rameshwaram.00:09:54:/I didn't like|/lying to grandma...00:09:58:/...but I had|/already done that.00:10:12:Hello?|Rahul, where are you?00:10:14:We have already reached Kalyan.|I just boarded the train...00:10:16:...after saying goodbye|to grandma. I'll be there.00:10:23:Yes!00:10:34:Rahul is here!

    00:10:36:Rahul, where were you?|I've come, right?00:10:39:Patience serves best.|- Now we'll have complete fun!00:10:41:Yes! Fun! Fun!|- What happened now?00:10:44:The ashes! Granpa's ashes.|- Rahul...00:10:48:Granpa!|- Rahul!00:12:12:Thanks.|- No, it's okay.00:12:14:I've done it before.|- Actually!...00:12:17:Sorry, I have to go.00:13:01:Meena, what did you think?|You could get away form us?00:13:05:What you are doing|is totally wrong.00:13:07:Don't tell us|what is right or wrong.00:13:09:Excuse me.|Why are you fighting?00:13:11:People miss their train and|you made me miss my platform.

    00:13:19:Meema!00:13:24:Relax, don't be angry.00:13:31:/Chennai Express.00:13:34:Hi.00:13:38:That's my seat.|My seat.00:13:42:May I? Thank you.00:13:49:Sorry.|Sorry to you, sir.00:13:51:I'll remove this bag.|Nonsense!00:13:53:I'm sorry.|I'm a little fat, huh?00:14:09:Sorry. It's mine.00:14:14:Hello.|Rahul, where are you?00:14:16:I'm in the train.|- In the train?00:14:18:I didn't get the|chance to get off.

    00:14:20:So, this is what we'll do.00:14:22:/We'll meet at Karjat Station.00:14:24:Listen,|don't worry about me.00:14:27:I've got beautiful company.00:14:33:She is right in front of me.00:14:36:What hair! What beautiful eyes!|What lips!00:14:39:You're naming her|body parts in front of her.00:14:41:Isn't she wearing sandals?00:14:44:She doesn't know Hindi.00:14:46:Hey wait!|She's looking at me.

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    00:14:48:She's probably showing|love with her eyes.00:14:51:Please check|that she's not blind.00:14:53:Shut up but she might blindly|fall in love with me in a while.00:14:59:Listen, we'll meet|at Karjat Station.00:15:02:Till then,|I'll try to woo her.00:15:05:I might bring her along.00:15:15:/When I saw you, beloved.00:15:21:/I knew that|/love is crazy, beloved.00:15:27:/Now where do I go...|/Who told you...00:15:30:/...that I don't|/understand Hindi?00:15:37:/The people whom|you gave your hand to...00:15:41:/...were here to kidnap me.|/- Kidnap?00:15:48:/I'm in a big problem.00:15:53:/Will you help me now?00:15:57:/Speak to me|/throught songs only...00:16:00:/ they|/wont be suspicious.00:16:09:/Please forgive me|/for I have made a mistake.00:16:11:/I had no idea|/that tou know Hindi.00:16:15:/I'll do as you say now.|/Since I've made a mistake...00:16:19:/ I'll pay the penalty.00:16:22:Hi!00:16:26:/Don't you worry.00:16:29:/I'm here.00:16:35:Meena, you sing.

    00:16:39:/Then please|/go to the toilet.00:16:46:/Then please|/go to the toilet.00:16:51:/Toilet?00:16:54:/I wonder why you're|/sending me to the toilet?00:16:58:/What is it that you want to do?|/Just tell me.00:17:03:/Your...00:17:06:/I'll use your|/phone to make a call.00:17:08:Okay.|/- I'll inform my friends.00:17:12:/Toilet, toilet.|/Go to the toilet.00:17:15:/Toilet, toilet.|/Go to the toilet.00:17:19:/Go to the toilet!00:17:21:Toilet?!|Call, nature's call.00:17:25:Hello, nature. I'm calling.|How are you?

    00:17:38:Rahul.00:17:40:You surely|haven't heard this name.00:17:42:Phone.00:17:44:Nokia Lumia 920.|Advanced floating lens technology.00:17:47:Fat boy pillow recharge. Wireless|recharging docking station.00:17:50:High quality audio|in retro styling.00:17:52:Rs34,249.|- Can I make a call from this?00:17:58:Of course, you can.00:18:06:Meena, you thought you'll|make a call and we'll not know?00:18:13:What the heck?!|That was my phone.00:18:15:My friends are waiting for me at|Karjat. How will I contact them?00:18:18:It was a Rs35,000 phone!00:18:21:Okay, Rs34,249. I'll sue you!|That was my phone!

    00:18:26:Meena, what's he saying?|It was his phone.00:18:30:If knew that earlier, I'll|thrown him out with the phone.00:18:33:What is he saying?|What is he saying?00:18:36:He's saying if he|know the phone was yours...00:18:38:...he would have thrown|you out with the phone.00:18:40:Really? Is this|your father's rule?00:18:42:Are you trying to|scare and threaten me?00:18:45:I will show you!00:18:48:Meena!00:18:55:Enought!|This is too much.

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    00:18:58:You made me so angry|today that I'll just sit.00:19:04:If I sit, don't think I won't|be able to stand up again...00:19:06:...and if I stand,|don't think I cannot sit.00:19:17:I forgive you|for the mobile too.00:19:19:That mobile was nothing, I can|buy the entire phone company.00:19:21:4G, 5G. I have a lot|of money, you poor people!00:19:29:Okay?00:19:40:Ticket.00:19:44:Ticket, brother, ticket.00:19:46:I don't have it.|- What are you saying?00:19:48:No ticket.|- If you don't heave a won't do.|You'll have to pay the fine.00:19:59:I mean, I have my ticket.00:20:02:This is called a ticket.|If you don't have one,'ll have|to pay the fine.00:20:06:Where did you board the trains?|Are they with you?00:20:08:/Listen carefully, TC.00:20:10:/Don't take it|/easy on these thugs.00:20:13:/Something is veryrvery fishy.|-Fishy?00:20:16:/I swear all four of them...00:20:21:/... are carrying long weapons.00:20:25:/These four have abducted|/this girl and taking her very far.00:20:31:/Very carefully.00:20:36:Get up! Come on!

    00:20:39:Go on.|-Hey, song?!00:20:44:Hey, song?00:20:46:Now it will|be your 'ting tong'.00:20:48:In jail,|go play ping pong.00:20:51:You're acting like a King Kong!00:20:54:Hey!|-What?00:20:56:Don't underestimate|the power of a common man.00:20:59:Why don't you answer?00:21:01:Meena, now you are|under my protection.00:21:04:Now the TC is on our side.00:21:06:Just see how he|straightens them out.00:21:25:Enougt!|This is too much!00:21:25:You've made me so angry|that now I have to sit!

    00:21:34:Sing and dance. We are|going by Chennai Express.00:21:39:Laugh and cry.|We are going by Chennai Express.00:21:45:Meena?|-Whatever happened with the TC,'re the|sole witness to it.00:21:50:That's why you'll come with us to|Komban village in Chennai Express.00:21:54:In Chennai Express?!00:22:00:/Chennai Express.00:22:06:/Chennai Express.00:22:10:/Get on the train, baby.00:22:17:/The desires of my heart have|/been washed away with the ashes.00:22:20:/I wanted to go to Goa to immerse|/the ashes but got the TC drowned.00:22:24:/Wy friends continuously|/tried to contact me.00:22:27:/They could not track me|/down because my Rs35,000...

    00:22:30:/...cell phone was lying|/on a track somewhere.00:22:33:/Okay, Rs34,249!00:22:36:/Chennai Express.00:22:44:/Chennai Express.00:22:49:/Get on the train, baby.00:22:54:/Get on the train, baby.00:23:03:/Get on the train, baby.00:23:10:I want to sleep.|-Go on and sleep.00:23:13:Brother, check at the|next station. I'm hungry.00:23:17:Okay, sister.

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    00:23:24:Meena, what is happening?|I don't understand anything.00:23:29:You scolded your kidnappers|and they were quietly you. I'm confused.00:23:35:I'll clear all your confusion.|-Thank you.00:23:40:Let me start by|introducing myself.00:23:42:My name is|Meena Lochni Azhagusundaram.00:23:45:Hello.00:23:46:Daughter of|Durgeshwara Azhagusundaram.00:23:49:My father Is greatly|respected in the Komban area.00:23:55:He's a 'periyathalai'.|-'Periyathalai', teacher?00:24:00:No.00:24:02:Don!00:24:04:These four are listening|to my 'pechi' because...00:24:08:'Pechi'?|-Talk.00:24:10:Talk.|-They were listening talk because|they're my father's goons.00:24:15:Goons.|Goons. Goons?!00:24:18:Yes! But dont worry.|They are my cousin brothers.00:24:21:With such looks?!00:24:25:So mean, okay.|You can't tell like that.00:24:27:Sorry.00:24:30:My father sent them to kidnap|and bring me back to Komban.00:24:35:Oh God! That means your father|is the Godfather of the South?00:24:38:Yes and he wants|to get my 'kalyanam' done.

    00:24:41:You know, marriage.|-Yes, marriage.00:24:44:With Tangaballi.|-Tingabilla? What is Tingabilla?00:24:47:Yes. that is why|I ran away from home.00:24:49:I don't understand.|-Tangaballi is my father's...00:24:52:...friend's son.|-Okay.00:24:55:If l marry him, my fathe|will own his friend's village.00:24:58:Okay.|-Then my father will become...00:25:01:...double powerful.|-Good.00:25:03:That's why my father|wants to get me married.00:25:09:I don't even|want to get married.00:25:12:He just doesn't understand!00:25:16:Now you understand|everything, right?00:25:20:No.|No, no, no.

    00:25:25:That's your father,|your goons, your marriage...00:25:28:...and my fault?00:25:30:It's your problem,|your kidnapping and...00:25:32:...the village is also yours|and my neck is on the line?00:25:36:lt means,|what is yours is mine?00:25:38:No, Meena.|People fly kites in the air.00:25:41:Your goons throw|mobiles and TC's in the air!00:25:44:I was happily going to Goa.|Goa is on...00:25:47:...but no!|Chennai Express.00:25:55:Now my whole life is in a mess.|I'm in a mess.00:26:32:/I thought of running away|/in the darkness of the night.00:27:06:/When I opened my eyes in the|/morning, they remained wide open.00:27:14:Will you have an 'idli'?|-No.

    00:27:23:Toilet?|-You want some?00:27:25:No, toilet.00:27:29:Why isn't he eating 'idli'?00:27:38:Inspector sir!|Wake up! Good morning.00:27:41:Inspector sir? !'ve been|kidnapped by four cousin brothers.00:27:43:Please eome and catch them.|They're criminals.00:27:46:Periya!|-Periya?00:27:50:What, officer?|-These guys.00:27:52:Did you hear the|cackle of this cock?00:27:55:What did he say?|-He said have you ever...

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    00:27:57:...heard chicken's cackle?00:28:12:Go check if there|is anything to eat?00:28:14:Okay.00:28:16:Meena, instead of helping me,|that policeman.....00:28:20:My father's area|begins from here.00:28:23:Even the policemen here|rely on my father's help.00:28:25:What?|What do you mean?00:28:27:It means? no one can|do anything to these four.00:28:31:That means, anything|can happen to me here?00:28:33:Yes.|-It means, I can even...00:28:35:...lose my life here?|-Yes.00:28:37:Why do you|keep saying 'yes'?00:28:39:Don't you know that you|never tell a dying person that.00:28:42:...he's about to die.|At least, give me false...00:28:44:...assurance that|my life could be saved.00:28:46:Okay.|Your life can be saved.00:28:50:Feeling better?|-Feeling better?!00:28:52:Now'along with grandpa's ashes,|my ashes will also be ready.00:28:55:1 don't know why|I extended my hand to you?00:28:57:Your hand and|that too to me?00:28:59:I was running to save myself,|so why did you help those four?00:29:02:If I knew that your brothers|were goons, I would have...00:29:04:...kicked them instead|of giving them my hand.00:29:06:Anyway, you are the|root of this entire problem.

    00:29:08:Ever since you come into|my life, my life sucks!00:29:10:What?|-Sucks!00:29:13:Same here.|-Okay.00:29:18:Why have you come to me?|-You came to my side.00:29:22:Forget about sides. Meena.|Come to the main point.00:29:24:Is there a way for us to escape?|Tell me, please! Please!00:29:28:Yes, there is.|-What is it? Tell me.00:29:34:But you will|have to do as I say.00:29:37:As if everything was|going my way till now.00:29:39:I accept.|Tell me, what must I do?00:29:44:As soon as we reach Komban,|whenever I look at you in...00:29:46:...front of my father,|just nod your 'mundi'.00:29:49:Okay. Nod what?|-'Mundi'.

    00:29:53:What is that?|-Head!00:29:55:Okay, nod the head.|I'll nod my head.00:30:01:I'll eat 'thosai',|'idli' and nod my head.00:30:04:I'm okay.|Okay, okay, okay.00:30:06:Take the Chennai Express.00:30:09:/Chennai Express.00:30:16:/Chennai Express.00:30:22:Chinna, we've reached|our village. Come on!00:30:29:Let's go.|-Brother, what are you doing?00:30:33:Meena, why did|he pull the chain?00:30:35:When we reach our village,|we pull the chain.00:30:38:Don't worry,|it's very common.00:30:42:The station begins from|where we stand. Let's go!

    00:30:47:Let's go?00:31:52:Hey, move!00:32:49:Who Is he?|-My father.00:33:30:How many times|will you try to escape?00:33:32:Why you are doing this?!|For what?!00:33:36:l don't want|to marry Tangaballi.00:33:38:/Meena emotionally tried to|/make her father understand.00:33:41:/Her father|/listened in shock.00:33:45:Who is it?00:33:46:And I? I too couldn't|understand a single thing.

  • 7/27/2019 Chennai Express (2013) DTHRip -X264 -[1CD] ESubs


    00:33:51:I am in love with somebody.00:33:55:Am I right?00:33:57:The plan was to|nod my head, so I.....00:34:05:/After seeing such a reaction,|/one thing was clear.00:34:09:/Now my head won't nod|/but would be chopped off!00:34:15:Do you know Tamil or not?00:34:24:What is your father|saying about my mother?00:34:29:He is asking if|you know Tamil or not?00:34:34:Father, he settled in North.00:34:38:I'll teaeh him|Tamil after marriage.00:34:41:Meena likes this boy.|Bring him.00:34:47:Meena! Meena!00:35:00:Meena, I thought they|were going to kill me but...00:35:03:...your father's goons|lifted me up on their shoulders.00:35:05:Passing the parcel|shoulder to shoulder.00:35:07:What did you tell him?|-I just told three lies.00:35:10:You lied? Miss Subtitle,|tell me what you said.00:35:12:The first lie was that|we love each other very much.00:35:15:What?!|-My second lie was that...00:35:18:...we want to get married.|-What? What? What?00:35:21:It was when you|nodded your head.00:35:23:Yes, I nodded. So all of|them have accepted this?00:35:27:No. The pan only worked|when told the third lie.00:35:31:What?|-That you have been living... tne nortn|since childhood,...00:35:35:..that's why you|don't know Tamil.00:35:37:Father found my|story very genuine, they are taking us|to the village to decide...00:35:41:...our future.|-Not to decide the future...00:35:43:..but to destroy my future.|I'm not going to be a part,...00:35:46:...of this.|Brother, listen.00:35:48:Think about it, Rahul.|I will get married but...00:35:50:...that is my look out.|-Brother?00:35:52:There were only four|of them chasing you...00:35:53:...but now the whole|village will chase you.00:35:56:I did this drama|to buy some time for us.00:36:00:We'll run away as soon as we|get an opportunity in the night.

    00:36:02:Run away?|-Don't worry. I've expenence|in running away.00:36:38:My family.00:36:49:/Seeing Meena's small family|/reminded me of China's population.00:36:53:/Meena began telling them|/the story of Chennai Express.00:36:56:/As the story progressed,|/everyone seemed to get more...00:36:59:/...impressed with me|but I was depressed.00:37:01:/My mind was stressed|/because the ambience of...00:37:03:/...the place I had|/arrived was dangerous.00:37:15:/Every one was trying to|/please me but a goat also...00:37:18:/...gets the same treatment|/before it is sacrificed.00:37:29:How many times have I asked|Bobby to get a fancy number...00:37:31:...but no.

    00:37:33:The numbers of the persons|I was trying to contact...00:37:35:/... were all denied|/to the reach of my brain.00:37:39:/This mobile technology has|/connected us with our mothers...00:37:42:/...and sisters but this|/technology has also messed us up.00:37:46:/When there were no mobile phones,|/we remembered all the numbers.00:37:49:/Now with mobiles around,|we don t remember any number.00:37:52:Meena!00:37:55:What is your plan of|getting out of this place?00:38:00:Menna, don't ignore me.|Enough of this drama.00:38:04:I'm losing my patience.|- Rahul!

  • 7/27/2019 Chennai Express (2013) DTHRip -X264 -[1CD] ESubs


    00:38:08:Greetings, sir.00:38:09:Coffee.|I was asking for coffee.00:38:15:Give him coffee.|-Thank you, sir.00:38:24:/Meet me at the store room.00:38:35:Coffee.00:38:44:The food is ready.|Go call everybody.00:38:57:Madhi, come here.00:39:23:Where is he?00:39:27:Rahul?00:40:06:Hello?|-You're so smart.00:40:09:Why are you jabbering in Tamil?|Speak in Hindi.00:40:11:You are very beautiful.|-Wow, you've learnt to speak...00:40:15:...proper Tamil in a day?|-I love you so much.00:40:18:What are you doing? Meena,|I'm not of that type. Please.00:40:26:Meena?|-Rahul.00:40:28:Madhi?|-Puvi.00:40:30:What are you doing here?00:40:33:They came here.|We just followed them.00:40:38:Tell them.|-Yes!00:40:40:Let's go.00:40:43:You may go.00:40:47:You naughty!00:40:50:What's the hurry?|Was it so urgent?00:40:55:You naughty!

    00:40:59:Come along.|-Meena, I want to get out of here.00:41:02:Please do something.00:41:04:Do? Naughty!|-No, not naughty.00:41:17:I'm doing fine.|Greetings.00:41:20:Coffe?|-Just joking! Thanks.00:41:25:Singh, we need to take|a decision in this matter.00:41:29:A Sardar?|That too here?00:41:31:We need to make a decision.|We should't feel bad after...00:41:33:...making a decision, so|we'll think and make a decision.00:41:36:You are right but|tell Meena that.....00:41:39:A Sardar speaking Tamil?00:41:41:With the boy|she should not.....00:41:43:One minute.

    00:41:48:This is great!|So you're Rahul, right?00:41:52:Yes. How did you know?|-It's the job of a identify,a dead body.|-A dead body? But I'm still.....00:41:58:If you're not one yet,|you will be soon.00:42:00:Anyways, I'm|Inspector Shamsher from Punjab.00:42:03:Okay, sir. Which part?|-Which part? The whole body.00:42:07:I'm in charge of this area.00:42:10:You have a lot of guts.00:42:14:You fell in love|with Meena Lochni,...00:42:16:...even after knowing it'll|be like messing with Tangaballi.00:42:18:No, not at all! These people|here have misunderstood.00:42:21:Actually, these guys|are trying to frame me.00:42:23:Your frame will decorate this|wall and a garland will also... placed on your photograph.|-Garland? No, sir.00:42:28:This is against the law.|-Look at that!00:42:30:You should have thought|of it before falling in love.00:42:34:Tangaballi is coming!00:42:36:Tangaballi is on the way.00:43:17:I got to know Meena broaght|somebody with her this time.00:43:22:Yes. What can we do?00:43:24:What is he saying?|-Tangaballi is asking about you.00:43:27:What is the father saying?|-He is saying it's because Meena keeps runing|away from home again and again.

  • 7/27/2019 Chennai Express (2013) DTHRip -X264 -[1CD] ESubs


    00:43:32:My marriage with|Meena is already fixed.00:43:35:You're right.|The marriage...00:43:38:Now what is he saying?|-The father said that...00:43:38:...Tangaballi is his|first choice for Meena...00:43:41:...but he is helpless.|What can he do if Meena's...00:43:43:...first choice is you.|-No, no, no!00:43:46:I'm not here to decide|what is right and wrong.00:43:50:Now it's the|question of my prestige.00:43:52:Sir what is he saying now?|-The father is saying that...00:43:54:...they should sit together and|reach a decision to solve this.00:43:57:Not him.|What is that tall guy saying?00:43:57:He's saying that it's not|about right or wrong anymore.00:44:02:Now it's a|matter of his pride.00:44:09:If it's matter of|his pride, why is he...00:44:09:...coming to rob me of mine?00:44:13:Mr. Singn, don't worry.|I'm here, okay?00:44:15:Hi.00:44:18:You are the one who|wants to marry Meena?00:44:22:Yes.00:44:24:At least listen first|-It's okay. I'll handle it.00:44:26:Who do you think|you are, a hero?00:44:31:Yes.|-Listen please.00:44:32:Big people are talking!|He is joking with me.00:44:34:If you're a real man,|fight with me.

    00:44:37:Natural. It's God's gift,|like you.00:44:40:We'll fight tonight.00:44:42:If you win,|Meena will be yours.00:44:44:If I win,|Meena will be mine.00:44:48:What say you?|-Yo bro!00:44:55:He is do tall, right?|What was he saying?00:44:57:Raise your volume, Mr. Singh.|Speak, don't be afraid.00:44:59:He has challenged you.|-What?00:45:02:You and he will|have a fight tonight.00:45:04:Why?|-Yes, and whoever wins,...00:45:06:...will get Meena.|-Why?00:45:08:Fool! You aceepted|the challenge too!00:45:10:But I don't even|understand Tamil.

    00:45:12:I just nod my head.|Meena told me to nod my head.00:45:14:You'll come alive.|-Okay.00:45:15:You'll not go alive.|-Never, sir.00:45:18:I'll cut you into|pieces and parcel it.00:45:33:That's wnat I was saying.|Peace, love, affection,...00:45:35:...friendship Mr. Gandhi.|Why didn't you tell me...00:45:37:...earner what he was saying?|-I told you!00:45:39:You were only tickling me.|What do you think?00:45:41:Yes?|-Let's see.00:45:42:What?|-We'll see.