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Post on 16-Nov-2015




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chat with 'admin'


Sunday, 29 March 20155:14 PM - Biohazard entered chat.5:16 PM - Marquess of Pudding entered chat.5:16 PM - sevenZERO9er entered chat.5:16 PM - LordOat entered chat.5:16 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Lol invite only5:17 PM - LordOat: Yo Shock5:17 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Guess we play the waiting game5:18 PM - Marquess of Pudding: Helllo5:18 PM - LordOat: Pudding5:18 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Hey5:19 PM - Marquess of Pudding: When does the game update?5:19 PM - Kaptain Kallum: You are protocol then, hey?5:19 PM - Marquess of Pudding: Yes,i am protocol5:19 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Who was your friend that banned us all?5:19 PM - Marquess of Pudding: What?5:19 PM - Marquess of Pudding: What friend?5:20 PM - Kaptain Kallum: The guy that posed as an admin and banned us5:20 PM - Marquess of Pudding: wasnt his name admin?5:20 PM - Kaptain Kallum: No5:20 PM - Kaptain Kallum: proxy5:20 PM - Kaptain Kallum: proxyspirit or something5:20 PM - Marquess of Pudding: Lol5:20 PM - Marquess of Pudding: Isnt proxy a real admin5:20 PM - Kaptain Kallum: If he is then shock needs to boot him5:20 PM - Kaptain Kallum: You saw what he did5:21 PM - Marquess of Pudding: Yeah,but you guys were roping people up for no reason5:21 PM - LordOat: ?5:21 PM - LordOat: You were with the king5:21 PM - Kaptain Kallum: That wasn't what happened5:21 PM - Marquess of Pudding: I wasnt in his guild5:21 PM - Kaptain Kallum: We roped people who tried to either KoS us or were with the king5:21 PM - Kaptain Kallum: You ran into the gate with the king, therefore you were with him5:22 PM - Marquess of Pudding: I'm more of a Mercenary5:22 PM - Marquess of Pudding: Yes5:22 PM - Kaptain Kallum: THen proxy spammed shit all over our basze, tried to godmode kill me, failed, then banned me for telling the server what he did5:22 PM - Marquess of Pudding: wanna know why i ran for the gate5:22 PM - LordOat: ^^^5:22 PM - Marquess of Pudding: Because asoon as i stepped on the bridge you guys tried to shackle me5:22 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Funnily enough, you are allowed to5:22 PM - Kaptain Kallum: there are no rules for it5:22 PM - Kaptain Kallum: only KoS5:23 PM - Kaptain Kallum: We abided by all the rules and were then griefed by proxy5:23 PM - Marquess of Pudding: You shackled me so you could hang me5:23 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Nope5:23 PM - Marquess of Pudding: thats a way of kos5:23 PM - Marquess of Pudding: YES YOU DID5:23 PM - Kaptain Kallum: When did we hang you?5:23 PM - Marquess of Pudding: I never said you did5:23 PM - Marquess of Pudding: because i died by the plague5:23 PM - Kaptain Kallum: We left you in the stocks whilst we were about to go deal with the king5:23 PM - Kaptain Kallum: you would have been freed afterwards5:24 PM - Marquess of Pudding: Oh bullshit5:24 PM - Marquess of Pudding: you said 3 times over that you were going to hang me5:24 PM - Kaptain Kallum: No, i didnt5:24 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Maybe someone else did but that was not me5:24 PM - Kaptain Kallum: regardless, being roped you still have the ability to get out5:24 PM - Kaptain Kallum: You can bash a lock5:24 PM - Kaptain Kallum: with a sharp stone5:25 PM - Kaptain Kallum: So it is not KoS5:25 PM - proxyspirit entered chat.5:25 PM - LordOat: lol5:25 PM - LordOat: thia chat gonna get crazy5:25 PM - Marquess of Pudding: hello proxy5:25 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Hey proxy, want to explain why you griefed my friends and I then banned us?5:25 PM - sevenZERO9er: why hello Proxy, we meet again.5:26 PM - proxyspirit: yeah - abuse5:26 PM - Kaptain Kallum: What abuse?5:27 PM - Kaptain Kallum: please explain to me so I can understand your logic5:28 PM - Kaptain Kallum: My group is almost half the servers playerbase, do you sincerely believe it was a wise idea to ban people who broke no rules?5:28 PM - Marquess of Pudding: lol seven,what are you ?A friggen evil villian with the ''Hello we meet again''5:28 PM - proxyspirit: 1) from what I can remember, I think you were the dudes who randomly accosted me in a field when I was minding my own business?5:28 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Nope5:28 PM - Kaptain Kallum: i made sure my group did not KoS5:29 PM - LordOat: 1) so false lol5:29 PM - Marquess of Pudding: They were the two guys who roped people and brought them to their base to be hung5:29 PM - sevenZERO9er: hehehe nah im a pretty nige guy. we all are actually. We just want to find a good server with a good Rok community. We arnt trolls or fuckwits.5:29 PM - Marquess of Pudding: *I mean more than two*5:29 PM - Kaptain Kallum: You were on the bridge during a siege5:29 PM - Marquess of Pudding: You werent apart of the kings men5:30 PM - Marquess of Pudding: i wasnt apart of the kings army5:30 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Then why did he try to let you in his gate?5:30 PM - Marquess of Pudding: Because you guys were chasing me down5:30 PM - Biohazard: we were charging the gate5:30 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Why not run away from the gate then?5:30 PM - proxyspirit: I get a call from an unarmed dude being chased across a field by 4 heavily armed players - whats with that? guy claims he did nothing5:30 PM - proxyspirit: nobody answers me when I ask whats going on5:31 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Are you serious?5:31 PM - proxyspirit: looked pretty bad5:31 PM - Kaptain Kallum: You ignored me multiple times5:31 PM - Kaptain Kallum: You paid no attention to chat whatsoever5:31 PM - proxyspirit: its difficult to respond to a lot of stuff happening at once dude - particularly with the volume of cheats5:31 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Not my problem, that is your problem5:31 PM - Kaptain Kallum: So instead of griefing us, you could have talked5:32 PM - proxyspirit: then using that logic being banned wasn't my problem, it was yours5:32 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Instead you acted liek a twelve year old with scripts and griefed us, therefore fucking up the server at the smae time with a lot of lag5:32 PM - proxyspirit: how do you figure?5:32 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Really? You are going to ask me that?5:33 PM - Biohazard: all those creeps you spawned lagged out the server, not rocket science dude5:33 PM - Kaptain Kallum: I have proof that you spammed our base with plague victims5:33 PM - proxyspirit: I spawned no creeps5:33 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Yes, you did5:33 PM - LordOat: You don't obviously know to be an admin..5:33 PM - Marquess of Pudding: after proxy left5:33 PM - sevenZERO9er: i think you mean to say "seemed" pretty bad Proxy, because that was just your thought on what was happeneing. It never unfolded the way you think it did and your actions were misplaced. Either way, we arnt bad people like you thinik we are..5:33 PM - Marquess of Pudding: there was hackers who spammed the server with plaguers5:33 PM - proxyspirit: dude, I seriously didn't5:33 PM - Kaptain Kallum: then why did you ban us?5:33 PM - Kaptain Kallum: We broke no rules5:34 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Why was there so many griefers and nothing being done about it?5:34 PM - Kaptain Kallum: you are an admin and have the ability to get rid of them but you ingored it5:34 PM - Kaptain Kallum: ignored*5:34 PM - Kaptain Kallum: And instead of moderating the server, you banned actual legit players5:35 PM - proxyspirit: dude, firstly, you should get over it. secondly, its a private server paid for by a close friend of mine, admins aren't the court - they are people make quick judgements at very short notice with limited facts at hand5:35 PM - sevenZERO9er: guess its ok to fuck up then...5:35 PM - proxyspirit: add to that the sheer volume of hack which are a problem at the present time in this game5:36 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Would your friend say the same thing if you got rid of potential donaters?5:36 PM - proxyspirit: and the difficulty of adminning a no KoS server5:36 PM - Kaptain Kallum: then perhaps get both sides of the story before going ban crazy and ignoring the actual griefers5:36 PM - proxyspirit: dude, you're dealing with a server for a game, not the court of disputed returns.5:37 PM - proxyspirit: we are volunteers not employees5:37 PM - Kaptain Kallum: I am dealing with an admin that does not know how to admin5:37 PM - proxyspirit: why are you so angry?5:37 PM - proxyspirit: you should relax5:37 PM - Kaptain Kallum: because you fucked up, not us5:37 PM - Kaptain Kallum: We brought people to your friends server5:38 PM - proxyspirit: you acted like pricks, and you got slapped. Get over it, move on5:38 PM - Kaptain Kallum: How were we pricks?5:38 PM - Kaptain Kallum: For playing a game?5:38 PM - sevenZERO9er: we are relaxed, but we also understand you are never going to admit you made a bad judgement call.5:38 PM - Kaptain Kallum: ^5:38 PM - proxyspirit: your behaviour was at odds with the spirit of what the server stands for5:39 PM - sevenZERO9er: lololz5:39 PM - LordOat: Acted like pricks cuz our base was getting greifed by admin... legit5:39 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Get shock in here5:39 PM - Kaptain Kallum: you clearly refuse to admit that you can't admin for shit5:39 PM - sevenZERO9er: this guy is hilarious... that biased logic..5:39 PM - Kaptain Kallum: What behaviour was that5:39 PM - proxyspirit: And you think speaking like that is acceptable?5:40 PM - Kaptain Kallum: You just called us all pricks, was that acceptable for you to say?5:40 PM - sevenZERO9er: we we arnt in here to suck dicks.5:40 PM - Kaptain Kallum: you are clearly a hypocritical liar5:40 PM - Kaptain Kallum: So get shock in here so we can show him what happened5:40 PM - Kaptain Kallum: you know, when you godmode tried to fight me, failed, then spawned shit all over our base and laughed in chat5:41 PM - proxyspirit: why do you think you have some recourse of appeal?5:41 PM - proxyspirit: or you think this is some kind of customer experience?5:41 PM - Kaptain Kallum: I think Shock would be interested in knowing how you behave when he isn't there5:41 PM - Kaptain Kallum: have you ever been an admin before?5:41 PM - proxyspirit: I'm taking to him now dude5:41 PM - proxyspirit: he knows it all5:41 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Then get him in here5:41 PM - proxyspirit: wow5:41 PM - proxyspirit: how old are you guys?5:42 PM - Kaptain Kallum: Probably older than you5:42 PM - Kaptain Kallum: So get him in here5:42 PM - LordOat: 115:42 PM - LordOat: hahah5:42 PM - LordOat: cant say im a twelvie5:43 PM - Marquess of Pudding: Wow oat...learn to age to a twelvie5:43 PM - LordOat: soz5:44 PM - LordOat: GROUP IS PUBLIC5:45 PM - Marquess of Pudding: ?5:45 PM - LordOat: you can joinnow5:46 PM - Marquess of Pudding: You are dead to me oat5:48 PM - LordOat: why5:48 PM - LordOat: was i ever alive5:49 PM - Marquess of Pudding: Its not up :c5:49 PM - LordOat: No lol the stean group derp5:49 PM - LordOat: steam5:49 PM - LordOat: You can become a member of the steam group now5:50 PM - saintjacktar entered chat.5:51 PM - Mello entered chat.5:52 PM - LordOat: Oh the boiis are joining5:52 PM - LordOat: and girl5:52 PM - Mello: Was gonna say! :P5:52 PM - Biohazard left chat.5:53 PM - Biohazard entered chat.5:53 PM - LordOat left chat.5:53 PM - Marquess of Pudding left chat.5:53 PM - Marquess of Pudding entered chat.5:54 PM - saintjacktar: hey proxy wheres shock?5:54 PM - proxyspirit: phone call5:54 PM - saintjacktar: ah k5:55 PM - LordOat entered chat.5:57 PM - sevenZERO9er left chat.5:57 PM - sevenZERO9er entered chat.