charlie breit

CONFIDENTIAL Charlie Breit @charlie_breit Engaging with the Consumers Behind the Data

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Charlie Breit@charlie_breit

Engaging with the Consumers Behind the


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"Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational." – Hugh Mackay

"People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it." – Simon Sinek

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Data in everything we do…

Not an “OR” discussion, but an “AND” discussion

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•Founded in 2000; SaaS Payroll Solution•Became wholly-owned subsidiary of Paychex in 2011•First completely online Payroll and Payroll tax filing solution for small businesses between 1 – 100 employees

•In addition to Payroll – also offer 401k, Health Insurance, Workers Compensation and Pre-Employment Screening

•SurePayroll mastered using data to drive leads, sales and grow the business, but as competition grows and customer needs evolve – need to elevate experience to connect beyond the numbers

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Starting the Data Driven Journey: A/B/MVT Testing

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Challenger (33%) Long scroll 1 Step

Challenger Long Scroll (33%)2 Step

Champion (33%)Red/Green


5.79% 5.27


(step 2)


4.70% 3.45


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Data LimitationsTransactional data doesn't capture "why you buy" and "how you feel" only that you transacted.

Typically, what we know about our customers is:• Who they are• When and where they transacted• What they did and did not buy

Reviews, social media, NPS, Customer Inquiries ,etc. are sources to mine for "feelings" data, but have limitations

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Individual vs. Household Buyer•Appealing to the buyers who are not engaging with you directly, but are key contributors to the purchase decision

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Deeper Connection with Your Customers• How do you understand, connect and empathize with your customers especially through one-way communication (such as ads) and digital experiences?

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Step 1: Mine Your Transactional Data•Use your transactional data to find patterns

•Who are your best customers?•When do they buy?•What do they buy?•Anything stand out?

•SurePayroll: 70% of our new customers are starting new businesses

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Step 2: Getting to Know Your Customers – Understanding Their POV• Listen in on phone calls•Read inbound contacts•Watch customers in the "wild"•Ethnographic Research

•SurePayroll: New business owners were often unaware or confused over taxes and their responsibilities around paying employees.

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Step 3: Shaping Your Brand Story, Beliefs & Value Props•Why you deliver value matters as much as how, when and what value is delivered.

•What is your story? Your beliefs? How is it aligned the value that you deliver?

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Step 4: Integrate Your Brand Story & Beliefs into Your Customer Experience

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Step 5: Amplify Your Story & Beliefs in Creative

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Does it pass the eye test?•Use data – always use data•Data is an indicator – beacon to look deeper•Storytelling is as old as people•Connect with stories and beliefs•Data can trigger events, experiences, but the infusion of the human element is what makes them memorable

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Thank You! Any Questions?

Charlie Breit@[email protected]