chapter 6 sleep and dreams. part 1 the purpose of sleep and drams previewing vocabulary nouns ...

Chapter 6 Sleep and Dreams

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Chapter 6

Sleep and Dreams

Part 1 The Purpose of Sleep and Drams Previewing Vocabulary

Nouns Childhood Desires Emotions Evidence Freud Hormone Logic Psychologists Purpose Research Stage Symbols Theories (theory) vision

Previewing VocabularyVerbs

Occurs Predict Repair Wonder

Adjective Awake

Adverb However

3- Understanding New Words1- Wonder =

to question or ask yourself something2- Evidence =

clues 3- Hormone =

a chemical produced by our body4- However =

on the other hand5- Psychologist =

who studies people’s behavior

3- Understanding New Words6- Emotions =

feelings7- Symbols =

they mean other things.8- Awake =

not asleep9- Vision =

ability to see10- Logic =

ability to think and understand

4- Finding the Meaning of New words: Meaning After or Purpose = reason Repair = fix Occurs = happens Stage = period Desires = wishes Research = studies

6- Finding Details Why do we sleep?1- To make new chemicals and fix our bodies (the Repair

Theory).2- To dream. Why do we dream?1- Dreams can predict the future.2- Dreams are a form of entertainment. 3- Freud said that dreams tell us about our emotions and desires.4- Tell us symbols from our life.5- Tell us things from our past.

7- Working with New Words1- reason: purpose

2- opinions: theories

3- fix: repair

4- happens: occurs

5- period of time: stage

6- wishes: desires

7- studies: researches

Understanding Words from Their PartsMeaning of some word parts:

un- can mean “not”, for example: unhappy = not happy. -er can mean “a person who”, for example: writer = a person

who writes. -ist can mean “a person who studies something or know a lot

about it” for example: scientist = a person who knows a lot about science.

-hood can mean “the situation or stage of life when a person is …” for example: parenthood = a stage of life when a person is a parent.

8- Understanding Words from Their Parts1- not interesting =

uninteresting2- a person who dreams =

dreamer3- the stage of life when a person is a child =

childhood4- a person who knows a lot about psychology =

psychologist5- not comfortable =

uncomfortable6- a person who does research =


Part 2 A Dream Narrative2- Previewing Vocabulary

Verbs Realized Traveling

Adjectives Anxious Complicated Familiar Unfamiliar

Adverb Outside

Idiom Make sense

Finding the Meaning of New Words in Context Sometimes the meaning of a word can be

found in the sentence or phrase that follows the new word.


We had our lunch outside. It was a warm day, and we sat under a tree.

(outside = not on the inside of something; not in a building)

3- Finding the Meaning of New Words in Context

1- go places

2- nervous

3- something that I knew

4- difficult

5- understand

6- easy to understand

5- Identifying the Main IdeaB- A man wrote about his dream for his


6- Finding Details The man was anxious. √ In his dream, he was in a big city. √ In the dream, he wanted to go home. √ In the dream, he had problems on his way

home. √

7- Understanding Pronouns1- The city seemed like New York, but it didn’t look

like the real New York.

2- I was in a friend’s apartment. It was comfortable.

3- On the street I saw buses, but I didn’t know which one to take.

4- There was a way to get home, but I didn’t know it.

5- All their directions were very complicated, and I couldn’t understand them.

7- Understanding Pronouns1- The city seemed like New York, but it didn’t look

like the real New York.

2- I was in a friend’s apartment. It was comfortable.

3- On the street I saw buses, but I didn’t know which one to take.

4- There was a way to get home, but I didn’t know it.

5- All their directions were very complicated, and I couldn’t understand them.

8- Understanding MoodThe mood of the dream is anxious and horrible.

The adjectives in the dream narrative:

big, dark, comfortable, uncomfortable, unfamiliar, anxious, familiar, complicated, dangerous, dirty, afraid

Part 3Searching the Web

a. 2

b. 4

c. 1

d. 5

e. 6

f. 3

2- Choosing Words for a Web Search Dreams Freud Humans Sleep Theories

Part 4Reviewing Vocabulary1. True2. True3. False4. False5. True6. True7. False8. True

4- Building Vocabulary Across1- unfamiliar5- theory9- similar10- predict11- aunt12- desires16- awake17- Freud18- logic19- evidence

4- Building Vocabulary Down2- research3- childhood4- vision6- traditional7- stage8- repair11- average13- purpose14- wedding15- branch