chapter 15 evolution: evidence and theory “the mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact...

Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

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Page 1: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

Chapter 15

Evolution: Evidence and Theory

“The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

Page 2: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

Charles Darwin

Proposed the theory that organisms evolve, or change over time by natural selection.

Page 3: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

Darwin’s voyage was on the H.M.S Beagle. He was only 22 years old.

Page 4: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”


Darwin made many of his observations on the Galapagos Islands.

Page 5: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

Darwin found similar birds with different shaped beaks.

Page 6: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”
Page 7: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

Darwin noted that tortoises from different island had different shell shapes.

Page 8: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

Darwin began to wonder if the animals living on different islands had once belonged to the same species.

These different species would have evolved from a common ancestor.

Page 9: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”
Page 10: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

For Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection to work, Earth would have to be very old and change slowly over time.

Hutton and Lyell proposed that geological forces shaped the Earth over Millions of years.

Page 11: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

The Origin of Species

Darwin publishes

his theory 25 years

after his voyage on

the Beagle.

Page 12: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

1. Every species produce more offspring than will survive to maturity.

2. Natural variationDifferences among individuals

3. Struggle for existenceCompete for food, shelter, etc

4. Survival of the fittest Fitness = The ability to Survive & reproduce Adaptation = anything that increase the

chance an organism will survive

Evolution by Natural Selection

Page 13: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

Evidence of Evolution

1. Homologous structures 2. Vestigial structures

appendix “tail bone” muscles that move the ears

3. Similarities in early development

4. Similarities in macromolecules

Page 14: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”
Page 15: Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”