chapter 12 recovery & rebirth: the age of the renaissance

CHAPTER 12 Recovery & Rebirth: the Age of the Renaissance

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Page 1: CHAPTER 12 Recovery & Rebirth: the Age of the Renaissance

CHAPTER 12Recovery & Rebirth: the Age of the Renaissance

Page 2: CHAPTER 12 Recovery & Rebirth: the Age of the Renaissance

Collect/Check Outlines Chapter 11/Western Civ Quiz Primary source quiz Collect

Page 3: CHAPTER 12 Recovery & Rebirth: the Age of the Renaissance

What Characteristics distinguish the Renaissance from the Middle Ages?

Jacob Burckhardt created the concept of the Renaissance – rebirth from the Middle Ages Revival of antiquity Perfecting of the individual Secularism

NOTE: there was not a sudden or dramatic cultural break with the Middle Ages (1000 years between Roman Empire and the Renaissance)

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What Characteristics distinguish the Renaissance from the Middle Ages?

Age of RECOVERY from the horrible 14th century Black Death Political disorder Economic recession

Rediscovery of ANTIQUITY Greco-Roman culture

Emphasis on INDIVIDUAL ability Leon Battista Alberti: “Men can do all

things if they will” Human dignity & worth “L’uomo uniersale” (universal person) –

well rounded personality capable of many achievements

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What major social changes occurred during the Renaissance?

Economic recovery Italian merchants flourished in commerce

throughout the Mediterranean & North Atlantic Seaboard

HANSEATIC LEAGUE: Northern German coastal towns formed commercial and military association Commercial bases in England, Denmark,

Norway, Sweden Monopoly on Northern European trade Timber, fish, grain, metals, honey, wines Bruges, Belgium became the economic

crossroads of Europe in 14th century

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What major social changes occurred during the Renaissance?

Industry Printing, mining, metallurgy,

textiles flourished Entrepreneurs took advantage

of new machinery The Medicis and Banking

House of Medici was the greatest bank in Europe Venice, Milan, Rome, Avignon,

Bruges, London, Lyons Principal bankers of the papacy

Made Florence the banking capital, became wealthy

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What major social changes occurred during the Renaissance?

The Renaissance inherited social structures from Middle Ages Three Estates:

1st – clergy 2nd – Nobility: privilege earned providing

security & justice 3rd – peasants & inhabitants of cities and towns

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What major social changes occurred during the Renaissance?

Nobility had new expectations Baldassare Castiglione

wrote The Book of the Courtier How to be an aristocrat Impeccable character, grace,

talents, noble birth1. Participate in military and bodily

exercises *but unlike knights of old they also had to*

2. Classical education – music, drawing, painting

3. Make a good impression, modest with grace

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What major social changes occurred during the Renaissance?

Peasants made up 85-90 % of European Population Decline of Manorial System & Elimination of

Serfdom Introduction of a money economy in 12th century Less peasantry after Black Death Lord’s lands were worked by hired workers or rented

Urban Society PATRICIANS – wealthy traders, industry, bankers BURGHERS – shopkeepers, guild masters, guild

members Property-less workers – low, low wages Unemployed – miserable lives (30-40%)

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The Renaissance was a time of Rebirth for the NOBLES and the CLERGY ONLY. The third estate was too busy trying to survive to consider new ways of thinking or

interpreting the universe

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Consider foundations of Renaissance

Burkhardt’s factors Revival of antiquity Perfecting of the individual Secularism

Economic Revival End of manorialism &

serfdom Industry & Banking More

Successful Rise of individuals &

Patricians Castiglione’s rules for


Create a thesis proposing why these factors would

lead to an intellectual and artistic Renaissance

Should be one sentence Create an outline

showing how you would defend the thesis in three body paragraphs (don’t write the paragraphs – just bullet, letters, numbers, etc)

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Italian States

Northern Italy divided between the duchy of Milan and the Republic of Venice Francesco Sforza a

CONDOTTIERI (mercenary soldier) conquered Milan and became its duke

Trade in Venice made it rich and powerful

Republic of Florence Ruled by the Medici Family –

Cosimo, then Lorenzo the Magnificent (republic in image only)

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1. “Unifying” thesis – outlines rest of paper2. Watch “catholic” versus “Catholic”3. Formal speech

1. No use of 1st person

2. No slang or vernacular

4. Introductions and Conclusions

A few notes about your Elizabeth Essays

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Italian States

Papal States Central Italy Under the political control of the

popes Great Schism enabled individual

cities to become independent Kingdom of Naples

Most of southern Italy, island of Sicily

Fought over by the French and the Aragonese

Backward monarchy, poverty stricken peasants

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Italian States

Independent City States Led by powerful families

Urbino Federigo da Montefeltro

Clasical education, humanist Skilled at fighting Reliable and honest

CONDOTTIERE Great PATRON Married to Battista Sforza

Niece of Duke of Milan Governed while Federigo away

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Italian State

Isabella d’Este Daughter of duke of Ferrara Known for her intelligence

and political wisdom “first lady of the world” Attracted artists &


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Preventing the growth of any one state at the expense of others

Peace of Lodi: ended half-century of war and created a 40 year peace Alliance system:

Milan, Florence, Naples vs. Venice & Papacy

Ludovico Sforza (Duke of Milan) invited French to get involved in Italian politics Chalres VIII occupied Naples

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Warfare in Italy

Italian states invited Ferdinand of Aragon for help

15 years: French and Spanish fought over Italy

Continued through next series of kings Italians never considered uniting –

fiercely loyal to own states Italians began to send diplomats to find

out information about their enemies Birth of modern diplomacy

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Niccolo Machiavelli Secretary to the Florentine

Council of Ten Made many diplomatic

missions 1512: French defeated

Spanish and reestablished Medici Power – Machiavelli expelled

Wrote The Prince (1513)

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The Prince

Acquisition and expansion of political power to maintain order

Late medieval scholars believed power should be exerted only if it was for the good of the People

Machiavelli said a Prince’s attitude toward power must be based on understanding human nature Political activity could not be

restricted by moral considerations Prince must act on behalf of the state

and let his conscience sleep



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Who did Machiavelli find a good example for his theories?

Cesare Borgia – son of Pope Alexander VI Used ruthless measures to achieve control “anyone who decides that the policy to

follow when one has newly acquired power is to destroy one’s enemies, to secure some allies, to win wars, whether by force or by fraud, to make oneself both loved and feared by one’s subjects…cannot hope to find, in the recent past, a better model to imitate than Cesare Borgia.”

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Does it? – Give an Example



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Machiavelli Debate – 2 groups

One group will represent PRO to Machiavelli’s Prince

One will be CON to Machiavelli’s theories Each group must think of 5 scenarios to defend

their opinion AT LEAST Three historical 2 may be hypothetical

Consider the positions the opposite side will present – create rebuttals and responses to these

Tomorrow we will debate where one or more representatives will speak

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Machiavelli Debate - Timeline

4 min, Pro Position Presentation

4 min. Con Position Presentation

3 minute Work Period

3 minute Rebuttal - Pro3 minute Rebuttal - Con

2 minute Work Period

2 minute Response - Pro2 minute Response - Con

1 minute Work Period

2 minute Position Summary - Pro or Con

2 minute Position Summary - Pro or Con

5 minutes Tallying of scores, declaration of “winner”

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Intellectual Renaissance

2 characteristics of Renaissance INDIVIDUALISM- emphasis on the interest

in unique traits of each person SECULARISM – focus on worldly things as

opposed to religious things Most noticeable in intellectual & artistic

realms Italy was cultural leader in Europe

thanks to wealthy urban lay society

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Intellectual Renaissance

HUMANISM – intellectual movement based on study of Greek and Roman classics from secular perspective Studied liberal arts (grammar, rhetoric, poetry,

ethics, history) All based on Greek & Roman writings Studies we call “humanities”

Petrarch – “father of Italian Renaissance Humanism” didn’t become lawyer – writer instead Characterized Middle Ages as period of “darkness” Emphasized use of “pure Latin” like Cicero

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What effect did Humanism have on philosophy, education, politics, writing?

CIVIC HUMANISM – using Cicero as a guide, it is the duty of an intellectual to live an active life for one’s state Study of humanities should be put to

service of the state NEOPLATONISM – Marsilio Ficino -

resurgence in study of Plato, synthesized Christianity and Platonism in a single system Chain of being from lowest to purest (plants


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What effect did Humanism have on philosophy, education, politics, writing?

HERMETICISM – from Corpus Hermeticum, stressed the occult sciences, astrology, alchemy, magic; philosophical beliefs PANTHEISM – seeing divinity

embodied in all aspects of nature and in the heavenly bodies

Giordano Bruno – “God as a whole is in all things”

a new view of humankind Human beings were created as

divine beings endowed with creative power

That which is above is also


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Renaissance Art

Mathematical Laws of perspective Organization of outdoor space and light with geometry

Movement and anatomical structure Realistic portrayal of human nude became mission of

Renaissance artists Greek & Roman Influence Advances in sculpture and architecture Human individuality

Portraits & tombs Neoplatonic ideal of Human grandeur

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The Renaissance Artist

Began career as an apprentice to masters in their craft guild

Depended on Patrons for commissions Newly wealthy and powerful families (like

the Medicis) would hire artists to paint their portraits, decorate their homes, or sculpt their tombs

During the Renaissance artists’ social status shifted from “lowly artisans who work with their hands” to celebrity status

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Early to Mid Renaissance Artists Boticelli Donatello Brunelleschi

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Sandro Boticelli (1445- 1510) Primavera

Venus, Goddess of love

Flora,Goddess Of Spring

Chloris, nymph


Three Graces



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Donato di Donatello (1386-1466) David

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Filippo Brunelleschi (1377 – 1446) Dome of the Duomo, Florence

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High Renaissance

HIGH RENAISSANCE (1480-1520) final stage of Renaissance art which flourished marked by increasing importance of Rome as the

cultural center Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

Moved from realism to idealization of nature (showed psychological dimensions)

Raphael (1483 – 1520) Madonnas surpassed human beauty, balance, harmony

& order (Greco-Roman ideals) Michelangelo (1475-1564)

Believed in Neoplatonism- Sistine Chapel shows divine humans

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Leonardo (1452-1519)– The Last Supper

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Raphael (1483-1520) School of Athens

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Raphael, Small Cowper Madonna, 1505

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Michelangelo (1475-1564) David

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Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, 1508-1512

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Titian (1485-1576), Venus of Urbino

Human FormIndividual GrandeurPerspectiveWealth of PatronsGreek Reference

Remember Me!

I’ll be important

in 300 years!

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Northern Renaissance

Different approach from Italian Renaissance Italy- human form, frescoes in churches North – stained-glass windows in Gothic

churches resulted in “Illuminated” manuscripts and wooden panel paintings for altarpieces

North ignored perspective to gain mastery of detail in nature

Jan van Eyck (1390-1441) Among 1st to use oil paint Striking details

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Jan van Eyck- Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride

Was van Eyck hinting at something ELSE in this painting?

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Recreate & Create a “Renaissance” work

You may work in partners, groups, or individually

You may also have “guest subjects” to play roles, if needed

Choose a Renaissance work and recreate it in photography Use costumes, props, and backgrounds to

fit with the original image Consider what makes the Renaissance work

typical for the period

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New Monarchies

In the second half of the 15th century monarchies tried to reestablish centralized power

NEW MONARCHIES- monarchs taking back centralized power in the late 15th century Also called “RENAISSANCE STATES”

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Growth of French Monarchy

Hundred Years War (with England…remember Joan of Arc?) left France ruined Strong Nationalism

Charles VII crowned king at Reims Established a royal army with cavalry and archers Right to levy TAILLE – yearly, direct tax on land

Louis XI “the spider” Devious Retained tailles as permanent tax Expanded territory to Burgundy, Anjou, Provence

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England: Civil War and New Monarchy

Hundred Years War (England trying to take French Crown) ruined England economically

War of the Roses (1450s) Civil War House of Lancaster (Red Rose)

Led by Henry Tudor House of York (White Rose)

Led by Edward, then Richard York Henry Tudor defeated Richard at

Bosworth Field

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England: New Monarchy

Henry VII (1485-1509) Worked to strengthen

monarchial government Makes sense…just won a

CIVIL war Established Court of Star

Chamber No juries Allowed torture

Financial reform, fiscally conservative

Diplomatic – avoided wars Left England stable and


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Unification of Spain

Reconquista: taking Spain back from Muslims

In Middle Ages Spain consisted of several independent Christian kingdoms Aragon & Castile were strongest Navarre – small kingdom in north Granada – last Muslim kingdom in

south Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand

of Aragon married in 1469 Maintained separate kingdoms Worked to strengthen royal control

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Unification of Spain

Ferdinand & Isabella Reorganized military Developed strong infantry force- best in

Europe Strict religious uniformity

Spanish Inquisition: persecuted Jews and Muslims

1492: took back Granada, kicked out Muslims Expelled all Jews from Spain 1502: expelled all Muslims

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Holy Roman Empire

Controlled by the Hapsburg Family Did not have strong

centralized authority Didn’t fight wars, formed

alliances through marriage Emperor Maximilian I

Son Philip married Joana (daughter to Ferdinand & Isabella) Son Charles would become heir

to the Hapsburgs, the Burgundian, and the Spanish

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Eastern Europe Population mostly

Slavic, Religious conflicts between Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox, and pagans

PolandAristocrats established right to elect kingsPolish Kings couldn’t establish strong authorityBohemiaUnder Holy Roman Empire but the Czechs allied with Poles and Slavs

Russia – Ivan III freed Moscow from Mongols

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Ottoman Turks and End of Byzantine Empire

Byzantine Empire had been the buffer between the Ottoman Turks and Europe

1453: Ottomans ended the Byzantine empire Mehmet II laid siege to Constantinople Cannons breached the walls

End of the fifteenth century Turks were threatening Europe

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The Church & Renaissance

John Wyclif (1328-1384) Englishman Attacked papal authority No biblical basis for popes Bibles should be in vernacular so everyone can

read it Rejected everything not in the bible

Pilgrimages Saints Ritual

LOLLARDS: Wyclif’s followers

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The Church & the Renaissance

Lollards spread to Bohemia Czech reformers led by John Hus Native Czechs embraced Hus’s teachings

COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE Attempted to deal with heresy, summoned Hus Hus condemned and burned at stake in 1415

Bohemia responded with upheaval HUSSITE WARS raged in HRE until 1436, ended

with truce

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The Church & the Renaissance

Reforms were issued to little avail By mid-fifteenth century popes reestablished authority

Moral leadership declined Pope Alexander VI – led debauchery and criminal acts

Had children with mistresses Encouraged son Cesare (inspiration for The Prince) to take a

state from Papal states (Urbino) Pope Leo X (son of Lorenzo de’Medici) major patron of

arts Commissioned Raphael to paint portrait and other works Helped Rome become the artistic center of the
