chapter 1-4 vocabulary

Book: Chocolate war Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

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Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary . Book: Chocolate war . Lassitude . Benevolently . Languidly . Surreptitiously . Contemptuous . Ingratiating . Feigning . Audacity . Chapters: 5-8 Vocabulary . Continuation of: The C hocolate War . Irrevocable. Inscrutable . Bewilderment. Nemesis . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Book: Chocolate war

Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Page 2: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition : weariness of body or mind from strain; lack of energy

Evidence in book : ‘’He was unwilling to abandon this lovely lassitude but he had to, of course.’’p.3


Page 3: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition :Characterized by or expressing good will or kindly feelings

Evidence from the book: ‘’Archie turned and smiled at him benevolently, like a goddam king passing out favors.’’p.7

My sentence : Amy, who always smiled with benevolently on her face, was a very nice girl.


Page 4: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Lack in vigor or vitality; slack or slow

Evidence from book: ‘’He moved with a subtle rhythm, languidly , the walk of an athlete although he hated all sports and had nothing but contempt for athletes.’’p. 11

My sentence: After chomping and slurping on food and drinks last night the whole family was in a languidly.



Page 5: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition :Acting in a stealthy way; secret or unauthorized

Evidence from book : ‘’He studied the photograph surreptitiously and then closed the magazine and put it back where it belonged, on the top shelf.’’p.17

My sentence: The tiger looked at his meal surreptitiously , seeing when he can make his next move so her cubs can eat.



Page 6: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition : Showing or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful

Evidence from book : ‘’The guys voice was contemptuous .’’p.20

My sentence: The guard, who was new, stood at the door looking at me with contemptuous in his eyes.


Page 7: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Charming; agreeable; pleasing

Evidence from book: ‘’On the surface, he was one of those pale, ingratiating kind of men who tiptoed through life on small, quick feet.’’p.24

My sentence: Jimmy, who was very Ingratiating, was very popular around the girls.


Page 8: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: To represent fictitiously ; put on an appearance of

Evidence from book : “My help?” Archie asked, feigning surprised, trying to keep any trace of mockery out of his voice.’’p. 26

My sentence : Kayla, Who was tired of school, feigning sickness all last week.


Page 9: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Daring or willingness to challenge assumptions or conventions or tackle something difficult or dangerous

Evidence from book: ‘’Archie was surprised by Leon’s audacity, knowing his connection with The Vigils and brining him in here this way.’’p. 27

My sentence : When Jerry was talking back to his teacher I could hear audacity in his voice.



Page 10: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Continuation of: The Chocolate War

Chapters: 5-8 Vocabulary

Page 11: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Impossible to revoke, undo, or change

Evidence from book: “ Thursday” Archie said, a command in his voice, no nonsense, final, irrevocable.’’p.36

My sentence: While we were tired of running the coach was yelling at us to continue with irrevocableness in is voice, we couldn’t stop.



Page 12: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: mysterious; not expressing anything clearly and thus hard to interpret

Evidence from book: “Ready,” Archie said, keeping his face expressionless, inscrutable as usual, even though he felt a bead of perspiration trace a cold path from his armpit to his rib.’’p.37

My sentence: Weather he was playing or not, when he said that he killed someone his face was inscrutable, no one could tell.


Page 13: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: To confuse or puzzle somebody completely

Evidence from book: ‘’He looked at the kid Goober who stood there in bewilderment, looking as if he were going to cry. ‘’p.38

My Sentence: Tick Tock, Tick tock I stood in Bewilderment as I saw my cousin on the floor passed out not sure what to do.

My Image:


Page 14: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: a bitter enemy, especially one who seems unbeatable

Evidence from book: ‘’The black box was his Nemesis.’’p.37

My sentence: Typing as fast as I could, but not fast enough because my deadline was in 15 min, time was my nemesis

My image


Page 15: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Blasphemous; gross Irreverent Toward something that is held to be scared

Evidence from book: “I know you wouldn't consider anything so sacrilegious.’’p. 45

My sentence: My image:


Page 16: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Deep in sad thoughts, especially thoughts of something yearned for or lost, or expressing this sad yearning

Evidence from book: ‘’Emile smiled at Archie, suddenly wistful.‘’p.51

My sentence: Sitting at my chair, I could see everyone’s wistful faces.

My image:


Page 17: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

The Chocolate War

Chapter 9-16 Vocab

Page 18: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: A place or situation full of noise, frenzied activity, and confusion

Evidence from book: “My God” Brother Eugene cried as he entered the class and beheld the bedlam.’’p.70

My sentence: When I walked into the house, it was bedlam, everything was a mess.


Page 19: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Tall and lean, with long legs

Evidence from book: ‘’He continued to fade, fade , easy, easy, stalling until he could spot The Goober, tall and rangy , downfield where he’d be waiting if he had managed to elude the safetyman.’’p.77

My sentence: When walking down the street I could see a lot of rangy man talking among themselves



Page 20: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Excessive flattery or admiration

Evidence from book: ‘’Despite the adulation of the guys at school, he felt as if there was some kind of distance between him and the fellows.’’p. 80

My sentence: Even thought I think I’m no good with the drum everyone surrounds me with adulation.


Page 21: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: a building, especially a large or impressive one ; a large or complex structure or organization

Evidence from book:


Page 22: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: noisy and unrestrained in a way that shows excitement or great happiness

Evidence from book: ‘’He watch Leon storming away, pushing his way through the tumultuous corridor, disappearing into the swarming stream of boys.’’p.74

My sentence: While I was running down the hall after the bell rang a tumultuous class started to fill the halls.

My image


Page 23: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Evidence from book: ‘’But first of all the old faithful’s , the people who had become regular customers: Mrs. Swanson who sometimes smelled of liquor but was always eager to buy anything although she kept him talking too long rambling on about people john Sulkey didn’t even know ; and good old reliable Uncle Louie who was Always simonizing cars seemed part of the Dark Ages these days;……’’p.89

My sentence


Page 24: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: A feeling of sympathy for and understanding of the troubles of somebody else

Evidence from book: “I know,” the teacher said, shaking his head sorrowfully in commiseration. ‘’p.107

My Sentence: When I told them I was down because my uncle died, everyone stood in Commiseration.


Page 25: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Able or apt to float or rise to the top of a liquid or gas.

Evidence from the book: ‘’Brother Leon was buoyant today and his mood had spread throughout the class.’’p. 117


Page 26: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Hell, or any place of chaos or torment.

Evidence from book: ‘’Suddenly pandemonium reigned.’’p.132

My sentence: Pandemonium is what I feel when I’m feeling upset.



Page 27: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Book: The Chocolate War

Chapters 21-24

Page 28: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: A ridiculous situation in which everything goes wrong or becomes a sham

Evidence from book: ‘’Nobody wants to sell the chocolates in the first place and it turned into a kind of farce in some classes.p. 147

My Sentence: When I tripped several times that morning I new my day was


Page 29: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition : Somebody who is made to take the blame for others

Evidence from book: ‘’He had the feeling that brother Leon was the kind of character, the he would need a scapegoat and Brian would be closet at hand.’’p.151

When my friend and I got caught for taking the cookies, I new that I was her scapegoat for the whole situation.


Page 30: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: vigorous physical exercises for improving fitness and muscle tone, including pushups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks

Evidence from book: ‘’The boxing club working out in the gym, maybe, doing, calisthenics or the other stuff boxers did.’’p.152

My sentence: The


Page 31: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: A proportional share of something that somebody should contribute or receive

Evidence from book: “ Cochran. Read off the names of the boys who have reached or surpassed their quota.”p. 152

My Sentence: Everyone passed the quota when they sold 25 boxes of candy.


Page 32: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Describes consonants that are pronounced with a hissing sound

Evidence from book: “Renault…Zero,” Brother Leon said, his voice a sibilant whisper.p.155

My Sentence: He whispered sibilantly to the boys to stop running in the halls.


Page 33: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: lack of interest in anything, or the absence of any wish to do anything

Evidence from book: “ The boys have become infected, Cochran. Infected by a disease we could call apathy. A terrible disease. Difficult to cure.” p.155

My sentence: After working on something to long I apathy and try to fall asleep.


Page 34: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: A device or piece of equipment with a chamber that can be expanded to draw air in and compressed to force the air out.

Evidence from book: ‘’His chest rose and fell like human bellows.’’p.158

My sentence: Image:


Page 35: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: coming from somebody who cannot be seen in a way that may be eerie or frightening

Evidence from book: ‘’He had never spoken o Leon on the telephone before and the disembodied voice at the other end of the line had caught him off balance.’’p.161

My sentence Image


Page 36: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: dangerously unstable, unsteady, uncertain, or insecure

Evidence from book: ‘’Funny, he knew Brother Leon was in a precarious position and yet there was always the danger of understanding him.’’p.165


Page 37: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: to pretend to be ill, especially in order to avoid work

Evidence from book: ‘’The malingers, the malcontents---they always rally around a rebel .’’p.165


Page 38: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Somebody who is discontented or dissatisfied, especially somebody who seems continually or chronically discontented

Evidence from book: ‘’The malingers, the malcontents---they always rally around a rebel .’’p.165


Page 39: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Book: The Chocolate War

Chapter 25-28

Page 40: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: To be extremely happy or joyful about something

Evidence from book: ‘’For the first time , the word brought exultancy to him, a lifting of the spirit.’’p. 177


Page 41: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Contempt and mockery; the state of being derided

Evidence from book: ‘’The chuckle, almost evil in its quiet mockery.’’p.192


Page 42: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: a feeling of close friendship and trust among a group of people

Evidence from book: “Well, Renault, perhaps I do make a habit of losing landscapes, after all,” he said , and Jerry felt a rush of camaraderie for the teacher.’’p.195


Page 43: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Book: The Chocolate War

Chapter 29-33 Vocab.

Page 44: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: To lie in wait for somebody, especially as part of an attack or ambush

Evidence from book: ‘’However he’d seen some of the more prominent Vigils members waylaying kids in the corridors, checking on there sales whispering menacingly to those who had sold only a few boxes.’’p.198


Page 45: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: an independent thinker who refuses to conform to the accepted views on a subject

Evidence from book: ‘’He shuffled to the back of the bus, grateful that it wasn’t one of the crowed school buses but a maverick bus hat appeared at odd hours.’’p.215


Page 46: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Emitting or reflecting light; brightly illuminated

Evidence from book: “Instantly awake , he glanced at the alarm clock’s luminous face.”p.218


Page 47: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Hanging loosely or in disorder.

Evidence from the book: ‘’The harassment had taken its toll on his Father’s face, his hair disheveled, purple crescents under his eyes.’’p.219



Page 48: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Book: The Chocolate War

Chapter 34-36 Vocab

Page 49: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: To arrange in tabular form ; condense and list.

Evidence from the book: ‘’Brother Leon entered the office at the moment Brian Cochran finished his final tabulation’’p.226



Page 50: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Smelling or tasting unpleasant as a result being old or stale.

Evidence from the book: ‘’Leon’s rancid breath- didn’t he ever eat anything else but bacon, for crissakes-filled the air…’’p.226



Page 51: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: Making a show of being morally superior to other people.

Evidence from the book: ‘’Ah, the hell with it, Brian thought as Leon’s voice droned on sanctimoniously.’’p.228



Page 52: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: to persuade. Evidence from the book: ‘’Archie pressed on, softening his voice, cajoling, leading him on.’’p. 232



Page 53: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: The act of depriving something of its sacred character.

Evidence from the book: ‘’After the desecration of his locker.’’p.235



Page 54: Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Definition: The trait of being willing to yield to the will of another person or a superior force etc..

Evidence from the book: ‘’The kid was quick to comply and Archie was pleased at his submissiveness.’’p. 239

