changing people's attitude towards you


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8/7/2019 Changing People's Attitude Towards You 1/5



8/7/2019 Changing People's Attitude Towards You 2/5

We all have found ourselves in positions whereby people just don’t like us, its not as if we’ve done anything wrong to

them, they just don’t like seeing your face. Amazingly, there are psychological tricks (principles) you could play on them

that will not only convert their hatred for you to love but will also give them a deep respect for you, these principles will

be exposed in this study.

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2. I Just Hate You:

This is what some people face, a baseless hatred against them by people, people they’ve not necessarily dealt with before

or not even in the same chain of command. They just don’t like seeing your face.

Fix It:

1. Take a time out to think, think deeply on any occasion you’ve dealt with those person’s because after 

all it could be a case of envy. If you do not find any occasion, try operating on the envy principle as

stated above. Or most times, they hate you for something wrong you’ve done to them (which could

not really have meant anything to them), and until there’s a sincere apology on your part they’ll keep

on feeling irritated on your part, try and find that out and sort it out.

2. The best way to handle or deal with an enemy is to love them, ironic huh? But its true, it always

works, though you’ll get a lot of push-offs and humiliations its still the most effective means.

These 2 examples will show you how effective this principle is:

David was a man, mighty in Battle, all the wars he fought against his enemies God gave him victory, and the suprisingthing was that, he never fought anyone new. The same enemies he fought always regrouped and re-attacked it was just a

cycle of attacks being repeated (that’s what happens with enemies, the worst thing you can do to an enemy (in hope to be

free) after they strike you is to revenge, they’ll always have a way to get back up with only thing in their minds revenge,

and when they execute their revenge, you’ll find a way to get back up for the main reason to revenge also, boring isn’t it.).

But Here was Solomon His Son, and the world’s wisest man (therefore anything he does is supposed to be the wisest thing

to be done in any situation – that is until he messed up), having fought no war all his life, I mean, not even one war. How

was that possible in those Medieval Times, when kings had the lust for more kingdoms? Simple, he married off all their 

daughters, therefore, with their daughters there was sort of an everlasting peace treaty between his Kingdom and theirs, so

they could strike him.

Also, is an example from the Chinese History, telling us about the bloody era in the Chinese era after the fall of the HanDynasty. This era was characterized with bloody periodic coups as the army would perform a coup against the present

Emperor, and place a new emperor, this new emperor in a bid to retain his power (because there was a great possibility

that his colleagues in the Army would also murder him in an attempt to have this ultimate power which they all lusted

after) he would murder all his colleagues in order to prevent this, but later, in a year or two, after new Generals have risen

(who are now thirsty for this power), they would murder him and take over. This was the chain of events in the Chinese

History then, well until General Chao K’uang-yin rose to power. Already aware of his limited time in office and the

probable plot against him by his colleagues, he organized a party and invited all his colleagues, as the party went on, these

colleagues got drunk – the perfect opportunity to kill them off – but rather he spared their life in exchange for them to

retire honorably to an extravagant estate the New Emperor, Emperor Sung, had prepared for them, they all wisely agreed

to this (who wouldn’t? at least they could spend their last days in peace and prosperity instead of looking behind their backs and living in constant suspicion). This way, Emperor Sung had secured his dominion and his Army into loyal

lieges. Again, he also showed that your enemies are potential loyalists, when he offered King Liu, a former rebel whosurrendered, a glass of wine which King Liu feared to have been poisonous but turned out perfectly normal as Emperor 

Sung himself drank it, but he did not stop there, he also offered King Liu a rank in his Imperial Court, a perfect way to

turn an enemy into your most loyal servant.

The perfect example of dealing with envious colleagues is drawn from the action of Emperor Sung towards Ch’ien Shu

who forcefully surrendered to the Emperor, the Emperor was made aware of the plots of Ch’ien Shu to murder him, and

instead of killing him, he called him to his palace, honored him and gave him a package with an instruction to be opened

halfway through his journey back home (there were no package bombs yet in those days), and halfway hoe, Ch’ien Shu

opened the package, only to find out that they were the documents containing his plots against Emperor Sung.

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The principles that these great men have shown all points to one fact – whenever your enemy strikes in anger or hatred

against you, the best thing to do is to strike him with good, that’s what turns enemies into loyalists.

3. Smiling, Hugging and Knowing important Things about your enemies:

These are very simple ways to convert your shallow-rooted enemy (still under doing good to your enemies). All these

principles are drawn from the actions of man’s best friend – the dog. These qualities are what dogs show that just make

them prone to be love wherever they go (well, except the bull-dog). No one hates a smiling, caring person, no one, so if 

you want everyone to like you, even love you, exhibit all these qualities, that’s why I am loved everywhere I go (even

when I don’t go out at all), because I care for your success.

There was hell in one marriage one time ago, and the husband had just had it with his wife, he wanted to get a divorce but

wanted to do it in the most painful way ever to his wife, so he called up a psychologist and asked for his advice, the

psychologist reply, “ for the next 3 months, treat your wife like an angel, bring food in bed for her, listen to her, read a

bedtime story to her, and after those 3 months, just pick up you bag and leave, that should really hurt her”, the husband

liked the idea, and he did it, for the next 3 months he did exactly what the psychologist told him to and at the end of the 3

months he called the psychologist, the psychologist asked “have you gone yet”, the husband replied, “No, I could never 

leave her for anything in the world, she’s an angel and she helps me a lot with even the things I don’t recognize”, thepsychologist put down the phone with a knowing smile.

This is another practical example of how these qualities can change the atmosphere from hate to deep love.


They will love and respect you, as they will be filled with the sense of gratitude instead of revenge/anger.

Chinodebem Onyemenam