changing livelihood scenario: village insight from bihar state

March 2015 Changing Livelihood Scenario: Village insight from Bihar state Abhay Kumar 1 , RKP Singh 2 , Ranjit Kumar 2 and Umesh Singh Yadav 2 Introducon • Livelihood includes people, their capabilies and their means of living- food, income and assets. Each village in the state unique in social structure, resource base and livelihood paern Rural households augment their income from non-farm sources; however, varies across different categories of households. • Very poor and well off households have more diversity in income Objecves To assess the possession of assets on poor and non- poor households To study the changes in income and income sources of households Study area Income rising more in villages near urban centre Income from salaried job and business consistently outpaced other sources Non- farm wages- most important source of livelihood for poor households Salary & contractual job- important source of livelihood of non-poor households Despite of a no. of social development programmes targeted towards poor, poverty sll high in remote villages Conclusions Households escape poverty, if income augmented from non- farm sources • Income increases faster near urban centre due to diversified non-farm acvies • Weaker secon of society have poor access to welfare programmes due to their weak linkages with government and Panchayat officials Long-term panel study will provide more credible evidences of changing livelihood perspecves Figure 2. Distribuon of income in VDSA villages, Bihar (%). Figure 3. Populaon below poverty line in VDSA villages, Bihar (%). Science with a human face About ICRISAT: ICRISAT’s scienfic informaon: hp:// V I LL A GE D YNAMI CS IN SOU T H A S I A Funding support: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaon 1 ICAR Regional Centre for Eastern Region, Patna; 2 Internaonal Crops Research Instute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, India Assets accumulaon by poor and non-poor • Residenal houses and household durables- major assets • Investment in livestock among poor- Posive change Agricultural land- Dividing lines Table 1: Asset value in VDSA villages, Bihar (000’Rs./hh) Poor Non-poor Parculars 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 Residenal house 169 238 292 282 322 379 394 408 Livestock 14 12 15 18 30 18 19 19 Agri-land 23 32 35 30 71 73 70 68 Transport means 5 6 9 7 37 28 37 39 Durables 54 60 93 98 169 278 269 263 Figure 1. Per capita annual income (INR).

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Changing Livelihood Scenario: Village insight from Bihar stateAbhay Kumar1, RKP Singh2, Ranjit Kumar2 and Umesh Singh Yadav2


living- food, income and assets. •Each village in the state unique in social structure, resource base andlivelihoodpattern

•Rural households augment their income from non-farm sources;however,variesacrossdifferentcategoriesofhouseholds.


Objectives•To assess the possession of assets on poor and non- poor

households•To study the changes in income and income sources of


Study area

Income rising more in villages near urban centre•Income from salaried job and business consistently outpaced

other sources•Non- farm wages- most important source of livelihood for poor

households•Salary & contractual job- important source of livelihood of

non-poor households•Despite of a no. of social development programmes targeted towardspoor,povertystillhighinremotevillages

Conclusions•Households escape poverty, if income augmented from non-

farm sources•Incomeincreasesfasternearurbancentreduetodiversifiednon-farmactivities

•Weakersectionofsocietyhavepooraccesstowelfareprogrammes due to their weak linkages with government and Panchayatofficials

•Long-term panel study will provide more credible evidences of changinglivelihoodperspectives

Figure 2. Distribution of income in VDSA villages, Bihar (%).

Figure 3. Population below poverty line in VDSA villages, Bihar (%).

Science with a human faceAbout ICRISAT: www.icrisat.orgICRISAT’sscientificinformation:


Funding support:Bill&MelindaGatesFoundation

1 ICAR Regional Centre for Eastern Region, Patna; 2InternationalCropsResearchInstitutefortheSemi-AridTropics,India

Assets accumulation by poor and non-poor•Residentialhousesandhouseholddurables-majorassets•Investmentinlivestockamongpoor-Positivechange•Agricultural land- Dividing lines

Table 1: Asset value in VDSA villages, Bihar (000’Rs./hh)

Poor Non-poor

Particulars 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013


169 238 292 282 322 379 394 408

Livestock 14 12 15 18 30 18 19 19

Agri-land 23 32 35 30 71 73 70 68

Transport means

5 6 9 7 37 28 37 39

Durables 54 60 93 98 169 278 269 263

Figure 1. Per capita annual income (INR).