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“Advanced LinkedIn & Google for your job search”


  • Exclusively prepared for:

    Advanced LinkedIn & Google for your job search

    Jan 24th 2012


  • Social Media Past, Present and FutureExecutive Managements View on Social Media

    and the Emerging Workforce

    Key Social Media Tools for NetworkingOptimizing & Automating Social Media 24/7Emerging Trends to Look Out For



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    Social Networking Revolution

    Web 1.0

    One way



    Web 3.0




    Web 4.0



    Web 2.0

    Real time



    The power of

    real time


    24 / 7

    Mobile Access

    You want a Big Mac

    Turn right 1.3 miles





    GOAL: What Drove the Social Media Revolution?

    TIME: 1 minute +

    If you think about referrals being the best way companies have always found candidates or the tried and true its now what you know, its who you know these same concepts are why social media has taken off so quickly. It fosters an online community where people can express themselves, their opinions, connect with people who have same interests, etc.

    The Internet is different than traditional advertising in that, instead of one-way dialog (such as a print advertisement in the midst of a magazine article), online marketing is about delivering useful content at just the precise moment a consumer needs it. This is especially true for social media. The reason why social media marketing is so effective is that the social web is an online community where people with a common interest can gather to share thoughts, comments, and opinions.

    Studies show that consumers care/believe more about what people are saying about a product or service on line than they believe any other form of advertising. Recommendations from personal acquaintances or opinions posted by consumers online are the most trusted forms of advertising, according to the latest Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey of over 25,000 Internet consumers from 50 countries.

    Ninety percent of consumers surveyed noted that they trust recommendations from people they know, while 78 percent trusted consumer opinions posted online

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    Whos on line? EVERYONE!
    120 million Americans / 64% of online population use social media

    LinkedIn adds 1 new member, EVERY SECOND!

    If Facebook were a country, its population would be LARGER THAN THE U.S.!

    The number of twitter users increases by 300,000.EVERYDAY!

    24 Hours of Video Uploaded EVERY MINUTE
    on YouTube

    1.56 TRILLION text
    messages sent,

    5,400 or 86,000

    More hits that Google

    GOAL: Hard Hitting Facts About Growth of Social Media

    TIME: 30 seconds

    Social media simply isnt going away. Organizations must begin to embrace social media as a highly-influential way to convey a companys brand and mission, attracting and recruiting talent, as well as engaging its current workforce. Today 122 million Americans, or 64 percent of the total online population, use social networks, according to the research firm comScore, Inc.

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    Emerging Workforce Survey

    Most companies have lackluster success

    How successful has your

    companys social media

    strategies been?

    Less than companies have a formal social media strategy

    Of that group only 1/3 say theyve been successful

    Only 22% of the companies use social media for recruiting / retention

    GOAL: Paint picture that most companies are behind the social media curve

    TIME: 30 seconds

    Social media efforts can be highly-influential in conveying a companys brand and mission, attracting and recruiting talent, as well as engaging its current workforce. A recent 2008 Cone Business in Social Media Study (Cone is a strategy and communications agency) reflected that 93% of online Americans believe a company should have a presence in social media.

    However, many organizations are not leveraging these outlets productively, or strategically.

    In fact, less than one-quarter of companies have a formal social media strategy in place, and of those, only one-third say theyve been successful or very successful, according to this years Emerging Workforce Study. And, of companies that have created a social media strategy, only 22 percent engage in social networking to recruit new talent.

    Chart1Very SuccessfulSuccessfulSomewhat SuccessfulNot at All Successful0. Successful2%Successful6%Somewhat Successful70%Not at All Successful22%Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3

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    And Most Companies Are Struggling With The Same Old Challenges...

    Emerging Workforce Study

    51% of HR Executives Say Finding Qualified Talent at all Levels is Top HR Challenge

    56% HR Executives expect 10%+ of Workforce To Leave


    Consumer Confidence up from 55.2 to 64.5 (Dec 2011)

    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) up 1.8 (Dec 2011)

    GOAL: Finding and Keeping Talent Remains Top Challenge

    TIME: 1 minute

    While HR executives are struggling to manage expenses, high turnover rates can undermine the best of cost containment efforts, and can wreak havoc on a companys bottom line. The study found that 52% of HR executives say maintaining costs is their top priority. It should follow then, that management of the companys largest line item labor is of utmost importance.

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    Employees and employers have widely different views on retention drivers


    Management ClimateSupervisor RelationshipCulture & Work EnvironmentBenefitsFinancial CompensationGrowth & EarningsTime & FlexibilityTraining


    BenefitsFinancial CompensationGrowth & Earnings PotentialManagement ClimateTime & FlexibilityCulture & Work EnvironmentSupervisor RelationshipTraining

    GOAL: Show the very real differences between employers and employees and call special attention to benefits and financial compensation

    TIME: 1 - 2 minutes

    As you can see, Employers and employees wholeheartedly disagree on what drives retention.

    Disconnect is dramatic. Employers and employees have different ideas about what drives retention. While employees are most likely to say that benefits (76%) and financial compensation (75%) are very or extremely important, employers are most likely to respond that supervisor relationship and management climate (both 84%) are very or extremely important.

    In fact, while financial compensation is ranked #2, in terms of the percentage of employees who believe it is very important, it is ranked #5 among employers. And while employers are most likely to say supervisor relationship is most important, this comes in 7th place among employees.

    These findings are in keeping with the results from previous waves of Emerging Workforce research (2005 Employer Survey and 2007 Employee Survey), indicating that this gap in understanding between employers and employees has not closed over time, and adding additional evidence that more open communication is needed between employers and their employees.

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    What Are YOU Doing
    to Find the Best Talent?

    Internet Job boards (43%)

    Referrals (58%)

    Online/Social Networking (4%)

    GOAL: Highlight A Few Data Points

    TIME: 1 Minute

    We were surprised at a few of these data points in particular, how few were conducting online candidate sourcing, as compared to say 20% still conducting classified advertising.

    Remember that chart a few slides back illustrating the evolution of the job search process? We talked about twenty years ago, if you wanted a job, you read your local newspaper classified section. In the 90s, there was a significant shift to finding and applying for jobs online. Today, were moving to Web 2.0 tactics which incorporates social media as the core of its communication strategy. The data clearly suggests that many companies are lagging behind the changing trends.

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    Technology has created a fast and efficient process

    to get resumes out to the market

    1980s = 20 resumes

    1990s = 100+ resumes

    2006 1 job posting = 150

    2012 1 job posting = 1100

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    Technology will not be able to off set the shortage of skill sets

    Here is just a visual for you on the shrinking workforce.

    Last year, there were 3 workers leaving the workforce for every one that is entering.

    By 2012, it will increase to four workers leaving for every new worker.

    By 2017, we will lose six workers for every new one entering.

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    Emerging Workforce Study

    By 2015, 76% OF U.S. JOBS
    will demand highly skilled employees.

    By 2020

    there will be a shortage of 14 MILLION

    post- secondary educated workers

    Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

    GOAL: Many Companies Will Be Vying for Short Supply of Highly-Skilled Talent

    TIME: 2 minutes +

    While the retention of all workers is clearly important, there is an even more pertinent need to retain todays educated workers. Jobs requiring only a GED or high school degree are disappearing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in 1991, fewer than 50% of U.S. jobs required highly-skilled workers. By 2015, the BLS estimates that 76% of U.S. jobs will demand highly-skilled employees.

    When it comes time for rebounding, and it will, employers will need to have their star talent in place to drive renewal and growth.

    AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: To what extent will a skilled talent shortage impact your company? What skill sets does your organization rely on or require the most?


    Unquestionably, technological advances and increased globalization have reduced the number of lower-skill jobs. The decline in lower skilled jobs has made room for the expansion of a much-needed, higher-skilled manufacturing workforce. Todays manufacturing jobs require technological skills and the ability to respond to an increasingly complex work environment.

    The manufacturing industry has not escaped the effects of demographic shifts, including the retirement of the Baby Boomer generation. In fact, the sector has a projected need for 10 million new skilled workers by 2020. Manufacturers are desperately seeking workers who can tackle new technologies and support rising product intricacies.

    EXAMPLE: Technology Industry

    Employers are beginning to understand that in the IT sector, computers may store essential programs and data, but only people understand the business processes, customer requirements, value propositions, service levels and other intangibles that make the enterprise succeed. U.S. companies, of all industries and sizes, are seeing valuable returns on their IT investments, in the form of greater efficiency and more competitive operations. This movement is helping to fuel the demand for IT staff particularly in the areas of software architecture, product design, project management and IT consulting.

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    Are YOU One of Them?

    Yet 76% of companies still

    DO NOT Have a

    Social Media Strategy

    Social Media from an Executives Prospective

    Company exposure On going career developmentJob search

    GOAL: Audience Participation

    TIME: 30 seconds

    How many in the room have a social media strategy?

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    Job Search Preparation

    The Power of Networking -- In almost every job search tip column and book there is a section dedicated to networking.

    A referred candidate has a 35 to 1 chance of getting hired

    vs. 500 to 1 for the typical candidates. Source

    Web 2.0 Revolution? Social eNetworking?

    Jim Browning

    Ruthie Powell

    Debbie Rodkin

    Tom Darrow

    Bob Littell

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    Whats New in Social Networking?


    Theres hundreds of new eNetworking sites available to us in the new Web 2.0 Revolution.

    With so many choices, which ones should we be using? Great question!

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    Using for your job search

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    Using for your job search

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    Current Membership: +150 Million

    Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are LinkedIn members.

    US Membership: ~35 Million

    90% hold 4 year degree

    50% of these members hold advanced degrees

    80% 24-54 years old

    LinkedIn platform available in 4 languages


    A new member joins LinkedIn approximately every second

    LinkedIns press site.


    Your LinkedIn profile tells the world a lot about the company you lead

    or the type of company you can lead


    Make sure you go to Network Statistics to see how many people are in your network.

    Question 12: This site currently has over 38 million members LinkedIn

    Question 17: Where can you go to determine how many users you are connected with in LinkedIn? Network Statistics

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    Linked In Success

    Rank Higher in Search Results

    By using key words to describe your line of work.

    Example: :IT Recruiter Information Technology Recruiter

    Staffing Consultant Search Consultant Direct Hire Recruiter

    Embedded Software Recruiter

    Think about how people search!

    Not how you describe yourself

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    #1 Grow your network everyday

    If they add value to my network then Ill add them

    How to leverage Linked In for free?

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    #2 Grow your network through Groups

    Total of 50 active LinkedIn Groups

    Over 7000 Atlanta Based Accounting Professional

    In the top 5 groups!

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    #3 Become the Center of Influence in your market

    Automate websites that will email you articles of interest.

    Example: OR OR

    Host Events:

    Coordinate leadership meetings Networking eventsCareer FairsEducational SeminarsVirtual Discussions

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    #4 Keep track of whos looking for you

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    #5 Follow target companies and prospects

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    #6 Make request to connect worthy

    Create a word document with your standard invitations

    _______-good afternoon. I came across your background on LinkedIn and noticed we have a few things in common including our time at UGA and a shared interest in Habitat for Humanity. I would like to connect with you by this phone this week to see if we might be able to help each other. How is the best way to reach you and what days can you chat for a few minutes?


    John Smith

    ________- good morning! I came across your background on LinkedIn today and noticed that we have a few friends in common. Also, I see we both worked for Home Depot at one time. I would welcome a chance to speak by phone this week. I would be glad to make my network available to you and I would like to see if you can assist me with expanding my network. I look forward to hearing from you.


    John Smith

    ________-good morning. My research and networking have pointed me towards an open position in your organization that appears to be a great fit. I would welcome an opportunity to speak with you, make a connection and hopefully schedule time to meet. I encourage you to look at my profile to gain an understanding of my background. How is the best way for me to reach you by phone this week? Thanks in advance for your time.


    John Smith

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    Script for asking for a referral to another person in LinkedIn-Job Seeker

    __________-hello. We havent spoken in awhile, but I hope all is well with you and your family. I noticed in LinkedIn that you are connected to Bill Thomas, VP of Sales at ABC company. I was recently downsized at my company and would be grateful for an active introduction to Bill. Would you be willing to help me connect with him? Are you up for a cup of coffee to catch up? Let me know what works for you. Thanks in advance for your help.


    ___________ - good morning. My name is _________________ and I came across your profile on LinkedIn. I am very interested in your background, especially our shared experience as UGA grads. I also noticed that we both attend parishes in the north Atlanta area. Would you be open to a cup of coffee in the next few weeks? What is the best way to reach you this week? I would like to see if we can help each other and look forward to meeting you. My daytime number is (770) 888-8888.

    Thank you-

    ______________-good afternoon. My name is ______________________ and I came across your profile on LinkedIn. My firm does a great deal of work in your industry and I would like to make a connection and see if our expertise can serve your needs. I would appreciate an opportunity to connect by phone this week and schedule coffee or lunch. Also, I encourage you to look at my LinkedIn profile to gain a feel for my background. Let me know the best way to reach you this week.


    Script Ideas for connecting to a business development lead on LinkedIn

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    LinkedIn Help and Learning Center


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    Putting it all together

    Social Networking on Steroids

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    Linked In research on Genuine Parts Company

    If Jeff Bradley was not in your network,

    You would not be able to see him in LinkedIn

    You would only see a title

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    Web 3.0 Tools for your Job Searches

    What if I dont have a lot of Linked In contacts?

    How can I still get critical information?

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    Example Genuine Parts Company Duluth GA

    To get Press Release / Alerts:

    News "press release" alerts "Genuine Parts Company" "Duluth GA

    Linked In Hacks: Genuine Parts Company "Greater Atlanta Area -intitle:directory -inurl:updates -inurl:updates

    Linked In Hacks: "Genuine Parts Company" current * * * Manager "Greater Atlanta

    Area (inurl:pub | inurl:pub) -inurl:dir

    To find Email format:

    "email * * * "(Atlanta |GA)

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    Google News Alerts sent to your personal email

    News "press release" alerts "Genuine Parts Company" "Duluth GA

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    Linked In Search for Genuine Parts

    585 connections Genuine Parts Company "Greater Atlanta Area -intitle:directory -inurl:updates


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    How to find current Managers or Directors

    181 current

    Managers or

    Directors "Genuine Parts Company" current * * * Manager "Greater Atlanta

    Area (inurl:pub | inurl:pub) -inurl:dir

    If in LinkedIn

    I would only

    see a Title

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    How to find emails of decision makers in the company

    "email * * * "(Atlanta |GA)

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    What do you know about your prospect employers?

    GOAL: Greater Transparency, Greater Interest In Corporate Culture

    TIME: 1 minute

    Also, recruiting talent today requires going beyond just posting a job, to now you have to sell what its like to work at your organization, your company culture, and what you stand for as an employer workers expect this now as a result of shared communities, peer recommendations, etc.

    Social media has not only changed the How we communicate, but What we communicate! Social media is giving candidates and employees instant insight into everything a company does, as well as how others view that company. This in combination with the our findings regarding the growing importance of corporate mission to employees and its connections to referrals makes it more important now more than ever to developed a social media strategy that goes beyond just getting your name out there.

    You must develop a plan that manages your corporate reputation and clearly communicates your corporate mission and values. And you need to do this over and over again! Remember social media is Social a stagnate website with your mission statement is not what this is about!!!

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    Social Media Trends that you must know about

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    Social Media is changing everyday
    dont miss the bus

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    Social Media Trends that you must know about

    Large national / international following that competes with Facebook

    Tons of free applications

    Google DocsGoogle MapsGoogle ShareGoogle SitesGoogle Video

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    BranchOut by Facebook

    Facebooks Professional

    Connecting website

    Premiere Global Services

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    Social Media is changing everyday
    dont miss the bus

    It allows you to easily track and measure what people are saying about you, your company, a new product, or any topic across the web's social media landscape in real-time. Social Mention monitors 100+ social media properties directly including: Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed, YouTube, Digg, Google etc.

    Daniel Guelzo

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    Social Media is changing everyday
    dont miss the bus

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    Closing Action Items

    Take time to understand how the search strings work

    Create your Gmail accountCreate sample search string alertsCreate search strings for top prospects / clientsGrow your Social FootprintStart likes and forwards of articlesJoin LinkedIn GroupsResearch and implement the new 2.0 sitesBecome COI

    [email protected]

  • Questions?

    Advanced LinkedIn & Google for your job search

    Jan 24th 2012
