ch. 1 jeopardy review


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Post on 20-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review
Page 2: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review

JeopardyScarcity and







Ch. 1 ?’s



10 10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20 20

30 30 30 30 30

40 40 40 40 40

50 50 50 50 50

Page 3: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review

Economics in a one word definition…– 10 points

Page 4: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review

Limited resources to meet unlimited wants. – 20 points

Page 5: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review

An individual who takes a risk to start a business is known as a/an…– 30 points

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Human-made resources used to produced other goods and services. – 40 points

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Temporary inability of producers to fill demand for a product at thecurrent price. – 50 points

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The next best alternative in anydecision. – 10 points

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All the alternatives that we giveup whenever we choose one course of action over another.– 20 points

Page 10: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review

Deciding whether to do or useone additional unit of a resource.– 30 points

Page 11: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review

You bought two new CDs with the last $30 in your checking account, and your next payday is on Monday. What is the opportunity cost of these CDs? a) the difference between the cost to produce the CDs and the price you paid for them b) $30 c) dinner and a movie with your friends this Saturday night d) knowing you are the first of your friends to have these CDs

– 40 points

Page 12: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review

What can a decision-making grid do? a) tell you the right course of action b) show you every possible consequence of your decision c) help you determine some of the opportunity costs

for your decision d) show you every possible benefit of your decision

– 50 points

Page 13: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review

A graph showing alternative waysto use an economy’s productiveresources. – 10 points

Page 14: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review

A point on the outside of a PPF would require what? -20 points

Page 15: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review

If an economy is not using all of itsresources, the resources are said tobe ______________. -30 points

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A line showing the maximum possible output for a given economy using its resources. – 40 points

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As production switches from one item to another, more and moreresources are needed to increase production of the 2nd item.

– 50 points

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Natural resources used in the production of other goods and services are known as… – 10 points

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Something necessary for survival. – 20 points

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Actions or activities that onePerson performs for another (i.e. a haircut)– 30 points

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Knowledge and skills that aworker gains through educationor experience. – 40 points

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Name the 4 factors of production. – 50 points

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This Supreme Court caseestablished the power of the judicial branch to exercise judicial review. – 10 points

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The power to interpretn laws is called __________ power.

-20 points

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This Supreme Court case established the power of Congressto exercise its implied powers.– 30 points

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Those who supported theConstitution are known as…– 40 points

Page 27: Ch. 1 Jeopardy Review

The biggest compromise of the Constitutional Conventioninvolved the composition of the legislative branch. This compromise is known as the….– 50 points

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Final Jeopardy

What is the difference b/t ashortage and scarcity?