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Strategic and Human Resources Planning MSDM Chapter 2

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Strategic and Human Resources Planning


Chapter 2

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Identify the advantages of integrating human resources planning and strategic planning.

Understand how an organization’s competitive environment influences its strategic planning.

Understand why it is important for an organization to do an internal resource analysis.

Describe the basic tools used for human resources forecasting.

Explain the linkages between competitive strategies and HR.

Chapter Objectives

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Understand what is required for a firm to successfully implement a strategy.

Recognize the methods for assessing and measuring the effectiveness of a firm’s strategy.

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Strategic Planning and Human Resources

• Strategic Planning– Prosedur pembuatan keputusan di dalam

organisasi untuk pembuataan strategi dan pencapaian tujuan jangka panjang organisasi.

• Human Resources Planning (HRP)– Proses mengantisipasi dan membuat aturan

mengenai perputaran keluar masuknya karyawan dan mengelola orang yang ada di dalam organisasi.

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Strategic Planning and HR Planning

Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM)

Pola penyebaran sumber daya manusia dan kegiatan yang memungkinkan organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan strategi.

- Strategi formulasi : memberikan masukan seperti apa yang mungkin diberikan, beruhubungan dengan jenis dan jumlah orang yang tersedia.

- Strategi implementasi: membuat keputusan mengenai alokasi sumber daya, keputusan utama tentang struktur, proses, dan sumber daya manusia.

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Linking Strategic Planning and HRP

• Strategic Analysis – Sumber daya manusia apa yang dibutuhkan

dan apa yang tersedia

• Strategic Formulation– Apa yang dibutuhkan dan diperlukan untuk

menunjang sumber daya manusia

• Strategic Implementation– Bagaimana sumber daya manusia dialokasikan

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Human Resources Human Resources PlanningPlanning

Human Resources Human Resources PlanningPlanning



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Pertanyaan diskusi

• Mengapa dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia perlu adanya Perencanaan Sumber daya manusia dan Perencanaan Strategik ? Gunakan contoh dalam penjelasannya !

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Linking Strategic Planning and Human Resources (Figure:2.1)

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Step One: Mission, Vision, and Values

• Mission– Tujuan dasar dari organisasi serta ruang lingkup operasi.

– Tujuan dari pernyataan misi adalah mengkomunikasikan kepada stakeholder di dalam maupun di luar organisasi tentang alasan pendirian perusahaan ke arah mana perusahaan akan menuju.

• Strategic Vision– Merupakan sebuah pernyataan mengenai cita-cita atau impian

sebuah organisasi mengenai apa yang ingin dicapai di masa depan. Visi merupakan pernyataan want to be dari organisasi atau perusahaan.

• Core Values– Keyakinan dan prinsip-prinsip yang mendasar yang digunakan

sebagai dasar pembuatan keputusan di dalam organisasi.

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Step Two: Environmental Scanning Environmental Scanning

The systematic monitoring of the major external forces influencing the organization.1. Economic factors: general, regional, and global conditions

2. Industry and competitive trends: new processes, services, and innovations

3. Technological changes: robotics and office automation

4. Government and legislative issues: laws and administrative rulings

5. Social concerns: child care and educational priorities

6. Demographic and labor market trends: age, composition, literacy, and immigration

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Five Forces Framework Figure 2.2

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Step Three: Internal Analysis




Internal AnalysisInternal Analysis

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Culture: Auditing Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes

• Cultural Audits– Audits of the culture and quality of work life in

an organization.

• How do employees spend their time?

• How do they interact with each other?

• Apakah karyawan diberdayakan?

• Gaya kepemimpinan apa yang dominan dari manager?

• Bagaimana karyawan dapat berkembang di dalam organisasi?

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Capabilities: People as a Strategic Resource

• Core Capabilities– Integrated knowledge sets within an

organization that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers.

• Sustained competitive advantage through people is achieved if these human resources:1.Are valuable.

2.Are rare and unavailable to competitors.

3.Are difficult to imitate.

4.Are organized for teamwork and cooperation.

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Composition: The Human Capital Architecture

• Strategic Knowledge Workers– Karyawan yang memiliki keterampilan yang

unik yang secara langsung terkait dengan strategi perusahaan.

• Example: R&D scientists

• Core Employees– Karyawan dengan keterampilan untuk

melakukan pekerjaan yang telah ditetapkan yang cukup berharga bagi perusahaan, tapi tidak terlalu unik atau sulit untuk menggantikan.

• Example: salespeople

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• Supporting Labor– Karyawan yang ketrampilannya dinilai kurang

strategis dan umumnya tersedia di pasar tenaga kerja.

• Example: clerical workers

• Alliance Partners– Individu dan kelompok dengan keterampilan

yang unik, tetapi keterampilan mereka tidak terkait langsung dengan strategi inti perusahaan.

• Example: consultants

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Forecasting: A Critical Element of Planning

• Forecasting involves:a. forecasting the demand for labor

b. forecasting the supply of labor

c. balancing supply and demand considerations.

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Model of HR Forecasting (figure:2.3)

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Forecasting Demand for Employees

Quantitative MethodsQuantitative MethodsQuantitative MethodsQuantitative Methods

Qualitative MethodsQualitative MethodsQualitative MethodsQualitative Methods

Forecasting DemandForecasting DemandForecasting DemandForecasting Demand

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Quantitative Approach: Trend Analysis

• Forecasting labor demand based on an organizational index such as sales:1. Select a business factor that best predicts human resources


2. Plot faktor bisnis dalam kaitannya dengan jumlah karyawan untuk menentukan rasio produktivitas tenaga kerja.

3. Hitung rasio produktivitas selama 5 tahun terakhir

4. Hitung kebutuhan sumber daya manusia dengan mengalikan faktor bisnis dengan rasio produktivitas.

5. Project human resources demand out to the target year(s).

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Qualitative Approaches

Management Forecasts Pendapat (penilaian) dari supervisor, manajer departemen, pakar,

mengenai kebutuhan organisasi di masa yang akan datang.

• Delphi TechniqueUsaha untuk mengurangi penilaian subjektivitas

dengan meminta dan meringkas penilaian dari kelompok individu yang terpilih.

Perkiraan akhir merupakan penilaian kelompok komposit.

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Forecasting the Supply of Employees: Internal Labor Supply

• Staffing Tables

• Markov Analysis

• Skill Inventories

• Replacement Charts

• Succession Planning

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Forecasting Internal Labor Supply

• Staffing Tables– Graphic representations of all organizational

jobs, along with the numbers of employees currently occupying those jobs and future (monthly or yearly) employment requirements.

• Markov Analysis– Sebuah metode untuk melacak aktivitas

karyawan melalui berbagai pekerjaan yang dilakukannya.

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Internal Demand Forecasting Tools

• Skill Inventories– Files of personnel education, experience,

interests, skills, etc., yang membantu manager untuk lebih cepat menyesuaikan latar belakang karyawan dengan lowongan pekerjaan yang tersedia.

• Replacement Charts– Listings of current jobholders and persons who

are potential replacements if an opening occurs.


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• Succession Planning– The process of identifying,

developing, and tracking key individuals for executive positions

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Pertanyaan diskusi

• Di tahap yang ketiga yaitu internal analysis, ada pendekatan qualitative dan pendekatan quantitative. Menurut anda bagaimana kedua pendekatan tersebut mempunyai pengaruh dalam perencanaan strategi di dalam perusahaan !

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Step Four: Formulating Strategy

• Strategy Formulation– Pindah dari analisis sederhana untuk

merancang program tindakan yang koheren.

• SWOT analysis – A comparison of strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats for strategy formulation purposes.

– Use the strengths of the organization to capitalize on opportunities, counteract threats, and alleviate internal weaknesses.

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An Example of a SWOT AnalysisValero Energy Corporation (Valero) is one of the largest refiners in North America. Its core activities include refining and marketing of petroleum products. With a combined throughput capacity of approximately 3.3 million bpd, Valero is the 15th largest company on the Fortune 500 list. Valero’s large refining capacity gives it a significant competitive advantage. However, rising material and labor costs could affect the company’s margins.

Strengths Weaknesses

Large refining systemLeader in conversion capacity and feedstock flexibilityStrong revenue growth and capital expenditure

Weak performance in CanadaLitigationsHigh dependence on the United States

Opportunities Threats

Growing diesel demandStrategic refocusRising petrochemical capacity in the Middle East

Material and labor costStringent regulations

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Corporate Strategy

Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures

Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures

Growth and Diversification

Growth and Diversification

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions

Corporate Strategy

Corporate Strategy

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Business Strategy

• Value Creation

– What the firm adds to a product or service by virtue of making it; the amount of benefits provided by the product or service once the costs of making it are subtracted (value = benefits — costs).

– Low-cost strategy: competing on productivity and efficiency

• Keeping costs low to offer an attractive price to customers (relative to competitors).

– Differentiation strategy: compete on added value

• Involves providing something unique and distinctive to customers that they value.

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Key HR Activities Associated with Merger or Acquisition Phases

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Key HR Activities Associated with Merger or Acquisition Phases (cont’d)

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Business Strategy (cont’d)

• Functional Strategy: Ensuring Alignment– External Fit/Alignment

* Fokus pada hubungan antara tujuan bisnis dan inisiatif

utama dalam HR.

– Internal Fit/Alignment* Menyelaraskan praktek-praktek SDM satu sama lain untuk membentuk suatu konfigurasi yang saling memperkuat.

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Step Five: Strategy Implementation• Taking Action: Reconciling Supply and

Demand– Balancing demand and supply considerations

• Forecasting business activities (trends)• Locating applicants

– Organizational downsizing, outsourcing, offshoring

• Reducing “headcount”

– Making layoff decisions• Seniority or performance?• Labor agreements

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Step Six: Evaluation and Assessment

• Evaluation and Assessment Issues– Benchmarking: The process of comparing the

organization’s processes and practices with those of other companies

– Human capital metrics• Assess aspects of the workforce

– HR metrics• Assess the performance of the HR function itself

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Ten Measures of Human Capital

1. Your most important issues

2. Human capital value added

3. Human capital ROI

4. Separation cost

5. Voluntary separation rate

6. Total labor-cost/revenue percentage

7. Total compensation/revenue percentage

8. Training investment factor

9. Time to start

10. Revenue factor

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Measuring a Firm’s Strategic Alignment

• Strategy Mapping and the Balanced Scorecard– Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

• A measurement framework that helps managers translate strategic goals into operational objectives

– financial– customer– processes– learning

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Building the Metrics Model

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Ensuring Strategic Flexibility for the Future

• Organizational Capability– Capacity of the organization to act and change in pursuit

of sustainable competitive advantage.

– Coordination flexibility

• The ability to rapidly reallocate resources to new or changing needs.

– Resource flexibility

• Having human resources who can do many different things in different ways.

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Next chapter: Expanding the talent pool: recruitment and
