cfc day 35

LEARN – DAY 35 Construction Foundation Course

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Lesson Design for Day 35 of the Construction Foundation Course


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LEARN – DAY 35Construction Foundation Course

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)Content for the day

• Blueprints

• Tools and Equipment

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)Materials for the day

• Architect’s ruler

• Resource 5.26 – Name That

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 1

• Check-in: Shake hands. Remind students: binders, seating. Start class.

• Review the day: Review the day’s activities from the list on the board or chart paper.

•  Binder check: This can be done at any time during the day.

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 2

5 min: Minute Math, slide #19; read architect’s ruler in 1/8

5 min: Tell students the following: When Mr. Plaza first planned the cabin, he knew that he wanted—and really needed—an outdoor area for eating, having friends over, and just enjoying the outdoors. With a cabin as small as the Plaza’s, it was also important to have a second gathering place.


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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 3

As you know from your fairly exhaustive study of the Plaza Cabin plans, he ultimately chose to build a porch on the front. But before he made that decision, he seriously considered a covered concrete patio in the back, a location that would provide cooling shade from the forest. 

Today we’ll discover a few things about cement that Mr. Plaza found out when he looked into the possibility of a patio—and we’ll figure out why he ended up choosing the wooden porch instead.

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 4

Have students turn to p. 218 and take notes as you read. Understanding concrete and Advantages of concrete. Have students make vocabulary cards for:

• Concrete• Hydration• Cures (concrete)

10 min: Have Work Teams take 5 minutes to prepare a jigsaw and 1 minute to present on the following topics:

• Portland cement pp. 218-9

• Aggregates and Water, p. 220

• Hydration, pp. 220-1

• Admixtures, pp. 221-2

• Colorants and first 2 paragraphs under Placement Techniques, pp. 222-3.

Have students make vocabulary cards for all items above, except hydration.

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 5

5 min: Explain that most large placements of concrete are either delivered on site as ready-mix or are mixed on site. However for small jobs, like Mr. Plaza’s patio would have been, pre-mixed materials are best. Read the 3 paragraphs on Using pre-mixed materials on p. 224 while students take notes.

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 6

10 min: Have each Work Team take 7 minutes to read Concrete reinforcement on pp. 229-231, take notes, and make vocabulary cards for: 

• Rebar• Rebar chair• Reinforcement mesh• Fiber reinforcement

Check notes for accuracy and vocabulary cards for consistency.

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 7

5 min: So, we’ve learned a lot of good things about concrete. Ask pair-shares to take 30 seconds to review their notes on advantages. Call on one pair-share. Ask Work Teams to take 2 minutes to see if they can figure out why Mr. Plaza chose a wooden porch instead. Lead the discussion revealing the fact that we don’t know for sure, but there are several optional explanations that make sense. In the end, make sure students (or you!) come up with the following 2 possibilities:

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 8

1. Green considerations. When you cover land with cement (or buildings), you reduce the amount of ground for water absorption and create run-off that can burden a city sewer system. Also, wood is a natural product that can be recycled; concrete must go into a landfill. 

2. Aesthetics. This simply means that you like the way something looks. Mr. Plaza probably chose a log cabin siding because he liked the way it showed off the natural wood. A wood porch seems like it would be a better fit for a log cabin—more aesthetically pleasing than a concrete patio. Or perhaps he made the choice because a log cabin is “old-fashioned” and an old-fashioned porch fits in. Have students make a vocabulary card.

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 9

10 min: Give Work Teams 10 minutes to study all blueprints vocabulary cards for a competition in the last 10 minutes.


10 min: Play First Down until the end of the hour.


Stretch Break: Use First Down for the stretch

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 10

5 min: Minute Math, slide #20; read architect’s ruler in 1/4 

5 min: Explain that a porch is a deck with a roof over the top. An enclosed porch has sides; an open porch does not. Which type of porch does the Plaza Cabin design call for? Wait time. Call on an individual student. Get a second opinion if needed. Have students turn to p. 1002 and take notes as you review the material:

• 2 types of decks: freestanding and attached. Which is Mr. Plaza’s? (A porch is, by definition, attached to the house.)

• Posts, beams, joists, and decking are the 4 primary components of a deck. Turn to p. 1008 to see how each item is used in deck construction. Make vocabulary cards for each, showing their place as in the cutaway drawing.

• To make posts, beams, and joists as durable as possible, wood is treated with the preservative Alkaline Copper Quaternary (ACQ). The amount of preservative required depends on whether of not the wood comes in contact with the ground. Have students make a vocabulary card.

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 11

10 min: Have Work Teams take 4 minutes to jigsaw read/prepare presentation and do a 1-minute report out on:

• Softwood decking, p. 1003

• Grades, p. 1004

• Hardwood decking and Other decking materials up to Composite decking, pp. 1004-5

• Composite decking and Build it green, p. 1005.

• Hardware up to Corrosion resistance, pp. 1005-6

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 12

Check notes.

20 min: Ask all Work Teams to take a close look at the sections on 1005—Composite decking and Build It Green and take 3 minutes to discuss whether or not you detect any bias or error on the part of the textbook in the presentation of these two items.

Take 3 minutes to discuss. See if the students think that composite decking should be considered at least as green an approach as certified tropical hardwoods. If so, why do they think the authors might have presented the material this way? 

If they think this constitutes error or bias, have Work Teams take 4 minutes to draft an email to the authors of the textbook. Compare email drafts and, as a group, edit the best to get a final version. Send the email to the publishers. 

If not, read the section on Corrosion Resistance on pp. 1006-7 and have students take notes.

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 13

5 min: Ask Work Teams to take 3 minutes read Porches on pp. 1017-8, compare the porch on the fancy house on p. 1017 to the porch on the Plaza Cabin, and note the differences. Ask a Work Team for the difference they feel is most evident. Ask another Work Team for a second difference, and so on.  

15 min: Tell the students that Mr. Plaza’s new wife agrees with them that the porch looks a little unfinished without a railing, and, she also has concerns about safety. Of course the boys are old enough theoretically to be safe, but they horse around all the time and seem to be accident-prone. Furthermore, they have good friends with small children for whom the porch—open as it is now—is clearly unsafe.

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 14

15 min: Ask the Work Teams to provide design detail at 1:24 and price out a railing for the Plaza Cabin porch. Here is the data you need: 

• For now, they will put no rail across the 8’ on the side of the porch opposite the front door; the will put up a portable baby fence there, as needed.

• The handrail and balusters cost .84 per linear foot.

• The poles are sold as 30” pieces for $1.76 each.

• Mr. Plaza would like the poles to be fairly close together—4” OC.

• You don’t have to cost out the fasteners or nails.

Tell Teams that the drawings will be reviewed first thing tomorrow.

Snack Break (9:30-9:40)

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 1

15 min: Homework: Ask Work Teams to post their chart papers showing the cabinet design. Do a Gallery Walk, giving each stop at a chart paper 2 minutes, as Work Teams evaluate each others’ work according to the Self-Check List:

• Base cabinets shown within wall cabinets?

• Appropriate places and markings for sink cabinets, appliances?

• Cabinet and appliance width add up to length of wall?

• Cabinet list included?

• Cabinets appropriately identified with letter (or name) and number? 

Briefly discuss the best elements in the charts.

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 2

85 min: Students continue at work stations, moving on when they’ve reached at least a basic proficiency level. Students always complete their vocabulary cards for each new station before beginning work on proficiencies. Continue to balance the groups at the work stations so none are too crowded. Monitor carefully; initial proficiencies on your file copy and the student’s copy of the rubric as students demonstrate competency.

Monitor student proficiency completion, so that you set up project stations as needed. Monitor individual students for time management. Remind students that this is the last day in shop.

Tools and Equipment – Hands-on-exposure

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 3

10 min: Play “Name That…” (See Appendix A for explanation of how to play Name That and use Resource 5.26.) 



Out the door: Model Notes, Reflection, binders on the shelf, shake hands.

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Week Seven: Day 35 (Friday)AFTER HOURS

• Open Computer Lab


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END If you continue to click forward, you will see links to presentations of similar content available through

Content prepared for the National Office of Job Corps through Contract No. DOLJ111A21695 Job Corps Professional Development Support - KUCRL