cfc day 14

LEARN – DAY 14 Construction Foundation Course

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Post on 22-May-2015




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Draft Lesson Guide for Day 14 of the Construction Foundation Course.


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LEARN – DAY 14Construction Foundation Course

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Week Three: Day 14 (Thursday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 1

• Check-in: Shake hands. Remind students: binders, seating. Start class.

• Review the day: Review the day’s activities from the list on the board or chart paper.

• Binder check: This can be done at any time during the day.


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Week Three: Day 14 (Thursday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 2

120 minutes:

• Curriculum: Centers should choose a curriculum with nationally-recognized certification, such as the American Red Cross or American Heart Association.

• Instructors: Instructors for this curriculum unit may need to be certified by the national organization. They do not have to be health professionals, although that would be an asset.

• Length: There are 9 hours allotted for the curriculum unit plus one additional hour on Friday for the certification exam (and additional study prior to the exam, if time allows.) This may be slightly longer or shorter than your traditional curriculum, so you may need to adjust your timing slightly. Note that the Foundation Course asks you to include trade vocabulary and note-taking (see below) which may require a small amount of additional time.

CPR – First Aid

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Week Three: Day 14 (Thursday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 3

• Materials/equipment/textbooks: Most centers will have the required materials, books, and equipment, as CPR/First Aid is regularly taught as a part of CNA and other career technical courses in Health occupations.

• Instructional strategies: Note-taking guides formatted like Advance Organizers (i.e., questions column on the left, notes on the right, summary at the bottom) should be used throughout the CPR/First Aid unit, even if they haven’t been before. This will  

- give students the information to study for the certification test in a structure they’re used to, while emphasizing the need to take notes on all material;

- hold students responsible for recording the main ideas in films, demonstrations, and mini-lectures during the unit; and

- allow students to ask intelligent, targeted questions about the material both at the time of presentation and in review.


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Week Three: Day 14 (Thursday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 4

 • Trade vocabulary: In addition to the notes discussed above

and the traditional materials used in the course, instructors will need to incorporate the CPR/First Aid vocabulary terms as flashcards. There is no set list, as the terms may vary by provider (e.g., Red Cross, American Heart Association) and by region; however, there is a basic list we’ve compiled that is part of the Part II – Vocabulary Cards section. If you include additional terms, provide 3 x 5 cards for these. Ask students to write the term on one side of the card and the definition on the other side. Like the note-taking, use of this basic strategy is important to ensure continuity in learning/practicing important concepts.

• Stretch breaks: Incorporate as appropriate.  Snack Break (9:30-9:40) 

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Week Three: Day 14 (Thursday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 1

100 minutes:

• Use your own wellness/nutrition curriculum content for this section. However, because this is the Health Foundation Course, there are three ways in which you should adjust the traditional approach. 

First, adapt the content and materials so that: 

- The content emphasizes the applications to all people, rather than primarily Job Corps students. For example, in a traditional wellness/nutrition unit in CPP, an instructor might focus on the nutritional requirements for teens/young adults only, while in this course, the focus should be broader, such as the nutritional requirements of infants, children, teens/young adults, adults, and the elderly or the nutritional requirements for average adults as compared to those for diabetics, etc.

Wellness – Nutrition

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Week Three: Day 14 (Thursday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 2

- The intended outcomes emphasize knowledge and skills, as well as behavior. For example, in a traditional wellness course, the emphasis in the study of tobacco might be on providing students information and motivation for a behavioral objective such as supporting students to stop smoking or resist starting to smoke. The Health Foundation Course includes this focus but additionally calls on students to understand the effects of smoking from the individual and community health perspectives, so that issues of lost productivity on the job may get more emphasis than subsidiary issues such as social acceptance, cost, etc.

This does not mean that you should change the choice of topics which you have probably honed over the years to reflect those most important to Job Corps students, such as nutrition, sleep, sex, and alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. It only means that you will treat them in a slightly different way, using the student issues as a focal point from which to move to the broader application.


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Week Three: Day 14 (Thursday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 3

Second, you will need to be sure to include, teach, and use the words/terms students need to know, both in First Aid/CPR and in wellness. These very basic terms should also be the basis for the Week 3 quiz. Like taking notes, it is important for students to continue to practice the study skills that must become second nature to them by the time they enter Career Technical Training.


Third, you will probably have to adjust the pedagogical strategies used. In the Construction Foundation Course, the unit on wellness/nutrition includes introduction and mastery of basic student instruction in the technique called “Similarities and Differences” or “Comparison and Contrast.”


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Week Four: Day 14 (Thursday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 4

Of all the learning strategies identified and evaluated by researchers, Similarities and Differences (S/D) is the most effective in terms of increasing student achievement. Indeed, when Robert Marzano and partner researchers reviewed hundreds of studies on teaching and learning, they found that teaching students how to identify similarities and differences and then apply their conclusions generated a 45% increase in student achievement. That’s about as close to a magic bullet as educators can get!

Link to the Similarities and Differences in the “Try” section below for specific implementation ideas or in the Foundation Course Strategies section of the Connectiv Website. 

Similarities and Differences

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Week Four: Day 14 (Thursday)AFTER HOURS

Tonight you are going to study for the CPR/First Aid certification test. Please spend at least one hour on task in your Work Team to ensure that you meet your goal of having 100% of your Work Team members pass the certification test. Appoint a timekeeper who will help you stay on task and remind you when to change topics/activities, as follows: 

• 15 minutes: CPR/First Aid vocabulary—make sure that every member can describe the terms accurately and explain how they apply to CPR/First Aid. Use your flash cards to help you.

• 20 minutes: CPR/First Aid content—use your note questions to ask everything the instructor may ask of you.

• 20 minutes: CPR/First Aid skills—make sure every Work Team member can demonstrate each procedure correctly while explaining what they are doing and why.

• 5 minutes: Write a brief report on the progress of each Team member in mastering the knowledge and skill. Predict the success of the Team in meeting its goal of 100% passing. Submit this via email to the instructor.

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END If you continue to click forward, you will see links to presentations of similar content available through

Content prepared for the National Office of Job Corps through Contract No. DOLJ111A21695 Job Corps Professional Development Support - KUCRL