cellphone hazards and recommendations

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  • 7/29/2019 Cellphone Hazards and Recommendations


    HEALTH IGellnhone Hazards AndRecbmmendationsMobile phones have been found to cause changes in the brain activity, reaction times andsleep phtterns. The length of cellphone call affects the intensity of these symptoms. As it'snot possible for us to stop using mobile phones altogether, precautionary measures areneeded to avoid their ill effects

    non-ionising ladiatiorl.These are charactedsedby energy per pho-ton of less than about12 election volts (eV),wavelengths greaterthan 100 nanometres(nm) and frequencieslower than 3x L0r5 Hz.In Iesponse to pub-lic and governmen-tal concern, the WorldHealth Organisation(WHO) siarted the In-ternational Electromag-r.retic Fields (EMF) Pro-ject in 1996 to assess thescientiJic evidence ofpossible adverse healtheffects of electromag-netic fields. Given theimnense number ofpeople who use mobilephones, even a small

    increase in the incideDce of adverseeffects on health could have majorpublic health imlrlications. Becauseexposure io the RF fields emittecl bymobile phones is generally more thana thousand times than from base sta-tions, there is a greater likelihood ofany adverse effect of handsets.Health hazardsA large number of studies have beenperlormed over the last t\'vo decadesto assess vi'hether mobile phones posea potential healtir rjsk. An assessmentwas published in 2007 by the EuropeanCommission Scientific Committee onEmergng and Newly ldentified HealthRisks (SCENIHR). The research clearll'

    showed an increased lisk of traffic ac-cidents when mobile phones (eitherhandheld or with a hands-Iree kit) areused while driving.

    Electromagnetic interferer1ce is alsoa major concern. When mobile phonesare used close to some medical devices(including pacemakers, implantabledefibrillators and certain hearing aids),there is the possibility of interfelencewith their operation.

    Other health effects o{ using mobilephones include changes in the brain ac-tivity, reaction tirnes and sleep pattems.Radiation absor?tion. Part of theraoio wave' emitted b1 a celJphone isabsorbed by the human head. The rateat which the ladiatioll is absorbed bythe human body is measured by thespecific absorption rate (SAR), and itsmaximum levels for latest handsetshave been set by governmental regu-lating agencies in many countries.SAR is defined as the time de-rivative of the incremental energyabsorbed by or dissipated in ar.r incre-nental mass contaired in a volumeeiement of a given density. SAR valuesare heavily dependent on the size ofthe averaging volume.

    ln the USA, the Federal Communica-tions Commission (ICC) has set ar SARlirnit of 1.6W/k9 averaged over a vol-ume of one gram of tissue, for the head.In Europe, the limit is 2W/kg averagedover a volume of 10 grams of tissue-Measurement of SAR value is acomplicated process and comprisesa phantom human head, speciallydeveloped liquids, a robot fitted witha neasurement Probe and a mobilephone powered up to its maximum

    RAJIV I(UMAR SIIIGHobile phones use electro-magnetic radiation in thenlicrowave range, u'hich

    ma1, be harmlul to human health. Theycommunicate b)' iransmitting radiowaves through a netrvork of fixed an-tennae called base stations.Ra(lio-lrequenL\ r a\ P. .rre ele.-tromagnetic fields, and unlike ionisingradiation such as X-rays or gamma1avs, cannot break chemical bondsnor cause ionisation in the humanbody. All radiations and fielcls of theelechomagnetic spectrum that do notnormally have sulficient energy to pro-duce ionisation in matter are tennecl asElI mnrL zorr I ELEcrRoNrcs FoR You WWWEfYMAG.COM

  • 7/29/2019 Cellphone Hazards and Recommendations


    certjfied powcr leYel.Tlrcnnal efiects. Tissue hcating isthe principal mechanisn of inieractionbetr,r'een radio-frequency energy andlhe hurr.'r bod1. l i.rue i- a Jiele, tr.Lmaterial u'hich is heated by rotatiollsrrl L'nl.rr |'r,'l. rul.- in.lucc,l b1 lJte n rcrou'ave rac1i;rtion.

    At the frequencies used b1' mobilephones, most of the energy is absorbeclb,y the skin ancl other superficial tissues,rcsuliing in neglitiible temperature lisein the braiD or an\. other organs of thebodl'. h-r ihe case of a pelsolr using acelJphone, most of tl-re heating effect occurs at the sudacc of the head, causingits tempcrature k) increase by a fraction of a clegree. The local bloocl flowmecllarisnl of the brain is capable ofdisposing of exccss hcat. However, thecornea of eye does not have tempera-ture rcgulatiqr mechanisn imcl is moreprone to produce cataracts.

    Long duration cellphone usag;e alsocauses buning effects to thc ear aid ear-achcs, or shaip pairs iirside ihe ear tolhe -.m re -irle ol the r'r'al a- llrr.l,hune i-lrelti. \r - u-tsrr p\en erperien., l-'a nclescencling down from just behind thecar- onto the jaw. Some users feel nunbing sensatioirs or tingling rnainly in theouter alea of ear, face or jaw.

    Eye problens maY include flutter-ing of the eyelids, blur-ring of visionand blooclshot eye-always in the eyenearest the cellphone. Several studieshave indicated that low level Ilf ex-posure due io cellphones could causesigr-Lilicant visual effects, irtluding thedesbuction oI corneal endothelial cells,ilcreased vascuiar penneability ald deshuction of photoreceptors in the retina.No -thelthal e/ecfs. Some biophysicists argue that thcre ate sev-eral thennoreceptor molecules in cells,which activate a cascade of secondar-rcl third nessenger systems/ geneexpression rncchanisms and produc-tion of heat-shock ploteins in or-der todefend the cells against mctabolic cell-lr.r-..rur.J br he.rl. llre inrrer.er tntemperature that caLLse these changesare too small to be deiected.Sone studies indicated tlut stressproLeins are unlelatecl to thermal efWWWEFYMAG,COftl

    fects. These studies proved that stressproteins occur for extrenely low fre-quencies (ELF) ar.rd radio frequencieswhich have very differcnt energl' 1er-els. Some stuclies indicated a leakageof alburnin into the brain via a perme-ated blood brain barrier. Several other>iuJie- .rrdir.rtrd thal ihe blooJ-brJinbalrier breaks clown with exposure tolow-intensity cellphone f requency.

    Cogflitizte effects. Thc inpact ofcellphone radiation on coinitive functions of hunans has bcen studiecl b1,severill resear cher's. These studiescorrfirnccl slou'er response to a spatialworking mcnory iask t'hen erposcdto cellphone racliatjon.The Defcnce Evaluation and Rcsearch Agency (DERA), thc UK'slarjc-t -. ien...,rn,l te. hnolog) orpdni-sation, has conducted rcscarch on cell-phones' EM racliation on the brain cellsof rats and sho$'ed loss of lnernory forshort pcriods. Several users of mobilephones also rcported short-tenn men-ory loss. The cognitivc functions areheavily atfectecl by lonier exposure.

    EM alletgic reactioa. A nurnber ofstudies have investigated the effectsof mobilc phone radiation spccificallyduring ancl after ils use. fhe users le-polted several unspecific symPtomslike burning and tingling sensationsirr the skin of the head and extrernities,sleep disturbances, Llizziness, fatigue,loss of rnental iittention, rcaction timesand menrorJi reLentiveness, headaches,heart palpitations, bloocl pressure anddisturbances in djgestive systen.Most r-lsers reported pain or acheon the same side as they held the phoneand normallv in the temporal region.When pain is located on one side of thehead, users can hvariablv reproduce iton thc other side by s$.itchhg ears in aneffort to obtain temporary relief.Geflotoxic e/fecfs. CellphoneIIF racliation at both 900 MHz and1800 MHz and sAR of 1.1.4 27.5w/kgshou,ed a correlation between increas-ir-r1; SAR and clecreasecl rnotilitv andvitalitv in sperm, increaseci oxidativestress, stimulerting DNA base adductforrnation ancl ir-rcreased DNA fragmentation. A Eulopean study named

    I HrnrHREFLEX (Risk Evaluation of PolentialEnvironmental Hazards from LowEnergy Electromagnetic Field Expo-sure Using Sensitive in-vitro Methods)indicated some evidence of DNA danr-age of cells in in-vitro cultures, damageto chromosomes, boosted rate of celldivision and alterations in the activityof certain genes.Carcer. A multinationai case-contiolstudy on adults, INTERPIIONE, coor-dinated by the Illternational Agencyfcr Re.e.u. lr orr ( d n, ( r (lA RC). ir\ e. tiiirtecl wllethcr tl-re ilF fielcls eniitctl bl'cellphor1es increased the risk of carcer.The study focusecl on tumours aris-ing ii the tissues rnost exposecl to RFfields fron rnobile phones: glioma andmeningioma (the rnost conmon typesof brain tunours), acoustic neu noNaand parotid glard tumours. It found noincreased risk of gliona or rneningiolnabut there were some indications of anincreased risk of glioma for those whoreported thc highest 10 per cent of cu-mulative hours oI cellphone use.However, it has been suggestedthrf FM fields associated with cell-phones may play a role in speeding upthc development of an existing cancer.Some studics repoited lump in theneck or ear (lymphomas) also.RecommendationsTo date, research does not suggest anyconsistent evidence of adverse l-realth ef-fects 6:onr exposure to EM fields at levelsbelou' those that cause tissue heating.The WHO has issued a precautionalyprir-rciple applied il circulnstances witha high clegree of scientific uncertainty,reflecting ihc need to tale achon for apotentially serious dsk without awaitingthe results of scientific research. Sonrercconnnendations to minimise tl-le Pos-sible health hazards are:

    1. Keep the cellphone as {ar awayfrom your body as possible. By mov-ing the cellphor-re just 5 cm away frornyour heacl n'l-fle talkirrg on it. electro-magnetic radiation that reaches to headis reduced bv 75 per cent.

    2. Turn your celiphone off at nightbecause EN,[ racliation emitted by thecellphone can disturb sleep quality.


  • 7/29/2019 Cellphone Hazards and Recommendations



    Electromaqnetic field penetratian in an aduit and a child

    3. Avoid cairying your cellphonein your pocket, on ).our belt or in yourhand. If you do carry the cellphone in) our forl eL or hdrd bag, alwa1. pu'ition it such that the keYpad faces to-u'ards you. This way the antema facesaway from you. Body tissue in the ab-domen absorbs radiation more quicklythan the head. The hip produces 80 percent of the body's red blood cells andis especiallv vulnerable to electromagnetic ra.liation damage. Close proxim-itv may also damage fertiiity.

    4. Consider using your laptop co[1-puter to make calls or send an instantlressaSe.5. Avoid using wired headsets.Headseis including the ear buds ihatcome with most cellphones today,act as an antenna, channeling eiec-tromagnetic racliatjon dircctl], to theear canal. When you use regularr ear'buds or ear pieces, you get three tinesmore EM radiation than if you helclthe cellphone against your ear. Also,you tet it directly into your ear canal,,ind ultirndlt'l\ iu your br.rin. \-' ii i-reconrnenaled not to listen to mLrsic oua cellphone using headsets.

    6. Usc air tube headscts with {erritebeads. Air-tube ileaclsets ;rre believecllo be safer because these clon't work arsanterxla and EM radiation can't travelup the air tube like it does on a regularwirecl earphone. Further, ferrite beadssuppress EM radiation and dissipateit as heat. So, it is recommendecl touse airtube headsets t'ith a feuitcbead placed as close as possible to thecellphone.

    7. Use the speaker phone as much![ aenrr zorz I ELrcrRoNrcs FoR You

    as possible. EM radiation decreases mdirect proportion to the distance of thesource from vour bod1r. So never holdthe phone directly against your hea.l.

    8. Avoid making calls 'hen travel-ling fast. Cellphoncs autonatically increase output po\^'er rvhen moving fastas these attempt to connect or hando-ver to the next cellphone base stati(nl-9. When purchasing a cellphone,iet one with low SAR.10. Avoid using a cellphone in metalenclosules like lifts, elevators, vehicle",sublvays alrd arr1-llales. Metal enclosuresact iike Fanda-v cage, bapping sorne ofthe radiation and reflecting it back uponyou and others. So turn off youl cell-phone inside all metal eDclosures.

    11. Make calls lr'hen anci lvl-rere vouhave a strong signal. In most svstems,ihe cellphone and the base st;riiotlcheck the reception qualitl' and signalstlength, and increase ot decteasellr. p.,h cr ll-\ vl .,ul', nrlr..rll\ . !^ ilhia cer-tain span, to;rccomnro(1atc fordifferent situatlons such;rs insicle or'outsicle buiiclings ancl vehicles. Whenthe sign.rl is wcak, cellltrones auio-rnatically increase thc p()wcr outpui,exposi[g you k) greater EM racliation.

    12. Linlil ihe anount cri time 1'ou talkon cellphores. Just.r th,o-lrinute call olr;r cellpholre m;rv cllsturb the elrttrical activity of thc Lrain for up to iin hour. Thenore time vou spend on mobilc phonc,lhe gre;L"r' r n.r l li-k ,,i,ler "lopLrg brairtcancer. So keep i,our talking bricf. Younray be saving not ol]lv money but alife - quite possibly your own.13. Use hanrls-free kit to clecreasethe radr.rtion to the hcad.

    14. Do not use telephone in a car'ithoui an elternal anLenna.15. The base of a corciless phoneemits high levels of EM radiation,

    even n'hen it is not being used. So usea regulal phone as much as possibie.Regular phones are iile safest bet forconversation and rvork.

    16. Avoicl using a cellphone n'lrenvou are pregnant. Tl-re cieveloping or-gar-rs oI the fetus are most sensitive toany possible EM radiation exposure.Moreover, cellphoncs generate 1on,lcvels of non-ionising racliation, whiclrare more likely to cause behaviouralissues ir.r children after birth. Highalnounts of these waves can disruPtbody tissues-that's one reason 1\4ry itis suggested to u'ear protcctivc shiclcl-ing l!'hen getting an X-raV clone.

    17. Don't allon' children to usc acellphone, except for emergencies.Childrcrr arc at a greater risk becausedreir skulls havc not completely thick-enecl. Childlen's skulis are thiuer andtheir blain contains n-rore flnid tl-r;rnadnlts'. Erposure of voung chilclrento cellphone radiation mav be moredetdrnental to their health, especialll'during the rievelopment ancl matuta-tion of the central nelvous system,ilrlnune systen ancl critical olgans.Electrornagnetic fields easil]' pcretr.ltcthrough the brain of chilc|er-r, ir-rcreas-ing ihe risk of cancer (see the figure).'fhc electronagneiic fielcl penetratioLrin;in aclult ancl a child clari{ies it.

    18. Use a Bluetooth headsct in or-der to minimise EM r;rdiation. lt halsbeen founcl that Biuctooth headsetscmit 1/100th the EM racljation of anormal cellphonc. But \{,hatever is ra-diaierl Lr), ihis iype of headset directl)'e .1. r' rhe e.rr ...r'rl .rrr.l rrlLrrr "rL h ,li-lr- r'b- r. re clc. rr i. "l ,r ri\ r() ul llrH Lrr.rir''19. Use a cellphone racliaiion plo-tcctiol clevice lvhich has a patellteclshielcl technology that sLrpcrimposesa lou'ficquencl, noise-field onto iheradio flecluency to milke it harmless f.rthe bodv. aThe author is a luniat telecan alt'icer in BSNL,tudr,d.d PuntaD a,d pu'utnc1 p.tD degtee neleatrantcs enginee U tjrn lnstitute af Iechn1l-ogy, Banaras Hntdu Urivesity, vatanasi