cell phone use_while_driving

1 Cell phone use while driving accident bad behavior lose of control low concentration while driving contact during a stop beside the road & emergency a comparison of the cell phone driver and busyness for radio,smoking ,and eating inside a car a comparison of the cell phone driver and the drunk driver the reaction not good when receive bad news a camparison between use cell phone by hands or headset countries & city ban cell phone while driving

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Page 1: Cell phone use_while_driving


Cell phone use while



bad behavior

lose of control

low concentration while driving

contact during a stop beside the

road & emergencya comparison of the

cell phone driver and busyness for

radio,smoking,and eating inside a car

a comparison of the cell phone driver

and the drunk driver

the reaction not good when receive

bad news

a camparison between use cell

phone by hands or headset

countries & city ban cell phone while


Page 2: Cell phone use_while_driving

Cell phone use while driving

Student Name: Alotaibi, Sultan

Course code/name: ENL 1813G 050

Professor Name: STEPHEN J. MURPHY

Date of submission: April 6, 2010


Page 3: Cell phone use_while_driving

Cell Phone use while driving

The use of cell phones while driving has negative effects on driving behavior and

increases the crash rate. Therefore, the traffic management in any country trying to apply the

fines large for users cell phones while driving. But there is just a question? Do you avoid using a

cell phone manually while driving to prevent traffic accidents? Yes, there are a lot of countries

have applied this system, but testing and research centers have many of reservations. It

emphasizes that cell phone use while driving, either manually or hands-free (using headphones

or other devices), one of causes of accidents and fatal accidents. The use of cell while driving in

general does not prevent traffic accidents. Cell phone is weakening the degree of attention and

focus on the road. Cell phone user in both cases manually or wirelessly to lose concentration

ratio or appreciation, both on the same street or road signs Note or cars used for the surrounding

street. Proportion of attention weakened to varying degrees, and it depends on the degree of

psychological emotion. There are three of my subjects which I will write about it. There are

accidents, a comparison between cell phone driving and others and treatment and different

between cell phone driver and drunk driver. I will comparison also between them.

In these days, we note the high rate of road accidents for several reasons. The use of cell

phone while driving one of these reasons. The statistical data surrounding accidents involving

driver cell phone use point to the danger. A study done by the University of Utah found that the

impairment experienced by a driver using a cell phone is equivalent to driving with a blood

alcohol content of .08 percent (above the legal limit in some states). Driving while distracted

(known as DWD) is responsible for 25 percent of all car accidents, with many of those coming

from the distractions of using a cell phone or other mobile device. There are two cases for the

accidents first, lose of control that cell phone draw a driver's attention away from traffic, road

conditions and vehicle operation. Some studies have shown the increased likelihood of an

accident to be four times the normal rate when a driver is using a cell phone. A large part of this

dangerous distraction involves the need to physically handle the phone. Activities such as

reading the display screen, pressing buttons and holding the phone to the ear all require the

driver to take their hands off the steering wheel or their eyes off the road. Second, low

concentration while driving those cell phones require a driver to listen to the person speaking


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through the phone, leaving the driver less likely to hear another driver's horn or an emergency

siren. There also is the mental aspect of the danger of cell phone use. When thoughts are focused

on the subject of the conversation, they are less focused on driving.

Most of people do not believe the damages just only cell phone use while driving. So

when you look at a comparison between the driver and the driver eating or smoking or playing

with the radio to find that there was no significant difference, but there is a strong relationship

between them, which is concentration and control while driving. There are some states in

America, Canada, the law not to use mobile phone or smoking or concern for the leadership so as

not to issue a legal and free traffic violations.

Drivers who talk on either handheld or hands-free cellular phones are as impaired as

drunken drivers, according to experimental research conducted by Drs. Frank Drews, David

Strayer, and Dennis L. Crouch of the University of Utah. “This study does not mean people

should start driving drunk,” says Drews. “It means that driving while talking on a cell phone is as

bad as or maybe worse than driving drunk, which is completely unacceptable and cannot be

tolerated by society.” This is because the driver thought that the cell phone use has the ability to

focus and control of the leadership during the busy call or send a text. When we see the contrary,

we find drunk driving is better than cell phone driver, but the leader very carefully, which

imagines him as a walk with confidence in the way but very carefully.


We should help our government and ourselves to preserve the human, which will go a

victim of traffic accidents that the mobile phone is one of these reasons. Now we know that most

accidents are causes of concern for the leadership either by diverting the mind in the

conversation or send and receive messages. The latest statistics outweigh the lack of focus is one

of the reasons there are strong similarities between the driver and the drunk drivers mobile phone

user. I hope the safety of all and we wish to stop using cell phone while driving to preserve the

lives and the lives of people.


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Harris Interactive, (June 08, 2009). Large Majority of drivers who own cell phones use them while driver though they know this is dangerous. Retrieved from http://news.harrisinteractive.com/profiles/investor/ResLibraryView.asp?BzID=1963&ResLibraryID=34324&Category=1777

The University of Utah, (June 29, 2006) driver on cell phones are as bad as drunks. Retrieved from http://unews.utah.edu/p/?r=062206-1