causes of wwi: “main” militarism alliances imperialism

Causes of WWI: “MAIN”

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Causes of WWI: “MAIN”Causes of WWI: “MAIN”

Militarism Militarism





Long term causes: Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nat’lism

Long term causes: Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nat’lism

M: Militarism or Arms RaceM: Militarism or Arms Race Armies and navies were greatly

expanded FR & DE - armies 2x in size

Naval expansion competitive - especially btwn DE and GB British Dreadnought

Conscription = military draft Ex. GB & US

Armies and navies were greatly expanded FR & DE - armies 2x in size

Naval expansion competitive - especially btwn DE and GB British Dreadnought

Conscription = military draft Ex. GB & US

M: MilitarismM: Militarism

Plans for mobilization Ex. Schlieffen Plan

German Chief of Staff Alfred von Schlieffen

2 front war scenario Outlined a plan to conquer FR w/in 5 wks

b4 RU could effectively mobilize for war on the E. Front (estimated at 6 wks)

Plans for mobilization Ex. Schlieffen Plan

German Chief of Staff Alfred von Schlieffen

2 front war scenario Outlined a plan to conquer FR w/in 5 wks

b4 RU could effectively mobilize for war on the E. Front (estimated at 6 wks)

A: AlliancesA: Alliances

The forming of alliances between European countries

Three Emperors League - DE, AH, RU Dual Alliance after RU backed out

The Triple Alliance - DE, AH, IT The Triple Entente – FR, GB, RU

The forming of alliances between European countries

Three Emperors League - DE, AH, RU Dual Alliance after RU backed out

The Triple Alliance - DE, AH, IT The Triple Entente – FR, GB, RU

A: Alliances ContinuedA: Alliances Continued

Secret Franco-Italian Alliance IT neutral if DE attacked FR Triple Alliance meaningless now

1887-1890 Reinsurance Treaty – DE & RU If FR v. DE If RU v. AH

Franco Russian Agreements

Secret Franco-Italian Alliance IT neutral if DE attacked FR Triple Alliance meaningless now

1887-1890 Reinsurance Treaty – DE & RU If FR v. DE If RU v. AH

Franco Russian Agreements

A: Alliances ContinuedA: Alliances Continued Entente Cordiale – GB & FR

Triple Entente with RU Not militarily binding, but a “moral

obligation” Treaty of London 1839

Committed GB to defend BE neutrality RU pledge to protect Serbia

Entente Cordiale – GB & FR Triple Entente with RU Not militarily binding, but a “moral

obligation” Treaty of London 1839

Committed GB to defend BE neutrality RU pledge to protect Serbia

I: ImperialismI: Imperialism

GB, DE, FR needed foreign markets after the increase in manufacturing caused by the Industrial Rev.

These countries competed for econ expansion

GB, DE, FR needed foreign markets after the increase in manufacturing caused by the Industrial Rev.

These countries competed for econ expansion

N: Nat’lismN: Nat’lism Different ethnic groups struggling

for independence and unification Ex. Serbia thought Bosnia should be

under their control as opposed to AH since Serbs + Bosnians are both Slavic

Bismarck built a DE Empire FR wanted Alsace-Lorraine back from DE

Different ethnic groups struggling for independence and unification Ex. Serbia thought Bosnia should be

under their control as opposed to AH since Serbs + Bosnians are both Slavic

Bismarck built a DE Empire FR wanted Alsace-Lorraine back from DE

Short term causesShort term causes June 28, 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Heir to AH throne Assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia by Serbian

nationalists Black Hand AH convinced that Serbian gov’t had

conspired against them

June 28, 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Heir to AH throne Assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia by Serbian

nationalists Black Hand AH convinced that Serbian gov’t had

conspired against them

Aftermath of AssassinationAftermath of Assassination

DE pledged full support aka “Blank Check” to AH

FR strengthened backing of RU AH made impossible demands


DE pledged full support aka “Blank Check” to AH

FR strengthened backing of RU AH made impossible demands


Declaration of WarDeclaration of War July 28 AH declared war on Serbia July 29 RU ordered a partial mobilization

only against AH August 1 DE declared war on RU August 3 DE declared war on FR DE invasion of Belgium to attack FR

prompted GB to declare war on DE

July 28 AH declared war on Serbia July 29 RU ordered a partial mobilization

only against AH August 1 DE declared war on RU August 3 DE declared war on FR DE invasion of Belgium to attack FR

prompted GB to declare war on DE