causes and effects of educational imbalance among male and female students

17 Get your complete project materials THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF EDUCATIONAL INBALANCE AMONG MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS For more project materials Log on to Or call 1

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The research work focused on the causes and effect of

educational imbalance among male and female students in

Uhunmwonde Local Area of Edo State. The research work

consisted five chapters. The chapters entitles chapter one an

introduction and scope of the study, chapter two covers the

review of literature which entails the various causes and the

effect of educational imbalance among male and female

students. Chapter three examiners research methodology

covering sampling procedure and method of data analysis.

Chapter four covered the presentation of data analysis,

chapter hold on the summary, conclusion, questionnaires

structured questions asked during the oral interview and

recommendations consequently. The research work was

completed with bibliography slighted during the research work.


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The education of children is an important duty of parents

and government duty of parents and the government. The

education process starts in the home, but it continues in school

when children reach schools age. It is necessary to emphasize

from the on set that the attempt here is analyze the causes

and effect of educational imbalance is to acknowledge the fact

that certain factors are responsible for the educational

imbalance among male and female students in Uhunmwonde

to be exact. A critical examination of these factors will give a

clear understanding of the differences in the number of male

and female in school.

According to the national policy on education (1998_) the

6-3-3-4 programme starts when the child spend six years in

primary schools three years in higher education. The national

policy on education also recognized the importance of pre-

primary education hence it urged parents to provide such

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education for their children. Parents generally wish to educate

all their children whether they are poor or rich, educated or

illiterate, they realize the immerge importance of school

education. However, there are certain problems which make it

difficult for parents to provide education for all the children.

One of such problems is economic for financial problems in the

home. Education is very expensive and many families are

unable to provide the money to educate all the boys and girls

children. If there is not enough money to send all the children

which of the children to sent to school. The others are kept in

the home to assist in farming, cooking and business, there are

also culture and religions tradition and custom of the people,

which influence the attitudes of parents towards the education

of boys and girls for example, because male children in her it

their fathers properties most Nigerians tribal families, the male

are considered more important than the female children.

Therefore, parents tend to make more effort to educate the

boys than the girls. Moreover, the girls are expected to mature

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and leave their parents to live with their husband in the house,

some parents feel that money spent on education of the boys

is an investment for the further wealth of the family. For

religions reasons, the female children in some Moslem families

are not given easy freedom to attend school, this is to protect

them from too much Muslim association with male. It protects

them from the society. Another factor that influences the

willingness of parents to send their children to schools is the

availability of school near their house. In some part of the

country there are not many schools. The school in the locality

may be too for from home and there may be no transportation

to go to school for safety reason, parents may decide not to

take the risk of following the young children to walk the long

distance to school. This is particularly the case if the child’s is

a girl or the health of the child is not too good.


Education is an instrument for the development of an

individual and their society. It is so important that every

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person should be well educated. The problems of illiteracy and

half education are so many that no parents should deny his or

her child the opportunity or right to receive good education.

But there are facts which militate against male and female

enjoying the same unequal access to education. Some of these

factors affects some parents and families more than other. The

educational, cultural, religious or economical problems. The

factors influencing educational imbalance likely to differ

according to whether the child concerned is a male or a

female, when ever a parents in not in a position to provide

equal access to education for all his children, a choice has to

be made which may be in favour of the male or female. The

parent’s attitudes to the education of male and female we

determine which of the children to send to school. In Nigeria

society, the changes are that the boys will be favored more

than the girls. The problems can lead to more illiterate or

inadequately educated girls than boys in the community. It

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also amount to denial of the girl’s fundamental right for a

better future life.


The main purpose and objective of the study is to

critically examine the causes and the effect of educational

imbalance among male and female students in Uhunmwonde

Local Government Area of Edo State. The study also aimed at

investigating the influence of certain factors and personal

characteristics of parents on their attitudes towards the

education of boys and girls. The factors include the sex of

parents, there social economic status, their level of education,

their religion background from the findings of the study,

recommendations will be made on how to get parents to

appreciate the need to give both male and female equal

opportunity to receive equal education.


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In order to study the causes and the effect of educational

imbalance among male and female students the following

research questions have been put forward.

1. Are there imbalances in the number of male and

female students in schools?

2. Does the economic or financial status of parents

influence the education of male and female?

3. Do religious background of parents influences his or

her attitude towards the education of male and female.

4. Does the educational background or level of a parents

influence his attitude towards the education of his


5. Does the family size of a parents influences his or her

attitudes towards the education of male and female?


This study is important because girls on many Nigerian

houses and societies are often not given the same

opportunities to education as is given to the boys. The girls

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usually suffer some discrimination especially if her parents are

poor, uneducated or have many children to carter for I school.

The introduction of universal basic education (UBE) will help to

increase opportunity to change the attitude of parents nor

remove all the cultural prejudice against females. The study is

also significant in the sense that it will help to expose which

factors are most influential in determining what attitudes we

may reasonably expect from different types of parents, such

information from this study should be useful to government

and those who manage the educational system. It will enable

them to plan properly on how to enforce the compulsory

attendance required by the universal basic education

programme for all children of primary and junior school age

that is free and compulsory education for children from the

age of 6-15 years.


The study will involve the total scope of the study of

Uhunmwonde Local Government Area in Benin City, Edo State.

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Due to the nature of the topic the causes and effect of

educational imbalance among male and female students in

Uhunmwonde Local Government Area in Edo State the

researcher was subjected to certain limitations such as time; ill

health; finance and non availability of research materials.

Nevertheless, the conduct of the research or had been in

such a manner that major constraints have been over come

such as possible.


Religious Background: Refer to the belief or the religion a

parents belong to whether Christian or Islam.

Illiterate: Parents who is unable to read and write.

Occupation: refers to what a parents does for a living. In this

study all government workers are classified as public servants.

Those who are engaged in business of what every type are put

together. The rest are classified as farmers.

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Parent: As used in the study include any man or woman who

is married or devoted whether or not he or she has children at


Attitude: This refers to the various way people perceive

things or events or the way they react to issues.

Deceptive: As used in the study refers to the unreliable


Meager limited resources (finance)

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