catalysis as applied to environmental issues


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catalyst life (poisons and heavy compo- nents are fractionated downward away from the catalyst) and lower capital cost. The last process selected by Nakamura is a new hydrocracking process (MAK Hy- drocracking) which has the flexibility to produce both distillate fuels and gasoline from a wide range of feedstocks. De- veloped jointly in a three-way venture by Mobil Oil Co., Akzo Nobel and The M.W. Kellogg Co., perhaps it points the way to future developments by different com- panies with complementary strengths.


Catalysis as Applied to Environmental Issues

The 1995 International Chemical Con- gress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM

'95), to be held from 17 to 22 December 1995 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, will include a Symposium on Catalysis as Applied to Environmental Issues.

The aim of this symposium is to discern the various scientific objectives in the de- velopment of catalysts and catalytic pro-

cesses for the protection of the environ- ment.

The symposium will be centred on fun- damental and applied aspects of the fol- lowing topics: 1. Control of emissions of environmentally unacceptable com- pounds, especially in flue and car exhaust gases. 2. Catalysts or catalytic processes for clean fuel production. 3. Conversion of solid or liquid waste, for example, VOC, into environmentally acceptable products. 4. Other new developments which provide catalytic solutions to environmental issues.

Participants who wish to present a paper are invited to submit a short abstract to the organisers in a camera-ready form on the sheet distributed by each society (and a long abstract for paper selection). The camera-ready sheets are also avail- able from the organisers. The deadline for receipt of contributed and invited papers is 31 March 1995.

For more information contact Prof. M. Iwamoto, Catalysis Research Center, Hok- kaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan, fax. (+81-11) 7094748.

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applied catalysis A: General Volume 122 No. 2 - - 16 February 1995